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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Il cromatismo ne À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust / Le chromatisme dans à la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust / The use of colours in À la Recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust

VAGO, DAVIDE 16 January 2009 (has links)
Questo lavoro si concentra sul testo À la Recherche du temps perdu di Marcel Proust rintracciando e catalogando tutte le indicazioni cromatiche presenti nell’opera (aggettivi di colore, verbi, sostantivi di colore, ecc.). Considerando lo statuto del colore – fondamentalmente ambiguo – tra la fine del XIX secolo e l’inizio del XX (nella teoria scientifica, così come nella riflessione filosofica, psicologica e artistica), la tesi dimostra la presenza di svariate linee di forza (sovrapposte, contraddittorie, ambigue) nel trattamento del fenomeno “colore” all’interno del testo letterario. Infine, la tesi analizza come le occorrenze cromatiche del testo proustiano si legano a scelte stilistiche precise (ad esempio: strutture sintattiche parallele, sinestesie, participi e adjectifs verbaux, metonimie…), dal momento che il colore proustiano provoca nel testo uno scarto rispetto alla norma. / This work focuses on the text À la Recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust: it scans and classes all the chromatic references of the text (colour adjectives, colour verbs, colour nouns and so on). Considering the ambiguous status of colour between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th (in the scientific field, as well as in the philosophic, psychological and artistic domain), this theses shows the presence of contradictory trends of the use of colours inside a literary text. Finally, the work shows how the colour references in the Proustian text are linked to recurrent stylistic devices (parallelism of syntax constructions, use of synesthesias, use of present participles of verbs, use of metonymies…), confirming that the presence of colour in the artistic text causes a gap in comparison with the standard French syntax.

Le trait d’esprit dans "La Comédie humaine" de Balzac : étude stylistique / Witticisms, puns and “esprit français” in Balzac’s “Comédie humaine” : Stylistic analysis

Véron, Laélia 02 March 2017 (has links)
L’esprit, comme forme de la conversation, est au XIXe siècle une notion fondamentalement ambiguë. Hérité du XVIIe siècle et de l’âge d’or de la conversation, profondément marqué par les bouleversements de l’âge post-révolutionnaire, bousculé par le développement de la mystification, du persiflage, de la blague, et de la raillerie journalistique, le trait d’esprit prend tendanciellement un tour agonistique et instrumental dans les luttes sociales de l’époque. Balzac, journaliste, blagueur, mais aussi conservateur et amoureux des « conversation[s] entre onze heures et minuit » paraît emblématique de cette ambiguïté. Le trait d’esprit, parole brillante et concise, qui se veut singulière, peut être appréhendé comme un énoncé détachable. Notre approche stylistique sera donc en premier lieu celle d’une analyse des figures, au niveau de l’unité-énoncé et des catégories syntactico-sémantico-lexicales de la phrase. Cependant, suite aux acquis de la grammaire du texte, il apparaît que la signification même de ces catégories ne peut être comprise que par rapport à des structures extra-énoncives : nous tenterons ainsi de replacer systématiquement ces énoncés dans leur contexte discursif. Considérant que le trait d’esprit, en tant que performance sociale, doit être défini en partie par les conditions mêmes de son énonciation, nous tenterons de comprendre le fonctionnement de cet acte socio-discursif grâce aux acquis de l’analyse du discours. Notre travail privilégiera donc une approche conversationnelle (ou interactionnelle, selon les terminologies) et pragmatique, en s’attachant à étudier non seulement ce que dit le trait d’esprit, mais aussi ce qu’il communique, qu’il s’agisse des traits d’esprit des personnages ou de ceux du narrateur. L’interaction dialectique de ces deux niveaux nous permettra d’interroger la valeur romanesque du trait d’esprit, parole ambiguë, entre référence sérieuse et jeu métalinguistique, caractéristique du réalisme paradoxal de La Comédie humaine. / The notion of “esprit” (French wit), a feature of the art of conversation, was, all through the 19th century, an ambiguous one. The art of witticism – a legacy of the 17th century and of the golden age of conversation – was, however, deeply altered by the advent of other forms of wit such as mystification, persiflage, jokes and journalistic banter : “traits d’esprit” (witticisms) gradually took on an agonistic dimension and became instruments in the social struggles of the time. Balzac, a journalist, a joker but also a conservative writer and a lover of “conversations between eleven o'clock and midnight” is emblematic of this ambiguity. “Traits d’esprit” (Witticisms) – short and clever statements aimed at being remarkable – can be studied as stand-alone utterances. That is why I shall first proceed to an analysis of the stylistic devices at work at the level of utterance, and relying on syntactic, semantic and lexical categories. However, drawing from the findings of text grammar, it appears that the meaning of these categories can only be understood in relation to an extra-utterance context and structures. Therefore, I shall systemically attempt to contextualize these utterances within a larger discursive framework. “Traits d’esprit” being social performances, they have to be defined in regard to the situation of utterance. I shall therefore use the tools of discourse analysis in order to break down the mechanisms of such a socio-discursive act. The present work thus relies on a conversational (or interactional) and pragmatic approach. It attempts to tackle not only what is said but also what is conveyed in those “traits d’esprit”, whether they belong to the characters’ or the narrator’s discourse. It is through the dialectic interaction between these two levels of wit that I intend to assess the role of witticisms. Ambiguous utterances, “traits d’esprit” pertain to serious references as well as to metalinguistic games, and are thus characteristics of the paradoxical realism to be found in La Comédie humaine.

Композитные прилагательные в англоязычных и немецкоязычных печатных медийных текстах и способы их передачи при переводе на русский язык : магистерская диссертация / Compound Adjectives in English-language and German-language Printed Media Texts and the Means of Their Translation into Russian

Ведерникова, Ю. В., Vedernikova, Y. V. January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the present graduation thesis is “Compound Adjectives in English-language and German-language Printed Media Texts and the Means of Their Translation into Russian”. The purpose of the investigation lies in revealing the functional and stylistic properties of compound adjectives in English- and German-language printed media texts and analyzing the means of their translation into Russian with regard to the abovementioned features. The subject of the research is compound adjectives in English- and German-language printed media texts and their correspondences in the translations of such texts into Russian published at http://inosmi.ru/. The scope of the research includes functional and stylistic properties of compound adjectives in English- and German-language printed media texts and the means of their translation into Russian with regard to the abovementioned features. The methodic system applied results from the targets set and has a complex character. The leading method is a comparative research. The linguistic description is based on general scientific techniques such as induction and deduction as well as synthesis, analysis and classification. Separate tasks of the research required the use of a stylistic and functional analysis of the translation units and statistic method. The linguistic material was collected with the use of the simple random sampling. The research reveals and systemizes the functions and stylistic properties of compound adjectives in English- and German-language printed media texts and the means of their translation into Russian with regard to the properties revealed. The results of the research may be used as a teaching material for students majoring in translation at stylistics and translation practice classes and also as a guidance for translation of publicistic texts from English and German into Russian. / Тема выпускной квалификационной работы – «Композитные прилагательные в англоязычных и немецкоязычных печатных медийных текстах и способы их передачи при переводе на русский язык». Цель исследования заключается в выявлении функциональных и стилистических особенностей сложных прилагательных в англо- и немецкоязычных печатных медийных текстах и анализ способов передачи таких сложных прилагательных при переводе на русский язык с учётом выявленных особенностей. Объектом исследования данной работы послужили сложные прилагательные в англо- и немецкоязычных печатных текстах СМИ и их соответствия в переводах таких текстов на русский язык, опубликованных на сайте http://inosmi.ru/. Предметом исследования явились функционально-стилистические характеристики сложных прилагательных в англо- и немецкоязычных печатных медийных текстах и способы передачи таких сложных прилагательных при переводе на русский язык с учётом вышеуказанных характеристик. Методика исследования вытекает из сути поставленных задач и носит комплексный характер. Работа выполнена в русле сопоставительного метода. Лингвистическое описание базируется на общенаучных методах индукции и дедукции, а также анализа, синтеза и классификации. Для решения отдельных задач исследования использованы функционально-стилистический анализ единиц перевода и оригинала, а также статистический метод. Сбор языкового материала осуществлялся методом простой случайной выборки. В ходе исследования впервые выявляются и систематизируются функции и стилистические черты композитных прилагательных в печатных текстах СМИ и приёмы передачи при переводе таких прилагательных с учётом указанных особенностей. Результаты исследования могут быть применены для целей обучения студентов переводческих специальностей на занятиях по стилистике и практике перевода, а также при переводе публицистических текстов с английского и немецкого языков на русский язык.

Jazykové prostředky francouzského politického diskurzu. / Linguistic tools in French political discourse.

Daňková, Julie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge of linguistic tools typical for French political discourse. The thesis is based on an analysis of selected political speeches of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. It tries to capture how a change in a specific political situation of a particular author can affect communicative strategies, discursive practices, and then select the linguistic tools due to the addressee in a particular communicative situation and the communicative intention. The first part of the thesis is focused on the rhetoric and stylistics, which contribute to the typological definition of texts falling within the French political discourse. The second part is based on an analysis of three essential political speeches Nicolas Sarkozy.

En revolutionerande översättning : En översättningsteoretisk uppsats om att översätta en skildring av det ryska inbördeskriget / A revolutionizing translation : A translation theoretical essay about translating a description of the Russian Civil War

Bysell, Lina Emilia January 2015 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats består av en längre översättning av en skönlitterär text från ryska till svenska och en kommentar till denna översättning som behandlar den översättningsproblematik som åtföljt just det här arbetet. Källtexten utgörs av första kapitlet i Aleksej Tolstojs Chmuroe utro (Grå gryning), tredje delen av hans trilogi Choždenie po mukam (Lidandets väg). I mitt översättningsarbete följer jag Eugene Nidas princip om dynamisk ekvivalens och i min kommentar fokuserar jag på att förklara hur jag arbetat med min översättning utifrån Nidas teorier och hur jag löst de översättningsproblem som uppstått under arbetets gång i enlighet med principen om dynamisk ekvivalens. I arbetet tar jag även upp den speciella problematik det inneburit att trilogins två förra delar redan finns på svenska i översättning av en annan översättare och redogör för hur jag valt att förhålla mig till denna tidigare översättning. / This essay covers the translation of a fictional prose text from Russian to Swedish, the source text being the first chapter of Aleksey Tolstoy’s Chmuroe utro (Bleak Morning), the third part of his trilogy Choždenie po mukam (The Ordeal). A commentary of this translation is provided, where the linguistic abstractions encountered throughout the process are documented. My methodology attempts to emulate that of Eugene Nida and his principle of “Dynamic Equivalence”. This procedure is addressed in the commentary, as I explain how utilisation of Nida's theories can assist in overcoming the numerous peculiarities inherent to translation. I also deal with the issue regarding the first two books of the trilogy, which have already been translated into Swedish by another translator. In my work, I explain how and why I have chosen to relate to the earlier translation.

Figures of Virtue: Margaret Fell and Aemilia Lanyer's Use of Decorum as Ethical Good Judgment in the Construction of Female Discursive Authority

Osmani, Kirsten Marie 13 December 2021 (has links)
Understanding how the Renaissance rhetorical curriculum taught style as behavior makes it possible to unite the study of women writers' identities with formal criticism. Nancy L. Christiansen shows that early modern humanists built on the Isocratean tradition of teaching rhetoric as an ethical practice because they adopted and developed lists of rhetorical figures so extensive as to encompass all human discourse, thought, and behavior. For them, knowing, selecting, and applying these various forms was the ethical practice of good judgment, also called decorum. This type of decorum plays an important role in the rhetorical function of two key texts by early modern women. Margaret Fell and Aemilia Lanyer each use a humanist notion of decorum as the virtue of good judgment to formulate their intellectual and moral authority and to argue that women can exercise the same.

The Development of the Bassoon Idiom as Seen in Three Concerti by Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Christian Bach, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Payne, Andrew J. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Étude de la collection des bronzes découverts à Argilos.

Lefebvre, Justine 01 1900 (has links)
Les fouilles archéologiques à Argilos qui ont pris place entre 1992 et 2018 ont permis de mettre à jour une quantité monumentale d’artéfacts de bronze. Comptabilisant près de 750 artéfacts, la collection d’objets de bronze d’Argilos illustre multiples facettes de la vie, entre autres, quotidienne, domestique et commerciale, qui animaient Argilos depuis sa fondation au VIIe siècle avant J.-C. jusqu’à ce que la cité tombe aux mains de Philippe II, en 357 avant J.-C. L’étude de ce matériel inédit donnera l’occasion, tout d’abord, de faire le point sur nos connaissances liées à l’industrie métallurgique grecque. Sont abordées toutes les étapes préalables à la fabrication d’un produit fini. La seconde partie de ce mémoire consiste en le recensement dans un catalogue détaillé de chaque artéfact mis au jour à Argilos, Celui- ci permet ainsi d’actualiser et de compiler les connaissances sur le matériel de bronze provenant spécifiquement des cités grecques nord-égéennes et d’ainsi compléter et confirmer l’information consignée dans le dixième volume des fouilles d’Olynthe, soit le catalogue le plus récent sur le sujet. L’analyse de la répartition spatiale de ce matériel permet de développer notre compréhension du site archéologique en termes d’utilisation des bâtiments, de leur construction et des activités quotidiennes qui s’y déroulaient. Finalement, une analyse stylistique permet de valider plusieurs hypothèses et d’émettre plusieurs postulats quant à la place qu’occupe Argilos dans le commerce régional et méditerranéen, et à la composition de la population qui l’habite. / The archaeological excavations that took place between 1992 and 2018 have allowed the discovery of a monumental amount of bronze artifacts. Accounting for nearly 750 artifacts, the collection of Argilos bronze objects illustrates several aspects of life, daily, domestic and commercial, which animated Argilos from its foundation in the 7th century BC until when Philipp II conquered the city, in 357 BC. The study of this material, never published before, will give the opportunity, first of all, to gather all of our knowledge related to the Greek metallurgical industry. All the steps prior to the manufacture of a finished product are covered in that first section. The second part of this thesis consists of the census in a detailed catalog of each artefact unearthed at Argilos. Thus, it will allow to complete and confirm the information recorded in the tenth volume of the Olynthe excavations, that is to say the most recent catalog on the subject. The analysis of the spatial distribution of this material allows us to develop our understanding of the archaeological site in terms of the use of the buildings, their construction and the daily activities that took place there. Finally, a stylistic analysis validates several hypotheses and permits the development of several assumptions about the place occupied by Argilos in regional and Mediterranean trade, and the composition of the population that inhabits it.

Stylistický rozbor jazykových prostředků v rozhlasových debatách v angličtině a v češtině / Analysis of stylistic features in English and Czech radio debates

Neubauerová, Alena January 2014 (has links)
This MA thesis focuses on the stylistically marked features that occur in an English radio debate called Any Questions? aired by BBC - Radio 4 and a Czech radio debate called Speciál Martina Veselovského aired on Český rozhlas 1 - Radiožurnál. Stylistically marked features are restricted to certain kinds of social context: in the case of this thesis, it is two radio debates broadcast by public service media. Those linguistics features that are considered stylistically marked in the two debates are identified on the morphological, syntactical and lexical level, and classified into categories based upon a view of their functions. Subsequently, they are described as standard or nonstandard. Some of the features found are shared by both debates. However, some are, due to the different language systems concerned, symptomatic of only one of the languages. The difference between the English and the Czech stylistically marked features is also revealed as to the frequency of their occurrence. Finally, the conclusions about the level of informality of the two debates are drawn.

The Message of the Jerusalem Council in the Acts of the Apostles: A Linguistic Stylistic Analysis

Dawson, Zachary K 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigates how the book of Acts addresses certain local problems in Luke's community through a linguistic stylistic analysis that utilizes models of verbal art and intertextuality within a systemic-functional linguistic framework. This methodology is suited to demonstrate how Luke symbolically articulates a message to his audience through his stylistic patternings of language of the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 and the texts with which it shares thematic content. The scheme of the study begins with the analysis of the Cornelius episode in Acts 10:1-11:18, continues with the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15:1- 29, and concludes with Paul's return to Jerusalem where he stands accused of forsaking the Law of Moses in Acts 21:17-26. Each of these episodes, sharing patterns of repetition, plays a role in the symbolic articulation of a message in the book of Acts. First, the Cornelius story establishes the legitimacy of table fellowship among Jewish and Gentile believers against opposing Jewish value positions regarding moral purity. Next, the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 recapitulates the Cornelius episode but then further develops value orientations concerning social relations among Jewish and Gentile believers in the church, principally by means of the Apostolic Decree. Then, the repetition of the Apostolic Decree in Acts 21 clarifies its meaning according to different situational variables. The thesis of this study is that these patterns reveal contextual elements of a particular conflict the early church faced over the communal integration of Jewish and Gentile believers - namely, that Jews were susceptible to splitting off from multi-ethnic churches due to the pressures of a Jewish separationist ideology. The book of Acts subverts this ideology by means of the foregrounded patternings identified in this study. These patternings, which serve to identify foregrounded thematic formations, orient the reader to the proper heterglossic backdrop and reveal that Luke engages a particular Noahic tradition associated with the discursive practice of rewriting sacred scripture in Second Temple Jewish literature, not to align with its value orientations but to subvert it and thereby convince Jewish believers not to withdraw from the community of God.

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