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Podvozek dvouosého návěsu traktoru / Two-axis tractor trailer chassisMusil, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
The dokument was created with ZDT company cooperation and consists of two main parts. The first and also main part is handling construction and strength check issues of two-axis traktor trailer chassis Grand super. The second part contains design and strength check of rear protective device against small vehicle under passing. Strength check is performed in I-DEAS enviroment. The fixings are chassis frame assembly drawing, chassis frame welding assembly drawing and drawbar assembly drawing.
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Étude des temps de fission du noyau superlourd de Z=124 par fluorescence X. / Fission times studies of the Z=124 superheavy nucleus by X-ray fluorescenceAiriau, Maud 14 October 2016 (has links)
Depuis les années 60 les modèles de structure nucléaire prédisent l'existence d'un îlot de stabilité des noyaux super-lourds, situé autour du prochain noyau doublement magique, attendu selon les modèles à N=172 ou 184 et entre Z=114 et 126. Ces noyaux posséderaient de très hautes barrières de fission, de l'ordre de quelques MeV, générées par les effets microscopiques, et responsables de larges distributions de temps de fission s'étendant à des temps très longs. Ainsi nous avons entrepris des mesures de temps de fission du noyau superlourd Z=124 par fluorescence X, une méthode basée sur le remplissage des lacunes électroniques internes crées durant la collision conduisant à la formation du noyau composé. Cette expérience repose sur la détection des fragments de fission en coïncidence avec les raies XK caractéristiques du Z=124, formé lors de la réaction U+70,76Ge. La difficulté majeure a été d'identifier ces raies XK, du fait de la présence de raies gamma émises par des fragments de fission dans la gamme d'énergie des XK du 124 entachant les multiplicités de photons mesurées pour différentes sélections de fragments. Cette difficulté met clairement en évidence une limitation importante à la méthode de fluorescence X pour certains systèmes super-lourds. Des simulations de spectres d’émission XK, réalisées à partir d'un calcul MCDF (Multi-Configuration-Dirac-Fock) ont été comparées aux spectres expérimentaux. Une limite maximale de multiplicité d'XK compatible avec les données, de l'ordre de 6 à 7 % pour le 76Ge et de 12 à 14 % pour le 70Ge ont ainsi pu être extraites. Ces valeurs restent compatibles avec les signatures de temps longs obtenues sur le même système par la technique de blocage cristallin. / Since the 1960s nuclear structure model have predicted the existence of an island of stability of superheavy elements. It should be located around the next magic numbers expected at N=172 or 184 and between Z=114 and 126 depending on the model. Very high fission barrier of a few MeV are predicted to be generated by microscopic effects for those nuclei for which large fission times distributions extended to very high fission times are induced. Fission time measurements of the superheavy element Z=124 have been made by us using the X-ray fluorescence technique, a method based on the filling of inner-shell electronic vacancies created during the collison leading to the formation of the compound nucleus. The aim of this experiment was to detect in coincidence both fission fragments and characteristic X-rays from the Z=124, created by the reaction U+70,76Ge.The main difficulty was to identify those X-rays due to the fact that gamma-rays from fission fragments were emitted in the same energy range, which affected our photon multiplicities for any fragment selection. This new difficulty brings an mportant limitation to the study of some particular superheavy elements by the X-ray fluorescence method. K X-rays spectra have been simulated using MCDF (Multi-Configuration-Dirac-Fock) and then compared to the experimental ones in order to get a maximal K X-ray multplicity compatible with our data. The extracted results were about 6-7% for 76Ge and from 12 to 14% for 70Ge. Those values remain compatible with the experimental signature of long lifetime component observed for the same system but using a blocking tehcnique in single crystals.
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Rôle de l’organisation du cytosquelette d’actine branché et des adhésions N-cadhérine dans la dynamique des épines dendritiques / Role of branched actin network organization and N-cadherin in dendritic in dendritic spine dynamicsChazeau, Anael 04 December 2012 (has links)
Les épines dendritiques sont de petites protrusions post-synaptiques présentant des changements morphologiques corrélés avec la plasticité synaptique. Elles ont pour origine les filopodes dendritiques qui s’élargissent lors du contact avec l’axone. Ces changements morphologiques impliquent une grande variété de molécules dont des protéines associées à l’actine et des protéines d’adhésion. Cependant, comment ces différentes protéines sont coordonnées dans le temps et l’espace est encore largement méconnu. De plus, les techniques de microscopie conventionnelle ne permettent pas d’étudier l’organisation et la dynamique de ces protéines dans les épines dont la taille est proche de la limite de resolution. L’objectif de ma thèse a donc été d’explorer le rôle des protéines associées à l’actine ainsi que celui des protéines d’adhésion N-cadhérines dans l’organisation et la dynamique du cytosquelette d’actine des épines dendritiques. Dans une première étude, nous avons suivi la motilité des filopodes et épines dendritiques de neurones en visualisant l’actine-GFP. Nous avons couplé cette approche avec : 1) une technique de piégeage optique de microsphères recouvertes de N-cadhérines ou des substrats micro-imprimés également recouverts de N-cadhérines afin de contrôler temporellement et spatialement les adhésions cadhérine-cadhérine, 2) la stimulation pharmacologique de la myosine II afin d’induire la contraction F-actine/myosine et 3) l’expression de mutants de N-cadhérine non adhésifs. Nous avons ainsi démontré que la stabilisation des filopodes en épines était dépendante de l’engagement d’un embrayage moléculaire entre les adhésions trans-synaptiques N-cadhérine et le flux rétrograde d’actine généré par les myosines II. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons utilisé la microscopie super-résolutive (PALM et dSTORM) et le suivi de protéines individuelles (sptPALM) pour étudier l’organisation et la dynamique à l’échelle nanométrique des protéines à l’origine des réseaux d’actine branchés dans les épines. Ainsi, nous avons caractérisé la localisation et la dynamique de l’actine, du complexe Arp2/3, du complexe WAVE, d’IRSp53, de VASP et de Rac-1. Nous avons montré que, contrairement aux structures motiles classiques comme lamellipode, le réseau d’actine branché dans les épines n’ést pas formé aux extrémités protrusives puis incorporé dans un flux rétrograde d’actine. Ce réseau est initié à la PSD puis croît vers l’extérieur afin de générer les protrusions membranaires responsablent des changements morphologiques de l’épine. Nos résultats montrent également qu’un contrôle strict de l’activité de Rac-1 est nécessaire au maintien de la morphologie des épines dendritiques et de l’architecture du réseau d’actine branché. L’ensemble de mon travail souligne l’importance du rôle de l’organisation à l’échelle nanométrique du réseau d’actine branché et des adhésions N-cadhérine dans la dynamique et la formation des épines dendritiques. Ces résultats pourraient avoir un rôle important dans la compréhension des changements morphologiques lors de la plasticité synaptique. / Dendritic spines are tiny post-synaptic protrusions exhibiting changes in morphology correlated with synaptic plasticity. They originate from motile dendritic filopodia, which enlarge after contacting axons. These morphological changes involve a wide number of molecular actors, including actin-binding proteins, and adhesion molecules. However, how these various molecular components are coordinated temporally and spatially to tune changes in spine shape remains unclear. Furthermore, conventional photonic microscopy techniques could not achieved the spatial resolution required to study the dynamic nanoscale organization of these proteins within the micron size dendritic spines. The objective of my Ph.D. was to unravel how actin-binding proteins and N-cadherin adhesion regulate the organization and dynamics of F-actin network in dendritic spines. In a first study, we measured the motility of dendritic filopodia and spines by time lapse imaging of actin-GFP in primary hippocampal neurons. We combined those measurements with: 1) manipulation of N-cadherin coated beads with optical tweezers, or micropatterns to control the timing and location of nascent N-cadherin adhesions, 2) pharmacological stimulation of myosin II to trigger contraction of the F-actin/myosin network and 3) expression of non-adhesive N-cadherin mutants to compete for the interaction between N-cadherin adhesion and F-actin. Using these different approaches we demonstrated that the stabilization of dendritic filopodia into mature spines was dependent on the engagement of a molecular clutch between trans-synaptic N-cadherin adhesions and the myosin driven F-actin flow. In a second study, we used super resolution microscopy (PALM and dSTORM) and single protein tracking (sptPALM) to study the dynamic nanoscale organizations of branched actin networks within dendritic spines. Using these technics, we characterized within dendritic spines, the localization and dynamics of actin, Arp2/3 complex, WAVE complex, IRSp53, VASP and Rac-1. We established that, opposite to classical motile structures such as the lamellipodium, branched F-actin networks in dendritic spines are not formed at the tip of membrane protrusions and incorporated in a retrograde flow. On the contrary, they are growing outwards from the PSD generating membrane protrusions responsible for spine motility. We also show that a thigh control of Rac1 activity is required to maintain dendritic spine morphology and branched actin network organization. Altogether, these studies point out the role of the nanoscale functional organization of F-actin networks and its linkage to adhesion proteins in the regulation of dendritic spine formation and dynamics. These findings may have important implications in the understanding of spine morphology changes driven by synaptic activity.
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Establishing super-resolution imaging of biosilica-embedded proteins in diatomsGröger, Philip 19 July 2017 (has links)
Kieselalgen – auch Diatomeen genannt – verfügen über die einzigartige Fähigkeit, nanostrukturierte, hierarchisch aufgebaute Zellwände aus Siliziumdioxid – auch als Biosilica bekannt – mit beispielloser Genauigkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit zu bilden. Ein tieferes Verständnis für diesen Prozess, der als “Biomineralisation“ bekannt ist, ist nicht nur auf dem Gebiet der Grundlagenforschung zu Kieselalgen sehr bedeutsam, sondern auch für die Nutzung dieser Nanostrukturierung in den Materialwissenschaften oder der Nanobiotechnologie. Nach dem derzeitigem Stand der Wissenschaft wird diese Strukturierung durch die Selbstorganisation von Proteinmustern, an denen sich das Siliziumdioxid bildet, erreicht. Um die Funktion und das Zusammenspiel einzelner Proteine, die an diesem Biomineralisationsprozess beteiligt sind, entschlüsseln zu können, ist es essentiell ihre strukturelle Organisation aufzuklären und diese mit den morphologischen Zellwandmerkmalen zu korrelieren. Die Größenordnung dieser Merkmale ist im Bereich von Nanometern angesiedelt. Mit Hilfe der Elektronenmikroskopie können diese Biosilicastrukturen aufgelöst werden, jedoch ist keine proteinspezifische Information verfügbar. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, eine Technik zu etablieren, die in der Lage ist, einzelne Biosilica-assozierte Proteine mit Nanometer-Präzision zu lokalisieren.
Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurde Einzelmoleküllokalisationsmikroskopie (single-molecule localization microscopy, kurz: SMLM) beispielhaft in der Kieselalge Thalassiosira pseudonana etabliert. Die Position verschiedener Biosilica-assoziierte Proteine innerhalb des Biosilicas und nach dessen chemischer Auflösung wurde mit einer hohen räumlichen Auflösung bestimmt. Um quantitative Ergebnisse zu erhalten, wurde ein Analyse-Workflow entwickelt, der grafische Benutzeroberflächen und Skripte für die Visualisierung, das Clustering und die Kolokalisation von SMLM Daten beinhaltet.
Um optimale Markierungen für SMLM an Biosilica-eingebetteten Proteinen zu finden, wurde ein umfassendes Screening von photo-schaltbaren fluoreszierenden Proteinen durchgeführt. Diese wurden als Fusionsproteine mit Silaffin3, einem Protein, welches eng mit der Biosilica-Zellwand assoziiert ist, exprimiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass nur drei von sechs Kandidaten funktional sind, wenn sie in Biosilica eingebettet sind. Silaffin3 konnte indirekt mittels SMLM mit einer Lokalisationsgenauigkeit von 25 nm detektiert werden. Dies erlaubte es, seine strukturelle Organisation aufzulösen und Silaffin3 als eine Hauptkomponente in der Basalkammer der Fultoportulae zu identifizieren.:1 INTRODUCTION 1
1.1 Diatoms – a model system for biomineralization 3
1.2 Imaging of biosilica and associated organic components 8
1.3 Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) 10
2.1 Super-resolution reconstruction 19
2.2 Tools for SMLM resolution estimates 21
2.3 Voronoi tessellation for noise-removal and cluster estimation 25
2.4 Tools for SMLM cluster analysis 27
2.5 Coordinate-based co-localization 32
2.6 PairRice – A novel algorithm to extract distances between cluster pairs 33
2.7 SiMoNa – A new GUI for exploring SMLM datasets 35
3.1 DNA origami as a length standard 42
3.2 Global resolution estimates 44
3.3 Local resolution estimates 47
3.4 Conclusion 53
4.1 Selecting PCFPs to minimize interference with the diatom autofluorescence 56
4.2 Screening results for cytosolic and biosilica-embedded PCFPs 58
4.3 The underlying conversion mechanism 61
4.4 Conclusion 63
5.1 Analyzing protein layer thickness using tpSil3-Dendra2 65
5.2 Imaging the valve region using tpSil3 68
5.3 Resolution and localization parameters of tpSil3 70
5.4 Conclusion 72
6.1 A two-color cingulin construct for PALM-STORM 73
6.2 Steps towards PALM-STORM: screening, alignment, and imaging routine 76
6.3 Co-localization studies: quantification, clustering, and correlations 83
6.4 Conclusion 91
8.1 Microscope specifications 97
8.2 DNA origami annealing and AFM measurements 99
8.3 Diatom sample preparations 100
8.4 Fluorescence imaging conditions 102
8.5 Buffer systems 103
9.1 Tables and Protocols 105
9.2 Satellite projects 112
9.2.1 Quantitative fluorescence intensity analysis of 3D time-lapse confocal microscopy data in diatoms 112
9.2.2 Applying neural networks to filter SMLM localizations 118
9.2.3 In vivo imaging at super-resolution conditions using SOFI 121
9.2.4 Quantifying chromatic aberrations in the microscope using fiducials 123
10 REFERENCES 127 / Diatoms feature the unique ability to form nanopatterned hierarchical silica cell walls with unprecedented accuracy and reproducibility. Gathering a deeper understanding of this process that is known as “biomineralization” is vitally important not only in the field of diatom research. In fact, the nanopatterning can also be exploited in the fields of material sciences or nanobiotechnology. According to the current understanding, the self-assembly of protein patterns along which biosilica is formed is key to this nanopatterning. Thus, in order to unravel the function of individual proteins that are involved in this biomineralization process, their structural organization has to be deciphered and correlated to morphological cell wall features that are in the order of tens of nanometer. Electron microscopy is able to resolve these features but does not provide protein-specific information. Therefore, a technique has to be established that is able to localize individual biosilica-associated proteins with nanometer precision.
To achieve this objective, single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) for the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana has been pioneered and exploited to localize different biosilica associated proteins inside silica and after silica removal. To obtain quantitative data, an analysis workflow was developed including graphical user interfaces and scripts for SMLM visualization, clustering, and co-localization.
In order to find optimal labels for SMLM to target biosilica-embedded proteins, a comprehensive screening of photo-controllable fluorescent proteins has been carried out. Only three of six candidates were functional when embedded inside biosilica and fused to Silaffin3 – a protein that is tightly associated with the biosilica cell wall. Silaffin3 could be localized using SMLM with a localization precision of 25 nm. This allowed to resolve its structural organization and therefore identified Silaffin3 as a major component in the basal chamber of the fultoportulae.
Additionally, co-localization studies on cingulins – a protein family hypothesized to be involved in silica formation – have been performed to decipher their pattern-function relationship. Towards this end, novel imaging strategies, co-localization calculations and pattern quantifications have been established. With the help of these results, the spatial arrangement of cingulins W2 and Y2 could be compared with unprecedented resolution.
In summary, this work has laid ground for quantitative SMLM studies of proteins in diatoms in general and contributed insights into the spatial organization of proteins involved in biomineralization in the diatom T. pseudonana.:1 INTRODUCTION 1
1.1 Diatoms – a model system for biomineralization 3
1.2 Imaging of biosilica and associated organic components 8
1.3 Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) 10
2.1 Super-resolution reconstruction 19
2.2 Tools for SMLM resolution estimates 21
2.3 Voronoi tessellation for noise-removal and cluster estimation 25
2.4 Tools for SMLM cluster analysis 27
2.5 Coordinate-based co-localization 32
2.6 PairRice – A novel algorithm to extract distances between cluster pairs 33
2.7 SiMoNa – A new GUI for exploring SMLM datasets 35
3.1 DNA origami as a length standard 42
3.2 Global resolution estimates 44
3.3 Local resolution estimates 47
3.4 Conclusion 53
4.1 Selecting PCFPs to minimize interference with the diatom autofluorescence 56
4.2 Screening results for cytosolic and biosilica-embedded PCFPs 58
4.3 The underlying conversion mechanism 61
4.4 Conclusion 63
5.1 Analyzing protein layer thickness using tpSil3-Dendra2 65
5.2 Imaging the valve region using tpSil3 68
5.3 Resolution and localization parameters of tpSil3 70
5.4 Conclusion 72
6.1 A two-color cingulin construct for PALM-STORM 73
6.2 Steps towards PALM-STORM: screening, alignment, and imaging routine 76
6.3 Co-localization studies: quantification, clustering, and correlations 83
6.4 Conclusion 91
8.1 Microscope specifications 97
8.2 DNA origami annealing and AFM measurements 99
8.3 Diatom sample preparations 100
8.4 Fluorescence imaging conditions 102
8.5 Buffer systems 103
9.1 Tables and Protocols 105
9.2 Satellite projects 112
9.2.1 Quantitative fluorescence intensity analysis of 3D time-lapse confocal microscopy data in diatoms 112
9.2.2 Applying neural networks to filter SMLM localizations 118
9.2.3 In vivo imaging at super-resolution conditions using SOFI 121
9.2.4 Quantifying chromatic aberrations in the microscope using fiducials 123
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On-surface synthesis of super-heptazethreneMishra, Shantanu, Melidonie, Jason, Eimre, Kristjan, Obermann, Sebastian, Gröning, Oliver, Pignedoli, Carlo A., Ruffieux, Pascal, Feng, Xinliang 03 January 2022 (has links)
Zethrenes are model diradicaloids with potential applications in spintronics and optoelectronics. Despite a rich chemistry in solution, on-surface synthesis of zethrenes has never been demonstrated. We report the on-surface synthesis of super-heptazethrene on Au(111). Scanning tunneling spectroscopy investigations reveal that super-heptazethrene exhibits an exceedingly low HOMO–LUMO gap of 230 meV and, in contrast to its open-shell singlet ground state in the solution phase and in the solid-state, likely adopts a closed-shell ground state on Au(111).
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Development of new approaches for characterising DNA origami-based nanostructures with atomic force microscopy and super-resolution microscopyFischer, Franziska Elisabeth 17 April 2019 (has links)
DNA nanotechnology has developed a versatile set of methods to utilise DNA self-assembly for the bottom-up construction of arbitrary two- and three-dimensional DNA objects in the nanometre size range, and to functionalise the structures with unprecedented site-specificity with nanoscale objects such as metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles, proteins, fluorescent dyes, or synthetic polymers. The advances in structure assembly have resulted in the application of functional DNA-based nanostructures in a gamut of fields from nanoelectronic circuitry, nanophotonics, sensing, drug delivery, to the use as host structure or calibration standard for different types of microscopy. However, the analytical means for
characterising DNA-based nanostructures drag behind these advances. Open questions remain, amongst others in quantitative single-structure evaluation. While techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) offer feature resolution in the range of few nanometres,
the number of evaluated structures is often limited by the time-consuming manual data analysis.
This thesis has introduced two new approaches to quantitative structure evaluation using AFM and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (SRM). To obtain quantitative data, semi-automated computational image analysis routines were tailored in both approaches.
AFM was used to quantify the attachment yield and placement accuracy of poly(3-tri(ethylene glycol)thiophene)-b-oligodeoxynucleotide diblock copolymers on a rectangular DNA origami. This work has also introduced the first hybrid of DNA origami and a conjugated polymer that uses a highly defined polythiophene derivative synthesised via state-of-the-art Kumada catalyst-transfer polycondensation. Among the AFM-based studies on polymer-origami-hybrids, this was the first to attempt near-single molecule resolution, and the first to introduce computational image analysis. Using the FindFoci tool of the software ImageJ revealed attachment yields per handle between 26 - 33%, and determined a single
block copolymer position with a precision of 80 - 90%. The analysis has pointed out parameters that potentially influence the attachment yield such as the handle density and already attached objects. Furthermore, it has suggested interactions between the attached polymer molecules.
The multicolour SRM approach used the principles of single-molecule high-resolution co-localisation (SHREC) to evaluate the structural integrity and the deposition side of the DNA origami frame “tPad” based on target distances and angles in a chiral fluorophore pattern the tPads were labelled with. The computatinal routine that was developed for image analysis utilised clustering to identify the patterns in a sample’s signals and to determine their characteristic distances and angles for hundreds of tPads simultaneously. The method excluded noise robustly, and depicted the moderate proportion of intact tPads in the samples correctly. With a registration error in the range of 10 -15 nm after mapping of the colour channels, the precision of a single distance measurements on the origami appeared in the range of 20 - 30 nm.
By broadening the scope of computational AFM image analysis and taking on a new SRM approach for structure analysis, this work has presented working approaches towards new tools for quantitative analysis in DNA nanotechnology. Furthermore, the work has presented a new approach to constructing hybrid structures from DNA origami and conjugated polymers, which will open up new possibilities in the construction of nanoelectronic and nanophotonic structures.
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Is there a benefit of super spikes in long jump performance?Svensson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Background and aim The pace of development of distance running shoes has been fast-forward since 2016 when Nike introduced their model Nike Zoom Vaporfly, with an imbedded carbon fiber plate and an advanced newly developed Pebax®-foam. The shoe-development has continued to track events, with the introduction of carbon fiber plate in several shoe-models for running and sprint- events. The research area for track events has not reached the level as for distance running shoes, therefore the aim of this study was to examine the effects on long jump performance when using long jump spikes with (AFT) compared to without (non-AFT) a carbon fiber plate. Method Nine experienced male (n=6, age 22 ± 4.8 years, body mass 76.4 ± 3.5 kg, height 182 ± 4.9 cm), and female (n=3, age 20.3 ± 3.5 years, body mass 64.8 ± 6.0 kg, height 172 ± 2.0 cm) Swedish long jumpers performed three maximal effort long jumps in AFT and non-AFT long jump shoes. Three-dimensional kinematic data was captured with eight markerless motion capture cameras, and the take-off was performed from a force plate. Run-up velocity was measured using a lidar laser and step characteristics using an optical contact grid. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated for jump distance and maximal run-up velocity and paired samples t-tests and a Wilcoxon rank sum test were conducted to examine differences between the shoes. Results Peak run-up velocity correlated with jump distance both for AFT (Pearson’s r=0.919, p<0.001) and non-AFT shoes (Pearson’s r=0.910, p<0.001). At a group-level no statistical differences were found between the shoes for the run-up variables. The AFT shoes showed significantly greater horizontal velocity at touchdown (p=0.046) and vertical velocity difference from touchdown to toe-off (p=0.029) compared to the non-AFT shoes. No other significant difference was found on group level for the take-off variables. Conclusion The results in this study did not show a longer jump distance in long jump specific AFT shoes compared to non-AFT on a group level, but individual differences were seen. To further understand the effect of AFT shoes on long jump performance, more studies on different individual characteristics and their relation to long jump performance is needed. Keywords Long jump, super spikes, AFT-shoes, carbon fiber plate, biomechanics. / Bakgrund och syfte Sedan Nike 2016 introducerade sin skomodell Nike Zoom Vaporfly har utvecklingen av löparskor med en inbäddad kolfiberplatta och nyutvecklade med energiåtergivande material snabbt fortskridit. Utvecklingen av skor har fortsatt från löparspåren till friidrottsbanan för flera grenar. Forskningsområdet för grenspecifika skor har inte kommit lika långt som för distanslöparskor, därför var syftet med denna studie att undersöka effekterna på längdhoppsprestation av att använda längdhoppsspecifika spikskor med (AFT) jämfört med utan (non-AFT) kolfiberplatta. Metod Nio erfarna manliga (n=6, ålder 22 ± 4,8 år, kroppsvikt 76,4 ± 3,5 kg, längd 182 ± 4,9 cm) och kvinnliga (n=3, ålder 20,3 ± 3,5 år, kroppsvikt 64,8 ± 6 kg, längd 172 ± 2 cm) svenska längdhoppare gjorde tre maximala längdhopp i AFT och non-AFT längdhoppsskor. Tredimensionell kinematisk data samlades in med åtta markörlösa motion capture-kameror och uthoppet skedde från en kraftplatta. Ansatshastigheten mättes med en laserkamera och steg-specifik data med ett optiskt kontaktnät. Pearson’s korrelations koefficient beräknades for hopplängd och maximal ansatshastighet samt så genomfördes paired samples t-test och Wilcoxon rank sum test för att undersäka skillnaderna mellan skorna. Resultat Maximal ansatshastighet korrelerade med maximal hopplängd både för AFT skor (Pearsons r=0,919, p<0,001) och non-AFT skor (Pearsons r=0,910, p<0,001). På gruppnivå hittades ingen statistisk skillnad mellan skorna vad gäller ansatslöpningens variabler. AFT skorna visade en signifikant högre horisontell hastighet vid första markkontakt med kraftplatta (p=0,046) och vertikal hastighetsdifferens från första markkontakt med kraftplatta till sista markkontakt med kraftplatta (p=0,029) jämfört med non-AFT-skor. Ingen annan signifikant skillnad hittades på gruppnivå vad gäller uthoppsvariabler. Slutsats Resultaten i denna studie visade inte på en längre hopplängd i längdhoppsspecifika AFT skor jämfört med icke-AFT skor på gruppnivå men skillnader sågs på individnivå. För att ytterligare förstå effekten av AFT skor på längdhoppsprestation behövs fler studier om olika individuella egenskaper och dess relation till längdhoppsprestation. Nyckelord Längdhopp, super spikes, AFT-skor, karbonfiberplatta, biomekanik.
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Generative adversarial networks for single image super resolution in microscopy imagesGawande, Saurabh January 2018 (has links)
Image Super resolution is a widely-studied problem in computer vision, where the objective is to convert a lowresolution image to a high resolution image. Conventional methods for achieving super-resolution such as image priors, interpolation, sparse coding require a lot of pre/post processing and optimization. Recently, deep learning methods such as convolutional neural networks and generative adversarial networks are being used to perform super-resolution with results competitive to the state of the art but none of them have been used on microscopy images. In this thesis, a generative adversarial network, mSRGAN, is proposed for super resolution with a perceptual loss function consisting of a adversarial loss, mean squared error and content loss. The objective of our implementation is to learn an end to end mapping between the low / high resolution images and optimize the upscaled image for quantitative metrics as well as perceptual quality. We then compare our results with the current state of the art methods in super resolution, conduct a proof of concept segmentation study to show that super resolved images can be used as a effective pre processing step before segmentation and validate the findings statistically. / Image Super-resolution är ett allmänt studerad problem i datasyn, där målet är att konvertera en lågupplösningsbild till en högupplöst bild. Konventionella metoder för att uppnå superupplösning som image priors, interpolation, sparse coding behöver mycket föroch efterbehandling och optimering.Nyligen djupa inlärningsmetoder som convolutional neurala nätverk och generativa adversariella nätverk är användas för att utföra superupplösning med resultat som är konkurrenskraftiga mot toppmoderna teknik, men ingen av dem har använts på mikroskopibilder. I denna avhandling, ett generativ kontradiktorisktsnätverk, mSRGAN, är föreslås för superupplösning med en perceptuell förlustfunktion bestående av en motsatt förlust, medelkvadratfel och innehållförlust.Mål med vår implementering är att lära oss ett slut på att slut kartläggning mellan bilder med låg / hög upplösning och optimera den uppskalade bilden för kvantitativa metriks såväl som perceptuell kvalitet. Vi jämför sedan våra resultat med de nuvarande toppmoderna metoderna i superupplösning, och uppträdande ett bevis på konceptsegmenteringsstudie för att visa att superlösa bilder kan användas som ett effektivt förbehandling steg före segmentering och validera fynden statistiskt.
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Use of Multiple Imaging Views for Improving Image Quality in Small Animal MR Imaging StudiesManivannan, Niranchana 13 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Form factors and correlation functions in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory from twistor spaceKoster, Laura Rijkje Anne 26 July 2017 (has links)
Das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik hat sich bis heute, mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, als erfolgreichste Theorie zur Beschreibung der Natur erwiesen. Störungstheoretische Rechnungen für bestimmte Mengen in Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) haben bisher unerreicht präzise Vorraussagen ermöglicht, die experimentell nachgewiesen wurden. Trotz dieser Erfolge gibt es Teile des Standardmodells und Energieskalen bei denen die Störungstheorie versagt und man nach Alternativen suchen muss. Vieles können wir hierbei verstehen, indem wir eine ähnliche Theorie untersuchen, die sogenannte planare N=4 Super Yang-Millstheorie in vier Dimensionen (N=4 SYM). Es existieren viele Indizien dafür, dass die Theorie exakte Lösungen zulässt. Dies lässt sich zurückführen auf die Integrabilität der Theorie, eine unendlich dimensionale Symmetriealgebra, die die Theorie stark einschränkt. Neben besagter Integrabilität besitzt diese Theorie auch andere spezielle Eigenschaften. So ist sie des am besten verstandenen Beispiels der Eich-/Gravitations Dualität durch die AdS/CFT Korrespondenz. Ausserdem sind die Streuamplituden von Gluonen auf Baumgraphenniveau in N=4 SYM die selben wie in Quantenchromodynamik. Diese Streuamplituden besitzen eine elegante Struktur und stellen sich als deutlich simpler heraus, als die dazugehörigen Feynmangraphen vermuten lassen. Tatsächlich umgehen viele der zur Berechnung von Streuamplituden entwickelten Masseschalenmethoden die Feynmangraphen, indem sie vorrübergehend manifeste Unitarität und Lokalität aufgeben und dadurch die Rechnungen stark vereinfachen. Alle diese Entwicklungen suggerieren, dass der konventionelle Formalismus der Theorie mit Hilfe der Wirkung im Minkowskiraum nicht der aufschlussreichste oder effizienteste Weg ist, die Theorie zu untersuchen. Diese Arbeit untersucht der Hypothese, ob dass stattdessen Twistorvariablen besser geeignet sind, die Theorie zu beschreiben. Der Twistorformalismus wurde zuerst von Roger Penrose eingeführt. Auf dem klassischen Level ist die holomorphe Chern-Simonstheorie im Twistorraum äquivalent zur klassischen selbst-dualen Yang-Mills Lösung in der Raumzeit. Die volle Twistorwirkung, welche eine Störung um diesen klassisch integrablen Sektor ist und durch eine Eichbedingung auf die N=4 SYM Wirkung reduziert werden kann, produziert unter einer anderen Eichbedingung alle sogenannten maximalhelizitätsverletzenden
(MHV) Amplituden auf Baumgraphenniveau. Durch die Einführung eines Twistorpropagators konnten auch NkMHV Amplituden effizient beschrieben werden. In dieser Arbeit erweitern wir den Twistorformalismus um auch Größen, die sich nicht auf den Masseschalen befinden, beschreiben zu können. Wir untersuchen alle lokalen eichinvarianten zusammengesetzten Operatoren im Twistorraum und zeigen, dass sie alle Baumgraphenniveau-Formfaktoren des sogenannten MHV-Typs erzeugen. Wir erweitern diese Methode zu NMHV und öher NkMHW Level in Anlehnung an die Amplituden. Schliess lich knüpfen wir an die Integrabilität an, indem wir den ein-Schleifen Dilatationsoperator in dem skalaren Sektor der Theorie im Twistorraum berechnen. / The Standard Model of particle physics has proven to be, with the exception of general relativity, the most accurate description of nature to this day. Perturbative calculations for certain quantities in Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) have led to the highest precision predictions that have been experimentally verified. However, for certain sectors and energy regimes, perturbation theory breaks down and one must look for alternative methods. Much can be learned from studying a close cousin of the standard model, called planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions (N = 4 SYM), for which a lot of evidence exists that it admits exact solutions. This exact solvability is due to its quantum integrability, a hidden infinite symmetry algebra that greatly constrains the theory, which has led to a lot of progress in solving the spectral problem. Integrability aside, this non-Abelian quantum field theory is special in yet other ways. For example, it is the most well understood example of a gauge/gravity duality via the AdS/CFT correspondence. Furthermore, at tree level the scattering amplitudes in its gluon sector coincide with those of Quantum Chromo Dynamics. These scattering amplitudes exhibit a very elegant structure and are much simpler than the corresponding Feynman diagram calculation would suggest. Indeed, many on-shell methods that have been developed for computing these scattering amplitudes circumvent the tedious Feynman calculation, by giving up manifest unitarity and locality at intermediate stages of the calculation, greatly simplifying the work. All these developments suggest that the conventional way in which the theory is presented, i.e. in terms of the well- known action on Minkowski space, might not be the most revealing or in any case not the most efficient way. This thesis investigates whether instead twistor variables provide a more suitable description. The twistor formalism was first introduced by Roger Penrose. At the classical level, a holomorphic Chern-Simons theory on twistor space is equivalent to classically integrable self-dual Yang-Mills solutions in space-time. A quantum perturbation around this classically integrable sector reduces to the conventional N = 4 SYM action by imposing a partial gauge condition. This action generates all so-called maximally helicity violating (MHV) amplitudes at tree level directly, when a different gauge was chosen. By including a twistor propagator into the formalism, also higher degree NkMHV amplitudes can be described efficiently. In this thesis we extend this twistor formalism to encompass (partially) off-shell quantities. We describe all gauge-invariant local composite operators in twistor space and show that they immediately generate all tree-level form factors of the MHV type. We use the formalism to compute form factors at NMHV and higher NkMHV level in parallel to how this was done for amplitudes. Finally, we move on to integrability by computing the one-loop dilatation operator in the scalar sector of the theory in twistor space.
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