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Níveis de cálcio e fósforo disponível para frangos de corte alimentados com dietas contendo doses crescentes de fitase / Reduction of calcium and available phosphorus for broilers fed diets containing increased levels of phytaseRenata Soares Marangoni 05 July 2017 (has links)
Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a redução dos níveis de cálcio e fósforo disponível em dietas suplementadas com doses crescentes de fitase para frangos de corte. Foram utilizados pintinhos machos da linhagem Cobb (n = 1152) distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 x4 (três níveis de cálcio e fósforo disponível e quatro níveis de fitase) com 12 tratamentos e oito repetições de 12 aves cada. Os tratamentos experimentais foram: T1 Dieta com níveis de cálcio e fósforo disponível de acordo com o proposto por Rostagno et al. (2011) para as diferentes fases; T2 Dieta com 90% dos níveis de cálcio e fósforo disponível proposto por Rostagno et al. (2011) para as diferentes fases; T3 Dieta com 80% dos níveis cálcio e fósforo disponível proposto por Rostagno et al. (2011) para as diferentes fases; T4 Dieta do T1 + fitase 500 FTU/Kg de ração; T5 Dieta do T2 + fitase 500 FTU/Kg de ração; T6 Dieta do T3 + fitase 500 FTU/Kg de ração; T7 Dieta do T1 + fitase 1.000 FTU/Kg de ração; T8 Dieta do T2 + fitase 1.000 FTU/Kg de ração; T9 Dieta do T3 + fitase 1.000 FTU/Kg de ração; T10 Dieta do T1 + fitase 1.500 FTU/Kg de ração; T11 Dieta do T2 + fitase 1.500 FTU/Kg de ração; T12 Dieta do T3 + fitase 1.500 FTU/Kg de ração. As dietas foram a base de milho e farelo de soja. As aves foram pesadas aos 7, 21 e 42 dias de idade. As características de desempenho foram avaliadas e, aos 42 dias de idade, foram avaliados o rendimento de carcaça e os cortes comerciais. O estudo da qualidade óssea, como a análise da densidade e resistência da tíbia, também foi realizado. Com o aumento das inclusões de fitase houve aumento linear de ganho de peso médio aos 7 dias e aos 21 dias. Da mesma forma, houve redução linear na conversão alimentar aos 21 dias, com o aumento dos níveis de fitase. Considerando o período de 1 a 42 dias, a dieta sem inclusão da enzima apresentou resultados inferiores ao uso das dietas contendo fitase, resultando em um índice de eficiência produtiva com melhores resultados em dietas contendo 500 e 1500 FTU/Kg de ração da enzima. Houve interação entre o nível de cálcio e fosforo na dieta e adição de fitase para os parâmetros de ganho de peso e resistência óssea que neste trabalho foi representada pela força máxima (N). / This trial was conducted with the objective of evaluating the reduction of calcium and phosphorus available for broilers fed diets containing increased levels of phytase. One thousand and one hundred and fifty-two male chicks Cobb-500 (n = 1152) were submitted to a completely randomized factorial 3 x 4 (three levels of calcium and phosphorus available and four levels of phytase and were distributed among 12 treatments and 8 replicates with 12 broilers each replicate. The experimental treatments were: T1 - diet containing calcium and phosphorus availableas proposed by Rostagno et al. (2011) for different phases; T2 diet containing 90% of calcium and phosphoru available in the diet as proposed by Rostagno et al. (2011) for different phases; T3 - diet containing 80% of calcium and available phosphorus in the diet as proposed by Rostagno et al. (2011) for different phases; T4 - T1 Diet + phytase 500 FTU/Kg diet; T5 - T2 Diet + phytase 500 FTU/Kg diet; T6 - T3 Diet + phytase 500 FTU/Kg diet; T7 - T1 Diet + phytase 1.000 FTU/Kg diet; T8 - T2 Diet + phytase 1.000 FTU/Kg diet; T9 - T3 Diet + phytase 1.000 FTU/Kg diet; T10 - T1 Diet + phytase 1.500 FTU/Kg diet; T11 - the T2 diet + phytase 1.500 FTU/Kg diet; T12 - T3 Diet + phytase 1.500 FTU/Kg diet. The diets were corn and soybean meal - based. The broilers were weighed at 7, 21 and 42 days of age. Performance traits s were evaluated and, at 42 days of age. Carcass yield and commercial cuts were also evaluated. Furthermore, a bone quality study, with the analysis of density and tibial resistance, were performed. The increased levels of phytase in the diets determined a linear increased in average weight gain at 7 and 21 days of age. Likewise, the increased levels of phytase in the diets reduced linearly the feed conversion at 21 days of age. Considering the period from day 1 to day 42 the diets without phytase determined inferior results than the diets with phytase inclusion. The better results were found when the diets have between 500 and 1500 FTU of phytase per kg of concentrate. There were an interaction between the calcium and phosphorus levels with phytase concentration for weight gain e bone resistance. In this work, those parameters were represented by the maximum strength (N).
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Vapengravskicket på Öland och Gotland : En studie över regionala och överregionala dragBerling, Johan January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to evaluate the hypothesis that Öland and Gotland shared a superregional weapon burial custom during the older part of the Scandinavian iron age by comparing the weapon graves and a selection of graves on two cemeteries one from each isle. The essay concludes that the weapon graves on Öland and Gotland (or at least the examined cemeteries) was not connected by a super-regional weapon burial custom.
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Financial Fetishism : Neoliberal Power and the Fictitious Sources of the Swedish EconomyBlomberg, Kalle January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the conditions of neoliberal power through the lens of finance as a specific form of social mediation. Based on the recognition that neoliberal financialisation is mediated by financial forms that are characterised by a high degree of abstraction, the conceptualisation proceeds through an immanent critique aimed at tracing out the social sources behind them. In doing so it seeks to uncover the deep structures that make neoliberal power possible yet which tend to remain misrecognised through the refraction produced by its apparent forms. The highly financialised economy of Sweden serves as the concrete case for examining this social phenomenon. Neoliberal power, it is argued, derives its strength from a deepening fetishism that naturalises the alienated condition of the globalised capital relation, ultimately rooted in the way that money absents its own social source. This absenting gives rise to the false but necessary narcissistic social consciousness upon which the process as a whole relies. The absence of a concept of money’s own absenting in theories of neoliberal power tends to reproduce the detotalizing abstraction that the process itself depends on, with implications for the possibility for transformative change.
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Quantitative bioimaging in single cell signalingBernhem, Kristoffer January 2017 (has links)
Imaging of cellular samples has for several hundred years been a way for scientists to investigate biological systems. With the discovery of immunofluorescence labeling in the 1940’s and later genetic fluorescent protein labeling in the 1980’s the most important part in imaging, contrast and specificity, was drastically improved. Eversince, we have seen a increased use of fluorescence imaging in biological research, and the application and tools are constantly being developed further. Specific ion imaging has long been a way to discern signaling events in cell systems. Through use of fluorescent ion reporters, ionic concentrations can be measured inliving cells as result of applied stimuli. Using Ca2+ imaging we have demonstrated that there is a inverse influence by plasma membrane voltage gated calcium channels on angiotensin II type 1 receptor (a protein involved in blood pressure regulation). This has direct implications in treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure),one of the most common serious diseases in the western civilization today with approximately one billion afflicted adults world wide in 2016. Extending from this more lower resolution live cell bioimaging I have moved into super resolution imaging. This thesis includes works on the interpretation of super resolution imaging data of the neuronal Na+, K+ - ATPase α3, a receptor responsible for maintaining cell homeostasis during brain activity. The imaging data is correlated with electrophysiological measurements and computer models to point towards possible artefacts in super resolution imaging that needs to be taken into account when interpreting imaging data. Moreover, I proceeded to develop a software for single-molecule localization microscopy analysis aimed for the wider research community and employ this software to identify expression artifacts in transiently transfected cell systems. In the concluding work super-resultion imaging was used to map out the early steps of the intrinsic apoptotic signaling cascade in space and time. Using superresoultion imaging, I mapped out in intact cells at which time points and at which locations the various proteins involved in apoptotic regulation are activated and interact. / Avbildning av biologiska prover har i flera hundra år varit ett sätt för forskare att undersöka biologiska system. Med utvecklingen av immunofluoresens inmärkn-ing och fluoresens-mikroskopi förbättrades de viktigaste aspekterna av mikroskopi,kontrast och specificitet. Sedan 1941 har vi sett kontinuerligt mer mångsidigt och frekvent användning av fluorosense-mikroskopi i biologisk forskning. Jon-mikroskopi har länge varit en metod att studera signalering i cell-system. Genom användning av fluorosenta jon-sensorer går det att mäta variationer avjon koncentrationer i levande celler som resultat av yttre påverkan. Genom att använda Ca2+ mikroskopi har jag visat att det finns en omvänd koppling mellan kalcium-kanaler i plasma-membran och angiotensin II typ 1 receptorn (ett proteininvolverat i blodtrycksreglering). Detta har direkta implikationer för behandlingav högt blodtryck, en av de mer vanliga sjukdomarna i västvärlden idag med överen miljard drabbade patienter i världen 2016. Efter detta projekt vidgades mitt fokus till att inkludera superupplösnings-mikroskopi. Denna avhandling inkluderar ett arbete fokuserat på tolkningen av superupplösnings-mikroskopi data från neuronal Na+, K+ - ATPase α3, en jon-pump som återställer cellernas jonbalans i samband med cell signalering. Mikroskopi-datan korreleras mot elektrofysiologi experiment och modeller för att illustrera möjliga artefakter i superupplösnings-mikroskopi som måste tas i beaktande i samband med tolkning av data. Jag fortsatte med att utveckla mjukvara för analys av data från singel-molekyl-lokalisations-mikroskopi där fokuset för mjukvaran framförallt varit på användarvänligheten. Detta då jag hoppas att den kommer vara användbar för ett bredare forskingsfält. Mjukvaran användes även i ett separat projekt för att identifiera överuttrycks-artefakter i transfekterade celler. I det avslutande arbetet använder jag superupplösnings-mikroskopi för att karakterisera de tidiga stegen i mitokondriell apoptos. Jag identifierar när och var i cellen de olika proteinerna involverade i apoptos signaleringen är aktiverade och interagerar. / <p>QC 20171003</p>
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Cobalt Nanocrystals : Influence of the Ordering and Nanocrystallinity on Some Physical and Chemical Properties / Co nanocristaux : Influence de l'organisation et nanocristallinité sur certaines propriétés physiques et chimiquesYang, Zhijie 02 July 2014 (has links)
Le développement fondamental de ces thématiques est intimement lié à la nanochimie. Deux aspects importants de la nanochimie sont: la compréhension des propriétés chimiques particulières et la réactivité des nanoparticules qui contiennent un petit nombre d’atomes et les applications pour les nanotechnologies. Pour ce faire, cela nécessite le contrôle des synthèses et de la stabilité des nanoparticules individuelles, mais aussi de leurs assemblages afin de produire des nanostructures plus complexes. De plus, les recherches liées aux changements des propriétés structurales, catalytiques et physiques des nanostructures en fonction de la taille et de la forme des nanoparticules sont indispensables afin d’envisager des transferts de technologie. Les nanoparticules métalliques constituent un des états de la matière condensée. Ces systèmes présentent des propriétés spécifiques dues à leur taille, leur forme et diffèrent de celles du même matériau à l’état massif. Puisque les propriétés d’un matériau sont avant tout liées à son état de surface, on peut considérer ces nanoparticules comme des objets massifs mais délimités par les atomes formant la surface rendant donc leurs propriétés chimiques et physiques très fortement dépendantes de leur taille, leurs forme et de la présence de molécules à la surface. D’ailleurs, la versatilité des propriétés optiques, magnétiques, thermodynamiques, électrochimiques, de conductivité, de transport électronique etc., est déjà mise en évidence, non seulement pour des nanoparticules de tailles mais aussi de formes différentes. Un autre paramètre important, qui reste encore peu pris en compte aujourd’hui, est la cristallinité des nanoparticules dont le contrôle est un domaine de recherche ouvert. Aussi, malgré les problèmes de synthèse des nanocristaux de structure cristalline déterminée, de nombreuses études se sont développées ces vingt dernières années. Ces vingt dernières années, non seulement des études des propriétés chimiques et physiques d’une collection de nanoparticules ont été intensivement réalisées mais la caractérisation de leurs assemblages soit en réseau hexagonal compact (2D) soit à 3D selon une structure cristalline bien déterminée a fait l’objet de nombreuses études. Ces assemblages ont ouvert une nouvelle voie de recherche. En effet, les propriétés chimiques et physiques ne sont plus celles du nanocristal, ni même celle du même matériau à l’état massif mais sont propres à leur assemblage. Des propriétés collectives émergent. Certaines sont dues à des interactions dipolaires induites entre nanocristaux ou encore des propriétés intrinsèques dues à l’assemblage lui-même. Ces assemblages restent un immense domaine de recherche à explorer avec des propriétés chimiques et physiques qu’il est difficile de prédire. La richesse des potentialités de ces nanostructures devrait permettre d’aboutir à des applications importantes tant dans le domaine de l’énergie, de l’environnement, des transports que de la médecine. / The extensive and fundamental development of these problems was determined by nanochemistry. Nanochemistry, in turn, has two important aspects. One of these is associated with gaining insight into the peculiarities of chemical properties and the reactivity of particles comprising a small number of atoms, which lay new foundations of this science. Another aspect, correlated to nanotechnology, consists of the application of nanochemistry to the synthesis, modification, and stabilization of individual nanoparticles and also for their directed self-assembling to give more complex nanostructures. Moreover, the possibility of changing the properties of synthesized structures by regulating the sizes and shapes of original nanoparticles deserves attention. This thesis attempts to provide some answers to the many open questions to date: 1 - Is it easy to control the size and the crystal structure, called nanocrystallinity, nanoparticles of cobalt? What are the consequences for stability during the process of oxygen diffusion? 2 - Can we achieve binary assemblies involving cobalt nanocrystals of different nanocrytallinites. What are the consequences of nanocrystallinity in these assemblies? In order to answer the above two questions, this thesis is organized in four parts. The first part deals with the recent advances in Kirkendall effect, which is demonstrated to be mainly involved during the oxidation reaction of metals, and also the general view on the assembly and collective properties of binary nanoparticle superlattices. The second part deals with the oxygen diffusion through Co nanocrystals. We describe the various parameters involved in the oxygen diffusion through Co nanocrystals. We describe the influence crystalline structure of nanoparticles such as amorphous, hcp, fcc and epsilon phase of Co nanocrystals. It will be demonstrated that the TEM electron beam plays a role of the final product when Co nanocrystals are submitted to the oxygen. In the third part, we focus on the fabrication of Co nanoparticle-based binary nanoparticle superlattices. It is shown that binary superlattices of Co/Ag nanocrystals with same size, surface coating, differing by their crystallinities can be governed by Co-Co magnetic interactions. Furthermore, binary nanoparticle superlattices, which can be considered as the insertion of small nanoparticles into the nanoparticle superlattices revealed an unusual magnetic properties. Two kinds of binary nanoparticle superlattices, namely AlB2-type CoAg2 and MgZn2-type CoCo2, are produced, and their magnetic properties are studied, revealing the mesoscale doping effect on the magnetic properties of Co nanoparticle supracrystals. In the last part of this thesis is mainly focused on how to improve the nanocrystallinity of Co nanocrystals in solution and the magnetic investigation of Co nanocrystals with various crystallinities.
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Super-resolution optical imaging using microsphere nanoscopyLee, Seoungjun January 2013 (has links)
Standard optical microscopes cannot resolve images below 200 nm within the visible wavelengths due to optical diffraction limit. This Thesis reports an investigation into super-resolution imaging beyond the optical diffraction limit by microsphere optical nano-scopy (MONS) and submerged microsphere optical nano-scopy (SMON). The effect of microsphere size, material and the liquid type as well as light illumination conditions and focal plane positions on imaging resolution and magnification have been studied for imaging both biological (viruses and cells) and non-biological (Blu-ray disk patterns and nano-pores of anodised aluminium oxide) samples. In particular, sub-surface imaging of nano-structures (data-recorded Blu-ray) that cannot even be seen by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been demonstrated using the SMON technique. Adenoviruses of 75 nm in size have been observed with white light optical microscopy for the first time. High refractive index microsphere materials such as BaTiO3 (refractive index n = 1.9) and TiO2-BaO-ZnO (refractive index n = 2.2) were investigated for the first time for the imaging. The super-resolution imaging of sub-diffraction-limited objects is strongly influenced by the relationship between the far-field propagating wave and the near-field evanescent waves. The diffraction limit free evanescent waves are the key to achieving super-resolution imaging. This work shows that the MONS and SMON techniques can generate super-resolution through converting evanescent waves into propagating wave. The optical interactions with the microspheres were simulated using special software (DSIMie) and finite different in time domain numerical analysis software (CST Microwave Studio). The optical field structures are observed in the near-field of a microsphere. The photonic nanojets waist and the distance between single dielectric microsphere and maximum intensity position were calculated. The theoretical modelling was calculated for comparisons with experimental measurements in order to develop and discover super-resolution potential.
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Unconventional particle behaviours in supersymmetric theories and gravity / Comportements non-conventionels de particules dans les théories supersymétriques et les théories de gravitéDarmé, Luc 09 June 2016 (has links)
Nous étudions dans un premier temps deux théories supersymétriques basées sur la présence de Gauginos de Dirac à travers deux scénarios à la phénoménologie bien distincte. La première, dite de "Fake Split SUSY", se caractérise par un spectre de particules scindé entre une partie à l'échelle électrofaible et l'autre plus lourde. Ces modèles prédisent avec une grande précision la masse du boson de Higgs et sont compatibles avec de nombreux résultats de cosmologie, au prix d'un spectre très peu naturel. La seconde présente un scénario supersymétrique dont l'un des bosons scalaire pourrait être identifié avec la résonance à 750 GeV observée au LHC. Dans un second temps, nous analysons deux comportements non-conventionnels du graviton et de son partenaire supersymétrique, le gravitino. Lorsque la symétrie de Lorentz est brisée par la présence d'un fluide, nous montrons que la pseudo-particule générée par cette brisure, le phonino, devient la composante longitudinale du gravitino et se propage suivant une relation de dispersion non relativiste que nous étudions en détails. Finalement, nous explorons des théories de gravité étendue dans lesquelles, en sus du Lagrangien d'Hilbert-Einstein, nous ajoutons des opérateurs construits à partir de produits de tenseurs de Riemann. En présence d'un fluide, nous prouvons qu'un graviton peut se propager "prestement", une notion reliée celle de vitesse superluminale. / We will first focus on supersymmetric theories with Dirac Gaugino masses. We investigate two advantages of such models. First, the possibility to reconcile the measured Higgs mass with an arbitrary large scale of supersymmetry breaking. Second, we show how the scalar singlet present in such models is a sound candidate for a resonance explaining the 750 GeV diphoton excess observed by the LHC experiments. In a second part, we start by discussing the propagation of a massive spin 3/2 state in a fluid (for instance the gravitino when supergravity is coupled to a background fluid). We show that the degrees of freedom corresponding to different helicities travel with different velocities. We then discuss the separate issue of graviton speed in extended gravity theories where the usual Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian is supplemented by various higher order terms constructed from Riemann tensors.
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Sparse Representations and Nonlinear Image Processing for Inverse Imaging SolutionsRam, Sundaresh, Ram, Sundaresh January 2017 (has links)
This work applies sparse representations and nonlinear image processing to two inverse imaging problems. The first problem involves image restoration, where the aim is to reconstruct an unknown high-quality image from a low-quality observed image. Sparse representations of images have drawn a considerable amount of interest in recent years. The assumption that natural signals, such as images, admit a sparse decomposition over a redundant dictionary leads to efficient algorithms for handling such sources of data. The standard sparse representation, however, does not consider the intrinsic geometric structure present in the data, thereby leading to sub-optimal results. Using the concept that a signal is block sparse in a given basis —i.e., the non-zero elements occur in clusters of varying sizes — we present a novel and efficient algorithm for learning a sparse representation of natural images, called graph regularized block sparse dictionary (GRBSD) learning. We apply the proposed method towards two image restoration applications: 1) single-Image super-resolution, where we propose a local regression model that uses learned dictionaries from the GRBSD algorithm for super-resolving a low-resolution image without any external training images, and 2) image inpainting, where we use GRBSD algorithm to learn a multiscale dictionary to generate visually plausible pixels to fill missing regions in an image. Experimental results validate the performance of the GRBSD learning algorithm for single-image super-resolution and image inpainting applications. The second problem addressed in this work involves image enhancement for detection and segmentation of objects in images. We exploit the concept that even though data from various imaging modalities have high dimensionality, the data is sufficiently well described using low-dimensional geometrical structures. To facilitate the extraction of objects having such structure, we have developed general structure enhancement methods that can be used to detect and segment various curvilinear structures in images across different applications. We use the proposed method to detect and segment objects of different size and shape in three applications: 1) segmentation of lamina cribrosa microstructure in the eye from second-harmonic generation microscopy images, 2) detection and segmentation of primary cilia in confocal microscopy images, and 3) detection and segmentation of vehicles in wide-area aerial imagery. Quantitative and qualitative results show that the proposed methods provide improved detection and segmentation accuracy and computational efficiency compared to other recent algorithms.
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Determination Of Lattice And Grain Boundary Diffusivities Of Cations Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry And Their Application To High Temperature Deformation In A 3 mol% Yttria Stabilized Teragonal ZirconiaSwaroop, N R Sathya 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Robust Multiframe Super-Resolution with Adaptive Norm Choice Using Difference Curvature Based BTV RegularizationLiu, Xiaohong January 2016 (has links)
Multi-frame image super-resolution focuses on reconstructing a high-resolution image from a set of low-resolution images with high similarity. Since super-resolution is an ill-posted problem, regularization techniques are widely used to constrain the minimization function. Combining image prior knowledge with fidelity model, Bayesian-based methods can effectively solve this ill-posed problem, which makes this kind of methods more popular than other methods. Our proposed model is based on maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation. In this thesis, we propose a novel initialization method based on median operator to initialize our estimated high-resolution image. For the fidelity term in our proposed algorithm, the half-quadratic estimation is used to choose error norm adaptively instead of using fixed L1 or L2 norm. Furthermore, for our regularization term, we propose a novel regularization method based on Difference Curvature (DC) and Bilateral Total Variation (BTV) to suppress mixed noises and preserve image edges simultaneously. In our experimental results, synthetic data and real data are both tested to demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method in terms of clearer texture and less noise over other state-of-the-art methods.
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