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Gibbs measures on subshifts / Medidas de Gibbs em subshiftsKimura, Bruno Hideki Fukushima 28 August 2015 (has links)
We study the properties of Gibbs measures for functions with d-summable variation defined on a subshift X. Based on Meyerovitch\'s work from 2013, we prove that if X is a subshift of finite type (SFT), then any equilibrium measure is also a Gibbs measure. Although the definition provided by Meyerovitch does not make any mention to conditional expectations, we show that in the case where X is a SFT it is possible to characterize these measures in terms of more familiar notions presented in the literature. / Nós estudamos as propriedades de medidas de Gibbs para funções com variação d-somável definidas em um subshift X. Baseado no trabalho de Meyerovitch de 2013, provamos que se X é um subshift de tipo finito (STF), então qualquer medida de equilíbrio é também uma medida de Gibbs. Embora a definição fornecida por Meyerovitch não faz qualquer menção à esperanças condicionais, mostramos que no caso em que X é um STF, é possível caracterizar estas medidas em termos de noções mais familiares apresentadas na literatura.
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Topological Conjugacy Relation on the Space of Toeplitz SubshiftsYu, Ping 08 1900 (has links)
We proved that the topological conjugacy relation on $T_1$, a subclass of Toeplitz subshifts, is hyperfinite, extending Kaya's result that the topological conjugate relation of Toeplitz subshifts with growing blocks is hyperfinite. A close concept about the topological conjugacy is the flip conjugacy, which has been broadly studied in terms of the topological full groups. Particularly, we provided an equivalent characterization on Toeplitz subshifts with single hole structure to be flip invariant.
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Sobre existência de estados de equilíbrio e limite em temperatura zero para shifts de Markov topologicamente mixing / On equilibrium states existence and zero temperature limit for topologically mixing Markov shifts.Cubides, Victor Andres Vargas 16 October 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é demonstrar que para um subshift de Markov topologicamente transitivo com alfabeto enumerável e um potencial ƒ com pressão de Gurevic finita e variação limitada (ƒ) < ∞, existe um único estado de equilíbrio µtƒ para cada t > 1, e a família (µtƒ)t>1 tem um ponto de acumulação quando t > ∞. Além disso se também supomos que o ƒ é um potencial de Markov, demonstramos que a família de estados de equilíbrio (µtƒ)t>1 converge quando t > ∞. Finalmente demonstramos a continuidade em ∞ da entropia com respeito ao parâmetro t. Estes resultados não dependem da hipótese de existência de medidas de Gibbs. / The aim of this thesis is to prove that for a topologically transitive Markov subshift with countable alphabet and a summable potential ƒ with finite topological pressure Gurevic and bounded variation (ƒ) < ∞, there exists an equilibrium state µtƒ tf for each t > 1 and the family of equilibrium states (µtƒ)t>1 associated to each potential tf has an accumulation point at t > ∞. Moreover if we also assume that ƒ is a Markov potential we prove that the equilibrium states family (µtƒ)t>1 converges when t > ∞. Finally we prove the continuity at ∞ of the entropy with respect to the parameter t. These results do not depend on assuming the existence of Gibbs measures.
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Sobre existência de estados de equilíbrio e limite em temperatura zero para shifts de Markov topologicamente mixing / On equilibrium states existence and zero temperature limit for topologically mixing Markov shifts.Victor Andres Vargas Cubides 16 October 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é demonstrar que para um subshift de Markov topologicamente transitivo com alfabeto enumerável e um potencial ƒ com pressão de Gurevic finita e variação limitada (ƒ) < ∞, existe um único estado de equilíbrio µtƒ para cada t > 1, e a família (µtƒ)t>1 tem um ponto de acumulação quando t > ∞. Além disso se também supomos que o ƒ é um potencial de Markov, demonstramos que a família de estados de equilíbrio (µtƒ)t>1 converge quando t > ∞. Finalmente demonstramos a continuidade em ∞ da entropia com respeito ao parâmetro t. Estes resultados não dependem da hipótese de existência de medidas de Gibbs. / The aim of this thesis is to prove that for a topologically transitive Markov subshift with countable alphabet and a summable potential ƒ with finite topological pressure Gurevic and bounded variation (ƒ) < ∞, there exists an equilibrium state µtƒ tf for each t > 1 and the family of equilibrium states (µtƒ)t>1 associated to each potential tf has an accumulation point at t > ∞. Moreover if we also assume that ƒ is a Markov potential we prove that the equilibrium states family (µtƒ)t>1 converges when t > ∞. Finally we prove the continuity at ∞ of the entropy with respect to the parameter t. These results do not depend on assuming the existence of Gibbs measures.
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Dynamique symbolique des systèmes 2D et des arbres infinis / Symbolic dynamics on multidimensional systems and infinite treesAubrun, Nathalie 22 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des décalages, ou encore systèmes dynamiques symboliques, définis sur certains monoïdes finiment présentés, $Z^d$ d'une part et les arbres d'autre part. Le principal résultat concernant les décalages multidimensionnels établit que tout décalage effectif de dimension d est obtenu par facteur et sous-action projective d'un décalage de type fini de dimension d+1. De ce résultat nous déduisons que les décalages S-adiques multidimensionnels donnés par une suite effective de substitutions sont sofiques. Sur les décalages d'arbres nous montrons un théorème de décomposition, qui permet d'écrire une conjugaison entre deux décalages d'arbres quelconques comme une suite finie d'opérations élémentaires, les fusions entrantes et les éclatements entrants. De ce théorème, associé à la commutation des fusions entrantes, nous déduisons la décidabilité du problème de conjugaison entre deux décalages d'arbres de type fini. Nous nous intéressons ensuite à la classe des décalages d'arbres sofiques, qui sont exactement ceux reconnus par des automates d'arbres montants dans lesquels tous les états sont à la fois initiaux et finaux. Nous montrons l'existence d'un unique automate d'arbres déterministe, réduit, irréductible et synchronisé qui reconnaît un décalage d'arbres sofique. Enfin nous montrons que l'appartenance à la sous-classe des décalages d'arbres AFT est décidable / This thesis is devoted to the study of subshifts, or symbolic dynamical systems, defined on some finitely presented monoids like $Z^d$ or the infinite binary tree. The main result concerning multidimensional subshifts establishes that any effective subshift of dimension d can be obtained by factor map and projective subaction of a subshift of finite type of dimension d+1. This result has many applications, and in particular we prove that multidimensional effective S-adic subshifts are sofic. On tree-shifts we prove a decompositiontheorem, which implies that the conjugacy problem between two tree-shifts of finite type is decidable. We then investigate the class of sofic tree-shifts that are exactly those recocognized by tree automata. We prove that any sofic tree-shift has a unique deterministic, reduced, irreducible and synchronized tree automaton that recognized it. Finally we prove that it is decidable wether a sofic tree-shift belong to the sub-class of AFT tree-shifts
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Pavages : périodicité et complexité calculatoireVanier, Pascal 22 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude des pavages : des ensembles de coloriages du plan discret respectant des contraintes locales données par un jeu de tuiles. Nous nous penchons en particulier sur les liens qui unissent les pavages et la calculabilité. Les pavages étant des ensembles effectivement clos particuliers, nous étudions dans un premier temps la structure des ensembles de degrés Turing des pavages, la comparant à celle des ensembles effectivement clos en général : pour tout ensemble effectivement clos il existe un pavage qui a les même degrés Turing à 0 près, le degré des ensembles récursifs. De plus les pavages ne contenant pas de membre récursif ont une structure particulière : ils contiennent toujours un cône de degrés Turing, un degré Turing et tous les degrés qui lui sont supérieurs. Dans un second temps, nous étudions les ensembles de périodes des pavages, pour diverses notions de périodicité, parvenant à des caractérisations à l'aide de classes de complexité ou de calculabilité pour chaque notion étudiée. Enfin nous nous intéressons à la difficulté calculatoire des problèmes de la factorisation et de la conjugaison, des notions de simulation et d'équivalence adaptées aux spécificités des pavages. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of subshifts of finite type (SFTs) : sets of colorings of the discrete plane which respect some local constraints given by a set of forbidden patterns. We study the links between SFTs and computation. SFTs being specific effectively closed classes, we fist study their Turing degree structure, comparing it to the one of effectively closed classes in general: for any effectively closed class, there exist an SFT having the same Turing degrees except maybe 0, the degree of recursive sets. Furthermore, SFTs containing no recursive member have a particular structure: they always contain a cone of Turing degrees, ie. a Turing degree and all degrees above it. We then study the sets of periods of SFTs, for different notions of periodicity, reaching characterizations by means of computational complexity classes or computability classes for each notion introduced. Finally we look at the computable hardness of the factorization and conjugacy problems, the right notions of simulation and equivalence for SFTs.
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Automates cellulaires : dynamique directionnelle et asymptotique typiqueDelacourt, Martin 05 December 2011 (has links)
Les automates cellulaires sont à la fois un modèle de calcul parallèle, un système complexe et un système dynamique. Ils fonctionnent de manière synchrone et en temps discret, leur particularité est que les fonctions qu'ils définissent sont issues de l'application simultanée, en tout point de l'espace, d'une règle d'évolution locale. L'ensemble limite est un objet classique des systèmes dynamiques, c'est l'ensemble des états que le système peut atteindre arbitrairement tard. Il a été très étudié dans le cadre des automates cellulaires, et les résultats sont nombreux. Parmi ces résultats, un théorème de Rice démontré par Jarkko Kari dit que toute propriété des ensembles limites est indécidable. Dans ce mémoire, on ne s'intéresse plus à l'ensemble limite traditionnel, mais à une variante pour laquelle on utilise une mesure sur l'espace des entrées, sélectionnant ainsi les comportements susceptibles d'apparaître arbitrairement tard et souvent. Ce nouvel ensemble, que l'on nomme ensemble mu-limite, a été introduit en 2000 par Petr Kurka et Alejandro Maass. La plupart des résultats sur les ensembles limites ne se transposent pas naturellement. On étudie la famille des ensembles mu-limites d'automates cellulaires. On montre que sous certaines contraintes sur la dynamique, l'ensemble mu-limite peut être entièrement décrit. On classe ainsi les automates en fonction de ces contraintes. Dans le cas général, on montre l'existence d'automates cellulaires ayant comme ensembles mu-limites un grand nombre d'ensembles complexes. On finit par montrer un théorème de Rice pour les ensembles mu-limites d'automates cellulaires: tout propriété non triviale de ces ensembles est indécidable. / Cellular automata are simultaneously a model of parallel computation, a complex system and a dynamical system. They are synchronous and time is discrete. The functions defined by their application is the result of the synchronous application of the same local rule everywhere. The limit set is a classical tool of dynamical systems theory, it is the set of states the system can reach arbitrarily late. It has been studied often in the particular case of cellular automata and there are numerous results. Amongst them, a Rice's theorem proved by Jarkko Kari states that any non-trivial property of limit sets of cellular automata is undecidable. In this thesis, we do not consider the classical limit set, as we add a measure on the space of states of the system. Thus, we get a set which contains behaviors that appear arbitrarily far and often. This set is named mu-limit set and was introduced in 2000 by Petr Kurka and Alejandro Maass. Most of the results on limit sets cannot be directly adapted for mu-limit sets. We study the family of all mu-limit sets of cellular automata. We show that under some constraints on the dynamics, the mu-limit set can be entirely described. We then produce a classification of cellular automata according to these constraints. In the general case, we prove the existence of cellular automata whose mu-limit sets are among a large set of complex sets. We finally prove Rice's theorem for mu-limit sets: any non-trivial property is undecidable.
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Dimension and measure theory of self-similar structures with no separation conditionFarkas, Ábel January 2015 (has links)
We introduce methods to cope with self-similar sets when we do not assume any separation condition. For a self-similar set K ⊆ ℝᵈ we establish a similarity dimension-like formula for Hausdorff dimension regardless of any separation condition. By the application of this result we deduce that the Hausdorff measure and Hausdorff content of K are equal, which implies that K is Ahlfors regular if and only if Hᵗ (K) > 0 where t = dim[sub]H K. We further show that if t = dim[sub]H K < 1 then Hᵗ (K) > 0 is also equivalent to the weak separation property. Regarding Hausdorff dimension, we give a dimension approximation method that provides a tool to generalise results on non-overlapping self-similar sets to overlapping self-similar sets. We investigate how the Hausdorff dimension and measure of a self-similar set K ⊆ ℝᵈ behave under linear mappings. This depends on the nature of the group T generated by the orthogonal parts of the defining maps of K. We show that if T is finite then every linear image of K is a graph directed attractor and there exists at least one projection of K such that the dimension drops under projection. In general, with no restrictions on T we establish that Hᵗ (L ∘ O(K)) = Hᵗ (L(K)) for every element O of the closure of T , where L is a linear map and t = dim[sub]H K. We also prove that for disjoint subsets A and B of K we have that Hᵗ (L(A) ∩ L(B)) = 0. Hochman and Shmerkin showed that if T is dense in SO(d; ℝ) and the strong separation condition is satisfied then dim[sub]H (g(K)) = min {dim[sub]H K; l} for every continuously differentiable map g of rank l. We deduce the same result without any separation condition and we generalize a result of Eroğlu by obtaining that Hᵗ (g(K)) = 0. We show that for the attractor (K1, … ,Kq) of a graph directed iterated function system, for each 1 ≤ j ≤ q and ε > 0 there exists a self-similar set K ⊆ Kj that satisfies the strong separation condition and dim[sub]H Kj - ε < dim[sub]H K. We show that we can further assume convenient conditions on the orthogonal parts and similarity ratios of the defining similarities of K. Using this property we obtain results on a range of topics including on dimensions of projections, intersections, distance sets and sums and products of sets. We study the situations where the Hausdorff measure and Hausdorff content of a set are equal in the critical dimension. Our main result here shows that this equality holds for any subset of a set corresponding to a nontrivial cylinder of an irreducible subshift of finite type, and thus also for any self-similar or graph directed self-similar set, regardless of separation conditions. The main tool in the proof is an exhaustion lemma for Hausdorff measure based on the Vitali's Covering Theorem. We also give several examples showing that one cannot hope for the equality to hold in general if one moves in a number of the natural directions away from `self-similar'. Finally we consider an analogous version of the problem for packing measure. In this case we need the strong separation condition and can only prove that the packing measure and δ-approximate packing pre-measure coincide for sufficiently small δ > 0.
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Topological Conjugacies Between Cellular AutomataEpperlein, Jeremias 19 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
We study cellular automata as discrete dynamical systems and in particular investigate under which conditions two cellular automata are topologically conjugate.
Based on work of McKinsey, Tarski, Pierce and Head we introduce derivative algebras to study the topological structure of sofic shifts in dimension one. This allows us to classify periodic cellular automata on sofic shifts up to topological conjugacy based on the structure of their periodic points. We also get new conjugacy invariants in the general case. Based on a construction by Hanf and Halmos, we construct a pair of non-homeomorphic subshifts whose disjoint sums with themselves are homeomorphic. From this we can construct two cellular automata on homeomorphic state spaces for which all points have minimal period two, which are, however, not topologically conjugate. We apply our methods to classify the 256 elementary cellular automata with radius one over the binary alphabet up to topological conjugacy. By means of linear algebra over the field with two elements and identities between Fibonacci-polynomials we show that every conjugacy between rule 90 and rule 150 cannot have only a finite number of local rules. Finally, we look at the sequences of finite dynamical systems obtained by restricting cellular automata to spatially periodic points. If these sequences are termwise conjugate, we call the cellular automata conjugate on all tori. We then study the invariants under this notion of isomorphism. By means of an appropriately defined entropy, we can show that surjectivity is such an invariant.
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Topological Conjugacies Between Cellular AutomataEpperlein, Jeremias 21 April 2017 (has links)
We study cellular automata as discrete dynamical systems and in particular investigate under which conditions two cellular automata are topologically conjugate.
Based on work of McKinsey, Tarski, Pierce and Head we introduce derivative algebras to study the topological structure of sofic shifts in dimension one. This allows us to classify periodic cellular automata on sofic shifts up to topological conjugacy based on the structure of their periodic points. We also get new conjugacy invariants in the general case. Based on a construction by Hanf and Halmos, we construct a pair of non-homeomorphic subshifts whose disjoint sums with themselves are homeomorphic. From this we can construct two cellular automata on homeomorphic state spaces for which all points have minimal period two, which are, however, not topologically conjugate. We apply our methods to classify the 256 elementary cellular automata with radius one over the binary alphabet up to topological conjugacy. By means of linear algebra over the field with two elements and identities between Fibonacci-polynomials we show that every conjugacy between rule 90 and rule 150 cannot have only a finite number of local rules. Finally, we look at the sequences of finite dynamical systems obtained by restricting cellular automata to spatially periodic points. If these sequences are termwise conjugate, we call the cellular automata conjugate on all tori. We then study the invariants under this notion of isomorphism. By means of an appropriately defined entropy, we can show that surjectivity is such an invariant.
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