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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Préservation de l'arôme dans un jambon cuit non nitrité / Preservation of aroma in a nitrite-free cooked ham

Thomas, Caroline 10 December 2014 (has links)
Le nitrite est un ingrédient essentiel à la fabrication du jambon cuit, pourtant les risques sanitaires dont il est accusé remettent en question son utilisation. L’emploi de cet unique additif permet de remplir de nombreuses fonctions comme la protection antioxydante et antimicrobienne mais aussi le développement de la couleur et de l’arôme. C’est sur cette dernière fonction que ce travail de thèse s’est focalisé avec pour objectif la suppression du nitrite dans la fabrication du jambon cuit. La mise en œuvre de plusieurs techniques complémentaires de chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplées à l’olfactométrie a permis dans une première partie d’identifier le 2-methyl-3-furanthiol, 2-methyl-3-(methyldithio)furan, et le bis(2-methyl-3-furyl)disulfide comme les molécules soufrées responsables de l’arôme du jambon cuit. Il est apparu qu’en l’absence de nitrite et par conséquent en absence de protection antioxydante, les composés odorants issus de l’oxydation sont produits massivement et ont tendance à perturber l’arôme global du jambon cuit. Afin de restaurer l’arôme en l’absence de nitrite, l’étude a été organisée selon 2 axes : le premier visant à favoriser la production des molécules soufrées clés de l’arôme et le second visant à limiter la formation des composés d’oxydation perturbateurs de l’arôme grâce à l’utilisation d’antioxydants naturels. Les recherches ont été conduites sur des mini-jambons cuits modèles. La thiamine a été identifiée comme précurseur majoritaire du 2-methyl-3-furanthiol, du 2-methyl-3-(methyldithio)furan, et du bis(2-methyl-3-furyl)disulfide dans les conditions de fabrication du jambon cuit et des extraits d’acérola, de canneberge, d’oignon et de thé ont été sélectionnés pour leurs propriétés antioxydantes. L’évaluation en parallèle de l’oxydation et de l’arôme a montré que ces quatre extraits utilisés en mélange permettaient, non seulement d’égaler les performances antioxydantes du nitrite, mais aussi de rehausser la note aromatique « jambon cuit » par rapport à la formulation non nitritée de référence. L’association de la thiamine et des extraits végétaux a finalement permis de réaliser des jambons non nitrités qui, en termes d’arôme et d’oxydation, se rapprochent fortement d’un jambon nitrité. Les formulations réalisées constituent donc une première piste satisfaisante pour répondre à la problématique de la suppression du nitrite dans le jambon cuit. La protection antimicrobienne des nouvelles formulations doit être validée et la restauration de la couleur rose du jambon demeure une problématique organoleptique. / Sodium nitrite is an essential ingredient in the cooked ham production process, yet its use is under challenge due to food safety concerns. Sodium nitrite is a multifunctional additive used for its ability to act on several fronts—from inhibiting oxidation and preventing microbial growth to giving desirable colour and aroma. This study focused on the aroma function under a wider objective to reduce nitrite use in cooked ham processing. Using several complementary methods with gas chromatography–olfactometry, we first identified 2- methyl-3-furanthiol, 2-methyl-3-(methyldithio)furan and bis(2-methyl-3-furyl)disulfide as the odour- active sulphur-compounds responsible for cooked ham flavour. It emerged that in the absence of nitrite—and therefore the absence of inhibited oxidation—the massive formation of an array of odour-active compounds produced by oxidative breakdown tended to disrupt the overall aroma of the final cooked ham. Next, in an effort to restore this aroma in the absence of nitrite, the study was organized into two strands, where the first strand aimed to promote the production of key aroma-active sulphur-compounds while the second strand aimed to minimize the formation of aroma-disruptive oxidation compounds by using natural antioxidants. This research was led on model cooked mini-hams. We identified thiamine as the major precursor of 2-methyl-3-furanthiol, 2-methyl-3-(methyldithio)furan and bis(2-methyl-3-furyl)disulfide under cooked ham production conditions, and we selected acerola, cranberry, onion and tea extracts as natural antioxidants. The coupled evaluations of oxidation and aroma showed that the formulated mixture of these four extracts not only equalled the antioxidant performances of added sodium nitrite but also lifted the “cooked ham” head note compared to the reference no-added-nitrite formulation. The association of thiamine and vegetal extracts ultimately made it possible to produce no-added-nitrite hams that, in terms of aroma and oxidation levels, proved almost identical to nitrite-added ham. The engineered formulations thus offer a good research track to suppress the sodium nitrite in cooked ham. The problem of how to restore the distinctive pink colour of cooked ham is an issue that remains to be resolved, and the ability of these new formulations to inhibit microbial growth needs to be validated.

Komparace emisního obchodovacího systému EU a programu kyselého deště v USA / The comparison of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme and the Acid Rain Program in USA

Zelená, Vladimíra January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on comparison of emission trading of the European Union (European Union Emission Trading Scheme) which trades with carbon dioxide allowances and emission trading of the United States of America (Acid Rain Program) which trade with sulphur dioxide allowances. Despite of using same mechanisms and principles, these systems brought diverse results -- mostly because of different implementation of key parameters. The thesis which concerns with both of these systems is trying to find the major reasons of unsuccessful implementation of the European Union trading and the most important reasons leading to successful performance of the U.S. program.

Recherches sur le bouquet de vieillissement des vins rouges de Bordeaux : Etudes sensorielle et moléculaire d’un concept olfactif complexe / Research on the ageing bouquet of red Bordeaux wines : Sensory and molecular study of a complex olfactory concept

Picard, Magali 04 December 2015 (has links)
Un grand vin de garde se distingue par sa capacité à se bonifier avec le temps, exprimant alors une complexité aromatique particulièrement attendue par les dégustateurs. L’apparition du bouquet de vieillissement, signature de la qualité organoleptique des grands vins vieillis en bouteille, est un des phénomènes les plus impressionnants de l’œnologie mais également l’un des plus mal connus. En effet, ses déterminants sensoriels et moléculaires ont jusqu’à présent été peu étudiés. Grâce à une approche holistique séquencée en trois étapes, nous avons pu décrypter sensoriellement le concept du bouquet de vieillissement des vins rouges de Bordeaux. Une définition sensorielle partagée par des professionnels du vin a pu émerger, s’articulant autour de huit notes aromatiques principales : « sous-bois », « truffe », « fruits frais rouges et noirs », « épicé », « réglisse », « menthe », « grillé » et « empyreumatique ». D’autre part, nous avons pu souligner l’importance de l’expertise dans la définition d’un tel concept olfactif, nécessitant à la fois des connaissances œnologiques, des compétences sensorielles et des ressources lexicales. Par une étude moléculaire ciblée sur certaines classes de molécules aromatiques se formant et/ou conservées au cours du vieillissement en bouteille, nous avons pu identifier que plusieurs composés soufrés volatils tels le sulfure de diméthyle, le 2-furaneméthanethiol et le 3-sulfanylhexanol contribuaient activement à la typicité du bouquet de vieillissement. Présents à des teneurs significativement plus élevées dans les vins rouges exprimant un bouquet de vieillissement, nous avons montré que ces composés volatils participaient plus particulièrement aux notes aromatiques caractéristiques de sous-bois, truffe et empyreumatique. La mise en œuvre de fractionnements d’extraits de vins et de reconstitutions aromatiques, puis l’application de la GC-O et de la GC-MS sur les fractions d’intérêt ont permis par la suite d’identifier la D,L-pipéritone, un monoterpène associé pour la première fois aux nuances de menthe typiques du bouquet de vieillissement des vins rouges de Bordeaux. Enfin, nous avons montré que certains paramètres du terroir pouvaient influencer l’expression aromatique du bouquet de vieillissement. La mesure du rapport isotopique (δC13) de l’éthanol a permis de retracer l’état hydrique des vignes ayant produit les vins étudiés et a montré qu’une contrainte hydrique modérée ou forte de la vigne était favorable à cette typicité. De plus, la différence sensorielle de la note menthe observée entre les vins rouges de Bordeaux semble trouver son origine dans la nature du cépage, avec des teneurs en D,L-pipéritone significativement plus importantes dans les vins pour lesquels le Cabernet Sauvignon est le cépage prédominant. / A wine with ageing potential is noticeable by its ability to improve over time, expressing the aromatic complexity particularly expected by wine tasters. The development of wine ageing bouquet, the "signature" of the organoleptic quality of fine wines aged in bottle, is one of the most fascinating but least known phenomena in oenology. Indeed, both its sensory and molecular markers are poorly documented.A three-step holistic approach made it possible to decipher the sensory characteristics of the ageing bouquet of red Bordeaux wines. More precisely, a shared sensory definition emerged among wine professionals, structured around eight main aromatic notes: "undergrowth", "truffle", "fresh red- and black berry fruits", "spicy», "liquorice", "mint», "toasted" and "empyreumatic". Furthermore, the importance of expertise based on oenological knowledge, sensory skills, and lexical capabilities in defining olfactory concepts was highlighted. A molecular study, targeting specific classes of aromatic compounds formed and/or preserved during bottle ageing, identified dimethyl sulphide, 2-furanmethanethiol and 3-sulfanylhexanol as key contributors to the typicality of wine ageing bouquet. These volatile compounds were present in the highest concentrations in all wines with an ageing bouquet and participated more specifically in their undergrowth, truffle, and empyreumatic aromas. Subsequently, wine fractionations and aromatic reconstitutions, analyzed by both GC-O and GC-MS, were used to identify D,L-piperitone, a monoterpene which was shown for the first time to be involved in the typical mint nuances in the ageing bouquet of red Bordeaux wines. Finally, influence of some parameters of “terroir” was highlighted. Isotope ratio measurement (δC13) in ethanol of studied wines was used as an indicator of vine water status and revealed that a moderate to severe water deficit was in favor to the genesis of a wine ageing bouquet. Interestingly, the sensory difference in minty character observed in red Bordeaux wines apparently originated from grapes, as D,L-piperitone levels were significantly higher in wines where Cabernet Sauvignon was dominant

Chalcogen modification of GaAs(100) surfaces and metal/GaAs(100) contacts

Hohenecker, Stefan 03 May 2001 (has links)
Der Einfluss der Modifikation der technologisch relevanten GaAs(100) Oberfläche durch Chalkogene, i.e. Selen, Schwefel und Tellur, wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Es wird ein Modell vorgestellt, das die Eigenschaften der modifizierten Oberfläche beschreibt. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die so modifizierten Oberflächen mit Metallen unterschiedlicher Reaktivität und verschiedenen Elektronegativitäten bedampft. Die Bandbreite dieser Eigenschaften wird durch die Metalle Indium und Silber, das Alkalimetall Natrium, das Erdalkalimetall Magnesium und das Halbmetall Antimon abgebildet. Die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Chalkogene auf die chemischen Eigenschaften und die Barrierenhöhe der Metall/GaAs(100) Grenzfläche bilden einen weiteren Schwerpunkt. Die Änderung der Barrierenhöhe wird dabei mit Hilfe des Modells metallinduzierter Bandlückenzustände (metal induced gap states) erklärt. Als experimentelle Techniken werden Photoemissionsspektroskopie, Raman Spektroskopie und Strom-Spannungsmessungen verwendet. / The influence of a modification of the technological relevant GaAs(100) surface by chalcogens, i.e. selenium, sulphur and tellurium, is evaluated in this work. A model is proposed, which describes the properties of the modified surface. In a second step metals of different reactivity and electronegativity have been evaporated onto these modified surfaces. Among these materials were the metals indium and silver, the alkali metal sodium, the earth alkali metal magnesium and the half metal antimony. The investigation of the influence of chalcogens on the chemical properties and the barrier height of the metal/GaAs(100) interface is another point of interest. The change in barrier height is explained by the model of metal induced gap states (MIGS). Photoemission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and current-voltage-measurement have been used as experimental techniques.

Development of selected sulphur compounds and oxygenated volatile organic compounds reference gas mixtures for air quality monitoring

Leshabane, Nompumelelo 05 1900 (has links)
Highly accurate analysis for the quantification of sulphur compounds and oxygenated volatile organic compounds are crucial for the adherence of the legislation in different environmental sectors. The sulphur compounds and oxygenated volatile organic compounds measurements are challenging, due to various factors such as molecules being adsorbed on the inner surfaces of cylinders. It is therefore important to produce accurate and reliable reference gas mixtures with mole fraction at ambient levels for the air quality monitoring and field of gas sensing in South Africa. The challenges in producing sulphur compounds and oxygenated volatile organic compounds reference gas mixtures are that the overall process from gravimetric preparation steps until the comparison analysis process and the stability of mixture in the gas cylinder, results in the large measurement uncertainties. In order to produce reference gas mixtures of the highest level, three important steps are followed: purity assessment of starting material, gravimetric preparation, and verification/validation of prepared gas mixtures. The purity analysis of high purity starting materials was determined using gas chromatography coupled with various detectors and Karl Fischer for determination of moisture content in high purity chemicals. The sulphur compounds and oxygenated volatile organic compounds to be developed in this study were hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, acetone, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and n-butanol. These components were produced following the International Organisation for Standardisation documents at mole fraction of 10 µmol/mol for sulphur compounds and 5 µmol/mol for oxygenated volatile organic compounds. The preparation of sulphur compounds reference gas mixtures was done with a static gravimetric method using a direct method where a target component was transferred directly into the cylinder. The preparation of oxygenated volatile organic compounds used an indirect method whereby a target liquid component from high purity chemicals was transferred into a cylinder using a gas-tight syringe.The comparison between the reference gas mixtures was validated using Non-Dispersive Ultra-Violet analysers (NDUV), gas chromatograph coupled with pulsed discharge helium ionisation detector (GC-PDHID, UV fluorescence analysers for sulphur compounds and gas chromatograph coupled with flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) for the oxygenated volatile organic compounds. A multi-point calibration method was used to analyse sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide on the NDUV analyser, and the single-point calibration method was used for analysis on the gas chromatography and UV fluorescence where a sample mixture is analysed against a reference mixture with a similar mole fraction. The statistical data considered during analysis included calculation of the instrument drift and percentage relative standard deviation to check measurements repeatability, reliability, and measurement uncertainty. The gravimetric results of prepared sulphur compounds at 10 µmol/mol gave a percentage relative expanded uncertainty of 0.041 % REU for hydrogen sulphide, 0.12 % REU for sulphur dioxide. The gravimetric results of prepared oxygenated volatile organic compounds at 5 µmol/mol showed a percentage relative expanded uncertainty 0.068 to 0.35 % REU for isopropanol and ethanol respectively and less than 2.4 % REU for multi component of oxygenated volatile organic compounds. Finally, the primary standard gas mixtures of sulphur compounds and oxygenated volatile organic compounds were developed with the highest metrological measurement uncertainty level of (k=2). / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Sciences)

Espace social, matérialité et expansion capitaliste dans le Nord du Chili : les camps miniers du soufre, Ollagüe, XXe siècle

Rivera Amaro, Francisco 09 1900 (has links)
Au Chili, le processus de modernisation qui, au début du XXe siècle, s'est traduit par l'expansion du capitalisme et de l'industrialisation a eu des répercussions économiques et sociales profondes. La culture matérielle associée aux industries minières modernes et leur influence sur les sociétés autochtones ont cependant fait l’objet de très peu d’études archéologiques. Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’exploitation du soufre dans la communauté autochtone quechua d’Ollagüe, située dans la région d’Antofagasta, au Nord du Chili. À partir de la fin du XIXe siècle, après la guerre chilienne contre le Pérou et la Bolivie (1879-1883), la région entama un long processus d'expansion capitaliste lié à diverses activités minières extractives. Les camps miniers, en tant que nouveaux centres de travail, ont fait appel à de nombreux produits, services et travailleurs, entraînant un vaste processus de migration et une augmentation de la population. Dispersées dans le paysage andin d'Ollagüe, à 4000 mètres d'altitude, les ruines de l'extraction minière du soufre témoignent des impacts de l'industrialisation et de l'expansion capitaliste dans la région. L’étude des transformations socioculturelles générées par l'exploitation minière industrielle dans la communauté locale est fondée, dans cette thèse, sur la documentation de trois camps miniers de soufre abandonnés – Buenaventura, Station Puquios et Santa Cecilia. J'explore leur histoire à travers l'étude de l'espace social et de la culture matérielle pour examiner l'identité des travailleurs miniers et de leurs familles, ainsi que leurs conditions de vie et de travail sur les hauteurs des volcans. Soulignant les spécificités de la modernisation et de l'expansion capitaliste du Chili, cette thèse aborde la culture matérielle industrielle en termes de continuités, de fragmentation et de ruptures. Elle vise à rendre visible et à valoriser la culture matérielle moderne associée aux industries minières du XXe siècle. Je soutiens que le processus de modernisation, les ruines industrielles et la culture matérielle du passé récent ont généré des espaces de mémoire qui sont aujourd’hui entrelacés avec les préoccupations contemporaines de la communauté autochtone locale. / In Chile, the modernization process, which led to the expansion of capitalism and industrialization at the beginning of the twentieth century, had profound economic and social repercussions. However, the material culture associated with modern mining industries and their influence on indigenous societies suffers from a lack of archaeological studies. This dissertation focuses on twentieth century sulphur mining in the Quechua indigenous community of Ollagüe, located in the Antofagasta region of northern Chile. From the end of the nineteenth century, after the Chilean war against Peru and Bolivia (1879-1883), the region began a long process of capitalist expansion linked to various extractive mining activities. The mining camps, as new centers of work, generated a significant demand for products, services and labor, leading to a vast migration process and an increase in population. Studding the Andean landscape of Ollagüe, at 4,000 meters of altitude, the ruins of sulphur mining bear witness to the impacts of industrialization and capitalist expansion in the region. This dissertation examines the socio-cultural transformations generated by industrial mining in the local community through the study of three abandoned sulphur mining camps, Buenaventura, Station Puquios and Santa Cecilia. The vestiges of social spaces and material culture allow me to explore the identity of the mining workers and their families, as well as their living and working conditions on the heights of the volcanoes. Highlighting the specificities of Chile's modernization and capitalist expansion, this dissertation addresses industrial materiality in terms of continuity, fragmentation, and rupture. It aims to make visible and to valorize the modern material culture associated with the mining industries of the twentieth century. I argue that the process of modernization, industrial ruins and materiality of the recent past have generated spaces of memory that today are intertwined with the contemporary concerns of the local indigenous community. / En Chile, el proceso de modernización que se tradujo en la expansión del capitalismo y la industrialización a principios del siglo XX tuvo profundas repercusiones económicas y sociales. Sin embargo, la cultura material asociada a las industrias mineras modernas y su influencia en las sociedades indígenas adolece de estudios arqueológicos. Esta tesis se centra en la minería de azufre del siglo XX en la comunidad quechua de Ollagüe, situada en la región de Antofagasta, norte de Chile. A una altitud de 4.000 metros y dispersas en el paisaje andino de Ollagüe, las ruinas de la minería de azufre son testigos de los efectos de la industrialización y de la expansión capitalista. A partir de finales del siglo XIX, y después de la guerra del Pacífico que enfrentó a Chile, Perú y Bolivia (1879-1883), la región inició un largo proceso de expansión capitalista impulsado por diversas actividades mineras extractivas, siendo escenario de un vasto proceso migratorio. Los campamentos mineros, como nuevos centros de trabajo, dieron lugar a un aumento de la población y generaron una importante demanda de productos, servicios y mano de obra. Junto con el resto de la región, Ollagüe ha participado en este proceso de cambio demográfico y socioeconómico. Esta tesis explora tres campamentos mineros de azufre abandonados – Buenaventura, Estación Puquios y Santa Cecilia – examinando las transformaciones socioculturales que la irrupción de la minería industrial generó en la comunidad local. Exploro esta historia a través del estudio del espacio social y de la cultura material para examinar la identidad de los mineros y familias, sus condiciones de vida y trabajo en las alturas de los volcanes. Destacando las peculiaridades de la modernización y de la expansión capitalista en el norte de Chile, este trabajo aborda la materialidad industrial en términos de continuidad, fragmentación y ruptura. El objetivo es visibilizar y valorar la cultura material moderna asociada a las industrias mineras del siglo XX. Sostengo que el proceso de modernización, las ruinas industriales y la materialidad del pasado reciente han generado hoy en día espacios de memoria que se entrelazan con las preocupaciones contemporáneas de la comunidad indígena local.

Absorpční čištění spalin vznikajících spalováním odpadů / Absorption Cleaning of Flue Gases Arising from the Incineration of Wastes

Jecha, David January 2010 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with potentials of methods for cleaning of flue gas from pollutants such as acidic components. Wet method of flue gas cleaning is analysed in detail with special focus on elimination of sulphur dioxide (SO2). Introduction presents advantages and disadvantages of thermal processing of waste and production of undesired pollutants. Following parts comprise facts about main pollutants produced from incineration. Legislation providing for emission of gaseous pollutants from incinerators is also given. Chapter concerning methods of pollutants elimination is mostly focused on absorption (wet and/or semidry scrubber) and adsorption methods. Several up-to-date technological procedures are mentioned; they have a multifunctional effect such as elimination of acidic components, heavy metals, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxines and dibenzo-furanes from flue gas using single injection of suspense. Elimination of mercury (Hg) is among the technologies for heavy metal elimination which is described in detail. Main part of the thesis is related to experiments at two-stage flue gas cleaning equipment. Function of this experimental unit is described along with methods for measurement of individual quantities and detailed description of all the equipment and its components. Experimental measurements carried out at this equipment are explicated and assessed. Along with experimental work, the author has created a simulation model of wet flue gas cleaning in ChemCad programme. Particular operational parameters were tested on this model. This thesis contains results of the measurement which provide background for verification of the mathematical model. Further, the balance of heavy metals conducted on the basis of measurements in waste incinerator is displayed. Main contribution of the thesis may be summed up as follows: ­ Author has designed and constructed experimental equipment for two stage flue gas cleaning. ­ He also formed calculation for pressure drop of O-element prototype equipment and for packing column with FLEXIPAC structured packing. ­ He created data file with measurements at the experimental unit. ­ He determined temperature at outlet of a random device where liquid is injected into stream of hot flue gas. ­ He designed a simulation model which is identical with experimental equipment and which usage enabled comparison of measured and calculated data; it also serves as a basis for industrial applications. ­ Last part deals with creation off heavy metals balance in a case industrial waste incinerator.

A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Instrument for use with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Application to Low Kinetic Energy Reactive Isobar Suppression and Gas–phase Anion Reaction Studies

Eliades, John Alexander 21 August 2012 (has links)
A radio frequency (rf) quadrupole instrument, currently known as an Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), has been integrated into an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system to facilitate anion–gas reactions before the tandem accelerator. An AMS Cs+ sputter source provided > 15 keV ions that were decelerated in the prototype ISA to < 20 eV for reaction in a single collision cell and re-accelerated for AMS analysis. Reaction based isobar suppression capabilities were assessed for smaller AMS systems and a new technique for gas–phase reaction studies was developed. Isobar suppression of 36S– and 12C3– for 36Cl analysis, and YF3– and ZrF3– for 90Sr analysis were studied in NO2 with deceleration to < 12 eV. Observed attenuation cross sections, σ [x 10^–15 cm^2], were σ(S– + NO2) = 6.6, σ(C3– + NO2) = 4.2, σ(YF3– + NO2) = 7.6, σ(ZrF3– + NO2) = 19. With 8 mTorr NO2, relative attenuations of S–/Cl– ~ 10^–6, C3–/Cl– ~ 10^–7, YF3–/SrF3– ~ 5 x 10^–5 and ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 4 x 10^–6 were observed with Cl– ~ 30% and SrF3– > 90% transmission. Current isobar attenuation limits with < 1.75 MV accelerator terminal voltage and ppm impurity levels were calculated to be 36S–/Cl– ~ 4 x 10^–16, 12C3–/Cl– ~ 1.2 x 10^–16, 90YF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–15 and 90ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–16. Using 1.75 MV, four 36Cl reference standards in the range 4 x 10^–13 < 36Cl/Cl < 4 x 10^–11 were analyzed with 8 mTorr NO2. The measured 36Cl/Cl ratios plotted very well against the accepted values. A sample impurity content S/Cl < 6 x 10^–5 was measured and a background level of 36S–/Cl < 9 x 10^–15 was determined. Useful currents of a wide variety of anions are produced in AMS sputter sources and molecules can be identified relatively unambiguously by stripping fragments from tandem accelerators. Reactions involving YF3–, ZrF3–, S– and SO– + NO2 in the ISA analyzed by AMS are described, and some interesting reactants are identified.

A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Instrument for use with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Application to Low Kinetic Energy Reactive Isobar Suppression and Gas–phase Anion Reaction Studies

Eliades, John Alexander 21 August 2012 (has links)
A radio frequency (rf) quadrupole instrument, currently known as an Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), has been integrated into an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system to facilitate anion–gas reactions before the tandem accelerator. An AMS Cs+ sputter source provided > 15 keV ions that were decelerated in the prototype ISA to < 20 eV for reaction in a single collision cell and re-accelerated for AMS analysis. Reaction based isobar suppression capabilities were assessed for smaller AMS systems and a new technique for gas–phase reaction studies was developed. Isobar suppression of 36S– and 12C3– for 36Cl analysis, and YF3– and ZrF3– for 90Sr analysis were studied in NO2 with deceleration to < 12 eV. Observed attenuation cross sections, σ [x 10^–15 cm^2], were σ(S– + NO2) = 6.6, σ(C3– + NO2) = 4.2, σ(YF3– + NO2) = 7.6, σ(ZrF3– + NO2) = 19. With 8 mTorr NO2, relative attenuations of S–/Cl– ~ 10^–6, C3–/Cl– ~ 10^–7, YF3–/SrF3– ~ 5 x 10^–5 and ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 4 x 10^–6 were observed with Cl– ~ 30% and SrF3– > 90% transmission. Current isobar attenuation limits with < 1.75 MV accelerator terminal voltage and ppm impurity levels were calculated to be 36S–/Cl– ~ 4 x 10^–16, 12C3–/Cl– ~ 1.2 x 10^–16, 90YF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–15 and 90ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–16. Using 1.75 MV, four 36Cl reference standards in the range 4 x 10^–13 < 36Cl/Cl < 4 x 10^–11 were analyzed with 8 mTorr NO2. The measured 36Cl/Cl ratios plotted very well against the accepted values. A sample impurity content S/Cl < 6 x 10^–5 was measured and a background level of 36S–/Cl < 9 x 10^–15 was determined. Useful currents of a wide variety of anions are produced in AMS sputter sources and molecules can be identified relatively unambiguously by stripping fragments from tandem accelerators. Reactions involving YF3–, ZrF3–, S– and SO– + NO2 in the ISA analyzed by AMS are described, and some interesting reactants are identified.

Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter Gleichspannungsbelastung

Hering, Maria 28 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Gasisolierte Systeme im Gleichspannungsbetrieb vereinen für Anwendungen moderner Energieübertragung die Forderungen nach kleinräumigen Anlagen und verlustarmem Energietransport über große Entfernungen. Für einen zuverlässigen und sicheren Betrieb muss das Verhalten der eingesetzten Gas-Feststoff-Isolierung im technologischen System bis an die Grenzen des Isolationsvermögens bekannt sein. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist deshalb das Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter Gleichspannungsbelastung. Dabei stehen zwei wesentliche Einflussfaktoren im Vordergrund: die Temperatur, motiviert durch reale Stromwärmeverluste, und eine feste Störstelle auf der Gas-Feststoff-Grenzfläche, motiviert durch in der Praxis nicht völlig auszuschließende, metallische Partikel. Die Effekte dieser beiden Parameter auf die Feldverteilung, die Oberflächen- und Raumladungsbildung sowie das Isolationsvermögen bei Gleichspannung werden zunächst in zwei Versuchsanordnungen separat experimentell untersucht. Anschließend wird deren Zusammenwirken und gegenseitige Beeinflussung im Gesamtsystem analysiert. Die betriebsbedingte Erwärmung der Leiter gasisolierter Systeme führt zu einer inhomogenen Temperaturverteilung, die sich auf die Eigenschaften der Isolierstoffe Gas und Epoxidharz auswirkt. Die von der Temperatur abhängige Leitfähigkeit der Feststoffisolatoren führt zu einer temperaturabhängigen Feldverteilung, bei der sich der Ort der Höchstfeldstärke verschiebt. Dabei kann sich der Absolutwert der Höchstfeldstärke erhöhen und somit das Isolationsvermögen verringern. Gleichzeitig weist das Isoliergas nahe des erwärmten Leiters lokal eine geringere Dichte und damit eine geringere dielektrische Festigkeit auf. Die thermisch bedingte Minderung des Isolationsvermögens bei Gleichspannung beträgt in der untersuchten Anordnung (25 ... 35) %. In den schwach inhomogenen Feldern gasisolierter Anlagen erweisen sich metallische Partikel auf Isolatoren ab drei Millimetern Länge als besonders kritisch. Bei einem Gasdruck unterhalb von 0,3 MPa setzen an den Partikelspitzen zum Teil bereits ab 50 % der Durchschlagsspannung ohne Partikel Teilentladungen ein, sodass die Koronastabilisierung zu einer vergleichsweise hohen Überschlagsspannung führt. Durch diese stabilen Glimmentladungen kann die Störstelle bei Gleichspannung durch die üblichen Detektionsverfahren jedoch nicht zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen werden. Oberhalb von 0,3 MPa treten vor dem Überschlag keine Teilentladungen auf. Aufgrund der fehlenden Koronastabilisierung kann die Isolationsfestigkeit durch einen erhöhten Gasdruck nicht oder nur stark unterproportional gesteigert werden. Die mit der Modellanordnung gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind nachweislich auf Isolatoren kommerzieller Anlagen übertragbar. Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchte Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter Gleichspannungsbelastung wird maßgeblich durch die Temperaturverteilung und durch feste Störstellen auf der Grenzfläche beeinflusst. Oberflächen- und Raumladungen verändern das üblicherweise ohmsch-kapazitiv beschriebene Verhalten des Isolierstoffsystems bei Gleich- und Mischspannungsbelastung. Der Einfluss zusätzlicher Ladungsträger auf die stark temperaturabhängige Feldumbildung demonstriert, dass das Isoliergas in diesem Fall mit teilchendichte- und feldstärkeabhängigen Drift- und Diffusionsprozessen zur Modellierung des transienten Verhaltens von Gleichspannungssystemen berücksichtigt werden muss. Die Untersuchung des Systemverhaltens an den Grenzen des Isolationsvermögens ist wichtiger Bestandteil bei der Entwicklung innovativer Technologien der modernen Energieübertragung bei steigender Übertragungsleistung. / DC operated gas-insulated systems combine the demand for space saving installations and lowloss energy transport over long distances for applications of recent energy transmission. In order to ensure a reliable and safe operation, the behaviour of the gas-solid insulation, which is used in the technological system, has to be known up to the limits of the insulation properties. Hence, this thesis deals with the flashover behaviour of gas-solid insulation systems under DC voltage stress. Thereby, it focuses on two main influence factors: the temperature, due to real current heat losses, and an adhesive defect on the gas-solid interface, due to metallic particles that cannot be fully excluded in practice. Firstly, it is investigated experimentally in two test arrangements, how each parameter separately affects the electrical field distribution, the surface and volume charge accumulation and the insulation performance under DC voltage stress. Following that, their interaction and mutual influence is analysed in the whole system. Due to operating currents, the heating of the conductors in gas-insulated systems causes an inhomogeneous temperature distribution, that affects the properties of the insulating materials gas and epoxy resin. The temperature-dependent conductivity of the solid insulators leads to a temperature-dependent field distribution. Thereby, the location of the highest field strength is shifted. Since the absolute value of the highest field strength can increase, the insulation performance can decrease. Simultaneously, the insulating gas close to the heated conductor locally has a lower gas density and therefore a lower dielectric strength. The thermal related reduction of the insulation performance under DC voltage stress amounts to (25 ... 35) % in the investigated arrangement. Metallic particles, with a length of more than three millimetres and adhering on spacers, turn out to be particularly critical in the weakly inhomogeneous field of gas-insulated systems. At pressures below 0,3 MPa, partial discharges at the particle tips partly ignite already at 50 %of the breakdown voltage without a particle. The corona stabilisation leads to a relatively high flashover voltage. However, due to these stable glow discharges under DC voltage stress, the defect can not be unequivocally proven by usual detection methods. Above 0,3 MPa, no partial discharges occur before the flashover. Due to the missing corona stabilisation, with a higher gas pressure, the insulation strength is not or only disproportionately low increasing. The findings gained with the model arrangement are evidently applicable to spacers of commercial installations. The flashover behaviour of gas-solid insulation systems under DC voltage stress, examined in this thesis, is influenced significantly by the temperature distribution and adhesive particles on the interface. Surface and volume charges change the generally resistive-capacitive described behaviour of the insulation system under DC and superimposed voltage stress. The influence of additional charge carriers on the strongly temperature-dependent field transition demonstrates, that in this case, the insulating gas with its drift and diffusion processes, depending on the particle density and the field strength, has to be considered, when modelling the transient behaviour of DC operated systems. Investigating the system behaviour to the limits of the insulation properties is a crucial element of developing innovative technologies of the modern energy transmission at increasing transmissions powers.

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