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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Guodong Jiang (10703055) 27 April 2021 (has links)
The discovery of topological quantum states of matter has required physicists to look beyond Landau’s theory of symmetry-breaking, previously the main paradigm for<br>studying states of matter. This has led also to the development of new topological theories for describing the novel properties. In this dissertation an investigation in this<br>frontier research area is presented, which looks at the interplay between the quantum geometry of these states, defects and disorder. After a brief introduction to the topological quantum states of matter considered herein, some aspects of my work in this area are described. First, the disorder-induced band structure engineering of topological insulator surface states is considered, which is possible due to their resilience from Anderson localization, and believed to be a consequence of their topological origin.<br>Next, the idiosyncratic behavior of these same surface states is considered, as observed in experiments on thin film topological insulators, in response to competition between<br>hybridization effects and an in-plane magnetic field. Then moving in a very different direction, the uncovering of topological ‘gravitational’ response is explained: the<br>topologically-protected charge response of two dimensional gapped electronic topological states to a special kind of 0-dimensional boundary – a disclination – that encodes spatial curvature. Finally, an intriguing relation between the gravitational response of quantum Hall states, and their response to an apparently unrelated perturbation – nonuniform electric fields is reported. <br>

Thermische Tieftemperatureigenschaften von Seltenerd-Übergangsmetall-Borkarbiden

Lipp, Dieter 12 April 2002 (has links)
The present work reports on thermal low-temperature properties of rare earth transition metal borocarbides such as specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermopower. The influence of structural disorder, caused by stoichiometric variations and substitutions of the rare earth element or the transition metal, on the thermal and superconducting low-temperature properties is investigated. The structural disorder results in the reduction of the superconducting transition temperature Tc, of the Sommerfeld value gamma, of the upper critical magnetic field Hc2(0), of the negative curvature of the H-dependence of the T-linear specific heat contribution gamma(H), and in the reduction of the positive curvature of Hc2(T) near Tc. But isoelectronic rare earth substitutions do not result in the transition from clean to dirty limit. Due to Pt-substitutions similar reductions of thermal and superconducting properties are observed. The behaviour of Hc2(0) and the concentration dependence of the positive curvature of Hc2(T) near Tc point to the transition from clean to quasi-dirty limit in the case of Pt-substitutions. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Untersuchungen zu thermischen Tieftemperatureigenschaften, wie der spezifischen Wärmekapazität, der Wärmeleitfähigkeit und der Thermokraft, an supraleitenden Seltenerd-Übergangsmetall-Borkarbiden vorgestellt. Es wurde der Einfluß von gezielt hervorgerufener Unordnung im kristallographischen Aufbau, die durch isoelektronische Substitutionen des Seltenerd-Elements und des Übergangsmetalls sowie durch Söchiometrievariationen erzeugt wurde, auf die thermischen und supraleitenden Tieftemperatureigenschaften untersucht. Folge der strukturellen Unordnung ist eine Reduzierung der charakteristischen Eigenschaften, wie der Sprungtemperatur der Supraleitung Tc, der Sommerfeldkonstanten gamma, des oberen kritischen Magnetfelds Hc2(0), der negativen Krümmung in der Feldabhängigkeit des T-linearen Beitrags zur spezifischen Wärme gamma(H) sowie eine Reduzierung der positiven Krümmung in der Temperaturabhängigkeit von Hc2(T). Isoelektronische Substitutionen auf dem Seltenerd-Platz führen aber nicht zum Erreichen des dirty limit. Eine Reduzierung der relevanten supraleitenden und thermischen Eigenschaften durch Pt-Beimengungen wird ähnlich wie im Falle der Lu-Substitution festgestellt. Die Konzentrationsabhängigkeit von Hc2(0) sowie die Krümmung von Hc2(T) weisen hier auf einen Übergang vom clean limit zum quasi-dirty limit durch die Pt-Substitution hin.

Niobium Ohmic Contacts for Cryogenic Indium Phosphide High-Electron-Mobility Transistors / Niob-baserade Ohmska Kontakter för Kryogena Indiumfosfid Högelektronmobilitetstransistorer

Bendrot, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Ohmic contacts are crucial components in semiconductor devices such as transistors and diodes, and lowering their contact resistance is an important factor in device performance enhancement. This is especially important for low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) where device noise temperature decreases both directly and indirectly with decreasing contact resistance. This becomes relevant in quantum computers operated at cryogenic temperatures as LNAs constitutes the 4 K quantum bit (qubit) readout signal amplification chain. The goal of this project is to investigated the superconducting element niobium (Nb) as contact material for indium phosphide (InP) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs), being the active component in cryogenic high-frequency LNAs. For contact and barrier resistance determination, test structures were fabricated and utilized according to the transfer length method(TLM) and the recess TLM respectively. Measurements were performed in room temperature as well as in cryogenic temperatures below and above Nb’s bulk transition temperature of 9.25 K. The results show low-resistance Nb-based ohmic contacts for n-In0.65Ga0.35As, with the non-alloyed Nb(50 nm)/Au(100 nm) stack yielding a room temperature contact resistivity of (9.4 ± 0.5) × 10−8 Ωcm2. For all contacts the contact resistivity increased moving to cryogenic temperatures, as expected when electron occupation of high-energy states decreases. At cryogenic temperatures nosuperconducting transition was observed, attributed to the Nb layer thickness being roughly equal to its coherence length. Considering the effective barrier resistance, the Ni/Ge/Au/Nb/Au alloyed contact had the lowest room temperature resistance, reporting 143 Ω µm. In cryogenic temperatures the effective barrier resistance unexpectedly decreased in all contacts. The Nb/Au contact showed the best cryogenic performance, with a barrier resistance of 28 − 37 Ω µm. This indicates great potential for non-alloyed Nb/Au contacts in cryogenic InP HEMTs. / Alla halvledarkomponenter, som dioder och transistorer, har ohmska kontakter. Att sänka kontaktresistansen hos de ohmska kontakterna är ett sätt att höja prestandan hos en komponent. Särskilt gäller detta för lågbrusförstärkare, som har en brustemperatur som minskar både direkt och indirekt med avtagande kontaktresistans. För kvantdatorer som måste kylas till kryogena temperaturer för att fungera är detta relevant eftersom förstärkningen av utläsningssignalen från kvantbitar sker via lågbrusförstärkare vid 4 K. Målet för detta examensprojekt är att undersöka ohmska kontakter baserade på det supraledande materialet niobium (Nb) i indiumfosfidbaserade högelektronmobilitetstransistorer, som är den aktivakomponenten i kryogena högfrekvens-lågbrusförstärkare. För bestämning av kontaktoch barriärresistans producerades teststrukturer enligt Transfer Length-metoden (TLM) respektive etsad TLM. Mätningar genomfördes i rumstemperatur samt vid kryogena temperaturer både över och under niobiumets kritiska temperatur på 9.25 K. Resultatet visar låg kontaktresistans för Nb-baserade ohmska kontakter på n-In0.65Ga0.35As. Den icke-legerade Nb(50 nm)/Au(100 nm)-kontakten hade en kontaktresistivitet på (9.4 ± 0.5) × 10−8 Ωcm2 . Vid kryogena temperaturer ökade kontaktresistansen för samtliga Nb-baserade kontakter, vilket är förväntat då färre elektroner fyller högenergitillstånd. Inget supraledande tillstånd observerades vid kryogena temperaturer, vilket kan förklaras av att tjockleken på niobiumlagret var ungefär lika med dess koherenslängd. Lägst barriärresistans vid rumstemperatur hade den legerade Ni/Ge/Au/Nb/Au-kontakten, med ett värde på 143 Ω µm. Vid kryogena temperaturer skedde en oväntad minskning hos barriärsresistansen hos samtliga kontakter, där den lägst barriärsresistans uppmättes på den icke-legerade Nb/Au-kontakten, 28 − 37 Ω µm. Slutsatsen som dras är att det finns stor potential för användning av icke-legerade Nb/Au-kontakter för kryogena lågbrusförstärkare baserade på indiumfosfid.

Supraconductivité non conventionnelle et impuretés locales dans les semi-métaux de Luttinger

Godbout, Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente les résultats sur l’étude de la supraconductivité et de la réponse à des impuretés locales électrique et magnétiques des semi-métaux de Luttinger. Ces semi-métaux correspondent à des matériaux tri-dimensionnels dont la relation de dispersion électronique est caractérisée par des bandes quadratiques qui se touchent, en présence d’un fort couplage spin-orbite caractérisé par une pseudo-spin-3/2. Expérimentalement, certains semi-métaux de Luttinger supraconducteurs possèdent une température critique ne pouvant être expliquée par les théories conventionnelles (BCS) se référant principalement au mécanisme des phonons. Le volet supraconductivité de notre travail s’intéresse à la résolution numérique de l’équation d’Eliashberg, une théorie microscopique de la supraconductivité, avec interactions Coulombiennes écrantées comme mécanisme d’appariement des paires de Cooper. Nos résultats concernant la température critique montrent une dépendance linéaire avec la température de Fermi du matériau et nous constatons un accord entre température critique expérimentale et de notre modèle pour divers semi-métaux de Luttinger à base de bismuth, comme YPtBi, YPdBi, LuPtBi et LuPdBi. La réponse en densité de charge et spin à des impuretés locales électriques et magnétiques est aussi étudiée à température nulle analytiquement et à température non-nulle numériquement et est comparée aux résultats connus du gaz d’électron libre et des semi-métaux de Dirac. Contrairement à ces dernier, une réponse magnétique anisotropique est observée pour les semi-métaux de Luttinger et la susceptibilité magnétique de spin résultante se trouve être diamagnétique. Un Hamiltonien d’interaction entre deux impuretés magnétiques médié par le mécanisme RKKY, l’interaction entre des impuretés magnétiques obtenue par l’intermédiaire des électrons libres du matériau, est aussi présenté et discuté pour différents semi-métaux. Cette interaction par couplage RKKY pourrait être à l’origine de phases magnétiques exotiques, comme dans le cas du pyrochlore Pr2Ir2O7. Nous terminons en soulignant les explorations possibles concernant nos résultats, en ajoutant ou modifiant des termes brisant une symétrie dans l’Hamiltonien initial. / In this master thesis, I review my work on the superconductivity and on the inhomogeneities induced by impurities in Luttinger semimetals. Luttinger semimetals are characterized by a quadratic band-touching between electron and hole bands, at a time-reversal-invariant point of the Brillouin zone, and that describes effectively pseudo-spin 3/2 fermions. The superconductivity in some Luttinger semimetals can be peculiar due to the increase of the optical dielectric constant through interband excitations. For example, in YPtBi, the superconducting critical temperature is at odds with theoretical expectations from the BCS theory where Cooper pairs are induced by lattice vibrations, the phonons. We thus explore another mechanism of superconductivity, through the microscopic theory of Eliashberg that we solve numerically and where Cooper pairs are induced by the screened Coulomb interaction. In particular we compute the critical temperature and show that it scales linearly with the Fermi temperature of electrons, and compare our results to experimental observations. The multiple bands in Luttinger semimetals also affect the inhomogeneities in charge and in spin due to a charged or a magnetic impurity. We mainly study this phenomenon at zero temperature through analytical calculations and explore the influence of temperature numerically. We compare our results with inhomogeneities in a normal and in a Dirac electron gas. In particular, our results indicate that Luttinger semimetals tend to be diamagnetic on the contrary to normal and Dirac electron gases. We also derive the effective Hamiltonian of two magnetic impurities, where their mutual interaction is mediated by conduction electrons, also known as the RKKY mechanism. This interaction by RKKY coupling could be at the origin of exotic magnetic phases, as in the case of the pyrochlore Pr2Ir2O7. We finish by highlighting possible explorations of our results, by adding or modifying terms in the initial Hamiltonian.


Timothy Sean Wolfe (11203593) 29 July 2021 (has links)
<div>Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches (PCSS) are metal-semiconductor-metal devices used to switch an electrical signal through photoconduction. Rapidly switched PCSS under high bias voltages have shown remarkable potential for high power electronic and electromagnetic wave generation, but are dependent on precise optoelectronic material parameters such as defect ionization energy and optical absorption. These properties can be measured but are difficult to attribute definitively to specific defects and materials without the aid of high-accuracy, predictive modeling and simulation. This work combines well-established methods for first principles electronic structure calculations such as Density Functional Theory (DFT) with novel modern approaches such as Local Moment Counter Charge (LMCC) boundary conditions to adequately describe charge states and Maximally Localized Wannier Functions (MLWF) to render the summation of optical excitation paths as computationally tractable. This approach is demonstrated to overcome previous barriers to obtaining reliable qualitative or quantitative results, such as DFT band gap narrowing and the prohibitive computational cost of coupled electron-phonon processes. This work contributes electronic structure calculations of 4H-SiC doped with first-row transition metals (V through Ni) that are consistent with prior published work where applicable and add new possibilities for prospective semi-insulating metal-semiconductor systems where investigating new dopant possibilities. The results indicate a spectrum of highly localized, mid-gap, spin-dependent defect energy levels which suggest a wider range of potential amphoteric dopants suitable for producing semi-insulating material. Additionally, this work contributes MLWF-based calculations of phonon-resolved optical properties in 3C and 4H-SiC, indirect gap semiconductors, which accurately produce the expected onset of optical absorption informed by experiment. These results were further expanded upon with small V-doped cells of 4H-SiC, which while not fully converged in terms of cell size still provided a qualitative point of comparison to the ground state results for determining the true optical excitation energy required for substantial photoconductivity. The subsequent speculative analysis suggests the importance of anisotropic absorption and alternative metal defects for optimizing high current optoelectronic devices such as PCSS.</div>

La supraconductivité non-conventionnelle du ruthénate de strontium : corrélations électroniques et couplage spin-orbite

Gingras, Olivier 09 1900 (has links)
Le progrès technologique de nos sociétés est intimement lié aux matériaux. La physique de la matière condensée cherche à expliquer, décrire et prédire leurs propriétés à partir de lois fondamentales. Bien que l’on connaisse assez bien les axiomes qui régissent notre univers, la combinaison d’un grand nombre de petits systèmes compris individuellement mais interagissants ensemble mène à des propriétés émergentes qui peuvent être complexes et difficilement prévisibles. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la supraconductivité non-conventionnelle dans les matériaux corrélés, un phénomène émergent des fortes interactions électroniques qui possède un immense potentiel technologique. Pour ce faire, nous réalisons des simulations numériques sur un matériau bien spécifique: le ruthénate de strontium. Dans un premier temps, nous discutons des états normaux des matériaux corrélés devenant supraconducteurs. Alors que la théorie des bandes permet de décrire le continuum entre un isolant électrique et un métal, elle n’arrive pas à décrire les phénomènes émergeant des interactions à plusieurs électrons. Nous expliquons comment la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité permet d’obtenir la densité du niveau fondamental d’un système interagissant en le transformant vers un problème non-interagissant effectif. Elle peut également être employée pour les systèmes possédant un important couplage spin-orbite. Cependant, les fonctionnelles disponibles n’arrivent pas à bien incorporer les fortes corrélations électroniques. Une manière de corriger ce manque est d’employer la théorie du champ moyen dynamique. Cette dernière permet de capturer la dépendance en temps des interactions locales à un corps. Toutefois, la supraconductivité impliquant des paires d’électrons, il faut plutôt étudier des objets à deux corps afin de la caractériser. Nous discutons des critères nécessaires à la provocation de transitions supraconductrices, exprimés en termes de corrections du vertex. Également, nous présentons les paramètres d’ordre pour caractériser une phase supraconductrice. La seconde partie se concentre sur la supraconductivité. D’abord, nous faisons un survol son historique, depuis sa découverte en 1911 jusqu’à celle de l’état supraconducteur du ruthénate de strontium. Ensuite, nous décrivons la supraconductivité conventionnelle, une classe particulière pour laquelle l’état ordonné est attribué à l’interaction entre les électrons et les vibrations du réseau cristallin. Puis, nous introduisons un autre mécanisme d’appariement: l’échange de fluctuations de spin et de charge. Finalement, nous présentons l’état des connaissances collectives modernes en ce qui a trait au ruthénate de strontium. Nos articles proposent de nouvelles avenues impliquant le couplage spin-orbite et les corrélations impaires en fréquences. Nous terminons en introduisant différentes perspectives de recherche dans le domaine de la supraconductivité. / The technological progress of our societies is intimately linked with materials. Condensed matter physics tries to explain, describe and predict their properties from fundamental laws. Although we are quite familiar with the axioms that govern our universe, the combination of a large number of small systems understood individually but interacting together leads to emerging properties that can be complex and difficult to predict. In this thesis, we study unconventional superconductivity in correlated materials, a phenomenon emerging from strong electronic interactions that has immense technological potential. To do this, we carry out numerical simulations on a very specific material: strontium ruthenate. First, we discuss the normal states of correlated materials becoming superconducting. While band theory can describe the continuum between an electrical insulator and a metal, it cannot describe the phenomena emerging from interactions with several electrons. We explain how density functional theory makes it possible to obtain the density of the fundamental level of an interacting system by mapping it into an effective non-interacting problem. It can also be used for systems with a large spin-orbit coupling. However, the available functionals do not manage to incorporate strong electronic correlations well. One way to correct this deficiency is to employ dynamical mean field theory. The latter makes it possible to capture the time dependence of interactions at the one body level. However, since superconductivity involves pairs of electrons, it is rather necessary to study two body objects in order to characterize it. We discuss the criteria necessary for inducing superconducting transitions, expressed in terms of vertex corrections. Also, we present the order parameters to characterize a superconducting phase. The second part focuses on superconductivity. First, we review its history, from its discovery in 1911 to that of the superconducting state of strontium ruthenate. Next, we describe conventional superconductivity, a particular class for which the ordered state is attributed to the interaction between electrons and the vibrations of the crystal lattice. Then, we introduce another pairing mechanism: the exchange of spin and charge fluctuations. Finally, we present the state of modern collective knowledge about strontium ruthenate. Our articles propose new avenues involving spin-orbit coupling and odd frequency correlations. We end by introducing different research perspectives in the field of superconductivity.

Ionic control of 2D semiconductors: / From exfoliation to ionically-controlled device functionalities

Heyl, Max Johann 18 December 2024 (has links)
Geschichtete bzw. 2D Materialien bieten interessante Eigenschaften für Halbleiteranwendungen, wie Photonik durch direkte Bandlücken und Miniaturisierung durch atomar dünne Schichten. Diese Arbeit behandelt die Isolierung von 2D-Materialien und die Kontrolle über ionische Modulation in den resultierenden Bauteilen. Im ersten Kapitel wird eine silbervermittelte Exfoliation für MoS₂ eingeführt, die Monolagen mit großer Fläche liefert. Diese Technik ist ebenso leistungsfähig wie goldvermittelte Prozesse und erfordert nur einen einfachen Heizschritt, was zukünftige Exfoliationen erleichtern könnte. Die folgenden Kapitel befassen sich mit Funktionen, die durch kontrolliertes ionisches Gating ermöglicht werden. Im zweiten Kapitel wird die kontrollierte Li-Interkalation in LixZrNCl genutzt, um Supraleitung bei niedriger Ladungsträgerdichte zu untersuchen (BCS-BEC-Übergang). Durch Steuerung der Li-Menge wurden Veränderungen in der Vortex-Dynamik aufgedeckt, z.B. ein Vorzeichenwechsel im Vortex-Hall-Effekt, was auf eine Veränderung der Vortex-Flussdynamik in BEC-ähnlicher Supraleitung zurückgeführt wurde. Diese Erkenntnisse sind relevant für die Entwicklung von Supraleitern. Das dritte Kapitel wechselt zu Bauteilen auf Basis der elektrochemischen Doppelschicht (EDL). Ein 2D MoS₂-synaptischer Transistor wurde demonstriert, wobei gezeigt wurde, dass die Hysterese auf Ionenretention an der EDL zurückzuführen ist. Diese Kombination eines 2D-Materials mit einem Polymerelektrolyten emuliert synaptische Lernprozesse wie gepaarte Puls-Fazilitation und arbeitet energieeffizient. Das letzte Kapitel verlagert das ionische Gating auf das Substrat mittels Li-Ionen-leitender Keramiken für operando-Messungen an 2D-Materialien. Zusammenfassend demonstriert diese Arbeit neben der Exfoliation die vielfältigen Funktionen, die durch kontrolliertes ionisches Gating verfügbar sind, einschließlich Supraleitung bei niedriger Ladungsträgerdichte, neuromorphe Bauteile und operando-Plattformen. / Layered materials and their 2D single-layer forms offer interesting properties for semiconductor applications, such as photonics due to direct band gaps and miniaturization through atomically thin layers. This work addresses the isolation of 2D materials and the control via ionic modulation in the resulting devices. In the first chapter, a silver-mediated exfoliation for MoS₂ is introduced, yielding large-area monolayers. This technique is as effective as gold-mediated processes and requires only a simple heating step, potentially simplifying future exfoliations. The following chapters explore functions enabled by controlled ionic gating. The second chapter utilizes controlled Li intercalation in LixZrNCl to investigate superconductivity at low charge carrier densities to investigate superconductivity within the BCS-BEC crossover. By adjusting the Li content, changes in vortex dynamics were revealed, such as a sign reversal in the vortex Hall effect, attributed to altered vortex flow in increasingly BEC-like superconductivity. These findings are relevant for the development of future superconductors. The third chapter shifts to devices based on the electric double layer (EDL). A 2D MoS₂ synaptic transistor was demonstrated, showing that hysteresis and hence the short-term memory effect stems from ion retention in the EDL formed at the 2D material electrolyte interface. This combination of a 2D material with a polymer electrolyte emulates synaptic learning processes like paired-pulse facilitation and operates in an energy-efficient manner. The final chapter translates the ionic gating to the substrate using Li-ion-conducting ceramics for operando measurements on 2D materials in “open-hood” devices. In summary, besides exfoliation, this work demonstrates the diverse functions achievable through controlled ionic gating applied to 2D and layered materials, including superconductivity at low charge carrier densities, neuromorphic devices, and operando platforms.

<b>Probabilistic Computing Through Integrated Spintronic Nanodevices</b>

John Arnesh Divakaruni Daniel (20360574) 10 January 2025 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Probabilistic computing is a novel computing scheme that offers a more efficient approach than conventional complimentary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS)-based logic in a variety of applications ranging from Bayesian inference to combinatorial optimization, and invertible Boolean logic. These applications, which have found use in the rapidly growing fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence, are traditionally computationally-intensive and so make the push for novel computing schemes that are intrinsically low-power and scalable all the more urgent.</p><p dir="ltr">The probabilistic bit (or p-bit, the base unit of probabilistic computing) is a naturally fluctuating entity that requires <i>tunable </i>stochasticity; low-barrier nanomagnets, in which the magnetic moment fluctuates randomly and continuously due to the presence of thermal energy, are a natural vehicle for providing the core functionality required. This dissertation describes the work done in mining the rich field of spintronics to produce devices that can act as natural hardware accelerators for probabilistic computing algorithms.</p><p dir="ltr">First, experiments exploring Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> nanoparticles as naturally stochastic systems are presented. Using NV center measurements on an array of such nanoparticles, it is shown that they fluctuate intrinsically at GHz frequencies at room temperature; these fluctuations could be harnessed to act as a stochastic noise source, and would, in principle, enable fast computation.</p><p dir="ltr">The focus then shifts to the development of a platform that allows for easier <i>electrical</i> readout: the low-barrier magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). We show the work done in the development and characterization of these devices, how they respond to non-ideal environments, such as elevated temperatures and exposure to high-energy electromagnetic radiation, how their intrinsic stochasticity might be tuned with electrical currents and external magnetic fields, and then how these might be integrated with a simple transistor circuit to produce a compact low-energy implementation of a p-bit.</p><p dir="ltr">Next, by integrating our stochastic MTJs with 2D-MoS<sub>2</sub><sup> </sup>field-effect transistors (FETs), the first <i>on-chip </i>realization of a key p-bit building block, displaying voltage-controllable stochasticity, is demonstrated. This is followed by another key demonstration through the fabrication of stochastic MTJs directly on top of an integrated circuit platform, where the transistor circuitry is provided by 180nm-node CMOS technology.</p><p dir="ltr">In addition, supported by circuit simulations, this work provides a careful device-level analysis of the three transistor-one magnetic tunnel junction (3T-1MTJ) p-bit design, evaluating how the characteristics of each component can influence the overall p-bit’s output. In particular, we show that – against common wisdom – a large tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) is not the best choice for p-bits; bimodal telegraphic fluctuations are highly undesirable and are a sign of a slow device; and an ideal inverter with a large gain is unsuitable for p-bit applications due to the higher likelihood of unwanted plateaus in the resulting p-bit’s output.</p><p dir="ltr">This analysis is extended to consider the impact of such non-ideal p-bits when used to construct probabilistic circuits, with the focus on the emulation of the Boolean logic AND gate through a three p-bit correlated system. It is found that a probabilistic circuit made with ideal p-bits can accurately emulate the function of an AND gate, while the non-ideal p-circuits suffer from an increased error rate in emulating the AND gate’s truth table.</p><p dir="ltr">The understanding gained at the individual device level, in what makes a good or bad MTJ, to how the different components of the 3T-1MTJ p-bit can affect its output, and subsequently how non-ideal p-bits can impact circuit performance, can be important for the future realization of scaled on-chip p-bit networks.</p>

Courant supraconducteur au travers d'un métal ferromagnétique : étude de la jonction pi

Sellier, Hermann 03 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse étudie quelques aspects de l'effet de proximité entre un supraconducteur (S) et un métal ferromagnétique (F). Dans un métal normal confiné entre deux électrodes supraconductrices, il se forme des états liés qui permettent le passage cohérent de paires d'électrons (de spins opposés). Le supercourant transporté par ces états dépend de la différence de phase $\phi$ entre les deux supraconducteurs. Dans le cas d'une jonction S/F/S, l'énergie d'échange ferromagnétique modifie le spectre des états liés et peut inverser la direction du supercourant (par rapport au cas S/N/S). En l'absence de courant, l'état fondamental a alors une différence de phase $\phi=\pi$ (au lieu de $\phi=0$) et l'on parle de {\it jonction $\pi$}. La transition 0-$\pi$ peut s'observer en fonction de l'épaisseur ferromagnétique, mais également en fonction de la température si l'énergie d'échange n'est pas beaucoup plus grande que le gap supraconducteur. Cette transition se caractérise par une dépendance non-monotone du courant critique avec la température, comportement que nous avons observé dans des jonctions Nb/Cu$_{52}$Ni$_{48}$/Nb. Dans ces jonctions la couche de cuivre-nickel est très faiblement ferromagnétique, voire super-paramagnétique. Le courant critique s'annule en fonction de la température à une valeur $T^*$ (inférieure à $T_c$): en-dessous de $T^*$ la jonction est dans l'état~$\pi$, au-dessus de $T^*$ elle est dans l'état~0. L'annulation est indépendante du champ magnétique qui produit une figure de diffraction toujours centrée en champ nul. L'effet Josephson alternatif étudié de part et d'autre de la transition 0-$\pi$ ne montre pas de différence entre les deux états. L'évolution du courant critique avec l'épaisseur ferromagnétique et la température peut être modélisée à partir des équations d'Usadel. Cette analyse suggère la présence d'un processus de diffusion spin-flip qui réduit fortement l'amplitude du courant critique. Les bicouches S/F présentent également des états liés dont le spectre est fonction de l'énergie d'échange et de l'épaisseur ferromagnétique. La température de transition supraconductrice présente des oscillations en fonction de ces deux paramètres, car elle est sensible à la position de ces états via l'effet de proximité inverse. Nous avons pu mesurer une faible signature de cet effet dans des bicouches Nb/CuNi. Dans les tricouches F$_1$/S/F$_2$, de type vanne de spin, la température de transition doit en théorie dépendre de l'orientation relative des aimantations ferromagnétiques. Cependant nous n'avons mesuré aucune différence dans des multicouches NiO/Co/Nb/Co, puis NiO/CuNi/Nb/CuNi, car l'épaisseur de niobium en-dessous de laquelle la supraconductivité disparaît reste plusieurs fois supérieure à la longueur de cohérence. Cette saturation de l'épaisseur critique est attribuée à un fort processus de diffusion spin-flip dans cet alliage très dilué.

Einfluß der magnetischen Ordnung auf Supraleitung und Kristallstruktur in Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-Verbindungen / Influence of the magnetic order on superconductivity and crystal structure in rare earth nickel borocarbides

Kreyßig, Andreas 05 September 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Rare-earth nickel borocarbids RNi2B2C are particularly suitable for investigations on one of the most interesting problems in modern solid-state physics: these compounds display competition and coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism. Depending on the R3+ ion, the transition temperatures are in an experimentally easy accessible range of 1 K to 25 K. This thesis presents experimental studies on the interplay of both ordering phenomena. Neutron diffraction is used to determine the magnetic order and the resulting changes of the crystal structure. Experiments are performed on polycrystalline and single crystal samples in dependence on temperature and external magnetic fields. The Ni-B stoichiometry of the tetragonal RNi2B2C compounds is systematically varied and the magnetic R3+ ions are partially substituted by other magnetic or nonmagnetic R?3+ ions. The experimental results are compared with macroscopic magnetic and electrical properties. For HoNi2B2C three different magnetic structures are found in a narrow temperature range. While for two magnetic structures the Ho3+ moments are modulated along the c axis, a third magnetic structure with a modulation in a direction is observed. Both, partial substitution of Ho3+ ions and variation of the Ni-B stoichiometry, strongly modify the formation of these different types of magnetic order. The comparison with the concomitant changes of the superconducting properties yields the following scenario for HoNi2B2C-based compounds: superconductivity coexists with both magnetic structures with modulations in c direction. However, the onset of magnetic order weakens the superconductivity. For the magnetic structure with modulation along the a axis, components of the magnetic moments arise in c direction. The resulting local magnetic fields on Ni sites yield a strong suppression of the superconductivity. The observed competition between superconductivity and the magnetic structure with modulation along the a axis strongly suggests that the modification of the electronic structure due to the superconducting state influences the magnetic ordering. As a further impact of the magnetism in RNi2B2C compounds with R = Ho, Dy, Tb and Er changes of the crystal structure are investigated. Using high-resolution neutron diffraction, tetragonal-to-orthorhombic lattice distortions are found. They are induced by those magnetic structures with either parallel or anti-parallel alignement of R3+ magnetic moments. The direction of the lattice distortions, the dependence of their size on the square of the effective ordered magnetic moment and on the type of the R3+ ions indicate that the magneto-elastic interactions are determined by crystal-field effects. This fact also facilitates the elucidation of the magnetic phase diagrams by neutron diffraction experiments in external magnetic fields. For a given phase, absence or presence of magneto-elastic lattice distortions restrict the set of possible magnetic structures. For HoNi2B2C the magnetic phases reported in literature are confirmed. The experimental results for DyNi2B2C are interpreted using a simple model to determine the magnetic structures. Based on mean field calculations, the differences in the magnetic structures for increasing and decreasing magnetic fields can be understood as very strong hysteresis effects in connection with first-order phase transitions. / Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-Verbindungen RNi2B2C sind bestens zur Untersuchung eines der interessantesten Probleme der modernen Festkörperphysik geeignet: Diese Substanzen weisen Konkurrenz und Koexistenz von Supraleitung und Magnetismus auf, wobei die vom R3+-Ion abhängigen Übergangstemperaturen in einem experimentell gut zugänglichen Bereich von 1 K bis 25 K liegen. Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt experimentelle Arbeiten zum Wechselspiel der beiden Ordnungsphänomene vor. Für poly- und einkristalline Proben werden die magnetischen Ordnungen und resultierende Veränderungen der Kristallstruktur mittels Neutronendiffraktion in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur und vom äußeren Magnetfeld bestimmt und mit den makroskopischen magnetischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften verglichen. Hierbei werden die tetragonalen RNi2B2C-Verbindungen gezielt in ihrer Ni-B-Stöchiometrie variiert sowie die magnetischen R3+-Ionen partiell durch andere magnetische als auch unmagnetische R?3+-Ionen substituiert. Für HoNi2B2C werden in einem engen Temperaturbereich drei verschiedene magnetische Strukturen nachgewiesen. Während in zwei magnetischen Ordnungen die Ho3+-Momente entlang der c-Achse moduliert sind, wird für die dritte magnetische Ordnung eine Modulation in a-Richtung beobachtet. Sowohl durch die partielle Substitution der Ho3+-Ionen als auch durch die Ni-B-Stöchiometrievariation wird die Ausprägung der magnetischen Strukturen stark modifiziert. Der Vergleich mit den ebenfalls veränderten supraleitenden Eigenschaften ergibt das folgende Bild für die HoNi2B2C-Verbindungen: Die Supraleitung koexistiert mit den beiden c-Achsen-modulierten magnetischen Strukturen, das Einsetzen der magnetischen Ordnung führt jedoch zu einer Schwächung der Supraleitung. Die a-Achsen-modulierte magnetische Struktur weist Momentkomponenten in c-Richtung auf, die auf Grund der resultierenden lokalen Magnetfelder an den Ni-Plätzen eine starke Unterdrückung der Supraleitung bewirken. Die beobachtete Konkurrenz zwischen der Supraleitung und der a-Achsen-modulierten magnetischen Struktur gibt andererseits einen starken Hinweis darauf, daß die Modifizierung der elektronischen Struktur im supraleitenden Zustand auf das magnetische System rückwirkt. Als weitere Auswirkung des Magnetismus kommt es in RNi2B2C-Verbindungen mit R = Ho, Dy, Tb und Er zu Veränderungen der Kristallstruktur. Mittels hochauflösender Neutronendiffraktion werden magnetisch induzierte, tetragonal-zu-orthorhombische Gitterverzerrungen für diejenigen magnetischen Ordnungen nachgewiesen, bei denen die magnetischen Momente der R3+-Ionen parallel bzw. antiparallel ausgerichtet sind. Die Richtung der Gitterverzerrung, die Abhängigkeit ihrer Größe vom Quadrat des geordneten magnetischen Momentes als auch von der Art der R3+-Ionen deuten darauf hin, daß die magneto-elastischen Wechselwirkungen durch Kristallfeldeffekte bestimmt werden. Diese Einsicht unterstützt auch die Aufklärung der magnetischen Phasendiagramme mittels magnetfeldabhängiger Neutronenbeugungsexperimente. Für eine magnetische Phase schränkt das Auftreten bzw. Fehlen der magneto-elastischen Effekte die Vielfalt der möglichen magnetischen Strukturen ein. Die aus der Literatur bekannten magnetischen Phasen von HoNi2B2C werden bestätigt. Für DyNi2B2C werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse unter Nutzung eines einfachen Modelles interpretiert und die magnetischen Strukturen bestimmt. Anhand von Molekularfeldrechnungen können die Unterschiede in den magnetischen Strukturen für ansteigendes und für abnehmendes Magnetfeld als sehr starke Hystereseeffekte in Zusammenhang mit Phasenübergängen erster Ordnung gedeutet werden.

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