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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Wang, Li-na 18 August 2009 (has links)
The influence factors which lead business to success or failure could be very different because of the different times¡Bdifferent industries and different competitive environment. People can also find out the different competitive capacity coming from different organizational cultural¡Adifferent business team structure or different leadership of the business. Up the present , there were so many scholars and experts of business management advocated unanimously the importance of ¡uknowledge innovation¡v ¡B ¡ustrategic human resource management¡v and ¡uorganization competence¡v. Those theories initiated my highly attempt to find out the practical situation of those theories on the rubber industries. This is the origin of writing this thesis. After further research about the rubber industries and according to the interviews and analysis of the company A¡AI am trying to approach the following subjects from the angles of the knowledge innovation¡Bthe strategic human resource management and the organization competitive capacity. 1. The relevance of the knowledge innovation and the strategic human resource management. 2. The relevance of the knowledge innovation and the organization competence. 3. The relevance of the strategic human resource management and the organization competence. 4. The relevance between the knowledge innovation¡Bthe strategic human resource management and the organization competence. 5. The practical applied model for building up the business competitive capacity. This study is using three methods to approach the studying purpose which including¡G1. literature study and sort out 2. the case study 3. interviews. There are four final conclusions of this study which are¡G 1. The strategic human resource management supply qualified manpower to all departments of the organization which also help the progress of the benign cycle of innovation. 1. The balanced development of innovation capacity of every single department the the organization causes continued and long term expanding on it¡¦s entire business competitive capacity. 2. The strategic human resource management directly and strongly relate the business competitive capacity. 4. The Lean strategic human resource management promote the organizational innovation capacity and strengthen itself with continued competitive capacity. In the meanwhile, also discovering five valuable theories as below: 1. The leader of a organization is the rudder of continued innovation spiral. 2. The strategic human resource management prevent the organization from grim or in-harmony atmosphere. 3. The business competitive capacity basic on good strategic human resource management, and be driven by balanced innovation capacity. 4. The management which meets the human demands is the source of innovation. The education which fills up the human lackness strengthen the business competitive capacity. 5. The relevant between the innovation capacity¡Bthe strategic human resource management and the business competitive capacity could be converted due to differences of countries, races, religious believes, generations, personnel structure¡Ketc.

The Influence of Birth Order and Gender on Narcissism as it Relates to Career Development

Duffy, Clare 1978- 16 December 2013 (has links)
This study explored the relationship between self-development as evidenced in the domain of narcissism and the process of vocational development as evidenced in career values, planning, and decisiveness/self-efficacy. It was suggested that this relationship would be impacted by family birth order and gender. Heinz Kohut's theory of self-psychology was utilized to understand narcissism from both an adaptive and maladaptive, developmental perspective. A review of narcissism and self-development theories was included to provide a comparative and comprehensive approach. Literature indicated that the development of narcissism was influenced by birth order and gender. Additionally, a review of the literature suggested a connection between Kohut's theory of the self and narcissism and aspects of the career development process, such as planning, decision-making, and occupational values. The sample consisted of 346 undergraduate students. Structural Equation Modeling was performed to test causal hypotheses. The major findings of the current study were that superiority (a measure of grandiosity) predicts altruistic career values and career decisiveness. Superiority is a slightly better predictor of altruistic career values than decisiveness. Additionally, goal instability (idealizing) predicts altruistic career values and career decisiveness. Goal instability had a predictive value that was nearly three times stronger for decisiveness. The results indicated that birth order and gender were not moderator variables in examining the relationship between goal instability and superiority. This study provided insight into the relationship between narcissism and the vocational/career development processes. These relationships may be important for career counselors and other related professionals. These findings may encourage counselors to assess and understand a client's narcissistic tendencies and individual representations when assisting in the career development process. A client's values regarding career options, along with his/her associated self-efficacy and ability to make important decisions, appear to be factors to consider when counseling an individual through vocational/career development. Limitations of the study were addressed and directions for further research discussed.

The Impact of the US Military Transformation on Russian and Chinese Security Policy / JAV karinės transformacijos poveikis Rusijos ir Kinijos saugumo politikai

Aleksa, Karolis 11 December 2012 (has links)
Although US remained the strongest military power in international system after the Cold War, it was still deeply concerned how to retain its military dominance in the longer term, that could guarantee US further predominance in solving major international issues. Three US military transformation initiatives, namely the transformation of the US conventional forces, the development of missile defence systems and long-range conventional precision-strike capability, are considered as the main instruments to maintain US military dominance in the future. Considering that for Russia and China, which are perceived as the major US opponents, the US military transformation emerged as a big challenge, the research problem is formulated as an attempt to understand whether and how the US military transformation poses a threat to Russia and China’s security and in turn, how this affects Russian and Chinese security policy towards the United States. Accordingly, the goal of the dissertation is to examine the impact of the US military transformation on Russian and Chinese security policy since the end of the Cold War and until 2010. The offence-defence balance theory provides the theoretical and analytical basis for the research. The results of the research have shown that US has managed to achieve an offensive advantage in the conventional offence-defence balance against Russia and China and has had a real possibility to gain such an advantage in the nuclear offense-defence balance... [to full text] / Po Šaltojo karo JAV išliko stipriausia kariniu požiūriu valstybė, tačiau, nepaisant to, JAV buvo itin susirūpinusi savo karinio pranašumo išlaikymu ateityje, kuris leistų užtikrinti tolesnę JAV lyderystę sprendžiant svarbiausius tarptautinius klausimus. JAV karinio pranašumo išlaikymo priemonėmis po Šaltojo karo tapo trys karinės JAV tranformacijos iniciatyvos: konvencinių pajėgų transformacija, priešraketinių gynybos sistemų ir ilgo nuotolio tikslaus konvencinio smūgio pajėgumų kūrimas. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad Rusijai ir Kinijai – oponuojančioms JAV valstybėms, JAV karinė transformacija tapo dideliu iššūkiu, disertacijoje tyrimo problema apibrėžta kaip siekis suprasti, ar ir kaip JAV karinė transformacija kelia grėsmę Rusijos ir Kinijos saugumui, ir kaip tai veikia Rusijos ir Kinijos saugumo politiką JAV atžvilgiu. Atitinkamai darbo tikslas buvo ištirti JAV karinės transformacijos poveikį Rusijos ir Kinijos saugumo politikai nuo Šaltojo karo pabaigos iki 2010 m. Puolimo-gynybos balanso teorija buvo pasirinkta kaip disertacijos tyrimo teorinė ir analitinė prieiga. Disertacijos tyrimas parodė, kad, nepaisant įgyto konvencinio puolimo pranašumo ir realios galimybės siekti branduolinio puolimo pranašumo, JAV nevykdė agresyvios saugumo politikos Rusijos ir Kinijos atžvilgiu. Rusija ir Kinija jautriai reagavo į JAV karinę transformaciją, stengdamosi įgyti konvencinį puolimo pranašumą, išsaugoti branduolinį puolimo-gynybos balansą, o taip pat užkirsti kelią JAV susikurti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Conflict in the great lakes region of Africa : the Burundi experience, 1993-2000

Check, Nicasius Achu 31 January 2005 (has links)
Burundi became a German protectorate in August 1884. Prior to the establishment of a protectorate, the territory was ruled by Mwamis (kings) who exercised a kind of quasi-divine system of administration. Conflictual relations were quickly dealt with within this complex structure. During the German and later Belgian colonial administrations, these political structures were redefined and a social class structure based on wealth was created. Forced class division became entrenched in the social fabric of Burundian society and the hierarchical system became even more prominent at independence in July 1962. Successive post-colonial regimes have failed to bridge the social gap. The International Community, through initiatives by the United Nations, the Africa Union, Jimmy Carter, Julius Nyerere and Nelson Mandela have attempted to resolve the political impasse. The dissertation is an attempt to reconstruct the causes of the various crises since 1962 and to reassess whether the various facilitators has succeeded in their tasks. / History / M.A.

Seleção de linhagens experimentais de soja para tolerância à ferrugem asiática e produtividade / Selection of soybean experimental lines for tolerance to Asian rust and seed yield

Philip Traldi Wysmierski 14 April 2015 (has links)
A soja é uma cultura de importância econômica fundamental e o Brasil está entre os principais produtores mundiais. A ferrugem asiática, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, é uma doença relativamente recente no Brasil e pode causar grandes perdas na cultura da soja, representadas pela diminuição da produtividade e pelas despesas com aquisição e aplicação de fungicidas. Já existem algumas fontes de genes de resistência vertical para esta doença, mas também já existem casos de quebra de resistência de alguns destes genes principais. A tolerância, definida como a capacidade da planta em suportar o ataque do patógeno sem apresentar perdas significativas, é uma estratégia complementar que pode ser utilizada no controle da ferrugem. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a tolerância à ferrugem asiática em genótipos experimentais derivados de 45 cruzamentos em dialelo 10 x 10 do Setor de Genética Aplicada às Espécies Autógamas do Departamento de Genética/ESALQ/USP por meio de métodos de estimação do efeito ferrugem e da estabilidade fenotípica em combinações de manejos de fungicidas, locais e anos agrícolas, além de identificar linhagens promissoras para inclusão em futuros programas de melhoramento. Os delineamentos experimentais utilizados foram blocos aumentados de Federer nos anos 2011/12 e 2012/13 e blocos ao acaso estratificados em conjuntos em 2013/14. Em cada ano e local foram realizados dois experimentos: manejo 1, com aplicações de fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem e outras doenças fúngicas, incluindo as doenças de final de ciclo; manejo 2, com apenas o controle de outras doenças fúngicas, excluindo-se a ferrugem. O contraste entre estes dois manejos com fungicidas permitiu uma estimativa da tolerância. Além disso, foram utilizadas as medidas de estabilidade-bmg (Pi) e ecovalência (Wi) para quantificar a tolerância relativa entre genótipos. Foram pesquisadas 225 progênies F2:7 em 2011/12; 675 linhagens F7:8 em 2012/13 e as melhores 225 linhagens F7:9 em 2013/14. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que: a) houve evidências claras de tolerância à ferrugem asiática entre e dentro de cruzamentos; b) a estratégia de utilizar a comparação entre diferentes manejos de fungicidas para estimar a tolerância (efeito ferrugem) foi útil para a seleção, mas sofreu instabilidade, apresentando baixas correlações entre anos agrícolas; c) os métodos da estabilidade baseada no melhor genótipo (bmg) e da ecovalência complementaram as informações obtidas do efeito ferrugem e auxiliaram na seleção de linhagens tolerantes; d) avaliações iniciais da severidade de ferrugem (nota de ferrugem NF1) apresentaram baixa precisão, tornando recomendável concentrar as avaliações da severidade após maior tempo de infecção (NF2 e NF3) para melhor eficácia na estimação da tolerância; e) a tolerância estimada pelo peso de cem sementes mostrou baixa correlação com a tolerância estimada para produtividade de grãos, de maneira que o uso combinado dos dois critérios melhorou a eficiência da seleção para tolerância e produtividade; f) na seleção simulada foram identificadas 48 linhagens promissoras para tolerância à ferrugem e produtividade, correspondente a um porcentual de seleção de cerca de 22%. / Soybean is an economically important culture and Brazil is among the largest world producers. Asian rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is a relatively new disease in Brazil and can cause large losses in this culture, represented by yield decreases and increases in costs for fungicide applications. There are some sources of vertical resistance genes for this disease, but there are also cases of resistance breakdown for some of these main genes. Tolerance, defined as the capacity of plants to endure a pathogen attack without significant losses, is a complementary strategy that can be used to control rust. The objective of this research was to study tolerance to Asian rust in experimental genotypes derived from 45 crosses in a 10 x 10 diallel design developed at the Sector of Applied Genetics to Self- Pollinated Crops, Department of Genetics/ESALQ/USP through methods of estimation of the rust effect and of phenotypic stability in combinations of fungicide managements, locations and years, besides identifing promising lines for inclusion in future breeding programs. The experimental designs used were Federer\'s augmented blocks in 2011/12 and 2012/13 and a randomized block design stratified in sets in 2013/14. In each year and location two experiments were performed: management 1, with the application of fungicides to control rust and other fungal diseases, including late season leaf diseases; management 2, only controlling other fungal disease, excluding rust. The contrast between these two managements allowed for an estimate of tolerance. Besides that, the stability based on the best genotype (Pi) and ecovalence (Wi) measurements were also used to estimate relative tolerance between genotypes. In 2011/12 225 F2:7 progenies were evaluated; in 2012/13 675 F7:8 lines were evaluated and the best 225 F7:9 lines were evaluated in 2013/14. The results let to the following conclusions: a) there was clear evidence of tolerance to Asian rust among and within crosses; b) the strategy of comparing different fungicide managements to estimate tolerance (rust effect) was useful, but suffered instability, presenting low correlations among years; c) the methods of superiority or stability based on the best genotype (bmg) and ecovalence complemented the information based on the rust effect and aided in the selection of tolerant lines; d) initial evaluations for rust severity (rust score NF1) had low precision and it was recommended to concentrate on rust tolerance evaluations after longer periods of infection (NF2 and NF3); e) tolerance estimated by means of hundred-seed weights had low correlation with tolerance estimated by seed yield, therefore the combined use of both criteria improved the efficiency of selection for tolerance and seed yield; f) in the simulated selection 48 promising lines were identified for rust tolerance and seed yield, corresponding to approximately 22% selection percentage.

A shoulder-surfing resistant graphical password system

Alesand, Elias, Sterneling, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this report is to discuss graphical password systems and how they can contribute to handle security problems that threaten authentication processes. One such threat is shoulder-surfing attacks, which are also reviewed in this report. Three already existing systems that are claimed to be shoulder-surfing resilient are described and a new proposed system is presented and evaluated through a user study. Moreover, the system is compared to the mentioned existing systems to further evaluate the usability, memorability and the time it takes to authenticate. The user study shows that test subjects are able to remember their chosen password one week after having registered and signed in once. It is also shown that the average time to sign in to the system after five minutes of practice is within a range of 3.30 to 5.70 seconds. The participants in the experiments gave the system an average score above 68 on the System Usability Scale, which is the score of an average system.

An American Myth in the (Re)Making: The Timeless Fantasy Appeal of 'The King and I'

Purtscher, Lina 01 January 2018 (has links)
It is now well-known that The King and I has little claim to truth. Recent research has exposed the inaccuracy of the “biographical” works on which the musical is based: Anna Leonowens invented many things about her personal background and experiences. Much of her life, then, is a contrived fantasy. Yet her life of fantasy has been resurrected in countless adaptations, including the 1951 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical and its 2015 revival production, that ceaselessly draw audiences. The fascination of American audiences with Anna’s tale lies their belief in the timeless American ideals that her fantasy employs: those of freedom and equality, which undergird such myths as American exceptionalism and American multiculturalism. The appeal of this cultural fantasy is illuminated by examining the history of the Cold War era in which The King and I was created, as well as the politics of President Trump that define recent years and influence the creation and reception of the revival show (and its 2016-2018 national tour). America today is occupied by the same conflicting desires for integration/internationalism and isolationism of bygone times; today, the idea of a superior America is still upheld by a fear of the Other. Examining how the visual elements, songs, and performances of the original and revival musicals both reinforce and undermine the fantasy of cultural superiority will reveal how Americans continue to fall under the spell of fantasy, and how a connection to the past sheds light on what it means to be an American today.

Is a picture worth a thousand words? : the development and validation of a picture-based knowledge transfer tool for university students

Birchwood, Che Cherrilyn 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement et la validation d’un outil visuel de transfert de connaissances en santé mentale. Cet outil est nommé le PicMH-U, un acronyme pour picture-based mental health tool – university version. Cet outil de transfert de connaissances a été développé avec la participation de la population cible, soit les étudiant.e.s universitaires. L’information qu’il contient porte sur les problèmes de santé mentale qui ont le plus grand impact sur les étudiant.e.s universitaires, tel que recensé en 2016 par l’Enquête sur la santé psychologique étudiante (ESPE), et une liste de ressources psychosociales à laquelle les étudiant.e.s peuvent accéder. Ces éléments ont été ciblées pour répondre aux taux disproportionnés de problèmes psychologiques et l’importance de mettre en place des interventions psychosociales appropriées pour les étudiant.e.s universitaires. Cette thèse poursuivait deux objectifs: 1) connaître l’état de la recherche sur l’utilisation des images pour communiquer/transférer la recherche en santé mentale et en psychologie aux adultes nord-américains; et 2) de développer et valider des outils de transfert de connaissances avec un échantillon de cette population, soit : des étudiant.e.s d’une université canadienne. Le premier objectif a été satisfait à l’aide d’une revue systématique de la littérature (Article 1; Chapitre 3) et le deuxième grâce à des consultations avec la population cible (Chapitre 2) et un essai contrôlé randomisé longitudinal (Article 2; Chapitre 4). Les deux articles sont soumis à des revues évaluées par des pairs mais ils ne sont pas publiés. Les résultats présentés dans le premier article montrent que la recherche sur l’utilisation des images pour transférer des connaissances en santé mentale auprès d’adultes nord-américains se limite exclusivement à la lutte anti-tabagique. Les résultats présentés dans le deuxième article montrent de meilleurs résultats pour la condition « avec les images » (PicMH-U) que pour la condition « texte » (TextMH-U) sur tous les tests de mémoires, mais pas sur la satisfaction des utilisateurs, l’intention d’utiliser les ressources, ni l’utilisation des ressources. Cette thèse contribue à l’amélioration des domaines portant sur la communication à l’aide d’images et le transfert de connaissances en santé mentale communautaire en étudiant une intervention fréquemment utilisée dans les communautés de pratique mais qui n’est pas validée par la recherche empirique. En validant l’utilisation des images pour la communication de résultats de recherche en santé mentale chez la population étudiante, cette thèse fournit des données probantes permettant de renforcer cette pratique. / This thesis documents the development and validation of a picture-based mental health Knowledge Transfer tool for university students, named the PicMH-U. As a knowledge transfer tool, the PicMH-U was developed with the participation of the potential users (stakeholders): Canadian university students. The information it seeks to communicate is the mental health difficulties that have been found to most affect Canadian university students – as assessed by the 2016 Enquête sur la Santé Psychologique Étudiante – along with psychosocial resources they can access to seek assistance. This information and population are used in order to address the demonstrated alarming rate of mental health difficulties among university students and need for mental health awareness and intervention. The objectives for this thesis are two-fold: 1) to describe the state of the field of using images to communicate mental health/psychological research to North American adults; and 2) to develop and validate a mental health knowledge transfer/mobilization (KT) tool for a section of the adult population: university students. The first objective was satisfied through a systematic review (Article 1; Chapter 3) and the second objective through consultation with stakeholders (Chapter 2) and a longitudinal randomized controlled trial (Article 2; Chapter 4). The articles in this thesis have been submitted to peer-reviewed journals but are currently unpublished. Results from the systematic review (SR) indicate that experimental research on image-based mental health communication to North American adults is limited to tobacco use and control. The SR found that Picture Warning Labels spurred more negative affect and more conversations about the Health Warning Labels, were rated as more effective at encouraging quitting, and increased actual quit behaviors. Secondly, the randomized controlled trial found that the PicMH-U (image condition) had better results on tests of short-term, long-term, prompted and free recall, but not on user satisfaction, intention to use services, or actual use of services when compared to the text condition. This thesis contributes to the advancement of the field of picture-based communication, knowledge transfer and community mental health by researching an intervention often used in community practice but not commonly validated by experimental research. By validating the use of the picture-based mental health tool among university students, this thesis aims to provide empiric evidence to support the use of picture-based communication methods within mental health.

Description de l’effet de transfert musique-parole et discussion sur son origine

Huang, Yaoyao 09 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire vise à décrire et définir l’effet de transfert musique-parole, qui signifie d’une part les bienfaits transférés entre les deux domaines similaires, et d’autre part les difficultés causées à un domaine, dues à un déficit dans un autre domaine, et à discuter de ses origines à différents niveaux : du niveau acoustique au niveau cérébral, en s’intéressant aux résultats comportementaux et neuroscientifiques des études disponibles. L’objectif principal est de récapituler les manifestations de cet effet de transfert et d’en découvrir l’origine. Dans un premier temps, nous présenterons les phénomènes observés résultant de l’interaction musique-parole, et nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux effets de transfert de la musique à la parole, en les catégorisant en trois aspects principaux : l’amorçage musical à court terme, l’entraînement musical à long terme, et les bienfaits apportés par la musique aux personnes neurotypiques et à celles atteintes des troubles langagiers. Nous ferons des hypothèses sur l’origine de cet apparent effet de transfert, compte tenu de la relation complexe entre la musique et la parole. Ensuite, en passant en revue le débat sur la relation entre musique et parole, et en présentant des hypothèses sur l’association et la dissociation des deux domaines, nous tenterons d’en discuter l’origine. Finalement, nous proposerons quelques remarques concernant cet effet de transfert, en discutant des questions et hypothèses posées au début. / The present dissertation aims to describe and define the music-to-speech transfer effect, which means, on the one hand, benefits transferred between the two similar domains, and, on the other hand, difficulties caused to one domain due to a deficit in another domain, and to discuss its origins at various levels: from the acoustic to the cerebral level, reviewing the behavioural and neuroscientific results of available studies. The main objective is to summarize the manifestations of this transfer effect and to discover its origins. First, we will present the observed phenomena resulting from the interaction of music and speech, with a particular focus on the transfer effects of music to speech, categorising them into three main aspects: short-term musical priming, long-term musical training, and the benefits of music for neurotypicals and those with language disorders. We will hypothesize about the origins of this apparent transfer effect by considering the complex relationship between music and speech. Then, by systematically reviewing the debate on the relationship between music and speech, and by presenting the hypotheses of association and dissociation of the two domains, we will attempt to discuss its origins. Finally, we will propose some remarks concerning this effect of the transfer, discussing the questions and hypotheses posed at the beginning.

雙元自主能力對訊息區辨的作用效果:範疇優勢的運作機制 / The Effect of dual autonomy on message discernment: processing mechanism of domain superiority

吳志文, Wu, Chih-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在檢證雙元自主性模型中自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的範疇優勢性運作機制;並為了排除過去系列相關研究結果可能受到共同方法變異偏誤所造成的效度威脅,本研究採取訊息區辨表現作為非自陳式效標變項,重新檢證雙元自主性模型的各項主張觀點。 本文共包含兩個研究,研究一經由811位台灣北部與南部的高中職三年級學生,以班級作為單位進行團體施測,測量其個體化與關係雙元自主能力,並透過情境中強調不同適應訴求的操弄,探討雙元自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的共同作用效果,以重複檢證雙元自主性模型中對(1)雙元自主能力可以共存,以及(2)不同自主能力各具有範疇優勢性的兩項主張觀點。研究一結果發現:個體化自主與關係自主兩種能力之間具有中度的正相關,再次支持雙元自主取向能力可以相互共存的主張觀點;但兩種自主能力彼此間仍具有可區辨的關聯效度,其中個體化自主能力主要作用於個人範疇的訊息區辨表現上,而關係自主能力主要作用於人際範疇訊息區辨表現上。另外也發現與區辨訊息範疇一致的情境操弄,相較於不一致的情境操弄或是不給予情境操弄,能強化範疇優勢性的作用效果。 為強化研究一的結果,研究二針對研究一的研究限制改善情境操弄的工具與訊息區辨作業,並以台灣北部大學生作為研究對象,其中61位雙元自主能力皆高的雙高組受試者,以及63位雙元自主能力皆低的雙低組受試者。分別邀請至實驗室進行個別的電腦施測,並透過情境脈絡中強調不同適應需求的操弄,再次探討雙元自主能力對訊息區辨表現的範疇優勢性運作機制,結果發現:首先,相對於雙低組,雙高組受試者在個人範疇與人際範疇的訊息區辨表現都比較好,重複檢證雙元自主能力對於訊息區辨的作用效果;其次,相較於不一致的情境操弄或是不給予情境操弄,與區辨訊息範疇一致的情境促發能提升個人範疇與人際範疇的訊息區辨表現。並且發現情境操弄的效果主要作用於發展出高度雙元自主能力的雙高組受試者,在雙低組受試者身上不同的情境操弄則沒有差異,不僅反映出雙元自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的共同作用效果,並且重複地驗證雙元自主性模型中共存的理論觀點以及本研究對雙元自主性範疇優勢的運作機制推論。 本文並依據研究發現提出各項討論,論述雙元自主性模型與過去相關文獻與實徵發現的異同。像是(1)該模型採取適應能力的觀點重新詮釋自主性的多元發展取向,進行一系列的實徵研究並且獲得支持的研究結果;(2)採取情境與性格交互運作的系統觀點,說明雙元自主能力的共存與範疇優勢性動態機制;(3)透過非自陳式的訊息區辨表現杜絕共同方法變異的可能威脅,重複檢證該模型的各項理論觀點以及本研究的推論假設;(4)最後針對研究中各項不符合預期的結果提出合理解釋,並且說明未來值得繼續深入探討的相關議題。 / This article has two main goals about verifying the ideas of the Dual Autonomy Model (Yeh & Yang, 2006; Yeh, Bedford, & Yang, 2007; Yeh, Liu, Huang, & Yang, 2007). The first is testing the collective effect of dual autonomy and situational operation on message discernment to support the processing mechanism of the domain superiority hypothesis. The second is using the message discernments as performance criteria variable to prevent the common method variance bias and replicate the each hypotheses of dual autonomy. In study 1, 811 senior high school students from north and south of Taiwan as participants were asked to complete a group-survey in their classrooms. A medium correlation between individuating autonomy (IA) and relating autonomy (RA) replicates the coexistence hypothesis. It was also found a distinguishable criterion-validity confirms the domain superiority hypothesis that IA was greater associated with personal domain message discernment but RA was greater associated with interpersonal domain message discernment. This effect of domain superiority was enhanced only under the congruous situational operation condition, shows the collective effect of situation and autonomy capacity that verifies the processing mechanism of domain superiority. For strengthening the result of study 1, study 2 improves the situational operation materials and the message discernment tasks. 61 college students whose dual autonomy both are higher and 63 college students whose dual autonomy both are lower were recruited as participants for study 2 from school in north of Taiwan. They were invited to a small room separately and asked to complete all of the materials and tasks that were presented on computer. The participants with higher dual autonomy have better message discernments of both domains than the participants with lower dual autonomy, replicates the effect of dual autonomy on message discernments. The congruous situational operation produced greater message discriminations than incongruous or none situational operation. This situational effect was only significant on the participants with higher dual autonomy, shows the collective effect of situation and autonomy capacity, confirms the coexist of dual autonomy, and also verifies the processing mechanism of domain superiority. These results and limitations of these two studies, comparison with the past findings, and considerations for future research are discussed.

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