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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sporto ir pramogų industrijos vandens paslaugų teikėjų darbinės veiklos vertinimas / Water services suppliers working evaluation in sports and leisure industry

Špitaliova, Olga 18 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo objektas. Vandens paslaugų teikėjų darbinė veikla. Tyrimo problema. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje sparčiai vystosi sporto ir pramogų industrijos, statomi nauji sporto, sveikatingumo bei pramogų centrai ir parkai. Vandens paslaugų teikėjai, dirbantys šiuose parkuose ir centruose, atlieka iš pirmo žvilgsnio panašias pareigas: dirba prie įvairiausių dydžių baseinų ir vandens atrakcionų. Atsiradus naujai įmonei, sporto, sveikatingumo ar pramogų srityje, šių darbuotojų skaičius didėja, tačiau jų pareigybių pavadinimai skiriasi kiekviename parke ar centre. Egzistuojanti pareigybių įvairovė neatspindi vandens paslaugų teikėjų kompetencijos ir darbuotojų pasirengimo darbui, dėl skirtingo pareigų interpretavimo pagal pavadinimą. Šio darbo tikslas - įvertinti sporto ir pramogų industrijos vandens paslaugų teikėjų darbinę veiklą. Darbo uždaviniai: apžvelgti Lietuvos sporto ir pramogų industrijos veiklą; aptarti paslaugų savybes, klasifikacinius ir kokybinius ypatumus; apibrėžti darbuotojų kompetencijos svarbą darbo vietai ir užimamom pareigom; išanalizuoti vandens paslaugų teikėjų darbinės veiklos specifiką Lietuvoje; ištirti sporto ir pramogų industrijos vandens paslaugų teikėjų darbinę veiklą. Tyrimui buvo pasirinkti Lietuvoje veikiančių sporto ir sveikatingumo centrų, sveikatingumo ir pramogų parkų bei sporto mokymo įstaigų baseino darbuotojų pareigybinės nuostatos, buvo apžvelgiami ir analizuojami keliami reikalavimai darbo vietai ir atliekamos pareigos jau dirbant įstaigoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of the work. Water services suppliers working. In our days sport‘s industry and all the water services suppliers (swimming pools, sport‘s clubs, water recreation centres) grow very rapidly. There appear the quality and all the services of water suppliers and sports industry. That is why the differentiation of the specialities and different work positions for working specialists emerge more and more. Still the differentiation of the specialties of sport‘s workers is in a very poor position. In different kind of sport‘s clubs and water recreation centres...etc. working people do similar job still the descriptions of their job functions and of their job requirements is very different. The question then appear that the competences, skills and the knowledge of the workers of such places do not reveal the real situation on the demand and supply of the specialists in the labour market. The aim of the work is to evaluate sports’ and leisure industry’ water services suppliers working peculiarities. The main goals of the work are to investigate water sports’ and leisure industry practice in Lithuania, to analyse qualitative – classificatory features and the features of such kind of the service, as well. Next goal is to define peculiarities and the significance of competences of the working person in the sphere of water services suppliers. In the end, the goal is to investigate the water services suppliers working practice and activities of sports’ and leisure industry’... [to full text]

Risk and Visibility in Global Supply Chains: An Empirical Study

Nguyen, Hung V 14 December 2011 (has links)
Working with international suppliers in global supply chains, manufacturing firms now are faced with substantial supplier risks which could be triggered by disruptions in either their suppliers or the supplier’s market. Reactive actions to the risks, however, have usually been shown to be inefficient and sometimes ineffective. In this dissertation, therefore, I develop a theoretical framework linking some key relationship-specific capabilities to supplier risk. My contention is that the capabilities, when developed, can help proactively mitigate the risk. Thus, the model in this study is grounded in the resource-based and the relational views. In this study, the survey method has been employed to collect data from 66 manufacturing firms in the United State who are sourcing from international suppliers. Procedural and statistical methods have been employed to guard against typical empirical issues including non-response bias, common method bias, and problems in validity and reliability of measurement instruments. Structural equation modeling with partial least squares was employed to test the model with bootstrapping to estimate t-values for the paths. The analysis results showed support for the model. A conclusion from the study is that visibility is the critical relationship-specific capability that needs to develop for buying firms to mitigate supplier risk proactively. This is because it may not be substitutable by other mechanisms like goodwill trust, and other capabilities, including absorptive capacity and IT integration, will only operate via visibility to influence risk performance. Moreover, visibility is a significant capability that helps mitigate risk regardless of the relationship duration between the buyer and the supplier and of the market conditions under which the supplier is working. This study thus adds to the risk literature with discussions of supplier risks. Nuances have also been added to the resource-based and relational views by developing the theoretical relationships among the identified capabilities and by examining the contextual conditions under which the relationships are working to mitigate supplier risk. Managers from both sides of a dyadic relationship may benefit from the study by utilizing the tools and the study results to monitor and mitigate supplier risk.

Geriamojo vandens kokybės valdymas maisto tvarkymo subjektuose / Quality management of potable water in food treatment companies

Kumpikevičienė, Rita 02 September 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti maisto tvarkymo subjektuose naudojamo vandens kokybę, jos kitimo priežastis bei gerinimo priemones rajone. Darbo uždaviniai: 1.Įvertinti rajonui tiekiamo vandens indikatorinius ir toksinius rodiklius ir palyginti su vandens vartotojų gaunamais vandens kokybės rodikliais vandens vartojimo vietose. 2.Nustatyti vartotojų požiūrį į vandens kokybę bei jos gerinimo būdus. 3.Išanalizuoti tiekėjų ir vartotojų informuotumą, tarpinstitucinį bendradarbiavimą, siekiant užtikrinti geriamojo vandens kokybę. Tyrimo metodika: Analizuoti 2006-2007 m. duomenys apie geriamojo vandens kokybės rodiklius iš vandens tiekėjo (UAB „Raseinių vandenys“) ir vandens vartotojų (286 maisto tvarkymo įmonių) tyrimo protokolų. Anketinis tyrimas atliktas 2007 metų vasario-balandžio mėnesiais. Tiriamąją grupę sudarė visų Raseinių rajone esančių maisto tvarkymo subjektų atstovai. Išdalintos 286 anketos, atsako dažnis 100 proc. Tyrime dalyvavo 182 prekybos, 93 viešojo maitinimo ir 11 gamybos įmonių atstovų. Anketiniai duomenys buvo apdoroti ir analizuojami naudojant statistinį duomenų analizės paketą SPSS 12.0. Rezultatai: 2006-2007 m.m. vandens, tiekiamo UAB „Raseinių vandenys“, kokybės ir saugos rodikliai neviršijo leistinų normų. Rodiklių neatitikimai pasitaikė įmonėse, kurias aptarnauja smulkūs tiekėjai. 94,1 proc. subjektų naudojasi stambių, o 5.9 proc. naudojasi smulkių tiekėjų paslaugomis. Tyrimo rezultatus analizuoja 43,4 proc. respondentų. 56,3 % subjektų rezultatais pasidomi tik... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the thesis: evaluate the quality of water used in food treatment objects, reasons its variation and means of water quality improvement in the district. Tasks of the thesis: 1. Evaluate indicative and toxic indexes of water supplied to the district and compare them with the quality indexes of water received by consumers at places of water consumption. 2. Identify the attitude of consumers towards water quality and ways of improvement. 3. Analyse the awareness of suppliers and consumers, interinstitutional cooperation ensuring high quality of potable water. Methods: analysis was based on data of 2006-2007 on the potable water quality indexes derived from the research protocols of the supplier – private Limited Liability Company “Raseinių vandenys” and water consumers - 286 food treatment companies. A questionnaire survey was done in February-April, 2007. Target group consisted of all food treatment objects’ representatives in Raseiniai district. 286 questionnaires were distributed; response rate was 100%. Representatives from 182 trade companies, 93 public catering companies and 11 production companies participated. Questionnaire data of food treatment objects were processed and analysed applying the statistic data analysis pack SPSS 12.0. Results: in 2006-2007 quality and safety indexes of potable water supplied by UAB „Raseinių vandenys“ did not exceed permissible standards. Non-conformity of indexes occurred in companies serviced by small suppliers. 94.1% food... [to full text]


Ladd, Scott E. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Conventionally, the focus during supplier evaluation has been to assess cost, quality and delivery effectiveness due to their impact on profitability. In recent years, there has been increased emphasis on promoting more sustainable business practices that focus on reducing environmental impact and improve societal well-being, in addition to economic benefits. However, most of the existing supplier evaluation methods in literature as well as those used by leading companies fall short of comprehensively assessing suppliers from a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) perspective. TBL defined as holistically looking at the economic, environmental, and societal aspects of an entity. This paper presents a review and selection of metrics for economic, environmental and societal sustainability evaluation. In addition, this work proposes a methodology for combining the scores into a comprehensive score that can be used to compare two entities performance relative to the TBL.

Kvalitetsbrister i medelstora företag : En arbetsmodell för kvalitetsförbättring

Fallström, Robin, Wiklund, Robert January 2014 (has links)
När en ny produkt lanseras på marknaden uppkommer det med stor sannolikhet brister som intetidigare upptäckts. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en arbetsmodell för hur medelstora företagska hantera kvalitetsavvikelser som uppkommer inom produktion. För att skapa en realistisk modellför hur dessa kvalitetsavvikelser skall hanteras, baseras detta examensarbete på en fallstudie utfördpå ett tillverkande företag vid namn AQ ParkoPrint AB som är beläget i Gävle. Följande forskningsfrågor har besvarats för att understödja det huvudsakliga syftet: • Vilka kvalitetsavvikelser kan uppkomma inom medelstora företag? • Hur kan dessa kvalitetsavvikelser hanteras samt om möjligt reduceras? Metoderna som använts i studien är intervjuer och observationer. Fem intervjuer och tvåobservationer utfördes på AQ ParkoPrint AB. Den arbetsmodell som skapats kallas förfemstegsmodellen och innebär att processen för att hantera kvalitetsavvikelser delats upp i fem steg:dokumentera, utred, illustrera, forma åtgärdsförslag och genomför. Femstegsmodellen är utformadför medelstora tillverkande företag och inriktad på att skapa ett arbetssätt för systematiskt arbetemed hantering samt om möjligt reducering av kvalitetsbrister. Dessa steg är flexibla på det viset attvarje företag utformar egna åtgärdshanteringar och använder femstegsmodellen som grundstruktur idet fullständiga kvalitetsarbetet.Med hjälp av den utvecklade femstegsmodellen kan medelstora företag hantera och reducera sinakvalitetsbrister. Arbetsmodellen i sig kräver inga kostsamma verktyg utan det som styr kostnadernaär omfattningen av det arbete som läggs på samtliga steg.I denna studie presenteras även frågeställningar som företag kan arbeta utifrån för att reducerakvalitetsbrister som kan härledas till underleverantörer. Fallstudien påvisar att de kvalitetsavvikelsersom uppkommer troligtvis kan härledas till underleverantörerna. / When a new product is launched, product defects in various processes and process steps willprobably appear that were not previously known or detected. The purpose of this study is to create aworking model for how middle-sized companies should manage to handle defects in quality thatwill appear in manufacturing productions. To be able to create a realistic model, this thesis will bebased on a case study of a manufacturing company by the name of AQ ParkoPrint AB, located in Gävle, Sweden. The following research questions are answered in order to support the main purpose: • What defects in quality occur most often in middle-sized manufacturing companies? • How can these defects in quality be managed, and if possible, be reduced? The methods used in this study are interviews and observations. Five interviews and twoobservations were performed on AQ ParkoPrint AB. The working model that was created wasnamed “Five-step-model” and involves the process of managing defects in quality divided into fivesteps: document, investigate, illustrate, propose action and implement. The “Five-step model” isdesigned for middle-sized manufacturing companies focused on creating a way to worksystematically with how to managing quality defects and how to reduce them if possible. The stepsin this model are flexible because every single company should be able to customize each step tosuit their company needs, and only use the “Five-step model” that is created in this study as thebasic structure of the quality work. The case study shows that the suppliers are the majorcontributors of causing quality defects. Middle-sized companies can use the developed five stepmodel to handle and reduce their quality defects. The “Five-step model” itself requires no expensivetools. It is the extent of the work in every specific step that determines the costs.This study also presents some question formulations that companies can use to reduce their qualitydefects that can be traced back to the subcontractors.

Information Technology (IT) Projects – A Psychological Contract Perspective

Franco, Emilio 03 July 2013 (has links)
Incorporating a psychological contract perspective into information technology projects, this study intends to explore the elements of the software publisher-reseller-end user psychological contract in the context of IT projects and contribute to existing literature in the field of IT psychological contracts. The data for this study was collected via 10 interviews conducted across 5 different cases. Interviewees were asked to describe IT projects they were recently involved in and outline what they perceived to be their obligations towards the other stakeholders and likewise, the obligations of the other stakeholders upon them. Interviews were transcribed and coded in accordance with existing IT project psychological contract elements derived from literature. The results of this study provided support to all psychological contract elements of the existing model and suggest refinements to better capture the perceived obligations of stakeholders in IT Projects. Furthermore, we observe that while the resellers’ and software publishers’ psychological contracts with end users conformed to the obligations expected under the model of supplier-customer relationships, the software reseller-software publisher psychological contracts reciprocally contained elements of both supplier and customer obligations. Finally, the findings of this study revealed that critical to the success of IT projects are the elements of transparency, accuracy, dedication, knowledge and responsibility.

Communication, Goals and Collaboration in Buyer-Supplier Joint Product Design

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: Original equipment manufacturers (buyers) are increasingly involving suppliers in new product development as a means to increase efficiency and expand capabilities. To realize such benefits, however, the two firms need to have appropriate communication and goal structures to minimize friction while maximizing design quality. In addition, the effectiveness of the inter-firm interaction process, i.e. their collaboration quality, is also a key success factor. This study draws from Information Process Theory to propose that higher technical and relational uncertainty requires more inter-firm communication. The misalignment between communication intensity and uncertainty reduces both design quality and design efficiency. Goal incongruence, which always lowers project performance, is less harmful for projects with high technical uncertainty due to the potential of the conflict resolving process in improving decision quality and efficiency. Finally I use Hackman's theory of work group effectiveness to propose that collaboration quality fully mediates the effects of communication intensity and goal congruence on project outcomes. The study used an empirical survey of manufacturers as the primary method of data collection. Manufacturers that integrate and assemble complex and discrete products are the target population. Design engineers and project managers from manufacturers were my target respondents. Both SEM and hierarchical regression were used to test the conceptual model. The dissertation made five theoretical contributions. First, I introduced the concept that there is an optimal level of inter-firm communication intensity, exceeding which lowers design efficiency without improving design quality. Second, I theoretically defined and empirically operationalized two types of uncertainty, one on the project level and one on the inter-firm level, which were shown to moderate the effects of inter-firm communication and goal structures on collaboration outcomes. Third, this study examined the conditions when goal congruence is more effective in improving collaboration outcomes. Fourth, this study nominally and operationally defined collaboration quality, a theoretical construct which measure the effectiveness of inter-partner interactions rather than mere existence or amount of certain activities pursued by partners. Finally, I proposed several enhancements to existing construct measures. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Business Administration 2011

The impact of guanxi on supply chain management / L'impact du guanxi sur la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement

Zhang, Chi 30 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à étudier l’impact du guanxi sur la gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Dans un premier temps, nous examinons historiquement l’évolution de guanxi et discutons ses impacts sur les performances de l’entreprise. Ensuite, en utilisant des données d'entretiens qualitatifs et une enquête quantitative auprès d'acheteurs chinois en France, nous créons une échelle de mesure guanxi pour la relation acheteur-fournisseur Sino-Française et montrons que l'impact du guanxi sur la performance de la chaîne d'approvisionnement est positif. De plus, grâce aux données d'enquête de 200 fabricants chinois exerçant des activités à l'étranger, nous démontrons que la relation médiatisée entre le guanxi et la performance de la chaîne d'approvisionnement est modérée par la culture individuelle. Nos résultats de recherche non seulement prouvent empiriquement l’importance du guanxi sur le marché international, mais révèlent également que l’efficacité des différents types de guanxi dépend de l’orientation culturelle du partenaire. / This thesis aims to investigate guanxi’s impact on supply chain management. As a first step, we historically review guanxi’s evolution and discuss its impacts on business performance. Next, by using data from qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey collected from Chinese buyers in France, this thesis creates a guanxi measurement scale for Sino-Franco buyer-supplier relationship, and reveals that guanxi’s positive impact on supply chain performance is mediated by supply chain collaboration. Furthermore, through draw on the survey data of 200 Chinese manufacturers with overseas business, this thesis demonstrates that the mediated relationship between guanxi and supply chain performance is moderated by individual culture. Our research results not only empirically prove guanxi’s importance in the international market, but also uncover that the effectiveness of different types of guanxi that depends on the partner’s cultural orientation.

Supplier Relationship Management in China and Taiwan : A case study with Bufab to identify the main criteria for a healthy supplier buyer relationship

Goerisch, Raphael, Hendrik, Küpper January 2018 (has links)
Background: Supply chain relations go far beyond simple transactions of money and goods. Today, with a low depth of added value in most companies, and low prices in China and Taiwan, sourcing in these countries is very common. Managing the relationship with these suppliers to increase the performance of the whole supply chain is crucial. We identified the cultural dimensions of trust, power, communication and time as most influential for the supplier buyer relationship and structure our paper accordingly. Purpose: Investigate the connection between supplier relationship management (SRM) and culture. We investigated which cultural factors in Taiwan and China may hinder a relationship with a foreign buyer and what factors are drivers for a healthy relationship. Method: We conducted a case study with the company Bufab and their suppliers in China and Taiwan. After a literature review, we interviewed nine representatives from Bufab, ten suppliers and one Taiwanese professor knowledgeable in the topic. Further, we did a survey with Taiwanese and Chinese suppliers and added a European reference group to distinguish particularities. We analyzed the findings using content analysis. Conclusion: We identified that the dimensions of trust, power, communication and time are most relevant for the supplier-buyer relationship. The results show that these dimensions have a significant impact on the business relationship between a local Chinese or Taiwanese company and a foreign buyer. Managing these differences can provide the buying company with a competitive advantage.

Relacionamento clientes – fornecedores sob a ótica da qualidade: um estudo em construtoras baianas participantes do PBQP-H/QUALIOP

Meira, Leda Christina de Castro January 2003 (has links)
p. 1-182 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-03-25T18:32:12Z No. of bitstreams: 8 Apêndice D.pdf: 86958 bytes, checksum: 16f6abc2fcfce1845930b8c4bf21cb52 (MD5) Apendice C.pdf: 99766 bytes, checksum: 67b965e81e4dcf00e95ff1c240ae45d9 (MD5) Apendice B.pdf: 90092 bytes, checksum: 18964b492022cf5d14e77fc2dfd96bb2 (MD5) Apendice A.pdf: 82609 bytes, checksum: 3417d0ec006d7e619586537477136d48 (MD5) Anexo B.pdf: 64616 bytes, checksum: 5f8da888971f622eddbc865a557cbe5a (MD5) ANEXO A.pdf: 83713 bytes, checksum: 7c626888f1fba6da272fc5c04a93a9dd (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_2.pdf: 641434 bytes, checksum: 81abfd6b3788a4c2be1d8d20843aa719 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_1.pdf: 748696 bytes, checksum: aab87c6fca52f2f4416aac7f213a275b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima(tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2013-04-08T16:57:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 8 Apêndice D.pdf: 86958 bytes, checksum: 16f6abc2fcfce1845930b8c4bf21cb52 (MD5) Apendice C.pdf: 99766 bytes, checksum: 67b965e81e4dcf00e95ff1c240ae45d9 (MD5) Apendice B.pdf: 90092 bytes, checksum: 18964b492022cf5d14e77fc2dfd96bb2 (MD5) Apendice A.pdf: 82609 bytes, checksum: 3417d0ec006d7e619586537477136d48 (MD5) Anexo B.pdf: 64616 bytes, checksum: 5f8da888971f622eddbc865a557cbe5a (MD5) ANEXO A.pdf: 83713 bytes, checksum: 7c626888f1fba6da272fc5c04a93a9dd (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_2.pdf: 641434 bytes, checksum: 81abfd6b3788a4c2be1d8d20843aa719 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_1.pdf: 748696 bytes, checksum: aab87c6fca52f2f4416aac7f213a275b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-08T16:57:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 8 Apêndice D.pdf: 86958 bytes, checksum: 16f6abc2fcfce1845930b8c4bf21cb52 (MD5) Apendice C.pdf: 99766 bytes, checksum: 67b965e81e4dcf00e95ff1c240ae45d9 (MD5) Apendice B.pdf: 90092 bytes, checksum: 18964b492022cf5d14e77fc2dfd96bb2 (MD5) Apendice A.pdf: 82609 bytes, checksum: 3417d0ec006d7e619586537477136d48 (MD5) Anexo B.pdf: 64616 bytes, checksum: 5f8da888971f622eddbc865a557cbe5a (MD5) ANEXO A.pdf: 83713 bytes, checksum: 7c626888f1fba6da272fc5c04a93a9dd (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_2.pdf: 641434 bytes, checksum: 81abfd6b3788a4c2be1d8d20843aa719 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_1.pdf: 748696 bytes, checksum: aab87c6fca52f2f4416aac7f213a275b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo geral ampliar o entendimento acerca das relações entre clientes e fornecedores na construção civil, a partir da implantação, em empresas construtoras, de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ), baseados no Sistema de Qualificação de Empresas de Serviços e Obras (SIQ-C) do Programa Brasileiro da Qualidade e Produtividade no Habitat (PBQP- H), dentro de um contexto de transformações organizacionais. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo exploratório em 15 empresas baianas de construção civil, qualificadas ou em processo de qualificação através do próprio PBQP-H ou do Programa da Qualidade das Obras Públicas do Estado da Bahia (QUALIOP). Primeiramente, buscou-se descrever o cenário econômico e institucional no qual estas empresas estão inseridas, através da caracterização da Indústria da Construção Civil (ICC) em geral, e do subsetor de edificações em particular. Inclui-se aí uma breve análise da estratégia e competitividade das construtoras baianas. Em seguida, o conceito mais amplo de mudanças organizacionais foi estudado a partir das dimensões da desintegração vertical, da necessidade de estabelecer-se relações cooperativas com fornecedores e da implantação de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade. Como resultados a pesquisa indicou que a obrigatoriedade de qualificação e avaliação de fornecedores, decorrente da implantação do SGQ, constitui um instrumento que permite às construtoras selecionar melhor os fornecedores com os quais trabalham, o que tem contribuído para que ocorram modificações nos relacionamentos entre eles. Em todas as construtoras pesquisadas, verificou-se haver relações de longo prazo com fornecedores. Em algumas delas estes fornecedores, ditos estáveis, têm preferência na contratação. No entanto, apesar de a certificação estar promovendo mudanças nos relacionamentos entre construtoras e fornecedores, o estabelecimento de relações estáveis e cooperativas entre eles não pode ser diretamente atribuído ao SGQ. / Salvador

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