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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude numérique de l’adsorption et de la désorption de particules colloïdales en milieu poreux : Influence de la topographie de surface et des interactions physico-chimiques

Sefrioui Chaibainou, Nisrine 24 February 2012 (has links)
Cette étude concerne le transport de particules colloïdales en milieu poreux. Les colloïdes (particules de taille caractéristique inférieure au micron) se rencontrent dans de nombreux domaines de la vie quotidienne (encre, cosmétiques, ...), de la biologie (bactéries, virus, protozoaires, ...) et de l’ingénierie (filtration, hydrologie, génie civil, génie pétrolier, ...). De par leur taille et leur nature, l’étude de ces systèmes nécessite de s’intéresser aux interactions qui peuvent exister entre les particules elles mêmes mais aussi avec le milieu environnant. On cite particulièrement le cas d’écoulements dans des aquifères qui concernent le transport de contaminants d’origine biologique (bactéries, virus), d’origine chimique (hydrocarbures, polluants) ou d’origine minérale (argiles, métaux, ...). Dans chacun des cas cités, il est nécessaire de s’intéresser au transport et dépôt/décollement des particules pour mieux comprendre et modéliser les mécanismes mis en jeu. Une première partie du travail est consacrée à la mise en place et à la résolution d’un modèle macroscopique de dépôt de particules. La comparaison des résultats numériques avec des données expérimentales de la littérature a permis d’établir les relations existantes entre le facteur de retard et la force ionique d’une part et le nombre de Péclet d’autre part. La seconde partie du travail concerne l’étude, à l’échelle microscopique, du transport de particules colloïdales en présence de rugosités de surface (obstacle ou cavité). Les résultats mettent en évidence le rôle joué par ces rugosités de surface sur l’adsorption et désorption de particules sous l’influence des forces hydrodynamiques et des interactions physico-chimiques. / This study deals with the transport of colloidal particles in porous media. Colloids (particles with a characteristic size smaller than one micron) are found in daily life (ink, cosmetics ...) and in many fields of science and technology such as biology (bacteria, viruses, protozoa ...) and engineering (filtration, hydrology, civil engineering, petroleum engineering ...). Because of their size and nature, the study of these systems needs to focus on interactions that may exist between the particles themselves but also with the surrounding environment. This is particularly true in the case of transport of colloids in porous media where the particles characteristic dimension size is close to that of the porous medium. We mention especially the case of flow in aquifers that may affect the transport of contaminants of a biological origin (bacteria, viruses), chemical origin (hydrocarbons, pollutants) or minerals (clay, metals ...). In each case cited above, it is necessary to consider particles transport in porous media and their deposition/release to better understand and model the involved mechanisms. The first part of this work is devoted to the development and resolution of a macroscopic model of particle deposition. Comparison of numerical results with experimental data in the literature has established the existing relationships between a delay factor and both ionic strength and the Peclet number. The second part of the study deals with the study, at the microscopic level, of a colloidal particle transport taking into account DLVO forces for smooth and rough pore surfaces. Our results highlight the role played by surface roughness on the adsorption and desorption of particles under the influence of ionic strength and flow rate.

Acoustic properties of novel multifunctional sandwich structures and porous absorbing materials / Propriétés acoustiques de nouvelles structures sandwich multifonctionnelles et de matériaux absorbants poreux

Meng, Han 13 March 2018 (has links)
La mise en oeuvre de matériaux acoustiques est une méthode efficace et très utilisée pour réduire le bruit le long de sa propagation. Les propriétés acoustiques de nouvelles structures sandwich multifonctionnelles et de matériaux absorbants poreux sont étudiées dans la thèse. Les principales contributions de la thèse sont les suivantes: Les panneaux sandwich ont généralement d'excellentes propriétés mécaniques et un bon indice de perte en transmission sonore (STL), mais aucune capacité d'absorption acoustique. De nouvelles structures sandwich multifonctionnelles sont développées en intégrant des microperforations et des matériaux absorbants poreux aux panneaux sandwich ondulés et en nid d’abeilles conventionnels, structurellement efficaces pour obtenir de bons STL et de bonnes absorptions en basses fréquences. Le coefficient d'absorption acoustique (SAC) et la perte en transmission (STL) des panneaux sandwich ondulés sont évalués numériquement et expérimentalement en basse fréquence pour différentes configurations de perforations. Les modèles éléments finis (EF) sont construits en tenant compte des interactions vibro-acoustiques sur les structures et des dissipations d'énergie, visqueuse et thermique, à l'intérieur des perforations. La validité des calculs FE est vérifiée par des mesures expérimentales avec les échantillons testés obtenus par fabrication additive. Par rapport aux panneaux sandwich ondulés classiques sans perforation, les panneaux sandwich perforés (PCSPs) avec des perforations dans leur plaque avant présentent non seulement un SAC plus élevé aux basses fréquences, mais aussi un meilleur STL, qui en est la conséquence directe. L'élargissement des courbes des indices d’absorption et de transmission doit être attribué à la résonance acoustique induite par les micro-perforations. Il est également constaté que les PCSPs avec des perforations dans les plaques avant et les parois internes onduleés ont les fréquences de résonance les plus basses de tous les PCSPs. En outre, les performances acoustiques des panneaux sandwich en nid d'abeilles avec une plaque avant microperforée sont également examinées. Un modèle analytique est présenté avec l'hypothèse que les déplacements des deux plaques sont identiques aux fréquences inférieures à la fréquence de résonance des plaques. Le modèle analytique est ensuite validé par des modèles d'éléments finis et des résultats expérimentaux existants. Contrairement aux panneaux sandwich en nid d'abeilles classiques qui sont de piètres absorbeurs de bruit, les sandwichs en nid d'abeilles perforés (PHSPs) conduisent à un SAC élevé aux basses fréquences, ce qui entraîne en conséquence un incrément dans le STL basse fréquence. Les influences de la configuration du noyau sont étudiées en comparant les PHSPs avec différentes configurations de noyaux en nids d'abeilles. […] / Implementation of acoustic materials is an effective and popular noise reduction method during propagation. Acoustic properties of novel multifunctional sandwich structures and porous absorbing materials are studied in the dissertation. The main contributions of the dissertation are given as, Sandwich panels generally have excellent mechanical properties and good sound transmission loss (STL), but no sound absorption ability. Novel multifunctional sandwich structures are developed by integrating micro perforations and porous absorbing materials to the conventional structurally-efficient corrugated and honeycomb sandwich panels to achieve good SAC and STL at low frequencies. Low frequency sound absorption and sound transmission loss (STL) of corrugated sandwich panels with different perforation configurations are evaluated both numerically and experimentally. Finite element (FE) models are constructed with considerations of acousticstructure interactions and viscous and thermal energy dissipations inside the perforations. The validity of FE calculations is checked against experimental measurements with the tested samples provided by additive manufacturing. Compared with the classical corrugated sandwich panels without perforation, the perforated corrugated sandwich panels (PCSPs) with perforations in its face plate not only exhibits a higher SAC at low frequencies but also a better STL as a consequence of the enlarged SAC. The enlargement of SAC and STL should be attributed to the acoustical resonance induced by the micro perforations. It is also found that the PCSPs with perforations in both the face plates and corrugated cores have the lowest resonance frequencies of all the PCSPs. Besides, the acoustic properties of honeycomb sandwich panels with microperforated faceplate are also explored. An analytical model is presented with the assumption that displacements of the two faceplates are identical at frequencies below the faceplate resonance frequency. The analytical model is subsequently verified by finite element models and existing experimental results. Unlike classical honeycomb sandwich panels which are poor sound absorbers, perforated honeycomb sandwiches (PHSPs) lead to high SAC at low frequencies, which in turn brings about increment in the low frequency STL. Influences of core configuration are investigated by comparing PHSPs with different honeycomb core configurations. In order to enlarge the SAC bandwidth of perforated sandwich panels, porous absorbing materials are added to the cores of novel perforated sandwich panels. FE models are set up to estimate the SAC and STL of perforated sandwich panels with porous materials. Results show that perforated sandwich panels with porous material can provide SAC with broader bandwidth and lower resonance frequency than that without porous materials. Whereas the peak values in the SAC and STL curves are reduced due to the weakened acoustical resonance by the porous materials. […]

Dinâmica de crescimento de filmes de platina e ouro / Growth dynamics of films of platinum and gold.

Melo, Leonidas Lopes de 28 May 2004 (has links)
O caráter aleatório e não homogêneo do crescimento de filmes finos, por processo de deposição, leva à formação de uma superfície rugosa que obedece, em geral, a uma geometria fractal. A dinâmica de crescimento da superfície do filme pode ser descrita por meio de modelos de crescimento discretos, simulações numéricas e equações diferenciais estocásticas. Os modelos e as equações nos fornecem os expoentes críticos, que descrevem o comportamento da rugosidade com a escala de observação e tempo de deposição. Crescemos filmes de platina e ouro através da técnica de implantação e deposição de íons por imersão em plasma metálico. Determinamos experimentalmente os expoentes críticos por meio de microscopia de tunelamento. Comparamos os nossos resultados experimentais com previsões dadas por alguns modelos teóricos. Verificamos que há um bom acordo entre eles e as previsões dadas pela equação estocástica de Kardar, Parisi e Zhang. A estrutura cristalina dos materiais também foi analisada por meio de difração de raios x. / The randomness and inhomogeneities in the growth of thin films generate a rough surface obeying, in general, fractal geometry. The growth dynamics of film surface can be described by theoretical discrete models, numerical simulations and stochastic differential equations. Models and equations give the critical exponents that describe the behavior of roughness with the observation scale and deposition time. We have synthesized platinum and gold films by metal plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition. We have measured the critical exponents by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Our experimental results were compared with some theoretical models predictions. We verified that there is a good agreement between them and the theoretical predictions given by the Kardar, Parisi and Zhang stochastic equation. The crystallographic structure was also analyzed by X-ray diffraction.

Efeito in situ do clareamento caseiro e subseqüentes tratamentos de superfície na cor e rugosidade superficial de resinas compostas / In situ effect of home bleaching and subsequent surface treatment on color and surface roughness of composite resins

Garcia, Lourdes Maria González 13 April 2012 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou in situ a susceptibilidade ao manchamento de duas resinas compostas Z350 XT® (M1) e Z250® (M2), ambas da 3M/ESPE por meio da alteração de cor e rugosidade superficial após o uso do agente clareador peróxido de carbamida 16% e subseqüentes tratamentos de superfície. Foram confeccionados 156 corpos-de-prova, n=13 para cada condição experimental. O estudo crossover teve duas fases de 14 dias cada, com um período de washout de 9 dias. Os corpos de prova de cada material foram montados em placas de acetato, distribuídos em 13 voluntários, na região dos segundos pré-molares, primeiros e segundos molares superiores e instalados nos participantes para a realização do tratamento proposto em cada fase. De acordo com aleatorização, 6 voluntários utilizaram na primeira fase do experimento o gel a base de peróxido de carbamida 16% (Home Peroxide, DMC) (CCL) e 7 voluntários o gel placebo (DMC) (SCL) da mesma composição do gel original, porém sem adição do peróxido. Os voluntários aplicaram os géis nos corpos-deprova por 8h/dia, durante 14 dias nas duas fases do experimento. Após o clareamento os corpos de prova foram submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos de superfícies: polimento com discos Sof Lex (3M/ESPE) (TR1), sem tratamento de superfície (TR2) e a aplicação do selante de superfície Biscover (BISCO) (TR3) e subseqüentemente foram imersos em vinho tinto. As leituras de cor foram realizadas 24 horas após o clareamento (L0) e 24 horas após tratamento de superfície e manchamento (L1), já para a rugosidade superficial foram realizadas 3 leituras: 24 horas após a confecção dos corpos-de-prova (L0), 24 horas após o clareamento (L1) e 24 horas após tratamento de superfície e manchamento (L2). Os dados foram submetidos ao teste ANOVA e Tukey. Os resultados mostraram que: a) O Clareamento não determinou diferença estatisticamente de ΔE*, no entanto, foi significante para ΔL*, Δa* e Δb*; b) A resina M1 apresentou maior média de ΔE* que a M2; c) Os tratamentos de superfície com Sof Lex e Biscover apresentaram valores de ΔE* estaticamente semelhantes, enquanto que o sem tratamento apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante entre os materiais; d) O clareamento não teve efeito significante na rugosidade superficial de resinas estudadas; e) M1 e M2 apresentaram maior rugosidade superficial em L2 que em L0 e L1; f) TR3 apresentou maior média de rugosidade superficial que TR1 e TR2. Conclui-se que: a resina Z350 XT apresentou maior alteração de cor que a Z250; o clareamento aplicado no tempo estabelecido neste estudo não promoveu alteração de cor e não influenciou na rugosidade superficial nas resinas compostas estudadas; e as resinas compostas estudadas apresentaram maior rugosidade após o Tratamento de superfície associado ao manchamento com vinho tinto; o selante de superfície Biscover apresentou maior rugosidade superficial para a resina Z250. / This study evaluated in situ the staining susceptibility of different composite resins (Z350 XT ® (M1) and Z250 ® (M2), both of 3M/ESPE) by color change and surface roughness after the aplication of 16% carbamide peroxide bleaching gel and subsequent surface treatments and staining with red wine. One hundred fifty-six specimens were fabricated where n=13 were per experimental condition. The study had two phases of 14 days each, with a washout period of 9 days between them. The specimens of each material fixed into custom fabricated trays in 13 volunteers in the region of the second premolars, first and second molars and installed in the participants to carry out for the proposed treatment at each stage. According randomly 6 volunteers used in the first stage of the experiment the 16% peroxide carbamide gel (Home Peroxide, DMC) (CCL) and 7 volunteers used placebo gel (DMC) (SCL) that it was the same composition original gel, but without addition of peroxide. The volunteers applied the gel on the top of the specimens for 8h/day for 14 days during the two phases of the experiment. After bleaching treatment the specimens were subjected to the following surface treatments: polishing with Sof Lex (3M/ESPE) (TR1), without surface treatment (TR2) and the application of the sealant surface Biscover (BISCO) (TR3) and subsequently were immersed in red wine. In the second phase of the experiment, the specimens were replaced by others and the volunteers were crossed on the gel, so that all used both gels. Finishing the second phase, the specimens were subjected to surface treatment and subsequent staining. The color change were measured 24 hours after bleaching in situ (L0) and 24 hours after surface treatment and red wine stains (L1) and the surface roughness were measured immediately after 24 hours of preparation of the specimens (L0) 24 hours after the in situ bleaching treatment (L1) and 24 hours after surface treatment and staining with red wine (L2). Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey. The results showed that: a) The bleaching showed no statistically significant difference for ΔE *, however, was significant for all parameters ΔL*, Δa* and Δb*; b) The composite 350 XT presented higher average of color change (ΔE * ) than Z250; c) The surface treatments with Sof Lex and Biscover had values of ΔE* statistically similar, while no treatment surface showed a statistically significant difference between the materials; d) Bleaching had no significant effect on surface roughness of composite resins; e) The composites showed higher values of surface roughness in L2 than in L1 and L0. f) TR3 demonstrated higher average of surface roughness than TR1 and TR2. It was concluded that bleaching did not affect the color change and surface roughness in the composites studied, the surface treatment had no effect clinically significant for the susceptibility to staining, and the composites studied had higher surface roughness when subjected to treatment surface staining associated with red wine and the surface sealant Biscover showed higher surface roughness for resin Z250.

Análise das propriedades físicas e mecânicas de materiais restauradores odontológicos submetidos à ação do calor e do frio para fins periciais / Analysis of physical and mechanical properties of dental restorative materials subjected to the action of heat and cold for forensic purposes

Biancalana, Roberto Cesar 03 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da ação do calor e do frio sobre a estabilidade de cor, rugosidade de superfície e microdureza de restaurações de resina composta (FiltekMR Z250 XT 3M ESPE®), cimento de ionômero de vidro (KetacTM Fil Plus 3M ESPE®) e amálgama de prata em cápsulas (gs-80 SDI®), na tentativa de simular o comportamento desses materiais, quando presentes nos elementos dentais de vítimas carbonizadas ou mortas por congelamento. Foram selecionados 180 dentes bovinos que foram preparados (6 X 6 mm com 2 mm de profundidade) e separados em grupos de 30 dentes, segundo o tipo de material restaurador utilizado. Em seguida, foram realizadas as leituras iniciais de cor (Espectrofotômetro VITA® Easyshade), rugosidade de superfície (Rugosímetro Mitutoyo® Surftest SJ-201P) e microdureza Knoop (Microdurômetro Shimadzu® Micro Hardness Tester HMV-2), que foram consideradas os padrões iniciais. Subsequentemente, os dentes foram separados aleatoriamente em grupos (n=10) segundo a temperatura utilizada para simulação de congelamento (-80°C), (-20°C) e 2,5°C; e carbonização (100°C, 200°C e 300°C). A submissão a altas temperaturas foi realizada pela colocação dos dentes restaurados em forno (ALUMINI Sinter-Press EDG®), pelo período de 15 minutos, e as baixas temperaturas foram realizadas em refrigerador (RFGE 700 GE®) a 2,5°C; congelador (CVU18 Consul®) a (-20°C) e freezer (Ultra Freezer AL 374 - 80V American Lab®) a (-80°C). Após 7 e 30 dias de ação do frio e da submissão ao calor, os dentes foram submetidos às leituras finais de cor, rugosidade e microdureza. No calor, os valores de alteração de cor (&Delta;E*, &Delta;L*, &Delta;a* e &Delta;b*), dos dois materiais estéticos, rugosidade superficial e microdureza dos três materiais restauradores, foram submetidos à análise estatística One-way ANOVA, Tukey (p<0,05), tendo como fator de variação, a temperatura. No frio, os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística 2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni (p<0,05), tendo como fatores de variação, o tempo e a temperatura. Verificou-se que houve alteração de cor dos materiais estéticos, tanto nas submissões ao calor quanto ao frio. Na resina composta, a rugosidade de superfície e a microdureza não se alteraram significantemente (p>0,05), independente da temperatura a que foram submetidos. No CIV, a rugosidade e a microdureza elevaram-se nos testes ao calor; e ao frio, não ocorreram alterações significativas (p>0,05) dessas propriedades. Para o amálgama houve alteração de rugosidade significante (p<0,05) no calor, nas submissões a 300°C; e a microdureza não se modificou. Ao frio não ocorreram mudanças significantes (p>0,05) na rugosidade nem na microdureza do amálgama. Concluiu-se que os materiais estéticos podem ser distinguidos, pela análise de cor, a partir de 200°C até 300°C e quando submetidos a (-80°C), tanto em 7 dias como em 30 dias. O tempo de congelamento não é significativo para a distinção dos materiais. Testes de rugosidade e microdureza podem distinguir os materiais estéticos, independentemente, da ação do calor ou do frio. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the action of heat and cold on color stability, surface roughness and microhardness of composite resin (FiltekMR Z250 XT 3M ESPE®), glass ionomer cement (KetacTM Fil Plus 3M ESPE®) and silver amalgam capsules (gs-80 SDI®) restorations, in an attempt to simulate the behavior of these materials when present in dental elements of carbonized or killed by freezing victims. 180 bovine teeth were selected, prepared with a 6 x 6 mm 2 mm cavity and then separated into groups of 30 teeth, according to the type of restorative material. Then, initial color readings (Spectrophotometer VITA® Easyshade), surface roughness (Rugosimeter Mitutoyo® Surftest SJ-201P) and Knoop microhardness (Shimadzu Micro Hardness tester® HMV-2) readings were performed, which were considered the initial standards. Afterwards, the teeth were randomly divided into groups (n=10) according to the temperature used for freezing simulation (-80°C), (-20°C), (2,5°C); and carbonization simulation (100°C, 200°C, 300°C). Submission to high temperatures was performed by placing the restored teeth in an oven (ALUMINI Sinter Press EDG®), for 15 minutes and for low temperatures, a refrigerator (RFGE 700 GE®) at 2,5°C, a freezer (CVU18 Consul®) at (-20°C) and an ultra freezer (Ultra Freezer AL 374 - 80V American Lab®) at (-80°C) were used. After the teeth being submitted to the action of cold and heat for 7 and 30 days, the color, surface roughness and microhardness final readings were performed. For the heat evaluation, the color change (&Delta;E*, &Delta;L*, &Delta;a* e &Delta;b*) of the two aesthetic materials, and the surface roughness and microhardness of the three restorative materials, were subjected to statistical analysis (One-way ANOVA, Tukey, p<.05), with one variation factor, the temperature. For the cold evaluation, the data were statistically analyzed using 2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni, (p>.05) with two variation factors, time and temperature. Color alteration occurred for the aesthetic materials submitted to heat and cold. In the composite resin, the surface roughness and microhardness did not change (p>.05), regardless of temperature to which they were exposed. In CIV, the surface roughness and microhardness increased with the heat. After cold submission, there were no significant changes (p>.05) to these properties. For the amalgam, there was roughness change (p<.05) when submitted to heat at 300°C; the microhardness did not change. There were no significant changes in amalgam roughness or microhardness when teeth were submitted to cold (p>.05). It was concluded that the aesthetic materials can be distinguished by the color analysis, from 200°C to 300°C and when submitted to (-80°C), both after 7 days and 30 days. The freezing time is not significant for the distinction of materials. Roughness and microhardness tests can distinguish the aesthetic materials, regardless of the action of heat or cold.

Efeito in situ da associação de chá preto ao uso diário de clorexidina na alteração de cor e rugosidade superficial de resinas compostas / Influence of in situ association of black tea and chlorhexidine on the color change and surface roughness of composite resins.

Godoi, Ana Paula Terossi de 11 December 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou in situ a influência de fatores da dieta associado ao uso de clorexidina na cor e na rugosidade superficial de diferentes resinas compostas (Z250® - 3M-ESPE e Filtek Supreme® - 3M-ESPE). Foram confeccionados 112 corpos-de-prova (6,0x2,0mm) que foram polidos com disco abrasivos Super Snap® (Shofu). O estudo foi constituído por duas fases de 5 dias cada, com um período de washout de 9 dias entre elas. Os corpos-de-prova de cada um dos materiais foram divididos entre 14 voluntários e montados em dispositivo palatino, na região dos pré-molares e molares superiores e instalados nos participantes para a realização dos bochechos e da ingestão do chá em cada uma das fases do experimento. De acordo com sorteio aleatório, metade dos voluntários utilizou, na primeira fase do experimento, solução de gluconato de clorexidina 0,12% (S1) e a outra metade dos voluntários realizou os bochechos com uma solução placebo (S2), de mesma composição da solução original, porém sem adição de gluconato de clorexidina 0,12%. Os bochechos foram realizados 2 vezes ao dia, por 1 minuto, durante 5 dias. Todos os voluntários, após o bochecho com gluconato de clorexidina 0,12% ou placebo ingeriram 200 mL de chá em ambas as fases. Na segunda fase do experimento, os corpos-de-prova foram substituídos por outros e os voluntários foram cruzados quanto à solução, de modo que todos usaram ambas às soluções. As leituras de cor, obtidas através de um colorímetro, e a rugosidade superficial, obtida por meio de um rugosímetro, foram realizadas imediatamente antes da fixação do espécime no aparelho intra-bucal e após 24 horas do término do período experimental. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste ANOVA e Tukey (p&le;0,05). Os resultados mostraram que: a) a solução S1obteve maiores médias de alteração de cor (&Delta;E*) que S2 enquanto que para os outros fatores e interações não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para esta variável; b) todos os fatores e respectivas interações, exceto a interação Solução x Material, sofreram variação de luminosidade (L*) significante estatisticamente; c) todos os fatores e respectivas interações, exceto a interação Material x Tempo, sofreram variação do parâmetro a* significantes estatisticamente; d) o fator Solução quando analisado isoladamente e a interação Tempo x Solução não obtiveram resultados estatisticamente diferentes para o parâmetro b* e; e) para a rugosidade superficial (Ra) apenas o fator Tempo foi estatisticamente significante. Conclui-se que: houve uma maior alteração de cor da resina composta quando se utiliza soluções a base de Clorexidina 0,12%; as resinas estudadas não influenciaram no comportamento da cor quando associado à Clorexidina 0,12% e chá preto; para os parâmetros L* a* e b* os fatores Solução, Material e Tempo tiveram efeito significante, exceto o fator Solução para o parâmetro b*; a utilização de Clorexidina durante 5 dias não influenciou na rugosidade superficial dos materiais estudados e; o tempo teve influencia sobre o aumento da rugosidade superficial. / This in situ study evaluated the influence of dietary factors in association with chlorhexidine on the color change (&Delta;E*) of two composites resins (Z250® - 3M-ESPE and Filtek Supreme® - 3M-ESPE). 112 discs (6.0x2.0mm) were fabricated and polished with Super Snap® discs (Shofu). The specimens were divided among 14 volunteers, and fitted onto intraoral devices and placed in the maxillary premolar and molar positions. Palatal intra-oral acrylic resin appliances were made for each volunteers in the experiment. In each appliance, two specimen of each materials was randomly fixed. This study was composed of two phases of 5 days each, with a washout period of 9 days between them. In the first phase, half of the volunteers chosen by random draw, used a 0.12% chlorhexidine solution (S1) and the other half used a placebo solution (S2). The mouthwashes were performed 2 times a day, for 1 min. each, for 5 days. In the second phase of the experiment, the specimens were replaced by others and the volunteers were crossed on the outcome. In both phases, after mouthwashes with S1 or S2, all volunteers ingested 200 mL of black tea for 10 minutes. The color change of all specimens before and after of the experimental period was measured by a colorimeter and the data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey´s test (&alpha=.05). Subsequently, the surface roughness (Ra) of the specimens was evaluated using a profilometer, and the data were compared by two-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey multiple comparations test (&alpha;=.05). According to ANOVA: a) the S1 solution had the highest means of color change (&Delta;E*) that S2, while for the others factors and interactions no have statistically significant difference for this variable; b) all the factors and their interactions had significant statistically changes in lightness (L*), except for the Solution x Material interaction; c) all the factores and their interactions had significant statistically changes in parameter a*, except for the Material x Time interaction; d) the solution factor and Time x Solution interaction no had statistica different for the parameter b* and; e) for surface roughness (Ra) only the time factor was statistically significant. It was concluded that: there was an increase in color change of composite resin when using Chlorhexidine 0.12%; the resin did not influence on the color when associated with Chlorhexidine 0.12% and black tea; for parameters L * a * b * Solution, Material and Time factors had significant effect, except for the Solution factor for the parameter b *; the use of chlorhexidine for 5 days did not influence the surface roughness of the materials studied; and the time had a significant influence on increased surface roughness.

Efeito das pastilhas higienizadoras efervescentes à base de peróxido alcalino em liga metálica de cobalto-cromo / Effect of alkaline peroxide-effervescent tablets on the surfaces of the cobalt-chromium alloys

Vasconcelos, Glenda Lara Lopes 17 December 2015 (has links)
A higienização das próteses é de fundamental importância para a longevidade do tratamento reabilitador. Entretanto, é necessário analisar os efeitos que os higienizadores podem causar nas superfícies que compõem uma prótese. Deste modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de pastilhas efervescentes à base de peróxido alcalino em liga de cobalto cromo (Co-Cr), utilizada em Prótese Parcial Removível (PPR). A partir de uma matriz metálica, padrões de cera em forma de disco (12 mm x 3 mm) foram confeccionados para posterior fundição. Os espécimes metálicos (n=16) foram imersos nas soluções: água deionizada (controle), Polident 3 minutes®, Steradent®, Efferdent®, Polident for Partials® e Corega Tabs®. Foi realizada a análise da rugosidade (n=10) por meio de rugosímetro, antes (t0) e após 5 períodos de simulação de ½, 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 anos de imersão nos higienizadores. Foram realizadas análises complementares quantitativas da liberação de íons (n=5) de cobalto (Co), cromo (Cr) e molibdênio (Mo) em cada solução e análises qualitativas em um espécime de cada grupo, por meio de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectrometria de Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDS). A distribuição dos dados de rugosidade (&mu;m) apresentou-se não normal. Foi utilizada estatística não-paramétrica (&alpha;=0,05). Tanto para o fator solução (Kruskall Wallis, ½ ano (p=0,900), 1 ano (p=0,277), 2 anos (p=0,227), 3 anos (p=0,086), 4 anos (p=0,657) e 5 anos (p=0,856), como para o fator tempo (Friedman, p=0,137) não houve diferença significante. Com relação à liberação de íons (&mu;g/L), a distribuição dos dados apresentou-se normal. De acordo com a estatística (&alpha;=0,05, ANOVA e teste de Tukey), Corega Tabs®, Efferdent® e água deionizada promoveram maior liberação de íons Co do que o Steradent® (p=0,003). Quanto aos íons Cr (p=0,000), Corega Tabs® propiciou maior liberação quando comparado a água deionizada, Steradent® e Polident 3 minutes®. Em relação aos íons Mo (p=0,001), o Efferdent® promoveu maior liberação. No MEV pode-se verificar que as soluções não apresentaram efeitos deletérios sobre as superfícies. Conclui-se que todas as pastilhas avaliadas não ocasionaram danos, entretanto, Steradent® foi a que propiciou menor liberação de íons, sendo indicada com maior segurança para higienização de superfícies metálicas de PPR. / The hygiene care of the removable dentures is of most importance for the longevity of the rehabilitation treatment. However, it is necessary to analyze the effects that denture cleansers can cause on the surfaces of prosthesis. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alkaline peroxide-effervescent tablets on the surfaces of the cobalt-chromium alloys (Co-Cr), used in removable partial dentures (RPD). Circular specimens (12 mm x 3 mm) were fabricated with cobalt-chromium alloys. The specimens (n= 16) were immersed in the following solutions: deionized water (control), Polident 3 minutes&trade;, Steradent&trade;, Efferdent&trade;, Polident for Partials&trade; and Corega Tabs&trade;. The surface roughness (n=10) was analyzed with a surf-test analyzer, before and after 5 periods that corresponds to the simulation of ½, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of immersion in the cleansers. As complementary analysis, it was performed a quantitative study of ions release (n=5) for cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr) and molybdenum (Mo) in each solution and qualitative analysis with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) associated to Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The results of surface roughness had presented no normal. In nonparametric statistics (&alpha; = 0.05), both of the solution factor Kruskall Wallis, ½ year (p=0.900), 1 year (p=0.277), 2 years (p=0.227), 3 years (p=0.086), 4 years (p=0.657) and 5 years (p=0.856), such as time factor (Friedman, p = 0.137), there was no significant difference. The results of ionic release presented a normal distribution and they were submitted to ANOVA (p=0.05) and Tukey test. The solutions Corega Tabs®, Efferdent® and deionized water presented greater Co ionic release than Steradent® (p=0.003). For Cr ions (p=0.000), Corega Tabs® had greater ionic release than deionized water, Steradent® and Polident 3 minutes®. Regarding Mo ions (p=0.001), Efferdent® showed greater release. With SEM, it was possible to verify that the solutions showed no deleterious effects on the specimen surfaces. It was concluded that no deleterious effects on metal surface was caused, however, Steradent® presented the smallest ionic release, and can be indicated more safely for cleaning metal surfaces of RPD.

Influência do tipo de polimento pós-clareamento na alteração de rugosidade, cor e brilho da superfície de esmalte dental humano / Different polishing procedures influence in roughness, color and gloss of bleached human dental enamel surface

Freitas, Ana Carolina Pedreira de 05 November 2010 (has links)
O tratamento clareador pode resultar em alterações na rugosidade superficial do esmalte dental, as quais podem ser vistas a olho nu como alterações de cor, opacidade e perda de brilho. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar in vitro a alteração de rugosidade, cor e brilho de superfícies de esmalte dental humano após clareamento com um produto a base de peróxido de hidrogênio (PH) 38% e após polimento com fluoreto de sódio 2% neutro (FS2%) ou pasta dentifrícia contendo partículas de nano-hidroxiapatita. Para isso, coroas de incisivos centrais humanos foram preparadas e tiveram suas faces vestibulares analisadas em microscópio de força atômica (MFA), o qual determinou os valores de rugosidade [Ra, RMS, Z range e Power Spectral Density (PSD)] iniciais. A cor e o brilho destas amostras foram determinados por um espectrofotômetro. Todas as amostras foram clareadas com PH 38% por 135 minutos. Os valores de Ra, RMS, Z range e PSD foram estabelecidos pelo MFA e a cor e o brilho determinados pelo espectrofotômetro. As amostras foram divididas em dois grupos: Flúor, que recebeu um polimento com gel de FS2%; e nHA, que recebeu um polimento com pasta dentifrícia contendo partículas de nano-hidroxiapatita. Os valores de Ra, RMS, Z range, PSD, cor e brilho pós-polimento foram determinados pelo MFA e espectrofotômetro. Após o clareamento, os valores de Ra, RMS, Z range e PSD não apresentaram alteração estatisticamente significante, os valores de L* aumentaram e C* diminuiu significativamente em todas as amostras. O brilho superficial não apresentou alteração significativa após o clareamento. O grupo Flúor não apresentou alteração de rugosidade significativa para Ra, RMS, Z range e PSD após o polimento. Os valores de L*, C* e brilho superficial também não apresentaram alterações significativas após o polimento das superfícies clareadas. No grupo nHA, os valores de Ra e RMS não apresentaram alteração significativa após o polimento das superfícies clareadas, porém os valores de Z range e PSD apresentaram alteração estatisticamente significante. Em comparação à superfície clareada, L* e C* não apresentaram alteração significante após o polimento, porém o brilho superficial foi significativamente maior. O tratamento clareador de consultório mostrou ser eficiente quanto à alteração de cor e não gerou aumento na rugosidade superficial do esmalte dental. Um polimento com pasta dentifrícia contendo partículas de nano-hidroxiapatita realizado após o clareamento é capaz de aumentar o brilho e diminuir a rugosidade superficial do esmalte dental. / Bleaching treatment may result in dental enamel surface roughness alterations, which might be seen as color alterations, opacity and gloss loss. The aim of this research was to in vitro investigate roughness, color and gloss alterations of human dental enamel surfaces after bleaching treatment with 38% hydrogen peroxide (HP) and after polishing with neutral 2% sodium fluoride or dental tooth paste containing nano-hydroxiapatite particles. Human central incisors were prepared and buccal surfaces were analyzed by an atomic force microscope (AFM), which determined roughness values [Ra, RMS, Z range and Power Spectral Density (PSD)]. Surface color and gloss were determined by a spectrophotometer. All samples were bleached with 38% HP for 135 minutes. AFM determined Ra, RMS, Z range and PSD after bleaching. Color and gloss were determined by the spectrophotometer. Samples were distributed in two different groups: Fluor, which was polished with neutral 2% sodium fluoride, and nHA, which was polished with dental tooth paste containing nano-hydroxyapatite particles. Ra, RMS, Z range, PSD, color and gloss values were determined by AFM and spectrophotometer after polishing. After bleaching, Ra, RMS, Z range and PSD didnt show any statistical difference. L* increased and C* decreased significantly in all samples after bleaching. Surface gloss didnt show significant alteration after bleaching. Fluor group didnt show surface roughness alteration considering Ra, RMS, Z range and PSD after polishing. L*, C* and gloss didnt change after bleached surfaces are polished with neutral 2% sodium fluoride. Ra and RMS of nHA group didnt change significantly after polishing, but Z range and PSD showed significant alteration. Despite L* and C* didnt change, gloss increased significantly after polishing with dental tooth paste containing nano-hydroxyapatite. In-office bleaching treatment showed to be efficient as for color enhancement and didnt cause roughness alteration in dental enamel surface. An after-bleaching polishing with dental tooth paste containing nano-hydroxyapatite particles may increase gloss and decrease surface roughness of dental enamel.

Quantification of soil properties for analyzing surface processes using spectroscopy and laser scanning

Haubrock, Sören-Nils 21 September 2009 (has links)
Oberflächennahe Prozesse werden durch die dynamischen Eigenschaften der Bodenoberfläche besonders beeinflusst. Zwar sind die kausalen Zusammenhänge dieser Prozesse weitestgehend bekannt, doch gibt es einen Mangel an verfügbaren Datenquellen und Erhebungsmethoden, die es erlauben, die Prozesse auf unterschiedlichen Skalen zu quantifizieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand darin, das Potential ausgewählter moderner Fernerkundungstechnologien zu bewerten, relevante Bodeneigenschaften zu quantifizieren und damit das Verständnis von oberflächennahen Prozessen in degradierten Landschaften zu verbessern. Das Studiengebiet befand sich in einer Rekultivierunglandschaft des Niederlausitzer Braunkohletagebaus Welzow-Süd. Die Größe von 4 ha ermöglichte eine umfassende, interdisziplinäre und multi-temporale Analyse der Bodeneigenschaften auf Grundlage von Fernerkundungsmethoden sowie hydrologischen und bodenkundlichen Feld- und Labormessungen. Die Quantifizierung der Bodenfeuchte als eine entscheidende Variable für Infiltrations- und Abflussprozesse war das Ziel von labor- und feldspektroskopischen Messungen sowie von hyperspektralen Flugzeugscanner-Messungen. Der hierbei entwickelte Normalized Soil Moisture Index (NSMI) wurde als optimales Quantifizierungsmodell für Oberflächen-Bodenfeuchte im Feld ermittelt. Bodenrauhigkeit wurde in hoher Präzision durch Anwendung eines stationären Laserscanners gemessen und in Form neuartiger multi-skalarer Indizes quantifiziert. Die Analyse der raum-zeitlichen Verteilungen ermöglichte die Identifizierung von Rauhigkeitsmustern, die unter dem Einfluss der Erosion im Feld entstanden. Diese Arbeit entwickelte neuartige Methoden und Indizes zur Quantifizierung von Oberflächen-Bodenfeuchte und Rauhigkeit im Feld. Für die Zukunft verspricht deren Anwendung die Entwicklung eines tieferen Verständnisses von Bodenerosionsprozessen sowie die Sammlung wertvoller Daten durch Monitoring- und Modellierungskampagnen. / Soil processes taking place in the context of erosion and land degradation are highly dependent on the properties of the surface. While the causes and effects of such processes are commonly well understood on a conceptual level, there is a lack of adequate data sources allowing for their quantification at various spatial scales. The main goal of this thesis was to assess the role of state-of-the-art remote sensing methods for the quantification of soil properties with the aim to improve the understanding of surface processes taking place in a degraded landscape. The chosen study area of 4 ha size located in a lignite mine in eastern Germany allowed for a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and multi-temporal analysis of surface properties based on remote sensing, pedological and hydrological measurements. The quantification of surface soil moisture as an important variable for infiltration and runoff processes has been the objective in laboratory and field spectroscopic experiments as well as in airborne hyperspectral measurements. The newly developed Normalized Soil Moisture Index (NSMI) was identified as the most robust quantifier for surface soil moisture in the field. Surface roughness was successfully quantified at high precision in form of novel multiscale indices derived from datasets collected with a stationary laser scanning device. The analysis of spatiotemporal roughness distributions allowed for the detection of distinct patterns that developed under the influence of soil erosion in the field. The thesis developed a set of methods and indices that successfully implement the quantification of surface soil moisture and roughness in the field. For the future, the application of these methods promises further insights into the details of soil erosion processes taking place as well as the collection of invaluable datasets to be used for soil erosion monitoring and modeling campaigns.

Efeito das pastilhas higienizadoras efervescentes à base de peróxido alcalino em liga metálica de cobalto-cromo / Effect of alkaline peroxide-effervescent tablets on the surfaces of the cobalt-chromium alloys

Glenda Lara Lopes Vasconcelos 17 December 2015 (has links)
A higienização das próteses é de fundamental importância para a longevidade do tratamento reabilitador. Entretanto, é necessário analisar os efeitos que os higienizadores podem causar nas superfícies que compõem uma prótese. Deste modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de pastilhas efervescentes à base de peróxido alcalino em liga de cobalto cromo (Co-Cr), utilizada em Prótese Parcial Removível (PPR). A partir de uma matriz metálica, padrões de cera em forma de disco (12 mm x 3 mm) foram confeccionados para posterior fundição. Os espécimes metálicos (n=16) foram imersos nas soluções: água deionizada (controle), Polident 3 minutes®, Steradent®, Efferdent®, Polident for Partials® e Corega Tabs®. Foi realizada a análise da rugosidade (n=10) por meio de rugosímetro, antes (t0) e após 5 períodos de simulação de ½, 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 anos de imersão nos higienizadores. Foram realizadas análises complementares quantitativas da liberação de íons (n=5) de cobalto (Co), cromo (Cr) e molibdênio (Mo) em cada solução e análises qualitativas em um espécime de cada grupo, por meio de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectrometria de Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDS). A distribuição dos dados de rugosidade (&mu;m) apresentou-se não normal. Foi utilizada estatística não-paramétrica (&alpha;=0,05). Tanto para o fator solução (Kruskall Wallis, ½ ano (p=0,900), 1 ano (p=0,277), 2 anos (p=0,227), 3 anos (p=0,086), 4 anos (p=0,657) e 5 anos (p=0,856), como para o fator tempo (Friedman, p=0,137) não houve diferença significante. Com relação à liberação de íons (&mu;g/L), a distribuição dos dados apresentou-se normal. De acordo com a estatística (&alpha;=0,05, ANOVA e teste de Tukey), Corega Tabs®, Efferdent® e água deionizada promoveram maior liberação de íons Co do que o Steradent® (p=0,003). Quanto aos íons Cr (p=0,000), Corega Tabs® propiciou maior liberação quando comparado a água deionizada, Steradent® e Polident 3 minutes®. Em relação aos íons Mo (p=0,001), o Efferdent® promoveu maior liberação. No MEV pode-se verificar que as soluções não apresentaram efeitos deletérios sobre as superfícies. Conclui-se que todas as pastilhas avaliadas não ocasionaram danos, entretanto, Steradent® foi a que propiciou menor liberação de íons, sendo indicada com maior segurança para higienização de superfícies metálicas de PPR. / The hygiene care of the removable dentures is of most importance for the longevity of the rehabilitation treatment. However, it is necessary to analyze the effects that denture cleansers can cause on the surfaces of prosthesis. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alkaline peroxide-effervescent tablets on the surfaces of the cobalt-chromium alloys (Co-Cr), used in removable partial dentures (RPD). Circular specimens (12 mm x 3 mm) were fabricated with cobalt-chromium alloys. The specimens (n= 16) were immersed in the following solutions: deionized water (control), Polident 3 minutes&trade;, Steradent&trade;, Efferdent&trade;, Polident for Partials&trade; and Corega Tabs&trade;. The surface roughness (n=10) was analyzed with a surf-test analyzer, before and after 5 periods that corresponds to the simulation of ½, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of immersion in the cleansers. As complementary analysis, it was performed a quantitative study of ions release (n=5) for cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr) and molybdenum (Mo) in each solution and qualitative analysis with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) associated to Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The results of surface roughness had presented no normal. In nonparametric statistics (&alpha; = 0.05), both of the solution factor Kruskall Wallis, ½ year (p=0.900), 1 year (p=0.277), 2 years (p=0.227), 3 years (p=0.086), 4 years (p=0.657) and 5 years (p=0.856), such as time factor (Friedman, p = 0.137), there was no significant difference. The results of ionic release presented a normal distribution and they were submitted to ANOVA (p=0.05) and Tukey test. The solutions Corega Tabs®, Efferdent® and deionized water presented greater Co ionic release than Steradent® (p=0.003). For Cr ions (p=0.000), Corega Tabs® had greater ionic release than deionized water, Steradent® and Polident 3 minutes®. Regarding Mo ions (p=0.001), Efferdent® showed greater release. With SEM, it was possible to verify that the solutions showed no deleterious effects on the specimen surfaces. It was concluded that no deleterious effects on metal surface was caused, however, Steradent® presented the smallest ionic release, and can be indicated more safely for cleaning metal surfaces of RPD.

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