Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asustainable managemement"" "subject:"asustainable managementment""
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Modelling dynamics including recruitment, growth and mortality for sustainable management in uneven-aged mixed-species rainforestsKariuki, Maina Unknown Date (has links)
Changes in species abundance and richness, stand structure, and species responses to habitat characteristics including disturbance intensity, were investigated in 28 permanent sample plots (PSP) covering a total area of about 6.2 hectares of subtropical rainforests in north-east New South Wales, Australia. The disturbance that occurred over 36 years previously varied from unlogged (controls), through single-tree selection (light), moderate selection and repeated single-tree selection to intensive (heavy) logging. Multivariate and univariate approaches were used to investigate changes in various plant groups, including all vascular plants, regenerating species (trees and understorey species > 1.3 m in height and < 10 cm diameter at 1.3 m above the ground level (dbh)), juvenile trees (regenerating species capable of attaining at least 10 cm dbh), and trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh. In addition, dynamic parameters (recruitment, growth and mortality) were estimated using hierarchical multilevel modelling and parameter estimates used to simulate behaviour of the subtropical rainforest tree species in unlogged and logged stands, both within and beyond the range of available data.Chronological post-disturbance responses and changes in species abundance and richness as well as stand structure for trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh were investigated using 20 PSP in a bid to better understand rainforest post-disturbance regeneration. The results portrayed minor and gradual ecological changes in the undisturbed controls analogous with natural forest dynamics where the changes were not significant. In logged sites, initial gradual changes were followed with more rapid and significant changes.In both unlogged and logged stands, the changes proceeded through three clearly identifiable stages. The first two stages lasted between 5 and 15 years each. In the initial stage, the number of individuals decreased in species with high frequency mainly in the shade tolerant species, with little or no change in species richness. In the second stage, species abundance and richness changed due to localised species turnover, replacement and losses with very little recruitment, and the numbers of both speciesand individuals declined to minima. In the third stage, due to recruitment beyond the 10 cm dbh, the net loss of species and trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh were halted and reversed, and species diversity and abundance began to return to pre-disturbance levels.Species abundance and diversity for both shade tolerant and intolerant species in less intensively logged sites (single-tree selection logging) have recovered to levels comparable with that observed in the controls, but more intensively logged sites have not recovered to similar levels. Increased logging intensity was associated with increased and decreased densities in the shade intolerant and ¨Ctolerant species respectively. It was evident that stand structure in logged sites had yet to recover to levels comparable with that of unlogged controls. It appears the restoration of floristic diversity to levels similar to that of intact primary forest takes considerably less time than structural recovery. Changes in regeneration patterns in a subtropical rainforest in north-east New South Wales were investigated for a 13-year period during the 3rd and 4th decades following repeated single-tree selection logging. Multivariate and univariate analyses results showed that there were no significant differences in floristic assemblages within and between censuses; however, two contrasting trends of changes in plant groups were detected. In trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh, the stem density and species richness increased in shade tolerant group, and while stem density increased in the shade intolerant group, species richness decreased during the study period. Amongst smaller sized species including trees (< 10 cm dbh), a general decrease in species richness was observed along with significant changes in stem densities (P = 0.03) with the number of individuals in the shade tolerant species increasing, while that of both shade intolerant and vine species decreased. Excluding the vines and understorey species from the broader regenerating species group, revealed a decrease in species richness in juvenile canopy tree, and a significant change in densities (P = 0.004) with the number of individuals in shade tolerant increasing, while that of shade intolerant trees decreased. A comparison between the canopy trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh and juvenile canopy trees group showed that these groups were tending towards similar floristic assemblages. These results suggest gradual replacement of shade intolerant by shade tolerant species as stands were tending toward later stages of recovery within the regeneration. The results also show that the inclusion of regenerating species in long-term studies is both complementary to the larger plant component and more revealing of both trends and changes.Species-specific estimates of shade tolerance and size structure at maturity derived from observations on 23 plots were used to intuitively group 277 vascular plant species into 3 main groups including full floristic (all together), shade tolerant and intolerant groups. The shade tolerant and intolerant groups were further grouped into smaller plants groups depending on the development stage and maximum size at maturity. These groups included regenerating species, juvenile trees, and trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh. Multivariate analyses of these nominated groups revealed that floristic assemblages were significantly associated with environmental gradients based on simple site characteristics.At the landscape (larger) scale, the floristic assemblages were significantly different between low (200-400), mid (400-700) and high altitude (over 700 meters above sea level). In addition, abundance of shade tolerant species including Doryphora sassafras Endl, Orites excelsa R.Br and Caldcluvia paniculosa (F.Muell) Hoogland was positively correlated with the altitudinal gradient. At the smaller (local) scale, intensively logged sites where large gaps were created had recovered their species richness, but effects of past logging were evident in trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh, especially trees greater than 50 cm dbh where species abundance in shade tolerant decreased significantly. Less intensively logged sites at mid altitude where a few stems were removed had recovered their species richness in respect to trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh, but the small gaps created may have healed quickly for appreciable regeneration response to occur, as juvenile trees component was significantly different to that of the (unlogged) controls.The abundance of shade intolerant and juvenile shade tolerant tree species increased in concert with levels of disturbance and abundance of shade intolerant species such as Duboisia myoporoides R.Br, Acacia melanoxylon R.Br, Rubus moorei F.Muell and R. hilli F.Muell was positively correlated with the disturbance gradient. Increase in number of individuals of certain tree species was positively correlated with both disturbance intensity and topography (mid slope through lower slope to creek/gully), but negatively correlated with aspect (NE - NW). We concluded that logged sites are yet to recover their pre-logging stand structure and rainforest tree species were found in sites where favourable recruitment and growth conditions were the encountered. These results show that logged sites had not yet regenerated to the pre-logging stand structure. They also show that habitat characteristics including history of disturbance and topography can influence the floristic assemblages in the sub-tropical rainforests at both the small (local) and large (geographic) scales. This supports the environmental control model that states ¡°species are found at sites where they encounter favourable living conditions¡±. Site characteristics as surrogate for some of these favourable living conditions were identified as useful potential variables to investigate the rainforest dynamic parameters (growth, recruitment and mortality) in both logged and unlogged stands.A quantitative model was developed using over 3 decades of data to describe and simulate the dynamics including recruitment, growth and mortality in unlogged stands and others subjected to different silvicultural regimes in uneven-aged mixed-species subtropical rainforests of north-eastern New South Wales. Hierarchical multilevel regression analyses including Poisson, Binomial and multinomial logit regression were used to estimate the rainforest dynamic parameters based on the assumption that trees perform differently in space and time, thus there are variations at both the plot and tree by measurement levels.Variations at the tree level required the botanical identity of trees to species level, and then the species-specific size at maturity and shade tolerance were used to classify species into 5 groups, each consisting of species with similar ecological characteristics. These groups were labelled as emergent and shade tolerant main canopy, shade tolerant mid canopy, shade tolerant understoreys, moderate shade tolerant and persistent, and shade intolerant pioneer tree species. Significant variables at the plot level including site characteristics such as topography (elevation, slope and aspect), and past disturbance were used as explanatory variables in species group models. The final model is as a classical matrix management-oriented model with an ecological touch and maximum size-dependent parameters of ingrowth and outgrowth. The model provides a tool to simulate stand performance after logging and to assess silvicultural prescriptions before they are applied in these types of forests.The simulations indicate that full recovery following a logging intensity where 47% of the overstorey basal area is removed with a checkerboard of logged and unlogged patches (group selection) on a 120-year cycle could enable sustainable timber production without compromising the ecological integrity in these forests. Following single-tree selection (33%), recovery takes about 150 years, and more intensive harvesting practices where 50-78% overstorey basal area is removed may take 180-220 years to recover. Pre-harvest climber cutting coupled with poisoning of non-timber species followed by intensive logging of merchantable trees would allow logging on a 300-year cycle. Shorter logging cycles may lead to changes in the forest structure and floristic composition where the overall species density is low with higher density of shade intolerant species.
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An integrated modelling approach for sustainable management of semi-arid and arid rangelandsPopp, Alexander January 2007 (has links)
The need to develop sustainable resource management strategies for semi-arid and arid rangelands is acute as non-adapted grazing strategies lead to irreversible environmental problems such as desertification and associated loss of economic support to society. In such vulnerable ecosystems, successful implementation of sustainable management strategies depends on well-founded under-standing of processes at different scales that underlay the complex system dynamic. There is ample evidence that, in contrast to traditional sectoral approaches, only interdisciplinary research does work for resolving problems in conservation and natural resource management. In this thesis I combined a range of modeling approaches that integrate different disciplines and spatial scales in order to contribute to basic guidelines for sustainable management of semi-arid and arid range-lands.
Since water availability and livestock management are seen as most potent determinants for the dynamics of semi-arid and arid ecosystems I focused on (i) the interaction of ecological and hydro-logical processes and (ii) the effect of farming strategies.
First, I developed a grid-based and small-scaled model simulating vegetation dynamics and inter-linked hydrological processes. The simulation results suggest that ecohydrological interactions gain importance in rangelands with ascending slope where vegetation cover serves to obstruct run-off and decreases evaporation from the soil. Disturbances like overgrazing influence these positive feedback mechanisms by affecting vegetation cover and composition.
In the second part, I present a modeling approach that has the power to transfer and integrate ecological information from the small scale vegetation model to the landscape scale, most relevant for the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of natural resources. I combined techniques of stochastic modeling with remotely sensed data and GIS to investigate to which ex-tent spatial interactions, like the movement of surface water by run-off in water limited environments, affect ecosystem functioning at the landscape scale. My simulation experiments show that overgrazing decreases the number of vegetation patches that act as hydrological sinks and run-off increases. The results of both simulation models implicate that different vegetation types should not only be regarded as provider of forage production but also as regulator of ecosystem functioning. Vegetation patches with good cover of perennial vegetation are capable to catch and conserve surface run-off from degraded surrounding areas. Therefore, downstream out of the simulated system is prevented and efficient use of water resources is guaranteed at all times. This consequence also applies to commercial rotational grazing strategies for semi-arid and arid rangelands with ascending slope where non-degraded paddocks act as hydrological sinks.
Finally, by the help of an integrated ecological-economic modeling approach, I analyzed the relevance of farmers’ ecological knowledge for longterm functioning of semi-arid and arid grazing systems under current and future climatic conditions. The modeling approach consists of an ecological and an economic module and combines relevant processes on either level. Again, vegetation dynamics and forage productivity is derived by the small-scaled vegetation model. I showed that sustainable management of semi-arid and arid rangelands relies strongly on the farmers’ knowledge on how the ecosystem works. Furthermore, my simulation results indicate that the projected lower annual rainfall due to climate change in combination with non-adapted grazing strategies adds an additional layer of risk to these ecosystems that are already prone to land degradation.
All simulation models focus on the most essential factors and ignore specific details. Therefore, even though all simulation models are parameterized for a specific dwarf shrub savanna in arid southern Namibia, the conclusions drawn are applicable for semi-arid and arid rangelands in general. / Nachhaltige Managementstrategien für semi-aride und aride Beweidungsgebiete sind äusserst bedeutend, da ein nicht nachhaltiges Management sehr schnell zu irreversiblen Umweltproblemen und damit verbundenem Verlust der ökonomischen Prosperität führt. Obwohl Wasserverfügbarkeit und Viehmanagement als die bedeutendsten Faktoren für die Dynamik semi-arider und arider Ökosysteme angesehen werden, ist deren Einfluss und Interaktion nicht genügend erforscht. Ziel der Dissertation war, das Wissen über diese Prozesse zu erweitern, um grundsätzliche Richtlinien für die nachhaltige Nutzung semi-arider und arider Beweidungsgebiete zu erstellen. Hierfür habe ich in dieser Arbeit, die aus drei aufeinander aufbauenden Teilen besteht, mehrere Modellierungstechniken kombiniert.
Für den ersten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich ein gitterbasiertes und kleinskaliges Modell entwickelt, welches die Vegetationsdynamik und damit verbundene hydrologische Prozesse wie Oberflächenabfluss und Evaporation simuliert. Da Entscheidungen zur nachhaltigen Nutzung von Resourcen auf der Landschaftsebene getroffen werden, stelle ich im zweiten Teil der Arbeit eine neue Methode vor, mit deren Hilfe man diese kleinskaligen ökologischen Informationen auf die Landschaftsebene übertragen kann. Um zu untersuchen wie Oberflächenabfluss das Funktionieren von Ökosystemen auf Landschaftsebene beeinflusst, habe ich Techniken der stochastischen Modellierung mit Techniken der Fernerkundung und GIS kombiniert.. Die Ergebnisse beider Simulationsmodelle implizieren, dass öko-hydrologische Interaktionen in Beweidungsgebieten mit ausgeprägter Topographie von Bedeutung sind. Verschiedene Vegetationstypen sollten nicht nur als Futterquelle für die Weidetiere betrachtet werden, sondern auch bezüglich ihrer Bedeutung als Regler der Ökosystemfunktion. Vegetationsbestände mit einem hohen Bedeckungsgrad an perennierender Vegetation können Oberflächenabfluss aus degradierten benachbarten Gebieten abfangen. Störungen wie Überweidung beeinflussen diesen positiven Rückkopplungsmechanismus negativ, indem sie Vegetationsbedeckung und -zusammensetzung verändern.
Im letzten Teil der Arbeit habe ich mit Hilfe eines ökologisch-ökonomischen Simulationsmodells die Bedeutung des ökologischen Verständnisses der Farmer für ein langfristiges Funktionieren von semi-ariden und ariden Beweidungssystemen unter aktuellen und prognostizierten klimatischen Bedingungen untersucht. Auch hier wird die Vegetationsdynamik und – produktivität beider Module mit Hilfe des kleinskaligen Vegetationsmodells abgeleitet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein nachhaltiges Management semi-arider und arider Savannen sehr stark vom Verständnis der Farmer für die Funktionsweise des Ökosystems abhängt. Des Weiteren weist das Modell darauf hin, dass ein durch den prognostizierten Klimawandel reduzierter Jahresniederschlag in Kombination mit nicht-angepassten Beweidungsstrategien ein hohes Risiko für diese Ökosysteme darstellt.
Meine Arbeit trägt zu einem besseren Verständnis grundlegender Prozesse der Ökosystemdynamik einer ariden Zwergstrauchsavanne im südlichen Namibia bei. Da sich alle drei Simulationsmodelle auf grundlegende Faktoren konzentrieren und spezifische Details ignorieren, können die Schlussfolgerungen auch auf andere semi-aride und aride Beweidungsgebiete übertragen werden.
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Sustainability of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Nigeria : A Case Study of LagosAgbesola, Yetunde January 2013 (has links)
Waste generation is an unavoidable product of man’s activities, however, sustainable management of such waste is a challenge faced in many countries today. Nigeria, a developing country in Africa, has been in a quandary of how to efficiently manage the municipal solid waste its population generates. Many states in the country lack adequate plans and infrastructure required for efficient and sustainable management of municipal solid waste. For Lagos, the most populous and popular state in Nigeria, the problem is further compounded by its rather large and still increasing population. In this research, Lagos is taken as a case study; the extant trend for solid waste handling in households, trends in the formal and informal sector as regards solid waste management from household collection to final disposal are focused upon. Many countries, particularly the developed ones, have employed options in the waste management hierarchy for sustainable management of their municipal solid waste and the blend of options employed is usually highly dependent on local factors. Following the waste management hierarchy, possible options for sustainable municipal solid waste management in Lagos are discussed. It is concluded that waste reduction, reuse, recycling and composting are potential management options for the state. Landfilling will remain an important option for final disposal but reliance on this method could be significantly reduced if management options are exploited to the maximum in a sustainable solid waste management structure.
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Building Sustainability : Studies on incentives in construction and management of real estateHögberg, Lovisa January 2014 (has links)
This thesis summarizes the results from several studies with connection to sustainability in construction and management of real estate. Here, the concept sustainability includes environmental, social and economic dimensions and focus is on the actors with the best possibilities to impact real estate, namely the real estate owners and the developers. The thesis consists of six papers. Real estate owners’ perception of and incentives and strategies for sustainability was studied in four ways: incentives for energy efficiency and other sustainability issues in connection to renovation (papers I and II), factors that characterize firms with an ambitious approach to energy efficiency (paper V) and economic incentives for energy efficiency (paper VI). Developers’ behavior and impact on sustainability was studied in two ways: how developers’ planning and construction methods may influence energy consumption for future residents (paper III) and how developers relate to requirements for building environmental certification levels (paper IV). The first paper aims to clarify how housing firms see and treat energy efficiency matters in connection to renovation of multi-family buildings constructed during the 1960’s and 70’s. Interviews with housing firms resulted in four ideal housing firm types illustrating that housing firms have more or less incentives to improve energy efficiency. The second paper aimed to study a model for renovation of buildings in a residential area in peripheral Stockholm and to assess how it considers environmental, social and economic sustainability as well as technical concerns. Paper V builds on the results in paper I and aims to identify factors, on a firm level as well as in the surroundings of the firm, that characterize housing firms who own multi-family buildings from the 1960’s and 70’s and who have an ambitious approach to energy efficiency. Paper VI uses information from energy performance certificates to study whether better energy performance increases the selling price of single-family homes, which would increase owners’ incentives to improve energy efficiency. Paper III takes its starting point in an indicated shift in developers’ planning and construction practices for laundry facilities in owner-occupied multi-family buildings. The paper aims to clarify whether a shift has actually occurred from communal laundry rooms to in-unit laundry appliances and to illuminate the impact this could have on residents’ energy consumption for laundry. Paper IV reports the study of how developers who have adopted the environmental certification system LEED relate to the requirements for specific certification levels and how updated requirements risk undermining developers’ incentives for sustainable construction. / Den här avhandlingen sammanfattar arbetet från flera studier med koppling till hållbarhet inom bygg och förvaltning av fastigheter. Begreppet hållbarhet omfattar här tre dimensioner: miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet, och fokus ligger på de aktörer som har mest möjlighet att påverka fastigheterna, nämligen fastighetsägare och projektutvecklare. I avhandlingen ingår sex uppsatser. Fastighetsägares uppfattning av och incitament och strategier för hållbarhet undersöktes på fyra olika sätt: incitament för energieffektivisering och andra hållbarhetsfrågor i samband med renovering (uppsats I och II), faktorer som karaktäriserar företag med ett ambitiöst förhållningssätt i energieffektiviseringsfrågor (uppsats V) samt ekonomiska incitament för energieffektivisering (uppsats VI). Projektutvecklares beteende och påverkan på hållbarhet undersöktes på två sätt: hur projektutvecklares planering och byggmetoder kan påverka energianvändningen för framtida boende (uppsats III) och hur projektutvecklare förhåller sig till kravnivåer i miljöcertifiering av byggnader (uppsats IV). Den första uppsatsen syftar till att belysa hur bostadsföretag ser på och behandlar energieffektiviseringsfrågor i samband med renovering av flerbostadshus byggda under miljonprogrammet. Baserat på intervjuer med bostadsföretag resulterade den explorativa studien i konstruktionen av fyra idealtyper av bostadsföretag med mer eller mindre incitament för att energieffektivisera. Den andra uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka en modell för renovering av miljonprogramshus i ett bostadsområde i Stockholms ytterområden och bedöma hur den tar hänsyn till miljömässig, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet tillsammans med tekniska överväganden. Uppsats V bygger på resultaten i uppsats I och syftar till att urskilja faktorer, såväl på företagsnivå som i företagets omgivning, som karaktäriserar bostadsföretag som äger flerbostadshus från miljonprogramsåren och som har en ambitiös hållning i energieffektiviseringsfrågor. Uppsats VI använder information från energideklarationer för att undersöka om bättre energiprestanda ökar försäljningspriset på småhus, något som skulle öka ägarens incitament för energieffektivisering. Uppsats III utgår från en indikerad förändring i projektutvecklares planering och byggmetoder av tvättinrättningar i flerbostadshus med bostadsrätt. Uppsatsen syftar till att klarlägga om en förändring har skett från gemensam tvättstuga till tvättmöjligheter i den egna bostaden och belysa vilken effekt det skulle kunna ha på de boendes energianvändning för tvätt. I uppsats IV klarläggs hur projektutvecklare som bygger enligt miljöcertifieringssystemet LEED förhåller sig till kraven för att uppnå nivåerna för att klassificeras och hur uppdaterade kravnivåer riskerar att undergräva projektutvecklarnas incitament för att bygga hållbart. / <p>QC 20141218</p>
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Management Of Reservoir Sedimentation Case Studies From TurkeyCetinkaya, Oguz Kagan 01 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Siltation is becoming a big problem as the dams get older all over the world. Conservation and sustainable management of existing reservoirs is gaining more importance than constructing new dams. In this study the program RESCON, which is outcome of a World Bank sponsored project, has been used to examine sediment removal strategies (flushing, hydrosuction sediment removal, dredging and trucking) for four dams of Turkey namely Ç / ubuk I Dam, Bayindir Dam, ivriz Dam and Borç / ka Dam. Sediment measurements are made by governmental agencies in Turkey. In this study characteristics of these measurements will be presented for the future sediment related studies. Then sediment removal strategies which were used in RESCON will be introduced. Evaluation of RESCON results have been made and compared with previous studies for verification except Borç / ka Dam, since it is under construction.
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Modelling dynamics including recruitment, growth and mortality for sustainable management in uneven-aged mixed-species rainforestsKariuki, Maina Unknown Date (has links)
Changes in species abundance and richness, stand structure, and species responses to habitat characteristics including disturbance intensity, were investigated in 28 permanent sample plots (PSP) covering a total area of about 6.2 hectares of subtropical rainforests in north-east New South Wales, Australia. The disturbance that occurred over 36 years previously varied from unlogged (controls), through single-tree selection (light), moderate selection and repeated single-tree selection to intensive (heavy) logging. Multivariate and univariate approaches were used to investigate changes in various plant groups, including all vascular plants, regenerating species (trees and understorey species > 1.3 m in height and < 10 cm diameter at 1.3 m above the ground level (dbh)), juvenile trees (regenerating species capable of attaining at least 10 cm dbh), and trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh. In addition, dynamic parameters (recruitment, growth and mortality) were estimated using hierarchical multilevel modelling and parameter estimates used to simulate behaviour of the subtropical rainforest tree species in unlogged and logged stands, both within and beyond the range of available data.Chronological post-disturbance responses and changes in species abundance and richness as well as stand structure for trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh were investigated using 20 PSP in a bid to better understand rainforest post-disturbance regeneration. The results portrayed minor and gradual ecological changes in the undisturbed controls analogous with natural forest dynamics where the changes were not significant. In logged sites, initial gradual changes were followed with more rapid and significant changes.In both unlogged and logged stands, the changes proceeded through three clearly identifiable stages. The first two stages lasted between 5 and 15 years each. In the initial stage, the number of individuals decreased in species with high frequency mainly in the shade tolerant species, with little or no change in species richness. In the second stage, species abundance and richness changed due to localised species turnover, replacement and losses with very little recruitment, and the numbers of both speciesand individuals declined to minima. In the third stage, due to recruitment beyond the 10 cm dbh, the net loss of species and trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh were halted and reversed, and species diversity and abundance began to return to pre-disturbance levels.Species abundance and diversity for both shade tolerant and intolerant species in less intensively logged sites (single-tree selection logging) have recovered to levels comparable with that observed in the controls, but more intensively logged sites have not recovered to similar levels. Increased logging intensity was associated with increased and decreased densities in the shade intolerant and ¨Ctolerant species respectively. It was evident that stand structure in logged sites had yet to recover to levels comparable with that of unlogged controls. It appears the restoration of floristic diversity to levels similar to that of intact primary forest takes considerably less time than structural recovery. Changes in regeneration patterns in a subtropical rainforest in north-east New South Wales were investigated for a 13-year period during the 3rd and 4th decades following repeated single-tree selection logging. Multivariate and univariate analyses results showed that there were no significant differences in floristic assemblages within and between censuses; however, two contrasting trends of changes in plant groups were detected. In trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh, the stem density and species richness increased in shade tolerant group, and while stem density increased in the shade intolerant group, species richness decreased during the study period. Amongst smaller sized species including trees (< 10 cm dbh), a general decrease in species richness was observed along with significant changes in stem densities (P = 0.03) with the number of individuals in the shade tolerant species increasing, while that of both shade intolerant and vine species decreased. Excluding the vines and understorey species from the broader regenerating species group, revealed a decrease in species richness in juvenile canopy tree, and a significant change in densities (P = 0.004) with the number of individuals in shade tolerant increasing, while that of shade intolerant trees decreased. A comparison between the canopy trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh and juvenile canopy trees group showed that these groups were tending towards similar floristic assemblages. These results suggest gradual replacement of shade intolerant by shade tolerant species as stands were tending toward later stages of recovery within the regeneration. The results also show that the inclusion of regenerating species in long-term studies is both complementary to the larger plant component and more revealing of both trends and changes.Species-specific estimates of shade tolerance and size structure at maturity derived from observations on 23 plots were used to intuitively group 277 vascular plant species into 3 main groups including full floristic (all together), shade tolerant and intolerant groups. The shade tolerant and intolerant groups were further grouped into smaller plants groups depending on the development stage and maximum size at maturity. These groups included regenerating species, juvenile trees, and trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh. Multivariate analyses of these nominated groups revealed that floristic assemblages were significantly associated with environmental gradients based on simple site characteristics.At the landscape (larger) scale, the floristic assemblages were significantly different between low (200-400), mid (400-700) and high altitude (over 700 meters above sea level). In addition, abundance of shade tolerant species including Doryphora sassafras Endl, Orites excelsa R.Br and Caldcluvia paniculosa (F.Muell) Hoogland was positively correlated with the altitudinal gradient. At the smaller (local) scale, intensively logged sites where large gaps were created had recovered their species richness, but effects of past logging were evident in trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh, especially trees greater than 50 cm dbh where species abundance in shade tolerant decreased significantly. Less intensively logged sites at mid altitude where a few stems were removed had recovered their species richness in respect to trees ¡Ý 10 cm dbh, but the small gaps created may have healed quickly for appreciable regeneration response to occur, as juvenile trees component was significantly different to that of the (unlogged) controls.The abundance of shade intolerant and juvenile shade tolerant tree species increased in concert with levels of disturbance and abundance of shade intolerant species such as Duboisia myoporoides R.Br, Acacia melanoxylon R.Br, Rubus moorei F.Muell and R. hilli F.Muell was positively correlated with the disturbance gradient. Increase in number of individuals of certain tree species was positively correlated with both disturbance intensity and topography (mid slope through lower slope to creek/gully), but negatively correlated with aspect (NE - NW). We concluded that logged sites are yet to recover their pre-logging stand structure and rainforest tree species were found in sites where favourable recruitment and growth conditions were the encountered. These results show that logged sites had not yet regenerated to the pre-logging stand structure. They also show that habitat characteristics including history of disturbance and topography can influence the floristic assemblages in the sub-tropical rainforests at both the small (local) and large (geographic) scales. This supports the environmental control model that states ¡°species are found at sites where they encounter favourable living conditions¡±. Site characteristics as surrogate for some of these favourable living conditions were identified as useful potential variables to investigate the rainforest dynamic parameters (growth, recruitment and mortality) in both logged and unlogged stands.A quantitative model was developed using over 3 decades of data to describe and simulate the dynamics including recruitment, growth and mortality in unlogged stands and others subjected to different silvicultural regimes in uneven-aged mixed-species subtropical rainforests of north-eastern New South Wales. Hierarchical multilevel regression analyses including Poisson, Binomial and multinomial logit regression were used to estimate the rainforest dynamic parameters based on the assumption that trees perform differently in space and time, thus there are variations at both the plot and tree by measurement levels.Variations at the tree level required the botanical identity of trees to species level, and then the species-specific size at maturity and shade tolerance were used to classify species into 5 groups, each consisting of species with similar ecological characteristics. These groups were labelled as emergent and shade tolerant main canopy, shade tolerant mid canopy, shade tolerant understoreys, moderate shade tolerant and persistent, and shade intolerant pioneer tree species. Significant variables at the plot level including site characteristics such as topography (elevation, slope and aspect), and past disturbance were used as explanatory variables in species group models. The final model is as a classical matrix management-oriented model with an ecological touch and maximum size-dependent parameters of ingrowth and outgrowth. The model provides a tool to simulate stand performance after logging and to assess silvicultural prescriptions before they are applied in these types of forests.The simulations indicate that full recovery following a logging intensity where 47% of the overstorey basal area is removed with a checkerboard of logged and unlogged patches (group selection) on a 120-year cycle could enable sustainable timber production without compromising the ecological integrity in these forests. Following single-tree selection (33%), recovery takes about 150 years, and more intensive harvesting practices where 50-78% overstorey basal area is removed may take 180-220 years to recover. Pre-harvest climber cutting coupled with poisoning of non-timber species followed by intensive logging of merchantable trees would allow logging on a 300-year cycle. Shorter logging cycles may lead to changes in the forest structure and floristic composition where the overall species density is low with higher density of shade intolerant species.
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Gestão hídrica do reservatório Sumé-PB: potencialidades e fragilidades.CANTALICE, Luciana Ramos. 08 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-08T12:16:38Z
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LUCIANA RAMOS CANTALICE - DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGRN) 2010.pdf: 3364933 bytes, checksum: aa2fe7f7dd8810bfb677ee62052bb6a1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-08T12:16:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
LUCIANA RAMOS CANTALICE - DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGRN) 2010.pdf: 3364933 bytes, checksum: aa2fe7f7dd8810bfb677ee62052bb6a1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08 / CNPq / Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as potencialidades e as fragilidades dos usos múltiplos das águas do Reservatório Público de Sumé – PB, com vistas a refletir sobre a questão do manejo sustentável do recurso hidríco em tal localidade. A finalidade subjacente à condução de tal pesquisa diz respeito a uma tentativa não somente de fornecer informações que levem ao bem-estar da comunidade local, mas também de contribuir com dados empíricos para a área de estudos hidrológicos, cuja literatura apresenta necessidade de mais investigações que venham a consolidar seu arcabouço. A fim de atingir as metas almejadas, questionários foram aplicados aos usuários do açude e entrevistas informais foram conduzidas com os responsáveis pelo DNOCS de Sumé, de Campina Grande e de João Pessoa sobre o reservatório de Sumé. Esses procedimentos metodológicos indicam que a tipologia da pesquisa realizada se refere ao quadro quanti-qualitativo, no sentido de que os dados coletados através dos questionários e das entrevistas serviram de base para análises de natureza tanto estátistica, quanto interpretativista. Além disso, também foi realizada uma pesquisa documental, com base numa série de informações obtidas na SUDEMA, na AESA e no DNOCS, referentes ao período de 2000 a 2009, sobre a qualidade da água do reservatório sob análise. A observação e descrição dos dados indicam que além da agricultura a pesca se destaca entre uma das potencialidades apresentadas em relação às águas do reservatório, seguida de outras atividades, como o lazer e a balneabilidade. No que concerne à qualidade da água, verificou-se que, apesar de alguns parâmetros apresentarem padrões de qualidade em dissonância com a Resolução CONAMA 357, não há interferências negativas no desenvolvimento das atividades com potencial para o progresso do açude. Quanto à fragilidade, observou-se que a gestão atual do reservatório não está adequada às novas políticas dos usos múltiplos das águas e às novas posturas em relação ao meio ambiente, e, em relação ao ecossistema do entorno do reservatório, percebe-se que há práticas incorretas de agricultura que comprometem a qualidade da água. Diante dos resultados alcançados em toda a pesquisa, conclui-se que é possível, dentro do quadro ambiental existente, mudar a forma de apropriação e uso dos recursos ambientais. / This study aimed at analyzing the potentialities and weaknesses of the multiple uses of water from the public reservoir of Sumé – PB, with the intent of reflecting on the sustainable management of the hydric resources from such locality. The research was carried out not only in order to provide useful information to the welfare of the local community, but also to contribute with empirical data for the area of hydrological studies, whose literature is in need for further investigations. In order to achieve the proposed goals, questionnaires were applied to the users of the weir and informal interviews were conducted on the Reservoir of Sumé with the people responsible for the DNOCS of Sumé, Campina Grande and João Pessoa. Such methodological procedures indicate that this study refers to the mixed paradigm of quantitative and qualitative research, in the sense that the data elicited from the questionnaires and interviews formed the basis for analysis of both statistical and interpretative nature. In addition, it was performed a documental survey, based on a series of information obtained from agencies such as SUDEMA, AESA and DNOCS, comprehending the period 2000-2009, about the quality of the water from the reservoir under consideration. The observation and description of the data indicate that fishing stands out as the most prospective use of the reservoir water, followed by other activities such as leisure and bathing. With reference to the quality of the water, it was verified that, although some parameters showed quality standards in disagreement with the Resolution of CONAMA 357, there is no negative interference of these differences in the development of activities with potentiality towards the progress of the reservoir. As for the weaknesses, it was observed that the current management of the hydric resource is not adequate to the new policies of the multiple uses of water and also to the new attitudes regarding the environment, and, in relation to the ecosystem surrounding the reservoir, it is possible to see that there are incorrect agriculture practices that endanger the quality of the water. Considering the results obtained throughout the research, it can be concluded that it is possible, within the existing environmental setting, to change the form of appropriation and use of the environmental resources.
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Hardwiring sustainability into business practice through the use of management controls : A case study of Solvay GroupBuftic, Alexandru, Karafylloudis, Dimitrios January 2018 (has links)
This is an exploration into how large companies, well placed in the sustainability field, embed sustainability in their corporate practice through the use of management controls. This was investigated empirically based on a case study of Solvay S.A. The framework by Crutzen et al. (2017), with its pattern approach to sustainability management controls, was employed in this study as a theoretical lens and as a tool for the evaluation of data output. Evidence indicates systemic and systematic deployment of formal management controls to direct the sustainability performance within the Group. Such technocratic institutionalization of sustainability through formal controls is topped by the application of informal cultural controls, concrete signals of which were identified in relation to sustainability. The paper concludes that the researched Group deploys a full package of formal and informal management control mechanisms for sustainability.
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Seleção de indicadores para gestão sustentável da olericultura em Itabaiana/SESouza, Danielle Thaís Barros de 20 February 2008 (has links)
Sustainable agriculture has been an increasing concern for the diverse involved social segments. The use of tools as indicating of sustainability in horticulture productive systems becomes important at a time that can contribute for the reduction of its ambient liabilities. This research had as objective generality to consider pointers of sustainability
for horticulture producers in the city of Itabaiana in the State of Sergipe, in order to contribute for identification and monitor of the production systems. As specific objectives, the study aims to characterize the production systems and select pointers for sustainable management of the productive systems. It is a study of field of exploratory and descriptive type carried from half-structuralized interview with 28 proprietors of horticulture cultures of the city of Itabaiana - Sergipe, selected for being supplying of the Net of G Barbosa supermarkets. The pointers had been selected on the basis of the information collected and in the method considered for the United Nations Environment Program, known as Pressure / Estate/ Answer (P.E.A.). On the basis of the characterization of the production systems evidenced a series of problems that if observed for the optics of the sustainability present fragilities in the social, economic and ambient dimensions. 43 pointers of sustainability had been selected for the evaluation aiming to monitor which attributes of the activity may be contrary with the objectives. / A agricultura sustentável tem sido uma preocupação crescente pelos diversos segmentos sociais envolvidos. A utilização de ferramentas como indicadores de sustentabilidade em sistemas produtivos de olerícolas torna-se importante uma vez que
pode contribuir para a redução do seu passivo ambiental. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral propor indicadores de sustentabilidade para olerícolas na cidade de Itabaiana no Estado de Sergipe, a fim de contribuir para identificação e monitoramento dos sistemas de produção. Como objetivos específicos, o estudo visa caracterizar os sistemas de produção, e selecionar indicadores para gestão sustentável dos sistemas produtivos. Trata-se de um estudo de campo do tipo exploratório e descritivo realizado a partir de entrevista semi-estruturada com 28 proprietários de olericulturas da cidade de Itabaiana/ SE, selecionados por serem fornecedores da Rede de supermercados G Barbosa. Os indicadores foram selecionados com base nas informações coletadas e no
método proposto pelo Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente, conhecido como Pressão/ Estado/ Resposta (P.E.R.). Com base na caracterização dos sistemas de
produção constatou-se um serie de problemas que se observados pela ótica da sustentabilidade apresentam fragilidades nas dimensões social, econômica e ambiental.
Foram selecionados para a avaliação 43 indicadores de sustentabilidade visando monitorar quais atributos da atividade podem estar desconformes com os objetivos.
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Perfil sócio-produtivo de pecuaristas na área de proteção ambiental do rio Ibirapuitã (apa do Ibirapuitã) e avaliação da diversidade funcional de pastagens naturais da região centro-oeste do Rio Grande do Sul / Socio-productive profile of farmers in Ibirapuitã s environmental protection area (Ibirapuitã s epa) and evaluation of functional diversity of natural grasslands of central west region of the Rio Grande do SulPereira, Liana Pereira de 23 July 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The work was developed to recognize farmers profiles living in Ibirapuitã s Environmental Protection Area (Ibirapuitã s EPA) and identifies characteristics guiding management decisions and their social reproduction. Evaluation of the use of functional types based on
grasses was also considered as an alternative to guide decision making considering appropriate management and sustainable development of areas of native grasslands. The work is divided into two approaches. The first is to collect data through semi-structured interviews, in production units located in Alegrete, Rosário do Sul and Santana do Livramento, within the Ibirapuitã s EPA. Data were tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet and multivariate analysis was performed to determine ranchers profiles in the area. Cluster analysis showed three basic profiles: familiar farmers, specialized familiar farmers and enterprise ranchers . All produce cattle and sheep on natural pasture. Through ordination analysis, we determined socioeconomic and cultural characteristics that influence in management of natural resources. In
the second approach were conducted four assessments of the floristic composition in Alegrete municipality in October 2008, April 2009, October 2009 and January 2010. In all evaluations were performed to determine the specific leaf area (SLA) and dry matter content (LDMC) of grasses with the greater contribution in forage mass. Data relating to botanical survey were analyzed using software MULTIV. SLA and LDMC collected data were analyzed together with the same attributes already determined in Santa Maria and Bagé, where functional types had already been determined by testing the factors grazing, burning, fertilization, site and functional types. We performed multivariate analysis using the software MULTIV. Variation of herbage mass of botanical families in the evaluated area was relevant to management compared with total variation in herbage mass. The grazing factor allowed the selection of
species of types A and B over the species conservation of resources types C and D. The use of functional types of grasses can be extended to other regions like the West Border of the RS by the consistency showed that the functional attributes. / A dissertação foi desenvolvida objetivando reconhecer os perfis dos pecuaristas que vivem na Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Ibirapuitã e identificar caracteríticas que podem nortear suas decisões de manejo e reprodução social. Também foi considerada avaliação do uso dos tipos funcionais baseados em gramíneas como alternativa para orientar as tomadas de decisão quanto ao manejo adequado e sustentável das áreas de campo nativo. O trabalho está dividido em duas abordagens. A primeira consiste na coleta de dados, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, em unidades produtivas localizadas em Alegrete, Rosário do Sul e Santana do Livramento, dentro da Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Ibirapuitã. Os dados foram tabulados em planilha Excel e foi realizada análise multivariada para determinar os perfis de
pecuaristas existentes na área. A análise de agrupamento apresentou três perfis básicos: pecuaristas familiares, pecuaristas familiares especializados e pecuaristas empresariais. Todos produzem bovinos e ovinos em pastagem natural. Por meio da análise de ordenação foi possível constatar que as características sócio-econômicas e culturais influenciam no manejo dos recursos naturais. Na segunda abordagem, foram realizadas quatro avaliações da composição florística no município de Alegrete, em outubro de 2008, abril de 2009, outubro de 2009 e janeiro de 2010. Em todas as avaliações foi realizada a determinação da área foliar específica (AFE) e teor de matéria seca (TMS) das gramíneas com contribuição majoritária na massa de forragem. Os dados referentes ao levantamento botânico foram analisados utilizando software MULTIV. A AFE e o TMS determinados no presente trabalho foram analisados conjuntamente com os mesmos atributos já determinados nos municípios de Santa Maria e Bagé onde os tipos funcionais já haviam sido determinados, testando os fatores pastejo, queima, adubação, local e tipos funcionais. Foi realizada análise estatística multivariada utilizando o software MULTIV. A variação da massa de forragem das famílias botânicas na
área avaliada foi relevante para o manejo em comparação a variação da massa de forragem total. O fator pastejo permitiu a seleção de espécies dos tipos A e B, em detrimento às
espécies de conservação de recursos dos tipos C e D. O uso dos tipos funcionais de gramíneas pode ser extendido para outras regiões, como a Fronteira Oeste do RS pela consistência que os atributos funcionais apresentaram.
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