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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CONTRIBUIÇÃO PARA A CONSTRUÇÃO SUSTENTÁVEL: características de um Projeto Habitacional Eco-eficiente

Leila Chagas Florim 24 June 2004 (has links)
A habitação com qualidade é uma necessidade que deve ser satisfeita sem comprometimento dos eco-sistemas existentes, levando as empresas a assumirem uma postura ética de valorização do meio ambiente. A consciência quanto a finitude dos recursos naturais e à degradação ambiental fomentada pela construção civil vêm despertando preocupação, principalmente devido ao déficit habitacional de 5,4 milhões de novas habitações. A questão ambiental atrelada à gestão empresarial é vista hoje não como modismo, mas como necessidade de sobrevivência dentro de um mercado competitivo, uma sociedade mais atenta aos seus direitos como consumidores e cidadãos e a sobrevivência do planeta com seus ecosistemas e ciclos de renovação preservados. Dessa forma, propõe-se, através de metodologia exploratória com pesquisa bibliográfica, critérios de planejamento de empreendimentos habitacionais voltados para a construção sustentável. Apresentam-se pautados na ecoeficiência técnica e de gestão do empreendimento, tendo como resultado a redução progressiva dos impactos ambientais e da intensidade do consumo de recursos ao longo do seu ciclo de vida, a um nível, no mínimo, equivalente à capacidade de suporte estimada da Terra. Contribui para o estado da arte na Construção Sustentável, dedicando-se a caracterizar e a dar relevância sob o ponto de vista ambiental, social e econômico ao empreendimento, configurando sua eco-eficiência. / Dwelling with quality is a need that must be satisfied without endangering the ecosystems, leading companies to assume an ethics posture of environmental valuation. The conscience of natural resources finitude and environmental degradation fomented by Construction come rousing, principally due to 5,4 millions new dwellings deficit. The environmental issue leashed to business management is not seeing as ephemeral, but as a survival requirement inside a competitive market, a community heedful to their consumers and citizens right as well as to the planet survival with its eco-systems and renewal cycles. On this context, is proposed, through an exploratory methodology and bibliographical research, planning criteria of dwelling projects with focus on sustainable construction. Arouse guided by eco-efficiency techniques and project management, showing as result the gradual reduction of environmental impacts and resources consumption intensity, to a standard , at least, close to the planet uphold capacity. Contribute to the State of the Art on Sustainable Construction, committing on characterize and give relevance, considering environmental, social and economical point of view, configuring its eco-efficiency.

Gestão ambiental no setor de construção civil de Aracaju

Santos, Augusto César Vieira dos 22 March 2006 (has links)
The sector of civil construction is one of impactantes, responsible mostly of the residues generated in the planet. The sped up growth of the cities comes causing ambient disequilibrium and reduction of the quality of life of population and one of the probable solutions is the implantation of sustainable cities, of echo-efficient constructions, stimulates it to the structure of the one productive chain of the sector with ecological principles, the use of alternative constructive and matter methods, or either, the search of the sustentabilidade of the sector. The companies are being pressured for the society to adopt measured of protection to the environment and social responsibility. So that the company takes decisions more possible adjust and can analyze the present situation of the company in relation to its customers, competitors and to the environment if make necessary the formularization of pointers. The use only of financial pointers, can generate a little real situation of that really the ideal is happening is, to use beyond the financial pointers, to get information of pointers of management, quality and ambient. For this study, we use as instrument of research, surveys in bibliographical sources and research effected in the area and study of case. Questionnaires had been applied that had served as exploratory instrument and of survey of questions, and had as objective, to evaluate the degree of importance of the ambient questions and quality in the companies of civil construction of Aracaju, as well as, of the practical ones of management come back to the environment. The research identified, among others questions, that in subtle way, the great concerns them studied companies had turned around the management of the quality and the strategical planning, and that for what we can observe, it did not include the variable ambient. / O setor de construção civil é um dos mais impactantes, responsável por grande parte dos resíduos gerados. O crescimento acelerado das cidades vem causando desequilíbrios ambientais e redução da qualidade de vida da população e uma das prováveis soluções são a implantação de cidades sustentáveis, de construções ecoeficientes; o estimulo à estruturação da uma cadeia produtiva do setor com princípios ecológicos; a utilização de métodos construtivos e materiais alternativos; ou seja, a busca da sustentabilidade do setor. As empresas estão sendo pressionadas pela sociedade a adotar medidas de proteção ao meio ambiente e de responsabilidade social. Para que a empresa tome decisões o mais acertadamente possível e possa analisar a situação presente da empresa em relação aos seus clientes, concorrentes e ao meio ambiente se faz necessário a formulação de indicadores. A utilização somente de indicadores financeiros, pode gerar uma situação pouco real do que está acontecendo, o ideal é, utilizar além dos indicadores financeiros, obter informações de indicadores de gestão, de qualidade e ambientais. Para esse estudo, utilizamos como instrumento de pesquisa, levantamentos em fontes bibliográficas e pesquisas efetuadas na área e estudo de caso. Foram aplicados questionários que serviram como instrumento exploratório e de levantamento de questões, e teve como objetivo, avaliar o grau de importância das questões ambientais e de qualidade nas empresas de construção civil de Aracaju, como também, das práticas de gestão voltadas ao meio ambiente. A pesquisa identificou, entre outras questões, que de maneira sutil, as grandes preocupações das empresas estudadas giraram em torno da gestão da qualidade e do planejamento estratégico, e que pelo que podemos observar, não incluiu a variável ambiental.

Desenvolvimento de painel alveolar de concreto armado pré-moldado para habitações de interesse social / Development of precast reinforced concrete hollow core slab for social housing construction

Fernando Mazzeo Grande 02 December 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa, por meio de método experimental, a viabilidade de apropriar a produção de painel alveolar de concreto armado para aplicação em habitações de interesse social. Compara os processos industriais praticados para a produção deste elemento com alternativas inovadoras proporcionadas pela incorporação de fôrma interna, ou núcleo alveolar, que permite apropriar a tecnologia para aplicação em diferentes escalas conforme as características de cada empreendimento. Avalia a execução, a conectividade e o desempenho mecânico em relação à resistência à compressão do painel alveolar. Contribui com contexto de construção sustentável e o aproveitamento de resíduos industriais e conclui que o núcleo alveolar incorporado configura inovação tecnicamente viável no processo de produção do painel alveolar que pode ser utilizado em sistemas de fechamento e superestruturas (paredes portantes e lajes) em habitações. / This work analyzes the viability of appropriate the hollow core slab production for social housing construction, by means of an experimental method procedure. It compares the industrial process with innovated alternatives proportionate by internal hollow nuclear mould incorporate which provides technology appropriation for several production scales according to construction portage. Evaluate the execution, connectivity (with hydraulic and electric systems) and compressive strength of hollow core slabs. The researchs contributions is relate with the context of sustainable construction and the use of industrial waste as construction raw materials and it concludes that internal hollow nuclear mould incorporate is technically viable in hollow core slabs production´s process and this precast element could be applied in wall´s and slabs for housing construction.

Ferramenta de apoio ao desenvolvimento de projetos no âmbito da sustentabilidade na construção / Support tool for design process in the context of sustainable construction

Daniel Costa Reis 14 July 2015 (has links)
A indústria da construção, nomeadamente no setor da edificação, baseia-se essencialmente em métodos de construção tradicional. Esta indústria é caracterizada pela elevada quantidade de recursos que consome, pela quantidade de resíduos que produz, a sua implicação na economia dos países e à sua inter-relação com a sociedade. Esta realidade é de todo incompatível com os desígnios do desenvolvimento sustentável, nos quais se procura a correlação harmoniosa entre as vertentes ambientais, sociais e econômicas. O desafio da sustentabilidade colocado à atividade da construção tem motivado abordagens distintas, não só por parte das várias especialidades da engenharia, como também da arquitetura. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho propôs-se a desenvolver uma Ferramenta que, de uma forma coordenada e integrada permita orientar o desenvolvimento do projeto para soluções sustentáveis ao longo das várias fases do ciclo de evolução de um projeto. Foi desenvolvida recorrendo a uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema da gestão de projetos e sobre o sistema de certificação de sustentabilidade Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Para além disto, foram ainda incorporados alguns requisitos normativos, obtidos por meio de normas brasileiras ABNT, normas Americanas e normas Europeias. Pensa-se que da adequada aplicação desta ferramenta, os objetivos definidos pelo promotor da obra em termos de sustentabilidade, poderão ser mais facilmente atingidos pela equipa de projetista através da consideração antecipada de medidas e soluções de sustentabilidade nas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento do projeto permitindo assim, um melhor desempenho do edifício ao nível da construção sustentável. / The construction industry, particularly in the building sector, is based mainly on traditional construction methods. This industry is characterized by excessive consumption of resources, the amount of waste it produces, its implication in the economy of countries and their relationship with society. This reality is entirely incompatible with the aims of sustainable development, which seeks a harmonious relationship between the environmental, social and economic aspects. The sustainability challenge faced by the construction activity has motivated different approaches, not only by the various engineering specialties, but also by the architecture. In this sense, this paper aimed to develop a model in a coordinated and integrated manner to guide the development of the project to sustainable solutions throughout the various stages of the project life cycle. It was developed using a literature review about the topic of project management and sustainability assessment tool Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Furthermore, and to improve the effectiveness of the Model, it was been incorporated some standardisation requirements, obtained by Brazilian standards ABNT, American standards and European standards. Through proper application of this tool, the goals set by Owner of the work, in terms of sustainability, can be more easily achieved by the project design team through timely consideration of measures and sustainability solutions at different stages of project development. Allowing a better performance of the building in terms of the sustainable construction.

O desempenho térmico de um sistema de cobertura verde em comparação ao sistema tradicional de cobertura com telha cerâmica. / The thermal performance of green roof system in comparison to the traditional ceramic tile roof system.

Iara Lima Ferraz 29 March 2012 (has links)
As coberturas verdes fazem parte da arquitetura vernacular há séculos como solução para regulação térmica das edificações, retardando a transferência de calor para o ambiente interno e, no inverno, retardando as perdas de calor dos ambientes internos para o exterior da edificação (International Green Roof Association - IGRA). Em se adotando cobertura verde em edificações supõe-se haver economia no consumo de energia para se obter condições de conforto térmico nos ambientes. Baseado nessa suposição foi realizada uma pesquisa experimental onde, por meio de um estudo comparativo entre dois tipos de cobertura: a verde e a de telhas cerâmicas comprovou-se o potencial de economia de energia. A análise do comportamento térmico das coberturas verdes foi realizada por meio de coleta de dados de variáveis ambientais, durante um período de 10 meses, de um protótipo instrumentado, construído no Departamento de Engenharia de Construção Civil da Escola Politécnica da USP, São Paulo. Os dados levantados foram comparados com os dados de um segundo protótipo de mesmas dimensões e igualmente instrumentado, com cobertura cerâmica, sob as mesmas condições ambientais. A comparação dos resultados e análises em dias e episódios representativos de cada estação comprovaram a eficiência das coberturas verdes para retardar o ganho térmico da edificação. Espera-se que os resultados sejam incentivadores à larga aplicação dos telhados egetados, o que trará diversas vantagens para população. / Green roofing is been a part of the vernacular architecture for centuries as solution for constructions thermal regulation. It is known that they delay the heat transfer from the outside to the inside of the building, and during winter, they delay the heating loss from the inside to the outside of the building (International Green Roof Association - IGRA). By adopting green roofs in buildings, one assumes that there is economy in energy consumption to obtain conditions of thermal comfort in inner environments. Based on this assumption, an experimental research was accomplished where, through a comparative study between two types of roofing systems: green and ceramics, it was determined this energy saving potential of green roofs. The analysis of the green roofing thermal behavior was realized through data collection of environmental variables, during the period of ten months, from an instrumented prototype constructed at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo. The collected data was compared to those of a second prototype with the same dimensions and equally instrumented, with ceramics roofing, under the same environmental conditions. The data comparison and analysis of specific days in each season, proved the green roof efficiency on retarding the building thermal gain. One expects that the results will encourage the application of green roofs, which will bring several advantages to the population.

Sistemas logísticos reversos na indústria da construção civil - estudo da cadeia produtiva de chapas de gesso acartonado. / Reverse logistics system in civil construction industry - study of gypsum board chain.

Fábia Cristina Segatto Marcondes 17 August 2007 (has links)
Atualmente, as legislações ambientais e os consumidores estão cada vez mais exigentes e restritivos em relação ao adequado tratamento dado aos resíduos industriais. Neste contexto, a logística reversa tem por objetivo gerenciar os fluxos reversos, fazendo com que bens e produtos com pouco uso após a venda, com ciclo de vida útil ampliado ou após extinta a sua vida útil, retornem ao ciclo produtivo, readquirindo valor em outros mercados. Baseado em uma revisão bibliográfica, um estudo exploratório e um trabalho de campo, composto por entrevistas, analisa-se as possibilidades de aplicação do conceito de logística reversa na cadeia produtiva da Construção Civil, particularmente em relação aos fluxos de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição - RCD, como forma de contribuir para a sustentabilidade do ambiente construído. Expõe-se de forma ampla, os fatores intervenientes no processo de implantação dos sistemas logísticos reversos para RCD e os condicionantes e benefícios decorrentes desta aplicação, considerando os aspectos técnicos, econômicos e ambientas do reaproveitamento de RCD. A partir do estudo das práticas atuais de gerenciamento de RCD em empresas construtoras e de algumas experiências estrangeiras, conclui-se sobre as necessidades de avanço das práticas e legislações brasileiras relacionadas ao gerenciamento de RCD, e sobre o papel dos fornecedores no estabelecimento e consolidação de sistemas logísticos reversos - SLR. A aplicação do conceito é realizada na cadeia produtiva de Chapas de Gesso Acartonado - CGA, para a qual é proposto um sistema logístico reverso - SLR-CGA, englobando-se a caracterização dos agentes, as tecnologias de aproveitamento para resíduos de CGA e os mercados disponíveis para a sua reinserção, dentre outros pontos. São realizadas simulações de viabilidade econômica de possíveis cadeias reversas de CGA. A partir das alternativas viáveis, conclui-se sobre o efeito da implantação destas sobre a cadeia produtiva de CGA. Conclui-se que a implantação de um sistema logístico reverso consiste em uma ferramenta organizacional que pode ajudar companhias a resolver impactos econômicos e ambientais e criar novos negócios na cadeia produtiva da Construção Civil. / Currently, environmental legislation and pressure of consumer awareness are getting more stringent and restrictive in relation of the proper treatment gave to the industrial wastes. In this context, reverse logistics systems aims to manage the reverse flow, making with that facilities and products with little use after sales, useful life cycle extended or extinct, return to the productive cycle, to regain value still incorporated in them. Based on a bibliographical research and a survey, the possibilities of application of reverse logistics concept in Civil Construction productive chain is analyzed with focus on construction and demolition wastes (CDW).This analyze contribute for the sustainability in Civil Construction. The intervenient factors in the reverse logistics systems implementation is discussed, such as the benefits from the application, taking into account technical, economical e environmental aspects of recycling. The analyze of current CWD management system, mainly in building sites, avoids to conclude about Brazilian necessities and the important role that producers can have in this systems. The application of the concept is done in the drywall gypsum board supply chain. For this chain, a reverse logistics syste for gypsum board wastes (GBW) is proposed approaching the stakeholders, technologies of GBW and markets for recycled product, among another aspects. Economic liability simulations of possible GBW reverse chains are conduced and for that liable, the impact of its implementation is discussed. The implementation of reverse logistics systems is considered like an organizational tool that can help the companies to solve environmental and costs impacts on production and problems surroundings this issues.

MILJÖCERTIFIERINGENS PÅVERKAN PÅ ARBETSGÅNG I STOMBYGGNAD OCH STOMKOMPLETTERING / The impact of environmental certification on workflow in structure and framework supplement

Andreasson, Elin, Sparring, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: Environmental certifications strengthens a contractors environmental profileand means sustainability in regards to the environment. It is of interest to establishwhich obstacles and differences in workflow that environmental certifications cancause and thereby imply challenges in construction. The purpose with this paper is toexamine what impact the environmental certification Miljöbyggnad Silver has on acontractors work in the construction stage with focus on structure and frameworksupplement. Method: To reach the purpose of this paper empirical data have been collected throughinterviews, private documents, and observations of building construction. This researchemploys a qualitative method to get a comprehensive understanding of Miljöbyggnadin construction, where respondents with different occupations and extents of experiencewith Miljöbyggnad have been chosen for interviews. Findings: This research shows that the indicators in Miljöbyggnad that mainly have animpact on construction is Moisture safety, Documentation of building material andPhasing-out of harmful substances. The research shows that the biggest differencebetween conventional construction and construction with Miljöbyggnad is the amountof documentation that is needed. Construction with Miljöbyggnad also differsdepending on what occupation one has. Implications: The conclusion of this research is that there are no great obstacles withMiljöbyggnad Silver in construction. Indicators from Miljöbyggnad impactsconstruction with additional obligations for site management and does not implicate adifference in already established ones. Recommendations following this research is toinvolve and encourage Miljöbyggnad for everyone involved in construction. Limitations: This research is limited to big contractors and the environmentalcertification Miljöbyggnad Silver where focus have been structure and frameworksupplement. Through analyses of indicators and interviews the authors have concludedthat it is structure and framework supplement where impact following Miljöbyggnadexists. The result of this research and its conclusions are considered to apply with othercontractors with similar routines and work flow. / Syfte: Miljöcertifieringar innebär stärkt miljöprofil för företag och hållbart arbete medhänsyn till miljön. Det är av intresse att fastställa vilka hinder och skillnader iarbetsgång som miljöcertifieringar kan vara orsak till och därmed innebära utmaningarför produktionen. Målet med studien är att undersöka vilken påverkan miljöcertifieringMiljöbyggnad Silver innebär för byggentreprenörers arbete i produktionsskedet medfokus på stombyggnad och stomkomplettering. Metod: För att nå målet med studien har empirisk data samlats in genom intervjuer,analys av interndokument, och observation av byggproduktion. Studien har enkvalitativ karaktär för att ge en bredare förståelse av Miljöbyggnad i produktion, därpersoner med olika yrkesroller och erfarenhet av Miljöbyggnad valts att intervjuas. Resultat: Undersökningen visar att de indikatorer från Miljöbyggnad som främstpåverkar produktionen är Fuktsäkerhet, Dokumentation av byggvaror och Utfasning avfarliga ämnen. Studien visar på att den största skillnaden mellan konventionelltbyggande och projekt med Miljöbyggnad är mängden dokumentation. Arbetet medMiljöbyggnad ser också olika ut beroende på vilken befattning man har. Konsekvenser: Slutsatsen är att det inte har identifierats några hinder i produktion förarbete med Miljöbyggnad Silver. Indikatorer i Miljöbyggnad påverkar produktiongenom extra arbetsåtaganden för platsledning och innebär inte en ändring avarbetsgång. Rekommendationer till följd av studien blir att involvera och motiveraarbetet med Miljöbyggnad för alla involverade i produktion. Begränsningar: Studien är begränsad till större entreprenadföretag ochmiljöcertifiering Miljöbyggnad Silver där fokus varit stombyggnad ochstomkomplettering. Utifrån analys av indikatorer och intervjuer har författarna kommitfram till att det enbart är i stadie stombyggnad och stomkomplettering som påverkan ioch med Miljöbyggnad sker. Studiens resultat och slutsatser anses kunna appliceras påandra företag om de har liknande rutiner och inarbetade arbetssätt.

Teknikkonsulters affärsmöjligheter med automatiserade klimatdeklarationer : En kvalitativ studie om affärsmodeller som skapar värden vid försäljning av automatiserade klimatdeklarationer / Engineering Consultants Business Opportunities with Automated Carbon Footprint Report

Hjertaker, Martin Sverre, Johansson, Felicia Ingegerd January 2021 (has links)
High levels of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere have a continued tangible impact on the environment globally and threatens to extinct biodiversity. The influence on the climate from human activity is mainly caused by combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. The construction sector is responsible for a large share of the emissions and has in addition a significant environmental impact by the energy used during the construction stage. At the time of writing, the construction and real estate industry is responsible for 40 percent of the global environmental impact.  The Swedish government intends on first of January 2022 to introduce a new demand on carbon footprint reports in conjunction with new construction projects as an action to decrease anthropogenic impact from the construction industry. To meet this demand and the increasing degree of digitalisation of the industry, engineering consulting company William Sale Partnership (WSP) Sweden has invested in automating carbon footprint reports. The company’s strategic business unit Byggprojektering has developed the digital tool Klimatdata Light to automate quantity calculations of carbon dioxide equivalents that are emitted in the construction stage. The tool is currently restricted to only calculating equivalents for building elements such as foundation and building frame, hence it does not produce complete climate declarations for the entire building. It is however planned to continue development of the function to be able to produce complete reports in the future. To be able to sell the automated carbon footprint reports produced by Klimatdata Light, WSP Sweden has identified a need to investigate how to motivate and design their business model.  The aim of this study was to investigate the national requirements for carbon footprint reports and what values that the reports could have for customers and engineering consulting firms, and thereafter design and propose possible business models for selling automated carbon footprint reports during the design phase in the construction process. The mapping was conducted through a literature study and two qualitative interview studies. The interviewees in the first interview study was seven steel hall manufacturers and in the second three employees at the engineering consulting company itself. In the first interview study two significant insights could be established: the interviewees did currently not work with environmental issues actively, but there was a belief that the subject is growing in importance and that there will be a need for consultancy in the future. From the second interview study with the employees, it was communicated that communication between the business units within the company is important when selling carbon footprint reports and that the reports could have an educational function both for the customer and within the own organisation. Collected materials from the interviews, combined with the literature study, was thereafter used to design two different types of business models. What the business models have in common is that they both are based on the same business model structure earlier used in industrial building.  In the first business model the automated carbon footprint report is meant to be sold for a fixed price and meet the need for customers who just want to fulfil the upcoming national demand. In the second business model on the other hand, the carbon footprint report is meant to be offered free of charge and included in a larger offering concept where the customer is offered a range of products and services in addition to the report. The underlying question that has been fundamental to this study is how the business model will look like for automated functions within the construction industry overall in the future. In what ways could you motivate the price for an automated function, which used to be paid for by the hour? This study gives the reader insights with that question in mind since automation and the questions automation arises is a growing topic within the industry. / Den globala klimatpåverkan från höga koldioxidutsläpp är fortsatt påtaglig på vår planet och hotar att utrota den biologiska mångfalden. Effekterna på klimatet kommer från mänsklig aktivitet och syftar särskilt till förbränning av fossila bränslen som kol, olja och gas. Byggsektorn bidrar till en stor mängd av utsläppen, speciellt sektorns energianvändning under byggproduktionsskedet. I dagsläget står bygg- och fastighetssektorn för knappt 40 procent av den globala miljöpåverkan. Som en åtgärd för att minska klimatpåverkan ämnar den svenska regeringen att införa en ny lag den 1 januari år 2022 om klimatdeklarering vid nyproduktion för att minska sektorns miljöpåverkan. För att bemöta detta lagkrav samt den ökande graden av digitalisering i byggnadsindustrin, har teknikkonsultföretaget William Sale Partnership (WSP) Sverige valt att göra en satsning inom automatisering av klimatdeklarationer. I företagets affärsområde för byggnadsprojektering har man tagit fram det digitala verktyget Klimatdata Light för att automatisera beräkningen av mängden koldioxidekvivalenter i projekteringsstadiet som sedan emitteras i byggskedet. Verktyget granskar i dagsläget endast byggnadsdelarna grund och byggnadsstomme och erbjuder därför inga kompletta klimatdeklarationer för hela byggnader. Däremot planeras funktionen att vidareutvecklas för att kunna leverera kompletta klimatdeklarationer. I samband med utveckling av automatiserade klimatdeklarationer som Klimatdata Light producerar så har WSP Sverige känt ett behov av att undersöka hur man kan tänkas motivera och utforma försäljningen. Syftet med examensarbetet var att kartlägga den nationella kravbilden samt vilka värden klimatdeklarationer har för kund och teknikkonsultföretag, för att därefter utforma och ge förslag på möjliga affärsmodeller vid försäljning av automatiserade klimatdeklarationer under projekteringsfasen i byggprocessen. Kartläggningen utfördes genom en litteraturstudie samt två kvalitativa intervjustudier. I den ena intervjustudien intervjuades sju olika respondenter inom segmentet stålhallstillverkare, och den andra studien intervjuade tre medarbetare internt inom teknikkonsultens organisation.  I intervjustudien med stålhallstillverkare framkom de två huvudsakliga insikterna att respondenterna i dagsläget inte aktivt arbetar med miljö till någon större utsträckning, men att man ser ett ökande behov av att både arbeta med miljö och få hjälp med det. I intervjustudien med medarbetare från WSP framkom det att det är viktigt att ha god kommunikation mellan företagets affärsområden i samband med försäljning av klimatdeklarationer, samt att deklarationerna kan fylla en kunskapsspridande funktion både gentemot kund och inom den egna organisationen. Insamlat material från både litteraturstudien och intervjustudierna användes som grund till att utforma två olika typer av scenarier med affärsmodeller. Båda affärsmodellerna hade en struktur som tidigare nyttjats inom industriellt byggande. I det första scenariot är tanken att den automatiserade klimatdeklarationen ska säljas mot ett fastpris och täcka ett kundbehov som enbart möter de kommande nationella lagkraven. I det andra scenariot är istället tanken att klimatdeklarationen ska vara kostnadsfri och utgå ifrån ett kundbehov som täcker ett större miljöengagemang. I det sistnämnda fallet är tanken att deklarationen ska inkluderas i ett erbjudandenivåkoncept där kunden kan erbjudas en kombination av ett flertal olika produkter och tjänster utöver själva deklarationen. En frågeställning som har varit bakomliggande under examensarbetets gång är hur affären kommer se ut för automatiserade funktioner generellt i bygg- och anläggningsbranschen framöver. När verktyg som normalt sett har timdebiterats automatiseras, så som exempelvis funktioner för konstruktion- och stomsystem, hur påverkas prissättningen av automatiseringen? Detta examensarbete kan ge läsaren insikter även från en sådan infallsvinkel, eftersom automatisering och de frågeställningar som automatisering medbringar är vittomfattande i bygg- och anläggningsbranschen.

Hållbart byggande i urbaniseringens tecken – En studie av det framtida underjordiska byggandet i Sverige / Sustainable construction in the light of urbanization – A study of the future underground space use in Sweden

Karoumi, Maria January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Sustainable Public Procurement : Development and analysis of tools for construction works

Verzat, Benoit January 2008 (has links)
Embedded in the economic competition, public procurement has amajor role to play in being a driving force for the promotion of a globallypositive competition that prides the best sustainable products and services,rather than only the more economically efficient ones. Responsible for ahuge part of the human pressure on natural resources, and having a largeshare in the public funding, the built environment sector provides animportant venue for the use of sustainable public procurement as a tool toenhance the sustainability of societies.Selecting the best sustainable offer is a challenging task requiringenvironmental and social assessments that can only be based on complexlife cycle thinking analysis. Through the development of the “ExhaustiveSustainable public procurement clauses Manual”, this paper analyses publicprocurement issues and their potential solutions, with a focus on theenvironmental performance in buildings procurement.

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