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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo comparativo da qualidade da água de chuva coletada em cobertura convencional e em telhado verde

Budel, Marcel Aramis 31 March 2014 (has links)
CAPES / O estudo consiste em uma comparação da qualidade da água da chuva coletada em duas formas distintas de captação: um sistema composto por um telhado inclinado com telhas de concreto, nomeada (casa 1) e o outro composto por uma cobertura plana com telhado verde, ou seja, vegetado, nomeada (casa 2). Tem por objetivo caracterizar os sistemas utilizados nas duas formas de cobertura, analisar a qualidade da água da chuva captada nos dois sistemas e fazer o acompanhamento da qualidade da água armazenada para posterior uso ao longo do estudo com o intuito de verificar a eficiência e comportamento dos sistemas de captação. Objetiva ainda encontrar relações nas variáveis envolvidas e apresentar os resultados de forma a estabelecer uma comparação qualitativa no desempenho das duas coberturas. O estudo foi realizado em duas casas localizadas na região noroeste da cidade de Curitiba, capital do Paraná. Na casa 1, com telhas de concreto, a água da chuva que escoa pelo telhado é primeiramente coletada por uma calha, seguindo por um duto vertical até o nível do solo, no qual se encontra um filtro simples, então a água é encaminhada para uma cisterna, onde é armazenada, para posterior uso na torneira externa para onde a água é bombeada. Já na casa 2, com cobertura plana vegetada, a água da chuva após passar pelo telhado verde é conduzida por dutos verticais até a cisterna de concreto no nível do solo, então uma eletrobomba recalca a água até um reservatório localizado na cobertura, acima do nível do telhado verde, para armazenamento e posterior uso na torneira externa. As amostras coletadas em nove eventos (17/05/2013 a 03/12/2013) foram analisadas quanto à: pH, turbidez, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura, que foram medidos no próprio local. Demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), amônia, nitrito, nitrato e fosfato foram amostrados e analisados no laboratório de Saneamento da UTFPR, Campus Ecoville. Ainda quanto à presença de coliformes totais e termotolerantes (E. Coli), foram realizados em um laboratório terceirizado. Observou-se que o telhado convencional da casa 1 apresentou maior qualidade no parâmetro turbidez e demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), já o telhado verde diminuiu a acidez natural da água da chuva. As duas coberturas se mostraram eficientes pela concentração de amônia e nitrato, contudo indicaram concentrações elevadas de fosfato. Nos parâmetros microbiológicos os dois telhados não obtiveram qualidade suficiente para atender a NBR 15.527/2007. Desta forma, tomadas as devidas precauções, se recomenda o uso da água proveniente dos telhados, vegetados e convencional, para descargas de bacias sanitárias, irrigação de gramados e plantas ornamentais, lavagem de veículos, limpeza de calçadas e ruas, limpeza de pátios, espelhos d'água e usos industriais, conforme estabelecido na norma. / The study consists of a comparison of the quality of rainwater collected in two distinct ways of catchments: a system composed of a pitched roof with concrete tiles and another consisted of a vegetated flat coverage, as known as green roof. It aims to characterize the systems used in both forms of coverage, to analyze the quality of rainwater captured in the two systems and to monitor the quality of water stored for later use throughout the study in order to verify the efficiency and performance of catchment systems. It also aims to find relations in the involved variables and to present the results in order to establish a qualitative comparison in the performance of two coverages. The study was conducted in two houses located in the northwest region of the city of Curitiba, capital of Paraná. The appointee, house 1, has a pitched roof with concrete tiles, the rainwater that seeps through the roof is first collected by a trough, followed by a vertical duct to the ground level, with a simple filter, then the water is sent into a tank where it is stored for later use in the external faucet where the water is pumped. However, at house 2, with vegetated flat roof, after passing through the green roof the rainwater is driven by vertical ducts to the concrete tank at ground level, then an electric pump represses the water to a reservoir located on the roof, above the green roof ́s level for storage and later use on the external tap. Samples collected in nine events (17/05/2013 to 03/12/2013) were analyzed for pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and temperature, they were measured in situ. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate were sampled and analyzed in the laboratory of Sanitation UTFPR Campus Ecoville. Nevertheless, for the presence of total and fecal coliforms (E. coli), tests were performed on an outsourced laboratory. As for the results obtained, the conventional roof house 1 rainwater had higher quality in turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) parameter, whereas in house 2 the green roof reduced the natural acidity of rainwater. The two covers were effective in the concentration of ammonia and nitrate, though indicated high concentrations of phosphate. Microbiological parameters in neither roofs met the NBR 15.527/2007 quality. Thus, taken due precautions, it is recommend the use of water from roofs, vegetated and conventional, to flush toilets, to irrigate lawns and ornamental plants, to wash vehicles, to clean sidewalks and streets, to clean patios, water mirrors and to industrial uses, as defined in the standards.

Análise documental das linhas prioritárias propostas por organizações articuladas com a construção sustentável brasileira

Bassetto, Luci Ines 10 May 2016 (has links)
O tema central deste estudo refere-se à Construção Sustentável sob a ótica da preservação dos recursos naturais, perpassando pelos temas do papel da Construção Civil como agente transformador e regenerativo de seus impactos ecológicos na sociedade. Apesar dos já identificados limites planetários, no Brasil, a forma de entender a construção civil como agente de transformação social e econômica ainda não é favorável à manutenção do equilíbrio da natureza. Com características diferenciadas, o país apresenta prioridades de ação sobre o saneamento, a água, a exploração das florestas e a produção de alimentos que devem ser incorporadas em suas estratégias. Apesar do termo “construção sustentável” referir-se à preocupação ambiental no setor, a base comum do debate ainda é iniciante. Assim, objetivou-se analisar documentos publicados sobre as linhas prioritárias dos debates entre os agentes representativos do setor da construção civil brasileira para examinar os enfoques da Sustentabilidade Ecológica como base de sustentação para a vida no Planeta. Foram consideradas as contribuições das políticas públicas de “construção sustentável” para estimular a cadeia produtiva para ampliar a sustentabilidade. Acredita-se que este estudo pode promover uma análise da importância da Sustentabilidade Ecológica na “construção sustentável” por meio de produção de inovações, saberes e conhecimentos. A metodologia do estudo tem uma abordagem qualitativa, de natureza teórico-conceitual tendo como objeto de análise documentos públicos e privados. Identificou-se convergências e divergências nos debates relevantes para introduzir avanços na discussão. O conteúdo identificado nos documentos limita-se à importância da construção civil no desenvolvimento urbano e ao suprimento do consequente déficit habitacional sem referência aos grupos privilegiados, a exemplo do declarado na Agenda 21 para a construção sustentável em países em desenvolvimento. Quando se referem às ações alinhadas com o desenvolvimento sustentável, os textos abstêm-se de referências ao tema da inclusão social na habitação. As particularidades dos três documentos apresentam-se como verdadeiras e pertinentes para o setor da construção civil. Considerando o conteúdo dos documentos, as empresas que cuidarem da água, energia e do meio ambiente, podem ser mais competitivas e melhorar a sua produtividade e rentabilidade. Concluiu-se que os documentos são iniciativas de reflexões sobre o tema da Sustentabilidade Ecológica e fornecem orientações para o equilíbrio do desenvolvimento sustentável, o que pode ser alcançado mediante os princípios da economia circular aplicada à Construção Sustentável. Como sugestões para trabalhos futuros, esta Tese destacou a importância da economia circular como uma alternativa para aliar os interesses do desenvolvimento econômico e o desenvolvimento sustentável por meio da Construção Sustentável. / The central theme of this study refers to Sustainable Construction from the perspective of Ecological Sustainability, passing by themes of the role of Civil Construction as a transforming and regenerative agent of their ecological impacts in society. It is perceived a conflict between Ecological Sustainability and Sustainable Development due the later suggest economic growth with care for environment and social issues. Despite already identified planetary boundaries, in Brazil, the way to understand the Civil Construction as social and economic transformation agent is still not in favor of maintaining the nature balance. With different characteristics, the country presents action priorities on sanitation, water, forest exploration and food production that should be incorporated into their strategies. Although the term "sustainable construction" refer to environmental concern in the sector, the common basis of debate is still beginner. The objective was to analyze published documents on priority lines of discussions among representative agents of Brazilian Civil Construction sector to examine the focus of Ecological Sustainability as a support basis for life on the planet. It were considered contributions from public policies of "sustainable construction" to stimulate the production chain to increase sustainability. It is believed that this study can promote an analysis of the importance of ecological sustainability in "sustainable construction" through production of innovation, knowledge and expertise. The study methodology has a qualitative approach, theoretical and conceptual nature having as object of analysis public and private documents. It was identified convergences and divergences in debates relevant to introduce advances in the discussion. The content identified in documents is limited to the importance of civil construction in urban development and to supply resulting habitation shortage without reference to privileged groups, such as stated in Agenda 21 for sustainable development in developing countries. When referring to actions aligned with sustainable development, the texts abstain of references to the issue of social inclusion in habitation. The particularities of the three documents are presented as true and relevant to the construction sector. Considering documents content, companies that take care of water, energy and the environment, can be more competitive and improve their productivity and profitability. It was concluded that the documents are initiatives of reflections on the theme of Ecological Sustainability and provide guidance for the balance of sustainable development, which can be achieved by the principles of circular economy applied to Sustainable Construction. As suggestions for future works, this thesis emphasized the importance of circular economy as an alternative to align interests of economic development and sustainable development through Sustainable Construction.

Estudo comparativo da qualidade da água de chuva coletada em cobertura convencional e em telhado verde

Budel, Marcel Aramis 31 March 2014 (has links)
CAPES / O estudo consiste em uma comparação da qualidade da água da chuva coletada em duas formas distintas de captação: um sistema composto por um telhado inclinado com telhas de concreto, nomeada (casa 1) e o outro composto por uma cobertura plana com telhado verde, ou seja, vegetado, nomeada (casa 2). Tem por objetivo caracterizar os sistemas utilizados nas duas formas de cobertura, analisar a qualidade da água da chuva captada nos dois sistemas e fazer o acompanhamento da qualidade da água armazenada para posterior uso ao longo do estudo com o intuito de verificar a eficiência e comportamento dos sistemas de captação. Objetiva ainda encontrar relações nas variáveis envolvidas e apresentar os resultados de forma a estabelecer uma comparação qualitativa no desempenho das duas coberturas. O estudo foi realizado em duas casas localizadas na região noroeste da cidade de Curitiba, capital do Paraná. Na casa 1, com telhas de concreto, a água da chuva que escoa pelo telhado é primeiramente coletada por uma calha, seguindo por um duto vertical até o nível do solo, no qual se encontra um filtro simples, então a água é encaminhada para uma cisterna, onde é armazenada, para posterior uso na torneira externa para onde a água é bombeada. Já na casa 2, com cobertura plana vegetada, a água da chuva após passar pelo telhado verde é conduzida por dutos verticais até a cisterna de concreto no nível do solo, então uma eletrobomba recalca a água até um reservatório localizado na cobertura, acima do nível do telhado verde, para armazenamento e posterior uso na torneira externa. As amostras coletadas em nove eventos (17/05/2013 a 03/12/2013) foram analisadas quanto à: pH, turbidez, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura, que foram medidos no próprio local. Demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), amônia, nitrito, nitrato e fosfato foram amostrados e analisados no laboratório de Saneamento da UTFPR, Campus Ecoville. Ainda quanto à presença de coliformes totais e termotolerantes (E. Coli), foram realizados em um laboratório terceirizado. Observou-se que o telhado convencional da casa 1 apresentou maior qualidade no parâmetro turbidez e demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), já o telhado verde diminuiu a acidez natural da água da chuva. As duas coberturas se mostraram eficientes pela concentração de amônia e nitrato, contudo indicaram concentrações elevadas de fosfato. Nos parâmetros microbiológicos os dois telhados não obtiveram qualidade suficiente para atender a NBR 15.527/2007. Desta forma, tomadas as devidas precauções, se recomenda o uso da água proveniente dos telhados, vegetados e convencional, para descargas de bacias sanitárias, irrigação de gramados e plantas ornamentais, lavagem de veículos, limpeza de calçadas e ruas, limpeza de pátios, espelhos d'água e usos industriais, conforme estabelecido na norma. / The study consists of a comparison of the quality of rainwater collected in two distinct ways of catchments: a system composed of a pitched roof with concrete tiles and another consisted of a vegetated flat coverage, as known as green roof. It aims to characterize the systems used in both forms of coverage, to analyze the quality of rainwater captured in the two systems and to monitor the quality of water stored for later use throughout the study in order to verify the efficiency and performance of catchment systems. It also aims to find relations in the involved variables and to present the results in order to establish a qualitative comparison in the performance of two coverages. The study was conducted in two houses located in the northwest region of the city of Curitiba, capital of Paraná. The appointee, house 1, has a pitched roof with concrete tiles, the rainwater that seeps through the roof is first collected by a trough, followed by a vertical duct to the ground level, with a simple filter, then the water is sent into a tank where it is stored for later use in the external faucet where the water is pumped. However, at house 2, with vegetated flat roof, after passing through the green roof the rainwater is driven by vertical ducts to the concrete tank at ground level, then an electric pump represses the water to a reservoir located on the roof, above the green roof ́s level for storage and later use on the external tap. Samples collected in nine events (17/05/2013 to 03/12/2013) were analyzed for pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and temperature, they were measured in situ. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate were sampled and analyzed in the laboratory of Sanitation UTFPR Campus Ecoville. Nevertheless, for the presence of total and fecal coliforms (E. coli), tests were performed on an outsourced laboratory. As for the results obtained, the conventional roof house 1 rainwater had higher quality in turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) parameter, whereas in house 2 the green roof reduced the natural acidity of rainwater. The two covers were effective in the concentration of ammonia and nitrate, though indicated high concentrations of phosphate. Microbiological parameters in neither roofs met the NBR 15.527/2007 quality. Thus, taken due precautions, it is recommend the use of water from roofs, vegetated and conventional, to flush toilets, to irrigate lawns and ornamental plants, to wash vehicles, to clean sidewalks and streets, to clean patios, water mirrors and to industrial uses, as defined in the standards.

Impact of curing methods on the strength of copper slag concrete

Kyalika, Cynthia Mumeka 10 1900 (has links)
The eco-friendly alternatives use is increasing momentum in a conscious effort towards sustainability. In this regards, the relevance and the economic value of using copper slag as a concrete aggregate are explored in this study in order to contribute towards metallurgical waste recycling. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of the concretes strengthening prepared with copper slag contents and produced under four curing methods: water immersion, water spraying, plastic sheet covering and air-drying. In each curing case excluding for water immersion, was duplicated in indoors (i.e. in the laboratory) and outdoor exposure (so was prone to varying environmental conditions). This was specifically aimed at capturing the effects of tropical weather conditions typical of the Lualaba province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The control mix was designed to reach 25 MPa of compressive strength. Copper slag was successively incorporated as sand replacement at the following mass fractions: 20 %, 40 % and 60 %. Freshly mixed concrete samples were evaluated for workability. Cube specimens were cast accordingly, cured for 28 days and then tested for density and compressive strength. Results indicated an increase in strength up to 20 % of replacement rate for all the curing methods. Further additions resulted in reduction in the strength, but the rate of reduction depended on curing conditions. The increase in strength was mainly credited to the physical properties of copper slag that could have contributed to the cohesion of the concrete matrix. It has been found that appropriate ways of curing can still achieve greater results than that of the control mix since 80 % of humidity is ensure. The two-way ANOVA test performed on the 28-days compressive strength values confirmed the significant influence of the curing methods, of copper slag content and the interaction between them. It has been found that considerable influence is attributed to copper slag content and that warm environmental conditions further extend the concrete strengthening. / College of Engineering, Science and Technology / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Authentic Adobe and Off-the-Grid Earthships : Investigating the potential for a green rating system and sustainability-oriented accommodation platform in Taos, New Mexico

Elf Donaldson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
In an age where the sharing economy has proliferated as a preferred means of travel in the tourism industry, and the accommodation sharing platform Airbnb has risen to the forefront, there is much criticism and discussion about the need for such nascent platforms to operate in alignment with sustainable development. Currently, economic benefits for the host and guest lie at the core of Airbnb’s sustainability appeal, while few concrete steps have been taken to advance environmental and social values. Many have proposed a green rating system and sustainability-oriented search filters as a means to propagate these values and catalyze a necessary paradigm shift within the sharing economy. Through the lens of green architecture and construction, this study analyzes the extent and manner in which sustainability features and amenities are promoted by hosts on Airbnb in the high-desert mountain town of Taos, New Mexico. This case study approach selects and intriguing destination that is not only characterized by a long history of earthen building traditions by the Tiwa people, but was also the birthplace of the world-renowned, off-the-grid Earthship concept. An analysis of all active Airbnb listings was compared with a more targeted analysis of off-the-grid listings to reveal that hosts more often than not frame their sustainability features and amenities in terms of visitor comfort, convenience, and enjoyment. For instance, the valorization of earthen adobe building for its authenticity and cultural appeal in lieu of its energy efficient and natural qualities. This indicated a high level of unexploited potential, wherein hosts could enhance their listing’s sustainability appeal and educational value through reframing these features to potential guests, and off-the-grid listings could benefit from implementing and promoting sustainable practices and emphasizing the local culture. Most importantly, after quantitively analyzing the features that arose, this study assembled the content basis for a theoretical green rating system and sustainability search filters that could be applied to Taos as a localized system, or merely provide insight to other destinations and the Airbnb platform as a whole.

Projektera för demontering : En förslagshandling för ett trähus som möjliggör och förenklar återbruk av byggkomponenter / Design for disassembly : A draft document for a timber house which enables and simplifies the reuse of the building components

Edlund, Rikard, Schlick, Emile January 2021 (has links)
Människans negativa miljöpåverkan har orsakat att jordens temperaturökning har fördubblats på kort tid och vars åtgärd kräver omgående förändringar i samhället. Ett hållbart förhållningssätt är väsentligt för att inte äventyra kommande generationers förutsättningar på jorden. En omställning till en cirkulär ekonomi är nödvändigt för att gynna en hållbar utveckling. Byggsektorns resursanvändning och avfall orsakar en stor andel av samhällets miljöpåverkan och har en betydelsefull roll i den cirkulära övergången. Återbruk av bygg- och rivningsavfall är en viktig del av cirkulära strategier, men som sektorn varit långsamma på att implementera. Kandidatarbetet undersöker möjligheterna att utforma en mindre trävilla med hänsyn på återbruk. Syftet med studien är att framställa en förslagshandling för en trävilla som tar hänsyn på cirkulära strategier som möjliggör återbruk av de ingående komponenterna. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ metod som inledningsvis bestod av en litteraturstudie, därefter hölls workshop med aktörer i byggbranschen för att ta del av deras kunskaper inom ämnesområdet. I konsultation med aktörerna diskuterades möjligheter och svårigheter vid utformning av småhus med hänsyn till återbruksbara byggnadskomponenter. Studiens resultat visar att byggsektorn i största allmänhet är medvetna om de ekologiska fördelarna av cirkulära strategier som att projektera för demontering, men att dessa inte nyttjas i någon större utsträckning. Det beror delvis på byggsektorns okunskap om hur byggnaders utformning påverkar komponenternas möjlighet till återbruk och dels på osäkerheterna kring den ekonomiska lönsamheten. För att öka återbruk i byggsektorn kommer sektorn behöva ekonomiska incitament som nya avgifts- och beskattningsstrukturer. För att främja återbruk av ingående byggkomponenter är det viktigt att tidigt planera för komponenternas åtkomlighet, reparation och demontering. För att förenkla förändringsarbete och underhåll bör byggnaden utformas med stora öppna ytor och med en så stor andel prefabricerade moduler och komponenter. Byggnadens komponenter bör väljas med hänsyn på att de ska vara hållbara och lätta att hantera vid montering och demontering.

Simulace revitalizace panelového domu se záměrem dosažení mezinárodního certifikátu pro výstavbu budov / Simulation of renovation of block-of-flats building with a focus on gaining an international certificate for building construction

Balúch, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to revitalize the selected type of panel house in the selected locality in order to meet the standards of international certification for the design and sustainable construction of buildings. First, the thesis analyzes the chronological development of the panel housing estates in Brno and compares the individual structural systems that were historically used for panel construction in Brno. Furthermore, the most used certification methodologies are compared and a specific certification is selected for next simulation. The chapter called solution is focused on performing a simulated certification process for design and sustainable construction of selected panel building, in three phases of its revitalization. The hypotheses describing the individual phases of revitalization are intended to confirm or disprove the achievement of this objective, moreover to say the extent of revitalization that has to be done in order to achieve our goals.

Sustainable Construction in the Transportation Infrastructure Industry– as a vision and in practice

Wallberg, Stefan, Lofgren, Karin January 2012 (has links)
This study has been conducted on behalf of Vectura Consulting AB with the purpose to examine how different actors perceive the dimensions of sustainability and sustainable construction. The purpose is also to provide an understanding of existing barriers and opportunities for sustainable construction within the industry and exemplify with different directions for the actors in order to develop sustainability. The study has approach the research problem by using systems theory, developed by Checkland, to identify the relevant system. Other systems theories has been used as an theoretical framework in order to identify barriers and opportunities, which in this study are based on Hughes’s theory about reverse salients and salients. Interviews with a selection of different actors in the industry and prior research have in this study served as empirics and the perspective of the systems theory defines the necessary tools to be used. The study shows that no consistency prevails regarding the definition of sustainability among the actors. Although, the environmental aspect of sustainability is prioritized by a majority of the actors oppose to social and economic aspects. Furthermore, for some of the actors economy is governing while for others it is decisive. Sustainable construction is characterized by a long-term parallel process with incentives such as branding, recruiting, and optimized operations. Moreover, the study indicates a willingness among the actors to define the concept of sustainability in order to achieve an industry wide definition. Such a definition would be of benefit for simplifying procurement and developing sustainable construction. The study identified two barriers and two opportunities. The actors agrees on that the procurement regulations of the Swedish infrastructure authority “Trafikverket” in combination with contracts defined by multiple products, and the objectives of Trafikverket,  are the two main barriers for holding back the development of sustainability in the industry. However, Trafikverket’s goal to increase the number of contracts based on function is seen as an opportunity as it enables creativity and innovation and a possible side effect of sustainable development. In addition, side bids from different actors are considered as a driver that will accelerate Trafikverket’s work regarding sustainability and especially sustainable construction. Finally, the authors give examples of directions for the industry to enhance sustainable construction and by doing so the authors connect vision with practice.

Sustainable Construction? : A Study on Errors, Damages and Complexity in Construction / Bygger vi hållbart? : En studie av fel, skador och komplexitet i byggandet

Larsson, Per January 2020 (has links)
Topics on the environment and sustainability attracts ever more attention today, especially in the construction sector. In Sweden, the building- and housing industry answers for a significant share of the total energy consumption, waste production and greenhouse gas emissions. The construction sector is often depicted as conservative with a low rate of productivity and innovation. Sweden’s National Board of Housing, Building and Planning suggests that errors and damages in construction causes expenses corresponding to tens of thousands new housing units each year in Sweden. In a time of climate action and pursuit of more circularity in resource use this issue becomes a burning question. There is no doubt that the industry has adopted the increasing awareness on sustainability issues. Carbon emission levels and renewable energy is being measured as any other key performance indicator. The strive for increased sustainability in construction becomes relevant for any actor who wants to remain relevant on the market. Considering recent studies emphasizing errors, damages, and inadequacies in construction a relevant question to ask would be if the reality lives up to the ambitions of a sustainable building industry. This study investigates underlying factors causing errors and damages in construction. Development on sustainability matters is plotted in relation to how it has affected the industry. Chosen literature covers sustainability development, building errors and damages as well as complexity matters unique for the construction industry. The study’s literature review is balanced by multiple interviews and a survey conducted with industry working professionals. The results suggest that the development of errors and damages in construction has been stable in recent years. However, data collection thru interviews and surveys declares that most participants has experienced an increase in errors and damages. The distribution of information and knowledge regarding errors and damages in construction has increased, which may have caused a perceived increase of errors and damages. Whether increased focus on sustainability matters has affected the occurrence of errors and damages depends on which time span is being considered. Sustainability related adaptions of work methods and materials may give rise to errors and damages in the short term. Hence, the heightened sustainability focus together with a rapid development pace calls for caution when designing buildings. The study’s data collection suggests an increasing lack of competence regarding the design of buildings and contract documents. Ambiguous and more demanding requirements together with lack of general liability and competence supply is described as the most urgent issues affecting errors, damages, and deficiencies in construction. / Frågor som berör miljö- och hållbarhet får allt mer uppmärksamhet i samhället, inte minst inom byggsektorn. I Sverige står bygg- och fastighetssektorn för en betydande andel av landets totala energianvändning, avfallsproduktion och utsläpp av växthusgaser. Byggsektorn beskrivs traditionellt som konservativ och beskylls ofta för att ha en låg produktivitetsutveckling och innovationsgrad. Boverket hävdar att fel, skador och brister i byggandet orsakar kostnader motsvarande ett produktionsbortfall på tiotusentals bostäder i Sverige varje år. I en tid av klimatomställningar och strävan mot ett mer cirkulärt användande av naturresurser blir denna fråga ytterst relevant. Att branschens aktörer tagit till sig det ökande hålbarhetsfokuset råder det inga tvivel om. Företags koldioxidutsläpp och andel förnybar energi är nyckeltal som deklareras i allt högre utsträckning. Att bygga hållbart är en självklarhet för vilken aktör som helst som vill behålla sin position på marknaden. Med bakgrund i de studier som lyfter fram fel, skador och brister inom byggandet är det relevant att fråga sig ifall verkligheten lever upp till ambitionen om det hållbara byggandet. Denna studie undersöker bakomliggande orsaker till att det uppstår fel och skador i byggandet. Branschens utveckling kopplat till hållbarhetsfrågan kartläggs i syfte att identifiera hur den påverkat byggandet. Den litteratur som studerats berör hållbarhetsutveckling, byggfel och byggskadorsamt den komplexitet som ofta är unik för byggbranschen. Genom intervjuer med tjänstemän samt en enkätstudie med yrkesarbetare ges en verklighetsanknytning och avstämning mot aktuell litteratur. Studiens resultat påvisar att utvecklingen av byggfel och byggskador varit oförändrad i närtid. Inom ramen för studiens datainsamling uppger majoriteten av de tillfrågade att de upplevt en ökning av fel och skador. Samtidigt har information och spridning av upptäckta fel och skador i byggandet ökat, vilket i sig kan ha föranlett en upplevd ökning. Huruvida det ökade hållbarhetsfokuset inom byggsektorn har påverkat förekomsten av byggfel och byggskador beror på vilken tidshorisont som beaktas. Hållbarhetsrelaterade omställningar av arbetsmetoder och material riskerar att ge upphov till fel och skador på kort sikt. Med ökat fokus på hållbarhetsfrågor och snabb utveckling ökar behovet av att kunna se den långsiktiga hållbarheten vid valet av byggtekniska lösningar. Studiens datainsamling pekar på ökande kompetensbrist i fråga om byggnaders och byggbeskrivningars utformning. Tvetydiga och mer omfattande kravställningar i kombination med bristande helhetsansvar och kompetensförsörjning beskrivs som de största riskfaktorerna i fråga om fel, skador och brister i byggandet.

Privata beställarorganisationer om sin roll och sitt arbete med hållbar utveckling inom den svenska byggbranschen - Incitament, barriärer och förbättringsmöjligheter / Private clientorganizations about their role and their work with sustainable development in the Swedish construction industry - Drivers, barriers andopportunities forimprovement

Nilsson, Daniel, Kärrström, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Tveklöst står byggbranschen inför stora utmaningar vad gäller att möta mål i det globala hållbarhetsarbetet. Beställaren har en central roll i att främja arbetet mot hållbar utveckling i branschen och har därför stor möjlighet till påverkan.Samtidigt visar forskningen att få studier har gjorts ur ett beställarperspektiv.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur privata beställare i Sverige arbetar med hållbar utveckling och belysa incitament, hinder samt möjliga förbättringar. Genom att använda en kvalitativ metod har denna studie kommit fram till att privata beställarorganisationer själva ser sig som den viktigaste aktören för att driva hållbar utveckling, samt att deras syn på hållbar utveckling främst grundar sig i ekologisk hållbarhet såsom klimatpåverkan. Vidare tar denna studie fram ett antal incitament samt barriärer som hindrar/driver hållbar utveckling utifrån beställarens perspektiv samt en rad rekommenderade åtgärder för att driva hållbarhetsarbetet framåt inom organisationen och i branschen. Bland dessa åtgärder föreslås tre samarbetsområden för privata beställarorganisationer då det anses finnas stor potential att förbättra branschen till att arbeta mer hållbart om organisationerna skulle arbeta mer unisont. Även vikten av att förankra arbetet mot hållbar utveckling inom organisationen anser denna studie vara en nyckelfaktor för en lyckad implementering av exempelvis strategier, arbetssätt eller verktyg för att främja hållbar utveckling. / There is no doubt that the construction industry faces major challenges concerning the contribution to sustainability at a global level. The client has a keyrole in promoting the work towards sustainable development in the industry and therefore has a major opportunity for influence. However, there is a lack of research from the client perspective. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how private clients in Stockholm is addressing sustainable development and to highlight incentives, barriers and possible improvements. By using a qualitative method this paper concludes that private clients view themselves as the key actor to promote sustainable development in the construction industry and that their view of sustainable development mainly contains environmental sustainability aspects e.g. climate change. Furthermore, this study presents a number of incentives and barriers that hinder/drives sustainable development from the perspective of the client and a number of recommended actions to drive the sustainability work within the organizationand in the industry. Among these actions there are three proposed areas of collaboration among private client organizations since this study argues that there exists great potential to improve the industry to work more sustainable if the organizations work more unison. Also, the importance of establishing work towards sustainability within the organization is something this study consider tobe a key-factor for a successful implementation of e.g. strategies, practices ortools for promoting sustainable development.

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