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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestão sustentável para área contaminada em campus universitário / Sustainable management of a contaminated area on campus

Fernanda Bertaco Bueno 12 June 2017 (has links)
A presença de contaminação por substâncias perigosas no solo e na água subterrânea acarreta inúmeros problemas, tais como: risco à saúde humana e aos ecossistemas; comprometimento da água para abastecimento público; e redução do valor econômico e da função social do terreno. Embora as tecnologias de remediação sejam aplicadas para resolver problemas ambientais e de saúde pública, estas também podem gerar externalidades ambientais negativas como consumo de energia e recursos naturais; desequilíbrio do ciclo da água; erosão do solo; e emissão de gases de efeito estufa. Tendo em vista a recente ocorrência com áreas contaminadas na Universidade de São Paulo (USP) o presente trabalho visou elaborar um plano de gestão sustentável para uma dessas áreas localizada no campus USP da Capital, contribuindo com o Programa de Políticas Ambientais, sob coordenação da Superintendência de Gestão Ambiental da USP. A metodologia de pesquisa foi baseada em revisão bibliográfica sobre remediação sustentável e construção sustentável e em a análise qualitativa das ações, práticas e lições aprendidas de casos bem sucedidos de gestão das áreas contaminadas com elementos sustentáveis como subsídio para elaboração do plano. A partir da caracterização de quatro áreas contaminadas existentes no campus USP da Capital, foi selecionada a área da USP Leste para estudo de caso para promover o uso de práticas sustentáveis em campus universitário, de tal forma que proteja a saúde humana e minimize os impactos ambientais adversos. Com o intuito de buscar melhorias à gestão do campus, por meio da inserção da sustentabilidade na gestão da contaminação da USP Leste, a elaboração do plano de gestão sustentável considerou as especificidades locais nas práticas sustentáveis a serem implementadas, conforme as necessidades e diretrizes da USP. As soluções propostas incluíram a combinação do planejamento das fases de investigação e remediação com o design da construção de edifícios, que possam trazer benefícios ambientais, econômicos e sociais a todas as partes interessadas, tais como redução de custos a longo prazo relacionados à redução do consumo de energia e eletricidade pela implantação de sistemas de energia renováveis para fornecimento de energia elétrica ao sistemas de ventilação de metano / The presence of contamination by hazardous substances in soil and groundwater causes numerous problems, such as risk to human health and ecosystems; water impairment as drinking water; and reduced economic value and social function of the land. Although remediation technologies solve environmental and public health issues, they can also generate negative environmental externalities such as energy and natural resources consumption; imbalance of water cycle; soil erosion; and greenhouse gas emissions. Due to recent occurrence with contaminated areas at the University of São Paulo (USP) the present work aims to develop a sustainable management plan for one of these areas located on the USP Capital campus, contributing to Program of Environmental Policies, coordinated by the Superintendence of Environmental Management of USP. The research methodology was based on literature review about sustainable remediation and construction; and qualitative analysis of actions, practices and lessons learned applied on successful case studies of contaminated sites management with sustainable elements as subsidy for elaboration of the plan. Based upon a characterization of four contaminated areas located on USP Capital campus, the site of USP Leste was selected as case study in order to promote the use of sustainable practices on campus, through an approach that protects human health and minimizes adverse environmental impacts. In order to seek improvements to the campus management by sustainability integration in contamination management of USP Leste, the elaboration of sustainable management plan considered local specificities on sustainable practices to be implemented, according to the needs and guidelines of USP. The proposed solutions included the planning of investigation and remediation stages with the construction design of buildings that can bring environmental, economic and social benefits to all stakeholders, such as long-term cost savings related to the reduction of energy consumption and electricity by the implementation of renewable energy systems to supply electricity to methane ventilation systems

Compensação ambiental de canteiros de obras em ambientes urbanos: um foco no meio antrópico. / Building sites environmental compensations in urban areas: focusing the anthropic environment.

Viviane Miranda Araujo Fiorani 21 June 2016 (has links)
O alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável, envolvendo as dimensões ambiental, social e econômica, é um desafio reconhecido mundialmente, sendo a construção sustentável uma condição essencial para o seu cumprimento. Dessa forma, uma importante ação é a diminuição dos impactos ambientais da construção civil, com a implantação de políticas voltadas à redução na sua própria geração. Observa-se, porém, que nem sempre os impactos podem ser reduzidos na origem. Sugere-se, assim, a adoção de medidas compensatórias que contrabalanceiem os prejuízos gerados, de modo a restabelecer as condições ambientais existentes antes dos impactos. O objetivo desta pesquisa, portanto, é a elaboração de uma proposta para a compensação dos impactos ambientais de canteiros de obras de edifícios em áreas urbanas, observando o meio antrópico. O estudo é conduzido em duas etapas: embasamento teórico, que envolve revisão bibliográfica nacional e internacional; e elaboração da proposta para a compensação ambiental. Esta tese apresenta um método de cálculo composto por quatro indicadores: ruídos, emissão de material particulado, danos a bens edificados e ocupação da via pública. Esses, por meio da adoção de Fatores de Ponderação, têm sua relevância graduada de acordo com o meio ambiente em que o canteiro está inserido. Tais fatores são calculados com o auxílio de questionários formulados para identificar as necessidades locais e aplicados à vizinhança da obra. Por fim, o cálculo resulta em um valor que, variando de 0 a 10, determina o grau de compensação necessário para cada obra. Discute-se, então, as maneiras de transformar o valor calculado em uma compensação efetiva, assim como formas de realizar a fiscalização de sua implantação. / The success of sustainable development, universally recognized regarding the economic, environmental and social limitations it incorporates, is primarily dependent on sustainable construction. Being so, the reduction of environmental impacts by implementing effective policies during initial construction operations becomes all important, although not always possible. Compensatory measures are therefore proposed to minimize and counterbalance the losses incurred and restore the environmental conditions existing prior to impact. In concurrence, this research aims to elaborate a course of action which will compensate for impacts produced at building construction sites in urban areas by strict observance of the anthropic environment. This study comprises two phases: a theoretical basis covering a review of national and international references; and the elaboration of a proposal for environmental compensation. Also presented is a method of calculation using four indicators: noises, particulate matter emissions, damage to buildings and the utilization of public streets. Weighed factors, considering building site location, are used to give a graduated relevance to each indicator. These factors are calculated with the aid of questionnaires that seek to identify local necessities and applied to the neighborhood surrounding the site. As a result, the method produces a value ranging from 0 to 10 which determines the degree of compensation each project warrants. This calculated value is then discussed, with the objective of transforming it into effective compensation and discovering ways of supervising its implementation.

Comparative life cycle assessment of multi-storey timber buildings

Yeh, Yu-Hsiang 07 August 2014 (has links)
The entire comparative estimation comprises four sections: 1. Embodied environmental implications of different structural systems of wooden buildings; 2. Embodied ecological efficiency of diverse constructions composed of various materials; 3. LCA of building models comprising equivalent thermal performance; 4. LCA of building models exhibiting similar seismic behaviour. First, the LCA results for thirty realised buildings are analysed based on the inventory of each project. This evaluation is intended to quantify and compare the embodied environmental burdens caused by different structural systems of timber houses. The second section is a comparative evaluation of the embodied ecological impacts caused by different materials, when used in the same construction. This study aims to investigate the ecological efficiency of various materials in the form of whole structures. With regard to making a compatible and reasonable LCA comparison, however, the appraisal needs a more scientific framework. In order to address this insufficiency, the third and fourth LCA studies are carried out. The third section involves various buildings made of different materials but providing equivalent thermal performance. Within this estimation, the thermal performance of a building is simply represented by the thermal inertia of its outer walls. Constructions composed of alternative envelopes are established and LCA based on the inventories of these structures are carried out. The fourth section examines three structures composed of three building materials but exhibiting similar seismic behaviour. In this study, the horizontal stiffness of the entire building against earthquakes indicates its seismic performance. The simulation develops alternative multi-storey buildings according to the seismic performance. The environmental impacts of the three buildings are quantified and compared. Both the third and fourth sections take the recycling scenarios into account. The impact of disposal after the end-of-life and the contribution from reuse and recovery are integrated into the overall impact assessment. Defining the system boundary and scope is essential for LCA studies. Normally, LCA framework refers to a ‘from-cradle-to-grave’ scenario, including the manufacturing, utilisation and dismantling phases. In the studies here, however, the estimation is focused on the production and recycling stages, without the results for utilisation and maintenance. This appraisal is the so-called ‘from-cradle-to-gate’ plus ‘from-gate-to-grave’ system. Compared to former research, this dissertation raises a couple of innovative contributions to the sustainability appraisals of constructions: 1. The scopes are focused on the structural part of buildings, considering the congruent system boundary for LCA. 2. A series of LCAs compare various building materials in the form of construction, integrating diverse aspects about buildings like thermal and seismic performance. 3. These LCAs are based on consistent prerequisites and make it possible to compare the results comprehensively. 4. In addition to embodied implications, these LCA quantify the contribution from material recycling. 5. This study divides the timber buildings according to their structural systems and estimates them individually. / Die vergleichende Bewertung der Umweltleistung mehrgeschossiger Wohnbauten umfasst vier Abschnitte: 1. Ökologische Auswirkungen der Bereitstellung und Bearbeitung von Holz für verschiedene Tragsysteme; 2. Material- und herstellungsinduzierte (graue) Umwelteffizienz von verschiedenen Materialien und Bauweisen; 3. Ökobilanzierung von Gebäuden mit gleichen thermischen Eigenschaften; 4. Ökobilanzierung von Gebäuden mit ähnlichem seismischen Verhalten. Zunächst werden die Ergebnisse der Ökobilanz für dreißig realisierte Bauten auf der Grundlage der Sachbilanzen analysiert. Diese Auswertung vergleicht und quantifiziert die materialbezogene Umweltbelastung für verschiedene Tragsysteme mehrgeschossiger Wohnbauten aus Holz. Der zweite Abschnitt vergleicht die ökologischen Auswirkungen verschiedener Baustoffe, wobei jeweils der gleiche Konstruktionstyp zugrunde gelegt wird. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist die Untersuchung der Umwelteffizienz unterschiedlicher Materialien auf der Ebene der Gebäudeteile. In Hinblick auf die Kompatibilität und Plausibilität der Ökobilanz wird mit der dritten und vierten LCA ein einheitlicher Bewertungsansatz geschaffen. Der dritte Abschnitt handelt von verschiedenen Gebäudetypen mit gleichem Wärmestandard aber unterschiedlichen Baustoffen, wobei die Wärmeeffizienz vereinfachend durch den Wärmedurchgangswiderstand der Außenwände erfasst wird. Es werden Baukonstruktionen mit alternativen Gebäudehüllen entwickelt und auf der Grundlage der Sachbilanzen ökologisch bewertet. Der vierte Abschnitt untersucht drei Strukturen aus verschiedenen Baustoffen mit ähnlichem seismischen Verhalten. Diese Studie verwendet die horizontale Steifigkeit des Gebäudes gegen Erdbebenerschütterungen als Indikator für die seismische Leistungsfähigkeit. Auf der Basis dieses Indikators werden konstruktive Alternativen für mehrgeschossige Gebäuden entwickelt und deren Umweltwirkungen quantitativ ermittelt. Sowohl im dritten als auch im vierten Abschnitt werden unterschiedliche Recyclingszenarien berücksichtigt. Die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt, die nach der Nutzungsdauer infolge der Abfallbeseitigung, des Materialrecycling oder die Wiederverwendung entstehen, werden in die gesamte Umweltwirkungsabschätzung integriert. Die Festlegung der Systemgrenzen und der Umfang der Betrachtung ist für die Ökobilanz unerlässlich. Normalerweise betrachten diese alle Lebenszyklusphasen eines Produkts, einschließlich Herstellung, Nutzung und Recyclings („from-cradle-to-grave“). Die hier betrachteten Untersuchungen beschränken sich jedoch auf die Phasen der Produktion und des Recyclings. Umweltauswirkungen infolge der Nutzung und Wartung des Gebäudes werden nicht berücksichtigt ( „from-cradle-to-gate“ und „from-gate-to-grave“). Im Vergleich mit früheren Forschungsergebnissen arbeitet diese Dissertation innovative Beiträge zur Umweltbewertung von Baukonstruktionen heraus: 1. Der Rahmen der Untersuchung erstreckt sich auf die Bauteile der Gebäudestruktur, was zu einer einheitlichen Systemgrenze für die Ökobilanzen führt. 2. Die Datenreihen der Ökobilanzen vergleichen verschiedenartige Baumaterialien auf der Ebene von Gebäudeteilen unter verschiedenen Aspekten. 3. Diesen Ökobilanzen liegen einheitliche Voraussetzungen zugrunde. Dadurch ist es möglich, die Ergebnisse umfassend zu vergleichen. 4. Neben den material- und herstellungsinduzierten Umweltauswirkungen quantifizieren diese Ökobilanzen direkt den Beitrag des Materialrecyclings. 5. Die Arbeit klassifiziert die mehrgeschossigen Holzbauten nach Tragsystemen und bewertet diese individuell.

Barriers of incorporating environmental sustainability in industrial buildings : A case study of structural engineers

Mehlberg, Axel, Apel, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
The construction industry is large and accounts for a major part of the total CO2 emissions each year. The structural engineer has a significant role to decrease the environmental impact of a construction project. This thesis aims to find ways to reach increased environmental sustainability among structural engineers in the construction industry. Barriers to working more environmentally sustainable are investigated to understand what influences the sustainability. To gain data a case study with a qualitative approach was performed at a technical construction consultancy firm in Sweden. Interviews were done mainly with structural engineers but employees working together with the engineers was also interviewed. Through the interviews, insights, thoughts and opinions was gathered which were used to find barriers that could influence the structural engineers. The results show that it is foremost through conscious material selection and optimal structural design that the environmental footprint can be decreased by the structural engineer. Barriers were found to be lack of knowledge, unclear responsibilities, unclear requirements of sustainability in the projects and conflicts between social, financial and environmental sustainability. To improve sustainability endeavours within the company the barriers detected during the study must be dealt with. The results of the study may help direct efforts for implementing sustainability in construction consultancy firms.

Beneficios de Construir Edificaciones multifamiliares con Certificación EDGE en la zona 3 del distrito de Cusco, en base a los bonos de la Ordenanza Municipal N° 25-2019-MPC / Benefits to build multifamily buildings with EDGE´s certification in zone 3 in Cuzco district, on bases to the bonuses according to municipal ordinace N° 25-2019-MPC

Romero Ccarhuarupay, Mari Carmen, Warthon Salgado, Ridson, Secca Blanco, Felmar Nimrod, Payva Aquino, Ribert Cristhian, Vera Valer, Ruben 30 July 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad y desde hace algunos años, se viene tomando más conciencia por el cuidado del medio ambiente, esto debido a los efectos adversos que generan sobre la humanidad y por sobre todo debido a que representa a su vez una oportunidad de mejora y con ello una oportunidad de negocio también. Es así como existen diversas iniciativas, normativas públicas y privadas, que promueven la disminución del impacto ambiental en diferentes rubros que van desde lomas simple como reutilizar papel en una oficina, hasta inclusive realizar elaboradas construcciones o edificios sostenibles. En ese sentido, en el sector Construcción en nuestro país existen diversas normativas estatales que ayudan al control ambiental desde la concepción de un proyecto, y sobre todo en la etapa de construcción, pero no se enfocan en el cuidado ambiental a futuro, es decir durante la operación, debido entonces a estas ausencias estatales, existen también iniciativas privadas como las Certificaciones que promueven la Construcción de edificios Sostenibles (EDGE, LEEG, BREAM, entre otras). Estas Certificaciones no solo promueven el uso de materiales y equipos que, en primera instancia sean de bajo impacto ambiental, sino que también durante su operación permitan un uso moderado del consumo de agua y energía, lo cual si bien es cierto puede elevar el costo de construcción, a su vez es claro que permite reducir los costos operativos; justamente el objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es analizar el costo - beneficio de una edificación sostenible en la ciudad del Cusco, específicamente usando parámetros de la Certificación EDGE respecto a una edificación de concepción tradicional. Parte importante para fomentar el desarrollo de proyectos sostenible radica en iniciativas locales, las cuales y mediante Ordenanzas Municipales promueven la Construcción de Edificios sostenibles, claro está que logren obtener una certificación, otorgando bonificaciones de altura a los promotores inmobiliarios, de tal forma se tenga un mayor área vendible, este es el caso de ordenanza Municipal N° 025-2019-MPC de la Municipalidad Provincial de Cusco, donde se ubica nuestro caso de Estudio Edificio multifamiliar Amauta III. / Nowadays and for some years, more awareness has been taken about caring for the environment, this due to the adverse effects that generated on humanity and above all because it represents in turn an opportunity for improvement and also with it a business opportunity too. There are various initiatives and regulations even public and privates that promote the reduction of environmental impact, some of them can be as simple as reusing paper in an-office, some others can be to even making elaborate constructions or sustainable buildings. In this sense, in the construction sector in our country there are various laws and regulations that help environmental control from the conception of a project, and especially in the construction process, but almost all of them are not focused on future environmental care, that is, during The operation, then due to these state absences, there are also private initiatives such as Certifications that promote the Construction of Sustainable buildings such us EDGE, LEEG, BREAM, among others These Certifications not only promote the use of materials and equipment that, in the first instance, have low environmental impact, but also during their operation stage allow a moderate use of water and energy consumption, which, although it is true, can raise the cost of construction, in turn, it is clear that it allows reducing operating costs; precisely the objective of this research work is analyze the cost - benefit of a sustainable building in the city of Cusco, specifically using parameters of the EDGE Certification with respect to a building of traditional conception. An important part to promote the development of sustainable buildings lies in local initiatives, which and through Municipal Ordinances promote the Construction of Sustainable Buildings, of course they manage to obtain a certification, granting height bonuses to real estate developers, in such a way that they have a largest salable area, this is the case of Municipal Order No. 025-2019-MPC of the Provincial Municipality of Cusco, where our case of Study Amauta III multifamily building is located. / Tesis

Trabajo de investigación sobre los beneficios de construcción de viviendas multifamiliares con certificación EDGE: Caso de Estudio Edificio Las Américas: Distrito de Wanchaq-Cusco, Perú / Research work on the benefits of multi-family housing construction with edge certification: case study las américas building, wanchaq district cusco, peru

Luna Salas, Erwin Walter, Olivera Pimienta, Américo Froilan, Avalos Huaman, Diego Humberto, Mormontoy Gonzáles, Patricia 12 July 2021 (has links)
La actividad constructiva es tan importante en la economía de una sociedad, pero a la vez genera un impacto negativo al medio ambiente, que a veces es irreversible. La ciudad del Cusco patrimonio cultural de la humanidad, en los últimos 10 años ha crecido considerablemente trayendo con ello problemas de polución y contaminación que se acrecienta con la actividad constructiva informal que no deja de crecer en el Cusco. En el mundo se está fomentando la construcción sostenible mediante certificaciones internacionales como el LEED, BREAM y EDGE todas ellas buscando el ahorro de agua, energía y CO2 emitido al medio ambiente. El presente trabajo de investigación ha determinado los beneficios que una construcción con certificación EDGE sostenible generan en el medio ambiente, los beneficios que tienen los usuarios finales de los edificios multifamiliares sostenibles que se expresan en el ahorro del pago de servicios de agua y luz; y los beneficios que tienen los inversionistas al ejecutar proyectos con certificación EDGE. Para tal efecto, se tomó como caso de estudio el edificio multifamiliar Las Américas ubicado en el distrito de Wanchaq, donde se hace la comparación entre un proyecto diseñado de manera tradicional y otro donde se incorporan criterios de sostenibilidad ambiental para la certificación EDGE, teniendo como resultado un ahorro de 30.31 % en agua, 55.71 % en energía y 13.95 tCO2/año. Además, se demuestra la importancia de las ordenanzas municipales que promueven las edificaciones sostenibles, porque con ellas se compensa el costo de construir un edificio sostenible con el incremento de metros cuadrados de edificación vendible que es atractivo para los inversionistas. / The construction activity is so important for the economy of a society, but at the same time generates a negative impact on the environment, which is sometimes irreversible. The city of Cusco, a world cultural heritage site, has grown considerably, bringing with it problems of pollution and contamination, which is increased by informal construction activity. In the world, sustainable construction is being promoted through international certifications such as LEED, BREAM and EDGE, all of them seeking to save water, energy and CO2 emitted into the environment. This research work seeks to determine the benefits that a construction with sustainable EDGE certification generates in the environment, the benefits that the final users of sustainable multifamily buildings have, which are expressed in the saving of water and electricity payments; and the benefits that investors have when executing projects with EDGE certification; and for this purpose we studied as a case study the multifamily building Las Americas located in the district of Wanchaq where a comparison is made between a project designed in a traditional way and another where environmental sustainability criteria are incorporated for EDGE certification, resulting in a 30. 31% of water, 55.71% energy and 13.95 t of CO2. In addition, the importance of municipal ordinances that promote sustainable building is demonstrated because they offset the cost of constructing a sustainable building with the increase in saleable building square meters, which is attractive to investors. / Trabajo de investigación

Sustainable bathroom design / Hållbar badrumsdesign

Johansson, Josefine, Zöllner Wohlfart, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Skanska is one of the leading construction companies in Sweden when it comes to sustainable construction. Buildings are responsible for 40 % of both the global energy consumption and the global resources. With the current demand on housing, the building pace needs to increase whilst improving on sustainability. The level of industrialisation in the construction sector is still low compared to other sectors. Prefabricated components such as walls or slabs are common and during the last decade, prefabricated bathroom modules (henceforth referred as pods) have been introduced and are now used quite frequently in commercial buildings. A pod is a completely factory manufactured bathroom that is just lifted in place. The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate pods from a sustainable perspective and compare them to a traditional site built bathroom. Data is collected through field studies, interviews, a survey, reference projects and research.The analysis consists of seven key factors, Design, Human Resources, Waste, Time, Transport, Economy and Energy. The analysis resulted in improving four of the seven key factors when using pods; Human resources, waste, time and economy. The main benefit was reduced production time and thereby large cost savings, that for the reference project was 6,6 % of the total project cost. Usually, life cycle costs are not included in the initial costings, which gives a misleading price. Pods are a suitable concept for projects with at least 25-30 bathrooms, where the end user does not affect the design and where there is at least 20 bathrooms for each model. / Skanska är ett av de ledande byggföretagen inom hållbarhet i Sverige. Byggnader står för 40 % av både den globala energianvändningen och de globala resurserna. På grund av dagens rådande bostadsbrist behöver byggtakten öka och samtidigt bli hållbarare. Industrialiseringen inom byggsektorn är jämfört med andra branscher låg, men prefabricerade komponenter såsom väggar och bjälklag används i stor utsträckning. Under det senaste decenniet har även prefabricerade badrumsmoduler blivit allt vanligare i kommersiella projekt. En modul är ett komplett badrum, tillverkat i fabrik, som enbart lyfts på plats och kopplas in. Syftet med arbetet är att utvärdera modulkonceptet ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv och att jämföra det med ett traditionellt platsbyggt badrum. Data har samlats in genom studiebesök, intervjuer, enkät, referensprojekt och bakgrundsstudier. Analysen baseras på sju nyckeltal, design, personalresurser, spill och förluster, tid, transport, ekonomi samt energi. Användning av moduler resulterar i en förbättring i fyra av sju nyckeltal, personalresurser, spill och förluster, tid och ekonomi. Största fördelen är den förkortade produktionstiden, vilket i sin tur leder till minskade kostnader. För referensprojektet blev kostnadsbesparingarna 6,6 % av den totala projektkostnaden. Vanligtvis är livscykelkostnader i dagsläget inte inräknade i de initiala kalkylerna, vilket ger en missvisande projektkostnad. Moduler är lämpade för projekt med minst 25-30 badrum, där slutanvändaren inte påverkar design och där det är minst 20 badrum per modell.

Thermal rehabilitation of Romanian housing: a low cost assessment tool

Cobirzan, N., Oltean-Dumbrava, Crina, Brumaru, M. January 2012 (has links)
The numerous buildings that currently require thermal rehabilitation in Romania means that substantial resources and a large number of competent people are required to carry out surveys and energy audits. However, commercial energy balance software is mostly unaffordable for those organisations involved in this process. This paper describes an energy balance programme – ENEFControl – developed to be a rapid, low cost, local tool able to assist in the choice of energy efficient solutions for buildings. To test the software, thermal and energy analyses were carried out on a 1970s built apartment block in Transylvania. Based on these analyses, three constructive scenarios were proposed for thermal rehabilitation. Compared to the performance of the analysed building, the thermal and energy performance of the retrofitted building in all three scenarios significantly improved. Since European Union accession in 2007, rapidly rising energy costs have affected the Romanian population. ENEFControl offers Romanian engineers and architects an opportunity to speed up the rehabilitation programme of buildings without the need for more expensive expertise and tools.

Processen för framtagande av klimatdeklaration för hallbyggnader / The process of production of climate declaration for hall buildings

Adde, Abdifatah, Lagoun, Hassen January 2022 (has links)
Klimatförändringar har resulterat i att flertalet aktörer i diverse branscher börjat ta hänsyn till hur deras affärsverksamhet påverkar miljön. Sveriges riksdag har fastställt ett klimatmål som avses uppnås 2045. Mer specifikt innebär målet att Sverige inte ska ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser till atmosfären. År 2019 stod Sveriges bygg- och fastighetssektor för landsomfattande utsläpp av växthusgaser, motsvarande cirka 12 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalent, vilket innebär att angiven sektor kan ha en stor inverkan på miljön. Klimatdeklarationer  är ett begrepp som används i olika sammanhang  som  redovisar en byggnads klimatbelastning. Klimatdeklarationer utförs enbart i byggskedet, varav det har delats in i två subkategorier: produktskedet (A1-A3) och byggproduktionsskedet (A4-A5)  (Boverket, 2021).  Denna  studie  illustrerar  hur  processen  kan  gå till  vid framtagande av klimatdeklarationer för hallbyggnader. Dessutom har en mall tagits fram som visar hur mycket koldioxidutsläpp  ett specifikt  byggnadselement avger.  Studien bestod av intervjufrågor som besvarades av sex olika företag med olika roller och liknande åsikter inom hållbart byggande. Respondenterna som har intervjuats i studien är säljingenjören Krister Andersson från företaget Ruukki, miljö- och hållbarhetschefen Alexandra Rosenqvist från Beijer Byggmaterial, verksamhetsutvecklingschefen Linda Hedvall från Lindab, verkställande  direktören Oscar Hoolmé från Jacob Lindh AB samt konstruktören Samir Goralija från Areco Profiles. Vidare har strukturerade intervjufrågor förberetts och ställts till ovannämnda företag som exempelvis hur ställer sig  företagen inför klimatdeklarationslagen?  Vilka åtgärder kommer att tas för att uppfylla lagen? Hur har  lagen påverkats i  verksamheten samt  vilka åtgärder  kommer att tas både kort- och långsiktigt? Företagen som blivit intervjuade framhåller att en EPD endast utgår från byggskedet i A-modulen i dagsläget. Företagen önskar en komplett EPD med ingående moduler från A-D där hela livscykelanalysen tas i beaktning. Detta i syfte att få en klarare bild på hur mycket koldioxidutsläpp en hallbyggnad genererar. Inom ramen för studien har även mallen testats på en industribyggnad som är belägen i Eslövs kommun. Mallen användes för att beräkna hur mycket koldioxid en hallbyggnads klimatskärm genererar. Resultatet  visade  att hela byggnadens klimatskärm avger  58 065  kilo koldioxidekvivalenter. Vidare visades att både traditionell vägg (41 kilo koldioxidekvivalenter per m2) och traditionellt tak  (42  kilo  koldioxidekvivalenter  per m2) ger lägre utsläpp än sandwichvägg (60  kilo koldioxidekvivalenter per m2) respektive papptak (71 kilo koldioxidekvivalenter per m2). Problematiken vid framtagande av klimatdeklarationer är att dagens klimatdatabas är oklar och att olika byggföretag tillämpar olika klimatdata, vilket gör det svårt att jämföra. Ytterligare ett problem är att klimatdeklarationer endast gäller för byggskedet (A-modulen). Detta innebär att resten av byggnads livscykelanalys inte tagits hänsyn vilket  fördröjer processen att uppnå angivna klimatmål. Slutsatsen blir därför att processen vid framtagande av klimatdeklaration är något nytt, och det inte  finns  tydliga riktlinjer för hur  indata  ska  väljas. Däremot  visades att leverantören med generisk värden kan minska sina koldioxidutsläpp. Detta genom att välja rätt kombination av byggnadselement. / Climate change has resulted in several actors in various industries starting to take into account how their business activities affect the environment. The Swedish Parliament has set a climate target that is intended to be achieved by 2045. More specifically, the goal means that Sweden should  have no net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. In 2019, Sweden's construction and real estate sector accounted for nationwide  greenhouse gas emissions, corresponding to approximately 12 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, which means that the specified sector can have a major impact on the environment. Climate declarations are a term used in various contexts that report a building's climate impact. Climate declarations are carried out only for the construction stage, of which it has been divided into  two subcategories:  the product stage (A1-A3) and the construction production stage (A4-A5) (Boverket, 2021).  The study illustrates how the process can be done when producing climate declarations. In addition, a template has been designed  that  shows how  much carbon dioxide equivalents building elements emit. The study consisted of interview questions that were answered by six different companies with different roles and similar views in sustainable construction. The respondents  that have been interviewed in the study are sales engineer Krister Andersson from the company Ruukki, environmental and sustainability manager Alexandra Rosenqvist from Beijer Byggmaterial, business development manager Linda Hedvall from Lindab,  chief executive officer  Oscar Hoolmé from Jacob Lindh AB and constructor Samir Goralija from Areco Profiles. Furthermore, structured interview questions have been prepared and asked to the above-mentioned companies, such as how do companies stand before the  climate  declaration  act? What measures will be taken to comply with the law? How has the law been affected in the business and what measures will be taken both short- and long-term? The companies that have been interviewed point out that an EPD is only based on the construction phase of the A-module at present. The companies want a complete EPD with modules from A-D where the entire life cycle analysis is taken into account. This is in order to get a clearer picture of how much carbon dioxide equivalents a hallbuilding generates. Within the framework of the study, the template has also been tested on an industrial building located in Eslöv municipality.  The template was used to calculate how much carbon dioxide equivalents a hallbuildings climate screen generates. The results showed that the entire building's climate screen emits 58,065 kilo of carbon dioxide equivalents. Furthermore, it was shown  that both  traditional wall (41  kilo carbon dioxide equivalents per m2) and traditional roof (42 kilo carbon dioxide equivalents per m2) produce lower emissions than sandwich wall (60 kilo carbon dioxide equivalents per m2) and cardboard roof (71 kilo carbon dioxide equivalents per m2). The  problem with  the production of climate declarations is that today's climate database is unclear and  that  different construction companies  apply  different climate indicators, which makes it hard to compare.  Another  problem  is  that climate declarations only  apply to  the construction phase (A-module). This means that the rest of the building's life cycle assessment has not been taken into account, which delays the process of achieving specified climate goals. The conclusion  is  thus that the process of producing a climate declaration  is something new since there are no clear guidelines for how inputs  should  be chosen. However,  it was shown that the supplier  can with use of generic values can reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. This is done by choosing the right combination between building elements.

Avfall i byggbranschen : En fallstudie av ett projekts arbete med avfallshantering

Gustafson Nilsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The construction sector today accounts for a big part of the totalamount of waste in Sweden and we need to save the earth’srecourses. To save our resources when processing waste it is best tofollow the waste ladder. It’s very important for all of our sake thatwe handle the waste properly. In the summer of 2020 new lawswere applied to ensure that construction waste is being handled ina proper way. For this study the waste disposal management of aspecific company was studied to see how their current work withwaste disposal and what improvements can be made. By usingliterature study, qualitative interviews, quantitative survey, ocularinspection and document analysis a result has been formed. Theresult that can be seen in this study is that the company in questionis following the requirements for waste disposals but there areroom for improvements. The conclusion from this study is that theleadership and employees in the company is in need of betterknowledge on how to properly manage the waste from theconstruction sites. / Byggsektorn står idag för en stor del av Sveriges totalaavfallsmängd och vi behöver spara på jordens resurser. För attspara på resurserna är det viktigt att bearbeta avfallet på bästa sättutifrån avfallstrappan. Det är viktigt att avfall hanteras på rätt sättbåde för miljön och människors skull. För att bygg- ochrivningsavfall ska hanteras på bästa sätt trädde sommaren 2020nya lagar kring avfallshantering i kraft. I studien har ett företagsarbete med avfallshantering studerats med syfte att se hur manarbetar med avfallshantering samt att hitta förbättringsmöjligheterför företaget. Genom litteraturstudie, kvalitativa intervjuer,kvantitativ enkät, okulär besiktning och dokumentanalys harstudiens resultat tagits fram. Resultatet som framkommer är attföretaget följer de krav som ställs på dem men att det finnsförbättringsmöjligheter. Slutsatsen är att företaget behöver arbetamer med att utbilda både arbetsledningen och yrkesarbetarna ivilka lagar och krav som ställs på avfallshanteringen vidbyggprojekt. / <p>2023-06-26</p>

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