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Uppsatsen sjösattes som en konsekvens av den kritik som politiker och journalister riktat mot public service de senaste åren. Kritiken som främst handlat om en upplevd vänstervridning inom public service är oroväckande då en partiskhet innebär minskade förutsättningar för välorienterade samhällsmedborgare som kan ta ställning i olika samhällsfrågor. Baserat på kritiken har syftet med uppsatsen varit att granska partiskheten i Sveriges Radios podcastverksamhet, ett public service-drivet medium som trots sin allt mer omfattande räckvidd förblivit ett outforskat område inom objektivitetsforskningen. Med avstamp från Westerståhls objektivitetsstudier har en partiskhetsprövning genomförts där begreppet objektivitet likställts med opartiskhet och operationaliserats som en sammanvägning av balans och neutralitet. Neutraliteten har sedermera beräknats via antalet positiva respektive negativa omdömen som riktats mot riksdagspartierna, medan balansen beräknats via det utrymme som partiernas ideologiska budskap och partipolitiska aktiviteter fått i podcasten. Avslutningsvis har en diskussion förts utifrån Asps (2006) syn på rättvisa och mynnat ut i ett resultat som indikerar att en politisk högerriktning gynnats i Sveriges Radios podcastverksamhet.
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Jazzfebern på Sveriges Radio : En undersökning om Sveriges Radios inverkan på den svenska jazzens skifte från underhållningsmusik till konstmusikEk, Gustaf January 2024 (has links)
During the twentieth century, jazz in Sweden went from being undesirable to Sweden being one of the world's leading jazz nations. This study investigates what impact Sveriges Radio (Swedish Radio) has had in elevating the status of Swedish jazz, something that is usually credited to other factors during the 1940s and 50s. Furthermore, the study provides an answer to the questions how and why Sveriges Radio made this effort to elevate the status of Swedish jazz. The study accomplishes this by examining the history of Swedish jazz as well as the internal politics of Sveriges Radio and putting the two in relation to each other. The results show that Sveriges Radio has been an advocate for Swedish jazz, more or less since jazz’s inception. By integrating jazz into more prestigious contexts and financing jazzgroups such as Radiobandet and Radiojazzgruppen, Swedish jazz became renowned internationally as well as popularized back home. The study also identifies two key factors as to why Sveriges Radio involved itself with Swedish jazz and its hierarchical standing. These are the pro-jazz music politics within Sveriges Radio as well as the number of jazz loving staff in key positions at Sveriges Radio that worked towards this goal.
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”Vi är inga maskiner” : En studie om P4-redaktionernas kommunikation via Facebook / "We Are Not Machines" : A Study About P4 Channels CommunicationThrough FacebookTernander, Johanna, Nordqvist, Emmy January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see how five different local radio stations, P4, within the public service organization Sveriges Radio communicate with their listeners through Facebook and how they differ from each other. We have also studied how the radio stations follow Sveriges Radios’ policies for socialmedia usage and how the communication through Facebook can benefit thetraditional radio. Our study contains a combination of quantitative content analysis with qualitative interviews. We studied the five stations’ Facebook pages from for the quantitative content analysis and interviewed those who were responsible for the social media pages, such as web editors and channel managers. Our conclusions are that the P4-stations communicate through Facebook to create a dialogue with the listeners and to reach two-way communication; the stations published mostly written updates that encouraged interactivity. The P4-stations work coherently with their Facebook pages although some differences have been detected. The stations strategies match overall the guidelines for social media usage in the handbook published by Sveriges Radio. Facebook can be used to reach new target groups for the traditionalradio channel, as well as immerse the relationship between the existing loyal listeners and the radio station.
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När internet kom till Gärdet : En studie om public service på internetFahlén, Per, Björling, Rickard January 2009 (has links)
<p>In the mid-1990’s, the global computer network known as the Internet was introduced in Sweden. With this study, we are shining a light on the entrance of Swedish Public Service media on the Internet. The two major Swedish Public Service companies Sveriges Television (“Swedish Television”, also called SVT) and Sveriges Radio (“Swedish Radio”, also called SR) are included in this study.</p><p>SR published its first website in 1994 and the site featured a presentation of the results from the Swedish parliament elections of that year. SVT published its first website in 1995, when the company wanted to find a way to develop the classic teletext.</p><p>The reason why we are studying these companies is that we wanted to find out why two publically funded companies decided to enter the new and relatively unknown Internet platform at a time when only three percent of the Swedish population had Internet access at home.</p><p>We have interviewed technicians and board members working for either SR or SVT at the time surrounding their entry on the Internet and we have also accessed board documents and other written information from the companies.</p><p>The study shows that both SR and SVT had an early presence on the Internet but without really investing. The respective boards were unsure about the usefulness of the new platform and the technicians were working without getting, according to themselves, enough time and money. The situation changed at the beginning of the 21<sup>st</sup> century, after the timeframe of our study.</p>
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Webbradion : ett nytt mediumLannerhjelm, Lina, Persson, Stephanie January 2002 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to study the role of web radio in Sweden. To fulfill the purpose we have done a case study of two Swedish radio stations: Sveriges Radio AB, which is a public service station, and a commercial station called Mix Megapol. By interviewing two persons from each station and analyzing the contents of their web sites, we have tried to see how the relationship between radio, Internet and web radio looks like. Thus, our method is qualitative. We have come to many conclusion of which some are: The new medium web radio borrows qualities from the traditional radio. At the same time the radio borrows qualities from the Internet to be able to resist competition from the newer medium. The web sites that offer web radio contain a lot of functions that allows the users to listen interactivly. We have also been able to find differences between the public service station and the commercial station when it comes to web radio. Financial aspects lead to different conditions for the two types of radio stations. </p>
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När internet kom till Gärdet : En studie om public service på internetFahlén, Per, Björling, Rickard January 2009 (has links)
In the mid-1990’s, the global computer network known as the Internet was introduced in Sweden. With this study, we are shining a light on the entrance of Swedish Public Service media on the Internet. The two major Swedish Public Service companies Sveriges Television (“Swedish Television”, also called SVT) and Sveriges Radio (“Swedish Radio”, also called SR) are included in this study. SR published its first website in 1994 and the site featured a presentation of the results from the Swedish parliament elections of that year. SVT published its first website in 1995, when the company wanted to find a way to develop the classic teletext. The reason why we are studying these companies is that we wanted to find out why two publically funded companies decided to enter the new and relatively unknown Internet platform at a time when only three percent of the Swedish population had Internet access at home. We have interviewed technicians and board members working for either SR or SVT at the time surrounding their entry on the Internet and we have also accessed board documents and other written information from the companies. The study shows that both SR and SVT had an early presence on the Internet but without really investing. The respective boards were unsure about the usefulness of the new platform and the technicians were working without getting, according to themselves, enough time and money. The situation changed at the beginning of the 21st century, after the timeframe of our study.
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"Real, truthful radio" : en formanalys av ”direktreflekterande” radioprogram.Landmark, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
This essay aims to analyse the form of two radio documentary shows and compare them to, what I mean are a traditional, Swedish radio documentary form. The radio shows are Radiolab distributedby National Public Radio and WNYC, Övernaturligt (supernatural) produced by TredjeStatsmakten Media AB and P3 Dokumentär (P3 Documentary) distributed by Sveriges Radio. Alarge part of the essay is dedicated to develop a method to analyse form in specific radio shows. Mymethod consists of two parts:1. A defining of sounds in a spreadsheet that map out the different sound elements over time.2. An analysis of the radio documentaries using the spreadsheet, text-analytic tools, rhetoric toolsand an holistic view of how different stories connect.My essay shows how these two radio documentary shows use so called layers and the changing ofroles between the presenter and the reporter to replicate a live show in closeness to the audience andin turn, how this may affect the presentation of their journalistic content. I also show how theseradio shows use illustrative and side stories to build up the main story of the show.
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Det traditionella produktivitetsmåttets framtid i ett digitaliserat samhälle- en explorativ studie av Sveriges Radio AB.Lundberg, Madeleine, Brandting, Stella January 2011 (has links)
Internets utveckling har skapat nya förutsättningar för många företag i medieindustrin. För Sveriges Radio AB märks detta exempelvis i den problematik som uppstått i att integrera den digitala verksamheten i produktivitetsmätandet. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att studera SR och identifiera vilka problem som finns i användandet av ett traditionellt produktivitetsmått, för att sedan analysera och bidra till diskussion kring vad som är relevant att mäta i Internetbaserad verksamhet. Uppsatsen är en explorativ studie av kvalitativ karaktär där vald teori samt två modeller som beskriver kategorisering av prestationsmått och produktivitet och dess koppling till andra relevanta begrepp utgör grunden för analys och diskussion. De slutsatser som framkommit är att de traditionella produktivitetsmåttet tappat relevans och att nya metoder för att mäta output och värde i digital verksamhet är önskvärt. Då output är svårdefinierat närmar sig begreppen produktivitet och effektivitet varandra och ett förslag är att försöka konstruera ett produktivitetsmått utifrån kvalitet och värde på utfall samt effekt och genomslag av satsad input.
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En klassfråga : Fallstudie av "överklassafarin" i Sveriges RadioOgelid, Linn, Sigroth, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
För första gången sedan 1970-talets vänstervåg förekommer klassbegreppet i stor utsträckning på den mediala agendan. Trots begreppets ökade förekomst tycks dess innebörd och relevans idag vara oklar. Ambitionen med denna uppsats är att analysera och diskutera klassbegreppets innebörd och betydelse genom en fallstudie av Sveriges Radios rapportering av den “överklassafari” som anordnades av den vänsterpolitiska organisationen Allt åt alla i början av 2012. Målet med denna “safari” var att rasera bilden av Sverige som ett klasslöst land genom att låta allmänheten ta del av en guidad busstur i det välbärgade bostadsområdet Solsidan i Stockholm. Denna händelse fick stor uppmärksamhet och diskuterades på flera håll; inte minst i public service-mediet Sveriges Radio, vars främsta uppgift är att förse allmänheten med värderingsfri samhällsinformation. Med utgångspunkt i detta anspråk granskas begreppets innebörd i Sveriges Radios rapportering, förankrat i klassbegreppets historiska utveckling och med teorier om olika perspektiv på klass som hjälpmedel. Metoden som används är Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys, där skildrandet av händelsen undersöks i relation till genre och journalistens position. Några entydiga innebörder av klassbegreppet har inte hittats. Resultaten visar även att Sveriges Radio uppfyller sitt objektiva anspråk då rapporteringen genomgående har ett värderingsfritt förhållningssätt. Däremot diskuteras Sveriges Radios skildringar ur ett maktperspektiv då klassbegreppets betydelse och samhällets socioekonomiska struktur inte ligger i fokus, trots “safarins” ursprungliga uppsåt.
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“Vi blir som en liten ambassadör i Facebooklandet” : En uppsats om Sveriges Radios närvaro på FacebookWillén, Nina January 2011 (has links)
Title: “We become like a little ambassador in the country of Facebook” – an essay on the pres-ence of Swedish National Radio on Facebook. (“Vi blir som en liten ambassador I Facebooklan-det” – En uppsats om Sveriges Radios närvaro på Facebook) Number of pages: 34 (46 including enclosures) Author: Nina Willén Tutor: Christian ChristensenCourse: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Fall 2010 University: Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: My purpose is to examine what the presence of the Swedish National Radio on a commercial network like Facebook means and how the editors themselves argue about it. For the analysis I use critical political economy as a theoretical point of view. Material/Method: The material consists of interviews made from a qualitative method. The informants are delegates from the editorial staff of the Swedish National Radio’s channels P3 and P4. Main results: Even though Facebook is a good tool for spreading information and getting in touch with people, it still is a commercial network and that cannot be forgotten. Companies use the surveillance structure of Facebook to collect information from their potential costumers so that the users can see tailored advertising on the site. The presence of the Public Service-based Swedish National Radio makes the users want to stay at Facebook and keep them entertained so that the companies can gather more information and thus earn more money. Keywords: Social networking, critical political economy, Facebook, surveillance, scrutinizing, communication, web 2.0, Public Service.
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