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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sincronização de uma classe de sistemas não-lineares acoplados com aplicações em sistemas elétricos de potência / Synchronization of a class of coupled non-linear systems with applications in electric power systems

Mijolaro, Ana Paula 11 August 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudou-se a sincronização de uma classe de sistemas dinâmicos não-lineares acoplados. Do ponto de vista teórico, apresentam-se resultados que fornecem condições suficientes sobre o campo vetorial e estimativas dos parâmetros de acoplamentos que garantem sincronização de um conjunto de soluções de uma classe de sistemas não-lineares acoplados. Diferentemente da grande maioria dos resultados existentes na literatura de sincronização de sistemas não-lineares acoplados, os resultados propostos nesta tese podem ser aplicados para demonstrar sincronização em sistemas que não possuem atratores globais, incluindo casos instáveis, onde as soluções são não-limitadas. Quando o sistema não possui atrator global, foi utilizado um resultado, também proposto nesta tese, que fornece estimativas uniformes de atratores, para estimar conjuntos positivamente invariantes contidos na região de sincronização do sistema. Os resultados teóricos propostos foram empregados para demonstrar sincronização em um sistema formado por dois pêndulos acoplados e também por dois sistemas de Duffing acoplados. Do ponto de vista aplicado, estuda-se o problema de coerência de geradores em sistemas elétricos de potência. Valendo-se dos resultados teóricos desta tese, um índice foi proposto para detectar e identificar geradores fracamente coerentes, os chamados clusters. A metodologia de análise de coerência proposta nesta tese não requer grande esforço computacional e poderia ser utilizada em aplicações em tempo real. Os resultados mostraram que a análise deste índice fornece, a priori, sem a necessidade de simulações numéricas, informações importantes sobre a presença de acoplamento forte entre as máquinas, a localização dos pontos de equilíbrio instáveis de controle, assim como a existência de modos de instabilidade combinados. / Synchronization of a class of coupled non-linear systems is studied in this work. From the theoretical point of view, we present synchronization results that provide sufficient conditions on the vector field and estimates of the coupling parameters that guarantee synchronization. Differently from the existing approaches in the nonlinear systems literature, our results can be applied to demonstrate synchronization in systems that do not have global attractors, including even unstable cases, where the solutions are unbounded. When the system does not globally synchronize, a result that provides uniform estimates of attractors is used to present an estimate of a positively invariant set contained in the synchronization region. The theoretical results are applied to demonstrate synchronization between two nonlinear pendulums and two coupled Duffing\'s systems. From the applied point of view, we study the problem of coherency between generators in electrical power systems. Using the theoretical results of this thesis, an index is proposed to detect and identify groups of weakly-coherent generators, the so called clusters. The proposed coherency analysis methodology proposed in this text does not require a great computational effort and is suitable for online applications. Our results have shown that this index analysis provides important information about the strong coupling between the generators, the location of the controlling unstable equilibrium points and the existence of combined unstable modes.

Analyse automatique des crises d'épilepsie du lobe temporal à partir des EEG de surface / Automatical analysis of temporal lobe epileptic seizures from scalp EEG

Caparos, Matthieu 05 October 2006 (has links)
AL’objectif de la thèse est le développement d’une méthode de caractérisation des crises d’épilepsie du lobe temporal à partir des EEG de surface et plus particulièrement de la zone épileptogène (ZE) à l’origine des crises. Des travaux récents ont démontré une évolution des synchronisations entre structures cérébrales permettant une caractérisation de la dynamique des crises du lobe temporal. La comparaison de différentes méthodes de mesure de relation a permis la mise en évidence des avantages du coefficient de corrélation non-linéaire dans l’étude de l’épilepsie par les EEG de surface. L’exploitation de l’évolution de ce coefficient est à la base de trois applications de traitement automatique du signal EEG : -détermination de la latéralisation de la ZE au départ d’une crise, -recherche d’une signature épileptique, -classification des crises du lobe temporal en deux groupes / The objective of this work was the development of a temporal lobe epilepsy seizures characterization methodology realized through scalp EEG analysis. Recent researches showed an evolution of the synchronizations between cerebral structures, allowing a characterization of dynamic of the seizures. The comparison, between different methods of relation measurement, proved the advantages of the non-linear correlation coefficient in the study of epileptic seizures from scalp EEGs. The characterization of the evolution of this coefficient was used as the base of the development of three signal processing applications : -determination of the side of the Epileptic Zone at the onset of a seizure -research of an epileptic pattern at the seizure onset -classification of the temporal lobe seizures into two groups.

Théorie du contrôle et systèmes hybrides dans un contexte cryptographique / Control theory and hybrid system in a cryptograhical context

Vo Tan, Phuoc 12 November 2009 (has links)
La thèse traite de l’utilisation des systèmes hybrides dans le contexte particulier des communications sécurisées et de la cryptographie. Ce travail est motivé par les faits suivants. L’essor considérable des communications qui a marqué ces dernières décennies nécessite des besoins croissants en terme de sécurité des échanges et de protection de l’information. Dans ce contexte, la cryptographie joue un rôle central puisque les informations transitent la plupart du temps au travers de canaux publics. Parmi les nombreuses techniques de chiffrement existants, le chiffrement par flot se distingue tout particulièrement lorsqu’on le débit d’une communication sécurisée est privilégié. Les chiffreurs par flot sont construits à partir de générateurs de séquences complexes décrits par des systèmes dynamiques et devant être synchronisés de part et d’autre du canal d’échanges. Les objectifs et les résultats de ce travail se déclinent en trois points. Tout d’abord, l’intérêt d’utiliser des systèmes hybrides en tant que primitives cryptographiques est motivé. Par la suite, une étude comparative est menée afin d’établir une connexion entre les algorithmes de masquage de l’information basés sur le chaos et les algorithmes de chiffrement usuels. L’étude porte exclusivement sur des considérations structurelles et repose sur des concepts de la théorie du contrôle, en particulier l’inversibilité à gauche et la platitude. On montre que la technique de masquage dite par inclusion, qui consiste à injecter l’information à protéger dans une dynamique complexe, est la plus efficace. De plus, on montre que sous la condition de platitude, un système de masquage par inclusion est structurellement équivalent à un chiffreur par flot particulier appelé auto-synchronisant. Enfin, des méthodes de cryptanalyse pour évaluer la sécurité du masquage par inclusion sont proposées pour une classe particulières de systèmes hybrides à savoir les systèmes linéaires à commutations. A nouveau, des concepts de la théorie du contrôle sont utilisés, il s’agit de l’identifiabilité paramétrique et des algorithmes d’identification. Des spécificités relatives au contexte particulier de la cryptographie sont prises en compte. En effet, contrairement à la plupart des cas rencontrés dans le domaine du contrôle où les variables des modèles dynamiques sont continues car relatives à des systèmes physiques, les variables prennent ici des valeurs discrètes. Les modèles dynamiques sont en effet décrits non plus dans le corps des réels mais dans des corps finis en vue d’une implémentation sur des machines à états finis tels ordinateur ou tout autre dispositif numérique / This manuscript deals with a specific engineering application involving hybrid dynamical systems : secure communications and cryptography. The work is motivated by the following facts. The considerable progress in communication technology during the last decades has led to an increasing need for security in information exchanges. In this context, cryptography plays a major role as information is mostly conveyed through public networks. Among a wide variety of cryptographic techniques, stream ciphers are of special interest for high speed encryption. They are mainly based on generators of complex sequences in the form of dynamical systems, which must be synchronized at the transmitter and receiver sides. The aim of this work is threefold. First, the interest of resorting to hybrid dynamical systems for the design of cryptographic primitives is motivated. Secondly, a connection between chaotic and conventional cryptography is brought out by comparing the respective algorithms proposed in the open literature. The investigation focuses on structural consideration. Control theoretical concepts, in particular left invertibility and flatness, are the central tools to this end. It is shown that the so-called message-embedding technique, consisting in injecting the information to be concealed into a dynamical system, is the most relevant technique. Furthermore, it is shown that, under the flatness condition, the resulting cipher acts as a self-synchronizing stream cipher. Finally, cryptanalytic methodologies for assessing the security of the message-embedded cryptosystem involving a special class of hybrid systems, namely the switched linear systems, are proposed. Again concepts borrowed from control theory, namely identifiability and identification, are considered. Specificities related to the context are taken into account. The variables describing the dynamical systems do not take values in a continuum unlike what usually happens in automatic control when physical models are considered. They rather take values in finite cardinality sets, especially finite fields, since an implementation in finite state machines, say computers or digital electronic devices, is expected

O uso de FSH exógeno estimula o crescimento folicular final e a função luteínica de vacas Holandesas em lactação sincronizadas para Inseminação Artificial em Tempo Fixo? / Does exogenous FSH increase the final follicular growth and lutea function for TAI in lactating Holstein cows?

Ayres, Henderson 02 September 2011 (has links)
Vacas leiteira de alta produção têm apresentado declínio da eficiência reprodutiva. Essa redução é devido a causas multifatoriais, entre elas a baixa concentração de estradiol (E2) no proestro e a baixa concentração de progesterona (P4) no ciclo estral subsequentente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o uso de gonadotrofina exógena na dinâmica folicular e na taxa de prenhez de vacas submetidas ao protocolo Ovsynch (Experimento 1) ou a protocolos utilizando P4 e E2 (Experimento 2). No Experimento 1, animais de primeiro serviço foram pré-sincronizados com dois protocolos (Presynch ou Double-Ovsynch). Já os animais de segundo ou mais serviços foram resincronizados com o protocolo Resynch. Os animais receberam GnRH (1º GnRH), seguido 7 dias depois pela adiministração de prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α). Nesse momento os animais foram divididos homogeneamente por paridade e número de inseminação em um de dois tratamentos: sem FSH (Ovsynch, n = 561) ou com FSH (Ovsynch + FSH, n = 571). O segundo GnRH (2º GnRH) foi administrado 56 horas após a PGF2α e a inseminação em tempo fixo foi realizada 16 horas após. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas no 1º e no 2º GnRH, na PGF2α e 6 e 13 dias após o 2º GnRH para dosagem de P4. Ainda, no 2º GnRH dosou-se também E2 No Experimento 2, os animais foram sincronizados no dia 0 com um dispositivo de P4 associado a 2 mg de benzoato de estradiol. Oito dias após o dispositivo foi removido e os animais receberam uma dose de PGF2α. Neste mesmo momento, as vacas foram divididas homogeneamente por paridade, número de serviços prévios, escore de condição corporal e presença de CL no inicio do protocolo em três tratamentos: Controle (sem tratamento adicional; n = 232); eCG (400 UI de eCG; n = 232) e FSH (20 mg de FSH; n = 230). Todos os animais receberam GnRH e foram insemados 56h após a retirada do dispositivo. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue a cada 48h do dia 11 ao dia 22. No Experimento 1, não houve efeito do FSH na concetração sérica de E2 no 2º GnRH (P = 0,88), no tamanho do maior folículo no 2 º GnRH (P = 0,63), na taxa de ovulação ao 2º GnRH (P = 0,69) ou na concentração sérica de P4 no 6º (P = 0,15) e 13º (P = 0,36) dia após o 2º GnRH. A taxa de prenhez foi semelhante (P> 0,05) entre os animais tratados com Ovsynch (36,2%) e Ovsynch + FSH (39,1%). No Experimento 2, os tratamentos não alteraram o diâmetro do folículo ovulatório (P = 0,15), o intervalo entre a remoção do dispositivo de P4 e a ovulação (P = 0,30) e a taxa de ovulação (P = 0,44). Não houve efeito de tratamento na concentração sérica de P4 (P = 0,15). A taxa de prenhez foi diferente entre os tratamentos aos 30 dias após a IATF (Controle = 28,0a vs FSH = 18,7b vs eCG = 29,7a %; P = 0,01), mas não aos 60 dias (Controle = 21,6 vs FSH = 16,1 vs eCG = 24,1%; P = 0,08) e na perda de gestacional (Controle = 18,8 vs FSH = 14,0 vs eCG = 18,4%; P = 0,39). Assim, o tratamento com FSH não estimulou o crescimento folicular final e a função luteínica de vacas leiteiras de alta produção sincronizadas com os protocolos Ovsynch e P4/E2. / Fertility in high-producing dairy cows has decreased over the years, which has been associated with reduced estradiol (E2) concentrations during proestrus and suboptimal progesterone (P4) concentrations during early stages of gestation. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effects of exogenous gonadotropins on follicular dynamics and risk of pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) in cows subjected to the Ovsynch protocol (Experiment 1) or to a P4/E2-based timed AI protocol (experiment 2). In experiment 1, cows were enrolled in the Ovsynch protocol (GnRH, 7 d PGF2α, 56 h GnRH, 16 h IA) either after presynchronization (Presynch or Double-Ovsynch; first AI postpartum) or 32 d after previous AI. At the PGF2α injection, cows were blocked by parity and number of AI and, within each block, randomly allocated to eitherreceive 20 mg of FSH at the moment of the PGF2α(Ovsynch + FSH, n = 571) or to remain as untreated control (Ovsynch, n = 561). Blood was sampled at the 1st and 2nd GnRH and PGF2α injections, as well as on d 6 and 13 after the 2nd GnRH to access P4 and E2 (at the 2nd GnRH only) concentrations. In experiment 2, cows were received a P4 device and 2 mg of estradiol benzoate. The device was removed 8 d later concurrently with an injection of PGF2α, followed by an injection of GnRH and AI at 56 h.At the PGF2α injection, cows were blocked by parity, number of AI, body condition score, and presence of a CL at device insertion.Within each block, cows were randomly allocated to receive either 20 mg of FSH (FSH, n = 230), 400 IU of eCG (eCG, n = 232), or no additional treatment at the moment of the PGF2α (Control, n = 232). Blood was sampled at every 48 h from 1 to 12 d after AI. In experiment 1, there was no effect of FSH on serum E2 at the 2nd GnRH (P = 0.88), follicle diameter at the 2nd GnRH (P = 0.63), ovulatory response to the 2nd GnRH (P = 0.69), or serum P4 on d 6 (P = 0.15) and 13 (P = 0.36) after the 2nd GnRH. Also, P/AI was similar (P > 0.05) between Ovsynch (36.2%) and Ovsynch + FSH (39.1%). In experiment 2, treatment did not affect ovulatory diameter (P = 0.15), interval from P4 device removal and ovulation (P = 0.30), ovulatory response to the 2nd GnRH (P = 0.44), and serum P4 (P = 0.15). Interestingly, treatment with FSH reduced (P = 0.01) P/AI on d 30 (Control = 28.0a vs. FSH = 18.7b vs. eCG = 29.7a %), but not on d 60after timed AI (Control = 21.6 vs. FSH = 16.1 vs. eCG = 24.1%; P = 0.08).The risk of pregnancy loss was not affected by treatment (Control = 18.8 vs. FSH = 14.0 vs. eCG = 18.4%; P = 0.39). In conclusion, treatment with FSH failed to enhance the final growth of the ovulatory follicle and did not improve luteal function after AI in high-producing dairy cows synchronized with either the Ovsynch or P4/E2-based timed AI protocols.

Sincronização da ovulação com dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona (CIDR®) em novilhas Bos indicus, Bos indicus x Bos taurus e Bos taurus / Synchronization of ovulation with intravaginal progesterone device in Bos indicus, Bos indicus x Bos taurus and Bos taurus heifers

Carvalho, João Batista Pereira de 04 August 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou os efeitos do tratamento com dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona (CIDR&reg;), associado ao benzoato de estradiol (BE) e à prostaglandina F2&alpha; (PGF), sobre a dinâmica folicular de novilhas B. indicus (Nelore e Gir), B. taurus (Angus e HPB) e respectivos cruzamentos. Para avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações séricas de progesterona (P4) na dinâmica folicular (fatorial 2 x 3), metade das novilhas dos três grupamentos genéticos receberam uma dose de PGF no momento da inserção do dispositivo (D0). Do D0 à retirada do dispositivo (D8), o crescimento folicular foi monitorado por ultra-sonografia em intervalos de 24h, e do D8 até a ovulação, essa monitoração foi realizada em intervalos de 12h. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas para dosagem da concentração de P4 no D0, no D3, no D6, no D8 e no D10. O diâmetro máximo do FD foi menor (P<0,05) nas novilhas B. indicus (9,5 ± 0,5mm) do que nas cruzadas (12,3 ± 0,4mm) e B. taurus (11,6 ± 0,5mm). O tratamento com PGF no D0 aumentou (P<0,05) o diâmetro do FD (11,9 ± 0,4 x 10,5 ± 0,5mm). A taxa de crescimento do FD foi menor (P<0,05) nas novilhas B. indicus (0,9 ± 0,1mm/dia) do que nas novilhas cruzadas (1,2 ± 0,1mm/dia) e B. taurus (1,1 ± 0,1mm/dia). A taxa de crescimento foi maior (P<0,05) nas novilhas tratadas com PGF no D0 (1,2 ± 0,1 x 0,9 ± 0,1mm/dia). A taxa de ovulação foi menor (P<0,05) nas novilhas B. indicus (39,1 %) do que nas novilhas cruzadas (84,0 %) e B. taurus (72,7 %). Novilhas tratadas com PGF no D0 apresentaram maior (P<0,05) taxa de ovulação (78,8 x 54,0 %). O intervalo entre a retirada do dispositivo de P4 (D8) e a ovulação foi maior (P<0,05) nas novilhas B. indicus (78,0 ± 2,3h) do que nas novilhas B. taurus (73,5 ± 1,0h). A concentração sérica de P4 durante o tratamento (D0 a D8) diferiu (P<0,05) entre as novilhas B. indicus (5,4 ± 0,4ng/ml), B. taurus (3,3 ± 0,2ng/ml) e cruzadas (4,3 ± 0,3ng/ml). A concentração de P4 foi menor (P<0,05) nas novilhas tratadas com PGF no D0 (3,3 ± 0,2 x 5,2 ± 0,3ng/ml). Em resumo, as novilhas B. indicus apresentaram menor taxa de crescimento (mm/dia), menor diâmetro máximo do FD, menor taxa de ovulação e maior concentração sérica de P4 durante o tratamento do que as novilhas B. taurus. O tratamento com PGF no D0 aumentou a taxa de crescimento folicular, o diâmetro máximo do FD e a taxa de ovulação, e diminuiu a concentração sérica de P4 durante o tratamento em novilhas. / This study evaluated the effect of treatment with progesterone intravaginal device (CIDR&reg;) associated to estradiol benzoate (BE) and prostaglandin F2&alpha; in the follicular dynamic of B. indicus (Nelore and Gir), B. taurus (Angus and BWH) and respectively cross-breed. Aiming to evaluate the effect of different plasmatic progesterone concentration (P4) in the follicular dynamic (3 by 2 factorial design), a half of heifers in each genetic group received PGF at moment of device insertion (D0). The ultrasonography was performed from D0 to D8 (device withdrawal) every 24 hours, and from D9 to ovulation every 12 hours to evaluate the follicular growth. All heifers were bled on D0, on D3, on D6, on D8 and on D10 for determination of serum progesterone concentration. The maximum diameter of DF was lower (P<0.05) in B. indicus heifers (9.5 ± 0.5mm) than in cross-breed (12.3 ± 0.4mm) and in B. taurus (11.6 ± 0.5mm) heifers. The PGF treatment on D0 increased (P<0.05) the diameter of DF (11.9 ± 0.4 x 10.5 ± 0.5mm). The growth rate of DF was lower (P<0.05) in B. indicus heifers (0.9 ± 0.1mm/day) than in cross-breed (1.2 ± 0.1mm/day) and in B. taurus (1.1 ± 0.1mm) heifers. The growth rate was higher (P<0.05) in heifers that received PGF on D0 (1.2 ± 0.1 x 0.9 ± 0.1mm/day). The ovulation rate was lower (P<0.05) in B. indicus heifers (39.1%) than in cross-breed (84.0%) and in B. taurus (72.7%). Heifers treated with PGF presented higher (P<0.05) ovulation rate (78.8 x 54.0%). The interval between device removal (D8) and ovulation was larger (P<0.05) in B. indicus (78.0 ± 2.3h) than in B. taurus heifers (73.5 ± 1.0h). The mean serum P4 concentration during the treatment (D0 to D8) differed (P<0.05) between B. indicus (5.4 ± 0.4ng/ml), B. taurus (3.3 ± 0.2ng/ml) and cross-breed (4.3 ± 0.3ng/ml) heifers. The P4 concentration was lower (P<0.05) in heifers that received PGF on D0 (3.3 ± 0.2 x 5.2 ± 0.3ng/ml). In brief B. indicus heifers presented lower growth rate (mm/day), lower maximum diameter of DF, lower ovulation rate and higher serum P4 concentration during the treatment than B. taurus heifers. The PGF treatment on D0 increased the follicular growth rate, the maximum diameter of DF and the ovulation rate, decreased the serum P4 concentration during the treatment in heifers.

Numerical Investigation of Finite Kuramoto model with time dependent coupling strength

Unknown Date (has links)
Synchronization of an ensemble of oscillators is a phenomenon present in systems of different fields, ranging from social and physical to biological and technological systems. The most successful approach to describe how synchrony emerges in these systems is given by the Kuramoto model. This model as it stands, however, assumes oscillators of fixed natural frequencies and a homogeneous all-to-all coupling strength. The Kuramoto model has been analytically discussed to address the synchronization phenomena of coupled oscillators in the thermodynamic limit (N --> ∞). However, there needs to be a modi cation to address the inevitable in uence of external fields on the pattern of various real life synchronization phenomena which, in general; involves a finite number of oscillators. This research introduces a time dependent coupling strength K(t) which is from the modulation of external elds in the form of, for example, a periodic impulse, in the nite oscillators assembly. A sinusoidal function with some arbitrary values of amplitude and frequency is added to the fixed coupling strength as a perturbation of external elds. Temporal evolution of order parameter r(t) and phase θ(t), both of which measure the degree of synchronization of an assembly of oscillators simultaneously, are compared between uniform and time dependent cases. Graphical comparison are made using a 2 oscillator system, a building block of any finite oscillators case. Also, similar comparisons are performed for a system of 32 oscillators which are chosen randomly as a representative of a nite number of oscillators (2 < N < ∞). A temporal variation of the relative phase angle θ(t) = θ2(t) - θ1(t) in 2 and 32 oscillators systems using uniform and time dependent cases is also a part of this research. This work also introduces a time-dependent coupling strength in the form of a step function. The main objective of using such a function is to keep the synchronized behavior of the oscillators persistently. This behavior can be achieved with the perception that occasional boosting with higher coupling strength K(t) should be enough to sustain synchronous behavior of oscillators which, in general, are tuned with lower K(t). / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Estudo da dinâmica folicular no protocolo de nove dias de sincronização de cios com o uso de um novo dispositivo de liberação sustentada de progesterona, associado ou não ao eCG, em ovelhas Santa Inês / Study of follicular dynamics during nine day estrus synchronization protocol using a new progesterone sustained release device, associated or not with eCG, in Santa Inês ewes

Barros, Marina Berrettini Paes de 08 March 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da dinâmica folicular da ovelha Santa Inês no protocolo de nove dias de sincronização de cios, com e sem a administração do eCG, utilizando um novo dispositivo intravaginal de silicone Primer-PR® (Tecnopec Brasil). No experimento 1, dez ovelhas receberam o dispositivo vaginal no D0, retirada no D9 e aplicação de 0,4mL de d-cloprostenol. Os exames ultrassonográficos foram diários, desde D-3 da colocação do dispositivo vaginal até o D9 e a partir deste, de 12 em 12 horas até a ovulação. Concomitantemente ao experimento 1, as coletas de sangue foram realizadas entre as ovelhas que receberam o dispositivo (grupo GP, n=10) e àquelas em estado fisiológico (grupo GF, n=12). No experimento 2, nove ovelhas receberam igual tratamento do experimento 1 e 250UI de eCG na retirada do dispositivo. Os exames ultrassonográficos para o acompanhamento da dinâmica folicular ocorreram de 12 em 12 horas do D9 até a ovulação. Neste experimento, o sangue foi coletado em dias intervalados desde D-1 até D13. No experimento um, a emergência folicular ocorreu em 8,5 dias ± 16 horas após a colocação do dispositivo vaginal. As ovelhas entraram e saíram do cio, respectivamente, 45,6 ± 12,71h e 72 ± 12,96h após a retirada do mesmo e a ovulação ocorreu em 73 ± 14,38 h. O diâmetro inicial médio do folículo foi de 3,48 ± 0,28 mm e do ovulatório de 5,22 ± 0,72 mm, diferindo significativamente (p=0,006) entre o primeiro e o segundo folículo ovulatório e entre o primeiro folículo de animais com simples (5,77 ± 0,34mm) ou dupla (4,83 ± 0,18mm) ovulação (P=0,003). A taxa de crescimento no período foi 0,73 ± 0,43 (mm/dia). No experimento 2, o estro iniciou-se às 36 ± 6,4h, finalizou às 81 ± 8,46h com a ovulação em 74,3 ± 7,56 h após a retirada do dispositivo vaginal. O diâmetro inicial médio do folículo foi de 4,04 ± 0,78 mm e do ovulatório de 5,40 ± 0,59 mm, diferindo significativamente entre o primeiro folículo de animais com simples (5,91± 0,27mm) ou dupla (5,2 ± 0,22mm) ovulação (P=0,007). A taxa de crescimento folicular no período foi de 0,66 ± 0,43 mm ao dia. No experimento 1, o dispositivo Primer-PR® elevou a concentração plasmática de progesterona do grupo GP a 6,56 ± 2,32 ng/mL, enquanto o grupo fisiológico (GF) ficou em 3,8 ± 2,69 ng/mL no mesmo período. No experimento 2 a concentração plasmática de progesterona durante a permanência do dispositivo vaginal foi de 11,50 ± 3,11ng/mL. Conclui-se que foi possível realizar o acompanhamento da dinâmica folicular dentro do protocolo de nove dias de sincronização de cios na ovelha Santa Inês e que o novo dispositivo utilizado foi eficiente em sincronizar a emergência da onda folicular ovulatória. / The present study aimed the assessment of follicular dynamics in Santa Inês ewes during the nine day estrus synchronization protocol, with or without the administration of eCG, using a new intravaginal silicon device, Primer-PR® (Tecnopec Brasil). In Experiment 1, ten ewes received the vaginal device on D0, which was removed on D9 and received 0,4mL of d-cloprostenol. Ultrasound exams were performed daily, since D-3 of the device placement until D9 and every 12 hours thereafter, until ovulation. During Experiment 1, blood samples were taken from the ewes that received the device (grupo GP, n=10) and the ewes that were in physiological state (grupo GF, n=12). In Experiment 2, nine ewes received the same treatment in Experiment 1 and 250UI of eCG on the day of the device removal. Ultrasound exams for follicular development were performed every 12 hours starting on D9 until ovulation. Blood samples were taken every other day from D-1 until D13. In Experiment 1, follicular emergence occurred in 8,5 days ± 16 hours after the vaginal device placement. The ewes started and ended estrus at, respectively, 45,6 ± 12,71h and 72 ± 12,96h after device removal and ovulation was detected in 73 ± 14,38 h. The mean initial follicle diameter was 3,48 ± 0,28 mm and the mean ovulatory follicle diameter was 5,22 ± 0,72 mm, being statistically different (p=0,006) between the first and second ovulatory follicle and between the first follicle of single ovulation (5,77 ± 0,34mm) or double ovulation individuals (4,83 ± 0,18mm) (P=0,003). The follicular growth rate during this period was 0,73 ± 0,43 (mm/day). In Experiment 2, estrus started at 36 ± 6,4h, ended at 81 ± 8,46h with ovulation occurring in 74,3 ± 7,56 h after the vaginal device removal. The mean initial follicle diameter was 4,04 ± 0,78 mm and the mean diameter ovulatory follicle was 5,40 ± 0,59 mm, differing statistically between the first follicle of single ovulation individuals (5,91± 0,27mm) or double ovulation individuals (5,2 ± 0,22mm) (P=0,007). Follicular growth rate during the period was 0,66 ± 0,43 mm per day. In Experiment 1, Primer-PR® device increased plasmatic progesterone concentration in group GP to 6,56 ± 2,32 ng/mL, whereas physiological group (GF) had 3,8 ± 2,69 ng/mL during the same period. In Experiment 2 plasmatic progesterone concentration throughout the vaginal device use was 11,50 ± 3,11ng/mL. It can be concluded that it was possible to perform ultrasound evaluation of follicular dynamics during the nine day estrus synchronization protocol in Santa Inês ewes and that the new device used was efficient in synchronizing the emergence of ovulatory follicular wave.

Reutilização de implantes de norgestomet em vacas da raça Nelore / Used norgestomet implants in Nelore cows

Almeida, Alexandre Barreto de 17 December 2003 (has links)
Compararam-se as taxas de prenhez (TP) em vacas Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) utilizando implantes de norgestomet novos ou reutilizados associados ao valerato de estradiol (VE) e benzoato de estradiol (BE). Duzentos e quarenta e uma vacas Nelore amamentando foram separadas em dois grupos, e receberam implante auricular contendo 3 mg de norgestomet (n=122) ou implante de norgestomet (n=119) que já havia sido previamente utilizado por 10 dias. Os animais que receberam implante novo ou reutilizado, foram sub-divididos, e um lote recebeu uma injeção (IM) de 3 mg de norgestomet associados a 5 mg de valerato de estradiol e o outro, uma injeção (IM) de 50 mg de progesterona associados a 2 mg de benzoato de estradiol. No momento da retirada do implante todos os animais receberam 1 aplicação de análogo de PGF2&alpha; (IM) para assegurar a luteólise e 24 h após uma injeção de 1,0 mg de BE (IM). A inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) ocorreu 54-56 h após a retirada do implante. Não houve interação entre tipo de implante e tipo de éster de estradiol para TP IATF nem TP Final. As TP IATF não diferiram entre animais que receberam implante novo ou reutilizado (48,3 vs 48,7%) nem entre os que receberam VE ou BE (49,5 vs 47,5%). O mesmo ocorreu para TP Final segundo tipo de implante, novo ou reutilizado (85,2 vs 86,5%) e segundo tipo de éster de estradiol, VE ou BE (86,5 vs 85,2%). Conclui-se que vacas Nelore amamentando podem apresentar adequadas TP IATF e TP Final quando tratadas por implantes de norgestomet novos ou reutilizados associados indistintamente ao valerato ou benzoato de estradiol. / Pregnacy rates (PR) were compared in Nelore cows (Bos taurus indicus) using new or used norgestomet implants associated to estradiol valerate (EV) and estradiol benzoate (EB). Two hundred forty one Nelore cows were synchronized and divided in two groups, they received auricular implants with 3 mg of norgestomet (n=122) or used norgestomet implants (n=119) previously used for 10 days. The animals that received new or used implants were sub-divided and received an administration (im) of 3 mg of norgestomet plus 5 mg of EV and another group received an administration of 50 mg of progesterone plus 2 mg of EB. When the implant was removed a dose of PGF2&alpha; analogous was given for all animals to assure luteolysis and 24 h later they received (im) of 1,0 mg of EB. The fixed-timed artificial insemination (AIFT) occurred 54-56 h after implant withdrawal. There was no difference between the two implants as well as no diffrence to EV or EB, neither PR AITF nor PR Finish. The PR AIFT did not differ among animals that received that received new or used implants (48,3 vs 48,7%) neither EV nor EB (49,5 vs 47,5%). The same happened to PR Finish either new or used (85,2 vs 86,5%) when EV or EB (86,5 vs 85,2%) were used. In this present study, it was concluded that Nelore suckling cows can show a regulated PR AIFT and PR Finish after treatments with new or used norgestomet implants associated to EV or EB.

Att arbeta med ”Synchronization management”

Olsson, Carl January 2018 (has links)
This essay revolves around Synchronization management &amp; Synchronization licensing, or in short sync. The development of sync as a career choice and profession has been fast and is still ongoing. It is not until later years that sync has become a proper profession, whereas before it was just part of a publisher or sales person’s regular work. In short, sync deals with the commercial use of copyright protected music. A synchronization manager negotiates fees and licensing agreements while handling the dialogue between commercial businesses, publishers and in some cases song writers. Once a deal has been made a Synchronization license is granted by the owner of the copyrighted music, allowing the licensee (the person wanting to use the material) to use the music according to the agreement. A Synchronization license is most commonly used when a company wants to use music in either commercial, television or any kind of visual media. To get a better understand of Synchronization management a series of interviews were conducted to get three different perspectives. The first interview helped establish what a synchronization manager actually does, and was held with a person who works with the profession in question. To better grasp the song writing point of view when it comes to sync an interview with a person who was writing for sync briefs was conducted. Lastly, a publisher was interviewed to help understand synchronization licensing from a publishing point of view. The result generated by the interviews in combination with already written articles about Synchronization management helped get a better understanding of the profession and how different individuals are using it in their daily life in music. The main question of this essay was to establish if sync is a reliable source of income for “up-and-coming” song writers and music producers.

Real-Time Software-Defined-Radio Implementation of Time-Slotted Carrier Synchronization for Distributed Beamforming

Zhang, Boyang 05 May 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes a real-time software-defined-radio implementation of the time-slotted round-trip carrier synchronization protocol in two-source and three-source communication systems. The techniques developed in this thesis can be used to synchronize the carriers of two or three single-antenna wireless transmitters with independent local oscillators so that their band-pass transmissions combine constructively at an intended receiver. Synchronization is achieved via the time-slotted transmission of (i) an unmodulated primary beacon from the destination to the sources and (ii) a series of secondary unmodulated beacons between the sources. Explicit channel state information is not exchanged between the sources and/or the destination. When synchronized, the single-antenna sources are able to cooperatively transmit as a distributed beamformer and achieve increased transmission range, reduced transmission energy, and/or increased security. The experimental results in this thesis confirm the theoretical predictions and also provide explicit guidelines for the real-time implementation of a carrier synchronization technique suitable for distributed transmit beamforming.

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