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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daňové povinnosti při provozování motorového vozidla v podnikání

Švecová, Klára January 2010 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl shrnout a specifikovat problematiku daňových povinností podnikatele, který ke své činnosti využívá motorové vozidlo. Úvodní část práce se věnuje definicí majetkových daní a legislativnímu vymezení provozování motorových vozidel v právním systému České republiky. Hlavní část práce se zabývá jednotlivými daňovými povinnostmi podnikatele v oblasti daně z příjmů, daně silniční a daně z přidané hodnoty. Poslední část práce je zaměřena na harmonizaci zdanění motorových vozidel v Evropské unii. V závěru práce je nastíněn možný vývoj zdanění motorových vozidel v České republice.

Vliv realizace projektu "Třeboň - rozvoj lázeňské infrastruktury" na motivační složku daně z příjmů fyzických osob ze samostatně výdělečné činnosti / Impact of the Implementation of Project "Třeboň - Spa Infrastructure Development" on Motivational Component of Income Tax of Individuals from self-employment

Hájková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis describes realization effects of the project "Třeboň - rozvoj lázeňské infrastruktury" on the ammount of tax income in the city, especially with focus on the development of the part of tax incomes. These incomes receives the city as a share of tax incomes from self-employed persons (by law of budget determination of taxes No 243/2000 Sb.). According to this law each commune receives 30 % of tax from self-employed subjects, which have place of residence in the territory of this commune. This share of the tax is called as "motivation component" and it should motivate communes to create new business opportunities to increase own incomes. The focus of this thesis is an effect assessment of realization of this project on the size of tax incomes in the city Třeboň. There is the model of fiscal federalism introduced in the theoretical-methodological part. This model is used wide in the whole Czech republic to describe incomes of comunes - especially tax incomes. In the practical part there is a description of the implemented project and its effect on particular targets, for example effect on size of income of local taxes and effeck on growth of employment. The main section of the practical part is the evolution analysis of the "motivation component". This evolution of "motivation component" is compared with the evolution of business subjects, which are registered in the city Třeboň (including the description of the regressive evolution).

Dlouhodobý hmotný majetek dle IAS/IFRS a českých předpisů/Fixed Assets according to IAS/IFRS and Czech Legislation / Fixed Assets according to IAS/IFRS and Czech Legislation

Sladká, Ludmila January 2009 (has links)
Diploma paper deals with questions of the tangible assets. The first chapter contains determination of the tangible assets and its measurement in term of generally accepted acccounting principles and analyses the depreciation policies. The second chapter focus on the tangible assets in term of International financial reporting standards (IAS/IFRS) especially according to IAS 16 Property, plants and equipment and IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations. The third chapter defines the tangible assets according to Czech legislation. Part of my paper consists of a questionnaire focused on depreciation intangible and tangible assets in Czech Republic and using taxes depreciation in the accounting.

Vliv daní na věrný a poctivý obraz účetnictví / Influence of taxes on true and fair view of the accounting

Müllerová, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to draw the attention to the problems in the book-keeping which are influenced by the current tax legislation and which could lead to distortion of the financial statements and therefore also to violation of the concept of true and fair view in the accounting. In this dissertation thesis following accounting transactions are emphasized: allowances for doubtful receivables, depreciation, provisions and deferred tax. These operations are often missed out or distorted in the accounting as their impact on the tax base is neutral.

Modelování dopadů ekologické daňové reformy a možné směry jejího dalšího vývoje / Modelling Impacts of the Ecological Tax Reform and Possible Ways of its Further Progress

Koderová, Alena January 2008 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis is to identify appropriate approach to evaluation of impacts of the first phase of the ecological tax reform in the Czech Republic, its consequent adaption and application for the particular purpose. The input-output analysis has been found as the most convenient solution for such a sort of analysis. The analysis has been used for the evaluation of impacts on final production prices of each NACE sector resulting from introduction of new taxes on electricity, solid fuels, natural gas and some other kinds of gases in the Czech Republic. Because of unavailability of information about the final impact of taxes on particular objects in the economy, the analysis is conducted on the basis of five incidence assumptions about the impact of taxes on distributors and customers. While the aforementioned analysis is the essential chapter of the thesis, the work starts with a theoretical introduction related to optimal tax theories and theories about possible positive effects of environmental tax implementation. Additionally, energy tax implementation in the Czech Republic and in the European Union is mentioned. Furthermore, an important starting point in finding the most convenient model was to summarize various approaches to modelling energy tax impacts on the economy. Therefore, theoretical description of particular models is provided when history of the models, type of equations and dependences in the model are described. Moreover database requirements and possibilities to use the model for another purpose are discussed. The thesis also comprises of the analysis of pros and cons and additional important characteristics of relevant models together with the summary for which purpose was the particular model used in the Czech Republic. The introduction of energy tax in the Czech republic on the final production prices was proved to be unimportant and with only exceptions (namely the sector of production and distribution of electricity, natural gas and water) an increase in final production prices does not exceed 0,2 % and for a half of all the sectors the increase does not exceed 0,1 %.

Daň z příjmů v kontextu s harmonizací přímých daní v Evropské unii / Income tax in the context of hamonization of direct taxes in the European Union

Zajíčková, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
- 1 - Abstract The issue of income tax is a topic that is current, whatever the political organization of the country, because it is a fact significantly affecting the political, economic and social conditions, from many different aspects. Individual load, as well as corporate income taxes is one of the key elements that most impact on people and affect their economic behavior, social and political decision-making standard. Income tax in the tax systems is one of the most important taxes, because it is burdening the income of individuals and legal entities, tax payers. Through a greater or lower tax burden on personal and corporate income it is possible to use the legislation in the area of income tax and its setting, in the period of economic stagnation, as an instrument for economic recovery. In the area of tax systems and tax systems of specific countries in the last decade we recorded a relatively significant development. The shift, consisting mainly in the approximation of national tax laws, is in our legal system particularly evident after the enter of Czech Republic to the European Union in 2004. In connection with the gradual expansion of the European Economic Community, of the customs union, common market between Member States and European Union development into as we know it today, with 27 Member...

Contribuição ao estudo das obrigações propter rem e institutos correlatos / Contribution to the study of the obligations propter rem and related institutes

Brandão, Tom Alexandre 02 April 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto o estudo das obrigações propter rem e figuras correlatas. Os grandes civilistas dedicaram-se ao tema que será desenvolvido neste trabalho; o assunto não é inédito, muito ao contrário. Contudo, vários pontos permanecem controversos, até mesmo quanto à própria definição e alcance da noção de obrigação real. A importância da matéria não se resume a uma discussão acadêmica, meramente abstrata. Em realidade, o instituto é extremamente recorrente na doutrina e jurisprudência. Ocorre que, considerada a confusão conceitual que caracteriza essa espécie de obrigação, verifica-se que o instituto serve de fundamento a diversas decisões, muitas delas sem precisão técnica necessária. Decerto, criam-se vínculos e deveres sem que exista uma lei específica nesse sentido, sob o simples argumento de que se trata de uma obrigação propter rem. Não bastasse, são atribuídos determinados efeitos a essas obrigações, os quais não são necessariamente essenciais ao instituto. Nesse contexto, consideramos que uma releitura do conceito de obrigação real é oportuna e pode contribuir para um tratamento mais adequado de uma série de questões. / This dissertation discusses the propter rem obligations and related legal aspects. The propter rem obligations are not a new topic and it was studied by all main civil law scholars. However, there are a many unsolved matters related to such obligations, including its exact definition and extension. The relevance of propter rem obligations is not limited to an academic debate; in fact it is a recurring matter by commentators and court precedents. Due to the conceptual misunderstanding as to the correct definition of propter rem obligations, this concept has been mistakenly used in several court decisions. Courts are creating legal obligations without proper legislation, based solely on the argument that such obligations are based on the propter rem principles, including the attribution of supposed legal effects not related to these obligations. In this context, we believe it is important to revisit the concept of the propter rem obligations to promote a better understanding of several issues.

Tarifas de energia elétrica no Brasil. / Tariffs of electric energy in Brazil.

Carção, João Francisco de Castro 01 July 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar o desenvolvimento da indústria da energia elétrica brasileira, a formação e composição das tarifas de energia elétrica e suas implicações e reflexos na economia em geral. Nesse sentido foi feito um breve histórico dessa indústria desde o ano de 1.993, que foi o ano em que se migrou de uma regulação de tarifas pelo sistema denominado custo do serviço para o sistema regulatório denominado price cap, ou seja, preços máximos pelo sistema de incentivos. Foi analisada essa linha regulatória que passou basicamente por dois governos sucessivos, com dois mandatos consecutivos. Fernando Henrique Cardoso no período de 1994 a 2003, que traçou as linhas mestras dessa regulação, com um programa de privatizações de empresas geradoras, transmissoras e distribuidoras de energia elétrica, delegando à iniciativa privada a maior parte da responsabilidade desse serviço. Nessa fase foram constituídas diversas agências reguladoras, sendo criada a ANEEL Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica, com o objetivo de regular e mediar os interesses dos investidores e dos consumidores. Posteriormente, no governo Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, foi dada continuidade à esse tipo de regulação, com algumas modificações, basicamente na área do planejamento indicativo da expansão do sistema elétrico, que havia sido abandonado. Para analisar o comportamento das tarifas de energia elétrica desde o ano de 2005, foram eleitas cinco distribuidoras de energia elétrica representativas da diversidade geográfica brasileira, e comparado o crescimento do IGP-M com o crescimento das tarifas de consumidores típicos. / This dissertation has as main goal the analysis of the Brazilian electrical energy industry development, the formation and composition of electrical energy fees and its implication and reflexes in the economy as general. This way it is made a small historic of this industry since the year of 1993, which was the year that the regulation of fees by the system named custo do serviço migrated to the regulatory system named price cap, in other words, maximum prices by the system of incentives. This regulatory line, which basically went through two governments successively, was analyzed with two consecutive mandates, Fernando Henrique Cardoso during the period from 1994 to 2003, who wrote the main lines of this regulation, with a program of privatization of generation, transmission and distribution companies, delegating to the private initiative the major part of the responsibility of this service. In this phase were constituted many regulatory agencies, being also created the ANEEL - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Electrical Energy National Agency), with the goal to regulate and mediate the interests of the investors and consumers. Lately, during the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, it was given continuity to this kind regulation, with some modifications, basically in the area of planning indicating the expansion of the electrical system, which was abandoned. To analyze the behavior of the electrical energy fees since the year of 2005, were chosen five distributors of electrical energy representatives of the Brazilian geographical diversity and it was made the comparison between the growth of the IGP-M and the growth of the typical consumer fees.

Avaliação da influência de aspectos logísticos, fiscais e ambientais no projeto de redes de distribuição física. / Trade-off analysis existing among logistic costs, tax incentives based on ICMS and carbon emission volume variation.

Carraro, Plinio Rillo 06 July 2009 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os trade-offs existentes entre os custos logísticos, os incentivos fiscais baseados no ICMS e o custo da neutralização das emissões de carbono geradas nos problemas de localização de Fábricas e Centros de Distribuição. Para isso, elaborou-se um modelo de programação linear inteira mista (PLIM) em GAMS, capaz de determinar o menor custo total de um problema, através da otimização de sua função objetivo composta pelos custos fixos e variáveis dos centros de distribuição e fábricas, custos de transporte (frete de transferência e distribuição), benefícios fiscais e custos ambientais. O modelo foi elaborado de modo a possuir flexibilidade suficiente para simular os diversos cenários que se fizeram necessários durante as análises. Utilizando-se deste modelo, foram avaliados diversos cenários com base em dados reais de uma empresa de bens de consumo não duráveis. Alguns desses cenários estudados mostraram algumas distorções causadas pela existência de incentivos fiscais em alguns Estados brasileiros, mostrando como a guerra fiscal no País pode influenciar decisões estratégicas de negócio. A partir dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o benefício fiscal associado ao crédito presumido de ICMS tem impacto significativo nas decisões de localização, reduzindo de forma relevante os custos totais. Já os custos ambientais, relacionados a neutralização das emissões de carbono, apesar de serem importantes nas decisões de empresas social e ambientalmente responsáveis, possuem peso econômico desprezível e não alteram o resultado da análise. Isso mostra que a política fiscal brasileira gera um aumento da emissão de poluentes na atmosfera e um aumento do desgaste e do fluxo de veículos de transporte pelas rodovias do País. / The main object of this work piece is to analyze existing trade-offs among logistic costs, tax incentives based on ICMS and carbon emission volume variations, to be able to define how these factors influence the network localization of Plants and Distribution Centers. To achieve this objective, a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model was developed in GAMS. The model is able to determine the minimum total cost for a given problem through the optimization of a specific objective function. The components of the objective function are: storage costs, transportation costs (transference and distribution freights), operational fixed costs and tax incentives. The model was designed to have enough flexibility to simulate multiple scenarios required to carry out the analysis. Several logistics configurations were examined using this model. All of the scenarios were established based on real data provided by a consumer goods industry. Nevertheless, some of the studied network configurations are distortions caused by existing tax incentives in some Brazilian states, showing how the fiscal war can influence strategic business decisions. Based on the results, one concludes that the tax benefits associated to the ICMS discounts applied in some Brazilian states actually have significant impact in the location decisions because it cuts down a relevant portion of the operational costs, whereas the carbon credits do not change the chosen network configuration, once it has shown a limited potential for financial benefit. The carbon emissions reduction is, in the other hand, an important aspect of the decisions making in social and environmental responsible companies as it can modify the image of the institution and the way it is perceived by the market.

Incentivos e tributos: promovendo veículos menos poluentes e a economia de combustível / Incentives and taxes: promoting cleaner vehicles and fuel economy

Kurokawa, Régis Toshimitsu 08 August 2018 (has links)
O setor de transporte automotivo é um dos principais responsáveis pelas emissões de gases nocivos à saúde ou causadores do efeito estufa. Existem inúmeras propostas econômicas para a redução destas emissões, que se dividem basicamente entre regulamentação de emissões e impostos sobre combustível ou veículos. Apresentaremos neste trabalho um esquema de feebate, uma alternativa baseada num mercado de carbono em que um carro que tem emissões de poluentes abaixo de certo nível ganha um subsídio para sua compra, enquanto que outro que apresenta emissões acima paga um imposto. Este esquema é projetado para que no fim, contabilizados o imposto pago e o subsídio oferecido, faça com que o governo não tenha receita, nem despesas com este. Para mostrar sua eficácia, faremos simulações com base em estimações do mercado de automóveis brasileiro do período de 2008 a 2012 usando um modelo de escolhas discretas através de um logit multinomial aninhado, e faremos análises de bem estar. / The automotive transport sector is one of the main responsible for emissions of harmful gases and greenhouse gases. There are numerous economics proposals for reducing these emissions, which are basically divided between emission regulations and taxes on fuel or vehicles. We will present in this work a feebate scheme, an alternative based on a carbon market in which a car that has emissions of pollutants below a certain level gains a subsidy for its purchase, while another that presents emissions above a level pays a tax. This scheme is designed so that at the end, counting the tax paid and the subsidy offered, make the government have no revenue, nor expenses with it. To show its effectiveness, we will make simulations of this scheme based on estimates of the Brazilian auto market from 2008 to 2012 using a discrete choice model with a nested multinomial logit, and we will analise social welfare changes.

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