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The Student Experience of Team During an "Interdisciplinary" Clinical PracticumMcDonald, Claudette 04 July 2012 (has links)
Changes to healthcare delivery models such as the promotion of an interdisciplinary team approach to patient care and increased hiring of unlicensed care providers have resulted in the need for knowledge about effective interdisciplinary teams.
The purpose of this study was to describe student experiences in the development of team during an “interdisciplinary” clinical practicum. Participants were in first and third year of the Dalhousie baccalaureate nursing program, first year of the Nova Scotia Community College practical nursing diploma and at the end of the Nova Scotia Community College Continuing Care Assistant certificate program. Using a qualitative descriptive methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with the eight participants to understand their experience of what made the team during an “Interdisciplinary” Collaborative Clinical Education Project (ICCEP) practicum. Thematic analysis revealed three themes; clinical instructor mentoring, peer attitudes of respect and acceptance, and mutual sharing of knowledge and skill.
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Exploring and Evaluating Veterinary Team Effectiveness in Companion Animal PracticeMoore, Irene C 15 May 2013 (has links)
The veterinary healthcare team concept was explored using an inductive approach involving four veterinarian (N=23) and four Registered Veterinary Technician focus groups (N=26). Themes revealed included Communication, Toxic Attitude and Environment, Leadership, Coordination, and Work Engagement. Each was subsequently explored in a study of team effectiveness and its associations with job satisfaction and burnout. A random sample of 274 participants from 48 companion-animal veterinary teams was recruited. Mixed linear regression found job satisfaction increased with increased individual engagement and tenure at the practice, and decreased with increased years in veterinary medicine, full-time employment status, or within a toxic clinic environment. Higher scores for exhaustion and cynicism were associated with the presence of a toxic environment, reduced individual engagement, and full-time employment status. A coordinated team environment contributed to decreased cynicism and increased professional efficacy scores. These results suggest team effectiveness significantly influences job satisfaction and burnout among veterinary healthcare teams. / Royal Canin Veterinary Diets
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Teambuilding - att bygga effektiva team på kort tid : en kvantitativ studie om effekterna av teambuildingTönne, Kristin, Fredriksson, Christine January 2015 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur en halvdags fysiskt aktiv teambuildingaktivitet påverkade ett arbetsteam. 1. Kan effektiviteten och samarbetet hos ett team förbättras av en fysiskt aktiv teambuilding-aktivitet? 2. Kan den upplevda känslan av krav och kontroll förbättras av en fysiskt aktiv teambuilding-aktivitet? 3. Kan kommunikationen inom ett team förbättras av en fysiskt aktiv teambuilding-aktivitet? 4. Kan konflikterna hos ett team minska av en fysiskt aktiv teambuilding-aktivitet? Metod Denna studie var en kvantitativ interventionsstudie där både interventions- och kontrollgruppen fick fylla i enkäter med två veckors mellanrum. Deltagarna var från två säljföretag i Stockholmsområdet. Interventionsgruppen bestod av 17 personer och kontrollgruppen av sex. Interventionen som genomfördes var en fysiskt aktiv sådan som pågick under en eftermiddag. Enkäten innehöll bakgrundsfrågor (ålder, kön, tid på företaget, osv.) och frågor om hur de tillfrågade upplevde kommunikationen, konflikterna, samarbetet, effektiviteten och krav respektive kontroll i sin arbetsgrupp. För att analysera statistiken användes Statistica. Resultat Resultaten visade inte på några skillnader hos interventionsgruppen gällande konflikter, samarbete, effektivitet och krav respektive kontroll. Gällande kommunikation var förbättringen 19,4 procent, ett resultat som var marginellt signifikant (p=0,08). Resultaten från kontrollgruppen innehöll ett signifikant resultat, där de försämrade sitt resultat gällande samarbete och effektivitet med 4,5 procent (p=0,03). Slutsats En halvdags teambuilding visade sig inte ge några stora effekter på de parametrar som undersökts, bortsett från att kommunikationen förbättrades hos interventionsgruppen medan samarbetet och effektiviteten försämrades hos kontrollgruppen. / Aim The overall purpose of this study was to investigate whether a half-days physically active team building activity can affect a working group or not. The aim is explicated by the following questions: 1. Can the collaboration and efficiency within a team be improved by a physically active team building activity? 2. Can the perceived level of demands and control be improved by a physically active team building activity? 3. Can the communication within a team be improved by a physically active team building activity? 4. Can the conflicts within a team decrease through a physically active team building activity? Method This study was a quantitative intervention study where both the intervention group and the control group have filled out two questionnaires. The participants were recruited from two similar companies located in the area of Stockholm, Sweden. In the intervention group there were 17 participants and in the control group there were six. The intervention conducted was physically active. The questionnaire contained background questions regarding such as age and gender and questions regarding how the respondents experienced the communication, collaboration, efficiency, demands and control within their working group. Statistica was used to analyze the statistics. Results The results revealed no significant differences within the intervention group regarding conflicts, collaboration, efficiency, demands and control. The communication within the group was improved by 19, 4 percent (p=0,08) and the result was marginally significant. The results for the control group revealed one significant difference, where the results regarding collaboration and efficiency were deteriorated by 4, 5 percent (p=0,03). Conclusions A half day of physically active team building did not give any significant effects on the parameters investigated, aside from the fact that the communication within the intervention group was improved and the collaboration and efficiency within the control group was deteriorated.
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Kick off in the Scandinavian soccer leaguesKristensen, Martin, Nilsson, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This study emphasizes on the Scandinavian soccer leagues team performance and what shapes it. This has been a widely discussed area where previous researchers have focused on factors such as organizational structure, organizational strategy, team level and individual level. The study takes this field to a new level with a combination of these factors in order to conceptualize team performance on a new level. The purpose with this study is to explain how organizational strategy, structure, team level and individual level factors affect team performance, in the Scandinavian elite soccer leagues. In order to investigate this phenomenon we have used a deductive approach. Further, this study emphasizes a quantitative approach where the data has been collected through a document analysis. In this study the findings indicates that the variables that has been chosen are highly correlated to team performance. However, due to the short time frame this study has fostered, it has been hard to generalize how the variables affect team performance. The limitations are that the study´s findings are only based on a two year span, which makes it hard to generalize the results. However, it is clear that the chosen variables have a significant impact on team performance in Scandinavian soccer leagues. The original value of this thesis is a new conceptualization on team performance within the soccer industry.
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Slaugytojo vaidmuo operacinės komandoje / Nurse's role in operating room teamSauškina, Jolanta 26 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti medicinos komandos sampratą. 2. Apibūdinti operacinės komandos veiklos tikslus. 3. Ištirti operacinės komandos narių pasitenkinimą darbu. 4. Išanalizuoti darbo santykius tarp operacinės komandos narių. 5. Ištirti operacinės slaugytojo komandinį vaidmenį ir kompetenciją. Tyrimo populiacija: 102 Všį VUL Santariškių klinikų slaugytojos, dirbančios abdominalinės chirurgijos, ginekologijos, urologijos, kraujagyslių, akių operacinėse bei Všį VUL Santariškių klinikų gydytojai chirurgai, ginekologai, urologai, akių gydytojai, kraujagyslių chirurgai ir gydytojo asistentai dirbantys VUL Santariškių klinikų operacinėse. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Teorinė mokslinės literatūros, leidinių, publikacijų apžvalga. 2. Operacinės slaugytojų, gydytojų chirurgų, gydytojo asistentų anketinė apklausa. Kaip metodas buvo panaudotas pilotinis tyrimas. 3. Gautų rezultatų aptarimas ir jų analizė. Darbo išvados: 1. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros apžvalga bei atlikto tyrimo rezultatais nustatyta: darbo komandai būdingi bendravimas, tarpusavio pagalba ir bendro tikslo siekimas. Apklaustieji medikai apibrėžė komandą kaip grupę žmonių, kurioje žmonės pirmiausia sąveikauja tarpusavyje, kad keistūsi informacija ir priimtų sprendimus, kurių tikslas – padėti vienas kitam, vykdyti savo srities užduotis. 2. Komandinio darbo operacinėje tikslas - suteikti kvalifikuotą medicininę pagalbą, o svarbiausias operacinės komandos uždavinys - užduoties atlikimas. Slaugytojų ir gydytojų požiūris į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goals of the research: 1. Analyse the concept of the medical team. 2. Define the objectives of the surgery team. 3. Determine the level of satisfaction of the members of the surgery team with their job. 4. Look into professional relations among the members of the surgery team. 5. Consider the role and competence of the surgical nurse in the team. Survey population: 102 nurses of Public Institution Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos working in the operating rooms of abdominal surgery, gynaecology, urology, vascular and eye diseases, and surgeons, gynaecologists, urologists, eye doctors, vascular doctors and assistant doctors of Public Institution Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos working in operating rooms of Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos. Research methods: 1. Theoretical review of scientific references and publications. 2. Questionnaire survey of surgical nurses, surgeons and assistant doctors. A pilot survey was employed as the method. 3. Discussion and analysis of the results. Conclusions: 1. Based on the review of scientific references and the results of the survey, it was established that communication, mutual support and focus on the common goal are the attributes characterising a team. The surveyed medical workers described a team as a group of persons, wherein members primarily interact with one another to exchange information and make decisions, and their aim is to support each other and perform own tasks. 2. The... [to full text]
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Kompetensutnyttjande i mångprofessionella psykiatriska team / The utilization of competence in multi professional psychiatric teamsBlomqvist, Suzanne January 2009 (has links)
I vårdverksamhet för patienter med komplexa vårdbehov är teamarbete en vanlig arbetsform. I forskning om mångprofessionellt teamarbete i vården beskrivs fördelar med organisationsformen, samtidigt som svårigheter påtalas somden mångprofessionella sammansättningen kan medföra. Inom forskningen har man dock i liten utsträckning undersökthuruvida de patientinsatser som görs av mångprofessionella vårdteam verkligen präglas av teamens breda kompetens. Manredovisar heller någon övergripande teoretisk modell som beskriver faktorer betydelsefulla för utfallet av vårdteams arbete ibemärkelsen mångdimensionalitet. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka i vilken utsträckning patientarbetet i mångprofessionella psykiatriska teampräglas av teamets samlade kompetens, samt på vilket sätt de olika professionerna bidrar till grad av mångdimensionalitet ipatientarbetet. Ett syfte har också varit att undersökta vad som kan vara viktiga påverkansfaktorer för utnyttjandet av densamlade kompetensen i psykiatriska team. Två empiriska studier har genomförts. Den första studien syftade till att ge en bild av grad av mångdimensionalitet ipatientarbetet, samt av på vilket sätt de olika professionerna bidrar med sin kompetens. I denna studie observeradesvuxenpsykiatriska teams arbete under behandlingskonferens. Resultatet av observationsstudien visade att de studeradeteamen hade svårigheter att under hela diskussionen belysa patienterna på ett mångsidigt sätt – diskussionen dominerades avdet sociala perspektivet. Till denna dominans av det sociala perspektivet bidrog alla professionerna. Resultatet pekade ävenpå ett underutnyttjande främst av omvårdnadspersonalen men även av kuratorerna under behandlingskonferens. Vidarevisade resultatet att en mycket stor del av diskussionsutrymmet ägnades åt att beskriva patienten och en mycket liten del åtanalys- och beslutsprocessen. Till dominansen av det beskrivande momentet bidrog alla professionerna. Den andra studien syftade till att belysa vad som kan vara viktiga påverkansfaktorer för huruvida patientarbetet ipsykiatriska team får en mångdimensionell prägel. I denna studie intervjuades personal från psykiatrin, och utgångspunkt förintervjuerna var resultatet från observationsstudien. De förklaringar intervjugrupperna lämnade till det sociala perspektivetsdominans och till dominansen av det beskrivande momentet handlade om behov hos medlemmar i psykiatriska team av attkänna sig delaktiga och jämlika, samt av att relationerna i teamet skall vara konfliktfria. Ett underutnyttjande avomvårdnadspersonal samt kuratorer förklarade man med ett hierarkiskt förhållande mellan medlemmar i psykiatriska team. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att resultatet av de två studierna pekar mot att relationella aspekter av teamarbetet samt etthierarkiskt förhållande mellan professionerna kan begränsa psykiatriska teams möjlighet till att under behandlingskonferensbelysa patientärenden på ett mångsidigt sätt, samt till fullo utnyttja teamets samlade kompetens. / In the healthcare sector, multi professional teamwork is a common way to organize health care services in areas where thepatients care need is multidimensional. Described in literature are several advantages of the multi professional approach inproducing high quality care. Also shown is that problems might arise from the professional diversity of a team. Research onteamwork in health care settings shows that little is known of whether health care teams make full use of their multiprofessional competence when designing patient care. There is also no overall theoretical framework describing importantfactors influencing the possibilities of a health care teams to make full use of their competence. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how psychiatric teams make use of their multi professional competence indesigning patient care. To meet the aims of this thesis two empirical studies where conducted. The aim of the first study was to investigate to what extent patient care was designed in a multi professional way, an inwhat way the different profession contributed to a multi professional designed care. Multi professional psychiatric teamswhere observed during treatment conference. The results indicate that when discussing patient care, the observed teams to alarge extent did not view the patients in a multidimensional way. The main focus was on the social aspect of patients and thiswas something that all the professions contributed to. The result also showed that when the discussions were viewed as awhole, and during the phase of describing the patient, clinical nurses took part in the discussions to a lesser extent than didthe other professions. Results also showed that the observed teams to very a large extent used the discussions for describingthe patients in relation to analyzing causes of symptoms and deciding interventions. In the second study four group interviews where conducted to investigate what might influence the psychiatric teams'ability to use its multi professional competence when designing patient care. Participating in the interviews where physicians,social workers, clinical nurses and psychologists. To a large extent the explanations suggested for the domination of thesocial perspective concerned relational aspects of team work. The interview groups described team members´ need to feelthat they participate in the discussions and understand what is said, that all team members are considered equal and thatconflicts are avoided. The same kinds of explanations were given for the fact that the observed teams to a large extent usedthe discussions for describing the patients in relation to analyzing causes and deciding interventions. Hierarchy in psychiatricteams was the most frequently used explanation to the fact that clinical nurses took part in the discussions to a lesser extentthan did the other professions. To summarize — the results indicate that relational aspects of team work and a hierarchic situation in psychiatric teamsmight impede on the psychiatric teams’ ability to draw on its multi professional competence.
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Komandinio darbo organizavimo tyrimas Ignalinos rajono viešojo sektoriaus trijų organizacijų pavyzdžiu (,,Utenos regiono keliai Ignalinos kelių tarnyba", ,,Ignalinos rajono gimnazija" ir ,,Ignalinos savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka") / Teamwork organization research Of Ignalina district three public sector organizations as an example (,,Utena region Ignalina road service", ,,Ignalina gymnasium", ,,Ignalina municipal public library")Taraškevičiūtė, Agnė 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe ištirta komandinio darbo organizavimo ypatumai trijose Ignalinos rajono viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose (,,Utenos regiono keliai Ignalinos kelių tarnyba”, ,, Ignalinos rajono gimnazija” ir ,,Ignalinos savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka”). Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptariama komandos sąvoka, jos atskirtis nuo grupės sąvokos, komandinio darbo privalumai bei efektyvumą skatinantys veiksniai, R. M. Belbin komandos vaidmenų svarba organizuojant komandinį darbą, komandinio darbo aplinkos kūrimo terpės ypatumai, palyginami mokslininkų požiūriai. Empirinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama tyrimo metodologija, analizuojami tyrimo, atlikto Ignalinos rajono viešojo sektoriaus trijose organizacijose, rezultatai, pateikiamos tyrimo išvados bei pristatomos rekomendacijoms tirtoms organizacijoms. Gauti rezultatai patvirtino, kad VĮ ,,Utenos regiono keliai Ignalinos kelių tarnyba”, ,,Ignalinos rajono gimnazija” ir ,,Ignalinos savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka” organizacijose veikia komandinis darbas, tačiau yra tam tikrų trūkumų, kuriuos rekomenduojama pašalinti. / This Master thesis explored teamwork organization features of Ignalina district three public sector organizations (,,Utena region road Ignalina road service“, ,,Ignalina gymnasium“ and ,,Ignalina municipal public library‘). The theoretical part consists of the discussion of the team concept, its exclusion from the group concept, teamwork advantages and teamwork efficiency enhancing factors, R. M. Belbin team roles importance organizing teamwork, teamwork environment creation features, compared researchers attitudes. The empirical part consist of the methodology and results of the research in three Ignalina district public sector organizations, and the conclusion of the research and recommendations for organizations. The research results confirmed that in ,,Utena region road Ignalina road service“, ,,Ignalina gymnasium“ and ,,Ignalina municipal public library‘ organizations operate teamwork, but there are some drawbacks that are recommended for removal.
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The relationship between leadership styles and the psychological contract in work teams / Cindy-Lorraine BassonBasson, Cindy-Lorraine January 2008 (has links)
The first construct of this study is leadership styles. This well-known concept has been widely explored in the research. Many different models have germinated from the different theories developed on leadership styles, and for the purpose of this research, the leadership style model approach developed by Kurt Lewin has been used as a framework or paradigm. According to this approach, their main styles are identified. These styles are known as authoritarian style, participating style and delegative style.
The second construct that this study focuses on is the psychological contract. This is a well known concept that has been widely researched. It was found to have a strong impact on employers as well as employees in the workplace. Although numerous studies have been done regarding "the experience of employee and employer obligations through perceived promises made in the reciprocal employee-organisation relationship", it is evident that further research regarding the relationship with other concepts could be of immense value.
The general objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between different leadership styles and the psychological contract in work teams. A quota sample (N= 151) was taken of team leaders and their members of work teams in the Process and Maintenance departments of a Mining Factory in Lichtenburg, North West Province. The Psycones questionnaire ("Psychological Contracts among Employment Relations) was used to measure the psychological contract while the leadership style questionnaire was used to identify the different leadership styles. Data collection was done by means of structured questionnaires through exploratory research by using a cross-sectional design. Cronbach alpha coefficients, factor
analysis, inter-item correlation coefficients, Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to analyse the data.
The first objective of this study was to conceptualise the relationship between leadership styles and the psychological contract, which was achieved through an in depth literature review on the two constructs. A literature review on the psychological contract highlighted an integrative definition as well as an exploration of psychological contract breach and violation, and the consequences thereof. The review on the leadership styles gives a broad explanation of the different styles identified as well as the relevant impact thereof.
The second objective of this study was to determine the construct validity and reliability of the leadership style questionnaire and psychological contract questionnaires. With the support from previous validated studies of these questionnaires carried out in a South African context, factor analyses and reliability analyses were nevertheless carried out and the results corresponded with the previous findings indicating the viability of these questionnaires.
The third objective was to determine the relationship between the leadership styles and the psychological contract constructs. Through correlation analyses significant correlations achieved were those between the Delegate-Participative style and the Emotions of the PC as well as a positive relationship which was shown between Delegate-Participative style and the Emotions of the PC with a large effect. These conclusions sturdily propose a relationship between the Delegative-Participative Style and the PC.
A multiple regression analysis with delegative-participative leadership style as dependent variable was carried out. When all component of the psychological contract were a statistically significant model was produced, with the variance explained increasing with 50%.
The results indicated that a relationship exists between the delegative-participative leadership style and the psychological contract.
Limitations within this research were identified, and recommendations were made for the both the profession of employers and employees in the mining company as well as for future research purposes. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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The relationship between leadership styles and the psychological contract in work teams / Cindy-Lorraine BassonBasson, Cindy-Lorraine January 2008 (has links)
The first construct of this study is leadership styles. This well-known concept has been widely explored in the research. Many different models have germinated from the different theories developed on leadership styles, and for the purpose of this research, the leadership style model approach developed by Kurt Lewin has been used as a framework or paradigm. According to this approach, their main styles are identified. These styles are known as authoritarian style, participating style and delegative style.
The second construct that this study focuses on is the psychological contract. This is a well known concept that has been widely researched. It was found to have a strong impact on employers as well as employees in the workplace. Although numerous studies have been done regarding "the experience of employee and employer obligations through perceived promises made in the reciprocal employee-organisation relationship", it is evident that further research regarding the relationship with other concepts could be of immense value.
The general objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between different leadership styles and the psychological contract in work teams. A quota sample (N= 151) was taken of team leaders and their members of work teams in the Process and Maintenance departments of a Mining Factory in Lichtenburg, North West Province. The Psycones questionnaire ("Psychological Contracts among Employment Relations) was used to measure the psychological contract while the leadership style questionnaire was used to identify the different leadership styles. Data collection was done by means of structured questionnaires through exploratory research by using a cross-sectional design. Cronbach alpha coefficients, factor
analysis, inter-item correlation coefficients, Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to analyse the data.
The first objective of this study was to conceptualise the relationship between leadership styles and the psychological contract, which was achieved through an in depth literature review on the two constructs. A literature review on the psychological contract highlighted an integrative definition as well as an exploration of psychological contract breach and violation, and the consequences thereof. The review on the leadership styles gives a broad explanation of the different styles identified as well as the relevant impact thereof.
The second objective of this study was to determine the construct validity and reliability of the leadership style questionnaire and psychological contract questionnaires. With the support from previous validated studies of these questionnaires carried out in a South African context, factor analyses and reliability analyses were nevertheless carried out and the results corresponded with the previous findings indicating the viability of these questionnaires.
The third objective was to determine the relationship between the leadership styles and the psychological contract constructs. Through correlation analyses significant correlations achieved were those between the Delegate-Participative style and the Emotions of the PC as well as a positive relationship which was shown between Delegate-Participative style and the Emotions of the PC with a large effect. These conclusions sturdily propose a relationship between the Delegative-Participative Style and the PC.
A multiple regression analysis with delegative-participative leadership style as dependent variable was carried out. When all component of the psychological contract were a statistically significant model was produced, with the variance explained increasing with 50%.
The results indicated that a relationship exists between the delegative-participative leadership style and the psychological contract.
Limitations within this research were identified, and recommendations were made for the both the profession of employers and employees in the mining company as well as for future research purposes. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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A content analysis of Chicago Cubs and White Sox local news coverage during the 2004 and 2008 major league baseball seasonsMarini, Brent A. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Ball State University, 2009. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on July 12, 2010). Research paper (M.A.), 3 hrs. Includes bibliographical references (p. 56-60).
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