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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What Hinders & Supports the Formation & Upholding of Gender Diverse Teams? : An Exploratory Case Study Researching New Venture Teams in a Swedish Incubator

Damsten, Erica, Hasselgren, Lee January 2021 (has links)
The entrepreneurial team plays a crucial part in the new venture’s growth and success. This notion is present among many investors as they often choose to bet on the “jockey” (i.e. the team) instead of on the “horse” (i.e. the idea). Previous research has pointed to how diverse teams are better equipped to handle the complex practices a new venture is faced with, compared to homogeneous teams. The entrepreneurial environment has a prevalent gender inequality that hinders many women from entering and contributing to the industry. The purpose of this research was therefore to investigate what hinders and supports the formation and upholding of gender diverse teams. The study was written on commission for a Swedish incubator which led to an approach exploring how an incubator can influence and contribute to establishing these teams. Based on a literature review, the study chose an explorative and qualitative approach to answer the research questions as it was found that this area was relatively unexplored and contained little research on how to form and uphold gender diverse teams, especially in the Swedish incubator context. Data was collected through conducting semi-structured interviews with three different types of samples. These were the commissioner (i.e. the incubator team), incubatees (i.e. new venture teams of different compositions), and a few external actors within the Swedish incubator environment.  The findings pointed to that there are several more obstacles towards forming and upholding gender diverse teams than factors supporting it. More obstacles were found in terms of forming these teams and they related to entrepreneurs experiencing a lack of knowledge on how to find the right members with complementary skills. Contextual factors also affect the possibility to adopt an appropriate strategy to find team members. An inherent fear of bringing in someone new was also present among entrepreneurs. There is an absence of female role models which increases the difficulty and gap between men and women as the step becomes even larger for women to enter and succeed in the entrepreneurial environment. In terms of upholding gender diverse teams, conflict due to experienced personal differences and more challenging communication is common and can negatively affect the venture if not managed properly. Gender roles and stereotypes also have a negative impact. On the other hand, some supportive measures were also identified. In regards to team formation, resource seeking was a better option than interpersonal relationships when it came to forming a gender diverse team. Additionally, the increased demand for diversity among several actors like state agencies, incubators, and investors further pushes new ventures to form gender diverse teams. Among the incubatees, a shared outlook of wanting greater diversity and recognizing what it contributes with, shared motives, values, and expectations further supported the upholding of gender diverse teams. Other supportive measures were creating ownership directives and shareholder agreements as well as having complementary competencies, good communication, cohesion, and cognition. Further supportive measures an incubator can adopt related to strategy, networks, and placing initial demands on new ventures.

Med hemmet som arbetsplats : En fallstudie av virtuellt ledarskap på Svenskt Näringsliv

Hansson, Gabriella, Hinz, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Trots att tekniken för ett mer flexibelt arbetssätt funnits tillgänglig under lång tid har få arbetsgivare anammat ett virtuellt arbetssätt och dess möjligheter förrän det senaste året. I detta hänseende har Covid-19 pandemin medfört en kraftig acceleration av den digitala transformationen, innefattande att organisationer hanterar den dagliga verksamheten virtuellt på distans.  Följaktligen har vi kommit till en punkt där frågan för många företagsledare inte längre handlar om att ställa om digitalt eller inte, utan hur man ska optimera det virtuella teamet och det virtuella ledarskapet. Ett förändrat arbetssätt innebär nya utmaningar för både ledare och medarbetare i form av exempelvis nya rutiner och vägar för kommunikation, vilket i sin tur innebär såväl nya utmaningar som möjligheter. Tidigare studier har belyst ledarens roll för främjandet av motivation och effektivitet i virtuella teams, samtidigt som tidigare studier påvisat tudelade resultat av det virtuella arbetssättets inverkan på motivation och effektivitet. Denna studie syftade därmed att beskriva och analysera de möjligheter och utmaningar som uppstått efter omställningen från ett traditionellt till ett virtuellt arbetssätt, samt att undersöka framgångsrika lösningar i det virtuella ledarskapet för ökad motivation och effektivitet i virtuella team. Denna uppsats utfördes som en fallstudie på en svensk medlemsorganisation som under rådande omständigheter ställt om till ett virtuellt arbetssätt, utifrån ett tvåfaldigt perspektiv bestående av ledare och medarbetare. Data samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer som vidare analyserats i enlighet med den tematiska metoden.  Resultaten indikerade både möjligheter och utmaningar med det virtuella arbetssättet. Ökad flexibilitet och tidseffektivitet ansågs vara de främsta möjligheterna. Den största utmaningen utpekades vara avsaknaden av fysiska interaktioner, som resulterat i nedtonad kreativitet, kunskapsdelning och motivation, vilket inverkar negativt på effektiviteten på sikt. Vidare visade resultaten att visad omtanke och hänsyn, i kombination med ett individanpassat coachande förhållningssätt är en framgångsrik lösning i det virtuella ledarskapet för ökad motivation. Dessutom visar resultaten att det råder en ökad efterfrågan på individuella avstämningar, informationsdelning och sociala interaktioner i det virtuella arbetssättet. Slutligen visar resultaten av studien att teamklimatet lägger grunden för en fördelaktig virtuell kommunikation i termer av riktlinjer, kunskapsdelning och feedback. Därmed kan ledaren genom att främja ett gott teamklimat, bestående av social interaktion, relationsutveckling och tillit, öka medarbetarnas motivation såväl som effektivitet i en virtuell miljö.

Local and remote team cohesion effect on performance in the software industry

Martins, Alexandre, Grahn, Karl-Johan January 2021 (has links)
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies to transition to remote work, which has created a social distance among team members that may affect team performance. Although previous studies have examined the relationship of team cohesion and team performance, few have investigated the question whether remote work affects team performance. Specifically, this study examines the correlation between team cohesion and team performance by comparing the same teams working locally versus remotely. Objectives: The objective is to investigate the correlation between team cohesion and team performance based on whether teams work locally or remotely. Method: The study was quantitative, using regression analysis. Data was gathered at a software company in Sweden. Team cohesion was evaluated based on verbal mimicry via the Language Style Matching (LSM) algorithm, applied on chat messages. Team performance was evaluated based on git contributions and tickets done. Team efficiency was analyzed via Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Team efficiencies were analyzed in the context of both time periods, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, and both work settings. Association between team efficiency and team cohesion was investigated based on the work setting. Tools such as Excel, R, Python, LIWC, and MS Forms were used. Analysis results: When efficiency is correlated with LSM score (cohesion) for teams working remotely, there is a significantly strong positive correlation, suggesting cohesion plays an important role on team efficiency when working remotely. This observation is in line with previous research on cohesion influence on performance of local teams. The change of work setting did not affect the cohesion level of teams. Conclusions: Teams working remotely can be as effective as teams working locally. Teams working remotely can be as cohesive as teams working locally. Cohesion is especially relevant for team performance when teams work remotely. Recommendations for future research: One suggestion is to add Social Network Analysis (SNA) in the study to enhance internal validity of team cohesion measurement. Additional research could be done by conducting a qualitative study to compare against the perceived cohesion and performance.

Teaming - en begreppsanalys

Dufberg, Emil, Liss, Britta January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Anestesisjuksköterskans arbete sker ofta i tätt samarbete i interprofessionella team, där anestesisjuksköterskan tillsammans med exempelvis anestesiläkare vårdar kritiskt sjuka patienter. Ett välfungerande teamarbete bygger på en icke-hierarkisk dynamik, respekt och tydlig kommunikation där medlemmarnas kunskap och spetskompetens tas tillvara. Det finns strukturella faktorer som påverkar teamarbetet som är beroende av den yttre dimensionen av Fundamentals of Care, vårdkontexten. Vårdkontexten innefattar exempelvis resurser, sjukhusorganisation och teamets sammansättning. Inom den anestesiologiska omvårdnaden kan teamen vara ombytliga där medlemmar byts från dag till dag eller i samarbete med personal från andra avdelningar. Samarbetet i ombytliga team har av vissa kallats för teaming. Teaming kan eventuellt vara ett begrepp som beskriver samarbetet vid anestesiologisk omvårdnad. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att göra en begreppsanalys av begreppet teaming inom anestesiologisk omvårdnad. Metod: Begreppet teaming undersöktes genom en begreppsanalys efter Walker & Avants modell. Resultat: Enligt analysens resultat kan teaming beskrivas som det aktiva agerandet vid arbete tillsammans i ett team. Vidare visar resultatet att teaming kan beskrivas med hjälp av olika attribut. Dessa är bland annat att teamet ska vara beständigt, att det finns en ledarroll och att det finns ett informationsutbyte. Slutsats: Teaming kan förekomma inom anestesiologisk omvårdnad där det ofta finns ett aktivt samarbete med andra professioner. Teaming medför flera positiva effekter i arbetet kring patienten, i form av ett effektivt samarbete och en god kommunikation. / Background: The work of the nurse anesthetist often takes place in close collaboration in interprofessional teams. Well-functioning teamwork is based on a non-hierarchical dynamic, respect and clear communication where members' knowledge and excellence are utilized. There are structural factors that influence teamwork that is dependent on the external dimension of the Fundamentals of Care, the healthcare context. The healthcare context includes, resources, hospital organization and the team composition. In the field of anesthesiology care, the teams can be interchangeable where members are changed daily or in collaboration with staff from other departments. The cooperation in interchangeable teams has by some been called teaming. Teaming could possibly be a concept that describes the collaboration in anesthesiologic nursing. Aim: The aim of the study was to do a conceptual analysis of the concept of teaming in anesthesiologic nursing. Method: The concept of teaming was investigated through a concept analysis based on Walker & Avant's model. Results: According to the results of the analysis, teaming can be described as the active action when working together in a team. Furthermore, the results show that teaming can be described using different attributes. These include that the team must be persistent, that there is a leadership and that there is an exchange of information. Conclusion: Teaming can occur in anesthesiologic nursing where there often is an active collaboration with other professions. Teaming entails several positive effects in the work around the patient, in the form of effective collaboration and good communication.

Sustaining Leadership Team Effectiveness in Education Agencies to Improve Student Achievement

Mc Gee Hewitt, Ruth Ann January 2019 (has links)
As education evolves, leadership processes change. The concept of a single senior leader, with siloed divisions often providing direction, is transforming into a team-based culture. While there is substantive research on school-site leadership, research is limited on how the central organization impacts the system. It identified individual leadership characteristics but had not adequately addressed impact of a senior leadership team. This study addresses the concept of senior leadership teams with divisions and executives working collaboratively. It identifies characteristics of effective leadership teams to explore how they can be successfully created and sustained; and it investigates the senior leader’s role in, and what factors and methods can be replicated to sustain, team effectiveness. Four organizations participated: one school district, one government agency and two for-profit organizations. Twenty-five senior leaders and team members completed a DiSC and Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team assessment; a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis; and a hiring values survey. All were interviewed individually and as a group, and the structured and semi-structured instruments were chosen to explore group characteristics in such a way that the data would point to replicable information. Study elements, coupled with my expertise in team development and leadership, allowed me to critically consider data and identify three emerging themes. While aspects of these themes have been previously identified, they have not been linked as a pathway to creating and sustaining effective teams as a route to organizational excellence leading to student achievement. First, there is a strong relation between the factors of team culture, membership, and expectations and engagement as a foundation of an effective team. Second, crucial team management and engagement methods were identified as key to long-term sustainability. Third, the senior leader’s impact is significant to team success based on team leadership style and methodology. A paradigm emerged changing traditional leadership hierarchy to a new dynamic of leading from the center. The research indicates that deliberately designing teams may have greater potential for success and long-term effectiveness. Further research is encouraged to address issues relating to virtual teams and identify successful strategies in team building and implementation. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Humanities Education / PhD / Unrestricted

Simulera mera : Ger övning färdighet?

Björk, Johan, Ellery, Kristofer January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kommunikation mellan personal inom hälso- och sjukvården är viktiga faktorer för att kunna garantera patienten säker vård. Sjuksköterskan ska ha kompetens att kunna fördela och koordinera uppgifter samt ha översikt av teamarbetet. Sjuksköterskan bör ha kunskap om säkerhetsarbete för att kunna garantera säker vård. Det finns ett uttryckt behov inom vården av relevanta och tidsenliga lag- och kommunikationsövningar, där teambaserade simulatorövningar framstår som en pedagogisk och tillförlitlig inlärningsmetod. Syfte: Att beskriva vad studenter vid ett lärosäte, som utbildar sig till specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvård, anser om teambaserad fullskalesimulatorträning. Metod: En pilotstudie där 32 sjuksköterskor som studerar till specialister inom intensivvård, ombads svara på en enkät om vad de ansåg om en simulatorövning som de genomfört där omhändertagandet av svårt skadade patienter tränades i team. Resultat: Majoriteten av studenterna ansåg att simulatorövningen haft god effekt och beskrev att övningen haft positiv inverkan på deras förmåga att öva kommunikation i ett team samt att få tillämpa teori i praktik. De uttryckte önskemål om mer simulatorträning under utbildningen samt kontinuerlig övning i sin yrkesverksamma roll. Slutsats: Teambaserade fullskalesimulatorövningar tycks vara en pedagogisk inlärningsmetod för att öka kompetenser och lära studenter att arbeta tillsammans mot ett gemensamt mål. / Aim:To describe what nursing students, specializing in intensive care, at a university college think about team based simulation training. Background: Communication and organization in health care are important factors to ensure patient safety. Nurses are called upon to be able to distribute and coordinate work tasks, while at the same time nurses should also be aware of safety promotion in health care to be able to provide safe patient care. There is a need in healthcare for team and communication training where team based simulation appears to be a pedagogic and reliable educational tool. Method: A pilot study where 32 nurses specializing in intensive care, were asked to respond to a survey on what they thought about a previously performed team based full scale simulation training. Results: In general the students confirmed that the exercise had a positive impact on their ability to practice team communication skills and to apply theory in practice. They expressed a wish for more simulation training during their education and in their upcoming professional role. Conclusion: Team based full scale simulation exercises seem to be a pedagogical teaching method to enhance competences and teach students to work together toward a common goal.

Larmteamets upplevelser av kommunikation vid behandling av ett hjärtstopp : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Andersson, Millie January 2017 (has links)
Under de senaste fem åren rapporterades årligen över 2000 intrahospitala hjärtstopp till det nationella hjärtstoppsregistret. När ett hjärtstopp sker vid det mindre akutsjukhuset i södra Sverige tillkallas ett larmteam för att utgöra en kvalitetshöjande resurs. Vid ett hjärtstopp krävs att personalen i larmteamet kan samarbeta eftersom en del arbetsuppgifter måste utföras parallellt för att minimera tiden för adekvat behandling. I dagsläget består utbildningen av sedvanlig träning i hjärtlungräddning vilket medför att ingen samträning sker mellan de olika specialiteterna och yrkesgrupperna i larmteamet. Studier visar att underprestering av icke-tekniska färdigheter, däribland kommunikation, kan utgöra ett hinder för ett lyckat teamarbete. Aktuella HLR-riktlinjer påpekar att vikt bör läggas vid att stärka teamet och att använda sig av kommunikationsmodeller. Studiens syfte var att belysa larmteamets upplevelse av kommunikation under behandlingen av ett hjärtstopp. Som metod för studien valdes en kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats. Studiedesignen utgjordes av en deskriptiv design med 13 semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personal från larmteamet som valdes ut genom ett ändamålsenligt urval. Efter datainsamlingen analyserades materialet förutsättningslöst med hjälp av innehållsanalys där meningsenheter valdes ut, vilket i sin tur bildade kategorier. De kategorier som bildades var Reflektioner om kommunikation i larmteamet, Larmteamets roller kan inverka på kommunikationen och Erfarenhet förbättrar kommunikationen och resultatet visade att personalen i larmteamet generellt sett upplever kommunikationen under hjärtstoppslarmen som god, men att det varierar från tillfälle till tillfälle. Det framkom även attribut som underlättar kommunikationen samt att informanterna påtalade vikten av att kommunikationen fungerar genom hela vårdkedjan. De beskrev också hur viktigt det var med tydliga roller inom larmteamet. Det visade sig råda en viss otydlighet kring vem som egentligen är teamledare under hjärtstoppslarmen i flertalet fall, även om medicinjouren formellt sett är tilldelad denna roll. Flertalet av informanterna upplevde att denna yrkesgrupp borde ta ett större ansvar i dessa sammanhang. Däremot upplevde medicinläkarna en osäkerhet i att leda kommunikationen när man är mindre erfaren. Även övriga informanter upplevde att tidigare erfarenhet från deltagande i larmteamet i samband med hjärtstopp underlättar arbetet och ger en rak och enkel kommunikation. Utifrån resultatet drogs slutsatsen att teamträning och träning i klinisk miljö bör införas, samt att mer stöd och utbildning bör ges till teamledaren. Dessutom bör mer fokus läggas på att öka medvetenheten om kommunikation och icke-tekniska färdigheter genom att implementera kommunikations- och teamträningsmodeller i HLR-träningen. / Over 2000 intra-hospital cardiac arrest events per year were reported to the Swedish national heart and lung resuscitation registry over the last five years. When a cardiac arrest occurs at the General Emergency Hospital in southern Sweden the hospital emergency team is alerted, to increase the quality of care among the attending personnel. During a cardiac arrest situation it is necessary that the emergency team collaborates, since certain tasks must be performed simultaneously to optimize given treatment. Current CPR-training consists of practical skill training, mostly performed without assembling members from the specialties represented in the hospital emergency team, hence no team training is performed.  Previous studies show that several non-technical skills, including communication between the emergency team members, can be an obstacle for successful treatment in a cardiac arrest situation. Current CPR-guidelines recommend that attention should be given to the use of certain communication models to optimize the CPR situation. The aim of this study was to illuminate the emergency team's experience of communication during a cardiac arrest treatment situation. A qualitative method with inductive approach was used to perform the study. The study consisted of 13 semi-structured interviews with staff from the emergency team that were elected through a purposive sampling. The collected data was unconditionally analysed, by content analysis where meaning units were depicted, which formed the categories Reflections on communication in the emergency team, Emergency team roles can affect communication and Experience improves communication. The results showed that the staff in the emergency team generally experienced the communication during a cardiac arrest situation as good, but with variation from one situation to another. Further, attributes were revealed which facilitates communication, and that the respondents pointed out the importance that the communication functions throughout the entire chain of care. They also described the importance with clear roles within the emergency team, however, it turned out to be some ambiguity about who has the role as the team leader during a cardiac arrest situation, despite the formal assignment to one of the professional groups. The majority of respondents felt that the attending physician at the emergency ward more firmly should take the command and step forward in the cardiac arrest situation. However, the attending physician at the emergency ward experienced that it is not always easy to manage the communication properly when less experienced in these circumstances. Yet other informants felt that an experienced emergency team, facilitates teamwork and allows for a straightforward and precise communication. Based on these results it was concluded that team training and training in a daily clinical environment should be introduced, as well as providing more support and training for the team leader. In addition, more focus should be placed on the awareness of communication and non-technical skills by implementing specific communication and team training models.

Hur arbetar man tillsammans utan att faktiskt vara tillsammans? : En kvalitiv studie kring teamledares förhållnings- och arbetssätt i effektiva team som påverkats av covid-19-pandemin / How do we work together with out actually being together? : A qualitive study exploring the approach by team leaders to promote sustainibility of effectivenes in teams during the covid-19-pandemic

Bellini, Tara, Johannesson, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur teamledare försökt möjliggöra för bibehållandet av effektivitet i team vid de abrupta förändringar som covid-19-pandemin och virtuellt hemifrån-arbete har inneburit för organisationer, specifikt en tjänsteproducerande och säljande organisation. Med utgångspunkt i teamledarens roll ämnar studien finna nyckelfaktorer samt kartlägga effektiva teamledare och deras virtuella arbetsprocess genom förändringen. Tidigare forskning kring virtuella team och virtuellt ledarskap finns det gott om, men att med kort varsel och på obestämd tid förlägga hela eller delar av en organisation virtuellt, som dessutom möts av omfattande samhälleliga förändringar är däremot ett outforskat område som studien ämnar att bidra med kunskap till. Studien, som är av kvalitativ typ, tog form genom grundad teori och genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan låg till grund för det teoretiska arbetet. I studiens resultat​ identifieras vikten av individanpassning som informanterna beskriver i sina upplevelser. På grund av den rådande samhällssituationen som covid-19-pandemin bidragit med visar studien på hur teamledarna har fått individanpassa en rad andra olika förhållningssätt som inte hade förekommit om hemifrån-arbetet under rådande situation varit ett faktum. Teamledarna har även stött på behovet att ytterligare individanpassa feedback och coaching för varje teammedlems arbete och prestation, detta i relation till varje persons unika behov som till stor del påverkas av den privata situationen. Studiens slutsats bygger på en anpassning utifrån skiftande behov och ett axlande av fler arbetsrelaterade uppgifter hos teamledaren, som i annat fall hade hanterats av andra delar av organisationen. Vikten av god sammanhållning och en öppen och ärlig kommunikationsform visade sig också vara grunden till samtliga teamledares gynnsamma resultat vad gäller effektivt virtuellt arbete i den plötsliga omställning som gjorts. Nyckelord: Covid-19, effektiva team, hemifrån-arbete, situationsanpassat ledarskap, teamledare, virtuella team

Interprofessional Team Development in Student Led Clinics in Rural Northeast Tennessee

Lee, Michelle L, Stidham, April, Melton, Sarah, Mullins, Christine, Smith, Sheila 10 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Background/Rationale - East Tennessee State University developed four interprofessional (IP) team-based education and practice clinics from within an already established network of nine nurse-managed clinics. The purpose of these IP clinic teams is to build capacity for interprofessional practice (IPP) and deliver effective health management to patients with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) through evidence-based practice to improve health outcomes in underserved populations. Description of Innovative Approach - This project took the innovative approach of acknowledging the specialized knowledge, skills, and contributions of nursing, pharmacy, and nutrition specialties, empowering each discipline to be an active decision-maker in the healthcare team. The IP team embedded themselves in existing nurse managed clinics, conducting “student led” clinics at the various sites. A Clinical Fellows Model was utilized to enhance the students learning experience and to promote IPP upon graduation. Challenges and Strategies of IP Team Development - During the first year of the project, the IP team overcame barriers with purposeful strategy which has created unique opportunities for the remaining grant period. Challenges and barriers were overcome with attention to building team collaboration through education and familiarity with working in the interprofessional setting. Discussion – The Clinical Fellows Model was derived from four IP competencies: roles and responsibilities, values and ethics, teamwork, and communication. The student led IP clinics have grown in the number of sites and disciplines supporting East Tennessee State University’s vision of true interprofessional education and practice for managing patients with MCC.

Examining social loafing within virtual teams the moderating influence of a team's collective orientation

Cotter, Seth 01 May 2013 (has links)
Social loafing is a growing concern for modern organizations. With advancement in computer technology, virtual tools are used more frequently to communicate, which may allow social loafing to occur in new and unfamiliar forms. The intent of this thesis is to examine social loafing through the use of virtual tools, and to analyze whether collective orientation has a moderating influence on the relationship between social loafing and virtuality. 30 teams, each containing four participants, were randomly assigned to a condition of virtuality (i.e., instant messaging or videoconferencing). Participants then completed a computer simulation task in which social loafing, collective orientation of the team, and team performance were measured.

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