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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo no contexto da produ??o textual de um 9? ano do ensino fundamental

N?brega, Cristiane Maria Praxedes de Souza 08 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianeMPSN_DISSERT.pdf: 706513 bytes, checksum: c1a69ee89ffbeef2df661482204120c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-08 / Cette recherche s'inscrit dans la linguistique de texte et vise ? identifier, d?crire, analyser et interpr?ter les ?v?nements de l'anaphore pronominale et de la r?p?tition, exposer le montant et le pourcentage d?s phenom?nes respectifs dans Le corpus ?tudi?s, que l accent sur le fonctionnement coh?rente de ces ph?nom?nes dans la construction du texte en termes de continuit? et de progression th?matique. Nous avons utilis? des proc?dures ethnographiques pour construire notre corpus d'enqu?te, compos? essentiellement de textes produits par les ?tudiants de 9 ans d'?cole ?l?mentaire de l'Etat, a la ville de Santa Cruz / RN. La recherche a ?t? men?e ? partir des ?tudes sur l'anaphore pronominale faites par Milner (1982), Koch e Marcuschi (1998), Marcuschi (2000; 2005 e 2008), Koch (2002), Antunes (2005) e Adam (2008), et par des ?tudes sur la r?p?tition pr?sent?s par Halliday e Hassan (1976), Beaugrande e Dressler (1997), Marcuschi (1992) et Antunes (2005). Comme le support technique, ont ?galement utilis? les notions de coh?sion d?finis par Halliday e Hasan (1976), Beaugrande e Dressler (1997), Marcuschi (2008) e Koch (2003). Dans l'analyse des textes, nous avons constat? que l'incidence de l'anaphore pronominale et de la r?p?tition a ?t? importante parce que les ressources ?taient principalement utilis?s par les ?tudiants pour promouvoir l'articulation coh?rente des textes. Constat? que dans les textes narratifs ou argumentatifs anaphore pronominale promu l'entretien et la progression th?matique pr?vu. Sur la r?p?tition, nous avons observ? que le maintien et la progression th?matiques ont ?t? conditionn?s ? la connaissance du sujet en discussion. M?me si nous avons constat? que la r?p?tition excessive de ces ph?nom?nes dans le m?me texte, bien que la relation de promouvoir la coh?sion, peut affecter le degr? de caractere informatif / Esta pesquisa se insere no ?mbito da Lingu?stica de Texto e tem por objetivo identificar, descrever, analisar e interpretar as ocorr?ncias da an?fora pronominal e da repeti??o, expondo a quantidade e o percentual dos respectivos fen?menos no corpus investigado; assim como focalizar o funcionamento coesivo desses fen?menos na constru??o da trama textual, em termos de continuidade e de progress?o tem?tica. Para tanto, utilizamos procedimentos etnogr?ficos para construirmos o nosso corpus investigativo, constitu?do, principalmente, por textos produzidos por alunos de um 9? ano de uma escola de ensino fundamental da rede estadual, na cidade de Santa Cruz/RN. A pesquisa foi orientada a partir dos estudos sobre an?fora pronominal, realizados por Milner (1982), Koch e Marcuschi (1998), Marcuschi (2000; 2005 e 2008), Koch (2002), Antunes (2005) e Adam (2008), e por estudos sobre a repeti??o apresentados por Hallyday e Hassan (1976), Beaugrande e Dressler (1997), Marcuschi (1992) e Antunes (2005). Como suporte te?rico, tamb?m foram utilizados os conceitos de coes?o definidos por Hallyday e Hassan (1976), Beaugrande e Dressler (1997), Marcuschi (2008) e Koch (2003). Nas an?lises dos textos, constatamos que a incid?ncia da an?fora pronominal e da repeti??o foi significativa porque foram os recursos mais utilizados pelos alunos para promover a articula??o coesiva dos textos. Verificamos que em textos narrativos ou argumentativos a an?fora pronominal promoveu a manuten??o e a progress?o tem?tica esperadas. Quanto ? repeti??o, observamos que a manuten??o e progress?o tem?tica estavam condicionadas ao conhecimento do tema em foco. Ainda verificamos que a recorr?ncia excessiva desses fen?menos em um mesmo texto, apesar de promoverem a articula??o coesiva, pode prejudicar o seu grau de informatividade

Pol?tica, can??o e teatro: o conto Aqueles Dois de Caio Fernando Abreu reverberando no cotidiano brasileiro

Vale, Antonio Peterson Nogueira do 04 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioPNV_DISSERT.pdf: 2399110 bytes, checksum: d295ed8b7f605b82f08ad6ca2c812b8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-04 / Quand on se plonge sur l‟oeuvre de Caio Fernando Abreu, on est forcement men? ? faire une profonde analyse social qui r?sulte dans une grande bataille entre l‟amour, la soci?t? et la politique. Cette Memoire de Master, Politique, chanson et th??tre : Le conte ? Ces deux-l? ? de Caio Fernando Abreu r?percute au quotidien br?silien, montre que la plong? faite ici cherche ? analyser, ? partir d‟une perspective comparative, les angles observ?s par l‟auteur dans son oeuvre ?crite pendant les ann?es de la Dictature Militaire br?silienne, l‟influence des Beatles et du musicien/po?te Caetano Veloso avec le mouvement du Tropicalismo. Dans ce travail, on observe le r?le du narrateur au sein du d?veloppement du conte comme repr?sentation de la soci?t? irr?m?diable et comme cette narrative s‟ajuste en mode th??tral. La lecture de cette memoire est bas?e sur l‟analyse du conte ? Ces deux-l? ?, du livre Fraises Moisies, et l‟influence de la musique Strawberry Fields Forever, des Beatles chez l‟?criture de l‟auteur, ainsi que les discussions sur les images pr?sentent dans la narrative comme la structure essentielle pour le processus du montage du spectacle homonyme par la Cia. Luna Lunera, Minas Gerais, ? partir du m?canisme de la traduction, du litt?raire au sc?nique, appuy?e sur les id?es de Patrice Pavis / Os mergulhos na obra de Caio Fernando Abreu est?o predestinados a ter uma profunda an?lise social e resultar numa luta ag?nica entre amor, sociedade e pol?tica. Esta disserta??o, Pol?tica, Can??o e Teatro: o conto Aqueles Dois de Caio Fernando Abreu reverberando no cotidiano brasileiro, mostra que o mergulho dado aqui busca analisar, a partir de uma perspectiva comparativista, os ?ngulos observados pelo autor ao escrever durante os anos de chumbo no Brasil, a ?poca da Ditadura Militar, a influ?ncia dos Beatles e a do m?sico/poeta Caetano Veloso com o movimento Tropicalismo. Neste trabalho, analisa-se o papel do narrador no desenvolvimento do conto como uma representa??o de uma sociedade irremedi?vel e de como essa narrativa se acomoda em um fazer teatral. A leitura deste trabalho dissertativo se ap?ia na an?lise do conto Aqueles Dois , do livro Morangos Mofados, e a influ?ncia da m?sica Strawberry Fields Forever, dos Beatles, e as discuss?es acerca das imagens que se fazem presentes na narrativa como estrutura essencial para o processo da montagem do espet?culo hom?nimo pela Cia. Luna Lunera, MG, atrav?s do mecanismo de tradu??o, do liter?rio ao c?nico, apoiado nas ideias de Patrice Pavis

Argumentos sobre a imortalidade da alma no F?don de Plat?o

Marinho Neto, Djalma Aranha 08 August 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:12:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DjalmaAMN.pdf: 477755 bytes, checksum: 5b17a462a44c9f817c3fd082825099db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-08-08 / Cette recherche a pour but d ?tudier l immortalit? de l ?me dans le Ph?don de Platon. Le probl?me central consiste dans l affirmation de l immortalit? de l ?me. Pour la justifier, Platon fait une d?monstration dialectique bas?e sur la Th?orie des Formes. La trame des arguments philosophiques articul?s dans ce Dialogue sera mise en dissertation. Ces arguments sont: l argument des contraires, l argument de l Anamnese et l argument sur la cause de la g?n?ration et de la corruption / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da doutrina da imortalidade da alma no F?don de Plat?o. O problema central reside na afirma??o de ser a alma imortal, para justificar tal afirma??o Plat?o lan?a m?o de uma demonstra??o dial?tica fundamentada na Teoria das Formas ou Id?ias. Ser? posto em disserta??o a trama dos argumentos filos?ficos articulados neste Di?logo, a saber: o argumento dos contr?rios; o argumento da anamnese; o argumento sobre a causa da gera??o e corrup??o

O \'Sonho de Scipião em lingoage portuguesa\': acerca da recepção de tratados morais de Cícero no Portugal quinhentista / The \"Dream of Scipio\" in portuguese language

Flávio Antônio Fernandes Reis 21 August 2008 (has links)
Este estudo tem como fim contribuir para o conhecimento da recepção latina no Portugal quinhentista, revelada na análise da vulgarização portuguesa intitulada \"Sonho de Scipião\". Este texto vulgarizado pelo fidalgo português duarte de Resende e impresso pela primeira vez em 1531 por Germão de Galharde, juntamente com outros dois tratados ciceronianos, uma carta dedicatória e uma \"Vida de Marco Túlio\". Assim,esta pesquisa busca aprofundar o conhecimento das relações entre as letras portuguesas do século XVI com as autocritates latinas, especificamente na apropriação e uso oratório e ético dos tratados de filosofia moral ciceronianos. Assim, para evidenciar as motivações de Resende em publicar o Somnium Scipionis de Cícero em língua vulgar portuguesa, observamos a prática de vulgarizações da Corte de Avis, analisando cartas, prólogos e obras divulgadas desde o século XV. Em seguida, relacionamos o Sonho de Scipião português com questões do tempo, tais como a tópica da valorização da língua vulgar, o Averroísmo paduano e a difusão do pensamento erasmista. Por fim, detivemo-nos a analisar retoricamente a vulgarização quinhentista de Duarte de Resende intitulada Sonho de Scipião. / This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the latin reception in XVIth centurty Portugal, as revealed by the analysis of the portuguese popularization entitled Sonho de Scipião. This text was popularized by the portuguese gentleman, duarte de Resende, and was firtly printed in 1531 by Germão de Galharde, together with two other ciceronian treaties, a dedication-letter and \"Vida de Marco Tulio\". Moreover, this research seeks to deepen the knowledge of the relation between the portuguese letters of the XVIth century and the latin auctoritates, specifically as to the oratorical and ethical appropriation and use of Cicero\'s treatises of moral philosophy. Thus to reveal, Resende\'s motivation in the publication of Cicero\'s Somnium Scipionis in portuguese vernacular language, it has observed the practice of popularization from the Court of Aviz, analysing letters, prologues and other widespread works since the XVth century. Then, it puts the portuguese Sonho de Scipião into perspective with other questions of its time, such as the topic of enhanced valuation of vernacular language, of padouan averroism and diffusion of erasmist thought. Last, it has concentrated on the rhetorical analysis of the XVth century popularization by Duarte de Resende, entitled Sonho de Scipião.

Mecanismos de recuperação de oleos pesados durante a injeção de vapor num reservatorio naturalmente fraturado / Heavy oil recovery mechanisms during steam injection in naturally fractured reservoirs

Mateo Hernandez, Juan Alberto 10 September 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Osvair Vidal Trevisan / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T20:49:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MateoHernandez_JuanAlberto_M.pdf: 12401820 bytes, checksum: 705c41d03544d222731ce816469f47c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Neste trabalho são investigados os impactos individual e coletivo dos mecanismos de gás em solução, geração de CO2, destilação, embebição capilar e drenagem gravitacional, sobre a recuperação de óleo e gás, durante a injeção continua de vapor num reservatório naturalmente fraturado contendo óleo pesado. A investigação é feita através de simulação numérica dos fenômenos em modelos padrões de reservatórios. Dois modelos numéricos semelhantes são usados para representar o processo de aquecimento da matriz. O primeiro descreve o aquecimento de uma seção horizontal bidimensional de um bloco da matriz circundado por uma fratura na qual circula vapor. O segundo modelo descreve o aquecimento de um bloco de matriz semelhantemente circundado por uma fratura em que circula vapor, porém na direção vertical, visando agregar o efeito da ação da gravidade. Os estudos foram conduzidos para rochas saturadas com óleo vivo. As propriedades da rocha são as de um reservatório carbonático fraturado real e as propriedades dos fluidos se referem também ao mesmo caso real. Alem disso, as condições operacionais adotadas de pressão e temperatura são as observadas no campo, tornando o estudo e suas conclusões como próprias de um estudo de caso. Os resultados mostram que os principais mecanismos de recuperação de óleo da matriz durante o intervalo de aquecimento de 10 anos, foram os mecanismos de gás em solução e de destilação por arraste de vapor. Este último é o mecanismo de maior importância e é responsável pelo melhoramento da qualidade do óleo produzido / Abstract: In this work, the individual and collective impacts of the mechanisms solution gas drive, CO2 generation, steam distillation, capillary imbibition and drainage gravitational, on the oil and gas recovery, were investigated during the steamflooding of a naturally fractured reservoir containing heavy oil. The investigation was performed for standard reservoir models through numeric simulation. Two similar numerical models represent the matrix heating process. The first describes the heating of a horizontal cross-section of a matrix block surrounded by a fracture, in which the steam is flooding. The second model describes the same method of matrix heating, which was represented in the first model, but in the vertical direction, investigating the action of gravity. The studies were performed for a rock saturated with live oil. The rock properties are the same of a real fractured carbonate reservoir and the fluid properties also refer to the same real case. In addition, the adopted field operational parameters (pressure and temperature) refer to field conditions, turning the study and its conclusions as proper of a case study. The results show that the main mechanisms of oil recovery for the matrix block during the heating interval of 10 years were the integrated action of solution gas and steam distillation. The latter is the dominant mechanism and it is responsible for the improvement in the quality of the produced oil / Mestrado / Reservatórios e Gestão / Mestre em Ciências e Engenharia de Petróleo

Quantification de l'altération dans les sols par les déséquilibres radioactifs : approche sur sol total et phases minérales séparées / Determination of soil weathering rates with U-Th series disequilibria : approach on bulk soil and selected mineral phases

Gontier, Adrien 18 July 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'utilisation des déséquilibres radioactifs dans les échantillons de sols totaux, et des fractions minérales séparées. Les objectifs étaient d'évaluer : 1) l'impact d'un changement de végétation et de la granulométrie de la roche mère dans les sols sur les déséquilibres, 2) les phases minérales secondaires capables d'enregistrer des informations temporelles, et leur séparation chimique et 3) l’information temporelle portée par les minéraux primaires. Ce travail a mis en évidence sur le site de Breuil-Chenue que les couches les plus profondes du sol (< 40cm) ne montrent pas d’impact de la végétation ou de la granulométrie de la roche mère sur les déséquilibres radioactifs. Les faibles vitesses de production du sol (~1-2 mm/ka) obtenues reflètent la très faible érosion physique affectant ce site situé sur un plateau. La seconde partie de ce travail a permis d'identifier un protocole permettant d’extraire les oxydes de fer sans création de fractionnement chimique. Enfin, l'analyse de biotites d’un profil du même site a montré que les déséquilibres U/Th permettaient de déterminer de façon indépendante les vitesses d’altération in situ des minéraux dans les sols. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate weathering and soil formation rates using U-Th disequilibria in bulk soil or separated minerals. The specific objectives of this work were to evaluate the use of U-Th chronometric tools 1) regarding the impact of a land cover change and the bedrock characteristics 2) in selected secondary mineral phases and 3) in primary minerals. On the Breuil-Chenue (Morvan) site, no vegetation effect neither a grain size effect was observed on the U-Th series in the deepest soil layers (< 40cm). The low soil production rate (1-2 mm/ka) is therefore more affected by regional geomorphology than by the underlying bedrock texture. In the second part of this work, based on a thorough evaluation of different technics, a procedure was retained to extract Fe-oxides without chemical fractionation. Finally, the analysis of biotites hand-picked from one of the studied soil profile showed that U- series disequilibria allow to independently determinate the field-weathering-rate of minerals.

A general hybrid force-based method for structural analysis

Biglarifadafan, Ali January 2014 (has links)
The form of the energy function (i.e. Total, Hellinger-Reissner, Hu-Washizu or Complementary energy functions) has a significant influence on FEM performance. Motivated by the ability of the force-based method to satisfy the equilibrium equation and ability of the displacement-based method to satisfy compatibility equation, this thesis proposes a mathematical framework, namely the ‘Hybrid Force-Based Method’ which employs two physical concepts; the Total and Complementary Potential Energy functions. Satisfaction of both the Total and Complementary Potential Energy function is critical to the success of the Hybrid Force-Based Method. The Hybrid Force-Based Method is constructed using these two independent energy functions in order to perform inelastic structural analyses. The method has been proposed, implemented and evaluated across the entire structure, element, section and material domains first considering each domain separately and then in combination. The equilibrium and compatibility equations are satisfied simultaneously by discretisation of these two equations, and accuracy is controlled by specifying the upper and lower bounds of the results. Outcomes following evaluation of the proposed method can be classified into the following three categories: (i) structure-level performance (see Chapter 2), (ii) material-level performance (see Chapter 3), and (iii) element level performance (see Chapter 4). The proposed Hybrid Force-Based Method is constructed by deriving the governing equations directly from the Total and Complementary Potential Energy functions, leading to two distinct variants of the hybrid approach (i) the so-called ‘augmented Hybrid Force-Based Method’, and (ii) the so-called ‘unaugmented Hybrid Force-Based Method’. A number of numerical posterior process tests were devised and used to demonstrate the performance of these two variations of the hybrid method (see Sections and to demonstrate those methods ability in convergence in contrast to the Large Increment Method. Due to the occurrence of numerical instabilities experienced when using various established solution algorithms in solving the fundamental equations at the material level, within implicit approach (such as the Standard Implicit Method, the Cutting Plane Method, and the Closest Point Projection Method). A new form of the constitutive equation solver is proposed in Sections 3.9, referred to as the General Implicit Method (GIM). It is shown that the GIM can be implemented both in the strain and stress domains, and is therefore appropriate for use in both the displacement- and the force-based solution family of methods. The GIM is then evaluated by comparing its predictions to those of other common solution algorithms for inelastic analysis. Performance evaluation involves the use of a new error indicator that guarantees the uniqueness and accuracy of a solution in both the stress and the strain domains. Three iso-error maps serve to emphasis the accuracy, reliability, and computational performance of the General Implicit Method as a solution method compared to those are evaluated for the defined Stress Increment Ratio. The fundamental equations at the element level are followed, based on structured fibre discretisation. The decomposition of the various degrees of freedom into deformational and rigid-body motion serve as a mechanism by which independent equilibrium equations can be determined for each element. The subsequent equation is able to involve axial force, torsion, and both in and out of plane moments while a general form of shear strain distribution is also involved. The original form of the solution at the cross section of the elements leads to novel governing equations that are based on the characteristics of the hybrid force-based approach. The numerical evaluation in Section demonstrates the performance of the proposed method. The newly defined error indicators demonstrate the accuracy and computational performance of the method and the uniqueness of the solution in satisfying both the equilibrium and compatibility equations for Euler-Bernoulli, Timoshenko, and Reddy strain distributions across the element section. Further to the structured fibre, distributed, semi-distributed and concentrated inelastic approach elements, as a simplified form of the element are implemented and evaluated. Although performance of those original formulations is evaluated independently in in comparison with the conventional approaches, compatibility of those as an important issue is followed as well. The numerical evaluation demonstrates higher accuracy and reliability by following the proposed method, further to the higher computational performance respect to the conjugate approaches.

Evolution thermo-cinématique et géodynamique du Brooks Range et du North Slope (Alaska-Canada) / Thermo-kinematic and geodynamical evolution of the Brooks Range and North Slope (Alaska-Canada)

Bigot-Buschendorf, Maelianna 03 December 2015 (has links)
La zone de déformation compressive des Brooks Range et des British-Barn située entre l’Alaska (Etats-Unis) et la région du Nord Yukon (Canada), en position arrière-arc, se développe dans un contexte cinématique et géodynamique depuis longtemps débattu. L’histoire tectonique du bloc continental Arctique d’Alaska, situé dans l’avant-pays de Brooks Range, est diversement interprétée dans les reconstructions de l’ouverture du bassin canadien. La chaîne de Brooks se développe à partir du Crétacé inférieur et sa mise en place se poursuit au Cénozoïque. Mieux contraindre son histoire d’exhumation, en relation avec le raccourcissement est essentiel dans cette région arctique où la cinématique des plaques, associée à l’ouverture du bassin canadien au Nord, fait l'objet de nombreux modèles géodynamiques controversés. La relation avec la subduction active Pacifique au Sud et les grands décrochements en arrière de la subduction fait de cette chaîne, en position arrière arc, une zone-clef pour affiner les reconstructions géodynamiques régionales et notre compréhension des processus orogéniques. Si le lien n'est pas établi entre la déformation mise en jeu dans cette subduction au Mésozoïque et la déformation dans la chaîne de Books, ce lien est en revanche assez bien documenté à l'heure actuelle. Il est donc légitime d'appréhender les événements sud-alaskans dans l'étude de cette chaîne de Brooks. La croissance de la chaîne au Cénozoïque est également mal comprise. Or, il s’agit d’un exemple quasi-unique de chaîne en milieu arctique active durant le Cénozoïque et qui a donc potentiellement enregistré des bouleversements climatiques majeurs, en l'occurrence depuis l‘optimum climatique à la transition Paléocène-Eocène, le refroidissement Oligocène jusqu’à la mise en place de glaciers et de la calotte nord-américaine au Quaternaire. Cet orogène est donc clef pour étudier voire quantifier l'impact du climat sur la construction topographique nord-alaskane. Ce travail a combiné une étude thermochronométrique basse-température multidatation (FT, (U-Th)/He) dans les massifs granitiques et dans les sédiments, qui ont fait l'objet de modélisation thermo-cinématiques via Pecube, dans le but de contraindre la construction orogénique depuis 100 Ma jusqu’à l’actuel. En parallèle, une approche structurale de terrain (Nord Yukon et Brooks Range) et l'analyse de données de subsurface ont été menées. Les données thermochronologiques, couplées à des analyses thermométriques RSCM et de la modélisation thermique soulignent la mise en place de reliefs au Crétacé supérieur avec une exhumation modérée (0.2 km/Ma) qui se poursuit jusqu'à la fin de l'Eocène, où les taux d'exhumation dans les chaînes de Brooks et British-Barn sont clairemement orogéniques (1.25-1.29km/Ma), et associés à la migration de la déformation vers les bassins adjacents. Ce travail souligne une migration de la déformation du SO vers le NE. Dans les deux segments de la chaîne un événement d'exhumation distinct est identifié à l'Oligocène : celui-ci est clairement associé dans la partie interne de la chaîne de Brooks à la mise en place hors-séquence d'un duplex crustal ; et associé à la migration de la déformation compressive en mer au large de la chaîne de British-Barn. Si le calendrier tectonique est semblable dans ces deux zones d'étude, il existe une différence majeure dans le style de déformation entre ces deux régions. Le front de déformation semble beaucoup plus éloigné de la chaîne et les failles beaucoup plus espacées dans la partie canadienne, éloignement et espacement probablement liés à l’épaisseur de sédiments syn-sédimentaires présents dans le bassin... / The kinematics and geodynamics associated with the compressional deformation in the Brooks Range and British-Barn Mountains, respectively in Alaska (USA) and North Yukon (Canada), in a back-arc setting has long been debated. In particular, the tectonic history of the Arctic Alaska continental block located in the foreland of the Brooks Range has been diversely interpreted in the plate reconstructions proposed for the Canadian basin. The Brooks Range mountain chain develops from the Lower Cretaceous to the Cenozoic. Constraining its exhumational history and its link with shortening evolution is essential in this arctic area where plate tectonics, associated to the Canadian basin opening in the North, has led to controversial geodynamic models. Tectonic coupling with the active Pacific subduction in the south as well as major seismogenic strike-slip faulting make this orogen a key area where to refine the regional plate reconstructions and understanding of orogenic processes. The Cenozoic evolution of the Brooks Mountains is poorly understood although it is a nearly unique example of arctic orogen, which have potentially recorded major climate changes like Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, the Oligocene cooling and Quaternary glaciations. This orogen is a key to study and quantify the climate impact on the north-alaskan topographic growth. This study combined low-temperature thermochronometry (FT, U-Th/He) on granitic and sedimentary rocks, which were thermo-kinematically modeled using Pecube in order to define the orogenic evolution of this arctic region since 100 Ma. In parallel, a field-based structural study (North Yukon and Brooks Range) was combined with the analysis of subsurface data. Thermochronological data, coupled to thermometric RSCM analyses and thermal modeling first define a slow exhumation period (0.2 km/Ma) from Upper Cretaceous up to the Eocene. With the Eocene, exhumation rates drastically increased to reach 1.25-1.29km/Ma as the deformation also migrates from SW toward NE. In both alaskan and canadian parts of mountains ranges a clear Oligocene exhumational event is identified. This event is linked to out-of-sequence crustal duplexing in the internal part of the range in the Brooks Range, contemporaneous with the propagation of deformation offshore, along British and Barn Mountains...

Behaviour of Accessory Monazite and Age Significance During Metamorphism and Partial Melting During Grenville Orogeny: An Example from Otter Lake Area, Central Metasedimentary Belt, QC

Séjourné, Brianna L. January 2014 (has links)
The accretionary Mesoproterozoic Grenville Orogeny (ca. 1300 – 980 Ma) involving the Central Metasedimentary Belt is a key building block of the eastern Laurentian margin. A petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical and geochronological study of the migmatite complex in Otter Lake (QC) within the Marble Domain is used to resolve regional metamorphic and magmatic events primarily recorded in the leucosome accessory minerals (i.e. monazite). The relationship between the different stages of monazite and garnet growth and dissolution during the tectonic evolution of the orogenic history for the interpreted metasomatic (injected) and anatectic (in situ) monazite-bearing neosomes from this study supports published thermochronological work in the area and challenges the claim that the Central Metasedimentary Belt was not heated above 500 °C during the Ottawan phase. Instead, the region shows Grenville magmatic and anatectic events were overprinted by high-temperature, fluid-rich Ottawan-phase metamorphism recorded within both injected (monazite-bearing) and in situ (monazite- and garnet-bearing) neosomes.

?Cozinheiro imperial? e ?cozinheiro nacional?: um estudo l?xico-sem?ntico da gastronomia brasileira do s?culo XIX

Santana, Liviane Gomes Ata?de 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-07-13T00:48:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O DE MESTRADO - LIVIANE GOMES ATA?DE SANTANA.pdf: 3048877 bytes, checksum: b2f1493b1ddd4d4b353f77e615c3d3a9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T00:48:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O DE MESTRADO - LIVIANE GOMES ATA?DE SANTANA.pdf: 3048877 bytes, checksum: b2f1493b1ddd4d4b353f77e615c3d3a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Les livres de recettes ont ?t? et sont la liste des arts gustatifs pour les civilisations, la source de textes avec ses indications de pr?parations de go?ts pour les plus vari?es occasions. Les livres gastronomiques du XIXe si?cle avaient des r?gles de servir ? table, des m?thodes pour couper, sans compter le principal: les ingredients et les modes de pr?paration de chaque plat. Cette dissertation s?est bas?e sur des oeuvres gastronomiques br?siliennes du XIXe si?cle, lesquelles ont ?t? mises en ?vidence durant l??poque des grandes transformations sociales, ?conomiques et politiques dans le pays qui se sont pass?es avec l?arriv?e de la famille r?ele portugaise au Br?sil, laquelle, certainement, a apport? ses habitudes alimentaires, ses moeurs et ustensiles domestiques, influen?ant les habitudes alimentaires des br?siliens. Il s?agit des oeuvres intitul?es Cozinheiro Imperial et Cozinheiro Nacional, qui constituent le corpus de cette recherche. Ainsi, on a l?intention d?achever l?objectif primordial dans la branche lexicologique: pr?senter le vocabulaire d?fini et exemplifi? du champ lexical de la gastronomie br?silienne du XIXe si?cle qui existe dans les livres cit?s, organisant les lexies ? travers la Th?orie des Champs Lexicaux propos?e par Eugenio Coseriu ([1977]1981) ayant pour base th?orique du lexique, les studieux Abbade (2009), Biderman (2011), Vilela (1979), parmi d?autres. Par rapport au champ d??tude gastronomique, on a consult? des auteurs comme Cascudo (2011) et Revel (1996), des revues, des p?riodiques et des textes du milieu virtuel. On souligne qu?on a discut? aussi le rapport existant entre la gastronomie, la langue, la culture et la societ?, ?tablissant des dialogues entre ces aspects et tra?ant les nuances de l?art de la cuisine br?silienne. / Os livros de receita foram e s?o, para as civiliza??es, o rol das artes gustativas, o manancial de textos com suas indica??es de preparo de sabores para as mais variadas ocasi?es. E os receitu?rios gastron?micos do s?culo XIX eram dotados de regras de servir ? mesa, de m?todos para trinchar, al?m do principal: os ingredientes e os modos de preparo de cada prato. Esta disserta??o est? referenciada em obras gastron?micas brasileiras do s?culo XIX, obras que marcaram a ?poca correspondente ?s grandes transforma??es sociais, econ?micas e pol?ticas no cen?rio do pa?s, propiciadas com a chegada da fam?lia real portuguesa ao Brasil, que, com certeza, trouxe seus h?bitos alimentares e seus usos e utens?lios dom?sticos, influenciando os costumes alimentares dos brasileiros. Trata-se das obras intituladas Cozinheiro Imperial e Cozinheiro Nacional, constituintes do corpus desta pesquisa. Assim, pretende-se cumprir um objetivo primordial no ramo lexicol?gico: apresentar o vocabul?rio definido e exemplificado do campo lexical da gastronomia brasileira do s?culo XIX constante nos citados livros, utilizando-se para a organiza??o do mesmo, a Teoria dos Campos Lexicais proposta por Eug?nio Coseriu ([1977]1981). Utilizou-se, para tanto, como fundamenta??o te?rica no ramo do l?xico, estudiosos como Abbade (2009), Biderman (2011), Vilela (1979), dentre outros. No que diz respeito ao campo de estudo gastron?mico, foram consultados autores como Cascudo (2011), Revel (1996), al?m de revistas, peri?dicos e textos veiculados em meio virtual. Salienta- se, ainda, que, buscou-se discutir tamb?m a rela??o existente entre gastronomia, l?ngua, cultura e sociedade, estabelecendo os di?logos entre estes aspectos e delineando as nuances da arte da cozinha brasileira.

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