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Filhos por adoção: um estudo sobre o seu processo educativo em famílias com e sem filhos biológicosSchettini, Suzana Sofia Moeller 26 March 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-03-26 / The difficulties related with children education seem to be universal, however, very oftenly, inside the adoptive filiations, some aspects from the educational process emerge reinforced with an extrapolated magnitude significance. This is a quantitative research and it s main purpose was to identify the difficulties experienced by adoptive parents during the educational process of adoptive children; our intention was to compare exclusive adoptive parents and biological-adoptive ones aiming to find out similarities and differences between the two family profiles. Specifically, we investigated the following dimensions; behavior problems, school difficulties and parents difficulties in administrating the educational limits. Data were collected using a questionnaire containing open and objective questions and the participants were 200 adoptive parents, being 100 exclusively adoptive and 100 biological-adoptive. The socio-demographical variables characterized the majority of parents as being white-skinned, officially married or in stable union, having complete or incomplete college graduation, perceiving more than 9 brazilian minimum salaries as monthly family income, professing predominantly the Catholic religion and being in the age group from 31 to 40 years old when the first adoption was made. The results indicated that there aren t significative differences between the two family types in what concerns to the intercurrencies happened during the educational process of their adopted children; the incidence of behavior problems was quite similar in the two family groups; biological-adoptive parents showed less difficulties in administrating educational limits; children educated by exclusive adoptive parents showed less school difficulties; it was possibly to verify that parents social-demographic variables caused no expressive influence on the children educational course, with exception that evangelical and spiritist biological-adoptive parents showed more tendencies of adopting a bigger number of children; in the same family group, it was possible to verify also that children that have parents with college graduation showed a greater number of behavior problems and school difficulties. Other relevant data: there weren t related significative differences in the education of adoptive and biological children; there weren t found expressive differences in the educational problems from early (babies) and late adoptions (over 2-3 years old children), with exception of only children from late adoptions in biological-adoptive families that showed a disposition to have a higher rate of behavior problems and difficulties in school; there was no statistic relation between the reasons that justified the adoptions and the difficulties during the educational process; family resistances to the adoption project can intensify the difficulties faced by parents during the educational process; biological-adoptive parents are more open to late adoptions (elder children); the group of children in our study was composed randomly and it showed a same quantity of girls and boys; the gender of children has not determined a bigger number of behavior problems in both groups of families; the age when the child was told about the adoptive condition had no relation with behavior problems, but it had an expressive importance in what concerns to school difficulties; the majority of adoptive parents don t lay the blame for problems faced during children s education to adoption and the majority of biological-adoptive parents believe that the education of adoptive and biological children is very similar. It follows that the difficulties faced by exclusive adoptive parents and biological-adoptive parents are very similar, although they have different challenges: while exclusive adoptive parents need to elaborate their unconscious conflicts, specially in what concerns to sterility, biological-adoptive parents need to find the equilibrium point in the education of their two types of sons, trying to avoid an excess of expectation and overprotection / A questão de encontrar dificuldades com a educação de filhos parece ser universal, entretanto, nas filiações por adoção, muitas vezes, determinados aspectos do processo educativo emergem revestidos de uma magnitude extrapolada. A presente pesquisa, de natureza quantitativa, objetivou identificar as dificuldades percebidas por pais adotivos no processo educativo de filhos por adoção, comparando famílias exclusivamente adotivas e biológico-adotivas, visando a detectar semelhanças e diferenças nos dois perfis familiares. Especificamente, procurou-se investigar as seguintes dimensões: os problemas de comportamento, as dificuldades escolares e as dificuldades dos pais para estabelecer os limites educativos. Os dados coletados resultaram da aplicação de um questionário, com questões abertas e fechadas, a 200 pais adotivos, sendo 100 exclusivamente adotivos e 100 biológico-adotivos. As variáveis sócio-demográficas caracterizaram a maioria dos pais como sendo brancos, casados ou em união estável, com escolaridade superior ou superior incompleta, renda familiar maior do que 9 salários mínimos mensais, orientação religiosa predominantemente católica e tendo entre 31 e 40 anos na primeira adoção. Verificou-se que não existem diferenças significativas entre os dois tipos de família quanto às intercorrências havidas na educação dos filhos adotados; a incidência de problemas de comportamento foi bastante similar nos dois grupos familiares; pais biológico-adotivos apresentaram menos dificuldades no estabelecimento dos limites educativos; filhos de pais exclusivamente adotivos apresentaram menos problemas escolares; constatou-se que não há relação significativa entre as variáveis sócio-demográficas e suas influências no processo educativo dos filhos, excetuando-se que pais biológico-adotivos evangélicos e espíritas apresentaram uma maior tendência a adotar a maior quantidade de filhos; no mesmo grupo familiar, verificou-se que filhos de pais com nível de escolaridade superior tendem a apresentar uma maior incidência de problemas de comportamento e dificuldades escolares. Outros dados relevantes: não foram relatadas diferenças significativas na educação de filhos adotivos e biológicos; não houve diferenças significativas entre os problemas educativos de adoções precoces e tardias, excetuando-se filhos únicos adotados tardiamente que apresentaram uma maior tendência para problemas de comportamento e dificuldades escolares em famílias biológico-adotivas; não houve relação estatística entre a motivação para adoção e dificuldades no processo educativo; as resistências familiares podem intensificar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos pais; famílias biológico-adotivas estão mais disponíveis para efetuar adoções tardias; identificou-se freqüências similares quanto ao sexo dos filhos adotados; o sexo dos filhos não determinou uma maior incidência de problemas de comportamento nos dois grupos; a idade em que a criança tomou conhecimento de sua condição adotiva não teve relação com os problemas de comportamento, mas teve importância significativa quanto às dificuldades escolares; a maioria dos pais adotivos não creditam os problemas enfrentados à adoção e a maioria dos pais biológico-adotivos acreditam que a educação de filhos biológicos e adotivos tenha sido semelhante. Foi possível concluir que as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos dois grupos familiares são bastante similares, embora tenham que enfrentar desafios diferentes: enquanto os pais exclusivamente adotivos necessitam elaborar os seus conflitos, especialmente, em relação à esterilidade, os pais biológico-adotivos precisam encontrar o ponto de equilíbrio na educação de seus dois tipos de filhos, evitando o excesso de expectativas e a superproteção.
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Multikulturní výchova na 1.stupni ZŠ / Multicultural education at a primary schoolChadtová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is mapping the issue of multicultural education at primary schools. The main aim is to penetrate the current structures, to assess the possibilities of the teacher's work in the school environment and to find other ways of multicultural education of pupils in relation to the findings. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the legal environment of the issue at the level of the Czech Republic and the anchoring of multicultural education in curricular documents. It describes possible ways of thinking and approaches in contemporary intercultural education as well. It also includes the possibilities and principles of the educational process from the teacher's personality, his own competences, setting goals and content, appropriate forms and methods of work to the pupils and other factors influencing the lesson of multicultural education. Much of the work is devoted to the latest findings, trends and basic pillars and principles of quality intercultural education. It also describes organizations that focus their activities on multiculturalism in the world and can thus directly contribute to the broadening of the general overview of pupils, transfering information, knowledge, personal social development and especially the multicultural competences of pupils. Last but not...
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Metody a formy vzdělávání nadaných žáků / Methods and Forms of Educating Gifted StudentsStaňková, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: Methods and Forms of Educating Gifted Students AUTHOR: Zuzana Staňková DEPARTMENT: Department of Primary Education of the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague SUPERVISOR: PaedDr. Nataša Mazáčová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The aim of this dissertation is to analyze all significant components entering the process of educating gifted students, with the objective to positively influence and develop their potential, in a complex manner. These components are the initial theoretical pieces of knowledge that should be incorporated into specialized competence of each educator. Among the components are, in particular, characteristics of a gifted student, defining the terms talent and aptitude, specification of a gifted student's motivation, talent models analysis, description of educational and psychological diagnostics of talent, and legal documents related to working with gifted students at schools. Principal part of the theory section focuses on the issue of adjusting the education and training process to the needs of gifted students. It summarizes current educational approaches to training and raising gifted students. It also provides close analysis of individual education strategies and their modifications, based on the principle of individualization and differentiation of the...
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Rodina a specifika výchovně vzdělávacího procesu u nevidomých dětí / The family and specifics of the educational process of blind childrenMihoková, Nicole January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the family and the specifics of education for blind children. The idea of the work is to create written material intended for all those interested in the topic, but especially for parents of blind children, who inform about the influence of parental education on the development of a blind child. The aim of the diploma is to find out how and why there is an insufficient level of self-service skills in specific blind children, from the perspective of their own child, his parents and the pedagogues working with him. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical part and the research part. The theoretical part introduces the reader to the concept of family and its functions. Furthermore, attention is paid to educational styles and the relationship to a blind child is specified in more detail. The last chapter deals with cognitive, psychomotor and social development and the specifics of education for blind children. The research part of the work is processed in the manner of a qualitative survey. The research design is case studies of five selected blind children. The data are collected by the method of interviews with blind children, their parents and pedagogical staff, as well as by own observation and analysis of documents. KEY WORDS family, blind...
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[pt] Nesta tese propomos a aplicação de um paradigma de planejamento baseado em uma disciplina de modelagem conceitual para as tarefas de Mineração de Processos. Postulamos que a abordagem apresentada habilita as tarefas de descoberta de processos, checagem de conformidade e melhoria de modelos em
domínios educacionais, que tem características de processos não-estruturados – dependências entre tarefas, múltiplas dependências, eventos concorrentes, atividades que falham, atividades repetidas, traços parciais e estruturas de nocaute. Relacionamos os conceitos em ambas as áreas de pesquisa e demonstramos a
abordagem aplicada a um exemplo em um domínio acadêmico, implementando os algoritmos como parte de uma Biblioteca de Planos Típicos para Mineração de Processos que constrói sobre a extensa literatura prévia. / [en] In this thesis we propose the application of an automated planning paradigm based on a conceptual modeling discipline for the Process Mining tasks. We posit that the presented approach enables the process discovery, conformance checking and model enhancement tasks for educational domains, comprising characteristics
of unstructured processes – with intertask dependencies, multiple dependencies, concurrent events, failing activities, repeated activities, partial traces and knock-out structures. We relate the concepts in both areas of research, and demonstrate the approach applied to an academic domain example, implementing the algorithms as part of a Library for Typical Plans for Process Mining that leverages the extensive prior art in the literature.
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Didactique professionnelle du design : situations d’apprentissage, activités de conception et représentations : le cas de l’alternance / Professional pedagogy of design : learning situations, representations and design activities : the case of work-linked trainingMoineau, Christophe 24 November 2016 (has links)
La finalité de ce travail exploratoire, inscrit dans le cadre d’une didactique professionnelle du design naissante, est de comprendre l’incidence de l’alternance sur les apprentissages d’étudiants en design. Dans ce but, les connaissances ou savoirs impliqués et les représentations que les prescriptions proposent sont extraits puis mis en regard des représentations que les étudiants construisent de l’activité de conception en tant qu’objet social ou en jeu dans les activités d’apprentissage. Pour aborder ces représentations décrites ou construites, puis leur incidence sur l’activité de conception et sur les apprentissages, il est fait appel à un champ théorique multidisciplinaire et à un cadre méthodologique dialectique s’appuyant sur une analyse curriculaire et sur une analyse de l’activité des étudiants-apprentis. Les résultats mettent en lumière des représentations, parfois antagonistes, de l’activité de conception et de la profession de designer. Ils montrent que l’alternance des temps et des lieux d’apprentissage est un révélateur, pour les étudiants, des spécificités de l’activité de conception au sein de chacun des environnements. Ainsi, les environnements « organisants » et « capacitants » du curriculum réel, impensés dans le prescrit, modifient et régulent l’activité et le développement des compétences. Enfin, la production de connaissances, prescrite par le curriculum dans la cadre d’un « mémoire de recherche », permet aux apprentis-designers-chercheurs de développer des formes d’expertises qui interrogent sur les interactions entre savoirs pour agir et métaconnaissances pour concevoir et semblent redéfinir la représentation de la compétence de conception. / The purpose of this exploratory work, grounded on an emerging professional pedagogy of design, is to understand the impact of work-linked training in design on the learning of the design activity by students. To that end, the knowledge involved is extracted, juxtaposed with the representations that the requirement offers, and then set against the representations that students build of design activity as a social object as well as those involved in learning activities. Therefore, the theoretical field which is used is multidisciplinary. It induces a dialectical methodologic framework based both on a curricular analysis, necessary to understand the observed teaching situations, and on an analysis of the students’ activities. The outcomes shed light on these (sometimes conflicting) representations of creative design activity and of the designer’s profession. Outcomes also show the alternating times and places of learning situations reveal to the students the specificity of both designing situation. Thus, the “organizing environments” of the real curriculum and untaught within the required one, modify and regulate the system of interactions and the development of the students’ design skills. Moreover, the exchange device induces a timeline and “enabling” working and learning environments. Finally, the production of knowledge, required by the curriculum through the “research thesis”, allows the “apprentices-designers-researchers” to develop forms of expertise that question the interactions between knowledge to act and meta-knowledge to design and seems to redefine the representation of the design skill.
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Zaměstnávání osob s lehkou mentální retardací na Kladensku / Employment of Persons Suffering from Mild Intellectual Disability in Kladno regionKlemperová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse employment of people suffering from mild intellectual disability. The thesis briefly describes those learning difficulties and selects a mild intellectual disability from a wide range of other mental disabilities. The text is based on the fact that people with learning difficulties are able to work, live in a family and become members of the society as well as to be independent citizens. However, there is a necessity to help those people not only with regard to their educational process, but also on the labour market, which is apparently highly competitive even for people without any special needs. The thesis is also focused on various possibilities of people suffering from learning difficulties in the terms of enabling them to get a job. In accordance with the regulation on mild intellectual disability people, the thesis suggests many of suitable positions within service industry. Owing to the fact that people with this type of disease are under protection of the law, and that there are some incentives for employers, nowadays it is much easier to find them a job. Among other things, the thesis is also focused on economic, sociological and psychological aspects, so far as finding and keeping a job. For all people, their integration into society through the work...
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Escala cartográfica linear: estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem junto aos estudantes de geografia do IGDEMA/UFAL - 2013 / Linear cartographic scale: teaching/learning strategies with students of geography of the IGDEMA/UFAL 2013Andrade, Umbelino Oliveira de 16 March 2015 (has links)
Uma proporção significativa dos alunos dos cursos de graduação em Geografia do IGDEMA/UFAL apresenta dificuldades na aprendizagem de Cartografia, particularmente de escala cartográfica linear. Pouquíssimos trabalhos apresentaram situações similares em outras universidades do Brasil e propuseram alternativas mitigadoras, embora com ênfase no curso de licenciatura. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tomou como objetivo desenvolver um procedimento de otimização da aprendizagem de escala cartográfica linear por meio da conscientização e motivação prévias discentes e contrapartidas bilaterais na aplicação de um processo de ensino-aprendizagem junto aos alunos do segundo período de graduação em Geografia do IGDEMA/UFAL em 2013/2. As bases teóricas adotadas para tal foram um conceito da psicologia pedagógica processo educativo trilateral , dois conceitos da teoria socioconstrutivista internalização das funções psicológicas superiores e zona de desenvolvimento proximal e a teoria da andragogia. Coerente com o objetivo e com respaldos das bases teóricas, foi aplicado o método de aula expositiva adaptado à implementação do processo pedagógico. Este processo envolveu a fase de avaliação prévia (exposição e prática preparatórias e posterior diálogo) e a fase de avaliação definitiva (exposições e práticas mais concentradas). Por ser preponderante, a avaliação definitiva precisou atender às exigências de planejamento e procedimentos administrativos, a fim de se minimizar a relativa falta de fidedignidade de seus escores para, em seguida, submeter-se a duas etapas obrigatórias do processo da sua validação. A primeira, que foi a verificação do requisito da validade, se deu por processo qualitativo em prol da representatividade de seu conteúdo mediante o universo Escala Cartográfica e dessa aprendizagem; e a segunda etapa, verificação do requisito da fidedignidade, processou-se pela análise estatística de consistência interna entre seus quesitos. Como a avaliação definitiva atendeu a esses requisitos de validação, as suas medidas de aprendizagem se tornaram confiáveis para os testes de diferenças aplicados conjuntamente com as medidas de aprendizagem similares da avaliação prévia. Assim, obteve-se o nível de êxito do processo pedagógico aplicado. Como resultado, a comparação dos dados das duas avaliações não indicou evolução esperada das notas de cada aluno. Então como causas desse resultado, em função da parte expressiva dos alunos, podem ser citadas: o processo aplicado se revelou ambicioso, a prática de variados exercícios mesmo com auxílio de demonstrações de cálculos revelou-se um desafio e modificações de escala cartográfica se revelaram problemática. Dessa forma, a conclusão é que esse processo de ensino-aprendizagem precisa ser revisto em parte, ou seja, revelam-se necessários procedimentos pedagógicos para esses estudantes ainda dependentes em virtude de fatores limitantes, particularmente a base matemática ineficiente. / A significant proportion of the undergraduates in the geography courses of the IGDEMA/UFAL present learning difficulties, particularly in relation to liner cartographic scale. Very few papers have identified similar situations in other universities in Brazil and have proposed mitigation alternatives, although with an emphasis on teaching degree courses. In this context, this work aimed at developing a learning procedure in order to optimize the learning of linear cartographic scale through awareness development and previous student motivation, as well as through bilateral counterparts in implementing a teaching/learning process focused on the se undergraduates of the second term in the first year of studies in Geography course of the IGDEMA/UFAL program, in 2013/2. The theoretical framework of the study included one concept of the pedagogical psychology trilateral educational process , two concepts of the social constructivist theory internalization of higher psychological functions, and proximal development zone as well as the andragogy theory. In order to be coherent with the study objective and the adopted theoretical framework, the expositive teaching method was used, although adapted to the target pedagogical process. This process involved a prior evaluation phase (presentation and preparatory practices and subsequent dialogue) and the phase of final assessment (presentations and more focused practices). Because it is preponderant, the definitive assessment had to meet planning requirements and administrative procedures, in order to minimize the relative unreliability of the scores, so that it could undergo the two mandatory steps of the process of validation. The first step verification of the validity requirement was implemented through a qualitative process, observing the representativeness of its content, based upon the Cartographic Scale universe and related learning; and the second step, verification of the reliability requirement, was developed through statistical analysis for the internal consistency of the adopted questions. As the final evaluation met these validation requirements, their learning measures were considered to be reliable for testing differences, applied within the similar learning measures of the prior assessment. As a result, the comparative data of both evaluations did not indicate the expected evolution in the students grades. Then, as those results reasons, considering the biggest amount of the students, we may cite: the applied process was too much ambitious, the practice of varied exercises though with calculation demonstrations, could be considered a challenge, and cartographic scale changes seemed to cause problems to them. Hence, the conclusion is that this teaching/learning process needs to be revised in part, which means, pedagogical proceeds might be necessary for those still dependent students, considering these limitation factors, particularly the insufficient mathematics basis.
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O desafio do processo educativo na prática de incubação de empreendimentos econômicos solidários / The challenge of the educational process in practice of incubation of solidary economical enterprisesCulti, Maria Nezilda 04 August 2006 (has links)
Esta tese analisa os limites intrínsecos do processo de construção de conhecimentos por meio da ação educativa entre orientadores (educadores) e trabalhadores cooperados (educandos) na prática de incubação dos empreendimentos econômicos solidários. Trata-se de uma pesquisa empírica realizada com educadores de uma Incubadora Universitária de empreendimentos econômicos solidários e trabalhadores de duas cooperativas autogeridas. A maior parte do material analisado foi coletado por meio de pesquisa de campo nas cooperativas e na incubadora. No estudo, concebemos o conhecimento adquirido no processo prático de incubação de empreendimentos econômicos solidários dos trabalhadores como práxis que implica um conjunto complexo de atividades de caráter técnico e social, interagindo com conhecimento teórico e conceitual, orientados por objetivos. Trata-se por isso, de um processo pedagógico educativo que deve ser criativo, de ação coletiva e modificador da realidade. Adotamos a concepção de que os conhecimentos são produzidos neste mundo pelos próprios seres humanos e que a relação de conhecimento é uma relação entre sujeito e objeto e também que a relação com o mundo não é individual e imutável, mas coletiva e social. Como referência teórica nos apoiamos nos escritos de Freire, Cortella, Vázquez entre outros. As respostas às questões construídas ao longo do estudo evidenciam pontos positivos que representam avanços na direção da ação educativa e outros ainda de tensão e conflitos que indicam caminhos para a releitura do processo educativo, tanto para os educandos como para os educadores. Ficou evidente a importância e a necessidade da Universidade atuar por meio de incubadoras interagindo com a comunidade, levando o conhecimento de que dispõe para os trabalhadores cooperados que dificilmente teriam acesso de outra forma, bem como os efeitos positivos que advém dessa ação no meio acadêmico e para os trabalhadores. Ficou indicado também que no processo de incubação dos empreendimentos econômicos solidários dos trabalhadores há uma complexidade que demanda esforços significativos por parte dos educadores e educandos para atingir os objetivos propostos no processo de incubação, que passa necessariamente, por uma relação interativa e dialógica. Entretanto, é um processo educativo que modifica as circunstâncias, os homens e as mulheres na sua maneira de ser e agir. Há dificuldades de ambas partes, muitas barreiras que são rompidas e outras ainda não, mas é inegável a construção e reconstrução de conhecimentos para os atores envolvidos em vários aspectos. Os educadores despertam para outra forma de ver o mundo, estimula a autocrítica como educador e pessoa, enriquece e modifica a forma de ensinar e a prática da interdisciplinariedade. Estimula a associação entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão na universidade. Os educandos também mudam a forma de pensar e agir. Sentem-se mais seguros, respeitados e empoderados para interagir na sociedade. Passam a dispor de cidadania, autonomia para exercer a autogestão e melhor qualidade de vida. / This thesis analyzes the intrinsic limits of the process of construction of knowledge through the educational action among advisors (educators) and cooperated workers (scholars) in practice of incubation of the solidary economical enterprises. It is an empiric research accomplished with educators of an Academical Incubator of solidary economical enterprises and workers of two cooperatives auto managed. Most of the analyzed material was collected through field research in the cooperatives and in the incubator. In the study, we conceived the acquired knowledge in the practical process of incubation of the workers\' solidary economical enterprises as praxis that implicates a group compound of activities of technical and social character, interacting with theoretical and conceptual knowledge, guided by objectives. It is treated by that, of an educational pedagogic process that it should be creative, of collective action and modifier of the reality. We adopted the conception that the knowledge are produced in this world by the own human beings and that the knowledge relation is a relationship between subject and object and also that the relationship with the world is not individual and unalterable, but collective and social. As theoretical reference we got support on the writings of Freire, Cortella, and Vázquez among others. The answers to the subjects built along the study evidence positive points that still represent progresses in the direction of the educational and other action of tension and conflicts that indicate ways for the rereading of the educational process, so much for the students as for the educators. It was evident the importance and the need of the university to act through incubators interacting with the community, taking the knowledge that disposes for the workers cooperated that difficultly they would have access in another way, as well as the positive effects that occurs of that action in the academic midst and for the workers. It was also denoted that in the process of incubation of the workers\' solidary economical enterprises there is a complexity that demands significant efforts on the part of the educators and students to reach the objectives proposed in the incubation process, that necessarily passes, for an interactive relationship and dialogic. However, it is an educational process that modifies the circumstances, the men and the women in their way of being and acting. There are difficulties of both parts, a lot of barriers that are broken and other not yet, but it is undeniable the construction and reconstruction of knowledge for the actors involved in several aspects. The educators wake up for another form of seeing the world, it stimulates the self-criticism as educator and person, enriches and modifies the form of teaching and the practice of the interdisciplinarity. It stimulates the association among teaching, researches and extension in the university. The students also change the form of thinking and acting. They feel safer, respected and empowered to interact in the society. They start to dispose of citizenship, autonomy to exercise the automanagement and better quality of life.
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Formação Profissional na construção civil: experiências em busca da \'desalienação\' do trabalho. / Vocational Education in civil construction: experiences in search of work \'disalienation\'.Diederichsen, Francisco Toledo Barros 05 July 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado registra as atividades de pesquisa aplicada em três experiências de formação profissional da Construção Civil em diferentes escolas. Os trabalhos de pesquisa visam contribuir com as ações pedagógicas dialógicas inseridas nos três processos formativos. O objetivo dessas ações é a contribuição com a ampliação da autonomia, a emancipação coletiva e a liberdade dos educandos, no sentido da busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho que realizam. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas abordadas inserem-se nas: 1. Atividades de Formação Integral do Ser, e Organização da Produção da Construção Civil - experiências de elaboração de desenhos e projetos de construção e a problematização das condições de desigualdade social e exploração do trabalho - nos cursos de pintura, alvenaria, instalações elétricas e hidráulicas e decoração, da Escola Municipal de Ensino Profissional em Construção Civil / Madre Celina Polci, Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Atividades de aproximação do processo de produção da arquitetura - experiências de elaboração coletiva de projeto executivo de arquitetura e sua construção, com as próprias mãos, como parte do futuro espaço de apoio do Canteiro Experimental da escola - como exercícios da disciplina optativa \'Técnicas Alternativas de Construção\' do curso de graduação da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, SP. 3. Atividades de re-união e re-integração dos trabalhos de projeto e construção por meio da \'assembleia de obra\', como contribuição a formação dos integrantes da brigada de construção - composta por educandos da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), brigadistas permanentes e coordenadores da ENFF, profissionais assentados convidados e coletivo de estudantes e profissionais de arquitetura e urbanismo da USP - para a reforma da casa da brigada permanente, \'casa do teto verde\' da Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. As ações pedagógicas dialógicas demonstraram efetividade ao passo que, ao mesmo tempo em que eram apreendidas as diversas atividades profissionais da construção, ampliava-se, em graus variados, a compreensão dos educandos e egressos sobre os limites e barreiras impostas pelo Capital sobre a classe trabalhadora. Nesse sentido, é que se mantém a busca pela \'desalienação\' do trabalho, já que sua realização plena só será possível por meio de transformações sociais de ampla e irrestrita democratização dos direitos de acesso à apropriação, pela sociedade como um todo, dos produtos, dos processos e da fruição social resultantes do trabalho coletivo. / This master thesis describes the activities of research applied to three experiences of professional learning of Civil Construction in different schools. The research work is expected to contribute to the pedagogical actions dialogicaly inserted in the three formative processes. The purpose of these actions and contributions are the expansion of autonomy, collective emancipation and the freedom of the students, in the sense of a search for \'desalienation\' of the work they carry out. The pedagogical actions dialogical addressed are as: 1. Activities for \'integral formation of being\', and \'organization of production of Civil Construction\' - experiments in preparation of drawings and construction projects and the questioning of the conditions of social inequality and exploitation of labor - in courses in painting, masonry, electrical, hydraulic installations and decoration, at the Municipal School of Vocational Education in Civil Construction / Madre Celina Polci, Prefecture of São Bernardo do Campo, SP. 2. Activities of approximation of the production process of architecture - experiences of drawing up collective of executive project of architecture and construction, with their own hands, as part of the future area of support of Experimental Construction from the school - as exercises of optional discipline \'Alternative techniques of construction\" of the Graduate School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, SP. 3. Activities of re-union and re-integration of the work of project and construction by means of \'house of work\', as a contribution to the training of members of the brigade of construction - composed by students of the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), permanent brigadiers and coordinators from ENFF, professionals guests and collective of students and professionals from the architecture and urbanism school, USP - for the reform of the house of permanent brigade, \'house of green roof\' of the National School Florestan Fernandes - Guararema, SP. The pedagogical actions dialogical demonstrated effectiveness to the step that, at the same time that were seized the various professional activities of construction, it broadened, to varying degrees, the understanding of students and alumni on the limits and barriers imposed by capital on the working class. In this sense, and that remains the search for work \'disalienation\', now that its full realization is possible only by means of social transformation of broad and wide and unrestricted democratization of access rights to ownership, by the society as a whole of products, processes and social enjoyment resulting from the collective work.
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