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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flerspråkighet som norm : En studie om pedagogers synsätt på flerspråkighet i förskolan

Bentahar, Sofia, Paschalidou, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The aim of our study is to examine preschool teachers' attitudes to multilingualism in preschool, especially in relation to the preschool's internal environment. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective and consists of six interviews with pedagogues and observations at two preschools in different parts of Stockholm. We are certain of that our study is important for pedagogues, since a high proportion of children in Swedish preschools are multilingual. A high level of awareness and recurrent work to promote children’s multilingualism has tremendous importance for children's language development. The result of our study demonstrates that multilingualism is the norm in the preschools. Based on the interviews, we have seen that pedagogues are aware of the fact that both the children's home language and the Swedish language are equally important for children's language development. For children to develop good language skills in the Swedish language, it is important that the mother language is promoted and is a point of departure in preschool activities. Pedagogues, who constantly communicate with children, contribute to children's language development. Children must be offered ample opportunity for language use and interaction in different contexts. The study demonstrates that pedagogues consciously work with multilingualism, aiming for creating a language stimulating internal environment that encourages kids to play, learn and develop their language skills. Similar to a majority of pedagogues, we are certain that play has an important role for children's language development; because play is something pleasurable that often comes naturally and it is very important for children.

Att ha mediebranscherfarenhet som medielärare : En kvalitativ studie av fem medielärares uppfattningar om sin kompetens

Eklund, Elin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Att ha mediebranscherfarenhet som medielärare : En kvalitativ studie av fem medielärares uppfattningar om sin kompetens

Eklund, Elin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Lärarstudenters möte med matematik : från grundskola till högskola / Student teachers’ meeting math : from elementary school to university

Gustafsson, Marina, Wallgren, Lina January 2010 (has links)
Alla människor bär på erfarenheter och upplevelser av olika slag. Frågan är hur våra tidigare erfarenheter påverkar oss. Studien belyser några lärarstudenters berättelser om mötet med ämnet matematik från grundskola till högskola. Studien behandlar faktorer i erhållen undervisning av betydelse för utvecklingen inom ämnet, samt hur tidigare erfarenheter kan komma att påverka den egna undervisningen i matematik. Eftersom studien inriktar sig på lärarstudenters berättelser användes en narrativ ansats med kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Resultatet visar att matematikundervisningen i skolan har präglat lärarstudenterna på olika sätt. Några delger sina negativa erfarenheter medan andra berättar om sina positiva upplevelser. En slutsats som går att dra utifrån studien är att lärarstudenterna kan komma att påverkas av sina tidigare erfarenheter när de i framtiden skall utforma en egen undervisning. När lärarstudenterna beskriver hur de vill planera en matematikundervisning redogör de för en undervisning som skulle ha tillgodosett deras behov som elever i grundskolan. I diskussionen förs ett resonemang om hur lärande kan ske och matematikbokens betydelse i undervisningen. / Every human being carries experiences of different kinds. The question is how we are affected by our early experiences. The study highlights a few student teachers and their meeting with math from elementary school to university. The study deals with factors obtained in the education, of the importance of developments in the subject and how past experiences might affect their own teaching of mathematics. Since the study focuses on student teachers’ statements, was a narrative approach to qualitative interviewing method used. The result indicates that mathematic teaching in school has characterized the student teachers in different ways. Some communicates their negative experiences while others tell about their positive experiences. A potential conclusion of this study is that student teachers can be effected by their earlier experiences, when they are about to form an education of their own. When the student teachers describe how they form their mathematic teaching, they communicate about an education that would have seized their own needs as students in elementary school. In the discussion there is reasoning about learning and the importance of the textbook used in mathematics education.

Tecnologias digitais e emergência de zonas de desenvolvimento proximal na sala de aula / Digital technologies and development of areas of emergency proximal in classroom

ARRUDA, Juliana Silva January 2016 (has links)
ARRUDA, Juliana Silva. Tecnologias digitais e emergência de zonas de desenvolvimento proximal em sala de aula. 2016. 105f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-22T13:22:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_jsarruda.pdf: 3571578 bytes, checksum: bf4966a1777257a5f02840cc145943e2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-22T16:34:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_jsarruda.pdf: 3571578 bytes, checksum: bf4966a1777257a5f02840cc145943e2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-22T16:34:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_jsarruda.pdf: 3571578 bytes, checksum: bf4966a1777257a5f02840cc145943e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Brazil is experiencing a period of technological immersion in all areas of society and every day, technologies are created that power the various human activities. The school should monitor the resulting changes of technological resources and be open to new educational possibilities to develop contemporary practices, from the inclusion of computers in school activities. Computers are features that enable interaction in group activities, the exchange of ideas and opinions; or the research of other realities. Thus, this study aims to analyze how the computer through digital resources used in activities collaboratively, can emerge Proximal Development Zone (ZDP). This research was developed in a municipal school in Aquiraz / CE, in groups of two or more learners. Qualitative methodology with interpretative character was used. The research technique involved participant observation, with micro genetic analysis and as tools for collecting videos and daily data field. Planned activities included the curriculum subjects, the use of computer and some Internet resources. The methodological procedures were considered from a micro genetic approach, and defined with the statement of contemporary researchers, as Meira and Lerman (2009) and Colaco et al. (2007) which expanded and interpreted new concepts of the ZDP Vygotsky (1994). The results were analyzed according to categories at the time of data analysis. In the first category, interaction among peers, was detailed as group activities, and peer contribution contributed to the development of the zone. In the second category, interaction with someone more experienced, involved contributions and assistance from someone more experienced, contributing to facilitating learning. The next third, technology support, has detailed the use of technology by students and contributions of this resource for teaching and learning processes. In the last category, student Protagonism discussed how students managed to overcome their level of development and can act as author of knowledge itself, and observed two characteristics: Activism and autonomy. The results highlighted times when resources combined with peer interaction promote and facilitate the emergence of ZPD, resulting in learning, promoting performances and authoring postures of these learners in the process. / O Brasil vivencia um período de imersão tecnológica em todas as áreas da sociedade, e a cada dia são criadas tecnologias que potencializam as diversas atividades humanas. A escola deve acompanhar as mudanças advindas dos avanços tecnológicos e ficar atenta às novas possibilidades educacionais para desenvolver práticas contemporâneas, a partir da inserção de computadores em atividades curriculares. Estes recursos possibilitam a interação nas atividades em grupo, na troca de ideias e opiniões; ou para a pesquisa de outras realidades. Dessa forma, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar como o computador, por meio de recursos digitais, utilizados em atividades realizadas colaborativamente, pode fazer emergir Zonas de Desenvolvimento Proximal (ZDP). Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma escola pública municipal de Aquiraz/CE, em grupos de dois ou mais aprendentes. Foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa, com caráter interpretativo. A técnica de pesquisa envolveu a observação participante, com análise microgenética, e, como instrumentos de coleta de dados, vídeos e diários de campo. As atividades planejadas envolveram as disciplinas curriculares, o uso do computador e alguns recursos da Internet. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram considerados a partir de uma abordagem microgenética, e definidos com a fundamentação de pesquisadores contemporâneos, como Colaço et al. (2007) e Meira e Lerman (2009), que ampliaram e interpretaram novos conceitos da ZDP de Vygotsky (1994). Os resultados foram analisados de acordo com categorias, no momento da análise dos dados. A primeira categoria – Interação entre pares – foi detalhada como as atividades em grupo, e a participação dos pares contribuiu no desenvolvimento de ZDP. A segunda categoria – Interação com alguém mais experiente – envolveu contribuições e assistência de alguém mais experiente, contribuindo para facilitação da aprendizagem. Na categoria seguinte – Suporte da tecnologia – foram detalhados o uso da tecnologia pelos alunos e as contribuições desse recurso para os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Na última categoria – Protagonismo estudantil – foi discutida a maneira como os alunos conseguiram ultrapassar seu nível de desenvolvimento, podendo atuar como autores do próprio conhecimento, sendo observadas duas características: Ativismo e Autonomia. Os resultados destacaram momentos em que os recursos, aliados à interação entre pares, promovem e facilitam a emergência de ZDP, acarretando aprendizagem e promovendo atuações e posturas de autoria desses aprendentes em seu processo.

"Vi lär av varandra" : Den mångkulturella skolan / "We learn from each other" : The multicultural school

Pandelara Zackrisson, Olimpia January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I denna globaliserade värld påverkar situationer som inträffar på andra platser i världen även oss i Sverige. Dessa förändringar i det svenska samhället kan även påverka skolan som får nya utmaningar. Elevunderlaget har blivit mer heterogent med elever från olika länder vilket kräver nya sätt att lära på. Lärande spelar en central roll i allas utveckling och enligt det sociokulturella perspektivet sker denna utveckling i interaktion med andra människor. Alla människor är viktiga i lärandet och var och en kan utvecklas med stöd av andra som kan lite mer än vad man kan själv, denna utveckling ger upphov till det som Vygotskij kallade för den proximala utvecklingszonen. En plats för formellt och organiserat lärande är skolan, men skolan är också en central plats för barn där de bygger upp relationer med andra barn och vuxna som inte tillhör familjen. I den mångkulturella skolan är dessa kontakter med andra utanför familjen en viktig del för lärandet till exempel för den personliga utvecklingen. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att utifrån elevers perspektiv i en mångkulturell kontext, undersöka elevens erfarenheter av lärande i en mångkulturell skola. 0 Metod: Kvalitativ metod användes i studien och data samlades in genom fem semistrukturerade fokusgruppintervjuer med elever i årkurs fem och sex. Resultatet har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat och slutsatser: Under analysen framkom fyra huvudkategorier; den mångkulturella skolan, lärande, syn på läraren och skolmiljö vilka sammanlagt resulterade i 15 underkategorier. Eleverna anser att det är givande att vistas i en mångkulturell skola och att lärande sker ständig och i interaktion med kompisarna, lärarna och andra vuxna kring dem utanför skolan. Ett komplement för lärandet var digitala medier som blev ett stöd för eleverna i deras lärande både på skolan som i hemmet. / Background: Learning has a central role in everyone's development and according to the sociocultural perspective, this development takes place in interaction with other people. Other people are important so each can develop with the support of others who can little more than themselves, this stimulus gives rise to what Vygotsky called the proximal development zone. The school is a central place for children who, firstly, are a place of learning and, secondly, a place where they build relationships with other children and adults who are not family. In the multicultural school these contacts with others play an important role in learning such as personal development. Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate student's perspectives of learning in a multicultural context. Method: Qualitative method was used in the study and data was collected through 5 semistructured focus group interviews with students in grade five and six. The results have been analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: The analysis revealed four main categories; the multicultural school, learning and how the students view the teacher which resulted in a total of 15 subcategories. Students consider it rewarding to stay in a multicultural school. That learning takes place constantly in interaction with friends, even that teachers and adults outside school are an important support for their learning. Digital media as support was something that students used in their learning as a complement both at school and at home.

Tecnologias digitais e emergÃncia de zonas de desenvolvimento proximal na sala de aula / Digital technologies and development of areas of emergency proximal in classroom

Juliana Silva Arruda 23 June 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O Brasil vivencia um perÃodo de imersÃo tecnolÃgica em todas as Ãreas da sociedade, e a cada dia sÃo criadas tecnologias que potencializam as diversas atividades humanas. A escola deve acompanhar as mudanÃas advindas dos avanÃos tecnolÃgicos e ficar atenta Ãs novas possibilidades educacionais para desenvolver prÃticas contemporÃneas, a partir da inserÃÃo de computadores em atividades curriculares. Estes recursos possibilitam a interaÃÃo nas atividades em grupo, na troca de ideias e opiniÃes; ou para a pesquisa de outras realidades. Dessa forma, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar como o computador, por meio de recursos digitais, utilizados em atividades realizadas colaborativamente, pode fazer emergir Zonas de Desenvolvimento Proximal (ZDP). Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma escola pÃblica municipal de Aquiraz/CE, em grupos de dois ou mais aprendentes. Foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa, com carÃter interpretativo. A tÃcnica de pesquisa envolveu a observaÃÃo participante, com anÃlise microgenÃtica, e, como instrumentos de coleta de dados, vÃdeos e diÃrios de campo. As atividades planejadas envolveram as disciplinas curriculares, o uso do computador e alguns recursos da Internet. Os procedimentos metodolÃgicos foram considerados a partir de uma abordagem microgenÃtica, e definidos com a fundamentaÃÃo de pesquisadores contemporÃneos, como ColaÃo et al. (2007) e Meira e Lerman (2009), que ampliaram e interpretaram novos conceitos da ZDP de Vygotsky (1994). Os resultados foram analisados de acordo com categorias, no momento da anÃlise dos dados. A primeira categoria â InteraÃÃo entre pares â foi detalhada como as atividades em grupo, e a participaÃÃo dos pares contribuiu no desenvolvimento de ZDP. A segunda categoria â InteraÃÃo com alguÃm mais experiente â envolveu contribuiÃÃes e assistÃncia de alguÃm mais experiente, contribuindo para facilitaÃÃo da aprendizagem. Na categoria seguinte â Suporte da tecnologia â foram detalhados o uso da tecnologia pelos alunos e as contribuiÃÃes desse recurso para os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Na Ãltima categoria â Protagonismo estudantil â foi discutida a maneira como os alunos conseguiram ultrapassar seu nÃvel de desenvolvimento, podendo atuar como autores do prÃprio conhecimento, sendo observadas duas caracterÃsticas: Ativismo e Autonomia. Os resultados destacaram momentos em que os recursos, aliados à interaÃÃo entre pares, promovem e facilitam a emergÃncia de ZDP, acarretando aprendizagem e promovendo atuaÃÃes e posturas de autoria desses aprendentes em seu processo. / Brazil is experiencing a period of technological immersion in all areas of society and every day, technologies are created that power the various human activities. The school should monitor the resulting changes of technological resources and be open to new educational possibilities to develop contemporary practices, from the inclusion of computers in school activities. Computers are features that enable interaction in group activities, the exchange of ideas and opinions; or the research of other realities. Thus, this study aims to analyze how the computer through digital resources used in activities collaboratively, can emerge Proximal Development Zone (ZDP). This research was developed in a municipal school in Aquiraz / CE, in groups of two or more learners. Qualitative methodology with interpretative character was used. The research technique involved participant observation, with micro genetic analysis and as tools for collecting videos and daily data field. Planned activities included the curriculum subjects, the use of computer and some Internet resources. The methodological procedures were considered from a micro genetic approach, and defined with the statement of contemporary researchers, as Meira and Lerman (2009) and Colaco et al. (2007) which expanded and interpreted new concepts of the ZDP Vygotsky (1994). The results were analyzed according to categories at the time of data analysis. In the first category, interaction among peers, was detailed as group activities, and peer contribution contributed to the development of the zone. In the second category, interaction with someone more experienced, involved contributions and assistance from someone more experienced, contributing to facilitating learning. The next third, technology support, has detailed the use of technology by students and contributions of this resource for teaching and learning processes. In the last category, student Protagonism discussed how students managed to overcome their level of development and can act as author of knowledge itself, and observed two characteristics: Activism and autonomy. The results highlighted times when resources combined with peer interaction promote and facilitate the emergence of ZPD, resulting in learning, promoting performances and authoring postures of these learners in the process.

Proficiência em matemática: discalculia e características da aprendizagem no ensino fundamental II e no ensino médio / Proficiency in math: dyscalculia and characteristics of learning in elementary Education II and in high school

Nascimento, Leandro Tenório do 07 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-04-04T15:54:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Tenorio do Nascimento.pdf: 17113710 bytes, checksum: 80f9aadb50d595b2c2a750da3a03529d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-04T15:54:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Tenorio do Nascimento.pdf: 17113710 bytes, checksum: 80f9aadb50d595b2c2a750da3a03529d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-07 / This research aims to evaluate the proficiency levels in math, students of the 6th year of primary school to the 3rd year of high school, with reference to the proposed content in the curriculum of the first four years of elementary education I. starts from assumption that these early mathematical concepts are very important in the mathematical logical reasoning construction process, being necessary therefore a follow-up arrest of this knowledge by students in later grades to key I, through polls and pedagogical interventions. With the quantitative and qualitative nature, characterized as case studies, carried out in two schools in the public school system, taking care to select one of those in peripheral region, which serve children from disadvantaged communities and other school in more centralized region in city center for pupils from different social classes of Franco da Rocha, city of São Paulo. The investigative research aims to identify the predisposition of dyscalculia among the evaluated students and the degree of difficulty that is presented in the subject, since the assessment that was applied consisted of questions with proposals abilities by the São State Education Paul, the mathematics curriculum and their technologies for students of 1st to 4th grade of elementary school, students in the 6th grade of elementary school II the 3rd year of high school. The research methodology was based according to the descriptive comments Robert Bogdan and Sari Biklen (1994). / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar os níveis de proficiência em matemática, de alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental ao 3º ano do ensino médio. Teve como referência os conteúdos propostos no currículo oficial da Secretaria a Educação dos primeiros 4 anos do ensino fundamental I. Parte-se do pressuposto de que esses conceitos matemáticos são muito importantes no processo de construção do raciocínio lógico matemático, sendo necessário, assim, acompanhar a apreensão desses conhecimentos pelos alunos das séries posteriores ao fundamental I. Foram realizadas intervenções pedagógicas caracterizando-se como estudo de casos, realizado em duas escolas da rede pública, escolhendo uma região periférica e outra escola em região mais centralizada da cidade de Franco da Rocha, na Grande São Paulo. A pesquisa tem como finalidade identificar a pré-disposição á discalculia entre os alunos avaliados e seu grau de dificuldade. A pesquisa constava de questões com habilidades propostas pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, no currículo de Matemática e suas Tecnologias para alunos de 1ª a 4ª série do ensino fundamental I, em alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental II ao 3º ano do ensino médio. A metodologia de pesquisa foi construída segundo as observações descritivas de Robert Bogdan e Sari Biklen (1994).

Det känns som att barnen kan mer än vad vi kan ibland : Förskollärares uppfattningar om bildskapande som estetisk lärprocess och digitala verktyg i Lpfö18

Hasselgren, Melanie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focus on the change in goal within the revised curriculum where digital techniques are included and the preschool teachers’ perception of pedagogical work with aesthetic learning processes. The study has a phenomenographic approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data. The analysis points out differences and similarities in the preschool teacher’s perceptions of image creation. The result of the study show that the preschool teachers’ perceptions show similarities and differences in children´s free image creation and the controlled image creation initiated by the adults. The preschool teacher’s perceptions of the controlled image creation show that it is often used as an aesthetic learning process to learn another subject or to process an experience while the perceptions of free image creation are that it happens more often spontaneously. It is used in the different theme areas of the preschool, because they perceive themselves lacking in knowledge and/-or interest. The preschool teacher’s perceptions of digital tools in relation to the preschool’s revised curriculum are that it is seen as a complement to analogue tools, but that the environment believes that the digital will replace analogue tools. The preschool teachers perceive that they lack knowledge about digital tools and that makes it difficult to implement it in teaching so that it will become a natural part of the teaching. The conclusion is that the preschool teachers are perceived to have a basic knowledge in the field of image creation and the digital tools. In order for the image creation and the preschool’s revised curriculum to be implemented, preschool teachers need more knowledge. Through knowledge is interest born and with more interest and knowledge, more aesthetic learning processes are created. / Med utgångspunkt i hur förskollärare uppfattar hur förskolans reviderade läroplan med digitala tekniker och förändrad målbeskrivning så är syftet för studien att fördjupa förståelsen kring hur förskollärare uppfattar det pedagogiska arbetet med estetiska lärprocesser med fokus på bildskapande. Undersökningen genomfördes med en fenomenografisk metodansats och halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen genomfördes för att synliggöra skillnader och likheter i förskollärarnas uppfattningar om bildskapandet. Resultatet visar att förskollärarnas uppfattningar om det fria bildskapandet är barninitierat och sker spontant. Detta ses som det” riktiga” bildskapandet och barnen skapar tillsammans med kompisar. Förskollärarnas uppfattningar om det styrda bildskapandet visar att det ofta används som estetisk lärprocess till att lära ett annat ämne eller för att bearbeta en upplevelse. Det används inom förskolans olika temaområden, detta för att de uppfattar sig själva sakna kunskap och/- eller intresse. Förskollärarnas uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i relation till förskolans reviderade läroplan är att det ses som ett komplement till analoga verktyg, men att omgivningen tror att det digitala ska ersätta analoga verktyg. Förskollärarna uppfattar att de saknar kunskaper kring digitala verktyg och det gör det svårt att implementera det i undervisningen så att det ska bli en naturlig del i undervisningen. Slutsatsen är att förskollärarna uppfattas ha en grundkunskap inom bildskapandet samt de digitala verktygen. För att bildskapandet och förskolans reviderade läroplan ska kunna genomföras så behöver förskollärarna få mer kunskap. Genom kunskap föds intresse och med mer intresse och kunskap skapas fler estetiska lärprocesser.

Elevers förståelse av faktatexter : Undervisning med digitala verktyg kontra analogt undervisningsmaterial / Students understanding of factual texts : Teaching with digital tools versus analog teaching materials

Fredriksson, Christian January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine whether pupils ' understanding of spoken factual texts is different if you teach using digital tools compared to analogue teaching material. The background to the survey is that Digitalisation has gained an increasingly large place in the Swedish school after changes in the curriculum. The survey's collected material has been received after a survey where 48 students in Grade 1 have been asked to answer questions for two spoken texts, one with digital tools and one using analog teaching material. The answers have since been compiled and analysed from a socio perspective with Vygotskijs thoughts as a basis. The results of my study show that students ' listening comprehension of spoken factual texts is proving to be a little better when teaching is done using digital tools. The reasons for this result I discuss from the idea that digital tools in themselves are not the reason in itself but are an aid and need to interact with several other components to achieve positive results. / Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka om elevers förståelse av upplästa faktatexter skiljer sig åt om man undervisar med hjälp av digitala verktyg jämfört med analogt undervisningsmaterial. Bakgrunden till undersökningen är att digitaliseringen har fått en allt större plats i den svenska skolan efter förändringar i läroplanen. Undersökningens insamlade material har inkommit efter en enkätstudie där 48 elever i årskurs 1 har fått svara på frågor till två upplästa texter, en med digitala verktyg och en med hjälp av analogt undervisningsmaterial. Svaren har sedan sammanställts och analyserats utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med Vygotskijs tankar som grund. Resultatet i min undersökning visar att elevernas hörförståelse för upplästa faktatexter visar sig vara aningen bättre när undervisningen sker med hjälp av digitala verktyg. Orsakerna till detta resultat diskuterar jag utifrån tanken att digitala verktyg i sig inte är anledningen i sig utan är ett hjälpmedel och behöver samverka med flera andra komponenter för att uppnå positiva resultat.

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