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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A adivinhação na tragédia de Ésquilo / Divination in the tragedy of Aeschylus

Beatriz Cristina de Paoli Correia 28 July 2015 (has links)
Esta tese estuda a adivinhação nas sete tragédias supérstites de Ésquilo entendendo-se a adivinhação não no sentido estrito de revelação de fatos futuros, mas no sentido mais amplo de um diálogo que se estabelece entre as instâncias divina e humana valendo-se de formas e recursos variados. Assim, a análise e interpretação destas tragédias priorizam os diversos aspectos deste diálogo divinatório para mostrar a adivinhação como fundamento da construção de estratégias dramáticas na tragédia esquiliana, por informar e definir tanto a peculiaridade desta poética quanto sua visão do mundo. / This thesis studies divination in the seven surviving tragedies of Aeschylus. Divination is taken here not in the strict sense of revelation of future events, but in the broader sense of a dialogue that is established between divine and human levels through a variety of forms and resources. Thus, the analysis and interpretation of these tragedies prioritises the different aspects of this divinatory dialogue, in order to show that divination is the basis for constructing the dramatic strategies in the tragedies of Aeschylus, since it informs and defines both the particular features of this poetics and its view of the world.

Des Pharaons kouchites aux Pharaons saïtes : identités, enjeux et pouvoir dans l’Egypte du VIIe siècle av. J.-C. / From the Kushite Pharaohs to the Saite Pharaohs : identities, issues and power in Egypt during the seventh century BC

Hourdin, Jeremy 23 January 2016 (has links)
Les études relatives à l'histoire de la première moitié du VIIe siècle av. J.-C. en Égypte sont encore relativement peu nombreuses. De ce fait, si les grandes lignes historiques sont chronologiquement assez bien établies, les étapes et les différents enjeux le sont quant à eux beaucoup moins.Cette période est marquée en Égypte par un important changement : les pharaons kouchites (de la XXVe dynastie, appelés aussi 'pharaons noirs' ou 'éthiopiens'), qui dominaient alors le pays depuis la fin du VIIIe siècle av. J-C., sont évincés par une nouvelle lignée de souverains d'origine libyenne (la XXVIe dynastie dite saïte), aidée par les invasions répétées de l'Égypte par l'Assyrie. Cette période de transition, d'environ une vingtaine d'années (entre les règnes de Taharqa, 690-664 av. J.-C., et de Psammétique Ier, 664-610 av. J.-C.), constitue ce sujet de recherche doctorale. L'objectif principal est donc d'éclairer de façon plus précise cette époque de transition en identifiant les acteurs principaux (souverains, clergé et dignitaires locaux) mais également les changements politiques, sociaux et culturels qui ont eu lieu. Une nouvelle étude qui prenne en compte les identités de chacun des protagonistes et leurs rapports avec le pouvoir est nécessaire. Il conviendra donc de définir le pouvoir pharaonique (sa nature et son expression notamment), les continuités et les modifications qui se sont opérées avec ce changement dynastique.Pour que cette étude puisse être la plus complète possible, ce sujet nécessite donc un réexamen de la documentation déjà connue par des recherches antérieures mais également la mise en lumière de documents mal connus ou encore ignorés. / The first half of the VIIth century BC have been marked in Egypt by an important transition. The Kushite pharaohs (the Nubian 25th dynasty, also named “black Pharaohs”) who dominated the country since the end of the eighth century, were ousted by a northern dynasty of Libyan origin (the 26th or Saite dynasty), in the context of the Assyrian invasions. This period of transition, between the reigns of the Kushite Taharqa (690-664) and the Saite Psamtik I (664-610) is the subject of this doctoral research.During the last few decades, the historical studies about the 25th and 26th dynasties have clarified the main events that marked Egypt and Nubia during this transitional period. If the more important historical events are relatively well known, the stages of the historical changes and the evolution of the pharaonic expression have been less studied.The main objective of this work is to clarify them by identifying the main protagonists (kings, clergy and local dignitaries) but also the political, social and cultural changes. The reign of the king Taharqa, thanks to the important and numerous documents (historical records and monuments) from Egypt and Nubia, constitute an important part of this research. The study of the textual and monumental expressions of Taharqa’s power (especially in Thebes in Egypt, or Kawa and Gebel Barkal in Nubia) and its evolutions in the context of the Assyrian wars, highlight the issues of this historical period. These informations can be completed by the documentation of the Kushite king Tanutamun and the saite Psamtik I.

Analysis of the Changes of the Opet Festival Procession : Between the Regents Hatshepsut and Tutankhamun / Analys av förändringarna av Opet festivalens procession : mellan regenterna Hatshepsut och Tutankhamun

Lennander Karlsson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
The essay analyses the changes of the Opet festival procession between the regents Hatshepsut and Tutankhamun, as some changes of the procession occur during this period. The purpose of this study is to fill in some of the knowledge gaps that exist and to combine different areas that have been researched with areas ​​where little research has been done. The purpose is to provide an insight into how the environment and politics played a role in the religious contexts of the Opet festival. The approach uses the reliefs of the Opet festival found in Luxor Temple and in Karnak Temple to see how the festival changed. By examining how the festival procession evolved and analysing what the changes were due to, one can answer the main question: Why did the processions in the Opet festival change? The focus will be to analyse Hatshepsut (1479–1457 B.C.), Amenhotep III (1388–1351 B.C.) and Tutankhamun's (1341–1323 B.C.) political and religious position, and to investigate whether it affected the development of the procession of the Opet Festival and if so, how it affected the change. Furthermore, by analysing the landscape through the study of the movement of the Nile and the annual cycle of the river and using the concepts of "constructed landscapes" and "ideational landscapes" as a starting point for analysing the temples and processional ways. This study also provides something for future projects to build on, as there are currently not many studies on the processions of the Opet Festival, more research is needed in this area. Since this is an approach that has not been done before, by looking at the political and historical aspects as well as the environmental aspects and how they affect the processions of the Opet festival, will this fill some of the knowledge gaps currently present. / Uppsatsen analyserar förändringarna i Opet festivalens processioner mellan regenterna Hatshepsut och Tutankhamun, då många förändringar i processionen skedde under denna period. Syftet med denna studie är att fylla några av de kunskapsluckor som finns genom att kombinera olika områden som det har forskats mycket om för att analysera ett område som det inte har forskats lika mycket om. Syftet är att ge en inblick i hur miljön och politiken spela en roll i de religiösa sammanhangen som fanns i forntida Egypten. Tillvägagångsättet kommer vara att använda relieferna av Opet festivalen som finna i Luxortemplet och i Karnaktemplet för att se hur festivalen förändrades. Genom att undersöka och redovisa hur processionen under festivalen utvecklades och analysera vad de förändringarna berodde på, kan studien besvara huvudfrågan: Varför förändrades processionerna i Opet festivalen? Fokuset kommer vara att analysera Hatshepsut (1479–1457 f.v.t.), Amenhotep III (1388–1351 f.v.t.) och Tutankhamuns (1341–1323 f.v.t.) politiska och religiösa ståndpunkt, samt undersöka om det påverkade utvecklingen av Opet festivalens procession och i så fall hur det påverka förändringen. Samt analysera landskapet genom att studera Nilens rörelse och översvämning och även använda begreppen konstruerat -och idémässigt landskap som startpunkt för att analysera templen och processionsvägarna. Denna studie kan också ge något för framtida projekt att bygga på, då det i nuläget inte finns många undersökningar om Opet festivalens processioner, behövs det mer forskning inom detta område. Då det här är en infallsvinkel som inte gjorts tidigare, genom att kolla på de politiska och historiska aspekterna samt miljöaspekterna och hur de påverka processionerna av Opet festivalen, kommer detta fylla några av de kunskapsluckor som finns i nuläget.

Determining the Significance of Alliance Pathologies in BipolarSystems: A Case of the Peloponnesian War from 431-421 BCE

Meyer, Anthony Lee Isaac 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Recherches sur l'administration de la Thébaïde à l'époque ptolémaïque, 323-30 av. n. è.

Bieganski, Nicolas 30 September 2011 (has links)
Au début de l’époque ptolémaïque, la Thébaïde constitue un ensemble original tant géographiquement que structurellement :elle s’étend de Syène à Lykopolis et est administrée comme un nome depuis Thèbes qui est sa métropole, avec un stratège et un nomarque (thébarque) établis à sa tête. Le règne des Lagides est marqué par une normalisation de cette administration, qui s’effectue au rythme des troubles politiques (sécession de 206-186, guerre civile de 132-124, révolte thébaine de 88-85) ;au Ier siècle et suite à des évolutions successives, le nome canonique est redevenu l’unité territoriale de base de l’administration thébaïque. Cette restructuration ne peut être comprise qu’au regard de l’histoire de la région dans les derniers siècles de l’époque pharaonique :les Lagides ont hérité d’une désorganisation née de la Troisième Période intermédiaire et de la Basse Époque, au cours desquelles les temples ont occupé une place prépondérante dans le gouvernement méridional, se substituant souvent à un pouvoir central défaillant. Les souverains grecs se sont appuyés sur ces institutions religieuses pour installer leur administration en Thébaïde, suivant en cela la tradition égyptienne ;les constructions religieuses, nombreuses dans le sud, sont à mettre en parallèle à cet effort d’ « administralisation »./At the beginning of the Ptolemaic period, the Thebaid is an original set both geographically and structurally :it stretches from Aswan to Lykopolis and is administered as a nomos from Thebes which is his metropolis, headed by a strategos and a nomarch (thebarch). The reign of the Ptolemies is characterized by a normalization of this administration, which fluctuated with the political unrest (secession of 206-186, civil war of 132-124, Theban revolt in 88-85) :in the 1st Century BC and after successive developments, the canonical nomos is again the basic territorial unit of the southern administration. This restructuring can be understood only in the light of the history of the region in the last centuries of the Pharaonic era :the Ptolemies had inherited a disruption created by the Third Intermediate Period and the Late Period, during which temples have occupied a prominent place in the southern government, often replacing a failing central power. The Greek rulers have relied on these religious institutions to set up their administration in the Thebaid, in line with Egyptian tradition ;religious buildings, many in the South, are set parallel to this effort of “administralization”. / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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