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Bytový dům v Třebíči - příprava a realizace stavby / Preparation and realization of apartment house in TřebíčKrejčí, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with the technological project and realization of apartment house in Třebíč. This work includes technical reports ZS and STP, site equipment, wider transport relations, budget calculation, time planning, inspection and test plan, design mechanisms and job security for this building.
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Hranice – redefinice městské struktury / Hranice – redefinition of urban structureUherková, Ivona January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis Park and Ride deals with the design of a car park in the town of Hranice, which is known mainly for its important transport train node and Hranice Abyss. The city now suffers from the high intensity of car traffic in the city center due to insufficient street network. This network is disrupted by a four-lane road that was built in the 1980s and cut natural transport links. The abolition of the four-lane road, which is now lacking in transport services, releases a large amount of development area, which is primarily used as an agri-recreational area. Part of this green belt is the parking house, which prevents the entry of surplus cars into the city center. The parking house is a new transport hub of the city, which also includes elements of alternative transport - transfer to public transport or bicycle, which makes it possible to create a city center pleasant for pedestrians.
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Pivovar ve městě, město v pivovaru - architektonicko urbanistická studie přestavby znojemského pivovaru / Brewery in the city, the city in the brewery - architectural and urban redevelopment of a brewery in ZnojmoBalážová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Brewery premises waiting for its time once again to raise their fate. The proposal deals with thinning adequate space for the return of the former grandeur of the castle courtyard. Take the power of its current and cumbersome, and bring back into the historic character of the former in the form of vertical predatory towers and all the socio-eco-logical aspects.
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Ostravskou krajinou... / Across the landscape of Ostrava...Kubinová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
A human enters with his activities to the industrial landscape in the same natural way as the nature entered before, and developed them.
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Optimization of ion exchange process on the removal of heavy metals from cooling tower water and regeneration of ion exchange resins.Mbedzi, Robert Mbavhalelo 06 1900 (has links)
M.Tech. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology. / In the present study, the removal of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from cooling tower water using Amberlite IR120 and Amberjet 1200 was studied by the application of one factor at a time method (OFAT) and response surface modelling (RSM). The effect of operational parameters such as contact time (min), pH, dosage (mL), concentration (mg/L) and temperature (K) were investigated using central composite design. The regeneration of the Amberlite IR120 and Amberjet were also studied. The purpose of the study was to apply OFAT and RSM to investigate and optimize the ion exchange operating parameters. Furthermore, the second-order empirical model that was developed, using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), presented a sufficient correlation to the ion exchange experimental data. The optimal ion exchange operating conditions for Amberlite IR120 and Amberjet 1200 were found to be: contact time was 120 min, dosage of 150mL, initial pH level of 2, concentration of 400mg/L and temperature of 343K. Regeneration of Amberlite IR120 and Amberjet 1200 using 0.5 M NaCl stripping solution initially showed an increase in % Ca2+ and Mg2+ removal, then a decrease in subsequent cycles. The correlation coefficients (R2) of Langmuir, Freudlich and Tempkin isotherms were found to range from 0.92 to 1 and this suggest that experimental data best described the models. However correlation coefficients (R2) for Dubinin–Radushkevich (D-R) model were found to range between 0.5 to 0.8 and this means that experimental data does not fit the model. Thermodynamic functions such as entropy (Δ𝑆𝑜), enthalpy (Δ𝐻𝑜) and change of free energy (Δ𝐺𝑜) were obtained from the gradient and intercepts of straight line graphs. The positive values of ΔG° were found meaning that the adsorption is not spontaneous and positive values of ΔH° were found meaning the endothermic type of adsorption which indicate the chances of physical adsorption.The correlation coefficient (R2) values of pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and intraparticle models were found to range from 0.89 to 1 on both metals as shown in table 4.4. This observation clearly indicates that pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and intraparticle diffusion models best describe the experimental data in the removal Ca2+ and Mg2+ from cooling tower water.
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Remote Interface Design for Fault Handling of Driverless TrucksHolm Englund, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
There are many potential benefits to reap from driverless trucks in the industry of freight transport. However, there are concerns about the uptime of these vehicles, and the concept of a control tower — that monitors and supports the decision-making of driverless trucks — has been suggested to address those concerns. This thesis aims to explore the interface between a human control tower operator and fleets of driverless trucks through the design and development of such an interface. It is suggested what information and features ought to be included in the interface but more importantly, three aspects of a conceptual framework for further development of the interface are proposed: 1) The main tasks for the control tower. 2) The two key operator roles. 3) A broadened view of the control tower concept. / Det finns många potentiella fördelar i förarlösa lastbilar inom godstransportbranschen. Det finns emellertid även en särskild angelägenhet kring uptime för dessa fordon, därav har ett kontrolltornskoncept — som övervakar och stöttar beslutsfattandet av förarlösa lastbilar — föreslagits som ett sätt att tillgodose denna angelägenhet. Den här uppsatsen ämnar att utforska gränssnittet mellan en mänsklig kontrolltornoperatör och fordonsflottor genom att designa och utveckla ett sådant gränssnitt. Det föreslås vilken information och vilka funktioner som borde inkluderas i gränssnittet men framförallt proponeras tre aspekter av ett konceptuellt ramverk för vidareutveckling av gränssnittet: 1) Huvuduppgifterna för kontrolltornet. 2) De två huvudsakliga operatörsrollerna. 3) En vidare tolkning av kontrolltornskonceptet.
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Multi-level Decoupled Optimization of Wind Turbine Structures Using Coefficients of Approximating Functions as Design VariablesLee, Jin Woo January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Atom interferometric experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates in microgravityPahl, Julia 24 January 2024 (has links)
Atominterferometrie (AI) auf Basis von Lichtpulsen ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug der Präzisionsmesstechnik in Bereichen der inertialen Sensorik oder Fundamentalphysik geworden. Vor allem in Kombination mit ultrakalten, atomaren Quellen, sowie der Verwendung im schwerelosen Raum, werden hohe Sensitivitäten erwartet, die Verletzungen des schwachen Äquivalenzprinzips nachweisen können. QUANTUS-2 ist ein mobiles Atominterferometer, das am ZARM Fallturm in Bremen operiert. Durch seine Atomchip-basierte atomare Rubidiumquelle mit hoher Flussdichte dient es als Vorreiterexperiment für zukünftige Weltraummissionen, bei denen Schlüsseltechnologien wie die Erzeugung von Bose-Einstein Kondensaten (BECs), Delta-Kick Kollimation oder Anwendung verschiedener AI-Geometrien auf sekundenlangen Zeitskalen untersucht werden.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Kalium-Diodenlasersystem aufgebaut, um die Funktionalität auf Zwei-Spezies Nutzung zu erweitern. Basierend auf dem Design des Rubidium-Diodenlasersystem mit mikrointegrierten Laserdiodenmodulen und kompakter Elektronik, konnte es erfolgreich qualifiziert werden. In einem Machbarkeitsbeweis wurde eine magneto-optische Falle mit Kalium generiert, die die Fähigkeit des Lasersystems zum Fangen von Atomen demonstriert. Mit Rubidium wurden offene Ramsey-Interferometer und Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZIs) am Boden und in über 155 Abwürfen untersucht. Die Kombination von unterschiedlich stark Delta-Kick kollimierten BECs und AI in Schwerelosigkeit eröffnete eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der magnetischen Linsendauer zur optimalen Kollimierung. Asymmetrische MZIs mit Interferometerzeiten von 2T > 1s konnten erfolgreich demonstriert werden. Mit gravimetrischen Untersuchungen am Boden auf Basis von MZIs und einer zusätzlichen Methode der Atomlevitation wurde die lokale Gravitationsbeschleunigung g ermittelt. Die untersuchten Schlüsseltechnologien sind fundamentale Notwendigkeiten, um den Weg für zukünftige Weltraummissionen aufzubereiten. / Light-pulse atom interferometry (AI) is an important tool for high precision measurements in the fields of inertial sensing or fundamental physics. Especially in combination with ultra-cold atomic sources and operation in microgravity, high sensitivities are expected that are necessary for the search for violations of the weak equivalence principle. QUANTUS-2 is a mobile atom interferometer operating at the ZARM drop tower in Bremen. With its high-flux, atom chip-based atomic rubidium source, it serves as a pathfinder for future space missions, examining key technologies like the generation of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), implementation of delta-kick collimation or application of various AI geometries.
In this thesis, a potassium diode laser system has been built to complete the preordained functionality of dual-species operation. Based on the design of the rubidium laser system with micro-integrated laser diode modules and compact electronics, it successfully passed the qualification tests. In a proof of principle measurement, a potassium magneto-optical trap could be generated to prove the system’s capability of trapping atoms. With rubidium, open Ramsey type interferometers and Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) were examined on ground and in over 155 drops in microgravity. The combination of variably delta-kicked collimated BECs and AI in microgravity revealed a new technique to determine the magnetic lens duration for optimal collimation. Asymmetric MZIs with interferometry times of 2T > 1s have successfully been demonstrated. Gravimetric examinations on ground with MZIs and by an additional levitation technique have been performed to determine the local gravitational acceleration g. The examined key technologies are fundamental necessities that have to be considered to pave the way for future space missions.
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Vyhlídková věž v oblasti jihovýchodní Moravy / Timber structure of a view tower in southeast MoraviaVrbka, Jan January 2014 (has links)
he master’s thesis consists of a case study of an observation tower design made of glue laminated timber and steel. There are two different tower shapes of anchored or free standing tower and these towers are compared. One of the design is chosen and elaborated into final detailing. A short review of main issues bound with the observation towers is given. The review deals mainly with loading (mainly priniples wind loads are analised) and evaluating of towers (ultimate limit states, service limit states and acceleration comfort). The height of final construction is up to 60m. The design is formed by a space lattice structure made of glue laminated timber and steel members of different class. The members are fastened mainly by means of dowel joints with slotted-in-plates . There is a light steel stairway inserted into the main structure.
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Centrální požární stanice Svitavy / Fire station, SvitavyNavrátil, Michal January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis elaborates the project documentation for the construction of a new apartment of central fire station type C1 with the administrative part of the Territorial Department. The fire station is technologically linked to the second building SO.02 the technical and technological background of the fire station. The building is situated on the eastern edge of Svitavy. The building is non-cellular, it has three floors and a flat green roof. Three floors fulfilling matter with mainly administrative function is connected with two floors blocks fire station with an indoor gym. Above the floor containing garages for emergency vehicles facilities for the emergency unit are placed with a curtain that creates fading of the emergency door. The matter of the gym is optically separated from the station and highlighted with a volume narrow neck and height elevation. In the station there are training places and places for general physical preparation. The buildings are located in a sloping terrain. The ground fire station has a heliport. The establishment supporting columns of the building are for made of prefabricated calyx, and are concreted into monolithic foundation pads. Infill wall vertical bearing and non-bearing structures are designed from clay blocks type THERM. The bearing system is reinforced concrete prefabricated frame. Horizontally bearing structures are designed from prestressed hollow core slabs. The building envelope is made of a curtain wall in dark grey and red combined with a light contact thermal insulation system used on the indoor gym. The envelopes are in the administrative part and the part of the station divided by a glazed area. In the workshops and technology room the envelope is divided by lamellae. Usually there are 13 firemen during one shift, in three shifts there work 39 firemen all together. There are supposed to be 17 employees in the administrative department.
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