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Ekonomické a geopolitické důsledky TPP a TTIP pro USA / Economic and Geopolitical Implications of TPP and TTIP for the United StatesŠálený, Václav January 2016 (has links)
Multilateral trade negotiations within the World Trade Organization have reached a stalemate but there are new trade agreements being currently negotiated, either on bilateral or multinational basis. This thesis deals with two current major trade initiatives, the Trans-Pacific Partnership between the United States and eleven Pacific countries and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership which includes the United States and the European Union. The thesis uses a comparative analysis to assess economic as well as geopolitical implications of the two trade agreements for the United States. The most apparent geopolitical aspect is the effort of the United States to write the rules of trade for the 21st century before China does so. In regards to economic implications, the thesis works with a concept of intra-industry trade and based on it assesses the possible economic effects on the United States economy, especially in regards to productivity and transactional costs on labor market. Both of the agreements have many critics and their future is not clear. This thesis argues that in certain economic and geopolitical aspects, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is more beneficial and strategic for the United States.
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Micro- and Nanogel Formation through the Ionic Crosslinking of PolyelectrolytesHuang, Yan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Part I Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation Catalyzed by Pd-Dendron Complexes Part II Self-assembly of n-/p- type Heterojunction NanomaterialsTu, Siyu 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Tuning the ground and excited state properties of a series of polymetallic tridentate complexes incorporating Ru(II) or Os(II) as the chromophoreVogler, Lisa M. 06 June 2008 (has links)
The work reported in this thesis involves the synthesis of a series of monometallic and polymetallic complexes incorporating the tridentate polypyridyl bridging ligand tpp (where tpp = 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine) and an investigation of their ground and excited state properties. A series of ruthenium monometallic chromophore complexes has been prepared varying the ligands coordinated on the metal center. The systematic alteration of the ligands has enhanced the understanding of the electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of ruthenium polypyridyl tridentate complexes. In contrast to [Ru(tpy)₂]²⁺ (where tpy = 2,2’:6’,2’’-terpyridine), these monometallic complexes and many of the polymetallic systems emit in solution at room temperature. Methylation of one of the remote pyridine nitrogens on tpp has been accomplished forming a covalently coupled viologen that can potentially function as an electron acceptor.
Two classes of synthetically useful bimetallic complexes of the form [(tpy)M(tpp)RuCl₃]⁺ and [(tpy)M(tpp)Ru(tpp)]⁴⁺ have been prepared (where M = Ru(II) or Os(II)). Synthetic methods have been developed for the stepwise construction of tpp bridged systems by a building block approach. In all bimetallic complexes, the tpp bridging ligand is the site of localization of the LUMO. In the [(tpy)M(tpp)RuCl₃]⁺ systems, the ruthenium metal coordinated to tpp and three chlorides is the easiest to oxidize and is the site of localization of the HOMO. In contrast, for the [(tpy)M(tpp)Ru(tpp)]⁴⁺ systems, the HOMO is localized on the metal being varied, either Ru or Os. This gives rise to complexes which possess a lowest lying excited state that is always a MLCT state involving tpp but can be tuned to involve Ru or Os metal centers. Bimetallic systems that incorporate this tpp ligand have long lived excited states in solution at room temperature (t >100 ns). The bimetallic complex [(tpy)Ru(tpp)IrCl₃]²⁺ has been studied and shown to be an electrocatalyst for the reduction of CO₂ to CO and formate.
The synthesis of the monometallic complexes has advanced the understanding of the ground and excited state properties of tridentate compounds. Incorporation of these complexes into bimetallic systems has aided in the understanding of the perturbations of these properties that occur upon formation of a polymetallic system. / Ph. D.
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Med betaltjänstdirektivet PSD2 som katalysator : Hur strategiska val och möjliga roller i värdekedjan påverkar den framtida marknadspositionen / PSD2 as a Catalyst : How Strategic Directions and Possible Roles in the Value Chain Influence on the Future Market PositionUggla, Anton January 2019 (has links)
Även om marknaden för finansiella tjänster digitaliseras i en allt högre takt finns det fortfarandeinträdesbarriärer för nya aktörer som vill utveckla betal- och kontotjänster för konsumenter. Ettav dessa hinder är att infrastrukturen som används för tjänsterna ägs och förvaltas av deetablerade aktörerna vilket försvårar för en fri konkurrens. Som ett led i att bland annat öppnaupp den europeiska finansiella tjänstesektorn och främja innovation har EU därför infört ettandra betaltjänstdirekt (PSD2) som trädde i kraft under 2018. Direktivet omfattar etableradebanker och finansbolag och tvingar dem att exponera betaltjänster och kontoinformation tilltredjepartsleverantörer när kunden gett sitt medgivande. Införandet av PSD2 kommer förändraspelplanen för både etablerade och nya aktörer när befintliga affärsmodeller utmanas i takt medatt kunderna själva väljer finansiella tjänster efter tycke och smak. Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur etablerade banker och finansbolagförhåller sig till möjligheterna och utmaningarna med att anpassa sina verksamheter i enlighetmed PSD2. Därtill är syftet att undersöka huruvida alternativet att inte ta upp kampen med nyaaktörer om de kundnära tjänsterna är en möjlig överlevnadsstrategi för de etablerade aktörerna.Den kvalitativa studien som ligger till grund för slutsatserna bygger på intervjuer somgenomförts med respondenter från två etablerade aktörer samt en ny aktör på den svenskabankmarknaden. Principerna för kvalitativ innehållsanalys har tillämpats vid strukturering ochanalys av intervjuerna. Resultatet visar att PSD2 även förväntas ge etablerade aktörer nya möjligheter attvidareutveckla sina tjänster genom att använda det tekniska ramverket utöver de regulatoriskakrav som direktivet föreskriver. I valet av strategi för PSD2 och de möjliga roller i värdekedjansom erbjuds finns det dock utmaningar med både den mest tillbakalutade och framåtriktademarknadspositionen eftersom dessa ställer krav som är svåra att leva upp till. PSD2 kommeräven medföra fler samarbeten mellan etablerade och nya aktörer som följd av att det finns ettömsesidigt beroende mellan parterna i ambitionen om att leverera den bästa kundupplevelsen.
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TPP的地緣政治與地緣經濟因素: 台灣加入TPP戰略思考之研究 / The Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Factors: Taiwan's Strategic Calculation to Join TPP詹雅涵 Unknown Date (has links)
二、 海島型經濟特色的台灣,向區域開放市場,是台灣唯一的選擇
在各式區域經貿協議之中,施行零關稅及強調非關稅的壁壘,簡化文書作業及海關程序,更是打破國與國之間疆,使得關稅制度保護本土產品的制度設計初衷,不復存在,如此強者愈強,弱者愈弱,區域經濟形成一種M型化的競爭態勢。 / This thesis focuses on strategy of U.S. Pivot to Asia Pacific region and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with the theory of state interest to analyze how the U.S. manages the establishment and operation of TPP on the consideration of the strong economic growth of Asia-Pacific region and the status of rising China as the second largest economic entity around the world. During the process, what is the strategy of the U.S. and China? On the other hand, under the domestic support of two major parties in Taiwan to join TPP, Kuomintang (KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), on the way to join TPP, what diplomatic strategies will Taiwan confront when it deals with China and the U.S.? In other words, what are the pros and cons for Taiwan to join TPP? Based on historical analysis, document analysis, this thesis found three major findings:
1. The increase of power of Rising China will enhance the opportunity of Taiwan to join TPP
As China’s state power increases, the U.S. will adopt much more serious “Containment” strategies. Under this circumstance, the role of Taiwan will become much more important. Therefore, under the intense U.S. containment strategies, the opportunities for Taiwan to join TPP will become higher.
2. Open market to the region is the choice for sea-island economic Taiwan
Taiwan belongs to sea-island economic, which relies on export on the development of industry, and China becomes the major export partner of Taiwan. Facing the challenge of South Korea and Japan which have signed FTA with China, Taiwan has to engage in a more active way to the open market to avoid isolation on the competition of Chinese market.
3. TPP and FTA are the definite result of globalization
Among all kinds of regional agreements, zero tax barrier and simplification of administration process on document and custom examination are the keys to break the obstacle between country and country. Moreover, by doing so countries could break the limitation on protecting the local products, which further fosters the M shape competition among the regional economic development between the strong and weak countries.
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Levels and sources of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in indoor and outdoor environmentsMarklund, Anneli January 2005 (has links)
Global consumption of organophosphate esters (OPs), which are used as flame retardants and plasticizers, is rapidly increasing. Their use as additives in diverse applications poses a risk as they may be emitted from the products they are added to and be further transported in the environment. Therefore, the levels, distribution, and possible sources of 15 OPs, some of which are reported to be toxic, were investigated in indoor and outdoor environments. An exposure assessment was performed, and the exposure to OPs via inhalation was examined for five occupational groups. In addition, based on the findings of the studies, the total flow of OPs in Sweden was estimated. In indoor environments, the OPs detected in air and dust varied between the sites, but generally reflected the building materials, furniture etc. used in the premises. A majority of the analysed OPs were detected in all samples, and public buildings tended to have higher levels than domestic buildings. The chlorinated OPs dominated in indoor air and wipe samples from vehicles. They were also abundant in the dust samples. Some occupational groups were significantly more exposed to OPs than others. Aircraft technicians, for example, were exposed to about 500 times more tributyl phosphate than day care centre personnel. Upon domestic and industrial cleaning, OPs are discharged with the wastewater via the sewage system to sewage treatment plants (STPs). Irrespective of the size of the STPs investigated, they had similar levels of OPs in their influents, indicating that products containing OPs are widely used by the communities they serve. In some cases, it was possible to trace elevated levels of individual OPs to specific sources. The OPs were poorly removed from the wastewater, and the chlorinated OPs especially tended to pass through the STPs without being removed or degraded. Thus, levels of OPs in their effluents were also similar, as were the levels in their sludge. Of the total amounts of OPs entering the STPs, 50% was emitted to the recipients via the effluent. Hence, there is room for significant improvement in the treatment processes. Carps living in a pond, receiving STP effluent were found to contain relatively high levels of OPs compared to perch collected in lakes from background locations. Air and road traffic were also identified as sources of OPs: the concentration of total OPs in snow samples decreased with increasing distance from a major road intersection, and OPs were detected in aircraft lubricants and hydraulic fluids and in waste oil from cars and lorries. OPs are emitted from both diffuse and direct sources to the environment and may then be spread by long-range air transport, rivers and streams. This probably explains why OPs were also detected in air and fish from background locations. Finally, OPs are ubiquitous substances in both indoor and outdoor environments. The possibility that prolonged exposure to OPs at the levels found may cause adverse effects, for instance in aqueous organisms, cannot be excluded. For example, the OP levels in snow were of the same magnitude as reported effect concentrations. Similarly, in some premises, indoor exposure to OPs was close to the suggested guideline value. However, since these studies include only a limited number of samples, and data regarding the health and environmental effects of OPs are sparse, no definitive conclusions regarding their possible environmental effects can be drawn. / Den globala konsumtionen av organiska fosfatestrar (OP) för användning som flamskyddsmedel och mjukgörare har ökat kraftigt på senare tid. Det breda användningsområdet för dessa additiv medför en risk att de kan avges från de produkter de är satta till och transporteras vidare ut i miljön. Följaktligen undersöktes källor till, halter av, och fördelning i inom- och utomhusmiljöer av 15 OP, varav en del har toxiska effekter. Vidare har exponering för OP i bl.a bostäder och offentliga byggnader beräknats. Utöver detta undersöktes exponeringen för OP via inandning hos 5 yrkesgrupper. Slutligen användes resultaten för att uppskatta det totala flödet av OP i Sverige. I de olika inomhusmiljöerna uppmättes ett flertal OP i varierande halter i damm och luft, men generellt speglade halterna byggnadsmaterial, möbler etc. som fanns i lokalerna. De offentliga lokalerna tenderade att uppvisa högre halter än privata hus, förmodligen beroende på högre brandskyddskrav. Klorerade OP dominerade i inomhusluft samt i avstrykningsprov från fordon och förekom även i höga halter i damm. Vissa yrkesgrupper var exponerade för betydligt högre halter OP än andra, t.ex. exponerades flygtekniker för upp till 500 ggr högre lufthalter av tributylfosfat jämfört med förskollärare. I samband med våtskurning i inomhusmiljöer (hushåll, industrilokaler, osv.) släpps avsevärda mängder OP ut i avloppet och når till sist reningsverk. Oberoende av storlek på reningsverken var halterna av OP relativt lika, i vardera ingående vatten och slam, vilket indikerar en bred användning av OP i samhället. I vissa fall kunde specifika källor till OP i avloppsvattnet spåras. Exempelvis hade två av reningsverken högre halter av en klorerad OP jämfört med övriga reningsverk. Dessa behandlade vatten från en skumplastfabrik, respektive en fabrik som tillverkar flamskyddad färg. Avskiljningsgraden av OP från avloppsvatten visade sig generellt vara dålig, i synnerhet klorerade OP tenderade att passera genom reningsverken utan att degraderas eller avskiljas från vattnet. Av den mängd OP som nådde reningsverken släpptes 50 % ut till miljön via utflödet. Som ett resultat av detta uppvisade karpar från en damm påverkad av utflödet från ett reningsverk höga halter OP jämfört med abborrar från referenssjöar. Det finns därför anledning att förbättra tekniken på reningsverken. Flyg- och vägtrafik kunde också identifieras som källor till OP i miljön. OP uppmättes i hydrauloljor och smörjmedel för flygplan samt i spillolja från bilar och lastbilar. Vidare minskade totalhalten OP i snöprov med ökat avstånd från en större vägkorsning. OP släpps således ut från både diffusa och direkta källor och kan sedan spridas vidare via luft och vattendrag. Därmed var det inte förvånande att OP även påträffades i luft och fisk från bakgrundslokaler. Avslutningsvis förekommer OP i varierande halter i såväl inom- som utomhusmiljöer. Det kan inte uteslutas att långvarig exponering för de halter av OP som uppmätts skulle kunna orsaka negativa effekter hos t.ex vatten- eller jordlevande organismer. I smälta snöprov från en flygplats uppmättes exempelvis halter av OP i samma storleksordning som rapporterade effektkoncentrationer. Dessutom visade sig den beräknade exponeringen av OP, i några av de provtagna inomhuslokalerna, uppgå till halter nära det föreslagna riktvärdet för OP i Tyskland. Dessa studier inkluderar dock ett begränsat antal prov och provtyper och kunskapen om dessa föreningars miljö- och hälsoeffekter är bristfällig. Därför bedöms underlaget som för litet för att några definitiva slutsatser ska kunna dras angående OPs eventuella effekter på miljön.
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Emissions of organic compounds from technosphere articles : Measurements and modeling of mass transfer from consumer goods and building materials to air and waterHolmgren, Tomas January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of a generic model for predicting the emissions of organic compounds from materials used in the manufacture of various goods and products. Many products contain organic substances that are not bound to the matrix formed by their constituent materials and are thus able to dissociate from the material and become transferred into the surrounding environment. A wide range of materials and products are used in modern societies, and many compounds deriving from these materials are regarded as emerging pollutants in both indoor and outdoor environments. The model uses three components to describe the transfer of compounds from materials to the surrounding environment: partitioning of the compound between the material and its surroundings based on linear free energy relationships, diffusion within the material based on the Piringer equation, and convective mass transfer in air or water based on an empirical flat surface model. The model’s predictive capacity was tested against three experimental case studies: emissions of plasticizers from vinyl flooring and triphenyl phosphate from LCD screens into the air, and leaching of organophosphates from concrete into water. The rates of emission from vinyl flooring were clearly affected by the number of layers comprising the material. Triphenyl phosphate was found in the front surface of all tested flat screens and its rates of emission were related to the nature of the screen and its operating temperature. The model accurately predicted emissions into the air and leaching from concrete into water once modified to include modules that describe dissolution from surfaces and diffusion in water-filled pores. The model was then used to investigate emissions on the national scale. It was found that the rates of emission from vinyl flooring are not changing over time, and that the total mass of emitted material is dependent on annual sales volumes and the expected life span of the vinyl flooring. Moreover, the additive used has a large effect on the emitted mass. Emissions from flat screen displays depend strongly on their operating temperatures: displays with high working temperatures that are active for extended periods of time produce more emissions. The model was also used to study the release of organophosphates from the concrete used to make a bridge, which depended on the flow of water under the bridge, the temperature, the porosity of the concrete, and the additive’s water solubility. Data on annual sales volumes and the total surface area of sold goods are essential when studying emissions on a national scale. National retailers’ organizations are valuable sources of such information. When adequate data are not available, it is necessary to perform uncertainty analyses to determine the impact of uncertainty in the modeling of different stages of the emissions process in different scenarios.
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Blends of Polydioctylfluorene (PFO) with polymeric and monomeric energy acceptors: correlation of fluorescence energy transfer and film morphology in breath figures and filmsNguyen, Vu Anh 13 May 2008 (has links)
Fluorescence energy transfer from poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) to polymeric energy acceptors that include head-to-tail regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene or P3HT) and poly(2-methoxy-5(2 -ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) or MEH-PPV and monomeric acceptor meso-tetraphenylporphyrin or TPP was studied and correlated with the underlying morphology when the donor-acceptor blends were prepared as drop-coated films or breath-figure structures. It was found that the phase-separate morphology in films and breath figures was influenced by a number of factors, including material transport dynamics, solubility of the blend components in a solvent, interaction of the solvent with the substrate, and the diffusion rate of the blend components.
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Os impactos do TPP e RCEP sobre o agronegócio brasileiro: análise por meio de um modelo de equilíbrio geral computávelCunha, Celiano Plocharski da 22 March 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-22 / The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the possibility of Brazil integrate the main agreements of the Asian region, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). A computable general equilibrium model is employ to simulate scenarios on various agreements, which will make it possible to identify the potential impacts and opportunities for Brazilian agribusiness. The impact on exports, imports and production of the agribusiness segments will have the emphasis, through scenarios to reduce trade barriers between countries participating in the agreements. Faced with difficulties in advancing multilateral agreements, the protectionist position of the United States, and the difficulties of opening up the European market, we must consider taking up the potential space that these countries will leave in trade relations with other nations and economic blocs. The results indicate that Brazilian agribusiness; GDP and Welfare are more benefited through participation in the agreements than to stay away from them. Integrating simultaneously in TPP and RCEP is the scenario that most favours Brazilian agribusiness. Joining the RCEP brings the best effects on welfare The results also indicate that RCEP is the hypothetical scenario most beneficial for GDP. / O presente estudo tem como objetivo examinar os efeitos sobre o Brasil da formação dos principais acordos da região asiática, o Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) e o Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Diante das dificuldades no avanço de acordos multilaterais, a posição protecionista dos EUA, e as dificuldades para uma maior abertura do mercado europeu, é preciso considerar ocupar o espaço potencial que estes países deixarão nas relações comerciais com outras nações e blocos econômicos. O modelo de equilíbrio geral computável Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) foi utilizado para simulação de cenários alternativos, que consideram a formação desses acordos com e sem a participação do Brasil nos mesmos. As simulações permitem identificar os potenciais impactos e oportunidades para a economia brasileira, em especial, para o agronegócio do país. Os cenários são simulados por meio de eliminação de barreiras comerciais tarifárias entre países participantes dos acordos. Os resultados apontam que o agronegócio brasileiro, PIB e Bem-estar serão mais beneficiados através da participação nos acordos do que a permanecer afastado dos mesmos. Integrar-se simultaneamente no TPP e RCEP é o cenário que mais favorece o agronegócio brasileiro. Já associar-se ao RCEP traz os melhores efeitos ao Bem-estar. Os resultados ainda indicam que RCEP é o cenário hipotético mais benéfico para PIB.
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