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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dual-Task Performance During Traverse Climbing: Human Factors Implications for Emergency-Response Organisations

Green, Alexander Louis January 2012 (has links)
Two experiments were conducted to investigate how performance on a primary rock climbing task is affected by the inclusion of a secondary word memory task. In Experiment 1, twelve experienced rock climbers completed a dual traverse climb and word memory task, with participants’ performance analysed relative to their single task performance (climbing alone and word memory alone). Participants’ climbing efficiency and word recall were significantly lower in the dual-task condition. Experiment 2 examined the effects of emotional content on climbing performance. Fifteen experienced rock climbers completed two dual-tasks, in which they were asked to recall negatively valenced or neutral words. Climbing efficiency, climbing distance, and word recall were all significantly lower in the dual-task conditions, relative to the single-task conditions. Climbing efficiency and climbing distance were also significantly lower in the negative word dual-task, relative to the neutral word dual-task. The findings from these two experiments have important human factors implications for occupational settings that require climbing-like operations, including search and rescue and fire-fighting.

Magnétotransport dans les micro-ponts monocristallins de B12212 : mécanisme de dépiégeage et dynamique des vortex / Magnetotransport in single crystal microbridges of B12212 : mechanism of vortex depinning and dynamics

Shaidiuk, Viacheslav 05 October 2012 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous aborderons la problématique du dépiégeage et de la dynamique des vortex (élastiques ou plastiques) en présence de centres d’ancrage (0D ou 1D). Les résultats, discutés ici, ont été obtenus par des mesures de magnétotransport . L’effet des interactions vortex-vortex sur la dynamique au voisinage du seuil de dépiégeage a été étudié pour des microponts monocristallins de Bi-2212 bruts de tirage (défauts ponctuels) ou irradiés aux ions lourds de haute énergie parallèlement à l’axe cristallographique (défauts colonnaires ou DC). Les mesures ont été effectuées à basse température (5 K) et au voisinage de en fonction du champ magnétique .A 5 K, nos résultats mettent en évidence un effet de pic à ainsi qu’un phénomène d’hystérésis dans la dépendance en de attribués à un changement de mécanisme de dépiégeage et de dynamique. La dépendance en des courbes a également permis la mise en évidence d’un ou plusieurs pics dans la dépendance en B de la résistance dynamique . De plus, la loi de type a pu être vérifiée. L’exposant critique obtenu varie suivant que est inférieur ou supérieur à ; et ce, que les microponts soient ou non irradiés. Les différentes valeurs de sont expliquées par les différents types de désancrage mis en jeu.Au voisinage de , nos résultats montrent un dépiégeage successif des vortex (vortex interstitiels puis vortex localisés sur les DC). Les courbes obéissent à une loi de type . Les différentes valeurs de obtenues sont discutées en fonction de la dimensionnalité des vortex (2D ou 3D). Finalement, l’effet de l’application d’une composante perpendiculaire sur la délocalisation des vortex a été étudié à basse et à haute température. Nos résultats montrent clairement l’existence de un ou plusieurs angles critiques de délocalisation. / In this work, we deal with depinning and dynamics of vortices (plastic or elastic) with or without pinning centers (0D or 1D). Results were obtained using measurements.Effects of votex-vortex interactions in the vicinity of have been studied for single crystal microbridge of Bi-2212 unirradiated and irradiated with heavy ions parallel to the cristallographic axis (columnar defects or CD). measuremants have been made at low temperature (5 K) and in the vicinity of at different magnetic field .At 5 K, our results show a peak effect at and a hystheresis phenomena for the dependence of which have been attributed to a change in the depinning mechanism and dynamics. The dependence of curves also reveals the presence of one ore more peaks in the dependence of the dynamical resistance . More, the typical law has been verified. The obtained critical exponent varies for lower or higher than for both irradiated and unirradiated samples. The different values are explained by the different depinning mechanisms.In the vicinity of , our results show a two steps depinning mechanism (interstitial vortex and, after, ones which are lodalized on CD). curves obey almost the same law as at low temperature : . The different obtained values are discussed in the framework of the vortex dimensionality (2D or 3D).Finally, the effect of the application of a perpendicular magnetic field component on the vortex delocalization has been studied at both low and high temperature. Our results clearly show the existence of one or more critical angle for the delocalization process.

Polohová a výšková detekce části vodního toku Ostřice v k.ú. Horní Planá. / Planimetry and altitude detection in the part of the stream Ostřice in the cadastral region Horní Planá.

KOHOUT, Jaromír January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on using selected geodetic methods for tracing a part of the river Ostřice, located in cadastral area of Horní Planá, district Český Krumlov. The objective of this work is to identify, demarcate and trace a file of fixed points setting river polygonal traverse and their further usage as a base for determining the stream longitudinal section. The theoretical part contains information about the minor control and geodetic activities done within it and related to this thesis. The practical part consists of service area{\crq}s characteristic, procedures description and elaboration of results including their graphic exemplification.

Zaměření polygonu v prostoru jeskyně Býčí sklála v Moravském krasu / Surveying of the polygon in the cave area named Býčí skála in the Moravian Karst

Zoubek, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with surveying traverse in the main corridor of the cave Býčí skála in the Moravian karst. Specifically, in the area called Proplavaná skála. The results of the thesis are permanently stabilized points in the state coordinate system S - JTSK and vertical datum Bpv, which will further serve speleologists to conduct documentation of this part of the cave system. Traverse is subsequently displayed in the maps compared to the surface.

Kočka šrotového jeřábu - otočná část / Scrap crane cat - rotating part

Begáň, Matej January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a design of a rotating part of a crane trolley of a scrap crane with a load capacity of 110,000 kg, which is situated in an exterior environment. The aim of the diploma thesis is a design and calculation verified design of the lifting mechanism, rotation mechanism and the design of a spacious traverse, which is used for the manipulation of the scrap trough and casting ladle.

Stomprojektering för påbyggnad av industribyggnad : Att bygga på en smideverkstad / Structural design of core structure : Adding a floor to an industry workshop

Kuczynska, Angelika, Kärkkäinen, Mikko January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett högskoleingenjörs examensarbete inom byggteknik och design på Kungliga Tekniska högskolan i Stockholm, framtagen tillsammans med företaget Oljibe och deras samarbetspartner TH-konsult. Efterfrågan på fler arbetsplatser och större kontorsytor har med tiden blivit allt större på Oljibes huvudkontor i Västberga Industriområde. Då företaget växer vill man nu kunna erbjuda alla anställda en egen plats att jobba vid. Därför har man beslutat att bygga en kontorsvåning på den befintliga verkstaden för att uppfylla målet. Vid projektets start finns både bygglov samt idé på hur påbyggnationen ska se ut. Den nya kontorsvåningen är tänkt att vara både modern och inspirerande för de anställda. Rapporten innehåller beräkningar av last, lastfall och befintliga stommens kapacitet. Slutligen även beräkningar och rekommendation på en möjlig konstruktionslösning för stommen som vi anser fördelaktig. Oljibe har som mål att börja bygga inom snar framtid, så det som i dagsläget endast är ritningar, kommer man snart att kunna se i verkligheten. / This report is the result of a Bachelor thesis in civil engineering at Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Formed in collaboration with Oljibe AB and TH-konsult. The need of more workplaces and a larger office at Oljibes head office in Västberga Industrial area has got greater the past years. Now with the company growing they feel the need to offer all the employees their own working station. Decision has been taken to build one more floor with office space above the workshop beside the head office. This will be enough to satisfy that need. At the start of the thesis there was already a building permit and a design idea for the additional office floor. The new office area is planned to be both modern and inspiring for the employees of the company. This report includes calculations of loads, load cases and capacity of the old core structures. As conclusion also calculations and a recommendation of a possible solution for the new core structure that we see as the most beneficial. Oljibe has set the goal to start constructing in the near future, so it’s soon possible to see it in reality what still is just an idea and drawings. This makes it all little bit more exciting.

Detection of a Landslide Glide Plane Using Seismic Reflection Methods: Investigation at Little Valley Landslide in Draper, Utah

Tingey, Brady E. 12 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
An integration of geological and geophysical techniques has been used to characterize the internal structure of the Little Valley Landslide in Draper, Utah, USA. The Little Valley Landslide is a pre-historic landslide as old as 13ka B.P. It is found to consist of chaotic and disturbed weathered volcanic units derived from Tertiary age volcanics that comprise a great portion of the Wasatch Range. Geotechnical investigations that were integrated with the geophysical results included excavation of trenches and drilling of boreholes. Geophysical methods, in particular high-resolution seismic data, were used to provide a framework for interpreting the geotechnical observations. High-resolution seismic reflection data, seldom used in landslide investigations, were acquired and processed in order to image the basal or glide surface of the landslide and the structure underlying the landslide. The integration of the geotechnical and geophysical investigations provided a better understanding of the geometry of a portion of the Little Valley Landslide. Trenching and drilling identified landslide material in the subsurface. The high-resolution seismic reflection data imaged the glide surface with the onset of coherent reflectivity. A decollement or glide surface underlies the landslide indicating a large mass movement. The glide surface is observed on the seismic reflection profiles to be deepest in the center portion of the landslide. It is observed in the seismic reflection images to shallow up slope and creating a trough-like shape feature. A contour map modeling the middle of the Little Valley Landslide is derived from the seismic data. This study shows that seismic reflection techniques can be successfully used in complex alpine landslide regions. They are also efficient and cost-effective tools when compared to trenching and drilling investigations. The seismic data can (1) provide a framework to link geological data and (2) take the place of an extensive trenching and drilling program.

Pušies žėlimas neplynųjų kirtimų pušynų kirtavietėse Pašvenčio girininkijoje / Pine forests sprouting after non smooth traverse of Pasventys forestry district

Maumevičius, Rokas 16 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama pušies žėlimo ypatumai pušynuose po neplynųjų kirtimų kirtavietėse nederlingose augavietėse Pašvenčio girininkijoje. Darbo objektas – šešios neplynųjų kirtimų kirtavietės nederlingoje augavietėje Pašvenčio girininkijoje. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Pašvenčio girininkijos pušies žėlimo kokybę ir jį sąlygojančius veiksnius neplynųjų kirtimų pušynų kirtavietėse Nb augavietėje. Darbo metodai – tyrimai vykdyti 3–8 metų Pašvenčio girininkijos neplynųjų kirtimų kirtavietėse, kuriose buvo tolygiai išdėstytos apskaitos aikštelės sąlyginai vienodais atstumais sklypų įstrižainių kryptimis, siekiant atlikti žėlinių apskaitą ir įvertinti jų kokybę. Matavimai atlikti kirtaviečių sklypuose pasirenkant po 20 m2 arba 10 m2 apskaitos aikšteles. Kiekvienoje apskaitos aikštelėje atlikti šie vertinimai: savaiminukų rūšis ir gausa, savaiminukų gyvybingumas, žolinės dangos agresyvumo laipsnis, ligos. Gautų duomenų apdorojimui, t. y. grafiniam duomenų atvaizdavimui, buvo naudojama Microsoft Excel programa. Darbo rezultatai – apibendrinus gautus duomenis nustatyta, kad Pašvenčio girininkijoje atlikus neplynuosius kirtimus, pušynuose žėlimas vyksta gerai visose tirtose kirtavietėse. Nagrinėtose 6 kirtavietėse vidutinis žėlinių tankis N vid. = 7998 vnt./ha. Pagal rūšinę sudėtį, visose kirtavietėse dominuoja pušies savaiminukai, sudarydama 60– 90% visų medelių ir po kelis procentus – eglės ir beržai. Kirtavietės amžius turi svarbią įtaką pomiškio susiformavimui. Didžiausias pušies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master’s thesis analyses peculiarities of pine forests sprouting after non smooth traverse in infertile growth place of Pasventys forestry district. Object of the thesis – The object of the work: six non smooth traverses in infertile growth place in Pasventys forestry district. Aim of the thesis – The aim of the work: is to assess the quality of Pasventys forestry district sprouting and factors causing accidental traverse in pine forests, in infertile growth place. Methods of the research – researches were performed in the non smooth deforestation zones, dating the period of 3–8 years, in Pasventys forestry district. Each non smooth cutting area was divided into equal distances in diagonal directions while trying to do accounting as well as to evaluate their quality. The measurements were performed in 20 to 10 meters accounting fields. The following assessments were performed in each of the recording sites: spontaneous type and their abundance, vitality of spontaneous type, the level of aggression while speaking about grass cover. Microsoft Excel was used for the received data processing, e. i. for graphic representation of data. Results of the thesis – The results of the research: summary of the research found that the spontaneous of pine forestry in Pasventys forestry district performs well in all observed cutting places. The estimated average density of all six cutting places is 7998 units per ha. The self-contained pine is a dominated type consisting 60-90% of all... [to full text]

Návrh a vybudování sítě bodů podrobného polohového bodového pole metodou geodetickou a GPS. / Project and realisation of the network for planimetry control points using the methods geodetic and GPS.

VÁLKA, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This thesis was elaborated on the topic: Project and realisation of the network for planimetry control points using the methods geodetic and GPS. The aim was carry out the reconnaissance of the terrain, valorize of the current state of the point field in the selected locality, as necessary complete him in the density for the detailed mapping of big ratio scale and locate. All calculations, evaluation of the accuracy and processing of the graphic supplements were a part of this thesis. The point network was built in the cadastral territory Horní Planá in the drainage area of the river Ostřice. Following the geodetic data and the map basis was effected the reconnaissance of the selected locality, the stabilization of the new points PPBP and after that they were positional located. On the whole there were stabilized 14 new points. They were located by using the total station Leica TC407 by the help of double - sided incorporated and double - sided oriented polygonal traverse and by using GPS station Trimble 4600LS for the fast static method.

Realizace a zaměření sítě polohových a výškových bodů v povodí Ostřice různými metodami. / Project and surveying of the network for planimetry and hight points in the area of the river Ostřice using several methods.

FINK, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis was elaborated the topic: Project and surveying of the network for planimetry and hight points in the area of the river Ostřice using several methods. It{\crq}s purpose was a reconnaissance of the part of a basin of Ostřice, assessment of existing point field, propose and complete the point network for planimetry in sufficient density for further surveying work in the area and survey of location and level by using geodetic methods and GPS. The reconnaissance of the area was conducted due to geodetic and levelling data of the points and maps. A network of 18 points of the detailed point network was built. I located nine of them by using a GPS method and a method of polygonal traverse. The electronic total station Leica TC 407 was used for the point survey by the method of polygonal traverse, for the GPS method was used a GPS apparatus Trimble 4600LS. Altitude of the points was determined by the method of technical levelling. For the altitude determination was used a Topcon AT {--} 24A levelling device.

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