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Observatoire dynamique comme outil d’aide à la décision appliqué au système éducatif : cas du Cameroun : approche de l’intelligence économique / Dynamic observatory as decision support tool applied to educational system : case of Cameroon's educational systemNdjock, Fleur Nadine 09 February 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’appliquer le concept d’observatoire à un système éducatif comme outil d’aide à la décision basé sur la visualisation de l’information. Pour cela, nous avons développé l’Observatoire Dynamique appliqué au Système Éducatif (ODSE) que nous avons appliqué au système éducatif camerounais.Notre démarche descriptive part du fait que pour décider, il faut comprendre et pour comprendre, il faut observer et analyser. D’une manière ou d’une autre, l’intelligence repose sur le processus d’observation. La prise de décision intervient alors après la compréhension de son environnement. Aussi, l’observation se transforme-t-elle en connaissances avec le sens donné aux choses et la détermination de ce qu’il faut faire. Or l’analyse et la compréhension de l’environnement diffèrent d’un individu à autre ; la prise de décision est alors influencée par des facteurs externes telles les pressions politiques, culturelles et/ou sociales. Sachant que c’est l’information dont on dispose orientant le processus et le choix de la résolution d’un problème décisionnel, nous avons pensé qu’il est important de disposer d’un outil qui éclaire le décideur dans le processus décisionnel pour une prise de position rapide et sans risque ou tout au moins en minimisant la part d’incertitude dans la prise de décision. Cet outil offrant la transparence dans le traitement, la clarté dans le processus de collecte et la communication de l’information et la précision dans la prise de décision qui est basée sur des informations fiables. Tel un observatoire, il sert d’instrument de veille et de pilotage à travers lequel, le décideur observe, analyse et oriente sa décision en fonction du comportement d’un ou de plusieurs indicateurs. Le résultat restitué sous une forme visuelle permet de générer des indicateurs à partir de la masse de données dont dispose le décideur.Notre travail a été guidé par le concept d’intelligence économique qui offre une méthodologie de mise en œuvre d’un processus rationnel par l’utilisation de l’information et il se situe au niveau des approches du choix satisfaisant et du processus rationnel de décision exposés par Falque et Bougon. / The aim of this work is to apply the concept of observatory in educational system as a tool for decision support based on the visualization of information. For this, we have developed the Dynamic Observatory applied to the Education System (ODSE) that we have applied to the Cameroonian educational system. Our descriptive approach is based on fact that to decide, one must understand, and to understand, we must observe and analyze. In one way or another, intelligence is based on the observation process. The decision comes after understanding its environment. Also, the observation is turned into knowledge with the given meaning to things and determining what to do. But the analysis and understanding of the environment differ from one individual to another; the decision is then influenced by external factors such as political pressures, cultural and / or social. This being the information we have for steering the process and the choice of solving a decision problem, we thought it important to have a tool that assists the decision maker in the decision process for making quick and safe decisions or at least minimizing the degree of uncertainty in decision chosen. This tool provides transparency in processing and clarity in the process of information collection. Such an observatory, it serves as an instrument for monitoring and control through which the decision-maker observes, analyzes and orients its decision based on the behavior of one or more indicators. The result returned is in a visual form to generate indicators from the mass of data available to the decision maker. Our work has been guided by the concept of competitive intelligence that provides a methodology for implementing a rational process through the use of information and it is based on the approaches of “satisfactory” choice and rational decision process from the work of Falque and Bougon.
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Analyse des environnements supports à l'ingénierie collaborative synchrone à distance : approche ergonomique pour l'amélioration des outils via l'analyse des usages / Analysis environments to support synchronous collaborative engineering from a distance : approach ergonomic to improvement tools by means of analysis of usesVu thi, Hanh 06 June 2012 (has links)
La conception de produits industriels complexes exige la collaboration de plusieurs acteurs de différents domaines et est distribuée géographiquement tout au long du processus de conception. Afin d'améliorer les résultats au regard du triptyque qualité, coût, délais et de la mondialisation des marchés, des concepteurs, distribués dans l'espace et dans le temps ont besoin d'un environnement de travail pour collaborer, afin de : créer une compréhension partagée entre les différents acteurs d'une équipe, les concepteurs doivent négocier et argumenter les solutions. partager des informations sur le produit entre différents métiers dans les étapes du processus de conception. synchroniser les différentes versions de modèles du produit entre les concepteurs. Le travail collaboratif s'organisant comme une alternance de travaux synchrones et asynchrones, nous souhaitons améliorer la continuité des flux d'informations entre ces différents modes de collaboration. Ceci passe par une amélioration des outils de communication technique en mode synchrone, et par la possibilité pour les concepteurs de synchroniser les versions de modèles modifiées en mode asynchrone. Ce deuxième point est obtenu par une identification de conflits entre version, et une facilitation du dialogue argumentatif synchrone afin de converger dans la négociation des choix de résolution de ces conflits. La démarche générale de la thèse se base sur la Design Research Methodology, basée sur une observation de situation industrielle et une analyse de scénarios d'usage, la proposition et le développement de nouveaux outils, et finalement une évaluation de l'utilisabilité / The design of complex industrial products requires the collaboration of several actors of various domains and is geographically distributed throughout the process of design. To improve the results with regard to the triptych quality, cost, time and of the globalization of markets, designers, distributed in the space and in the time need a working environment to collaborate, to: To create an understanding shared between the various actors of a team, the designers have to negotiate and argue the solutions. Share information on the product between various trades in the stages of the process of design. Synchronize the various versions of models of the product between the designers. Collaborative design is organized as alternating synchronous and asynchronous work, we wish to improve continuity of information flow between these different modes of collaboration. This requires improved communication technology tools in synchronous mode, and the possibility for developers to synchronize models modified versions asynchronously. This second point is obtained by identifying conflicts between version, and facilitation of synchronous argumentative dialogue to converge in the negotiation of choice for resolving these conflicts.
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L'acteur peintre de la nature. Esthétique du tableau et premières théories du jeu théâtral au XVIIIème siècle (France, Angleterre, Allemagne) / The Actor, Nature's Painter. Stage Painting Aesthetics and First Theories on Acting in the 18th Century (France, England, Germany)Marie, Laurence 10 November 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse entend montrer comment la naissance de la théorie du jeu théâtral au XVIIIe siècle contribue à la mise en cause du modèle mimétique classique au profit d'un nouveau modèle expressif. Considérant trois aires culturelles (la France, l'Angleterre et l'Allemagne), elle adopte une démarche chronologique, qui vise à souligner les changements dans la façon d’entendre le parallèle entre l'acteur, le peintre et l’orateur. Il apparaît ainsi que la théorie du jeu tire sa légitimité d'une réhabilitation du spectacle visuel, qui donne lieu à une esthétique du tableau scénique mettant en lumière la spécificité du jeu. En ce sens, elle ne se constitue pas en rupture avec les traités d’actio, mais par une réinterprétation visuelle de leurs principes, en faveur d'une éloquence corporelle naturelle libérée des codes de la rhétorique. Dès lors, sous l’influence du sensualisme, la place centrale accordée au corps de l'acteur créateur conduit à une série d'expérimentations théoriques et pratiques qui portent sur la production et la réception du sentiment au théâtre, et qui sont alimentées par les échanges d'un pays à l'autre. Ces réflexions hybrides participent à la redéfinition des arts de la représentation en termes de relation esthétique entre un sujet créateur et un sujet récepteur, et au passage d'une conception imitative à une approche expressive du sentiment. La diffusion, par David Garrick, d'une certaine image de Shakespeare, dont la dramaturgie contrevient aux règles de la poétique classique, joue un rôle important dans le développement de la théorie du jeu visuel et dans la définition du théâtre comme texte et représentation. / This work shows how the birth of acting in the eighteenth century calls into question the classical mimetic model in favour of a new expressive model. It examines three cultural areas: France, England, and Germany. It also adopts a chronological approch in order to analyse the changes undergone by the parallel between the actor, the painter and the orator. It then appears that acting theory draws its legitimacy from a rehabilitation of visual spectacle, which provokes the settling of an aesthetic of the stage paintng putting into light acting’s specificity. In that sense, acting theory does not emerge against writings on oratory action; on the contrary, it rises thanks to a visual re-interpreting of their principles freed from rhetorical codes. Hence, through the influence of sensualism, the major place given to the creative actor's body leads to theoretical and practical experimentations that concern the way to produce and to receive feelings, and which are nourished by multiple exchanges between the three countries. These hybrid reflections help redefine the art of representation as an aesthetic relation between a creating subject and a receiving subject. It contributes to the transition from an imitative conception of feeling to an expressive one. David Garrick’s spreading of a certain image of Shakespeare, whose dramaturgy offends the classical poetics rules, plays an important role in the development of a theory of visual acting an in the redefinition of theatre as text and representation.
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Usages pédagogiques des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) à l'école primaire : cas du Tableau Numérique Interactif (TNI) / Pedagogical uses of the interactive whiteboard : Exploratory study for the teaching and learning of a school discipline in Cycle III of primary school in FranceAlcheghri, Hassan 22 June 2016 (has links)
Notre travail de thèse porte sur les usages du tableau numérique interactif (TNI) en milieu scolaire. Nous étudions plus particulièrement les effets cognitifs des trois potentiels pédagogiques du TNI sur l’enseignement-apprentissage d’une discipline scolaire au cycle III de l’école primaire en France. L’étude est conduite en classes de CM1 et de CM2 et porte sur l’enseignement-apprentissage de la notion de fraction. La relation entre l’utilisation du TNI et les effets de ces usages sur l’apprentissage des élèves apparait complexe et soulève beaucoup de questions. Cette complexité provient avant tout de la pluralité des facteurs participant plus ou moins au processus d’enseignement et d’apprentissage. Pour mieux appréhender cette problématique, notre recherche s’est centrée sur l’influence des trois thématiques du TNI : 1. L’interactivité technico-pédagogique supportée par l’usage du TNI ; 2. Les modalités et l’ergonomie de travail impliqué par l’usage du TNI ; 3. Les supports multimodaux visuels et manipulables utilisé sur cet instrument numérique.Cette étude s’appuie sur des éléments théoriques mis en oeuvre dans les recherches dans les domaines de la pédagogie et des didactiques disciplinaires permettant de traiter cette problématique. Nous avons porté notre réflexion, dans un premier temps, sur la notion de médiation en nous appuyant sur l’approche instrumentale selon Rabardel (1995). Les tâches réalisées en classe se font dans un cadre collectif. Nous les analysons, dans un deuxième temps, selon la théorie de l’activité d’Engeström (1987). Nous nous inspirons, enfin, des travaux de Piaget (1948) afin de comprendre le développement et la construction de la notion de fraction chez l’enfant. En outre, dans cette recherche, le TNI n’est pas un instrument isolé des autres éléments existant en classe mais il est un dispositif techno-sémio-pragmatique (Peraya, 1999). De ce point de vue, le TNI réunit trois entités : la technique, la sémiotique et le social. Le TNI est donc vu comme l’ensemble des interactions entre ces trois domaines : technologique, technosocial et système de représentations de l’ordre du sémiocognitif. Les trois champs d’investigation du TNI ont été menés auprès d’un échantillon composé d’élèves et d’enseignants du département du Rhône et Lyon intra-muros à travers des questionnaires, des observations directes sur le terrain, des entretiens et des pré et post tests. L’objectif de pluralité des outils de construction des données était de confronter les avis obtenus afin de s’interroger sur les effets des trois potentiels pédagogiques du TNI sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de la notion de fraction.Cette recherche montre que le TNI est un instrument très utile pour l’enseignement-apprentissage des fractions. En particulier, nous avons constaté que le TNI favorise les interactions entre les différents acteurs dans la classe et la construction collective des connaissances. Les enseignants ont insisté particulièrement sur l’aide que le TNI apportait au développement relationnel des élèves et facilitait singulièrement la conceptualisation de la notion de fraction. Les supports multimodaux visuels et manipulables du TNI constituent également une aide cognitive pour les élèves dans leur apprentissage. / Our work deals with the use of interactive whiteboard (IWB) in schools. We are particularly interested in the cognitive effects of three pedagogical potentials of the IWB on the teaching and learning in Cycle III of primary school in France. The study is conducted in primary classes 4 (CM1) and primary 5 (CM2) and focuses on the teaching and learning of the concept of fractions.The relationship between the use of IWB and the effects of these practices on student learning appears complex and raises many questions. This complexity comes primarily from the plurality of factors more or less involved in the teaching and learning process. To better understand this issue, our research focuses on the influence of the three themes of the IWB: 1. the technical educational interactivity supported by the use of IWB; 2. the terms and working ergonomics involved by the use of IWB; 3. Visual and manipulated multimodal media used on this digital instrument.This study focuses on theoretical elements used in research in the fields of education and disciplinary teaching to address this problem. We based our thinking, initially, on the notion of mediation by drawing on the instrumental approach according to Rabardel (1995). The tasks done in the classroom are in a collective framework. Secondly, we analyze, according to the theory of activity of Engeström (1987). Finally, we are inspired by the works of Piaget (1948) in order to understand the development and construction of the notion of fractions in children. Besides, in this research, the IWB is not isolated from other existing elements in the class but it is a techno-semiotic-pragmatic device (Peraya, 1999). From this point of view, the IWB meets three entities: the technic, the semiotics and the social. The IWB is seen as the set of interactions between these three areas: technological, technosocial and system of representations of the order of semiocognitif.The three fields of investigation of the IWB were conducted with a sample composed of students and teachers from the department of Rhone through questionnaires, direct field observations, interviews and pre and post testing. The objective of plurality of data construction tools was to confront the opinions obtained in order to consider the effects of three pedagogical potentials of the IWB on the teaching and learning of the concept of fractions.This research shows that IWB is a very useful tool for the teaching and learning of fractions. In particular, we found that the IWB promotes interactions between different actors in the classroom and the collective construction of knowledge. Teachers have particularlyemphasized the assistance the IWB has brought to the relational development of students and the singular facilitation the conceptualization of the concept of fractions. Visual and multimodal media manipulation of the IWB is also a cognitive aid for students in their learning.
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Modélisation outillée d'une stratégie contextualisée d'observation dans le cadre d'un environnement d'apprentissage / Models and tools for a contextualized observation strategy in a TEL environmentOuali, Mohand Akli 01 February 2016 (has links)
Toute situation d’apprentissage est conçue dans le but de répondre à des objectifs pédagogiques spécifiques. Les enseignants-concepteurs évaluent la corrélation entre cesobjectifs et le déroulement réel de la situation d’apprentissage en pratiquant une activité d’observation. Pour être efficace, cette activité a besoin d’être organisée. Le but de ce travail de recherche est de fournir des outils et des méthodes afin d’améliorer cette activité. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons proposé le concept de Stratégie d’Observation. Le but est d’apporter aux acteurs d’un système d’apprentissage, et particulièrement à l’enseignant-concepteur, un ensemble d’outils pour 1/ définir des stratégies d’observation et 2/ calculer et restituer les résultats à l’aide d’une interface de visualisation ergonomique et intuitive. Ces deux outils séparés, mais communiquant, sont conçus pour être utilisés avant, pendant et/ou après les sessions d’apprentissage. Le premier outil permet aux enseignants-concepteurs de spécifier la manière dont ils veulent organiser l’observation en utilisant un langage proche de leur langage pédagogique habituel. Ceci en manipulant des indicateurs prédéfinis et des moyens de perception mis à leur disposition, etc. Un tel langage permet de s’abstraire de l’environnement d’apprentissage et de ses éléments qui pourraient restreindre le potentiel de réutilisation des stratégies définies (traces, données brutes, moyens d’observation, etc.). Le destinataire des résultats de l’observation peut utiliser le deuxième outil pour visualiser les indicateurs dans un format adéquat et correspondant à la stratégie spécifiée. / Every learning situation is designed according to specific instructional objectives. Instructional designers evaluate the correlation between the objectives and the real progress of the learning session by practicing an observation activity. In order to be efficient, the observation must be organized. Our goal in this work aims to provide tools and methods to support the observation activity. That is why we propose the concept of Observing Strategy. Our research aims to provide the actors of a learning system (especially the instructional designers), with a homogeneous set of tools for 1/ defining observation strategies and 2/ calculating and displaying observation results with an ergonomic and intuitive visualization interface. These two tools are designed to be used before, during and/or after the learning sessions. The underlying idea is to propose two separated, but communicating, tools allowing the formalization of observation strategies independent from the chosen TEL system. With the first tool, instructional designers can specify the organization of the observation by using a language and semantics close to their pedagogical practices, handling pre-defined indicators, and available visualization tools etc. Such observation strategy language will not deal with TEL-systems-dependent elements that could restrict the potential reuse of strategies (tracks/raw data, observed data, observing means, etc.).The receiver of the observation results can use the second tool to visualize the results of the indicators’ calculation with the right format and according to the chosen strategy specification.
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Tableau-based reasoning for decidable fragments of first-order logicReker, Hilverd Geert January 2012 (has links)
Automated deduction procedures for modal logics, and related decidable fragments of first-order logic, are used in many real-world applications. A popular way of obtaining decision procedures for these logics is to base them on semantic tableau calculi. We focus on calculi that use unification, instead of the more widely employed approach of generating ground instantiations over the course of a derivation. The most common type of tableaux with unification are so-called free-variable tableaux, where variables are treated as global to the entire tableau. A long-standing open problem for procedures based on free-variable tableaux is how to ensure fairness, in the sense that "equivalent" applications of the closure rule are prevented from being done over and over again. Some solutions such as using depth-first iterative deepening are known, but those are unnecessary in theory, and not very efficient in practice. This is a main reason why there are hardly any decision procedures for modal logics based on free-variable tableaux. In this thesis, we review existing work on incorporating unification into first-order and modal tableau procedures, show how the closure fairness problem arises, and discuss existing solutions to it. For the first-order case, we outline a calculus which addresses the closure fairness problem. As opposed to free-variable tableaux, closure fairness is much easier to achieve in disconnection tableaux and similar clausal calculi. We therefore focus on using clausal first-order tableau calculi for decidable classes, in particular the two-variable fragment. Using the so-called unrestricted blocking mechanism for enforcing termination, we present the first ground tableau decision procedure for this fragment. Even for such a ground calculus, guaranteeing that depth-first terminations terminate is highly non-trivial. We parametrise our procedure by a so-called lookahead amount, and prove that this parameter is crucial for determining whether depth-first derivations terminate or not. Extending these ideas to tableaux with unification, we specify a preliminary disconnection tableau procedure which uses a non-grounding version of the unrestricted blocking rule.
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Srovnání komerčních BI reportovacích nástrojů s nástroji Open Source / Comparison of commercial and Open Source Business Intelligence reporting toolsBednář, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with comparison of commercial and Open Source Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tools. The main aim of the thesis is to provide a list of BI reporting tools and their further comparison. Evaluation is based on a set of criteria. Every criterium has its assigned value that represents the importance of the criterium in a given group. The same procedure is applied on the groups. The final evaluation is based on defined values of these groups. The output of the thesis is a table structured into five parts according to defined groups of criteria. The second part of the thesis walks the reader through the practical showcase of implementation one of the selected tools that is SAP Business Objects Enterprise 4.0. At the beginning, there is a description of report proposal that contains graphical design and functionality requirements. Next part shows the whole process in detail.
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\"Um provador de teoremas multi-estratégia\" / A Multi-Strategy Tableau ProverAdolfo Gustavo Serra Seca Neto 30 January 2007 (has links)
Nesta tese apresentamos o projeto e a implementação do KEMS, um provador de teoremas multi-estratégia baseado no método de tablôs KE. Um provador de teoremas multi-estratégia é um provador de teoremas onde podemos variar as estratégias utilizadas sem modificar o núcleo da implementação. Além de multi-estratégia, o KEMS é capaz de provar teoremas em três sistemas lógicos: lógica clássica proposicional, mbC e mCi. Listamos abaixo algumas das contribuições deste trabalho: * um sistema KE para mbC que é analítico, correto e completo; * um sistema KE para mCi que é correto e completo; * um provador de teoremas multi-estratégia com as seguintes características: - aceita problemas em três sistemas lógicos: lógica clássica proposicional, mbC e mCi; - tem seis estratégias implementadas para lógica clássica proposicional, duas para mbC e duas para mCi; - tem treze ordenadores que são usados em conjunto com as estratégias; - implementa regras simplificadoras para lógica clássica proposicional; - possui uma interface gráfica que permite a visualização de provas; - é de código aberto e está disponível na Internet em http://kems.iv.fapesp.br; * benchmarks obtidos através da comparação das estratégias para lógica clássica proposicional resolvendo várias famílias de problemas; - sete famílias de problemas para avaliar provadores de teoremas paraconsistentes; * os primeiros benchmarks para as famílias de problemas para avaliar provadores de teoremas paraconsistentes. / In this thesis we present the design and implementation of KEMS, a multi-strategy theorem prover based on the KE tableau inference system. A multi-strategy theorem prover is a theorem prover where we can vary the strategy without modifying the core of the implementation. Besides being multi-strategy, KEMS is capable of proving theorems in three logical systems: classical propositional logic, mbC and mCi. We list below some of the contributions of this work: * an analytic, correct and complete KE system for mbC; * a correct and complete KE system for mCi; * a multi-strategy prover with the following characteristics: - accepts problems in three logical systems: classical propositional logic, mbC and mCi; - has 6 implemented strategies for classical propositional logic, 2 for mbC and 2 for mCi; - has 13 sorters to be used alongside with the strategies; - implements simplification rules of classical propositional logic; - provides a proof viewer with a graphical user interface; - it is open source and available on the internet at http://kems.iv.fapesp.br; * benchmark results obtained by KEMS comparing its classical propositional logic strategies with several problem families; * seven problem families designed to evaluate provers for logics of formal inconsistency; * the first benchmark results for the problem families designed to evaluate provers for logics of formal inconsistency.
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Sistema de soporte a la toma de decisiones para el seguimiento oportuno de indicadores comerciales en una empresa automotriz empleando analítica descriptivaOlivera Aguilar, Luis Enrique, Nomberto Velásquez, Mauricio Enrique 08 May 2021 (has links)
La renovación del parque automotor requiere que los proveedores de vehículos atiendan con eficiencia la demanda del mercado nacional; para ello, estas empresas deben tomar decisiones con información precisa y oportuna; en este sentido, el presente trabajo de investigación plantea resolver el problema de la generación de indicadores comerciales de la gerencia de ventas de una empresa automotriz, debido a tareas manuales que consumen horas hombre, reprocesos y entrega de información inoportuna.
En el primer capítulo planteamos el problema y definimos el objetivo general y los objetivos específicos, el análisis de factibilidad económica y técnica del proyecto. En el segundo capítulo detallamos los student outcomes establecidos por ABET. En el tercer capítulo exponemos el marco teórico, donde discernimos entre distintos marcos de trabajo, metodologías y herramientas para plantear la solución al problema, considerando el plan estratégico de tecnología de la organización para seguir escalando la arquitectura empresarial. En el cuarto capítulo describimos el desarrollo del proyecto, donde relevamos los requerimientos del negocio para identificar requisitos funcionales, no funcionales, atributos de calidad, drivers, tácticas de arquitectura; además, diseñamos la solución bajo la metodología de Ralph Kimball para soluciones de inteligencia de negocios. En el quinto capítulo documentamos los logros del proyecto, el TO-BE del diagrama de procesos y los prototipos de las principales vistas de los indicadores comerciales. En el sexto capítulo detallamos la gestión del proyecto basándonos en la Guía de buenas prácticas de PMBOK®. Finalmente documentamos nuestras conclusiones y recomendaciones según nuestra experiencia al investigar y diseñar la solución. / The renewal of the automotive fleet requires that vehicle suppliers efficiently meet the demand of the national market; for this, these companies must make decisions with accurate and timely information; In this sense, the present research work proposes to solve the problem of generation of commercial indicators of the sales management of an automotive company, due to manual tasks that consume man hours, reprocesses and delivery of inopportune information.
In the first chapter we raise the problem and define the general objective and the specific objectives, the analysis of the economic and technical feasibility of the project. In the second chapter we detail the results of the students established by ABET. In the third chapter we expose the theoretical framework, where we discern between different frameworks, methodologies, and tools to propose the solution to the problem, considering the organization's strategic technology plan to continue scaling the business architecture. In the fourth chapter he describes the development of the project, where we survey the business requirements to identify functional and non-functional requirements, quality attributes, drivers, architecture tactics; Furthermore, we designed the solution under the Ralph Kimball methodology for business intelligence solutions. In the fifth chapter we document the achievements of the project, the TO-BE of the process diagram and the prototypes of the main views of the commercial indicators. In the sixth chapter we detail the project management based on the PMBOK® Good Practice Guide. Finally we document our conclusions and recommendations based on our experience when researching and designing the solution. / Tesis
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Exploring factors that decides on how a Business Intelligence tool is being received by its usersKlaesson, Mårten January 2020 (has links)
Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) is a service where users can create reports andanalyze data on their own. It is an approach to decentralize competence and knowledge withina company. It has been proven to increase productivity and provide employees with morepossibilities to make smart data-driven decisions. I decided to do this project to learn moreabout SSBI and specifically explore what factors that contributes to the user experience ofworking with SSBI. With the help of a survey I was able to reach out to the employees at IfP&C Insurance.I asked how satisfied they were with the SSBI solution at the company, how theyexperienced loading times, how active they were and if SSBI brought value to their day to daywork among many other questions. The data from the survey was analyzed looking at trendsand correlation between answers to identify what parts employees were pleased with and theparts that needs more attention. This was done with the help of Decision Trees, correlationmatrices and extensive graph comparisons. The results managed to answer my scientificquestion rather well. It shows that most employees find that working with SSBI at If P&CInsurance is an enjoyable experience and they believe that it adds real value to their work.There is an interest in further education in Tableau, which is the SSBI software being used atIf P&C Insurance. A fact that shows that employees are eager to learn more, but also that theavailable education at the company has not reached out to all employees. There is also a majorissue with loading times when browsing reports. Users that experiences that loading times areslow or very slow are also overrepresented in the group that is not pleased with the software.The issue with slow loading times has two solutions that I recommend to the company: • Educate employees to create reports that require as low processing power as possibleto browse. This is something that a few employees asked for specifically. • Increase the capacity on their servers. As using Tableau and creating reports hasbecome more and more popular at the company, the servers have not been updated inthe same pace, creating long delays when browsing and working with reports. In general, I think If P&C Insurance has created a functioning environment for SSBI and ifthey address the few issues I have mentioned they will have a thriving Tableau communitywithin the company.
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