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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Sense of Self: Topics in the Semantics of De Se Expressions

Pearson, Hazel Anne January 2012 (has links)
This work investigates a series of phenomena that shed light on the analysis of attitudes de se. We adopt Lewis’ (1979) proposal that attitudes de se involve self-ascription of a property, and investigate how this view of mental content is reflected in natural language. The implementation favored is a strong version of Lewis’ position: root and embedded clauses are uniformly treated as being of property type. Our approach elaborates Chierchia’s (1990) view that de se construals arise via binding by an abstraction operator in the clausal left periphery. Part I develops an argument that such operators occur in root as well as embedded clauses. This is contrasted with the view that the evaluation index incorporates an individual parameter, a prominent version of which treats the behavior of predicates of taste such as tasty as evidence that truth is relativized to individuals (Lasersohn, 2005; Stephenson, 2007a, 2007b). Chapter 2 argues against this view, defending a semantics for taste predicates that requires no appeal to an individual parameter. Chapter 3 employs an argument from Moore’s Paradox to motivate the proposal that root clauses bear individual abstractors in their left periphery, while Chapter 4 identifies phenomena that the system accounts for. Part II concerns two elements whose distribution is confined to embedded clauses: controlled PRO and the logophoric pronoun in the Niger-Congo language Ewe. Chapters 5 and 6 investigate the semantics of partial control, a variety of control where the controller denotes a proper subset of the understood subject. The view that control complements express properties lends itself to a principled account of which predicates license partial control. Chapter 7 presents novel data regarding the logophoric pronoun in Ewe. We show that, contrary to what had been assumed in the absence of the necessary fieldwork, Ewe logopohors are not obligatorily de se. We propose an account of this finding that is compatible with the implementation of the property view that we favor. Chapter 8 closes the dissertation by considering why it should be that certain expressions, such as PRO, are obligatorily de se while others, like the Ewe logophor, can be de re. / Linguistics

Lingual fungiform papillae and teh evolution of the primate gustatory system

Alport, Laura Jean 10 June 2011 (has links)
Among humans, the density of lingual fungiform papillae (DFP) is correlated with taste sensitivity. The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the evolution of the primate gustatory system through a comparative analysis of DFP. This investigation was conducted in three separate studies. The first study took a broad perspective incorporating data from 37 primate species to assess the relationships among DFP, body mass, taste sensitivity, and diet. Among the major findings of this first study: (1) Sucrose sensitivity was negatively correlated with DFP and positively correlated with papilla area. (2) Sucrose sensitivity was not correlated with the percent of leaves or fruit in the diet. (3) DFP and papilla area were correlated with diet. (4) The relationships between fungiform papillae and diet differed among different taxonomic groups. The second study of DFP investigated whether there are sex differences in the DFP of non-human primates, as there are in humans. In all five primate species investigated, females had higher mean DFPs than males. These sex differences were significant in Pan troglodytes and Cebus apella, and not significant in Alouatta palliata, Cercopithecus aethiops, or Varecia variegata. Pan, Cebus, and Homo share large relative brain sizes with associated life history parameters making each offspring very costly. Accordingly it was suggested that sex differences in DFP may be due to the particularly high risk of lacking nutrients or ingesting toxins for females of these three species. The third study was a comparison of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) taste ability and DFP in humans and chimpanzees. The major questions addressed in this study were (1) Is DFP correlated with PTC phenotype in chimpanzees as it is in humans? (2) Are there sex differences in PTC genotype and phenotype as there are in DFP? Although females had greater DFPs than males, and significantly more females had the genotype for higher PTC taste sensitivity, there was no correlation between DFP and PTC phenotype. Several explanations for the differences between human and chimpanzee results were offered, including small sample sizes for chimpanzees and greater accuracy in determining PTC sensitivity among humans. / text

The effects of oral zinc supplementation on taste potential in head and neck cancer patients undergoing irradiation therapy

Silverman, Joan Elizabeth January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Bulvių veislių derlingumo ir juslinių savybių palyginimas / The compare of harvest and taste quality of the potatoes strains which has been raised up

Verbylaitė, Violeta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas – bulvės, užaugintos chemizuotame ir ekologiniame fonuose Marijampolės apskrityje, Vilkaviškio rajone, Bambinių kaime. Darbo tikslas - Palyginti bulvių veisles, išaugintas chemizuotame(tręštame mineralinėmis trašomis) ir ekologiniame (tręštame organinėmis trąšomis) fonuose derliaus dydį ir juslines savybes. Darbo metodas. Tyrimai buvo atlikti 2006 m. balandžio - rugsėjo mėnesiais. Sėkla buvo apie 20 d. padaiginta šviesioje bei šiltoje patalpoje. Fonas paruoštas lauko bandymams. Įdirbtus laukus pavasarį ekologiniame fone tręšta tik mėšlu, o chemizuotame fone patręšta specialomis subalansuotomis bulvėms skirtomis trąšomis. Stebėtas bulvių vystymasis ir augimas visą vegetaciją. Tyrimai buvo vykdomi lauko bandymų metodu..Baigus vegetacijai, bulvės buvo kasamos ir sveriamos. Nustatyta 1 bulvių kero masė g, bei suskaičiuotas gumbų skaičius vnt. Iškasta kiekvienos veislės po 10 bulvių kerų. Gumbų masė nustatyta svėrimo metodu. 2007m. vasario mėn. visoms bulvių veislėms buvo atlikta juslinė analizė. Ekologiškai ir chemizuotai augintų bulvių gumbai virti vienodomis sąlygomis: kiekviena bulvių veislė atskiruose puoduose, su lupyna, be druskos. Virimo trukmė apie 30 min. Degustacijos metodas aprobuotas ir taikomas LŽI selekcininkų, išvedant veisles. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad tręšiant mineralinėmis trąšomis bulves, derlingiausia buvo ‘Vinetos‘ veislė, o tręšiant tik mėšlu bulves, derlingiausia buvo ‘Vitaros‘, Quartos‘ veislės. Geriausiu skoniu pasižymėjo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of labour- the potatoes which has been raise up in chemistry and ecology setting in Marijampole District of Vilkaviskis in Bambinys village. The objective of labour- to compare the harvest size and quality of taste of the potatoes breeds which has been raised up in intense and chemistry setting. Method of work-the Research has been done in April-September of 2007. The seed. was germinate about 20 days at light and worm premises. The set was prepared for field experiment. In a spring the cultivate fields has been fertiled ecology set just by dung and in chemistry set just by special fertile which was balanced to potatoes. Has been observe the potatoes evolution and vegetation. The research has been done by the outdoor experiment. At the end of vegetation the potatoes been mined and weight. Was maked the weigth of one potatoes scrub (g) and counted unite of scrubs. From every breed was mined 10 unit of scrubs. The tubers weight determined by the weight method. In February of 2007 to every potatoes strains has been done savour. The tubers which has been raised up in ecology and intense setting been boiled on the same conditions: the each potatoes breed had boiled in separate pots with skin and without salt. The boil duration was about half an hour. The method of savour been created and apllyed by the LZI Selectors to do selections of breeds. The results of experiment showed that when potatoes been raised up intense the mostly harvest been ‘Vinetos’ Strain... [to full text]

Consumers' attitudes regarding the link between frozen and fresh vegetables and health / Emdri Maria van der Walt

Van der Walt, Emdri Maria January 2003 (has links)
Vegetables and fruit appear to confer protection against various diseases, but most adults in South Africa eat substantially less than the recommended amounts. Many barriers and factors that influence vegetable consumption have been identified in the literature. One major barrier is the perishability of vegetables. Frozen vegetables can be a useful way in encouraging greater intakes. Some consumers are, however, of the opinion that processing destroy nutrients to a large extent. There is, therefore, a lack of understanding of the freezing process. Research on the attitudes of consumers towards frozen vegetables in South Africa is limited. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of consumers regarding the link between frozen and fresh vegetables and health and the attributes of frozen vegetables. Subjects/Setting: One thousand nine hundred and ninety seven South African respondents, representative of the four major race groups of South Africa (whites, blacks, coloureds and Indians) were randomly chosen from metropolitan areas from the nine provinces in South Africa. Questionnaires, existing of 17 food-related sections, including subsections on vegetables and health, were designed by researchers in co-operation with business partners. MARKINOR, a market research company, was contracted to collect the data. Respondents were questioned regarding their attitudes towards the link between frozen and fresh vegetables and health. Statistical analysis performed: The quantitative data produced by the survey was analysed by using the StatisticaⓇ-programme in order to generate the relevant tabulations, descriptive statistics and statistical tests. Results: Overall, the attitudes of consumers towards frozen vegetables were found to be negative. Practical and statistically significant attitude differences towards frozen vegetables were found between most variables. Results from this study revealed that different levels of education, age and gender do not have a big influence on consumer's attitudes towards frozen vegetables. However, practical and statistically significant differences were found between the various LSM (Living Standards Measure) groups, especially with regard to the convenience of frozen vegetables. Results also indicated that Indians, the age group 61+ and males were the most negative towards frozen vegetables. Almost 75% of all consumers indicated that they never eat frozen vegetables. Only 1% of consumers in the LSM group 2 own a fridge/freezer. An alarmingly 26% of all consumers indicated that they are not convinced that vegetables are healthy. Application/Conclusions: Nutrition professionals should use these findings to target messages in health-promotion programmes to increase the overall consumption of vegetables. The use of frozen vegetables by consumers with frozen storage facilities should be promoted aggressively. Consumers also need practical advice on how to overcome the barriers to dietary change. Nutrition counseling efforts should also be aimed specifically at increasing frozen vegetable consumption among targeted subgroups, particularly Indians, males and the age group 61+. It is strongly recommended that suitable measuring instruments be developed for assessing the knowledge and attitude of South Africans towards vegetable and fruit consumption and the ability of individuals to improve their health. The results of this study may prove to be very useful in this regard. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Dietetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Korrelation zwischen der genetischen und der funktionellen Diversität humaner Bitterrezeptoren / Correlation between the genetic and the functional diversity of bitter receptors

Thalmann, Sophie January 2013 (has links)
Der Mensch besitzt ~25 funktionelle Bitterrezeptoren (TAS2R), die für die Wahrnehmung potenziell toxischer Substanzen in der Nahrung verantwortlich sind. Aufgrund der großen genetischen Variabilität der TAS2R-Gene könnte es eine Vielzahl funktionell unterschiedlicher TAS2R-Haplotypen geben, die zu Unterschieden der Bitterwahrnehmung führen. Dies konnte bereits in funktionellen Analysen und sensorischen Studien für einzelne Bitterrezeptoren gezeigt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurden die häufigsten Haplotypen aller 25 Bitterrezeptoren verschiedener Ethnien funktionell charakterisiert. Das Ziel war eine umfassende Aussage über die funktionelle Diversität der TAS2Rs, die die molekulare Grundlage für individuelle Bitterwahrnehmung bildet, treffen zu können. Fehlende Varianten wurden aus genomischer DNA kloniert oder durch gezielte Mutagenese bereits vorhandener TAS2R-Konstrukte generiert. Die funktionelle Analyse erfolgte mittels Expression der TAS2R-Haplotypen in HEK293TG16gust44 Zellen und anschließenden Calcium-Imaging-Experimenten mit zwei bekannten Agonisten. Die Haplotypen der fünf orphanen TAS2Rs wurden mit über hundert Bitterstoffen stimuliert. Durch die gelungene Deorphanisierung des TAS2R41 in dieser Arbeit, wurden für die 21 aktivierbaren TAS2Rs 36 funktionell-unterschiedliche Haplotypen identifiziert. Die tatsächliche funktionelle Vielfalt blieb jedoch deutlich hinter der genetischen Variabilität der TAS2Rs zurück. Neun Bitterrezeptoren wiesen funktionell homogene Haplotypen auf oder besaßen nur eine weltweit vorherrschende Variante. Funktionell heterogene Haplotypen wurden für zwölf TAS2Rs identifiziert. Inaktive Varianten der Rezeptoren TAS2R9, TAS2R38 und TAS2R46 sollten die Wahrnehmung von Bitterstoffen wie Ofloxacin, Cnicin, Hydrocortison, Limonin, Parthenolid oder Strychnin beeinflussen. Unterschiedlich sensitive Varianten, besonders der Rezeptoren TAS2R47 und TAS2R49, sollten für Agonisten wie Absinthin, Amarogentin oder Cromolyn ebenfalls zu phänotypischen Unterschieden führen. Wie für den TAS2R16 bereits gezeigt, traten Haplotypen des funktionell heterogenen TAS2R7 und TAS2R41 ethnien-spezifisch auf, was auf lokale Anpassung und verschiedene Phänotypen hinweisen könnte. Weiterführend muss nun eine Analyse der funktionell-variablen TAS2Rs in sensorischen Tests erfolgen, um ihre phänotypische Relevanz zu prüfen. Die Analyse der funktionsmodulierenden Aminosäurepositionen, z.Bsp. des TAS2R44, TAS2R47 oder TAS2R49, könnte weiterführend zum besseren Verständnis der Rezeptor-Ligand- und Rezeptor-G-Protein-Interaktion beitragen. / Bitter taste perception varies markedly from person to person, due to a high number of polymorphisms present in the 25 known functional bitter receptors (TAS2Rs). These polymorphisms lead to a number of haplotypes for each receptor, which are common in different populations, but vary in frequency. The individual combination of receptor variants seems to determine the person’s sensitivity of bitter perception, as could already be shown for single TAS2Rs. Bitter is an aversive taste quality, indicating the ingestion of harmful substances. Different sensitivity could have an impact on food choice. In order to characterize functional consequences of the genetic diversity, we performed calcium imaging experiments with all main haplotypes for the 25 bitter receptors. The obtained information about receptor properties enables us on the one hand to analyze structure-function relationships and on the other hand gives us the functional diverse candidates to focus on in psychophysical studies. The overall aim is to show genotype-phenotype correlation for bitter taste perception and their impact on food choice and therefore diet and health. Our first aim was to identify agonists for the 5 receptors, which could not be deorphaned in previous screens. We challenged all main haplotypes of these TAS2Rs with 106 bitter compounds and could identify the antibiotic chloramphenicol as agonist for bitter receptor TAS2R41. In total we identified 36 functionally different receptor variants of the 21 deorphaned TAS2Rs. Main haplotypes of nine TAS2Rs were functionally homogeneous while twelve TAS2Rs possessed between two and three functionally heterogeneous receptor variants. In summary the observed functional diversity is not as big as expected. Based on our in vitro findings the shown functional diversity of these twelve bitter receptors might be the molecular basis for individual differences in bitter taste perception and will be further analyzed in psychophysical studies.

The MAGL Inhibitor, JZL184, Attenuates LiCl-Induced Vomiting in the Suncus murinus and 2AG Attenuates LiCl-Induced Nausea-Like Behavior in Rats

Sticht, Martin 06 April 2011 (has links)
The role of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) in nausea and vomiting was evaluated using a shrew (Suncus murinus) model of emesis and nausea-like behavior in rats, conditioned gaping. Shrews received JZL184, a selective MAGL inhibitor, prior to treatment with emetogenic lithium chloride (LiCl). The potential of exogenously administered 2-AG and arachidonic acid (AA) to regulate conditioned gaping was assessed in rats. The role of cannabinoid receptors and cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibition in suppression of vomiting and conditioned gaping was also evaluated. JZL184 dose-dependently suppressed vomiting in shrews, and was shown to inhibit MAGL in shrew brain tissue. The anti-emetic effects of JZL184 were prevented by the CB1 antagonist, AM251. Exogenous 2-AG suppressed LiCl-induced conditioned gaping, but was not prevented by AM251 or the CB2 antagonist, AM630. Instead, the COX inhibitor, indomethacin, prevented the suppressive effects of 2-AG, as well as AA. These results suggest that manipulations that elevate 2-AG may have anti-emetic/anti-nausea potential. / This research was supported by research grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC 92057) to Linda Parker, the Israel Science Foundation (DA009789) to Raphael Mechoulam, and the National Institutes of Health (DA009789, DA017259) to Benjamin Cravatt.

Applications of learning theory to human-bear conflict: the efficacy of aversive conditioning and conditioned taste aversion

Homstol, Lori Unknown Date
No description available.

Le caractère personnel et le goût esthétique chez David Hume

Audy, Marie-Hélène January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Dance to the drummer's beat : competing tastes in international b-boy/b-girl culture

Fogarty, Mary Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between musical tastes and dance practices in a popular dance style known as breaking or b-boying/b-girling. It is based on a multi-sited ethnography involving the participation in and observation of the practices of breaking, as well as interviews with individual b-boys and b-girls, who often travelled between cities as part of their practices. Although there were many interesting and contradictory observations and participant responses provided by this multigenerational, multicultural scene, one theme emerged as central. 'Vernacular' or street dancers make consistent claims that "it's all about the music." This is to challenge assumptions in current academic writing on the relationship of music and dance. On one hand, many contemporary dance writers argue that musical tastes have little to do with choreographic practices and the meanings of dance performances. On the other hand, sociological accounts of musical tastes rarely consider dance practice in their analyses. The result is that musical tastes are under-theorised in accounts of dance performance, and vice versa. Hennion's (2007) assertion that taste is an activity provides a foundation for a new argument. I propose that taste is an activity that, when theorised in terms of music and dance practices, suggests new epistemological avenues for studies of popular dance. Put simply, I argue that, in breaking practices, dance is a performance of musical taste. This performance of taste has a variety of avenues - from hip hop theatre performances, to international battles, master class workshops, club nights and local events – and in each new context, the relationship between music and dance transforms. These shifts in selection reveal that the dance is not just “about the music,” but also about how tastes are mediated, negotiated and competed over.

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