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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Cyclopia maculata : source of flavanone glycosides as precursors for taste modulating aglycones

Du Preez, Brigitte Von Pressentin 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFoodSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The flavanone aglycones, hesperetin and eriodictyol, have been identified as potential taste modulators with reported sweetness-enhancing and bitterness-masking properties, respectively. Reduction of the sugar content of food products has become important in view of the global obesity epidemic. Taste modulators have shown potential to enhance the sweet taste of reduced-sugar foods without unfavourably affecting their flavour profile. On the other hand, bitterness-masking taste modulators are useful to mask the bitter taste of functional phytochemical ingredients. In the current study, Cyclopia maculata (honeybush) was investigated as potential source of hesperetin- and eriodictyol-enriched extracts. Hesperetin and eriodictyol were present mainly below the quantification limit in C. maculata plant material, including unfermented leaf and stem material, unfermented and fermented tea, as well as the fermented by-product (< 40 mesh and > 12 mesh). Conversely, their rutinoside and modulatinginactive derivatives, hesperidin and eriocitrin were present at substantially higher concentrations in the plant material. The stems and by-product were shown to be good sources of hesperidin, but not eriocitrin. The qualitative and quantitative phenolic profile of the by-product was similar to that of the stems. The tea processing by-product was therefore selected to optimise extraction of flavanone glycosides for subsequent de-glycosylation of the flavanone glycosides to aglycones. The by-product was subjected to ultrasound-assisted extraction to investigate its potential as renewable source of the flavanone glycosides. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimise and study the individual and interactive effects of the process variables, namely ethanol concentration (% v/v), time (min), temperature (°C), and solvent:solid ratio (mL/g), on flavanone glycoside extraction. The hesperidin yield and content (of extract), as well as extract yield, increased with an increase in extraction time, temperature and solvent:solid ratio. Practical process restrictions limited global optimisation and only an optimum of 52.8% (v/v) ethanol for extract and hesperidin yield could be reached. Temperature was the parameter with the most significant effect (p < 0.05) on extraction efficiency among those studied. Practical process parameter values that were feasible for industrial application (52.8% (v/v) ethanol, 20 mL/g solvent:solid ratio, 60°C and 30 min) were selected for the preparation of a flavanone glycoside-enriched extract from the tea processing by-product. The flavanone glycoside-enriched extract was subjected to acid-catalysed hydrolysis to deglycosylate hesperidin and eriocitrin to hesperetin and eriodictyol, respectively. RSM was employed to optimise the acid hydrolysis process and to study the effect of the hydrolysis parameters (temperature (°C) and time (min)) on hydrolysis efficiency. At the maximum temperature (92.1°C) and corresponding optimum time (98.4 min) ca 80% conversion of hesperidin to hesperetin was achieved. Substantially more eriodictyol formed during acid hydrolysis than eriocitrin present in the initial extract owing to the deglycosylation of unidentified glycosides with the same aglycone. Unidentified breakdown products imparting a red colour to the acid-hydrolysed extract were also observed. The total phenolic content of the acid-hydrolysed extract was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that of the unhydrolysed extract, indicating the formation of unidentified compounds with the ability to reduce the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent, although no significant difference (p ≥ 0.05) between the antioxidant activities of these extracts, as assessed with the DPPH radical scavenging and ORAC assays, was observed. The potential of enzymatic bioconversion as an alternative to acid-catalysed hydrolysis was investigated using commercial hesperidinase. Bioconversion resulted only in de-rhamnosylation with ca 100% conversion of hesperidin to hesperetin-7-O-glucoside in an aqueous C. maculata extract at pH 4.0 and 40°C. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die flavanoon aglikone, hesperetien and eriodiktiol, is geïdentifiseer as potensiële smaakmoduleerders met berigte soetheid-versterkende en bitter-maskerende eienskappe, onderskeidelik. Vermindering van die suikerinhoud van voedselprodukte het belangrik geword in die lig van die wêreldwye vetsugepidemie. Smaakmoduleerders het die potensiaal getoon om die soet smaak van voedsel met verlaagde suikerinhoud te versterk sonder om hul geurprofiel ongunstig te beïnvloed. Andersyds is bittermaskerende smaakmoduleerders nuttig om die bitter smaak van funksionele fitochemiese bestanddele te maskeer. In die huidige studie is Cyclopia maculata (heuningbos) ondersoek as ‘n potensiële bron van hesperetien- and eriodiktiol-verrykte ekstrakte. Hesperetien and eriodiktiol was hoofsaaklik teenwoordig onder die kwantifiseringsperk in C. maculata plantmateriaal, insluitend ongefermenteerde blaar- en stokmateriaal, ongefermenteerde en gefermenteerde tee, asook die gefermenteerde byproduk (< 40 maas en > 12 maas). Hierteenoor was hul rutinosiedes en modulerend-onaktiewe derivate, hesperidien and eriositrien, teenwoordig in aansienlik hoër konsentrasies in die plantmateriaal. Die stokmateriaal en byproduk is getoon om goeie bronne van hesperidien, maar nie eriositrien nie, te wees. Die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe fenoliese profiel van die byproduk was soortgelyk aan dié van die stokke. Die teeprosesseringsbyproduk is dus geselekteer om die ekstraksie van flavanoonglikosiede, voorafgaande hul de-glikosilering na aglikone, te optimeer. Die byproduk is aan ekstraksie met behulp van ultrasoniese klank onderwerp om die potensiaal daarvan as hernubare bron van flavanoonglikosiede te ondersoek. Respons-oppervlak Metodologie (ROM) is gebruik om die individuele en wisselwerking effekte van die proses veranderlikes, naamlik etanolkonsentrasie (% v/v), tyd (min), temperatuur (°C), en oplosmiddel:vastestof verhouding (mL/g), op flavanoonglikosied ekstraksie te optimiseer en te bestudeer. Die hesperidienopbrengs en -inhoud (van ekstrak), sowel as die ekstrakopbrengs, het toegeneem met ‘n toename in die ekstraksietyd, - temperatuur en oplosmiddel:vastestof verhouding. Praktiese prosesbeperkings het die globale optimisering beperk en slegs ‘n optimum van 52.8% (v/v) etanol vir ekstrak- en hesperidienopbrengs kon bereik word. Temperatuur was die parameter met die mees beduidende effek (p < 0.05) op ekstraksie doeltreffendheid van dié wat bestudeer is. Praktiese prosesparameterwaardes wat haalbaar is vir industriële toepassing (52.8% (v/v) etanol, 20 mL/g oplosmiddel:vastestof verhouding, 60°C en 30 min) is geselekteer vir die voorbereiding van 'n flavanoonglikosied-verrykte ekstrak uit die teeprosesseringsbyproduk. Die flavanoonglikosied-verrykte ekstrak is aan suur-gekataliseerde hidrolise onderwerp om hesperidien en eriositrien na hesperetien en eriodiktiol, onderskeidelik, te de-glikosileer. ROM is gebruik om die suurhidrolise proses te optimeer en die effek van die hidrolise parameters (temperatuur (°C) en tyd (min)) op hidrolise doeltreffendheid te bestudeer. Ongeveer 80% omskakeling van hesperidien na hesperetien is behaal teen die maksimum temperatuur (92.1 °C) en ooreenstemmende optimum tyd (98.4 min). Aansienlik meer eriodiktiol is tydens suurhidrolise gevorm as eriositrien wat in die oorspronklike ekstrak teenwoordig was, as gevolg van de-glikosilering van ongeïdentifiseerde glikosiede met dieselfde aglikoon. Ongeïdentifiseerde afbreekprodukte, wat 'n rooi kleur aan die suurgehidroliseerde ekstrak gegee het, is ook waargeneem. Die totale fenoliese inhoud van die suurgehidroliseerde ekstrak was beduidend hoër (p < 0.05) as dié van die ongehidroliseerde ekstrak, wat die vorming van onbekende verbindings met die vermoeë om die Folin-Ciocalteau reagens te reduseer aandui, hoewel daar geen beduidende verskil (p ≥ 0.05) tussen die antioksidant-aktiwiteite van hierdie ekstrakte, soos bepaal met die DPPH radikaal blussings- en ORAC toetse, waargeneem is nie. Die potensiaal van ensiematiese bio-omskakeling as 'n alternatief vir suur-gekataliseerde hidrolise is ondersoek met behulp van kommersiële hesperidinase. Bio-omskakeling het slegs tot de-ramnosilering gelei met ca 100% omskakeling van hesperidien na hesperetien-7-O-glukosied in 'n C. maculata waterekstrak by pH 4.0 en 40°C.


Basso, Cristiana 14 January 2010 (has links)
The present study was developed having as aims to investigate the effect of storage at low temperatures on level changes of resistant starch of foods usually consumed by the Brazilian population, the acceptability of these foods after the freezing process, and the influence of increasing levels of resistant starch obtained through this process on glycemy. Three kinds of foods were tested, i.e. rice, beans and pasta in order to verify the resistant starch behavior; the same kinds of foods, but with higher levels of this starch, were employed to test the acceptability on the part of forty-two non-trained food testers as well as the glycemic response of thirty-four healthy adults. It was observed that several factors acting together define starch digestion and absorption, and not just one factor. It was noticed that, regardless of samples, all of them increased their level of resistant starch throughout storage time at low temperatures and that the changes in the increase of this starch among the samples was in a decreasing order: beans, pasta and rice. Noodles with a screw form, cooked and stored for sixty days, presented low acceptability on most requisites; on the other hand, the other tested foods received approval regarding practically all the attribute, therefore demonstrating that it is possible to increase the resistant starch level without interfering with tasting quality of products. Even though storage at low temperature of samples increased the levels of resistant starch, this increase was not enough to provoke changes in individuals glycemic levels since that various other factors can be involved in starch hydrolysis and absorption. Therefore, it was demonstrated through the present study that food storage at low temperatures serves as an efficient and cheap tool to increase resistant starch levels and it can be used to improve population s life and nutritional qualities. / O presente estudo foi conduzido com os objetivos de investigar o efeito do armazenamento a baixa temperatura sobre a variação nos teores de amido resistente de alimentos usualmente consumidos pela população brasileira; a aceitabilidade desses alimentos após congelamento; e, a influência da elevação dos níveis de amido resistente obtidos pelo processamento, sobre a glicemia. Para isso, foram testados três alimentos: arroz, feijão e massa, para verificação do comportamento do amido resistente, e os mesmos alimentos, porém com teores aumentados desse amido, para testar a aceitabilidade de quarenta e dois provadores não treinados, assim como a resposta glicêmica de trinta e quatro indivíduos adultos sadios. Concluiu-se que vários fatores atuando em conjunto irão definir a digestibilidade e absorção do amido, e não um único fator isoladamente. Percebeuse que, independentemente da amostra, todas aumentaram seu teor de amido resistente no decorrer do tempo de armazenamento a baixa temperatura e que a variação na elevação desse amido entre as amostras foi em ordem decrescente: feijão, massa e arroz. A massa parafuso cozida e armazenada por sessenta dias apresentou menor aceitabilidade na maioria dos requisitos; já os outros alimentos foram aprovados em praticamente todos os atributos sensoriais, mostrando portanto, que é possível aumentar o teor de amido resistente sem interferir na qualidade sensorial dos produtos. Embora o congelamento das amostras tenha elevado os teores de amido resistente, esse acréscimo não foi suficiente para interferir na glicemia dos indivíduos, visto que inúmeros outros fatores podem estar envolvidos na hidrólise e absorção desse. Assim, demonstrou-se através do estudo que o armazenamento de alimentos a baixa temperatura, serve como ferramenta eficiente e econômica na elevação dos teores de amido resistente e pode ser usado para melhorias na qualidade nutricional e de vida da população.

Le prétexte du vêtement : sociologie du genre au prisme des pratiques vestimentaires / Talking about clothes : a pretext for a sociology of gender

Lett, Coline 07 January 2016 (has links)
Ayant remarqué, au cours de mes recherches de master, que questionner les jeunes Françaises sur leur apparence était un outil privilégié pour accéder à des informations concernant le genre et la sexualité, j’ai poursuivi ma recherche pour cette thèse en l’étendant à l’étude des représentations masculines et à la comparaison intergénérationnelle. Cette enquête qualitative s’appuie (notamment) sur un corpus d’une soixantaine d’entretiens individuels avec des hommes et des femmes, que j’ai interrogés sur leurs goûts vestimentaires et leurs opinions concernant l’apparence corporelle.L’enquête a été réalisée à un moment (2011-2015) où l’actualité concernant le genre était brûlante (en pleine polémique sur la « théorie du genre »), ce qui m’a amenée à orienter ma thèse vers une « sociologie de la connaissance » (Berger, Luckmann : 1966) du genre dans le contexte français. Comme l’indique le titre de ma thèse, je considère en effet le vêtement comme un prétexte pour comprendre comment se constituent des groupes hommes et femmes visuellement différenciés, et les liens qu’entretiennent ces apparences différenciées avec l’identification de genre.Dans un chapitre introductif, je décris l’histoire de mon questionnement, ma méthodologie, et enfin mon orientation théorique et épistémologique. Je commence mon argumentation en discutant du contexte historique (chapitres 1) et des modalités de transmission des goûts vestimentaires et des « techniques du corps » (Mauss : 1934) différenciés chez les hommes et les femmes (chapitre 2). Puis, j’aborde la construction identitaire comme un mécanisme amplifiant et naturalisant des différences (chapitre 3). J’en arrive à analyser certains propos abordant la question de la hiérarchie de genre, ainsi que des pratiques vestimentaires qui se proposent de subvertir cette hiérarchie (chapitre 4). Je termine en discutant du point de vue d’individus qui restent attachés à l’amplification de la différence des sexes au moyen de symboles (chapitre 5). / In the course of my previous research, I realized that asking young French women about their body appearance was an interesting way to gather information regarding gender and sexuality. For this thesis, I generalized the analysis of the opinions about appearance and clothes, adding men’s opinions and an intergenerational comparison.This qualitative investigation is based on sixty interviews with men and women, who have been interviewed about their clothing tastes and opinions regarding body appearance. I carried out this study in the political context of the vote on the same-sex marriage law, at a moment (2011-2015) when the “gender topic” was sensitive. This led me to direct my research towards a “sociology of knowledge” (Berger, Luckmann: 1966) of gender in the French context.As indicated in the title of the thesis, I indeed consider the thematic “clothes” as a pretext to understand how visually differentiated groups of men and women are created, and the links between those differentiated appearances and the gender identification.Introduction sets out how I came to study this question, the methodology used, the theoretical and epistemological orientation. Chapter 1 describes the historical context of women’s and men’s different preferences in terms of choice of clothes. Then, in chapter 2, I try to explain the modalities through which taste in clothes and the associated “techniques of the body” (Mauss: 1934) are transmitted. Chapter 3 focuses on the construction of identity as a mechanism which accentuates and naturalizes the differences. Chapter 4 analyzes opinions concerning gender hierarchy and some way of dressing that aim at subverting this hierarchy. I finally discuss the point of view of those who attach an importance to the symbolic accentuation of sex differences in chapter 5.

The circulation of Chinese cinemas in the UK : studies in taste, tastemaking and film cultures

Elliott, Fraser January 2018 (has links)
This thesis has two interrelated research objectives. First, to understand the circulation of Chinese cinema in Britain through the cultural authorities and gatekeepers responsible for the canonisation of international film. Second, to use Chinese-language films as case studies through which to deconstruct and better understand the mechanisms that make up British film cultures and their tastemaking practices. English-language Chinese film studies has long been preoccupied with the semantic issue of how to define such a loaded and diverse concept as “Chinese cinema”, with investigations generally focusing on film form and production contexts. This thesis extends these studies to include considerations of the role played by film circulation, to observe how the parameters of these analyses and the films of their focus are defined in the first instance. This thesis traces the lineage of Chinese cinema as it has appeared in Britain's film cultures from 1954 through to 2014 when this project began. Taking emblematic moments of this history as case studies to anchor the investigation, each chapter contextualises the cultures into which Chinese-language films arrived. Using the sociological theories of Pierre Bourdieu and others, these investigations note how, in addition to their negotiation of international trends, domestic skirmishes for cultural authority within Britain have had significant effects on the perceived value of Chinese cinema. This thesis considers the various social, cultural, and class contexts that support Britain's key tastemakers in the circulation of Chinese cinema. It shows not only the ways modes of evaluation and film availability are cultivated through these contexts, but that the activities therein result also from, and curate, assumptions toward Chinese as a cultural, political and ethnic signifier. Those commanding the discourse around Chinese cinema in Britain have done so with conceptions about Chineseness that result from and contribute to domestic conflicts of taste, class and social standing. The inevitable intersections between film tastes and cultural assumptions have worked to curate a parochial definition of Chinese cinema that prioritises certain kinds of films at the expense of others, dependent more on the idiosyncrasies of British film cultures than the activities of Chinese film industries.

Música cearense através do canto coral: estudo de caso com o grupo Phylos / Cearense music through choral singing: a case study with the group Phylos

Silva, Marcos Antônio Nunes da January 2016 (has links)
SILVA, Marcos Antônio Nunes da. Música cearense através do canto coral: estudo de caso com o grupo Phylos. 2016. 103f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação Profissional em Artes, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-23T14:18:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_mansilva.pdf: 2856765 bytes, checksum: 287f181f76a31ec71740e6cffba6d459 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-23T14:28:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_mansilva.pdf: 2856765 bytes, checksum: 287f181f76a31ec71740e6cffba6d459 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-23T14:28:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_mansilva.pdf: 2856765 bytes, checksum: 287f181f76a31ec71740e6cffba6d459 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / In this present research, we work with the youth choir of a full time vocational school belonging to the State in Fortaleza, which uses exclusively cearense music in its current repertoire. Using a praxiology of Pierre Bourdieu we analyzed the formation and development of a scenic coral entitled Phylos, checking whether there was a change of habitus in its members during the period that they participated in the group.Using to support our research, besides Bourdieu, authors such as Theodor Adorno, that addresses the cultural industry as element that influences the formation of musical taste of young people and the educator Paulo Freire,who in his studies appreciated the students prior knowledge and sought, awaken the critical sense of the learners. Aside of praxiology we also used as a methodological way the case of study.To collect data we used semi­structured interviews and the observation of trials and field classes that students of that group participated. / Na presente pesquisa, trabalhamos com o coral juvenil de uma escola profissionalizante pertencente à rede estadual de ensino de Fortaleza, que utiliza exclusivamente música cearense em seu repertório atual. Adotando a praxiologia de Pierre Bourdieu, analisamos a formação e o desenvolvimento de um coral cênico intitulado Phylos, verificando se ocorreu mudança do habitus em seus integrantes durante o período em que estes participaram do grupo. Para dar suporte a nossa pesquisa, usamos, além de Bourdieu, autores como Theodor Adorno, que aborda a indústria cultural como elemento de influência na formação do gosto musical dos jovens, e o educador Paulo Freire, que valorizou o conhecimento prévio dos alunos em seus estudos e procurou despertar o senso crítico dos aprendizes. Ao lado da praxiologia, utilizamos o estudo de caso também como caminho metodológico. Para a coleta de dados, valemo-nos de entrevistas semiestruturadas, além da observação dos ensaios e das aulas de campo que os alunos do grupo citado participaram.

A construção do gosto pela leitura : uma contribuição pedagógica para a formação de leitores

Maria das Graças Queiroz Almeida 05 December 2008 (has links)
As reflexões aqui mencionadas direcionam-se a uma análise sobre a importância do ensino da leitura prática entendida como uma construção do ato de linguagem do escritor, de seu sentido e de seu porquê, na qual leitor e escritor, supostamente, se encontram em um ato de cooperação; como também a capacidade de ler, compreender, refletir, interagir e agir sobre a realidade. A leitura fator essencial para a compreensão da realidade serve para reforçar valores éticos e morais, como também para desenvolver a criatividade em uma abordagem diferenciada e desafiadora. A leitura faz parte da vida. Com isso, sua prática deve ser envolvente e cativante a ponto de gerar necessidade e satisfação pessoal. Devemos proporcionar aos alunos um convívio com a leitura, oportunizar que ela cumpra seu papel: alargar, por meio da leitura dos signos, a leitura do mundo e privilegiar a leitura para a aquisição de conhecimento, entender como um processo histórico-social que promove e capacita o indivíduo, acreditar que o ensino de uma leitura crítica é um componente do processo de desenvolvimento e de conscientização, que permitirá ao indivíduo uma reflexão mais cuidadosa em relação aos atos sociais nos quais está inserido. O gosto pela leitura será despertado se a criança exercitar a leitura diariamente, de forma agradável, compreensiva e confortável; o gosto pela leitura não é despertado por motivos externos, ele é interno, já vem com a pessoa ou então o gosto pela leitura será despertado se a criança tiver exemplos em casa e acesso à leitura variada. / The reflections mentioned here direct it to an analysis about the importance of the reading education - understood practical as a construction of the language act of the writer, of its direction and of its reason, in which reader and writer, supposedly, meet in a cooperating act as well the capacity of reading, of understanding, of reflecting, of interacting and of acting over the reality. The reading - essential factor for the understanding of the reality - serves to strengthen Ethical and Moral values, as well to develop the creativity in a differentiated and challenging boarding. Reading is part of life. With this, its practical must be involving and captivating to the point of generating necessity and personal satisfaction. We must provide to the students a conviviality with the reading, allowing that it fulfills its role: to widen by means of the reading of signs, the reading of the World and to privilege the reading for the acquisition of knowledge, understand how a historical-social process that promotes and enables the individual to believe that the teaching of a critical reading is a component of the awareness and development process, that will allow to the individual a more careful reflection in relation to the social acts in which is inserted. The taste for the reading will be awaked if the child exercises the daily reading, in a pleasant, comprehensive and comfortable form; the taste for the reading isnt awaked for external reasons, it is internal; it already comes with the person or then the taste for the reading will be awaked if the child will have examples at home and will have access to the varied reading.

Farinha de peixe e rações com proteína de origem vegetal formuladas com base na proteína ideal: desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e análise sensorial de carne de frangos de corte /

Alva, Juan Carlos Ríos. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Otto Mack Junqueira / Banca: Silvana Martinez Baraldi Artoni / Banca: Edvaldo Antonio Garcia / Resumo: O experimento foi realizado no Setor de Avicultura da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - campus de Jaboticabal - São Paulo, com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização da farinha de peixe em dietas para frangos de corte, formuladas com base em proteína ideal. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com uma fonte de proteína de origem animal (farinha de peixe), e quatro dietas formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja. Os níveis de proteína bruta (PB) utilizados na fase inicial para a dieta formulada com farinha de peixe e para as quatro dietas formuladas com milho e farelo de soja foram: 21,71%, 21,85%, 20,37%, 18,87% e 17,35% de PB, respectivamente. Para a fase de crescimento utilizou-se para a dieta formulada com farinha de peixe e para as quatro dietas formuladas com milho e farelo de soja, 19,1%, 19,1%, 17,7%, 16,2% e 14,6% de PB, respectivamente. Foram avaliados dados de desempenho (ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar), índice de eficiência de produtividade, rendimento de carcaça e partes e análise sensorial. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa SAS ® (SAS Institute, 2002) e as médias para os dados de desempenho e de rendimento de carcaça e partes foram comparadas através da análise dos contrastes ortogonais e polinomiais. Para os dados da análise sensorial utilizou-se o teste de Tukey com um nível de 5% de probabilidade, para os resultados que apresentaram efeito significativo. O farelo de soja pode ser substituído com sucesso pela farinha de peixe, desde que os limites apresentados no presente (7,5% para a fase inicial e 5% para a fase de crescimento) trabalho sejam respeitados / Abstract: One experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of fish meal on performance, carcass yield and sensory analysis in diets for broiler chickens formulated based on ideal protein in period from 1 to 42 days of age. It was used 960 one day old male broiler (Cobb) in a completely randomized experimental design consisted of five treatments with six replications of 32 chicks each, with a source of animal protein (fish meal) and four diets based on corn and soybean meal. The levels of crude protein (CP) used for the initial phase (1 - 21d) for the diet containing fish meal and four diets with corn and soybean meal were: 21.71% 21.85% 20.37% 18.87% and 17.35% CP, respectively. For the growth phase (22 - 42) in was used in the diet containing fish meal and the four diets based on corn and soybean meal, 19.1%, 19.1%, 17.7%, 16.2% and 14 , 6% CP, respectively. Data from performance were: gain weight, feed intake, feed conversion by the end of each period (1 - 42d) and productive efficiency, carcass, breast, wing, thing, drumstick, back yield and sensory analysis. Data were analyzed using SAS ® (SAS Institute, 2002) and the means for performance and carcass yield were compared by analysis of orthogonal and polynomials contrasts. For sensory analysis data were used the Tukey's test at 5% probability for the results that had a significant effect. Soybean meal can be successfully replaced by fish meal; provided that the limits set out in this work (7.5% for the initial phase and 5% for the growth phase) are respected / Mestre

Musique et Société au temps de la Nahḍa à Beyrouth (fin XIXe siècle-1938) / Music and Society in Beirut during the Nahḍa period (end of XIXe century-1938)

Abbani, Dayana 13 January 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente un aperçu de la vie musicale beyrouthine au début du XXème siècle, tout en suivant les conséquences de l'effondrement de l'Empire ottoman et la mise en place du mandat français, ainsi que l’arrivé et l’essor de nouvelles technologies, qui changèrent et affectèrent le divertissement et les loisirs à Beyrouth. Le but est de dévoiler le type de musique qui prévalait à l'époque, les chanteurs célèbres et les lieux de productions musicales, en se focalisant sur les changements survenus sur la scène musicale dans les lieux de consommation, de socialité et de distribution de la musique conçue désormais comme une nouvelle forme de marchandise. Le travail se base également sur une étude des débats intellectuels sur la musique et la critique musicale dans la presse de l’époque, ainsi qu’une analyse des textes de plusieurs enregistrements de l’époque. Une lecture de la façon dont les transformations sociales et politiques au début du 20ème siècle à Beyrouth affecta et créa de nouvelles formes de divertissement, d'expressions et de productions musicales, nous permet de comprendre le rôle de la musique dans la création d'une identité et d'un certain discours national dans le nouvel État du Grand-Liban. / This dissertation offers a glimpse into early 20th century Beirut’s musical life by unveiling the type of music that prevailed at the time, the famous singers, the places of singing. It follows the ways in which the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the arrival of the French mandate changed and affected entertainment and leisure in Beirut, by focusing on its evolving musical scene, as it manifested in changing places of consumption, sociality and the distribution of music as a new form of commodity. It does that by studying expert, lay and intellectual debates on music and music criticism in this period, as they emerged in in the press. Moreover, this dissertation looks at how new developments in technologies affected music at the beginning of the 20th century by focusing on how the evolution of the record industry imposed and produced new forms of expressions, of music, and new places of entertainment. A reading of how the social and political transformations in early 20th century Beirut affected and created new forms of entertainment, leisure, musical expressions and commodities allows us to understand the role of music in making a national identity and discourse in the newly established State of Greater Lebanon.

Forma e gosto na \'Crítica do juízo\' / Form and taste in \'Critique of Judgment\'

Rosa Gabriella de Castro Gonçalves 23 June 2006 (has links)
A Crítica do Juízo surgiu sobretudo devido a uma necessidade sistemática da filosofia de Kant, a saber, a de tornar possível uma passagem entre o mundo da natureza e o mundo da liberdade. Contudo, ela tornou-se uma obra fundamental para a estética, na qual a noção de forma é a crucial para que se compreenda tanto a criação artística como a recepção estética, pois tal noção constitui, para Kant, o fundamento de toda disposição para o gosto. Trata-se aqui de investigar a noção de forma a partir dos diferentes aspectos que ela assume ao longo da Crítica do Juízo, uma vez que aquilo que passou a ser denominado pela crítica de arte moderna e contemporânea como um formalismo de inspiração kantiana parece desconsiderar a real complexidade de tal noção. Tendo em vista mostrar que a forma, para Kant, não é meramente uma estrutura espaço temporal, mas implica a expressão de um conteúdo, a tese foi estruturada em quatro capítulos. O primeiro capítulo é dedicado à análise da relação entre forma e reflexão, relação esta que exige um exame da oposição entre forma e matéria da sensação, bem como da noção de forma da finalidade. O segundo capítulo volta-se para a especificidade da bela-arte e envolve a comparação entre o belo natural e o belo artístico, o problema da distinção entre beleza livre e beleza aderente e a teoria do gênio. O terceiro capítulo trata do problema da convivência entre forma e conteúdo na obra de arte em virtude da teoria das Idéias estéticas e da afirmação do belo como símbolo do bem.O quarto capítulo analisa a influência do pensamento de Kant na teoria de Greenberg. / The Critique of Judgment arose above all due to a systematic necessity in Kant\'s philosophy, namely to make a passage between the world of nature and the world of liberty possible. Nevertheless, it became a fundamental work for aesthetics, in which the notion of form is crucial as much to the understanding of artistic creation as to aesthetic reception, since such a notion constituted for Kant, the basis of any disposition to taste. In this paper it is sought to investigate the notion of form beginning from the different aspects which it assumes throughout the Critique of Judgment, since what has come to be termed in modern and contemporary art criticism as Kantian inspired formalism appears to ignore the true complexity of such a notion. Bearing in mind that for Kant, form is not merely a time space structure but implies the expressio n of content, the thesis was structured in four chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the relationship between form and reflection, which demands an examination of the opposition between form and the subject matter, as well as the notion of the form of finality. The second chapter is concerned with the specificity of fine art and involves the comparison between natural and artistic beauty, the problem of the distinction between free beauty and adherent beauty and the theory of genius. The third treats the problem of the co-existence between form and content in art work in virtue of the theory of aesthetic Ideals and the affirmation of beauty as a symbol of good. The fourth chapter analyzes the influence of Kant\'s thought on Greenberg\'s theory.

Farinha de peixe e rações com proteína de origem vegetal formuladas com base na proteína ideal: desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e análise sensorial de carne de frangos de corte

Rios Alva, Juan Carlos [UNESP] 25 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:16:58Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 riosalva_jc_me_jabo.pdf: 703196 bytes, checksum: 31d417797ddd26348c71370ee0954fb3 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O experimento foi realizado no Setor de Avicultura da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias – campus de Jaboticabal – São Paulo, com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização da farinha de peixe em dietas para frangos de corte, formuladas com base em proteína ideal. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com uma fonte de proteína de origem animal (farinha de peixe), e quatro dietas formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja. Os níveis de proteína bruta (PB) utilizados na fase inicial para a dieta formulada com farinha de peixe e para as quatro dietas formuladas com milho e farelo de soja foram: 21,71%, 21,85%, 20,37%, 18,87% e 17,35% de PB, respectivamente. Para a fase de crescimento utilizou-se para a dieta formulada com farinha de peixe e para as quatro dietas formuladas com milho e farelo de soja, 19,1%, 19,1%, 17,7%, 16,2% e 14,6% de PB, respectivamente. Foram avaliados dados de desempenho (ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar), índice de eficiência de produtividade, rendimento de carcaça e partes e análise sensorial. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa SAS ® (SAS Institute, 2002) e as médias para os dados de desempenho e de rendimento de carcaça e partes foram comparadas através da análise dos contrastes ortogonais e polinomiais. Para os dados da análise sensorial utilizou-se o teste de Tukey com um nível de 5% de probabilidade, para os resultados que apresentaram efeito significativo. O farelo de soja pode ser substituído com sucesso pela farinha de peixe, desde que os limites apresentados no presente (7,5% para a fase inicial e 5% para a fase de crescimento) trabalho sejam respeitados / One experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of fish meal on performance, carcass yield and sensory analysis in diets for broiler chickens formulated based on ideal protein in period from 1 to 42 days of age. It was used 960 one day old male broiler (Cobb) in a completely randomized experimental design consisted of five treatments with six replications of 32 chicks each, with a source of animal protein (fish meal) and four diets based on corn and soybean meal. The levels of crude protein (CP) used for the initial phase (1 – 21d) for the diet containing fish meal and four diets with corn and soybean meal were: 21.71% 21.85% 20.37% 18.87% and 17.35% CP, respectively. For the growth phase (22 – 42) in was used in the diet containing fish meal and the four diets based on corn and soybean meal, 19.1%, 19.1%, 17.7%, 16.2% and 14 , 6% CP, respectively. Data from performance were: gain weight, feed intake, feed conversion by the end of each period (1 – 42d) and productive efficiency, carcass, breast, wing, thing, drumstick, back yield and sensory analysis. Data were analyzed using SAS ® (SAS Institute, 2002) and the means for performance and carcass yield were compared by analysis of orthogonal and polynomials contrasts. For sensory analysis data were used the Tukey's test at 5% probability for the results that had a significant effect. Soybean meal can be successfully replaced by fish meal; provided that the limits set out in this work (7.5% for the initial phase and 5% for the growth phase) are respected

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