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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Persistence of Casuistry: a Neo-premodernist Approach to Moral Reasoning

Mercadante, Richard Arthur 01 January 2011 (has links)
The general purpose of this dissertation is to explore casuistry--case-based reasoning--as a discredited, rehabilitated, and, most importantly, persistent form of moral reasoning. Casuistry offers a much needed corrective to principle-based approaches. I offer a defense of a "principle-modest" casuistry and explore the epistemology of casuistry, describing the prerequisite knowledge required for casuistry. I conclude by arguing that casuistry is best understood as a neo-premodernist approach to moral reasoning.

The Inclusion of Bloom's Taxonomy in State Learning Standards: A Content Analysis

Love, Beverly Joyce 01 January 2009 (has links)
The presence in state standards of the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain (referred to Bloom 1 in this study) and A Taxonomy of Learning, Teaching, and Assessing (referred to as Bloom 2 in this study) was examined in this qualitative investigation. Standards for the English language arts eighth grade curriculum were chosen for examination in order to maximize the opportunity for all Bloom levels to appear; all states have language arts standards and eighth grade is the highest grade level at which NCLB testing is mandated. The standards documents of the 36 stated that have language arts standards unique to eighth grade comprised the analyzed data source and were accessed from state education websites. Descriptive narrations of cognitive levels, benchmarks, indicators, strands, sub-strands, writers of the standards, and any and all references to Bloom 1 and Bloom 2 were investigated. Inter-coder reliability was calculated to address the major research question regarding the clarity of reference to cognitive level of the standards. The qualitative content analysis research methodology chosen to answer the study's research questions culminated in the emergence of four major themes. 1) The extent to which the state standards were classifiable according to Bloom 1 or Bloom 2 depended largely upon consonance in assumptions made by the coders regarding a presumed conditions component for the standards; state standards lack condition components specifying what learners are presented with or have access to at the time the competency stated in the standard is demonstrated. 2) Eighth grade English language arts state standards incorporate cognitive learning levels of Bloom 1 and/or Bloom 2 through the range of Bloom levels. The verb "use" was noted as the most frequent taxonomic verb appearing in the standards. 3) Only five states directly referenced Bloom 1 or Bloom 2 in the documents' introduction/overview, table of contents, document guides, acknowledgements, appendices, and/or bibliography. 4) Of the 2,566 standard statements examined, 96 percent appear to be above the lowest Bloom 1 (Knowledge) and Bloom 2 (Remember) level, employing the researcher's assumed condition component. Overall, results showed that while some states incorporate Bloom 1 and/or Bloom 2, a majority of the standards appear to be written in the lower levels of the Bloom taxonomies. The researcher suggested strategies such as collaboration, consulting, training, and surveying students, parents, teachers, administrators, state committees, and agencies on knowledge of and inclusion of the Bloom taxonomic frameworks in order to improve the clarity of the intended cognitive levels set by the state standards.

Generalização de regras de associação utilizando conhecimento de domínio e avaliação do conhecimento generalizado / Generalization of association rules through domain knowledge and generalized knoeledge evaliation

Veronica Oliveira de Carvalho 23 August 2007 (has links)
Dentre as técnicas de mineração de dados encontra-se a associação, a qual identifica todas as associações intrínsecas contidas na base de dados. Entretanto, essa característica, vantajosa por um lado, faz com que um grande número de padrões seja gerado, sendo que muito deles, mesmo sendo estatisticamente aceitos, são triviais, falsos, ou irrelevantes à aplicação. Além disso, a técnica de associação tradicional gera padrões compostos apenas por itens contidos na base de dados, o que leva à extração, em geral, de um conhecimento muito específico. Essa especificidade dificulta a obtenção de uma visão geral do domínio pelos usuários finais, que visam a utilização/exploração de conhecimentos úteis e compreensíveis. Assim, o pós-processamento das regras descobertas se torna um importante tópico, uma vez que há a necessidade de se validar as regras obtidas. Diante do exposto, este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem de pós-processamento de regras de associação que utiliza conhecimento de domínio, expresso via taxonomias, para obter um conjunto de regras de associação generalizadas compacto e representativo. Além disso, a fim de avaliar a representatividade de padrões generalizados, é apresentado também neste trabalho um estudo referente à utilização de medidas de interesse objetivas quando aplicadas a regras de associação generalizadas. Nesse estudo, a semântica da generalização é levada em consideração, já que cada uma delas fornece uma visão distinta do domínio. Como resultados desta tese, foi possível observar que: um conjunto de regras de associação pode ser compactado na presença de um conjunto de taxonomias; para cada uma das semânticas de generalização existe um conjunto de medidas mais apropriado para ser utilizado na avaliação de regras generalizadas / The association technique, one of the data mining techniques, identifies all the intrinsic associations in database. This characteristic, which can be advantageous on the one hand, generates a large number of patterns. Many of these patterns, even statistically accepted, are trivial, spurious, or irrelevant to the application. In addition, the association technique generates patterns composed only by items in database, which in general implies a very specific knowledge. This specificity makes it difficult to obtain a general view of the domain by the final users, who aims the utilization/exploration of useful and comprehensible knowledge . Thus, the post-processing of the discovered rules becomes an important topic, since it is necessary to validate the obtained rules. In this context, this work presents an approach for post-processing association rules that uses domain knowledge, expressed by taxonomies, to obtain a reduced and representative generalized association rule set. In addition, in order to evaluate the representativeness of generalized patterns, a study referent to the use of objective interest measures when applied to generalized association rules is presented. In this study, the generalization semantics is considered, since each semantic provides a distinct view of the domain. As results of this thesis, it was possible to observe that: an association rule set can be compacted with a taxonomy set; for each generalization semantic there is a measure set that is more appropriate to be used in the generalized rules evaluation

Construção semi-automática de taxonomias para generalização de regras de associação / Semi-automatic construction of taxonomies for association rules generation

Camila Delefrate Martins 14 July 2006 (has links)
Para o sucesso do processo de mineração de dados é importante que o conhecimento extraí?do seja compreensível e interessante para que o usuário final possa utilizá-lo em um sistema inteligente ou em processos de tomada de decisão. Um grande problema, porém, é identificado quando a tarefa de mineração de dados denominada associação é utilizada: a geração de um grande volume de regras. Taxonomias podem ser utilizadas para facilitar a análise e interpretação das regras de associação, uma vez que as mesmas provêm uma visão de como os itens podem ser hierarquicamente classificados. Em função dessa hierarquia é possível obter regras mais gerais que representem um conjunto de itens. Dentro desse contexto, neste trabalho é apresentada uma metodologia para construção semi-automática de taxonomias, que inclui procedimentos automáticos e interativos para a realização dessa tarefa. Essa combinação possibilita a utilização do conhecimento do especialista e também o auxilia na identificação de grupos. Entre os principais resultados deste trabalho, pode-se destacar a proposta e implementação do algoritmo SACT (Semi-automatic Construction of Taxonomies - Construção Semi-automática de Taxonomias), que provê a utilização da metodologia proposta. Para viabilizar a utilização do algoritmo, foi desenvolvido o módulo computacional RulEESACT. Com o objetivo de viabilizar e analisar a qualidade da metodologia proposta e do módulo desenvolvido, foi realizado um estudo de caso no qual foram construída taxonomias para duas bases de dados utilizando o RulEE-SACT. Uma das taxonomias foi analisada e validada por uma especialista do domínio. Posteriormente, as taxonomias e as bases de transações foram fornecidas para dois algoritmos de generalização de regras de associação a fim de analisar a aplicação das taxonomias geradas / I n the data mining process it is important that the extracted knowledge is understandable and interesting to the final user, so it can be used to support in the decision making. However, the data mining task named association has one problem: it generates a big volume of rules. Taxonomies can be used to facilitate the analysis and interpretation of association rules, because they provide an hierarchical vision of the items. This hierarchy enables the obtainment of more general rules, which represent a set of items. In this context, a methodology to semi-automatically construct taxonomies is proposed in this work. This methodology includes automatic and interactives procedures in order to construct the taxonomies, using the specialist?s knowledge and also assisting in the identification of groups. One of the main results of this work is the proposal and implementation of the SACT (Semi-automatic Construction of Taxonomies) algorithm, which provides the use of the proposed methodology. In order to facilitate the use of this algorithm, a computational module named RulEE-SACT was developed. Aiming to analyze the viability and quality of the proposed methodology and the developed module, a case study was done. In this case study, taxonomies of two databases were constructed using the RulEE-SACT. One of them was analyzed and validated by a domain specialist. Then the taxonomies and the databases were supplied to two algorithms which generalize association rules, aiming to analyze the use of the generated taxonomies

Classificações em cena: algumas formas de classificação das plantas cultivadas pelos Wajãpi do Amapari (AP) / Folk taxonomies in scene: the systems that the Wajãpi Indians from Amapari (AP -Brazil) utilize to classify the plants that they cultivate

Joana Cabral de Oliveira 23 October 2006 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como foco da investigação as classificações dos índios Wajãpi do Amapari (AP) sobre as plantas cultivadas, denominadas na língua nativa de temitãgwerã. A descrição e análise das formas de classificação das temitãgwerã são feitas a partir de dois grandes arcabouços teóricos: de um lado os estudos sobre taxonomias nativas, empreendidos pelo viés da antropologia cognitiva; de outro as proposições sobre um pensamento ameríndio, empreendidas pela etnologia propriamente. Essas duas linhas teóricas são convocadas a dialogar uma vez que se objetiva demonstrar que as classificações não são elaborações isoladas do pensamento, nem são elementos exclusivamente abstratos e intelectuais, mas fazem parte da experiência cotidianamente vivenciada. Assim, busca-se evidenciar as relações entre alguns sistemas de classificação wajãpi e aspectos cosmológicos, aspectos sociais, formas de transmissão de conhecimentos e formas de manejo agrícola. / The focal point of this research is the study of the systems that the Wajãpi Indians from Amapari (AP -Brazil) utilize to classify the plants that they cultivate, which are known as temitãgwerã in their language. The descriptions and analyses of these folk taxonomies are made with the support of two theoretical frameworks: from one hand the studies of folk taxonomies from a cognitive anthropology perspective and, from the other hand, taking into account the propositions about the Amerindian thought derived from the ethnology itself. In fact, these two theoretical lines should complement each other once it is intended to demonstrate that taxonomies are not isolated from others aspects of thought, neither are exclusively abstract or intellectual elements, but part of the experiences of the daily life. Therefore the major goal of this investigation is to show that folk taxonomies keep relations with cosmology aspects, sociology aspects, manners of knowledge transmission and agricultural management.

Exploring levels of automation related to SMEs

Muthu, Sumanth Choudary, Rama Reddy, Nithin January 2020 (has links)
This project explores about different aspects of level of automation from a theoretical point of view and reflecting upon them by validating the ideas through benchmarking some of the SMEs in Småland region. This report includes a detailed description of SME’s and its importance, which is then narrowed down to the challenges they face due to technological advancements and changing market. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the level of automation, the SME’s in Småland region have adopted currently. This pre-study is carried out to gather information on a variety of products manufactured and the production system strategy in practice currently and carry out a pilot study to provide a systematic approach towards changing the level of automation. In order to differentiate the SME’s in Småland region according to their automation level, concepts like automation pyramid and level of automation taxonomies are used. LOA taxonomies are used to divide the various operations and tasks between humans and the automated systems. Whereas the automation pyramid is used to categorize the SME’s to their respective automation level. A contrast analysis is carried out to illustrate the automation levels in different companies based on the findings. Finally, the report is concluded considering the levels of automation the selected companies represent from the study and the overall automation level is proposed. Further recommendations are provided for industrial standardization with respect to automation.

Questioning Questions: A Grounded Theory Investigation of Teacher Questioning in Seminary for the Church of Jesus Christ

Horton, Zachary R. 01 August 2019 (has links)
This study investigated teacher questioning practices and rationales in released-time seminary classes for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Church of Jesus Christ or the Church). Seminary teachers focus their questions on helping students learn course principles, value those principles, and apply them to their lives by discussing potential actions that can be taken by students outside of class. The purpose of this study was to observe and interview teachers relative to their questions and questioning practices in class and the reasoning and rational they explain underlying those practices. The resultant findings indicate the specific questioning principles and practices participants used to target cognitive, affective, and social/behavioral outcomes. Further, the analysis of the data yielded a descriptive model of multidimensional questioning that both describes and depicts teacher questioning in seminary and informs future instructional practice, training, and research of teacher questioning

Ontological Reasoning with Taxonomies in RDF Database / Ontological Reasoning with Taxonomies in RDF Database

Hoferek, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
13548805670613-46162052c208770f99e83a586780d16c.txt As the technologies for the realisation of the idea of the Semantic Web have evolved rapidly during past few years, it is possible to use them in variety of applications. As they are designed with the ability to process and analyze semantic information found in the data in mind, they are particularly suitable for the task of enhancing relevance of the document retrieval. In this work, we discuss the possibilities of identifying a suitable subset of the expressing capabilities of the SPARQL querying language and create a component that encapsulates the technical details of its usage. Page 1

Aplica??o da astronomia ao ensino de f?sica e biologia

Dos Santos, Iran?ia Campos 18 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Pereira (verenagoncalves@uefs.br) on 2018-07-16T21:58:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O FINAL 2018 - I_Iraneia.pdf: 8376499 bytes, checksum: 3d565609f591304bfbc372d0f241281c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-16T21:58:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O FINAL 2018 - I_Iraneia.pdf: 8376499 bytes, checksum: 3d565609f591304bfbc372d0f241281c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-18 / Recognizing the importance of the insertion of Astronomy in our daily life, this dissertation has as main characteristic, to promote a holistic and interdisciplinary learning to the contents of Physics and Biology in classes of 1st and 2nd year of the High School of the Lu?s Eduardo Magalh?es Model School in Feira de Santana. The problems related to the problems and difficulties in teaching science in high school are noted through reports cited in IDEB and PISA Research Against the background of the recommendations of the PCN +, supported by a STEM approach, support the proposal of this work, aimed at the development of activities promoting Science Teaching, anchored in technological and astronomical themes. Concerned with the legitimacy of distinguishing skills through the students' cognitive levels, the Marzano and SOLO Taxonomies were used for a hierarchical organization of cognitively organized learning objectives Following a contextualization of this theme, the activities were organized in structured tests of interest in the Research (ROSE); research and in-house study on relevant scientific topics in Astronomy and its related fields; survey of interdisciplinary issues related to Astronomy and Natural Sciences and their Technologies; development of support material structured in the form of Didactic Sequences; development of the Ares Project and culminating in the holding of the Science Fair; and creation of the interactive page on Facebook to publicize events and activities. As a result of more than two years of project development, statistical analyzes were performed for the validation of quantitative results, while a qualitative analysis is used for evaluations of cognitive taxonomic development. Both evaluations significantly showed that the project interventions produced a qualitatively and quantitatively relevant transformation in the learning and cognitive understanding process of the students, showing the relevance of the incorporation of contextualized S & T topics as motivating elements in the learning process / Reconhecendo a import?ncia da inser??o da Astronomia em nosso cotidiano, esta disserta??o tem como principal caracter?stica, promover uma aprendizagem hol?stica e interdisciplinar aos conte?dos de F?sica e Biologia em turmas de 1? e 2? anos do Ensino M?dio do Col?gio Modelo Lu?s Eduardo Magalh?es em Feira de Santana. A problem?tica relacionada ao problemas e dificuldades no ensino de Ci?ncias no Ensino M?dio s?o notadas atrav?s de relatos citados nas Pesquisas IDEB e PISA. Tendo como pano de fundo as recomenda??es dos PCN+, suportada por uma abordagem com metodologia STEM, suportam a proposta deste trabalho, destinado ao desenvolvimento de atividades promotoras do Ensino de Ci?ncias, ancoradas em temas tecnol?gicos e astron?micos. Preocupada com a legitimidade de distinguir habilidades atrav?s dos n?veis cognitivos dos estudantes foram empregadas as Taxonomias Marzano e SOLO para uma organiza??o hier?rquica dos objetivos de aprendizagem organizados cognitivamente. Seguindo uma contextualiza??o dessa tem?tica, as atividades foram organizadas em testes de interesse estruturados na Pesquisa (ROSE); pesquisa e estudo em sala sobre temas cient?ficos relevantes de Astronomia e suas ?reas afins; levantamento de quest?es interdisciplinares relacionado ? Astronomia e as Ci?ncias da Natureza e suas Tecnologias; desenvolvimento de material de suporte estruturados na forma de Sequ?ncias Did?ticas; desenvolvimento do Projeto Ares e culminando com a realiza??o de Feira de Ci?ncias; e cria??o da p?gina interativa no Facebook para divulga??o de eventos e atividades. Como resultados decorrentes dos mais de dois anos de desenvolvimento do projeto foram realizadas an?lises estat?sticas para a valida??o dos resultados quantitativos, enquanto que uma an?lise qualitativa ? usada para as avalia??es de desenvolvimento cognitivo taxon?mico. Ambas as avalia??es constataram significantemente que as interven??es do projeto produziram uma transforma??o relevante quali e quantitativamente no processo de aprendizagem e de compreens?o cognitiva dos estudantes, mostrando a relev?ncia da incorpora??o de tem?ticas contextualizadas em C&T como elementos motivadores no processo de aprendizagem

Uma metodologia para exploração de regras de associação generalizadas integrando técnicas de visualização de informação com medidas de avaliação do conhecimento / A methodology for exploration of generalized association rules integrating information visualization techniques with knowledge evaluation measures

Fujimoto, Magaly Lika 04 August 2008 (has links)
O processo de mineração de dados tem como objetivo encontrar o conhecimento implícito em um conjunto de dados para auxiliar a tomada de decisão. Do ponto de vista do usuário, vários problemas podem ser encontrados durante a etapa de pós-processamento e disponibilização do conhecimento extraído, como a enorme quantidade de padrões gerados por alguns algoritmos de extração e a dificuldade na compreensão dos modelos extraídos dos dados. Além do problema da quantidade de regras, os algoritmos tradicionais de regras de associação podem levar à descoberta de conhecimento muito específico. Assim, pode ser realizada a generalização das regras de associação com o intuito de obter um conhecimento mais geral. Neste projeto é proposta uma metodologia interativa que auxilie na avaliação de regras de associação generalizadas, visando melhorar a compreensibilidade e facilitar a identificação de conhecimento interessante. Este auxílio é realizado por meio do uso de técnicas de visualização em conjunto com a aplicação medidas de avaliação objetivas e subjetivas, que estão implementadas no módulo de visualização de regras de associação generalizados denominado RulEE-GARVis, que está integrado ao ambiente de exploração de regras RulEE (Rule Exploration Environment). O ambiente RulEE está sendo desenvolvido no LABIC-ICMC-USP e auxilia a etapa de pós-processamento e disponibilização de conhecimento. Neste contexto, também foi objetivo deste projeto de pesquisa desenvolver o Módulo de Gerenciamento do ambiente de exploração de regras RulEE. Com a realização do estudo dirigido, foi possível verificar que a metodologia proposta realmente facilita a compreensão e a identificação de regras de associação generalizadas interessantes / The data mining process aims at finding implicit knowledge in a data set to aid in a decision-making process. From the users point of view, several problems can be found at the stage of post-processing and provision of the extracted knowledge, such as the huge number of patterns generated by some of the extraction algorithms and the difficulty in understanding the types of the extracted data. Besides the problem of the number of rules, the traditional algorithms of association rules may lead to the discovery of very specific knowledge. Thus, the generalization of association rules can be realized to obtain a more general knowledge. In this project an interactive methodology is proposed to aid in the evaluation of generalized association rules in order to improve the understanding and to facilitate the identification of interesting knowledge. This aid is accomplished through the use of visualization techniques along with the application of objective and subjective evaluation measures, which are implemented in the visualization module of generalized association rules called RulEE-GARVis, which is integrated with the Rule Exploration Environment RulEE. The RulEE environment is being developed at LABIC-ICMC-USP and aids in the post-processing and provision of knowledge. In this context, it was also the objective of this research project to develop the Module Management of the rule exploration environment RulEE. Through this directed study, it was verified that the proposed methodology really facilitates the understanding and identification of interesting generalized association rules

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