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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation of nonadiabatic dynamics and time-resolved photoelectron spectra in the frame of time-tependent density functional theory

Werner, Ute 25 July 2011 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer allgemein anwendbaren Methode für die Simulation von ultraschnellen Prozessen und experimentellen Observablen. Hierfür wurden die Berechnung der elektronischen Struktur mit der zeitabhängigen Dichtefunktionaltheorie (TDDFT) und das Tully-Surface-Hopping-Verfahren für die nichtadiabatische Kerndynamik auf der Basis klassischer Trajektorien miteinander kombiniert. Insbesondere wurde eine Beschreibung der nichtadiabatischen Kopplungen für TDDFT entwickelt. Diese Methode wurde für die Simulation noch komplexerer Systeme durch die Tight-Binding-Näherung für TDDFT erweitert. Da die zeitaufgelöste Photoelektronenspektroskopie (TRPES) ein exzellentes experimentelles Verfahren für die Echtzeitbeobachtung von ultraschnellen Prozessen darstellt, wurde eine TDDFT-basierte Methode für die Simulation von TRPES entwickelt. Der Methode liegt die Idee zu Grunde, das System aus Kation und Photoelektron näherungsweise durch angeregte Zustände des neutralen Moleküls oberhalb der Ionisierungsgrenze zu beschreiben. Um diese Zustände mit TDDFT berechnen zu können wurde eine Beschreibung der Übergangsdipolmomente zwischen angeregten TDDFT-Zuständen entwickelt. Des Weiteren wurden Simulationen im Rahmen des Stieltjes-Imaging-Verfahrens, das eine Möglichkeit der Rekonstruktion des Photoelektronenspektrums aus den spektralen Momenten bietet, durchgeführt. Diese spektralen Momente wurden aus den diskreten TDDFT-Zuständen berechnet. Die breite Anwendbarkeit der entwickelten theoretischen Methoden für die Simulation von komplexen Systemen wurde an der Photoisomerisierung in Benzylidenanilin sowie der ultraschnellen Photodynamik in Furan, Pyrazin und mikrosolvatisiertem Adenin illustriert. Die dargestellten Beispiele demonstrieren, dass die nichtadiabatische Dynamik im Rahmen von TDDFT bzw. TDDFTB sehr gut für die Untersuchung und Interpretation der ultraschnellen photoinduzierten Prozesse in komplexen Molekülen geeignet ist. / The goal of this thesis was the development of a generally applicable theoretical framework for the simulation of ultrafast processes and experimental observables in complex molecular systems. For this purpose, a combination of the time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) for the description of the electronic structure with the Tully''s surface hopping procedure for the treatment of nonadiabatic nuclear dynamics based on classical trajectories was employed. In particular, a new approach for the calculation of nonadiabatic couplings within TDDFT was devised. The method was advanced for the description of more complex systems such as chromophores in a solvation shell by employing the tight binding approximation to TDDFT. Since the time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (TRPES) represents a powerful experimental technique for real-time observation of ultrafast processes, a TDDFT based approach for the simulation of TRPES was developed. The basic idea is the approximate representation of the combined system of cation and photoelectron by excited states of the neutral species above the ionization threshold. In order to calculate these states with TDDFT, a formulation of the transition dipole moments between excited states within TDDFT was devised. Moreover, simulations employing the Stieltjes imaging (SI) procedure were carried out providing the possibility to reconstruct photoelectron spectra from spectral moments. In this work, the spectral moments were calculated from discrete TDDFT states. The scope of the developed theoretical methods was illustrated on the photoisomerization in benzylideneaniline as well as on the ultrafast photodynamics in furan, pyrazine, and microsolvated adenine. The examples demonstrate that the nonadiabatic dynamics simulations based on TDDFT and TDDFTB are particularly suitable for the investigation and interpretation of ultrafast photoinduced processes in complex molecules.
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Ab Initio Ultrafast Laser-Induced Charge Transfer Dynamics in All-Organic and Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Interfaces

Rychescki Jacobs, Matheus 09 July 2024 (has links)
Die Entwicklung optoelektronischer Geräte wurde stark durch organische Donor-Akzeptor-Komplexe beeinflusst, die eine zentrale Rolle in der modernen Optoelektronik spielen. Diese Materialien ermöglichen ein komplexes Zusammenspiel elektronischer, optischer und phononischer Eigenschaften. Frühe Arbeiten zu konjugierten Polymeren in OLEDs und Bulk-Heterojunktionen in organischen Photovoltaikzellen legten das Fundament für praktikable OLEDs und verbesserten die Effizienz in OPVs. Kürzlich hat sich das Forschungsfeld auf hybride anorganisch-organische Systeme ausgeweitet. Diese Materialien kombinieren die hohe Ladungsträgerdichte und -mobilität der anorganischen Komponenten mit den Lichtausbeute- und Emissionscharakteristika organischer Moleküle. Die Integration von Übergangsmetall-Dichalcogenid-Monoschichten hat bedeutende Fortschritte gebracht, besonders für die Feineinstellung der Ladungstransferdynamik. Diese Entwicklungen stellen neue Herausforderungen dar, insbesondere bei der Modellierung laserinduzierter, ultraschneller Ladungstransferdynamik. RT-TDDFT hat sich als effizientes und genaues Werkzeug erwiesen, das für die Untersuchung großer Systeme geeignet ist und die Simulation zeitaufgelöster Phänomene ermöglicht. Diese Dissertation analysiert die laserinduzierte Ladungstransferdynamik in vollständig organischen und hybriden anorganisch-organischen Grenzflächen. Sie untersucht die Komplexität stark und schwach gebundener Grenzflächen und deren Verhalten unter externen Laserpulsen sowie den Temperatureffekten auf die Ladungstransferdynamik. Die Nutzung von RT-TDDFT zur Modellierung ultraschneller Elektronendynamik und vibronischer Kopplung hat das Verständnis in diesem Feld vertieft und die Effektivität bei der Modellierung optoelektronischer Geräte demonstriert. / The development of optoelectronic devices has been significantly influenced by organic donor-acceptor complexes, which play a central role in modern optoelectronics. These materials enable a complex interplay of electronic, optical, and phononic properties. Early work on conjugated polymers in OLEDs and bulk heterojunctions in organic photovoltaic cells laid the foundation for practical OLEDs and improved efficiency in OPVs. Recently, the field of research has expanded to hybrid inorganic-organic systems. These materials combine the high charge carrier density and mobility of inorganic components with the light yield and emission characteristics of organic molecules. The integration of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers has brought significant advances, particularly in fine-tuning charge transfer dynamics. These developments present new challenges, especially in modeling laser-induced, ultrafast charge transfer dynamics. RT-TDDFT has proven to be an efficient and accurate tool suitable for studying large systems and enabling the simulation of time-resolved phenomena. This dissertation analyzes the laser-induced charge transfer dynamics in fully organic and hybrid inorganic-organic interfaces. It investigates the complexity of strongly and weakly bound interfaces and their behavior under external laser pulses, as well as the temperature effects on charge transfer dynamics. The use of RT-TDDFT to model ultrafast electron dynamics and vibronic coupling has deepened the understanding in this evolving field and demonstrated its effectiveness in modeling optoelectronic devices.
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Etude théorique de processus photophysiques dans des protéines fluorescentes

Vallverdu, Germain 16 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente une étude théorique de protéines de la famille de la Green Fluorescent Protein, GFP. Ces protéines permettent grâce à leur propriétés de fluorescence d'explorer un nombre croissant de processus biologiques in vivo. Les approches numériques, complémentaires aux études expérimentales, peuvent apporter une compréhension microscopique des processus mis en jeu et contribuer à l'interprétation des propriétés photophysiques de ces protéines. La première partie de ce manuscrit présente l'étude par simulation moléculaire de l'effet du changement de pH sur la structure de la Cerulean et sur son spectre d'absorption. Ces calculs nous ont permis d'établir que le décalage du spectre d'absorption, observé expérimentalement en fonction du pH, est dû à une isomérisation du chromophore liée au changement de l'orientation de la chaîne latérale d'un acide aminé proche. proteine La deuxième partie de ce manuscrit aborde l'étude d'un mécanisme de désactivation de la fluorescence dans la GFP. Nous avons proposé une approche, combinant des simulations de dynamique moléculaire biaisée et de dynamique brownienne, afin de déterminer la cinétique d'un mécanisme de désactivation de la fluorescence lié à une torsion du chromophore. Nous avons pu obtenir des distributions de temps de nème passage aux géométries critiques et en déduire des informations quantitatives sur le déclin de fluorescence. Les outils développés et leurs futurs développements permettront de progresser dans la compréhension de la relation entre l'isomérisation du chromophore, le pH et le déclin de la fluorescence qui sont étroitement liés dans les protéines fluorescentes.
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Implementation of Real-Time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory and Applications From the Weak Field to the Strong Field Regime

Zhu, Ying January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Electronic excitations, spectroscopy and quantum transport from ab initio theory

Olevano, Valerio 22 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Spectroscopy and quantum transport constitute powerful ways to study the physics of matter and to access the electronic and atomic structure. Excitations, in turn determined by the electronic and atomic structure, lie at the origin of spectroscopy and quantum transport. Ab initio calculation of excited states requires to go beyond ground-state density-functional theory (DFT). In this work we review three theoretical frameworks beyond DFT: the first is time-dependent density-functional theory to describe neutral excitations and to address energy-loss and optical spectroscopies. We introduce the theory and the fundamental approximations, i.e. the RPA and the adiabatic LDA, together with the results one can get with them at the example of bulk silicon and graphite. We then describe the developments we contributed to the theory beyond TDLDA to better describe optical spectroscopy, in particular the long-range contribution-only and the Nanoquanta exchange-correlation kernel approximations. The second framework is many-body quantum field theory (or Green's function theory) in the GW approximation and beyond, well suited to describe photoemission spectroscopy. After a review of the theory and its main success on the prediction of the band gap, we present two applications on unconventional systems: 2D graphene and strongly correlated vanadium dioxide. We discuss the next frontiers of GW, closing with perspectives beyond GW and MBQFT. The last part presents non-equilibrium Green's function theory suited to address quantum transport. We show how it reduces to the state-of-the-art Landauer principal layers framework when neglecting correlations. We present a calculation of the conductance on a very simple system, a gold monoatomic chain, showing the effect of electron-electron scattering effects. Finally we present theoretical developments toward a new workbench beyond the principal layers, which led us to the introduction of new generalized Meir and Wingreen and Fisher-Lee formulas. This work compares the theoretical and practical aspects of both Green's function and density based approaches, each one benefiting insights from the other, and presents an overview of accomplishments and perspectives.
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Time-dependent density functional theory applied to clusters and molecules in contact with an environment

Dinh, Phuong Mai 07 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
We present recent theoretical and methodological explorations on the dynamics of sodium clusters in the framework of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT), coupled non-adiabatically to Molecular-Dynamics (MD). In particular, a hierarchical approach, in the spirit of Quantum-Mechanical/Molecular-Mechanical methods, has been developed for the description of metal clusters in interaction with a dynamically polarizable substrate, as rare gases or MgO. Numerous examples of application of this approach (Na clusters in or on Ar substrate, Na clusters deposited on MgO; optical response, dynamical deposition, laser irradiation, ...) are reviewed. We also briefly discuss complementing research activities. Formal developments on the Self-Interaction Correction issue in DFT and TDDFT are discussed in a word. We have furthermore extended our TDDFT-MD theory to the case of organic (C, N, O, H made) systems and a few examples of investigated dynamical processes are presented. Recent calculations of photoelectron angular distributions of free metal clusters are reported as well. We finally sketch with some perspectives for the years to come.

Théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité à séparation de portée pour les énergies d'excitation moléculaires

Rebolini, Elisa 27 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
La théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité dépendante du temps (TDDFT) est aujourd'hui une méthode de référence pour le calcul des énergies d'excitation électroniques. Cependant, dans les approximations usuelles, elle n'est pas capable de décrire correctement les excitations de Rydberg, à transfert de charge ou présentant un caractère multiple. La séparation de portée de l'interaction électronique permet de combiner rigoureusement les méthodes fonctionnelles pour décrire la courte portée de l'interaction et les méthodes fonctions d'onde ou fonctions de Green pour la longue portée. Dans cette thèse, les effets de cette séparation de portée sur les énergies d'un système en interaction partielle sont d'abord étudiés le long de la connexion adiabatique dans le cas indépendant du temps afin d'aider le développement des méthodes à séparation de portée pour les énergies d'excitation. La séparation de portée est ensuite appliquée dans le cadre de la TDDFT aux noyaux d'échange et de corrélation, où dans le cas d'une approximation monodéterminentale, la longue portée du noyau de corrélation est absente. Afin de prendre en compte l'effet des doubles excitations, un noyau de corrélation de longue portée dépendant de la fréquence est développé en s'inspirant du noyau Bethe-Salpeter. Ce noyau est alors ajouté de façon perturbative au noyau TDDFT à séparation de portée afin de prendre en compte les effets des excitations doubles.
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Quantum-chemical Study Of Geometrical And Electronic Structures Of Aromatic Five-membered Heterocyclic Oligomers In The Ground And Lowest Singlet Excited States

Oksuz, Nevin 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The nature of the ground state and the first (lowest) singlet excited state geometrical conformations and electronic transitions in the aromatic five-membered heterocyclic oligomers &ndash / oligothiophenes (nT), oligofurans (nF), and oligopyrroles (nP)- containing up to six monomer units (total of 18 molecules) were explored using several computational methodologies. Geometry optimizations were carried out at Austin Model 1 (AM1), Restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF/6-31G*), and Density Functional Theory (DFT, B3LYP/6-31G*) levels for the ground-state conformations of these structurally well-defined heterocyclic oligomers. The Configuration Interaction Singles (CIS) method with the 6-31G* basis set was chosen in computation of the optimal geometry of the lowest singlet excited state. Lowest singlet excitation S1&szlig / S0 energies were calculated using the Zerner&rsquo / s Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap for Spectroscopy (ZINDO/S), CIS (CIS/6-31G*), and Time-Dependent DFT (TDDFT/6-31G* and TDDFT/6-31+G*) methods. In computation of the emission S1&agrave / S0 energies, we have employed all methods above except ZINDO/S. In investigation of geometries of the ground and lowest singlet excited state, we compared the bond length alternation (BLA) parameters, Dri in the conjugated backbone of the oligomers. Saturation of the geometrical parameters at the center of oligomers was observed after a certain chain length. Among all methodologies used in computation of excitation (S1&szlig / S0) and emission (S1&agrave / S0) energies, TDDFT results showed the best agreement with experimental data. Fits of computed and experimental excitation energies to an exponential function using the least squares method enabled us to predict Effective Conjugation Length (ECL) values. We obtained the ECLs of 17 (17), 16 (15), and 14 (13) monomer units for polythiophene (PTh), polyfuran (PFu), and polypyrrole (PPr), which have very good agreement with the results obtained from the fits of experimental data (the values in parentheses).
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A closer look at wave-function/density-functional hybrid methods / Examen approfondi des approximations hybrides de type fonction d'onde et fonctionnelle de la densité

Franck, Odile 29 September 2016 (has links)
La théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT) est une reformulation du problème quantique à N corps où l'énergie de l'état fondamental est exprimée sous la forme d'une fonction de la densité électronique. Dans l'approche de Kohn-Sham de la DFT, seule l'énergie dite d'échange-corrélation décrivant la partie non classique de l'interaction électron-électron nécessite d'être approchée comme une fonctionnelle de la densité. Dans le cadre de la thèse nous nous intéressons à une approximation visant à améliorer la précision et qui consiste à combiner de façon rigoureuse une approximation de type " fonctionnelle de la densité " avec un calcul explicite de type " fonction d'onde " à l'aide d'une décomposition de l'interaction électron-électron coulombienne. L'objectif est de disposer de méthodes améliorant la précision de la DFT actuelle avec un effort de calcul restant compétitif. Ce travail de thèse se décompose en trois études distinctes. Une première étude a consisté a étendre l'analyse de la convergence en base à la séparation de portée qui a permit de mettre en évidence une convergence exponentielle pour l'énergie de corrélation MP2 de longue portée. Dans un second temps nous nous sommes intéressés à une approximation auto-cohérente des fonctionnelles double-hybride utilisant la méthode des potentiels-effectifs-optimisés. Finalement la troisième étude propose une analyse de l'approximation adiabatique semi-locale du noyau d'échange et de corrélation de courte portée dans le cadre de la TDDFT avec séparation de portée dans son formalisme de réponse linéaire. / The theory of the functional of the density ( DFT) is a reformulation of the quantum problem in N body where the energy of the fundamental state is expressed under the shape of a function(office) of the electronic density. In the approach of Kohn-Sham of the DFT, only the said energy of exchange-correlation describing the not classic part(party) of the interaction electron-electron requires to be approached as a functional of the density. Within the framework of the thesis(theory) we are interested in an approximation to improve the precision and which consists in combining(organizing) in a rigorous way an approximation of type(chap) " functional of the density " with an explicit calculation of type(chap) " function(office) of wave " by means of a decomposition of the interaction electron-electron coulombienne. The objective is to have methods.
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A theoretical perspective on photoinduced reactions - based on quantum chemical models and non-adiabatic molecular dynamics.

Das, Sambit January 2023 (has links)
The broad range of applications for photochemical reactions is the result of light-matter interaction at the electronic level. The diverse application of photochemistry in various fields, including photovoltaic materials, molecular switches, and biological systems are due to electronic and structural transformations induced by photoexcitation as well as molecular alteration due to electron and charge transfer. An improved understanding of these photochemical events is dependent on the fundamental theoretical evaluation, to model and analyze the ultrafast processes. The studies discussed in this thesis explore such theoretical implementation in two different frontiers. In the first study, dynamic simulations are performed to model the light-induced bond dissociation of phenyl azide. The surface hopping formalism, implemented under the semiclassical molecular dynamics approach helped in tracing the time evolution of the electronic and structural levels, involved in the photodissociation. In the second study, the time-dependent density functional theory has been applied to generate XA spectra of imidazole solutions. The theoretical assessments support experimental measurements and provide more insight into the core excitations and structural influence on the absorption spectra. / Fotokemiska reaktioner styrs av växelverkan mellan ljus of materia på en elektronisk nivå. I olika fält finns det vitt skilda tillämpningarna av fotokemi. Dessa inkluderar ljusinducerade processer i solceller, molekylära strömbrytare, och biologiska system. Reaktionerna beror av elektroniska och strukturella transformationer som induceras av fotoexcitationen, och kan ge upphov till energi- och laddningsöverföring. För att få utökad förståelse av fotokemiska reaktioner behövs grundläggande teoretiska studier där ultrasnabba processer modelleras och analyseras i jämförelse med experiment. Undersökningar som presenteras i denna avhandling använder sig att teoretiska modeller i två olika områden av fotokemi. I den första studien har vi genomfört dynamiska simuleringar för att modellera ljusinducerad dissociation av fenylazid. Vi have använt en semi-klassisk approximation med hopp mellan olika elektroniska tillstånd vilket gör det möjligt att följa utvecklingen i elektroniska och geometriska frihetsgrader under fotodissociationen. I den andra studien har tidsberoende täthetsfunktionalteori använts för att simulera röntgenabsorptionsspektrum för imidazol i lösning. Genom att utvärdera olika geometriska modeller med teoretiska beräkningar kan vi berika tolkningen av experimentella mätningar, och även få detaljerat insikt i innerskalsexcitationer och hur geometrin påverka röntgenspektrum.
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