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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Online Teaching Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Community College Faculty Attitudes toward Online Teaching and Their Teaching Practices

García, Jorge Alberto 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the impact of the rapid shift to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic on a community college. This study focused on examining the attitudes of the faculty towards online teaching and their teaching practices. Additionally, the study aimed to understand the impact of the rapid shift to online teaching on faculty preferences regarding instructional delivery modes. This study provides insights into the challenges faced by faculty during the shift to online teaching and their experiences in adapting to a new teaching format. This study also sheds light on the effectiveness of online teaching in a community college setting and identifies areas where further improvement is needed. The findings of this study can be used to inform future decisions regarding the delivery of instruction in community colleges and provide a basis for further research in this area.

Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes and Assumptions of Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices

Cooper, Carly 11 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Analýza rozdílů ve výsledcích žáků ve standardizovaných testech napříč zeměmi: vliv moderních a tradičních metod výuky / Investigation of cross-country differences in student performance in standardized tests: the role of modern and traditional teaching methods

Ptáčníková, Marie January 2021 (has links)
There is an ongoing debate about what teaching practices are the most effective ones in order to improve student performance. However, little is known about the impact across countries and literature is highly inconclusive. In this work, we extend the portfolio of countries and provide evidence about the role of modern and traditional teaching practices on students' test scores in 43 countries. Our analysis is performed in two steps and is a typical example of hierarchical linear modelling (HLM). In the first step, we perform student fixed effect method to account for majority of selection issues. We identify a positive, negative or no effect of modern or traditional teaching methods on student performance. These results are priceless for policy makers suggesting that there is no one-fits-all-approach towards modern or traditional teaching methods to order to improve students' test scores. As a great variation is observed, we continue further and investigate what country characteristics could explain these differences across countries. Bayesian model averaging (BMA) method supports us in a model uncertainty and a particular variable selection. Our findings indicate that cultural dimension uncertainty avoidance, which describes country's rigidity in behaviour and institutions, assists in explaining...

De l'analyse des besoins professionnels à l'élaboration d'un dispositif de formation à l'enseignement du F.L.E. : vers une professionnalisation contextualisée des futurs enseignants et des enseignants de F.L.E. du second degré au Yémen / From the analysis of preofessional needs to the development of a trainig curriculum for teaching FLE : towards a contextualized professionalization of teachers of French and future teachers of French in secondary schools in Yemen

Moftah, Suzanne 25 June 2013 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la formation des enseignants de FLE exerçant dans les écoles secondaires au Yémen. Notre idée directrice est de démontrer l’importance d’une formation spécialisée, touchant l’enseignement des langues étrangères, en l’occurrence le français - une formation qui n’existe pas au Yémen.Notre problématique s’est construite autour de trois axes principaux : une étude des contextes socioculturel, sociolinguistique, éducatif et institutionnel au Yémen. Le second axe tourne autour d’une étude portant sur les concepts et les notions traitant de la question de la formation des enseignants de FLE. Enfin le troisième axe tourne vers l’élaboration d’un dispositif de formation.Pour mener à bien notre travail, nous avons réalisé des enquêtes sur le terrain au Yémen. Nous avons administré deux questionnaires destinés aux étudiants de 4ème année de licence et aux enseignants de français. Nous avons également réalisé des observations de classes de français dans certaines écoles secondaires à Taëz.Notre travail de thèse a abouti par la conception d’un dispositif de formation des enseignants de FLE, qui prend en compte toutes les composantes et toutes les variables du domaine dans lequel nous avons réalisé notre étude. / The thesis focuses on the training of teachers of FLE (Francais Langue Étrangère) who work in secondary schools in Yemen. Our idea is to demonstrate the importance of specialized training of teaching foreign languages, namely French – a training that does not exist in Yemen.Our research questions are based on three main axes: the first one investigates the sociocultural, sociolinguistic, educational and institutional contexts in Yemen. The second axis explores the concepts and notions which deal with the issue of teacher training of FLE. Finally, the third axis revolves around the development of a training curriculum.Concerning the practical part, we carried out the fieldwork in Yemen. We administered two questionnaires for university students of the fourth year and teachers of French in secondary schools. We also made observations of French classes in some secondary schools in Taiz.Our thesis has resulted in the design of a teacher training curriculum of FLF, taking into account all the components and all the variables of the domain in which we conducted our study.

Comores, l'enseignement des sciences physiques dans le secondaire : de l'analyse du curriculum à son appropriation par les enseignants

Msahazi, Ali Youssouf 17 December 2012 (has links)
La thèse présentée ici développe deux axes d'étude concernant l'enseignement des sciences physiques dans les collèges et lycées de l'Union des Comores : D'abord une analyse du curriculum prescrit dans les programmes officiels des Comores depuis 1994 à nos jours, dans le but d'identifier et de caractériser les choix effectués par les concepteurs, de soulever les contraintes et les difficultés éventuelles ; Ensuite l'étude de la façon dont les enseignants s'approprient ce curriculum. Des questionnaires révèlent ce qu'ils déclarent à propos de leurs choix pour le mettre en œuvre dans leurs classes ainsi que leurs options didactiques, épistémologiques et pédagogiques. Pour prendre en compte ces diverses dimensions, plusieurs cadres théoriques sont mobilisés : la sociologie et la didactique du curriculum ; la didactique des disciplines et les pratiques enseignantes. L'analyse du curriculum prescrit montre qu'il subit des influences parfois contradictoires : d'abord le curriculum français (dans ses versions anciennes) surtout ancré sur des connaissances de savoirs académiques à acquérir, ensuite les recommandations des grands organismes internationaux insistant principalement sur des compétences à maitriser. Même si la tendance en France est maintenant de promouvoir des approches plus constructivistes (démarche d'investigation), une tension persiste entre ces deux pôles que l'on retrouvera chez les enseignants. / The thesis presented here develops two lines of research on the teaching of physics in schools and colleges of the Union of the Comoros: First, an analysis of the curriculum prescribed in the official programs of the Comoros since 1994 to the present day, in order to identify and characterize the choices made bay the designers, lift the constraints and potential problems; Then the study of how teachers have taken over the curriculum. Questionnaires reveal what they say about their choice to implement in their classrooms and their teaching, epistemological and pedagogical and pedagogical options. To take into account the various dimensions, several theoretical frameworks mobilized sociology and educational curriculum, and the didactics and teaching practices. The analysis shows that the prescribed curriculum undergoes sometimes contradictory influences : first the French curriculum (in its older versions) mainly anchored on knowledge of academic knowledge to be acquired, then the recommendations of major international organizations focusing primarily on skills to master. Although the trend in France is now promoting more constructivist approaches (inquiry process), a continuing tension between these two poles that we find among teachers. In general objectives official is displayed the desire to promote a general rather than specialized teaching science education, but it is not visible in the contents of the program: they are indeed defined in terms of knowledge, skills and methods, but little tools are available for teachers to implement. Only very general advice is given as to promote the construction of knowledge by students or use the investigative approaches.

Effet d'un changement curriculaire sur les pratiques enseignantes : le cas de l'école primaire en Syrie illustré en mathématiques et en sciences expérimentales / Effects of curriculum change on the teaching practices : the case of primary school in Syria illustrated in mathematics and experimental sciences

Mamish, Abdallah 29 June 2018 (has links)
La recherche porte sur une problématique spécifique à un système éducatif qui évolue. Notre orientation dans cette thèse est plutôt didactique, son objectif est d’étudier les effets réels de la mise en place d’un nouveau type d’enseignement sur les pratiques enseignantes ; notamment les effets sur les interactions élève/enseignant et la participation des élèves. La réponse à la question de recherche a nécessité une étude descriptive et analytique auprès des enseignants pour préciser le degré d’application des instructions officielles, quels types de contrat didactique instaurés et qui fait quoi par rapport au savoir (la topogenèse). Une enquête a aussi été menée auprès des parents d’élèves pour connaître leurs points de vue sur ce changement. Ce travail a privilégié deux approches : mixte (qualitative et quantitative) et clinique. L’analyse des résultats issue de cette thèse nous montre que les enseignants interrogés déclarent s’engager dans les changements impliqués dans la réforme malgré des difficultés liées à leur formation, à l’organisation des salles et au temps imparti. L’analyse didactique révèle un impact sur l’interaction élève/enseignant (cours dialogué) mais la place des élèves dans la construction du savoir reste marginale : la position topogénétique de l’enseignant est dominante et les situations a-didactiques qui permettent aux élèves de construire leurs savoirs par eux-mêmes sont le plus souvent absentes. Les parents ont un point de vue généralement positif malgré quelques réserves. Notre travail ouvre des perspectives sur les effets du changement sur les résultats des élèves et sur l’amélioration de formation des enseignants en Syrie. / The research focuses on a specific problematic to an evolving education system. Our orientation in this thesis is rather didactic; its objective is to study the effects of a new way of teaching on the teaching practices; including effects on student / teacher interactions and student participation. The answer to the research question required a descriptive and analytical study of the teachers to clarify the degree of application of the official instructions, what types of didactic contract established and “who does what” in relation to knowledge (topogenesis). A survey was also conducted with parents to get their point of view on this change. This research has used two approaches: mixed (qualitative and quantitative) and clinical. The results analysis of this thesis show that the interviewed teachers integrate the curriculum change despite difficulties related to their training, the classroom arrangement and the time allotted. The didactic analysis reveals an impact on the student / teacher interaction (oral lesson) but the place of the pupils in the construction of the knowledge remains marginal: the topogenetic position of the teacher is dominant and the adidactical situations which allow the pupils to build their knowledge by themselves are most often absent. Parents have a generally positive point of view despite some reservations. Our work opens perspectives on the effects of change on student achievement and on improving teacher training in Syria.

Os saberes profissionais dos professores: formações, carreiras e experiências nas reformas da rede pública de ensino do estado de São Paulo (1980 a 2010) / The professional knowledges of teachers: training, carreers and experiences in reforms of the public state education in São Paulo (1980-2010)

Alves, Caio Augusto Carvalho 20 June 2016 (has links)
Essa pesquisa investiga saberes docentes (TARDIF, 2014) construídos dentro de escolas da rede pública estadual de ensino de São Paulo diante das políticas implementadas pelo governo desde a década de 1980 até 2010. De que maneira os professores passaram a organizar seu trabalho em meio a medidas relativamente novas, como é o caso da organização dos ciclos, da implantação do ensino fundamental de nove anos e da progressão continuada? Percebe-se que, com essas medidas, experiências que historicamente a escola instituiu para lecionar precisaram ser revistas, o que pôde gerar algumas resistências e adaptações no dia a dia das escolas. Interessa conhecer e compreender tais modificações que, embora não comumente registradas em documentos, porque produzem efeitos significativos no trabalho dos professores e dos alunos. Assim, a pesquisa considera as relações entre as iniciativas de política levadas a efeito pelo Estado e o que se concretiza no cotidiano das salas de aula, enfatizando a construção de saberes docentes decorrente desse jogo de poderes. A pesquisa trabalha com as memórias de professores atuantes na rede. Entrevistamos professores que começaram a lecionar há quase trinta anos e que hoje estão em processo de aposentadoria, e professores com ingresso mais recente no magistério, posterior ao implemento de importantes políticas educacionais no período destacado. Tal como se quer, esse caminho evidencia as mudanças e permanências que, desde a década de 1980, têm sido vividas pelos professores quando trabalham ou trabalharam com seus alunos. / This research investigates teaching knowledge (TARDIF, 2014) built up within the State public schools of São Paulo before the policies implemented by the government since the 1980s until 2010. How teachers began to organize their work amid relatively new measures, such as the organization of cycles, the implementation of basic education of nine years and the continued progression? It can be noticed that, with these measures, experiences historically established in school teaching had to be revised, which could cause some resistance and adaptations in schools daily routine. It is important to be aware of these changes and to understand them because they produce significant effects on teachers and students work, although these changes are not commonly recorded in documents. Thus, this research considers the relationship between the policy initiatives undertaken by the State and what is in fact accomplished in the classroom daily life, with emphasis on the teaching knowledge construction as a result of this set of powers. The research deals with the memories of teachers working in the state public system. We interviewed teachers who have been teaching for almost thirty years and who are now in the retirement process, as well as teachers who have more recently joined state public teaching, later to major educational policies implementation. Just as it is supposed to be, such a direction highlights the changes and continuities which have been experienced by teachers since the 1980s in their work with students.

Representações sociais sobre as crianças negras na educação infantil: mudanças e permanências a partir da prática pedagógica de uma professora / Social representation of black children in primary school: changes and maintenance of practices from the perspective of a teachers teaching practices

Teles, Carolina de Paula 12 April 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pretende contribuir para que as professoras da educação infantil possam refletir sobre as representações sociais que possuem a respeito das crianças negras e a partir disso, pensar em transformações tanto nas relações sociais estabelecidas com essas crianças quanto na prática pedagógica, de modo que essas possam se configurar como promotoras da reeducação das relações raciais no ambiente escolar. A intenção de articular representações sociais e relações raciais é que as professoras compreendam quão significativas são suas ações cotidianas e práticas e os possíveis efeitos que elas têm sob as crianças, tanto negras quanto brancas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do estudo foi o de apreender e interpretar as representações sociais sobre as crianças negras na perspectiva de uma professora de educação infantil bem como analisar como essas refletem em sua prática pedagógica. A fim de cumprir o objetivo mencionado, optamos por realizar uma pesquisa qualitativa na perspectiva etnográfica, sendo esta desenvolvida em uma Escola Municipal de educação infantil (Emei) na cidade de São Paulo com uma turma de crianças de cinco anos. Os dados foram coletados por meio da pesquisa de campo, entrevista com a professora observada e análise de documentos institucionais dando ênfase ao o que e como abordavam a temática racial e das diferenças como um todo. O referencial teórico-metodológico adotado para a análise foi da teoria das representações sociais cunhada por Moscovici (1978). Para o referido autor, criamos representações sociais para tornar o que é estranho, ausente em nós e da nossa realidade em algo familiar, compreensível ao nosso sistema de referência. A partir dessa afirmação, interrogamos o que seria estranho para a professora considerando a temática estudada e o contexto social e político na qual estava inserida e como essa elabora e põe em funcionamento suas representações acerca das crianças negras. Com base na análise realizada, inferimos que as representações sociais que a professora tem sobre as crianças negras podem estar pautadas em movimentos de mudanças e de permanências, moderadas pelo modo como o racismo foi operacionalizado no país baseado no ideal de democracia racial em contrapartida a valorização do branco e pelas mudanças ocorridas ao tratamento da temática racial, advindas das ações dos movimentos negros e que resultaram na confirmação da existência do racismo no país, impulsionando ações, em todos os setores da sociedade, sobretudo, na educação para modificar tal realidade. Desse modo, ao que se refere à professora observada, compreendemos que ao representar as crianças negras da sua turma o fez por meio da reelaboração de novos conhecimentos sobre a questão racial e da permanência de ideais que ainda estão presentes na sociedade brasileira. / This research aims to help primary school teachers to reflect over the social representations, that they have of black children, and from there plan and think about changes both in established social relations with the school children and their teaching practices, so that these teachers can become promoters of the reeducation of racial relations in the educational environment.The intention to articulate social and racial relations representations, is that the teachers comprehend how meaningful their daily actions and practices are, and the possible effects that they have on both black and white children. In this context, the aim of this study was to apprehend and interpret the social representations of black children in the perspective of a primary school teacher, as well as analise how this reflect on their teaching practices. With the intention of fulfilling the above mentioned aim, we opted to execute a qualitative research with an ehtnographic perspective. Due to this, it was developed in a public primary school in the city of São Paulo with a group of five years old children. The information was gathered through a field study, interview with the observed teacher and analysis of institutional documents, emphasizing what and how the racial thematic was approached and the differences as a whole. The theoretical methodology adopted to the analysis was the theory of social representations, created by Moscovici (1978). For the author we have created social representations to turn what is unknown, absent in us and our reality into something familiar, comprehensible to our reference system. Based on this affirmation, we have interrogated what would be unknown to the teacher, considering the studied theme and the social and political context in which the teacher was part of, and how she elaborates and puts in practice her representations of black children. Based on the analysis, we concluded that the social representations that the teacher has of black children might be due to changes and maintenance in how racism is applied in the country based on the ideal of racial democracy in compensation of the valorization of the white people and for the changes ocurred in the racial thematic, originated from the actions of the black movement and that resulted in the confirmation of the existence of racism in the country, generating actions in all sectors of the society over all in the education to change the general reality. Therefore, in relation to the observed teacher, we comprehend that by representing the black children in her group, the teacher reelaborated her social representations based on new information about the racial thematic and the maintenance of ideals that are still present in the Brazilian society.

Práticas de ensino de leitura literária em turmas de 5ª série/6° ano do ensino fundamental / Teaching Practices of Literature Lectures in sixth school grade of Basic Education

Caires, Vanessa Cristina da Cunha 07 December 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo estudar práticas de professores de língua portuguesa para o ensino de leitura literária em turmas de 5ª série/6º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Para tanto, optou-se por investigar tais práticas em duas escolas da zona oeste da cidade de São Paulo, ambas de grande porte e que atendem aos níveis de Ensino Fundamental e Médio. A primeira parte da pesquisa consistiu em abordar os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Terceiro e Quarto Ciclos do Ensino Fundamental de Língua Portuguesa (BRASIL, 1998b) e a Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo: Língua Portuguesa (SÃO PAULO, 2008a) para investigar os discursos oficiais quanto ao ensino e à formação de leitores de literatura. A segunda parte da pesquisa correspondeu ao estudo de tipo etnográfico: ao longo de dois semestres letivos 2º semestre de 2010 e 1º semestre de 2011 , foi feita observação participativa nas duas escolas a fim de acompanhar as práticas dos professores e o modo como ensinam os alunos a ler textos literários na escola. Para melhor entender as situações de ensino, foram feitas entrevistas com as professoras na terceira parte da pesquisa, e a análise final se deu com a aproximação entre os dados da observação da pesquisadora e o discurso das docentes. Como resultado, depreende-se que, apesar das diferentes estratégias empregadas pelas professoras, elas encontram dificuldade em mensurar o ensino de leitura literária tendo em vista a relação texto-leitor, dada a subjetividade intrínseca do próprio objeto. Do ponto de vista teórico, foram levados em consideração os estudos de Jauss (1970), Iser (1999), Jouve (2002), Zilberman (1982; 1989), Perrone-Moisés (2000b; 2011) e Rouxel (no prelo). / This dissertation entails a study on practices of literature lectures among sixth school grade students. To accomplish this, two important Basic Education Schools from the west of the city of Sao Paulo have been investigated. The first section of this research focused on Third and Fourth Cycles of National Curricular Parameters in Portuguese Basic School (BRAZIL, 1998b), and Sao Paulo State Curricular Proposal: Portuguese (SÃO PAULO, 2008a) to investigate official approaches in teaching Literature and development of literary lectures. The second part comprised an etnographic study as it follows: in two semesters from last 2010 to 2011 teachers practices have been observed to depict how they instructed students to read literature lectures. For a better understanding of learning situations in class, I interviewed three teachers and compared their speech on literature practices with my personal observations. As results of this investigation, it was possible to infer that teachers employed different strategies in Literature Lectures, but they had difficulties in objectively measuring reader-text interactions, which are intrinsically subjective. This dissertation was substantiated by studies from Jauss (1970), Iser (1999), Jouve (2002), Zilberman (1982; 1989), Perrone-Moisés (2000b; 2011), and Rouxel (in press).

Leituras de professores: uma teoria da prática

Terra, Ernani 09 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ERNANI TERRA.pdf: 1107383 bytes, checksum: 6aa2fd52eda4c8c57a2eb7c8566f4bab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-09 / The work Leituras de professores: uma teoria da prática, by Ernani Terra, under orientation of Prof Dr Anna Maria Marques Cintra, presents the results of the research that has investigated reading habits of High-School Portuguese teachers in the São Paulo metropolitan area. The author s aims are to identify what the informants read in their spare time and whether these readings are of free choice. The research follows two hypotheses: a) teachers spare time readings are strongly related to their professional practice; b) Portuguese language teachers autonomy in deciding what they want to read in their spare time is not complete, since it is determined by institutional needs. The author has not found research on spare time reading by teachers in the libraries of three universities in the state of São Paulo. Nor has he found studies which analyze whether they share these readings with the students. This research might bring subsidies to guide the pedagogical action of teachers, especially with relation to reading. The work was based on bibliographical research and on critical review of literature, which served as a basis for the analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data. The analysis has been bases upon three independent pillars that are related to the general topic of the research: 1. Analysis if the characteristics of free time and leisure activities; 2. Reading profile in Brazil; 3. Analysis of teacher s practices in relation to reading. Our theoretical support is Theodor Adorno, Joffre Dumazedier and Frederic Munné for item 1; Laurence Helleweel, Marisa Lajolo, Regina Zilberman and Magda Soares for item 2; Pierre Bourdieu and Michel de Certeau for item 3. The study reveals our informants readings during the time they are freed from work and domestic chores are linked to their professional practice and to their professional development / Neste trabalho, denominado Leituras de professores: uma teoria da prática, Ernani Terra, sob orientação da Profa. Dra. Anna Maria Marques Cintra, apresenta resultados de pesquisa que investigou hábitos de leituras de professores de língua portuguesa de ensino médio da região metropolitana de São Paulo. O autor estabeleceu como objetivos identificar o que os informantes leem em seu tempo livre e verificar se essas leituras resultam ou não da livre escolha dos docentes. Duas hipóteses nortearam a pesquisa: a) as leituras feitas pelo professor de língua portuguesa em seu tempo livre guardam estreita relação com sua prática docente; b) a autonomia dos professores de língua portuguesa em decidir o que querem ler em seu tempo livre não é plena, pois é determinada por compromissos institucionais. Justifica-se este trabalho pelo fato de o autor não ter encontrado, em bibliotecas de três universidades do estado de São Paulo, pesquisas sobre leituras de professores em seu tempo livre e, especificamente, se são compartilhadas com os alunos; por isso essa pesquisa pode trazer subsídios que podem orientar a ação pedagógica de profissionais ligados ao ensino, particularmente o de leitura. O trabalho desenvolveuse a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão crítica da literatura concernente à matéria tratada nesta pesquisa, o que serviu de base para a análise e interpretação dos dados gerados por meio de pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa. A abordagem analítica fundamentou-se em três pilares independentes, mas relacionados pelo tema geral da pesquisa: 1. análise das características e propriedades do tempo livre e das atividades de ócio e lazer; 2. panorama da leitura no Brasil; 3. análise dos modos de agir de professores e suas práticas pedagógicas relativamente à leitura. Os autores que nos deram importantes suportes teóricos foram Theodor Adorno, Joffre Dumazedier e Frederic Munné para o item 1; Laurence Helleweel, Marisa Lajolo, Regina Zilberman e Magda Soares para o item 2; Pierre Bourdieu e Michel de Certeau para o item 3. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que, para os professores-informantes, as leituras feitas no tempo em que eles estão liberados do trabalho e dos afazeres domésticos estão ancoradas em sua prática docente e em seu desenvolvimento profissional

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