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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití marketingu v práci pedagogických pracovníků / The Use of Marketing in the Work of the Teaching Staff

Omcirk, Vilém January 2011 (has links)
The main subject of this thesis is the area of marketing in the field of educational institutions. The first part of the thesis is focused on the theoretical foundations of marketing, marketing services with specifics of marketing of educational institutions, marketing research, marketing management with the specifics of educational institutions and marketing communication. The operative part deals with the implementation of marketing research, analysis marketing communication and realization of strategic analysis of the educational institution. On this base, then proposes the use of marketing in the work of the teaching staff.

La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux 1886-1968 : un siècle d’essor universitaire en province / The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux from 1886 to 1968 : The development of the provincial university over the century

Clavel, Elsa 28 October 2016 (has links)
A partir de la fin des années 1870, l’enseignement supérieur en France connaît d’importantes mutations liées aux réformes de la Troisième République. La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux, qui s’installe en 1886 dans le « Palais des Facultés » - un des tout premiers en France - au centre-ville de Bordeaux, permet d’observer les bouleversements qui touchent autant les enseignants que les étudiants de plus en plus nombreux, mais aussi le cursus universitaire et les disciplines enseignées. La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux acquiert une certaine spécificité au cœur d’un mouvement national : l’innovation de la « science sociale » avec Emile Durkheim, le développement de la géographie coloniale en sont quelques exemples. Près d’un siècle plus tard, au cours des années 1960, la faculté des lettres de Bordeaux se distingue encore avec l’écriture d’une histoire de Bordeaux sous la direction de Charles Higounet, inédite alors pour une métropole en France et en Europe. Une étude prosopographique distingue quelques caractéristiques d’un corps professoral, souvent passé par les grandes écoles, pour lequel la faculté des lettres de Bordeaux peut constituer autant un tremplin vers Paris que la réalisation d’une longue carrière universitaire. L’analyse des dossiers des étudiants montre le mouvement de massification qui touche l’enseignement supérieur ainsi que sa féminisation et une relative diversification des origines sociales. La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux, siège de ministères au début des deux conflits mondiaux, est, enfin, engagée dans les grands enjeux politiques, de l’affaire Dreyfus à Mai 68 tout en s’insérant au cœur de l’Aquitaine et en s’ouvrant au monde, plus particulièrement aux territoires d’outre-mer et de culture hispanique. La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux est donc un reflet de la démocratisation progressive de l’accès à l’éducation et de ses limites, mais aussi des changements structurels de la société française de la fin du XIXe siècle à 1968. / From the end of the 1870’s, Higher Education in France underwent important changes linked to the reforms of the Third Republic. The Faculty of Arts of the University of Bordeaux, took up residence in the “Palais des Facultés” - one of the very first in France – in the town centre of Bordeaux. We can observe the upheavals which affected not only the teaching staff and the students who were constantly increasing in numbers, but also the university curriculum and the subjects taught. The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux acquired a certain specificity within a national movement: the innovation of “Social Sciences” with Emile Durkheim or the development of Colonial Geography being just a couple of examples. More than a century later, in the 1960’s, The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux distinguished itself yet again with the writing of the History of Bordeaux under the supervision of Charles Higounet, the first of its kind for a metropolis whether in France or in Europe. A prosopographical study distinguished certain characteristics of the body of Professors, who had often studied in the “Grandes Ecoles”, and for whom the Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux could prove to be a stepping stone towards a position in Paris or the achievement of a long university career. The study of the students’ records shows the mass movement which affected Higher Education as well as its feminization and a certain diversification of social origins. The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux, ministerial Headquarters during the two World Wars, was involved in important political issues, from the Dreyfus case to May 68 whilst playing an important role in Aquitaine and remaining open to the outside world, especially in overseas territories of Hispanic culture. The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux is thus a reflection of the gradual democratization of the access to education and its limits, but also of the structural changes within French society from the end of the nineteenth century to 1968.

Relations entre le leadership transformationnel de directions d’établissement, le contexte scolaire et les conditions favorisant l’engagement du personnel enseignant tels que perçus par des enseignants de quatre écoles primaires de Montréal lors de l’implantation du renouveau pédagogique

Chilaca Gómez, Patricia Lizete 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à examiner les relations entre la perception que des membres du personnel enseignant ont des pratiques du leadership transformationnel de la direction d’école, du contexte scolaire et des conditions favorisant leur engagement à implanter le renouveau pédagogique dans leur école. Le schéma conceptuel et le questionnaire qui sous-tendent cette recherche sont une adaptation de ceux élaborés par Yu, Leithwood et Jantzi (2002). Le questionnaire a été complété par 31 membres du personnel enseignant de quatre écoles primaires montréalaises appartenant à des commissions scolaires anglophones et francophones. À partir de ces données, nous avons calculé des moyennes et nous avons comparé les écoles, à l’aide des tests Mann-Whitney, selon leur niveau d’implantation du renouveau pédagogique, leur niveau socioéconomique et la langue de la commission scolaire d’appartenance. De plus, pour compléter nos données quantitatives, nous avons repris quelques citations des entrevues faites auprès des directions de ces écoles que les professeurs du département d’Administration et fondements de l’éducation de l’Université de Montréal, qui font partie du Groupe de recherche sur l’éducation en milieux défavorisés (GRÉMD), ont effectuées dans le cadre d’une autre étude. Les comparaisons des écoles selon leur niveau d’implantation du renouveau pédagogique révèlent que le personnel enseignant des deux écoles en changement se distingue de celui des deux écoles peu engagées dans le changement sur un seul point majeur : il a évalué moins positivement le contexte scolaire, un résultat appuyé par les analyses non paramétriques. Il semble que, dans les écoles qui ont participé à notre étude, le fait de soutenir l’implantation du renouveau pédagogique serait associé à une évaluation plus faible du contexte scolaire ; la culture de l’école et l’environnement étant les conditions les plus touchées. Un autre résultat de cette recherche est le fait que les enseignantes de l’école favorisée ont évalué le contexte scolaire, notamment la culture, l’environnement et les stratégies pour le changement, moins positivement que les enseignantes des écoles défavorisées. Enfin, les comparaisons des écoles en fonction de la langue de la commission scolaire indiquent qu’il n’existe pas de différence significative dans les évaluations faites des trois variables, que les enseignantes travaillent dans une école appartenant à une commission scolaire anglophone ou francophone. Étant donné que l’échantillon d’enseignantes qui a participé à notre étude est modeste, les résultats de cette recherche ne peuvent pas être généralisés, cependant ils pourraient constituer une base pour des recherches ultérieures dans ce domaine. / This research aims at establishing the relationship between the manner in which members of the teaching staff perceive transformational leadership as practiced by their principals, the school context and the conditions favouring their own commitment to implement the pedagogical renewal in their schools. The conceptual model behind this research was drawn from the one developed by Yu, Leithwood and Jantzi (2002), as was the questionnaire used to collect the data. This questionnaire was completed by 31 teachers in four elementary Montreal schools affiliated either to the English-speaking or French-speaking school boards. Based on this data, averages were calculated then compared, by means of the Mann-Whitney tests, on the grounds of the different schools’ level of implementation of the pedagogical renewal, their socio-economic level and the language of the school board. In order to complement the quantitative data, some quotations were borrowed from interviews conducted with the principals of these schools by some professors of the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations of the Université de Montréal, as part of another study conducted by the Groupe de recherche sur l’éducation en milieux défavorisés (GRÉMD) (Research group on education in disadvantaged communities). Comparing the different schools according to the degree to which they have already implemented the educational renewal revealed that teachers belonging to the two schools undergoing change differed by one major point from those of the two schools where change was of less magnitude : their assessment of the school context was less positive, and this result was supported by the non-parametric analysis. Supporting the implementation of educational renewal in schools, at least as far as this study is concerned, appears to be associated with a lower evaluation of the school context, especially of the school culture and of the environment. Another result of this research was that teachers of the more privileged school assessed their school context, particularly with regards to school culture, environment and strategies for change, less positively than teachers of the disadvantaged schools. Finally, comparisons between the schools based on the language of the school board indicated no significant difference in the assessments of the three variables by the teachers of the English-speaking or the French-speaking school boards. Given the modest size of the sample of participating teachers, the results of this research can in no way be generalized. However, they might serve as basis for further research in the field.

Status of Women from National Minorities in the Serbian Higher Education System – Focus on Women from the Hungarian National Minority / Položaj žena iz nacionalnih manjina u sistemu visokog obrazovanja Srbije – osvrt na žene iz mađarske nacionalne manjine

Lendak-Kabok Karolina 23 July 2019 (has links)
<p>The primary objective of this research was to identify and<br />analyse the challenges faced by ethnic minority students<br />while studying and building an academic career in the higher<br />education system of Serbia. The secondary objective was to<br />analyse the unconscious and conscious gender biases towards<br />ethnic minority women, when building their academic careers<br />and in reaching decision-making position in academia. The<br />tertiary objective of was to raise awareness about the<br />increased demand for human resources in the technical fields<br />and that therefore more women should be steered towards the<br />studying engineering.<br />The research was conducted based on 2192 filled in<br />questionnaires and 45 semi-structured interviews. The<br />research results showed that language, intersecting with<br />gender, ethnicity and class result in a new inequality concept.<br />It was shown that women are under-represented in technical<br />fields, which has its roots in gender stereotypes. Finally, it<br />was shown that women are less motivated to reach higher<br />positions in the Serbian higher education system than men.<br />The author proposes a set of policy recommendations for<br />solving/mitigating the identified challenges, e.g. deconstruction<br />of gender stereotypes via improved teaching<br />aids in elementary and high schools, optimised Serbian<br />language teaching to eliminate the language difficulty faced<br />at the start of their higher education; as well as the founding<br />of an ethnic minority research centre, which would research<br />the challenges faced by ethnic minority communities.</p> / <p>Primarni cilj istraživanja je identifikacija i i analiza prepreka<br />u sistemu visokog obrazovanja tokom studiranja i izgradnje<br />karijere u akademskoj zajednici žena iz nacionalnih zajednica<br />sa posebnim osvrtom na žene iz mađarske nacionalne<br />zajednice. Sekundarni cilj je analiza nesvesne i svesne rodne<br />pristrasnosti prema ženama etničkih manjina u toku izgradnje<br />akademske karijere i pri dosezanju visokih pozicija unutar<br />akademije. Tercijarni cilj istraživanja je podizanje svesti o<br />tome, kako je potražnja za ljudskim resursima na trži&scaron;tu rada<br />u oblasti tehničkih nauka značajna i da je stoga potrebno<br />usmeriti veći broj žena ka tim oblastima. Istraživanje je<br />sprovedeno pomoću 2192 popunjena upitnika i 45 polustrukturirana<br />intervjua. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da jezik,<br />koji je u intersekciji sa rodom, nacionalno&scaron;ću i klasom,<br />rezultira novim konceptom nejednakosti. Takođe je dokazano<br />da su žene nedovoljno zastupljene u tehničkim oblastima, &scaron;to<br />je najvećim delom moguće pripisati rodnim stereotipima.<br />Konačno, utvrđeno je da su žene manje motivisane da<br />dosegnu visoke pozicije od mu&scaron;karaca u sistemu visokog<br />&scaron;kolstva. Autorka predlaže skup mera za re&scaron;avanje i/ili<br />ublažavanje identifikovanih izazova, npr. dekonstrukcija<br />rodnih stereotipa pomoću unapređenih nastavnih materijala u<br />osnovnim i srednjim &scaron;kolama, prilađen program učenja<br />srpskog jezika za učenike iz etničkih manjina sa ciljem<br />izbegavanja jezičke barijere na početku studija; odnosno<br />osnivanje centra za istraživanje statusa i izazova zajednica<br />etničkih manjina.</p>

Profesní rozvoj učitele matematiky / Mathematics Teachers and Their Professional Development

Pávová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: Mathematics Teachers and Their Professional Development AUTHOR: Jana Pávová DEPARTMENT: Department of Education SUPERVISOR: Doc. PaedDr. Stanislav Bendl, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This thesis is focused on Mathematics Teachers and Their Professional Development. The thoretical part describes the Czech system of in-service education of teachers in the context of lifelong learning. It introduces its legislative classification and describes an alternative classification. The following part offers the list of information resources, which are useful for Mathematics teachers and the list of what the current offer of further education courses for Mathematics teachers is, including selfstudying activities. The relevant links are quoted in the appendices. The empirical part analyses, interprets and evaluates the qualitative research among Mathematics teachers, which determines their experience with in-service education/professional development, their attitudes and opinions in this field. Furthermore, this part analyses their attitudes from the constructivism in Mathematics teaching's point of view. KEYWORDS: Maths teacher, further/in service education of teaching staff, teacher's professional development, educational portals, the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, Maths competitions, constructivism in Maths...

Další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků středních škol ve Středočeském kraji / Further education of secondary school pedagogic workers in the Central Bohemia region

Vančura, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The present thesis focuses on further education of pedagogical personnel at high schools in Central Bohemia Region. The aim of this thesis is to explore, whether the teaching staff continue with their education. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is split into two chapters which offer definitions of key words and explain the basic terms closely related to further education of pedagogical personnel. The following chapter describes the implementation of further education of pedagogical personnel, educational methods and tools. The theoretical part also deals with gaining financial sources for further education. The practical part of the thesis is split into two chapters employing the method of questionnaire survey which was sent to the teaching staff in the Central Bohemia Region. This method was used to explore the motivation of pedagogical personnel to continue their education, and to monitor the conditions for their education. In the conclusion, the thesis adverts to several recommendations arising from the questionnaire survey.

Relations entre le leadership transformationnel de directions d’établissement, le contexte scolaire et les conditions favorisant l’engagement du personnel enseignant tels que perçus par des enseignants de quatre écoles primaires de Montréal lors de l’implantation du renouveau pédagogique

Chilaca Gómez, Patricia Lizete 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à examiner les relations entre la perception que des membres du personnel enseignant ont des pratiques du leadership transformationnel de la direction d’école, du contexte scolaire et des conditions favorisant leur engagement à implanter le renouveau pédagogique dans leur école. Le schéma conceptuel et le questionnaire qui sous-tendent cette recherche sont une adaptation de ceux élaborés par Yu, Leithwood et Jantzi (2002). Le questionnaire a été complété par 31 membres du personnel enseignant de quatre écoles primaires montréalaises appartenant à des commissions scolaires anglophones et francophones. À partir de ces données, nous avons calculé des moyennes et nous avons comparé les écoles, à l’aide des tests Mann-Whitney, selon leur niveau d’implantation du renouveau pédagogique, leur niveau socioéconomique et la langue de la commission scolaire d’appartenance. De plus, pour compléter nos données quantitatives, nous avons repris quelques citations des entrevues faites auprès des directions de ces écoles que les professeurs du département d’Administration et fondements de l’éducation de l’Université de Montréal, qui font partie du Groupe de recherche sur l’éducation en milieux défavorisés (GRÉMD), ont effectuées dans le cadre d’une autre étude. Les comparaisons des écoles selon leur niveau d’implantation du renouveau pédagogique révèlent que le personnel enseignant des deux écoles en changement se distingue de celui des deux écoles peu engagées dans le changement sur un seul point majeur : il a évalué moins positivement le contexte scolaire, un résultat appuyé par les analyses non paramétriques. Il semble que, dans les écoles qui ont participé à notre étude, le fait de soutenir l’implantation du renouveau pédagogique serait associé à une évaluation plus faible du contexte scolaire ; la culture de l’école et l’environnement étant les conditions les plus touchées. Un autre résultat de cette recherche est le fait que les enseignantes de l’école favorisée ont évalué le contexte scolaire, notamment la culture, l’environnement et les stratégies pour le changement, moins positivement que les enseignantes des écoles défavorisées. Enfin, les comparaisons des écoles en fonction de la langue de la commission scolaire indiquent qu’il n’existe pas de différence significative dans les évaluations faites des trois variables, que les enseignantes travaillent dans une école appartenant à une commission scolaire anglophone ou francophone. Étant donné que l’échantillon d’enseignantes qui a participé à notre étude est modeste, les résultats de cette recherche ne peuvent pas être généralisés, cependant ils pourraient constituer une base pour des recherches ultérieures dans ce domaine. / This research aims at establishing the relationship between the manner in which members of the teaching staff perceive transformational leadership as practiced by their principals, the school context and the conditions favouring their own commitment to implement the pedagogical renewal in their schools. The conceptual model behind this research was drawn from the one developed by Yu, Leithwood and Jantzi (2002), as was the questionnaire used to collect the data. This questionnaire was completed by 31 teachers in four elementary Montreal schools affiliated either to the English-speaking or French-speaking school boards. Based on this data, averages were calculated then compared, by means of the Mann-Whitney tests, on the grounds of the different schools’ level of implementation of the pedagogical renewal, their socio-economic level and the language of the school board. In order to complement the quantitative data, some quotations were borrowed from interviews conducted with the principals of these schools by some professors of the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations of the Université de Montréal, as part of another study conducted by the Groupe de recherche sur l’éducation en milieux défavorisés (GRÉMD) (Research group on education in disadvantaged communities). Comparing the different schools according to the degree to which they have already implemented the educational renewal revealed that teachers belonging to the two schools undergoing change differed by one major point from those of the two schools where change was of less magnitude : their assessment of the school context was less positive, and this result was supported by the non-parametric analysis. Supporting the implementation of educational renewal in schools, at least as far as this study is concerned, appears to be associated with a lower evaluation of the school context, especially of the school culture and of the environment. Another result of this research was that teachers of the more privileged school assessed their school context, particularly with regards to school culture, environment and strategies for change, less positively than teachers of the disadvantaged schools. Finally, comparisons between the schools based on the language of the school board indicated no significant difference in the assessments of the three variables by the teachers of the English-speaking or the French-speaking school boards. Given the modest size of the sample of participating teachers, the results of this research can in no way be generalized. However, they might serve as basis for further research in the field.

Mezilidské vztahy ve školních kolektivech / Interpersonal relationships in school communities

Singrová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is to gather relevant information about interpersonal relationships in the teaching staff of selected secondary schools and to show how they are perceived, understood, experienced and reflected by their participants. The result of this work is to propose principles and recommendations leading to the optimization of relationships between teachers. This work, in the terms of qualitative research, used the design of case study. Research techniques are semistructured interview and participant observation. Through them, information was gathered on relationships between teachers, teachers and school management and teachers and other people, with whom they come into contact within the scope of their profession. These relationships were then qualitatively analyzed based on open coding, categorization, typology, contrasting, generalization and validation of communication. The result of the investigation was that six schools out of four have the interpersonal relationships on a good level, educators are happy at work and their good mood and feelings are transmitted to the whole school climate. That creates the conditions for excitable work with good results both in the work of teachers as well as pupils. On one school the relationships between teachers and school management and the...

Mulheres Letradas e Missionárias da Luz: formação da Professora nas Escolas Normais do Ceará - 1930 a 1960

ARAÚJO, Fátima Maria Leitão January 2006 (has links)
ARAÚJO, Fátima Maria Leitão. Mulheres letradas e missionárias da luz: formação da professora nas escolas normais do Ceará - 1930 a 1960. 2006. 235f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2006. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-11T13:01:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_FMLARAUJO.pdf: 2853478 bytes, checksum: 9e3f021046fbbf6f905c3f4ee0d7226d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-11T14:44:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_FMLARAUJO.pdf: 2853478 bytes, checksum: 9e3f021046fbbf6f905c3f4ee0d7226d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-11T14:44:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_FMLARAUJO.pdf: 2853478 bytes, checksum: 9e3f021046fbbf6f905c3f4ee0d7226d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / The present research aims at studying teaching staff formation proposals for Teachers’ Training Rural Schools in Ceará from 1930 to 1960. Our purpose is to observe the discrepancies between government discourse and oficial documents and the everyday teacher-classroom practice. The research has helped us to evaluate teacher formation proposals at Rural Schools belonging to the social political context of post 1930 (President Vargas Era), and understand the role of the project in defining the ideal teacher profile for the rural area. To achieve these goals we have analyzed the ideas, experiences, practices, representations and the place reserved for rural area teachers at he beginning of the 20th century. We based our research on oral and written speeches, reports, public and private files and official documents among others. For us, the individual oral speeches were one of the most important sources for the research carried out since one of our concerns was to (re)construct the history from the point of view of teachers at the time period analyzed. Among the people who had an important part in the Teachers Training Rural Schools program we highlight the role played by women teachers, educators and missionaries who had the hard task of enlightening the country areas by means of primary education. / A presente tese tem por objeto o estudo da proposta de formação docente das escolas normais rurais do Ceará em idos de 1930 a 1960. Propõe responder aos questionamentos acerca da compatibilização entre o ideal preconizado pelos discursos e documentos oficiais e o perfil de professora produzido na prática cotidiana da sala de aula. Os caminhos percorridos a partir da pesquisa, leva a que se entenda a proposta de formação docente das escolas normais rurais do Ceará, analisando a sua inserção no contexto sociopolítico e ideológico do Ceará/Brasil pós-1930 (Era Vargas), além de compreender o significado do projeto escola normal rural na definição de um perfil ideal de educadora para o meio rural. Dessa forma, analisam-se as idéias, experiências, práticas, representações e o lugar reservado às professoras ruralistas naqueles efervescentes anos das primeiras décadas do século XX. A escrita ora apresentada é fruto da persistente busca dos vestígios deixados e dos relatos expressos pelas personagens que fizeram parte da trama cotidiana de histórias que se cruzam, na consecução de idéias e práticas vividas no âmbito da educação escolar daqueles idos. As fontes utilizadas foram de várias naturezas, tais quais: oral, relatórios, arquivos escolares e particulares, documentos oficiais, discursos de autoridades políticas e intelectuais, diretores, professores e ex-alunas, monografias de conclusão de curso, fotografias e fonte hemerográfica. Em tal percurso teórico-metodológico, destaquei a oralidade como importante fonte da pesquisa., haja vista a tentativa de efetivar a (re)construção histórica numa perspectiva da “história vista de baixo”, dando voz às pessoas que tiveram papel central no projeto escolar encetado pelas escolas normais rurais do Ceará. Assim, coloca-se no cerne da história educacional cearense de meados do século XX, a mulher, ou seja, a professora rural, a educadora e missionária que assumiria a árdua tarefa de iluminar o sertão via luz da instrução primária.

A influência das práticas e da política de capacitação e qualificação docente na avaliação da pós-graduação: um estudo na Universidade Federal Fluminense

Espírito Santo, Marineuza Corrêa do 07 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2015-11-04T19:55:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Marineuza Correa do Espírito Santo.pdf: 3171440 bytes, checksum: df09dea14d26bb585401e338d3ea33c7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-04T19:55:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Marineuza Correa do Espírito Santo.pdf: 3171440 bytes, checksum: df09dea14d26bb585401e338d3ea33c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-07 / A qualidade da pós-graduação Stricto Sensu no Brasil está relacionada diretamente com o nível de titulação do corpo docente. Sendo assim, acredita-se que o investimento na capacitação e qualificação docente deverá trazer benefícios para os seus Programas de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu, para uma melhor avaliação. Neste contexto, surge o seguinte problema: como avaliar a influência da capacitação e qualificação docente no desempenho da pós-graduação stricto sensu? A partir dessa premissa, esta pesquisa visa a analisar a influência das práticas e da política de capacitação e qualificação docente nos resultados da avaliação da pós-graduação pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) na Universidade Federal Fluminense. Mediante pesquisa bibliográfica sistematizada, construiu-se um questionário que foi aplicado a uma amostra composta por Programas de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu da UFF que obtiveram notas de 3 a 7 nas três últimas avaliações da CAPES. Mais especificamente esta amostra foi composta pelos seguintes programas: Física, Engenharias I – Civil, Engenharias II – Metalúrgica, Engenharias III – Produção e Mecânica, Geociências (Geoquímica), Geografia e História.O questionário, contendo dezessete questões, sendo dezesseis fechadas e uma aberta, abordou os fatores que são influenciados pela capacitação e a qualificação do corpo docente, além da influência dos critérios de inserção social e internacionalização na melhoria da qualidade dos programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu na UFF. Como instrumento de apoio a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a plataforma Survey Monkey, tendo sido enviados 240 convites, dos quais 60 foram considerados válidos.Paralelamente, foram feitos levantamentos dos afastamentos dos docentes para qualificação no país e no exterior, bem como dos resultados da avaliação da CAPES dos oito Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu selecionados. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que os fatores relacionados com os critérios de avaliação da CAPES foram percebidos como muito influenciados pelas práticas e políticas de capacitação e qualificação docente e que a política adotada pela UFF deve ser melhor divulgada para os docentes, além da necessidade do seu aprimoramento e de planejamento institucional.Confirmou-se também a alta influência dos critérios da inserção social e internacionalização na melhoria dos Programas de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu na UFF. Com base nesses resultados, podem ser estabelecidos parâmetros para a elaboração de políticas voltadas para a Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu na Universidade, além de fornecer subsídios para realização de estudos nessa área em outras Instituições de Ensino Superior. / The quality of stricto sensu postgraduate studies in Brazil is directly linked to lecturers’ academic degrees. For that reason, it is reasonable to believe that investment in training and qualification of teaching staff should benefit Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs, with a view to their being better evaluated. In this context, the following problem arises: how to assess the influence of training and qualification of teaching staff on the performance of stricto sensu postgraduate studies? Based on this premise, this study aims at analyzing the influence of practices and policies for training and qualification of teaching staff on the results of the postgraduate program evaluation carried out by Coordenação de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) at the Universidade Federal Fluminense. Following from systematic bibliographic research, a questionnaire was devised and applied to a sample audience comprised of Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs from UFF which obtained grades 3 to 7 in the last three evaluations from CAPES. More specifically, this sample contemplated the following programs: Physics, Engineering I – Civil, Engineering II – Metallurgical, Engineering III – Production and Mechanical, Geosciences (Geochemistry), Geography and History. The questionnaire, which contained seventeen questions, with sixteen open questions and one closed question, dealt with factors which are influenced by training and qualification of teaching staff, as well as the influence of social insertion and internationalization criteria on quality improvement of Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs at UFF. The instrument for support to data collection used was the Survey Monkey® platform, through which a total of 240 invitations were sent, with 60 considered valid. In parallel, the leaves of absence taken by teaching staff for study in Brazil and abroad was surveyed, as well as the results of CAPES evaluation of the eight Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs selected. The survey results showed that the factors related to the CAPES evaluation criteria were perceived as being heavily influenced by the practices and policies for training and qualification of teaching staff and that the policy adopted by UFF must be better communicated to teaching staff, besides the need for its improvement and for institutional planning. The strong influence of social insertion and internationalization criteria on the improvement of Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs at UFF was also confirmed. On the basis of these results, some parameters for the elaboration of policies concerning the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs at the University may be established, and the study may also contribute to studies in this area at other higher education institutions.

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