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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the relationship between Mathematics teachers’ subject matter knowledge and their teaching effectiveness

Ogbonnaya, Ugorji Iheanachor 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between mathematics teachers’ subject matter knowledge and their teaching effectiveness. A convenient sample of 19 grade 11 mathematics teachers and 418 students were initially selected for the study and took part in some stages of the study. Of this lot, only 11 teachers and 246 students participated in all the stages of the study. Explanatory Mixed methods research design which entails the use of a co-relational study and a descriptive survey design were employed in the study. Data was collected from the teachers using a self report questionnaire, Teacher Subject Matter Knowledge of Trigonometric Functions Scale (TSMKTFS) and peer evaluation questionnaire, and from students using teacher evaluation questionnaire and Student Trigonometric Functions Performance Scale (STFPS). All the instruments had their validity and reliability accordingly determined. Quantitative data gathered was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data gathered from teachers’ and students’ tests were analysed using task performance analysis. It was found that a positive, statistically significant relationship existed between teachers’ subject matter knowledge and the composite measure of their teaching effectiveness. The relationships between teachers’ subject matter knowledge and students’ achievement and also between teachers’ subject matter knowledge and students’ rating of the teachers’ teaching effectiveness were found to be positive and statistically significant. However, the relationships between teachers’ subject matter knowledge and teachers’ self rating as well as teachers’ subject matter knowledge and peers’ rating of teachers’ teaching effectiveness were not found to be statistically significant though they were positive. Further data analysis showed that there was a difference between the subject matter knowledge of effective and ineffective teachers and also between the students taught by effective teachers and the students taught by the ineffective teachers. / Institute of Science and Technology Education / PhD (Mathematics Education)

幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between Directors’ Instructional Leadership Behaviors and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Kindergarten and Nursery

張維倩, Chang, Wei-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能之關係。首先瞭解幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能之內涵及現況;其次分析不同背景變項在幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能之差異情形;接著探討幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能之相關,以及瞭解幼托園所主管教學領導行為對教師教學效能各層面之預測力。 本研究方法除了以文獻探討,分析教學領導行為與教師教學效能之理論與相關研究外,並兼採問卷調查法及訪談調查法。問卷調查之對象以基隆市、臺中縣、臺中市、彰化縣、南投縣,已立案之公、私立幼稚園及托兒所教師為母群體,採兩階段抽樣法進行取樣,共發出720份問卷,總計回收有效問卷493份(有效回收率68.47%)。使用之研究工具為自編之「幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能關係調查問卷」,問卷回收後,採描述性統計、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關、逐步多元迴歸及薛費法多重比較,進行資料分析。在訪談調查部分,乃針對十位幼托園所主管及教師,進行電話訪談。本研究所獲致之主要結論如下: 壹、幼托園所主管教學領導行為方面 一、幼托園所主管教學領導行為表現積極,其中以「發展支持的工作環境」表現最好。 二、「園所主管年資」在幼托園所主管教學領導行為達顯著影響;而「園所所處地區」、「園所性質」、「園所規模」及「園所主管最高學歷」在幼托園所主管教學領導行為未達顯著影響。 貳、教師教學效能方面 一、幼托園所教師教學效能表現良好,其中以「教學互動」表現最好。 二、「園所性質」、「園所主管年資」、「教師年齡」、「教師任教年資」及「兼任行政職務」在幼托園所教師教學效能達顯著影響;而「園所所處地區」、「園所規模」、「園所主管最高學歷」及「教師最高學歷」在幼托園所教師教學效能未達顯著影響。 參、幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能兩者之關係方面 一、「幼托園所主管教學領導行為」與「教師教學效能」呈現正相關。 二、「幼托園所主管教學領導行為」對「教師教學效能」具有預測力。 最後研究者根據研究結果,分別對幼兒教育行政機關、幼托園所主管培育機構、幼教師資培育機構、幼托園所主管、幼托園所教師以及後續相關研究提出相關建議,以期對未來幼教的發展有所助益。 / The main purpose of this study was to: (1) Investigate current situation of directors’ instructional leadership behaviors and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. (2) Explore the different influence effect of different variables on these two areas. (3) Analyze the relationships between directors’ instructional leadership behaviors and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. (4) Explore the predictive power of directors’ instructional leadership behaviors on the part of teachers’ teaching effectiveness. To accomplish these purposes, literature review was adopted in addition to questionnaire and interview (telephone survey). In questionnaire aspect, the teacher subjects were included public and private kindergartens and nursery schools in Taiwan, specifically Keelung City, Taichung County, Taichung City, Changhua County, Nantou County by means of stratified two-stage simple sampling. “The Kindergarten and Nursery Directors’ Instructional Leadership Behavior and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire” was designed to collect the data. 720 questionnaires were delivered, and 493 were retrieved with an effective return rate of 68.47%. The questionnaire data analysis included description statistics, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson-moment correlation analysis, canonical correlation, multiple stepwise regression analysis, and Scheffé’s posteriori comparison through the use of SPSS 10.07 for Windows. Ten directors and teachers from the sample of questionnaire interviews were selected for the telephone interviews. The major results were summarized as follows: A. In the aspect of director’s instruction leadership: a. Instruction leadership behavior of director is above average. For directors, the best dimension is to “develop a supporting environment”. b. Directors’ service years have a significant effect on director’s instruction leadership. Kindergarten location, kindergarten category of public or private, school size, and highest educational degree of the director do not have a significant effect on director’s instruction leadership. B. In the aspect of teachers’ teaching effectiveness: a. Teachers’ teaching effectiveness is above average. For teacher, the best dimension is to “instructional interaction”. b. Kindergarten category of public or private, directors’ years of service, teachers’ age, teachers’ years of service, part-time administrative position have significant influences on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. Kindergarten location, school size, highest educational degree of the director and highest educational degree of the teacher do not have significant effect on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. C. In the aspect of relationships between directors’ instructional leadership behaviors and teachers’ teaching effectiveness: a. There was a positive correlation between directors’ instruction leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. b. Directors’ instruction leadership was predictive of teachers’ teaching effectiveness. In the last part, based on the findings, the researcher proposes some suggestions for the education authorities, the director training institutions, the teacher training institutions, the preschool directors and teachers, and the future researchers, hoping to benefit the development of preschool education in the future.

Ефикасност примене електронског уџбеника у настави биологије у гимназији / Efikasnost primene elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji / Efficiency of electronic textbooks in Biology classes in grammar schools

Terzić Jovanka 26 August 2016 (has links)
<p>За потребе израде ове докторске дисертације најпре је направљен&nbsp; интерактивни електронски уџбеник биологије за IV разред гимназије природно-математичког смера, а затим је анализирана ефикасност његове примене у односу на&nbsp; традиционалну наставу. Педагошко истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 167 ученика (85 ученика у експерименталној и 82 ученика у контролној групи). Ученици Е групе су садржаје из наставне теме Основи молекуларне биологије у IV разреду гимназије реализовали применом интерактивног електронског уџбеника, индивидуалним обликом рада, док су ученици К група исте садржаје обрадила традиционалним наставним методама и фронталним обликом рада док су код куће учили из штампаног уџбеника.</p><p>Експериментална и контролна&nbsp; група су уједначене на почетку истраживања на основу успеха ученика из биологије на крају III. разреда гимназије и на основу резултата иницијалног теста.</p><p>Након реализације наведене наставне теме ученици обе групе су радили финални тест, а након 75 дана ретест. Такође су спроведене анкете за ученике Е групе и професоре биологије који раде у гимназији о о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије. Након тога су статистички обрађени и&nbsp; aнализирани резултати тестова и анкета.</p><p>Ученици Е групе су остварили бољи успех на финалном тесту и ретесту од ученика К групе. Разлике у њиховом постигнућу на финалном тесту и ретесту (у корист Е групе) су статистички значајне како на појединачним когнитивним нивоима (познавање чињеница, разумевање појмова и примена знања), тако и на тестовима у целини.</p><p>Резултати финалног теста су потврдили већу ефикасност наставе биологије уз примену електронског уџбеника у односу на традиционалну наставу. Резултати ретеста су потврдили већу трајност (квалитет) знања из биологије усвојеног применом електронског уџбеника у односу на знање стечено традиционалним метода рада. Веће постигнуће ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе је резултат примене електронског уџбеника и индивидуалног облика рада у настави биологије.</p><p>Ученици Е групе и професори биологије који раде у гимназији су изнели&nbsp; позитивне ставове о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије. То показује да они прихватају увођење иновативних модела рада у наставу.</p><p>Веће постигнуће ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе као и позитивни ставови ученика и професора о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије у гимназији препоручују израду и коришћење електронских уџбеника урађених према важећим наставним програмима у настави биологије и других предмета.</p> / <p>Za potrebe izrade ove doktorske disertacije najpre je napravljen&nbsp; interaktivni elektronski udžbenik biologije za IV razred gimnazije prirodno-matematičkog smera, a zatim je analizirana efikasnost njegove primene u odnosu na&nbsp; tradicionalnu nastavu. Pedagoško istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 167 učenika (85 učenika u eksperimentalnoj i 82 učenika u kontrolnoj grupi). Učenici E grupe su sadržaje iz nastavne teme Osnovi molekularne biologije u IV razredu gimnazije realizovali primenom interaktivnog elektronskog udžbenika, individualnim oblikom rada, dok su učenici K grupa iste sadržaje obradila tradicionalnim nastavnim metodama i frontalnim oblikom rada dok su kod kuće učili iz štampanog udžbenika.</p><p>Eksperimentalna i kontrolna&nbsp; grupa su ujednačene na početku istraživanja na osnovu uspeha učenika iz biologije na kraju III. razreda gimnazije i na osnovu rezultata inicijalnog testa.</p><p>Nakon realizacije navedene nastavne teme učenici obe grupe su radili finalni test, a nakon 75 dana retest. Takođe su sprovedene ankete za učenike E grupe i profesore biologije koji rade u gimnaziji o o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije. Nakon toga su statistički obrađeni i&nbsp; analizirani rezultati testova i anketa.</p><p>Učenici E grupe su ostvarili bolji uspeh na finalnom testu i retestu od učenika K grupe. Razlike u njihovom postignuću na finalnom testu i retestu (u korist E grupe) su statistički značajne kako na pojedinačnim kognitivnim nivoima (poznavanje činjenica, razumevanje pojmova i primena znanja), tako i na testovima u celini.</p><p>Rezultati finalnog testa su potvrdili veću efikasnost nastave biologije uz primenu elektronskog udžbenika u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. Rezultati retesta su potvrdili veću trajnost (kvalitet) znanja iz biologije usvojenog primenom elektronskog udžbenika u odnosu na znanje stečeno tradicionalnim metoda rada. Veće postignuće učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe je rezultat primene elektronskog udžbenika i individualnog oblika rada u nastavi biologije.</p><p>Učenici E grupe i profesori biologije koji rade u gimnaziji su izneli&nbsp; pozitivne stavove o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije. To pokazuje da oni prihvataju uvođenje inovativnih modela rada u nastavu.</p><p>Veće postignuće učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe kao i pozitivni stavovi učenika i profesora o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji preporučuju izradu i korišćenje elektronskih udžbenika urađenih prema važećim nastavnim programima u nastavi biologije i drugih predmeta.</p> / <p>For the use of the issue of this doctoral thesis was first developed an interactive electronic textbook for biology IV discharge gymnasium of the science stream, and&nbsp; then analyzed the efficiency of its use in relation to traditional teaching. Pedagogical&nbsp; research was conducted on a sample of 167 students (85 students in the experimental and 82 students in the control group). Students E groups are the content of teaching topics Fundamentals of molecular biology in the fourth grade of&nbsp; high school r ealized by using an interactive electronic textbooks, individual form of work, while students K group of the same content processed by traditional teaching&nbsp; methods and frontal form of work while at home learning from printed textbooks.</p><p>Experimental and control groups were matched at baseline based on the success of students in biology at the end of III. year of high school, and based on the results of the initial test.</p><p>Аfter the realization of that teaching topics the students of both groups were doing the final test, a retest after 75 days. They also conducted a survey of students E group and biology professors who work in the gymnasium of the implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology. After that, statistically&nbsp; processed and analyzed the results of tests and surveys.&nbsp;</p><p>Students E group have achieved better results in the final test and retest students K group. The differences in their attainment of the final test and retest (in favor of group E) were statistically si gnificant both at the individual level cognitive (knowledge of facts, understanding the concepts and application of knowledge), and the tests as a whole.</p><p>Results of the final test confirmed the greater efficiency of teaching biology with the use of electronic textbooks in comparison to traditional teaching. Retest results have confirmed high durability (quality) knowledge of biology adopted using the electronic textbook in relation to the knowledge gained by traditional methods. Higher student achi evement E group at the final test and retest compared to students in K group is a&nbsp; result of implementation of electronic textbooks and individual forms of work in teaching biology.</p><p>E group students and professors of biology who work in high school&nbsp; are expressed&nbsp; positive views on the implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology. This&nbsp; shows that they accept the introduction of innovative models of work in the&nbsp; classroom.</p><p>Higher student achievement E group at the final test and retest compared&nbsp; to students in K group and positive attitudes of students and teachers on the&nbsp; implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology in high school suggests the design and use of electronic textbooks performed according to the current curriculum in teaching biology and other subjects.</p>

國民小學級任教師全面品質管理特質與班級經營效能之相關研究 / The study of the relationship between TQM and classroom management effectiveness of elementary teachers

陳師榕, Chen, Shih-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民小學級任教師全面品質管理特質班級經營效能的關係。主要目的有五:(一)瞭解國民小學級任教師全面品質管理特質及班級經營的現況。(二)瞭解國民小學級任教師不同背景變項分別在「全面品質管理特質」與「般及經營效能」上之差異情形。(三)瞭解國民小學級任教師「全面品質管理特質」與「般及經營效能」之關係。(四)瞭解「不同背景變項」及「全面品質管理特質」交互作用對「班級經營效能」之影響。(五)瞭解「不同背景變項」及「全面品質管理特質」對「班級經營效能」之預測情形。並根據研究結果提出建議,做為級任教師班級經營之參考。 本研究以問卷調查為主,研究工具為「國小教師全面品質管理特質量表」以及「國小教師班級經營量表」。以台北市公立國小之現職級任教師為取樣範圍,共抽取 27 所學校,發出問卷 455 份,回收 430 份,有效問卷 426 份,回收率為 94.5 %。統計方法係採用因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雙因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較法、積差相關以及迴歸分析等方法。研究結果如下: 一.國小級任教師的全面品質管理特質及班級經營效能屬中上程度,現況尚稱良好。 二.在全面品質管理特質上,教師的年齡、年資達顯著差異。年長資深者優於年輕資淺者。性別在整體全面品質管理特質上未達顯著差異,但在「注重回饋」上,女教師顯著高於男教師。 三.在班級經營上,教師的性別、年齡、年資、戴班時間達顯著差異,女教師高於男教師,年長資深者優於年輕資淺者,帶班時間久者優於帶班時間短者。 四.全面品質管理特質與班級經營效能有顯著相關,教師的全面品質管理特質越高,共班級經營效能越佳。 五.在全面品質管理特質各向度中,以「顧客中心」最能解釋並預測班級經營效能。 根據以上結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一.對級任教師的建議 (一)級任教師應多多充實全面品質管理知能,將之應用於班級經營中 (二)級任教師應多吸收教育新知,並主動參加研習活動。 (三)教師應主動與家長溝通聯繫,建立良好的親師關係。 (四)教師應尊重學生及家長的意見,善用家長人力資源,鼓勵全員參與教學品質的改進。 二.對學校的建議 (一)定期辦理全品質管理相關研習活動,以增進教師的瞭解。 (二)鼓勵教師推行全面品質的班級經營。 (三)充分鼓勵教師主動舉辦親師交流活動,建立良好親師溝通管道。 (四)學校應對資深及年長教師心懷敬重,重視其教學經驗。 三.對師資培育機構與教育行政機關的建議 (一)開設親師溝通相關課程,以增進出任教師與家長的溝通能力。 (二)鼓勵教師在職進修。 四.對未來研究的建議 針對研究對象、取樣方式、研究變項、研究方法以及研究工具提出建議,作為後續研究之參考。

桃園市高中職校長學術樂觀與 教師教學成效關係之研究 / Research on Principal’s Academic Optimism and Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness in Seiner and Vocational High Schools in Taoyuan City

黃挹芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園市高中職校長學術樂觀與教師教學成效的現況,藉由分析不同背景變項與學校變項之教師在知覺校長學術樂觀與教師教學成效的差異情形;進而探討校長學術樂觀對教師教學成效,最後根據研究提出結論。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園市33所公私立高中職之教師兼主任、教師兼組長(含科主任)、教師兼導師與專任教師為研究對象,採隨機抽樣方式,寄發問卷440份,回收有效問卷412份,有效回收率為93.6 %。問卷所得資料採用IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0統計軟體進行資料分析,獲得以下結論: 一、高中職現職教師在年齡與任教年資的差異上,顯現出對校長學術樂觀有不同之知覺傾向 二、高中職兼任導師之現職教師對校長學術樂觀知覺較低 三、公立高中職之現職教師對校長學術樂觀知覺呈現正相關 四、高中職現職教師在年齡與任教年資的差異上,顯現出對教師教學成效有不同之知覺傾向 五、高中職兼任導師之現職教師對教師教學成效知覺較低 六、高中職之現職教師對校長學術樂觀與教師教學成效具中度顯著關係,但在「班級氣氛」層面呈現低度顯著 七、高中職現職教師在「校長學術樂觀」的「信任教師、學生、家長」與「重視學生學習」對「教師教學成效」具有較高之預測力 / This study was designed to investigate the current status of high school principal’s academic optimism, teacher’s teaching effectiveness and their relationship in Taoyuan. Base on the result of analyzing the difference of teaching effectiveness of teachers from different backgrounds and different schools, and of school principal’s academic optimism, and on the result of exploring the influence of principal’s academic optimism on the effectiveness of teacher’s teaching, the conclusion is made. To achieve the above purpose, the research uses the questionnaire survey procedure, the grand total provides 440 questionnaires randomly to teachers who are in different positions, either homeroom teachers, full time teachers, section chief or directors in 33 public or private high schools in Taoyuan, recycling effective questionnaires 412, the effective questionnaire recycling a rate 93.6%. The data obtained from questionnaires has been analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.00 obtain the following a conclusion: 1. When high school teachers’ age and the length of teaching year vary, their perception of principal’s academic optimism differs. 2. High school teachers’ perception of principal’s academic optimism is weak if they are homeroom teachers. 3. Public high school teachers have stronger perception of principal’s academic optimism. 4. Teachers with different ages and different length of teaching years have different perception of teaching effectiveness. 5. Current teachers who are homeroom teachers have weak perception of teaching effectiveness. 6. Academic optimism of high school principals is moderate significantly correlated to teachers’ teaching effectiveness, but weak correlated to classroom climate. 7. Two parts of measurement of principal’s academic optimism, faculty trust in students and parents and the school’s academic emphasis are highly predictable to teacher’s teaching effectiveness of current high school teachers.

宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能之研究 / Principal’s Distributed Leadership,School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness Research In Yilan Junior High Schools

沈志杰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能之現況,剖析不同背景變項在校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能間之差異情形,進而探尋校長分布式領導、學校創新經營對教師教學效能滿意程度上的預測力;最後根據研究結果,提出建議。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣公立國民中學24所之正式教師、代理教師、特教教師(不含實習教師、代課教師)為研究對象,以分層隨機抽樣方式,共計發出600份問卷調查,回收率達92%,其中可用問卷達87.3%。並利用SPSS Statistics 18.0 統計套裝軟體進行各項統計及分析,獲得以下結論: 一、宜蘭縣國民中學教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「清晰的結構與績效責任」之知覺程度為最高,「自信與自我謙遜的校長職位」之知覺程度為最低。 二、宜蘭縣國民中學教師知覺學校創新經營為中高程度,以「資訊科技創新經營」之知覺程度為最高,「外部環境創新經營」之知覺程度為最低。 三、宜蘭縣國民中學教師有中高程度的教師教學效能,以「教學氣氛」之表現程度為最高,「教學策略」之表現程度為最低。 四、宜蘭縣國民中學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、擔任職務及學校歷史之不同,而有不同的校長分布式領導知覺感受。 五、宜蘭縣國民中學教師,因其服務年資、擔任職務及學校歷史之不同,而有不同的學校創新經營知覺感受。 六、宜蘭縣國民中學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、教育背景及學校歷史之不同,而有不同的教師教學效能表現。 七、宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能的知覺及各分層面,彼此之間具有正相關關係。 八、宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營對教師教學效能具有預測作用,以學校創新經營之「課程與教學創新經營」的預測力最佳。 / This research focuses on exploring current School Principal’s Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness in Yilan Junior High Schools. This involves dissecting the effect of different external variables on distributed leadership, Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness, and subsequently explores the level of predictability of Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management on Teacher Teaching Effectiveness. Last but not least, actionable recommendations are provided based on insightful findings。 To achieve the research objective above, formal surveys were given and collected on full-time, full-time substitute, special education teaching staff across 24 Junior High Schools in Yilan. Using stratified random sampling method, 600 surveys were sent out with 92% reply rate, and with 87.3% surveys used for final analysis. The research uses SPSS Statistics 18.0 software to calculate related statistical results and analysis insights with the following conclusions: 1.Teaching staff across Yilan Junior High Schools consider School Principal’s Distributed Leadership Level as Medium to High, with the highest awareness in “Clear Structure and Accountability”, and lowest awareness in “Confidence and Modesty” 2.Teaching staff across Yilan Junior High Schools consider School Innovative Management as Medium to High, with the highest awareness in “Information Technology Innovation Management” and the lowest awareness in “External Environment Innovation Management” 3.Teaching Staff across Yilan Junior High Schools receive Medium to High level of Teacher Teaching Effectiveness. With the highest awareness in “Teaching Environment” and lowest awareness “Teaching Strategy” having the lowest awareness 4.There were variations in perspective of School Principal’s Distributed Leadership among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history 5.There were variations in perspective of School Innovative Management among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history 6.There were variations in Teacher Teaching Effectiveness among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history 7.Across Junior High Schools in Yilan, School Principal’s Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness are positively correlated 8.School Principal’s Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management are predictive of Teacher Teaching Effectiveness, and with “Curriculum and Innovation Management” having the best predictability

國民小學校長營造學習共同體與教師教學效能關係之研究 / The Study of Relationship between Principals Reform Schools into Learning Community and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary Schools

張萩亭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學校長營造學習共同體與教師教學效能之間的關係。除瞭解國民小學校長營造學習共同體及教師教學效能之現況,分析不同背景變項在校長營造學習共同體及教師教學效能之差異情形外,亦探究校長營造學習共同體與教師教學效能之相關程度,以及探討校長營造學習共同體對教師教學效能之預測情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為宜蘭縣國民小學主任、組長、級任教師及專任教師,共發出300份問卷,有效問卷計258 份,可用率達86%,問卷回收後分別以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行研究。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之結論如下: 一、國民小學校長營造學習共同體表現為中高程度,其中以「學生學習共同 體」之知覺程度最高,「家長學習共同體」之知覺程度最低。 二、學校教育人員知覺教師教學效能為高程度,其中以「教學評量」之知覺 程度最高,「教學計畫」之知覺程度最低。 三、宜蘭縣國民小學以偏遠地區、學校規模在12班以下之學校教育人員知覺 「校長營造學習共同體」的程度較高。 四、宜蘭縣國民小學以偏遠地區、學校規模在12班以下之學校教育人員知覺 「教師教學效能」的程度較高。 五、不同程度之國民小學校長營造學習共同體在教師教學效能上有顯著之差 異。 六、校長營造學習共同體與教師教學效能有顯著之正相關,知覺校長營造學 習共同體程度愈高,則教師教學效能則愈高。 七、校長營造學習共同體對教師教學效能具有正向的預測力。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、國民小 學校長以及未來研究參考。 / This study aims at discussing the relationship of principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness of elementary schools.The first is to expore the reality for principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.Second, investigating the differences of background variables among principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.Third, to analyze the relationships among principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.Finally, researching predictive power of principals’ reform schools into learning community on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. The research adopts the questionnaire method. The main participants of the questionnaire survey are administrators in elementary schools inYilan County. The total number of questionnaires that were distributed to school is 300, and 258 of which are valid. That is, the percentage of availability is around 86%. The collected data is analyzed through the statistical method of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Multiple stepwise regression analysis. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. Principals have medium-high performance on pricipals’ reform schools into learning community. The score is the hightest in the dimension of “students’ learning community " and the lowest in the dimension of " partents’ learning community." 2. Administrators in Yilan elementary schools perceptions the teachers’ teaching effectiveness as high. The score is hightest in the dimension of “instructional assessment " and the lowest in the dimension of “instructional plan." 3. Administrators in Yilan elementary schools where in remote districts, or scale under (including) 12 classes,perceive principals’ reform schools into learning community higher than others. 4. Administrators in Yilan elementary schools where in remote districts, or scale under (including) 12 classes highly perceive the teachers’ teaching effectiveness. 5. Principals’ reform schools into learning community in Yilan elementary schools with different dgree on the teachers’ teaching effectiveness is significantly different. 6. The relationship between principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness is positively correlated.The higher principals’ reform schools into learning community is, the higher perceptions of the teachers’ teaching effectiveness. 7. The principals’ reform schools into learning community have the positive predictive power on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. According to the above conclusions, the research is to provide some suggestions as future references for the institutions of education administration and schools.

競值架構應用在國民小學校長領導行為 、學校組織文化與教學效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationships among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture and teaching effectiveness in elementary schools:an application of competing values framework

張伯瑲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討競值架構下國民小學校長領導行為、學校組織文化與教師教學效能之間的關聯。研究採用調查研究法,以新北市公立國民小學教師為對象,共發出748份問卷,共獲得有效問卷646份,有效問卷回收率為86.36%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以描述統計、t考驗、單因子單變量變異數分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析及結構方程模式等統計方式對回收資料進行分析。 本研究獲得以下十一項結論: 一、國民小學校長領導行為在中上水準,以競爭層面表現較突出。 二、國民小學組織文化表現達中上水準,趨向於團隊和層級層面。 三、國民小學教師教學效能平均達高表現水準,以良好學習氣氛得分最高、教學計畫準備得分最低,且顯著低於其他四個教學效能層面。 四、國民小學校長領導行為與學校組織文化以右上象限層面得分均低。 五、教師職務在校長領導行為方面有差異、教師年齡、學歷、服務年資與職務在教學效能上有差異。 六、校長年齡在校長領導行為與學校組織文化方面有差異。 七、學校規模、所在地、校齡在校長領導行為、學校組織文化與教師教學效能均有顯著差異。 八、校長領導行為、學校組織文化與教師教學效能之間具有顯著正相關。 九、校長領導行為、學校組織文化與教師教學效能之間具有顯著預測力。 十、校長領導行為與學校組織文化不僅與對應象限的分層面有正相關與預 測力,與非對應象限甚至對立象限的層面也有顯著正相關與預測力。 十一、校長領導行為可顯著影響教師教學效能,也可透過學校組織文化的 中介作用,正向影響教師教學效能。 本研究分別就實務應用及未來研究兩方面提出如下建議: 一、實務應用方面: (一) 建立回饋機制,使校長瞭解自身領導風格,靈活轉換各種領導行為,並善用競爭領導優勢,成為學校成員學習的榜樣。 (二) 校長應瞭解並協助學校成員認識學校組織文化類型,透過形塑願景與組織對話,使組織在文化生命週期中有效能的運作。 (三) 教師應兼顧每一個教學效能層面,並加強提升教學計畫準備。 (四) 校長應培養創新的領導能力,帶動發展革新求變的組織文化氛圍。 (五) 校內應建立教師教學對話與教學研討機制,藉以傳承資深優良教師教學經驗與觀摩學習。 (六) 校長對於經營校務發展應勇於任事、完全承擔,不應因性別、年齡、學歷、到任時間自我設限,虛與尾蛇。 (七) 校長與學校成員應詳加瞭解所處學校環境,研擬策略面對學校所處位置之有利與不利條件,以營造學校文化及提升教學效能。 (八) 校長應不斷強化自身領導的能力與行為複雜度,並且形塑優質學 校組織文化,以提升教師教學效能表現。 (九) 校長與學校成員應建立深厚的教育夥伴情感,體認共享學校教 育成果之重要性與榮辱休戚與共的使命感,以提供良好教育環境。 (十) 校長應展現兼容並蓄的多元領導風格,以面對諸多領導弔詭與兩 難的困境。 (十一) 營造兼容並蓄學校組織文化,發揮促進教師教學效能中介效果。 二、未來研究方面: 本研究分別就研究對象、研究變項、研究方法,對未來研究提出建議。 / The objective of this study is to understand the relationships among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture and teaching effectiveness in elementary schools by Competing Values Framework. Study on survey research. A total of 646 usable questionnaires were collected from 748 teachers of public elementary schools in New Taipei City. The effective response rate was 86.36%. The statistical techniques applied to this study such as: “describing statistics”, “t-test”, “one-way ANOVA”, “one-way MANOVA”, “Pearson product-moment correlation”, “stepwise multiple regression analysis” and “structural equation modeling”. With the data analysis result, researcher reached the conclusions as following: 1.Principal’s leadership behavior performance of public elementary schools achieves upper-moderate level, and “Compete” is the highlight among all of the dimensions. 2.School organizational culture performance of public elementary schools achieves upper-moderate level, and “Clan” and “Hierarchy” are the highlight among all of the dimensions. 3.The perception of teacher’s teaching effectiveness gets high score level, and “Good instructional climate ” is the highlight among all of the dimensions of teaching effectiveness, and "teaching plan preparation" is significantly weaker than the others four dimensions. 4.Both of principal’s leadership behavior and school organizational culture of public elementary schools in upper right quadrant of CVF scores are low. 5.There is a significantly divergence for “teacher job position” in principal’s leadership behavior and such as teachers’ “age”, “education”, “srevice year” and “job position”, there is a significant divergence in teaching effectiveness. 6.There is a significant divergence for “principal age” between principal’s leadership behaviors and school organizational cultural. 7.Such as “ school size”, “ location” and “school history”, there are significant divergences among principal’s leadership behaviors , school organizational cultural and teaching effectiveness. 8.There are significant positive correlation among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture and teaching effectiveness. 9.There are significant predictive power among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture and teaching effectiveness. 10.Between principal’s leadership behavior and school organizational culture are not only the corresponding quadrant, but also the non- corresponding and even opposing corresponding quadrants, and there are significant positive correlation and predictive power. 11.Principal’s leadership behavior could positively affect teaching effectiveness through the mediate effect of school organizational culture. Otherwise, this study provides suggestions of practical application and future study respectively.

Motivace v hodinách dějepisu a dopad alternativních metod normativního hodnocení na prospěch žáků / Motivation in history lessons and the impact of alternative methods of normative evaluation upon the school results of students

Suchopárová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to reveal general motives of motivation used in history lessons in elementary schools. The thesis connects the theory and practice based on investigation in elementary school and deals with a resit as sufficient motivation and other impulses that affect the motivation shown in normative evaluation.

Exploring the relationship between Mathematics teachers’ subject matter knowledge and their teaching effectiveness

Ogbonnaya, Ugorji Iheanachor 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between mathematics teachers’ subject matter knowledge and their teaching effectiveness. A convenient sample of 19 grade 11 mathematics teachers and 418 students were initially selected for the study and took part in some stages of the study. Of this lot, only 11 teachers and 246 students participated in all the stages of the study. Explanatory Mixed methods research design which entails the use of a co-relational study and a descriptive survey design were employed in the study. Data was collected from the teachers using a self report questionnaire, Teacher Subject Matter Knowledge of Trigonometric Functions Scale (TSMKTFS) and peer evaluation questionnaire, and from students using teacher evaluation questionnaire and Student Trigonometric Functions Performance Scale (STFPS). All the instruments had their validity and reliability accordingly determined. Quantitative data gathered was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data gathered from teachers’ and students’ tests were analysed using task performance analysis. It was found that a positive, statistically significant relationship existed between teachers’ subject matter knowledge and the composite measure of their teaching effectiveness. The relationships between teachers’ subject matter knowledge and students’ achievement and also between teachers’ subject matter knowledge and students’ rating of the teachers’ teaching effectiveness were found to be positive and statistically significant. However, the relationships between teachers’ subject matter knowledge and teachers’ self rating as well as teachers’ subject matter knowledge and peers’ rating of teachers’ teaching effectiveness were not found to be statistically significant though they were positive. Further data analysis showed that there was a difference between the subject matter knowledge of effective and ineffective teachers and also between the students taught by effective teachers and the students taught by the ineffective teachers. / Institute of Science and Technology Education / PhD (Mathematics Education)

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