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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktore wat die leer van rekeningkunde beinvloed

Bam, Andrias Jacobus 15 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / In die orienterende inleiding van hierdie hoofstuk is aangetoon dat rekeningkundige vaardighede en tegnieke vir die modern besigheidsomgewing baie belangrik is. Hierdie vaardighede en tegnieke is egter nie slegs vir besighede belangrik nie, maar ook vir elke individu in die samelewing. Daar is verder aangetoon dat daar 'n aansienlike tekort aan opgeleide rekeningkundiges uit die etniese (swart) bevolkingsgroepe is. Die noodsaaklikheid van die regstelling van die demografiese wanbalans in die rekeningkundige beroepe, is ook genoem. Die navorser het beklemtoon dat daar faktore bestaan, wat die leer van rekeningkunde reeds op sekondere skoolvlak beinvloed. Hierdie faktore dra moontlik daartoe by dat daar 'n groot tekort aan veral swart rekeningkundiges in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika is. In hoofstuk 2 het die navorser die relevansie wat sekere faktore vir die leer van rekeningkunde het, beskryf. Die faktore wat deur Gagne geidentifiseer is, is as uitgangspunt gebruik. Die navorser het self sekere faktore, as subfaktore van Gagne se faktore, geldentifiseer, aangesien daar in die literatuur voorheen geen spesifieke afbakening geskied het nie. In hoofstuk 3 is die data-insamelingmetode, sowel as die werklike insameling van data, bespreek. Die ingesamelde data is getranskribeer, op rekenaar ingelees, drukstukke is voorberei en deur middel van 'n datamatriks geanaliseer. Die faktore wat deur die respondente as belangrik vir die leer van rekeningkunde beskou is, is as navorsingsresultaat beskryf. Uit die analisering van die navorsingsdata, paragrawe 3.9.1 tot 3.9.6 hierbo, blyk dit asof daar enkele baie belangrike faktore, wat die leer van rekeningkunde beinvloed, in die praktyk voorkom. Hierdie faktore kan veral in die volgende kategorie of groepe ingedeel word: algemene 98 rekeningkundige voorkennis, onderrigtaal, persoonlike eienskappe van die leerder; die skool, die klaskamer en die onderwyser. In hoofstuk 4 word die inligting uit die twee navorsingsbronne, naamlik die literatuurondersoek en die onderhoude, met mekaar vergelyk om sodoende die werklike faktore wat die leer van rekeningkunde beInvloed, to identifiseer.

Responding to problem behaviors at school: A psychosocial approach

Wyatt, Christopher Don 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

面子價值、升學熱與教學問題評估之研究-以北部四所國中為例 / A Study of Assessing the Relationships between Face Values, Ambition for a higher education and Teaching problems.

林雪雅, Lin, Sheue Yea Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解當前瀰漫整個台灣社會之升學主義的本質,並藉此認清升學主義對教育(在此意指教學上的問題)造成的效果,俾依據研究的發現策畫一套更能適應台灣現代社會的教育政策。   本研究的對象主要分為兩類,一類是國中生,另一類是其家長。限於經費及人力,乃採立意選樣方式,選取北部四所公立國中二年級的學生及其家長為研究對象進行調查,分別是台北市信義國中、台北縣新埔國中、桃園縣八德國中及宜蘭縣宜蘭國中。研究方法為問卷調查法,研究問卷乃根據研究目的自行編製而成,統計方法為LISREL分析。   本研究重要發現如下:   一、學生與家長對面子的重視程度   本研究受訪的學生與家長在大部分的面子指標上,測得的分數都不高,故研究者主觀認定其對於讀書或升學的面子價值並不是非常強調,平均只有三分之一的學生與家長重視面子價值。   二、學生本人與家長回答子女對升學熱行為的看法   研究結果指出,只有極少數的人不曾使用參考書,九成五的學生均用過,甚至也有老師在用或鼓勵學生使用。閱讀課內書籍時間太長、參加補習、使用測驗卷等升學熱現象也都有超過七成五的國中生經歷過。學生與家長對升學熱情形的反應態度大致相同,即對升學熱不理性反應。   三、學生本人與家長回答子女對教學問題的看法   研究發現指出,有一半的國中生經歷能力編班的問題,表示仍有半數的學校以能力編班方式進行教學。近九成的受訪者深深感受到學校師長非常看重「升學率」數字,亦即重視考試時的成績表現。七成五的人認為教材內容與日常生活脫節,不夠靈活實用。無論是學生群或家長群,對教學問題均予其負面的評價。   四、面子價值、升學熱與教學問題三者之間的因果關係   從LISREL分析的整體結果發現:對學生群而言,面子價值分數愈高,升學熱分數亦愈高;而升學熱分數的高低又與教學問題分數成正比。亦即,愈重面子價值的學生,其升學欲望愈強,在行為及態度上愈支持升學熱行為;而後者的支持度愈高,則教學問題愈發嚴重。

The teaching of second level calculus at South African technikons : a didactical analysis of specific learning problems

Smith, Julien Clifford 11 1900 (has links)
This study was prompted by serious problems regarding specific teaching and learning problems in calculus at the technikon. The general aims were to identify and analyze particular teaching and learning problems relating to 2nd level engineering courses in calculus and to recommend improvements which could increase student performance in engineering calculus courses. An extensive study revealed world wide concern in calculus reform. The empirical research instruments consisted of structured questionnaires given to staff and students from nine technikons plus interviews. Five serious problem areas were identified: student ability in mathematics, content difficulty, background difficulties, timetable pressures and lecturer's presentation. The impact of training technology on calculus was investigated. Recommendations were that routine exercises can be done on computer with extra tutorial time for computer laboratory projects. Background recommendations suggested that schools give more time to trigonometry and coordinate geometry and that bridging courses at technikons for weaker students be developed. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

Some didactic implications of the admission of black pupils to the Indian primary schools in Phoenix with special reference to language proficiency

Chetty, Balaraj Vengetsamy 11 1900 (has links)
The influx of Black pupils seeking admission to Indian schools began in 1990 after the Democratic Movement's "all schools for all people" campaign was announced. The medium of instruction in Indian schools is English which is also the mother tongue. Therefore Black pupils who come on transfer from schools in the KwaZulu township are immediately faced with a language problem as they are taught in the mother tongue untii standard three, when they switch to English. This research project arose as a result of the researcher's experience with Black pupils, whom he - felt were severely linguistically underprepared for academic study in the senior primary phase. Furthermore, most present day teachers were trained for monocultural schools and have little or no experience of multicultural education. The main problem that this research focuses on includes the learning problems encountered by Black pupils in Indian primary schools and the concomitant teaching problems their teachers experience. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

Acompanyament al professorat novell: avaluació d'un programa per a la construcció del coneixement professional

Mayoral Serrat, Maria Paula 22 June 2011 (has links)
L’objectiu principal d’aquesta recerca és avaluar l’eficàcia d’un programa dissenyat per pal•liar el xoc de realitat i fomentar la reflexió sobre la pràctica al llarg del procés d’inducció professional del professorat novell d’Educació Secundària i Cicles Formatius en el seu context, tot afavorint-ne, així, la construcció de coneixement professional. Aquesta avaluació pren forma en l’anàlisi de diverses dimensions. La primera consisteix a estudiar l’impacte del programa en els problemes dels novells per constatar si es redueixen, així com copsar els problemes dels tutors per poder promoure (en futures recerques) ajudes en aquesta direcció. La segona dimensió se centra a identificar les ajudes que faciliten la construcció del coneixement professional, sobretot les que s’articulen directament a través del tutor i, especialment, l’efecte del feedback envers el professor novell. La tercera dimensió analitza la interacció entre iguals en una comunitat d’aprenentatge per veure si es produeix un canvi en les creences dels participants i, sobretot, si la reflexió sobre la pròpia acció i la dels altres promou la construcció del coneixement professional. I la quarta dimensió vol evidenciar quins elements del programa són considerats més satisfactoris pels participants, i també quins altres aspectes es podrien millorar a l’hora de redissenyar-lo. L’estudi s’ha dut a terme a través de la implementació d’un programa d’inducció professional durant el curs 2006-2007 i amb 5 parelles (novell-tutor). S’han analitzat cinc àrees temàtiques (concepcions sobre ensenyament i aprenentatge, motivació, classroom management, conducta i avaluació dels alumnes) mitjançant de tres accions: a) lectura especialitzada i fòrums virtuals, b) observació i feedback del tutor cap al professor novell i c) grups de reflexió sobre la pràctica docent amb anàlisi de les bones pràctiques. Les dades recollides corresponen als enregistraments del discurs en cada àrea i acció, juntament amb les dades obtingudes d'una entrevista semi-estructurada (inicial-final). Per assolir els objectius s’ha fet un estudi interpretatiu i longitudinal, de modalitat participant i basat en una metodologia de recerca-acció amb component avaluador. S’ha optat per un enfocament d’anàlisi qualitativa (amb el programa Atlas.ti), segons la Grounded Theory, mitjançant l’anàlisi del contingut i de les estratègies discursives i els patrons d’interacció seguint la proposta de Hogan, Nastasi i Pressley (2000). Els resultats mostren coincidències amb la literatura especialitzada quant als problemes dels novells, especialment els d'atenció a la diversitat, socialització, disciplina dels alumnes i falta de coneixements, que es redueixen al llarg del programa. Al seu torn, els tutors mostren alguns problemes de comunicació amb els novells que es mantenen al llarg del programa. Tot i que les ajudes proporcionades pels tutors prenen diferents formes, la transmissió de feedback després de l’observació de la pràctica del novell a l’aula és la més efectiva des de la perspectiva de tots dos. Pel que fa a la pràctica professional, els grups de reflexió mostren el següent: que els tòpics més recurrents corresponen a les àrees problemàtiques indicades pels novells; que els tutors usen estratègies metacognitives i els novells, conceptuals; i que es promou la reelaboració i enriquiment de les creences inicials en totes les àrees treballades. A més, la implementació del programa ha permès conèixer propostes de canvi i comprovar també que el format dels grups de reflexió és un model vàlid d’assessorament col•laboratiu. / El objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar la eficacia de un programa diseñado para paliar el choque de realidad y fomentar la reflexión sobre la práctica a lo largo del proceso de inducción profesional del profesorado novel de Educación Secundaria y Ciclos Formativos en su contexto, favoreciendo así, la construcción de conocimiento profesional. Esta evaluación se articula a través de varias dimensiones. La primera consiste en estudiar el impacto del programa en los problemas de los noveles para constatar si se reducen, así como recoger los problemas de los tutores para poder promover (en futuras investigaciones) ayudas en esta dirección. La segunda dimensión se centra en identificar las ayudas que facilitan la construcción del conocimiento profesional, sobre todo las que se articulan directamente a través del tutor y, especialmente, el efecto del feedback hacia el profesor novel. La tercera dimensión analiza la interacción entre iguales en una comunidad de aprendizaje para ver si se produce un cambio en las creencias de los participantes y, sobre todo, si la reflexión sobre la propia acción y la de los otros promueven la construcción del conocimiento profesional. Y la cuarta dimensión quiere evidenciar qué elementos del programa son considerados más satisfactorios por los participantes, y también qué otros aspectos se podrían mejorar a la hora de rediseñarlo. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo a través de la implementación de un programa de inducción profesional durante el curso 2006-2007 y con 5 parejas (novel-tutor). Se han analizado cinco áreas temáticas (concepciones sobre enseñanza y aprendizaje, motivación, classroom management, conducta y evaluación de los alumnos) a través de tres acciones: a) lectura especializada y foros virtuales, b) observación y feedback del tutor al profesor novel y c) grupos de reflexión sobre la práctica docente con el análisis de buenas prácticas. Los datos recogidos corresponden a las grabaciones del discurso en cada área y acción, junto con los datos obtenidos de una entrevista semi-estructurada (inicial-final). Para lograr los objetivos se ha llevado a cabo un estudio interpretativo y longitudinal, de modalidad participante y basado en una metodología de investigación-acción con componente evaluador, y de enfoque de análisis cualitativo (con el programa Atlas.ti), según la Grounded Theory (analizando el contenido y las estrategias discursivas y los patrones de interacción, Hogan, Nastasi y Pressley (2000). Los resultados muestran coincidencias con la literatura especializada en cuanto a los problemas de los noveles, especialmente los de atención a la diversidad, socialización, disciplina de los alumnos y falta de conocimientos, que se reducen a lo largo del programa. A su vez, los tutores muestran algunos problemas de comunicación con los noveles que se mantienen a lo largo del programa. Aun cuando las ayudas proporcionadas por los tutores presentan diferentes formas, la transmisión de feedback tras la observación de la práctica del novel en el aula es la más efectiva desde la perspectiva de los dos. Con respecto a la práctica profesional, los grupos de reflexión muestran lo siguiente: que los tópicos más recurrentes corresponden a las áreas problemáticas indicadas por los noveles; que los tutores utilizan estrategias metacognitivas y los noveles, conceptuales; y que se promueve la reelaboración y el enriquecimiento de las creencias iniciales en todas las áreas trabajadas. Además, la implementación del programa ha permitido conocer propuestas de cambio y comprobar también que el formato de los grupos de reflexión es un modelo válido de asesoramiento colaborativo. / The main goal of this research is to assess the effectiveness of a program designed to reduce the reality shock and to promote reflection on practice teaching during the beginning secondary school teacher’s induction phase, thus promoting the construction of professional knowledge. This assessment covers a number of dimensions. The first involves studying the program's impact on the problems of the beginning teachers to see if they have been reduced and also recording the problems of mentors so as to find solutions (in future research). The second dimension focuses on identifying elements that promote the construction of professional knowledge, especially those that are directly related to the effect of feedback to the beginning teacher. The third dimension examines the interaction between peers in a learning community to see if there is a change in the beliefs of participants and, especially, in the construction of professional knowledge. And the fourth dimension is related to showing what elements of the program are considered most successful by participants, and also what else could be improved at the time of redesign. The study was conducted during the implementation of a professional induction program involving five beginning teacher-mentor pairs during the 2006-2007 school year. We worked five areas (teaching and learning conceptions, motivation, classroom management, behavior and students assessment) through three activities: a) participation in a forum on-line, b) observation and feedback to the beginning teacher from the mentor and c) focus groups about teaching practices. The data collected comes from the recordings of the speech in each area and action and also, from a semi-structured interview (beginning-end). To achieve the goals we have conducted a longitudinal, participant and interpreting study based on a research-action methodology with an assessment component. We took a qualitative analysis approach (using the Atlas.ti program), in accordance with the Grounded Theory, analyzing the content and the discourse strategies and interaction patterns following the model proposed by Hogan, Nastasi & Pressley (2000). The results show similarities with the literature regarding beginning teachers’ problems, especially those regarding individual differences, socialization, disciplining of students and lack of knowledge, which decrease over the course of the program. In turn, mentors showed some communication problems with the beginning teachers that continued throughout the program. Nevertheless, feedback after watching the beginning teachers’ practice sessions in the classroom was considered the most effective activity by both beginning teachers and mentors. Regarding professional practice, focus groups showed the following: the most frequently raised issues were related to the problem areas identified by the beginning teachers; mentors used metacognitive strategies whereas beginning teachers used conceptual strategies; and all activities promote the reformulation and enrichment of the initial beliefs in all areas worked. Furthermore, the implementation of the program has allowed us to exchange proposals and also verify that the structure of focus groups is a valid model for collaborative coaching.

The analysis of knowledge construction in community based service-learning programmes for basic nursing education at two selected nursing schools in South Africa.

Mthembu, Sindisiwe Zamandosi. January 2011 (has links)
Community based service-learning is one of the fastest growing reforms in higher education, especially in the field of health care. The increased interest in this phenomenon is based on the demands by government and society that higher education institutions should be more responsive to the needs of the community. Literature, however, reflects that service learning lacks a sound theoretical base to guide teaching and learning due to limited research in this area. This study was, therefore, aimed at exploring the phenomenon knowledge construction in basic nursing programmes in selected South African nursing schools with the intention to generate a middle range theory that may be used to guide the process of knowledge construction in community-based service-learning programmes. This study adopted a qualitative approach and a grounded theory research design by Strauss and Corbin. Two university-based schools of nursing were purposively selected to participate in the study. There were a total number of 16 participants. The collection of data was intensified by the use of multiple sources of data (participant observation, documents analysis and in-depth structured interviews). The data analysis process entailed three phases; open, axial and selective coding. The results of the study revealed that the phenomenon “knowledge construction” is conceptualised as having specific core characteristics, which include the use of authentic health-related problems, academic coaching through scaffolding, academic discourse-dialogue and communities of learners. The findings showed that there are a number of antecedent conditions and contextual circumstances contributing to how knowledge is constructed in a community based service learning programme. The process of knowledge construction emerged as cyclical in nature, with students, facilitators and community members having specific roles to play in the process. A number of intervening variables were identified that had an influence on the expected outcomes on knowledge construction in community based service learning programmes. These findings led to the generation of a conceptual model. Knowledge construction according to this model takes place in an environment which is characterised by interactive learning, collaborative learning, actively learning and inquiry-based learning through continuous reflective learning processes. The main concepts in this conceptual model include concrete learning experiences, continuous reflection, problem posing, problem analysis, knowledge deconstruction and knowledge generation, knowledge verification, knowledge generation, testing of generated knowledge and evaluation of generated knowledge. The sub-concepts include learning through senses, an initial situation, health-related triggers, social interaction, reflection-in action, reflection-on action, hypotheses generation, conceptualisation of learning experiences, information validation and community interventions. Recommendations were categorised into education and training of academic staff, application of the model and further research with regard to quality assurance in CBSL programmes as well as the use of other research designs for similar studies. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.

The teaching of second level calculus at South African technikons : a didactical analysis of specific learning problems

Smith, Julien Clifford 11 1900 (has links)
This study was prompted by serious problems regarding specific teaching and learning problems in calculus at the technikon. The general aims were to identify and analyze particular teaching and learning problems relating to 2nd level engineering courses in calculus and to recommend improvements which could increase student performance in engineering calculus courses. An extensive study revealed world wide concern in calculus reform. The empirical research instruments consisted of structured questionnaires given to staff and students from nine technikons plus interviews. Five serious problem areas were identified: student ability in mathematics, content difficulty, background difficulties, timetable pressures and lecturer's presentation. The impact of training technology on calculus was investigated. Recommendations were that routine exercises can be done on computer with extra tutorial time for computer laboratory projects. Background recommendations suggested that schools give more time to trigonometry and coordinate geometry and that bridging courses at technikons for weaker students be developed. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

Some didactic implications of the admission of black pupils to the Indian primary schools in Phoenix with special reference to language proficiency

Chetty, Balaraj Vengetsamy 11 1900 (has links)
The influx of Black pupils seeking admission to Indian schools began in 1990 after the Democratic Movement's "all schools for all people" campaign was announced. The medium of instruction in Indian schools is English which is also the mother tongue. Therefore Black pupils who come on transfer from schools in the KwaZulu township are immediately faced with a language problem as they are taught in the mother tongue untii standard three, when they switch to English. This research project arose as a result of the researcher's experience with Black pupils, whom he - felt were severely linguistically underprepared for academic study in the senior primary phase. Furthermore, most present day teachers were trained for monocultural schools and have little or no experience of multicultural education. The main problem that this research focuses on includes the learning problems encountered by Black pupils in Indian primary schools and the concomitant teaching problems their teachers experience. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

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