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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faculty Adoption and Integration of Technology at East Tennessee State University.

Barnes, Tammy L. 13 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the demographic characteristics of faculty related to (1) faculty integration of technology, (2) the utilization of technological tools, (3) and the knowledge of computers and information technology of full-time faculty members at East Tennessee State University. Four hundred forty-three full-time faculty from East Tennessee State University were surveyed. The total mailed and e-mailed returned responses for this study were 205. Eighteen hypotheses generated from 3 research questions were tested using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, Analysis of Variance, Two-Way Analysis of Variance, and Multiple Regression Analysis. This study showed that full-time faculty at East Tennessee State University possessed a positive attitude about the integration of technology and utilization of technological tools. The full-time faculty members also possessed a positive attitude towards the knowledge of computer and information technology. Age did not have an impact on the integration of technology but affected the utilization of technological tools and faculty knowledge of computers and information technology. No differences were found in the integration of technology, utilization of technological tools, and knowledge of computers and information technology towards gender and ethnicity. The percentage of computer usage in the classroom did have an affect on the integration of technology, utilization of technological tools, and knowledge of computers and information technology while tenure status had no effect. Academic units positively affected the faculty integration of technology but had no effect on the utilization of technological tools and knowledge of computers and information technology. No relationship was found between faculty integration of technology and the number of years teaching whereas a relationship was found with the utilization of technological tools and knowledge of computers and information technology.

Appropriation d’outils technologiques par les acteurs : le cas des entreprises du secteur financier au Cameroun / Appropriation of technology by the users : the case of enterprises of cameroon financial sector

Mbang, Cécile Esperance 20 November 2012 (has links)
L'usage des outils technologiques dans l'entreprise engendre généralement des détournements susceptibles d'influencer sa finalité. Dans cette étude nous nous intéressons à l'appropriation d'outils par les acteurs en vue de prédire la performance technologique des entreprises.Pour étayer cette préoccupation, deux approches méthodologiques ont été empruntées. Une première approche qualitative, soutenue par 13 entretiens menés auprès des responsables d'entreprises du secteur financier camerounais, a facilité la conception d'un questionnaire compréhensible par les enquêtés. À l'aide d'une seconde approche quantitative complémentaire, 365 cadres financiers au Cameroun ont répondu à ce questionnaire.Les résultats obtenus restent dans le prolongement de la perspective structurante adoptée dans cette recherche mais suggèrent la prise en compte de la diversité socio-économique et culturelle dans les questionnements d'appropriation d'outils. Contrairement aux idées majoritaires de la littérature, les outils technologiques utilisés par nos enquêtés ne sauraient être orientés à d'autres fins que celles prédéfinies par leur hiérarchie. Les limites d'usage, la faible intensité d'utilisation d'outils et le niveau de formation moyen des usagers justifieraient le manque d'idées d'appropriation d'outils dans ce secteur. En somme, seule la rapidité d'exécution est perçue comme une performance technologique par les cadres financiers camerounais. Cette performance est déterminée significativement par deux types d'appropriation : l'une, innovante, développée pour résoudre les imprévus de l'activité de travail et une autre, légitimée, acquise naturellement par expérience. Cette recherche interpelle donc les managers à tenir compte des facteurs sociologiques des organisations pour favoriser leur performance technologique. / The use of technological tools in companies can creates a change in the goals expected. This work deals with how these tools are used in order to predict the technological performances of companies.To reach this objective, we have combined, firstly, a quality method which, through interviews of 13 companies' executives of Cameroonian financial sector, made it easy for us to work out a set of questions understandable by everyone. Secondly, a complementary quantity method in which 365 financial agents of Cameroon working in Douala and Yaoundé answered different questions related with the mastering of technological tools.The results obtained respect the main objective of this research work, but , however, imply that social, economic and cultural parameters are taken into account in questions on the mastering of technological tools. Contrary to what suggested in the list of documents consulted, in the Cameroonian financial sector, technological tools are used only to reach the goals fixed by the hierarchy in advance. Non expected results are due to rough and low use of tools in companies, as well as to average training level of users. Which clearly means that technological tools are not mastered in that sector.On the whole, only one aspect of performance is noted in the use of technological tools by Cameroonian financial agents, depending on the environment: speedy execution. This performance is determined by two appropriation methods, one of which tends at innovating in order to solve unpredicted problems that appear in everyday work, the other naturally acquired through experience from everyday use of tools. This research work calls on managers' attention to integrate sociological factors of organizations so as to favor their technological performance.

Informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų kompetencijos ugdymas rengiant matematikos mokytojus / Education of information and communication technology competence preparing mathematics teachers

Lipeikienė, Joana 29 January 2010 (has links)
Informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų (IKT) įtakota ugdymo technologijų raida pakeitė visų sričių, tarp jų ir matematikos ugdymo turinį. Konstruktyvistinę mokymosi paradigmą, pagrindinius šiuolaikinius didaktinius matematikos mokymo principus – suprantamumą, sąmoningą ir aktyvų žinių perėmimą, vaizdumą, mokymo diferencijavimą, individualizavimą ir kt. – gali įgyvendinti tik atitinkamos kompetencijos matematikos mokytojai. Šalies pedagogų kompiuterinio raštingumo standarto, numatančio mokytojų gebėjimus naudoti IKT ugdymo procese, vienas iš reikalavimų yra „Žinoti pagrindinių ugdymui naudojamų kompiuterinių programų tipus, gebėti analizuoti jų privalumus ir trūkumus. Mokėti pritaikyti svarbiausias bendrosios paskirties ir mokomąsias kompiuterines programas ugdymo procese“. Šio bendro reikalavimo taikymas matematikos mokymui – tai ne tik sudėtingų matematikai taikytinų technologijų žinojimo ir įvaldymo, bet ir gebėjimų tinkamai taikyti jas matematikos mokyme reikalavimas. Informacinių technologijų (IT) ištakos yra pirmosiose skaičiavimo mašinose, kurios buvo kurtos spręsti taikomuosius matematikos uždavinius. Ir asmeninių kompiuterių (AK) pirmoji paskirtis buvo matematinių uždavinių sprendimas. Todėl matematikai skirtų šiuolaikinių technologijų yra žymiai daugiau, negu taikytinų kituose moksluose. Dar daugiau, yra programų sistemų, kuriose, atrodo, realizuota visa matematika: jos ne tik skaičiuoja, pertvarko, prastina, vaizduoja, bet ir sprendžia specifinius bene visų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The survey summarizes investigations of the author on the technological tools and their educational features applicable to mathematics. The purpose of the investigations is enhancement of the technological and educational competence of mathematics teachers. The main problems of the investigation are: characterization of the main technological tools applicable in mathematics at the university level, description which abilities, knowledge, and skills of application in teaching comprise the technological and educational ICT competence of a contemporary mathematician. Development of educational technologies, influenced by information and communication technologies (ICT), has changed the content of all spheres of education, and the content of mathematical education among them. A constructivist paradigm of learning, the main didactic principles of mathematics teaching: understanding, conscious and active acquiring of knowledge, visualization, differentiation and individualization of learning, etc., can realize only mathematics teachers of the adequate competence. The Standard of Computer Literacy of educators in Lithuania provides abilities of teachers to apply ICT in educational process. One of the requirements is “To know the main types of computer programmes useful for education, to have the ability to analyze their merits and demerits, to apply them in the educational process”. The application of the general requirement in teaching mathematics means not only the knowledge and... [to full text]

Impact de l’implication des acteurs dans la mise en oeuvre des outils de gestion sur la performance organisationnelle : cas du secteur canadien de l’automobile / Impact of the implication of the actors in the implementation of management tools on the organizational performance : case of the Canadian automobile sector

Jomphe, Yanick 16 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’appuie sur le constat selon lequel les acteurs vivent des difficultés professionnelles concernant la mise en œuvre des outils de gestion CRM ayant un impact à la fois sur la performance organisationnelle et sur les incidences financières. C’est dans cette perspective qu’elle vise à contribuer à l’enrichissement de l’implication des acteurs dans la mise en œuvre des outils de gestion sur la performance organisationnelle dans le secteur canadien de l’automobile. Notre recherche doctorale pose les questions suivantes : « quels sont les déterminants des incidences financières et de la performance organisationnelle ? ». Existe-t-il une relation entre ces types de performance et l’implication des dirigeants et utilisateurs en matière d’outils de gestion CRM ? Pour y répondre, un design méthodologique en trois phases a été élaboré : (1) une préenquête auprès de 21 cadres (2) une étude empirique quantitative basée sur un échantillon de 306 professionnels (3) une discussion après analyse des résultats et une théorie basée sur le TAR. Les résultats montrent que pour atteindre une performance organisationnelle et ainsi avoir des incidences financières, l’organisation doit s’assurer que, (a) les dirigeants s’impliquent en matière d’outils de gestion CRM, (b) les utilisateurs s’impliquent dans les CRM, (c) la formation adéquate est offerte. D’un point de vue empirique, les résultats permettent de connaître la dimension jusqu’ici peu explorée de la pratique professionnelle, en particulier en matière d’implication des dirigeants et des utilisateurs. Enfin, d’un point de vue méthodologique, cette recherche a permis de développer et d’expérimenter un dispositif permettant d’étudier l’implication des acteurs dans la mise en œuvre des outils de gestion sur un empan long de façon cohérente avec une épistémologie holiste de l’action humaine. / This study builds on the research and implementation of management tools that have an impact on both organizational performance and financial impact. It is in this perspective that it contributes to the enrichment of the involvement of the actors in the implementation of management tools on organizational performance in the Canadian automotive sector. Our research raises the following questions: « What are the determinants of financial implications and organizational performance ? ». Are there competency links in CRM management tools ? A three-phase methodological design was developed: (1) a pre-survey of 21 executives, (2) an empirical study based on a sample of 306 professionals, (3) a discussion after analysis of the results, and A theory based on ART. The results show that to achieve organizational performance and so on, the organization must ensure that (a) managers get involved in CRM management tools, (b) users get involved in CRM, (c) adequate training is offered. From an empirical point of view, the results allow us to know the hitherto little-explored dimension of professional practice, particularly with regard to the involvement of managers and users. Finally, from a methodological point of view, this research is a development permit and a mechanism to study stakeholder involvement in the implementation of management tools over a long period in a way consistent with Epistemology Holistic of human action.

Plan de negocio para un servicio educativo virtual de preparación preuniversitaria para los postulantes a la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) / Business plan for a virtual educational service for pre-university preparation for applicants to the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) and Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI)

Alonso Ledesma, Edwin Jesús, Andrade Carretero, José Jean Paul, Ignacio Alarcón, Olga, Toledo Barrón, Walter Leonel 19 July 2021 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar un plan de negocios de un servicio educativo virtual modular en un centro preuniversitario de Lima, diseñado para incrementar el nivel de desempeño de los alumnos de 15 a 19 años de los niveles socioeconómicos C y D, que reciben preparación preuniversitaria para las universidades UNMSM y UNI. En la actualidad la demanda de preparación virtual para rendir los exámenes de admisión se ha intensificado, producto de la pandemia y el cese de las clases presenciales en el país, los estudiantes vienen recibiendo una preparación preuniversitaria en sus hogares a través de clases en línea ofrecidas por las principales academias utilizando diversas plataformas como Zoom, Meet, entre otros. Actualmente, los ciclos de preparación desarrollan diecisiete cursos de forma simultánea, esto dificulta el óptimo aprendizaje para el postulante que necesita mucha concentración y organización para tener una preparación que le garantice su ingreso a la universidad. Por esta razón, planteamos ofrecer un servicio virtual modular denominado “Curso Selecto” que complemente la preparación recibida por los postulantes en los actuales ciclos ofrecidos; con este nuevo servicio los alumnos se matricularán en el curso o los cursos que requieren mayor repaso de teoría y desarrollo de preguntas similares a los tomados en los exámenes de admisión. Este servicio considera como atributo diferenciador, el uso intensivo de herramientas tecnológicas que brinden al postulante experiencias de aprendizaje digital, el cual ha sido valorado como “Importante” y “Muy importante” por la mayoría de los encuestados. / The main objective of this thesis is to develop a business plan for a modular virtual educational service in a pre-university center in Lima, designed to increase the level of performance of students aged 15 to 19 years of socioeconomic levels C and D, who receive Pre-university preparation for UNMSM and UNI universities. At present, the demand for virtual preparation to sit the entrance exams has intensified, as a result of the pandemic and the cessation of face-to-face classes in the country, students have been receiving pre-university preparation at home through online classes offered by the main academies using various platforms such as Zoom, Meet, among others. Currently, the preparation cycles develop seventeen courses simultaneously, this hinders optimal learning for the applicant who needs a lot of concentration and organization to have a preparation that guarantees their entrance to the university. For this reason, we propose to offer a virtual modular service called "Select Course" that complements the preparation received by applicants in the current cycles offered; With this new service, students will enroll in the course or courses that require further review of theory and development of questions similar to those taken in the admission exams. This service considers as a differentiating attribute, the intensive use of technological tools that provide applicants with digital learning experiences, which has been valued as "Important" and "Very important" by the majority of respondents. / Trabajo de investigación

Propuesta de una herramienta tecnológica basada en el método de la cadena crítica para la gestión de equipos compartidos en empresas medianas que realizan multiproyectos de construccion en Lima / Proposal of a technological tool based on the critical chain ​​method for the management of shared equipment in medium-sized companies that carry out multiprojects of construction in lima

Chipana Gutierrez, Rocio Marisol, Portilla Gutierrez, Indira Zenina 02 November 2020 (has links)
Hoy en día, la ciudad de Lima cuenta con varias empresas constructoras, todas ellas cuentan con diferentes equipos ya sean propios o en alquiler. Estas empresas tienen diversos proyectos algunos de estos desarrollados en simultáneo denominados también multiproyectos. Los equipos son parte esencial para que el rendimiento de cualquier construcción sea elevado, sin embargo, la mala gestión de este recurso genera retraso y pérdidas de dinero. Teniendo esta problemática nos basamos en el método de la cadena crítica para la gestión de equipos compartidos, puesto que este método se basa en la disminución de incertidumbre de los proyectos y ser optimistas en la fecha de culminación. La propuesta desarrollada en la presente tesis facilita el manejo de los equipos compartidos durante la programación de estos. Además, es un software que ayuda a tener una programación ordenada y fácil de usar, con la finalidad de que el usuario no se complique durante el uso de la herramienta tecnológica. El software GesZech es creado con la finalidad de que los equipos que se encuentran en un multiproyecto se gestionen de manera adecuada y rápida, este software tiene resúmenes mensuales y diarios por medio de diagramas de Gantt, además de tener indicadores para cada equipo con respecto al día transcurrido, todo esto a tiempo real. Así, si se genera algún cambio los usuarios que tienen acceso al software podrán observarlo sin ninguna restricción. / Today, the city of Lima has several construction companies, all of them have different equipment, either their own or for rent. These companies have various projects, some of these developed simultaneously, also called multiprojects. The equipment is an essential part for the performance of any construction to be high, however, the mismanagement of this resource generates delay and losses of money. Having this problem, we rely on the critical chain method for managing shared teams, since this method is based on reducing the uncertainty of projects and being optimistic on the completion date. The proposal developed in this thesis facilitates the management of shared teams during their programming. In addition, it is a software that helps to have an orderly and easy-to-use programming, so that the user does not get complicated during the use of the technological tool. The GesZech software is created with the purpose that the teams that are in a multiproject are managed adequately and quickly, this software has monthly and daily summaries through Gantt charts, in addition to having indicators for each team regarding the day passed, all this in real time. Thus, if a change is generated, the users who have access to the software will be able to observe it without any restriction. / Tesis

Ventajas y desventajas de aplicar tecnología en el sector hotelero tras la llegada del Covid-19 / Advantages and disadvantages of applying technology in the hotel sector after the arrival of Covid-19

Ardiles Paredes, Grecia Rocio Martina, Pedraza Ibarguren, Nuria 28 November 2021 (has links)
Tras la llegada del Covid-19, el sector hotelero se vio en la necesidad de implementar herramientas tecnológicas para minimizar la interacción con los huéspedes y mejorar la higiene para poder continuar sus operaciones con normalidad. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tuvo por objetivo identificar las principales ventajas y desventajas de aplicar tecnología en el sector hotelero tras la llegada del Covid-19 como herramienta principal para la reactivación. El presente trabajo de investigación empleó la metodología de revisión literaria integradora basada en la recopilación de libros, revistas, artículos científicos y tesis. Como resultado se obtuvo que a largo plazo estos cambios tecnológicos ocasionarán la pérdida de la gestión hotelera actual, ya que el capital humano será reemplazado. / After the arrival of Covid-19, the hospitality sector saw the need to implement technological tools to minimize interaction with guests and improve hygiene in order to continue its operations normally. Therefore, this objective of this study was to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of applying technology in the hospitality sector after the arrival of Covid-19 will be identified as the main tool for reactivation. This investigation uses the methodology of integrative literary review based on the compilation of books, magazines, scientific articles and theses. Finally, as a result in the long term these technological changes will cause the loss of current hotel management, since human capital will be replaced. / Trabajo de investigación


Menna, Luigi 07 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This work is a reflection on the results of an experimentation carried out on secondary school students of between 16 and 18 from various classes. The experimentation aims at identifying the implicit ideas they use when asked to solve a certain mathematical problem. In particular, in giving them these problems an heuristic approach was suggested, and the differences between this and a purely deductive approach were measured. Analyzing the different approaches used by the students and the difficulties they had in distinguishing between argumentative and demonstrative operations has given rise to a reflection on the use of software such as Geogebra and Excel.

Propuesta para optimizar el tiempo de ejecución en edificaciones multifamiliares de nivel socioeconómico A y B ubicados en Lima Top y Lima Moderna en base al control de avance de las subcontratas utilizando herramientas tecnológicas en la etapa de acabados / Proposal to optimize the execution time in residentials buildings of socioeconomic level A and B located in Lima Top and Modern Lima Moderna based on the progress control of subcontractors using technological tools in the architecture stage

Prat Lizier, Joaquín Ramon, Romero Navarro, Alvaro William 12 March 2021 (has links)
En Lima, la construcción de edificios multifamiliares está creciendo de forma exponencial y muchas constructoras tienen problemas para cumplir con el plazo establecido. Además, los proyectos de edificios multifamiliares cuentan con un alto número de partidas, en la cual se necesita mano de obra especializada por lo que las empresas subcontratan algunas actividades. Para esto, es necesario llevar un control de avance en la etapa de ejecución, de tal manera que la constructora pueda manejar de forma óptima, rápida y sencilla el avance de las diversas especialidades. La propuesta busca optimizar el tiempo de ejecución en edificios multifamiliares de nivel socioeconómico A y B ubicados en Lima top y Lima moderna en base al control de avance de las subcontratas utilizando herramientas tecnológicas en la etapa de acabados. En este sentido, la presente investigación desarrolla una propuesta consistente en la que se utiliza la aplicación Plan Grid para la recolección de información en obra, el software Power Bi para el procesamiento automático de la data y la visualización de un tablero de control que contiene indicadores y gráficos que reflejen el avance y rendimiento real de las partidas ejecutas, así como las principales causas de incumplimiento. La propuesta queda plasmada en una guía para el control de avance de subcontratistas y oriente a la correcta implementación. Con esto, se pueden tomar mejores decisiones y de tal manera, decidir rápidas y eficientes acciones correctivas y preventivas en base al tablero de control de avance. / In Lima, the construction of residential buildings is growing exponentially, and many construction companies are having problems meeting the established deadline. In addition, residential building projects have a high number of items, in which specialized labor is needed, which is why companies subcontract some activities. For this, it is necessary to keep track of progress in the execution stage, in such a way that the construction company can optimally, quickly and easily handle the progress of the different specialties. The proposal seeks to optimize the execution time in residential buildings of socioeconomic level A and B located in Lima top and Lima modern based on the progress control of subcontractors using technological tools in the architecture stage. In this sense, this research develops a consistent proposal in which the Plan Grid application is used to collect information on site, the Power Bi software for automatic data processing and the visualization of a dashboard that contains indicators and graphs that reflect the progress and the real performance of the executed activities, as well as the main causes of non-fulfillment. The proposal is reflected in a guide for the control progress of subcontractors and directs to the correct implementation. With this, better decisions can be made and in such a way, decide fast and efficient corrective and preventive actions based on the progress control dashboard. / Tesis


Menna, Luigi 07 May 2012 (has links)
This work is a reflection on the results of an experimentation carried out on secondary school students of between 16 and 18 from various classes. The experimentation aims at identifying the implicit ideas they use when asked to solve a certain mathematical problem. In particular, in giving them these problems an heuristic approach was suggested, and the differences between this and a purely deductive approach were measured. Analyzing the different approaches used by the students and the difficulties they had in distinguishing between argumentative and demonstrative operations has given rise to a reflection on the use of software such as Geogebra and Excel.

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