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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

<b>Self-Efficacy Development of Female Secondary Students in an Assistive Co-robotics Project</b>

Jennifer Brooke Blackburn (18429168) 24 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Women are underrepresented in science, technology engineering and math (STEM) careers. This is particularly detrimental within the space of engineering and technology where the women can provide unique perspectives about design. People are more likely to choose careers in which they feel confident in their abilities. Therefore, this study examined the experiences of girls in high school engineering and technology programs who were in the process of making decisions about their future careers. It explored how their classroom experiences were related to the development of their self-efficacy in engineering. This study addressed the research question: How and in what ways do the classroom experiences of female secondary students during a co- robotics assistive technology project relate to their changes in engineering self-efficacy? This question was addressed through qualitative case study research. Data were collected through observation, focus group interviews, and review of design journals kept by the participants. The data were coded, and themes were developed as guided by Bandura’s four sources of self-efficacy. Findings from this study indicated that the high school girls relied in varying amounts on different sources of self-efficacy based on their initial self-efficacy, their interactions with their teammates during group work, and connections they made between the content and applications in their lives outside of the classroom. The girls in the study had improved or maintained self-efficacy because they were able to achieve their desired outcomes in the projects. Relatedly frustrations that the girls faced along the way were not detrimental because they ultimately achieved success. Positive experiences with teammates supported the girls’ self-efficacy development, and negative experiences deterred self-efficacy. Finally, when the girls made connections between the content they were learning and applications that held value for them, they were more motivated to engage in experiences that supported the development of their self-efficacy.</p>

Nu målar vi det vi tänker! : Att synliggöra teoretisk kunskap i praktiskt teknikutvecklingsarbete / Let’s paint what we think! : To make theoretical knowledge visible in practical technology development work

Nordstedt, Emma, Östlund, Isabelle January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute to increased knowledge about how teaching can be designed to enhance students' understanding of technology development work. Through a learning study conducted in three cycles, teaching has been designed and analyzed. The ambition of the teaching was to make students' theoretical knowledge visible during practical work. Critical aspects related to the learning object, technology development work, have been identified, and teaching has been developed to address these. In the teaching, sixth-grade students have worked in groups on technology development work, designing and constructing mobile stands to explore stability. Through video observation as a data collection method, students' verbal and non-verbal communication have been analyzed and interpreted. The results present didactic adjustments related to the critical aspects and their consequences for students' understanding of technology development work. The findings indicate that teaching related to technology development work needs to be designed with ample room for reflection to make theoretical knowledge visible. The theoretical knowledge can also be made visible through sketching. The role of sketching needs to be strengthened as it also promotes increased collaboration, fosters creativity, and simplifies construction work. / Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med ökad kunskap om hur undervisning kan utformas för att stärka elevers förståelse för teknikutvecklingsarbete. Genom en learning study i tre cykler har undervisning utformats och analyserats. Ambitionen med undervisningen var att synliggöra elevers teoretiska kunskap vid praktiskt arbete. Kritiska aspekter kopplade till lärandeobjektet, teknikutvecklingsarbetet, har identifierats och undervisningen har utvecklats för att möta dessa. I undervisningen har elever i årskurs 6 gruppvis utfört teknikutvecklingsarbete, där de arbetat med stabilitet genom att designa och konstruera mobilstativ. Genom videoobservation som datainsamlingsmetod har elevers verbala och icke-verbala kommunikation kunnat analyserats och tolkats. I resultatet presenteras didaktiska justeringar kopplade till de kritiska aspekterna samt deras konsekvenser för elevernas förståelse för teknikutvecklingsarbetet. Resultatet visar att undervisning som berör teknikutvecklingsarbetet behöver utformas med stort utrymme för reflektion för att synliggöra teoretisk kunskap. Den teoretiska kunskapen kan också synliggöras med hjälp av skissen. Skissens roll behöver stärkas då den också bidrar till ökat samarbete, ger utlopp för kreativitet och förenklar konstruktionsarbetet.

Vademecum für das Fach Werken: Fachdidaktik für technisches Werken mit einer Analyse des Lehrplans für Sachsen

Hulsch, Christian 27 August 2020 (has links)
Das Schulfach Werken für Sachsen wird grundlegend und umfassend theoretisch und praktisch analysiert sowie in den Kontext der technischen (Allgemein-)Bildung gestellt. Das Buch eignet sich als Vorbereitung für die Prüfung Fachdidaktik Technik. Spezielle Unterrichtsverfahren wie z. B. das technische Experiment und die Konstruktionsaufgabe werden ausführlich beschrieben. Der Lehrplan für Sachsen wird unter verschiedenen Aspekten betrachtet.:1. Definition des Werkens und anderer naheliegender Begriffe 2. Fachgeschichte Werken in Anlehnung an Wessels 3. Entwicklungspsychologische Grundlagen für Werken 4. Allgemeine Zielstellungen für den Werkunterricht im Curriculum 5. Handlungsfelder 6. Manuell-technische bzw. somatische Bildung (Fertigkeiten) 7. Kognitive Bildung (Wissen) 8. Konkrete Unterrichtsgegenstände und deren didaktische Rechtfertigung 9. Technische Bildung, technische Handlungsfähigkeit 10. Informatische Vorbildung 11. Soziale Bildung 12. Ästhetische Bildung 13. Didaktische Unterrichtsprinzipien für die Technische Bildung 14. Didaktische Modelle und Ansätze 15. Kompetenzbereiche Werken 16. Input- und Output-/Outcome-Orientierung 17. Gesellschaftliche Veränderungen mit Auswirkung auf Werken 18. (Abgeleitete) Lernbereiche im Lehrplan 19. Bezugswissenschaften und Querverbindungen zu Werken 20. Spezielle Methodik für Werken und den Technikunterricht - Unterrichtsverfahren 21. Neue und alte Medien, neue und alte Materialien 22. Beurteilen, Bewerten, Zensuren 23. Übergänge Elementar-Primarstufe, Primar-Sekundarstufe 24. Genderspezifik Geschlechtergerechter Unterricht 25. Heterogenität 26. Integration und Inklusion 27. Infrastruktur – materielle Voraussetzungen für Werken 28. Kompetenzen der LuL 29. Fachwissenschaftliche Kenntnisbereiche in Stichpunkten (Wissen) 30. Handwerkliches Können der LuL 31. Die (ausführliche) Unterrichtsplanung und -vorbereitung 32. Zukünftige Entwicklungsschwerpunkte im Fach Werken 33. Sammlung von Tipps für Werklehrer 34. Inhalte der Prüfungen WTH und Werken gemäß LAPO Sachsen

The role of technology teachers' knowledge in promoting Grade 7 learners' higher order thinking skills in Johannesburg West District of Gauteng Province / The role of technology teachers' knowledge in promoting Grade seven learners' higher order thinking skills in Johannesburg West District of Gauteng Province

Maluleke, Richard 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Technology teachers’ knowledge in promoting learners’ higher order thinking skills. This aim was addressed by conducting the relevant literature survey and an empirical investigation. Four schools were selected in the Johannesburg West District. Here, twelve Grade 7 Technology teachers, three from each school, were interviewed and observations conducted. The data was analysed and findings presented ultimately. The findings reveal that Technology teachers who possess a greater depth of technological content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and assessment knowledge are more effective in as far as promoting learners’ higher order thinking. On the other hand, Technology teachers who possess a shallow technological content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and assessment knowledge struggle to promote learners’ higher order thinking. The main conclusions drawn from this study are that Technology teachers’ knowledge can play a role in learners’ acquisition of higher order thinking skills. Therefore, Technology teachers should acquire a sound technological knowledge in order to be able to promote learners’ acquisition of higher order thinking skills. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies) / Technology -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africa -- Johannesburg -- Case studies / Critical thinking -- South Africa -- Johannesburg -- Case studies

Intermédiaires graphiques et conception assistée par ordinateur : Étude des processus d’enseignement-apprentissage à l’oeuvre dans l’éducation technologique au collège

Laisney, Patrice 17 October 2012 (has links)
Au niveau du collège, la technologie est une discipline générale qui s'adresse à tous les élèves. Ainsi, plus que jamais, au 21ème siècle, la connaissance du monde des objets fait partie de la culture du citoyen. Pour autant la technologie au collège est une discipline encore en construction, les objets de savoir sont partiellement définis et la recherche en didactique de la technologie a encore de nombreux terrains à explorer. Cette thèse s'intéresse aux enseignements technologiques au collège et particulièrement à la conception d'objet. Dans un premier temps, notre but est de répondre, de manière empirique, à la question suivante : quelles sont les difficultés rencontrées par les élèves en situation de conception? A titre exploratoire, nous analysons l'activité d'élèves en train de résoudre collectivement un problème de conception. Nous envisageons dans un deuxième temps d'analyser plus particulièrement les difficultés liées à la production de représentations des solutions possibles au travers du rôle que jouent les outils informatiques de conception assistée par ordinateur. Il s'agit donc de réfléchir à l'intégration de ces outils dans l'enseignement de la technologie au collège. L'utilisation d'intermédiaires graphiques modifierait-elle et dans quel sens les performances des élèves de 5ème dans la phase de recherche de solutions? Le recours aux théories de l'action pour observer l'activité conjointe de l'enseignant et de l'élève se révèle pertinent dans un domaine ou on attend de la recherche qu'elle apporte un tant soi peu des réponses. Au travers des résultats qu'elle propose, cette thèse contribue à la communauté des didacticiens des sciences et de la technologie. / At the level of the middle school, the technology is a general discipline which addresses all the pupils. So, more than ever, in 21th century, the knowledge of the world of objects is a part of the culture of the citizen. Nevertheless, the technology in middle school is a discipline still under construction, the objects of knowledge are partially defined and the research in didactics of the technology still has numerous questions to investigate. This thesis discusses the design activity of students in middle school (pupils aged 11-15) in France and particularly to designing object. At first, our purpose is to answer, in an empirical way, the following question: what are the difficulties met by the pupils in situation of design? In the exploratory way, we analyze pupils' activity resolving collectively a problem of design. We intend secondly to analyze more particularly the difficulties bound to the production of representations of the possible solutions through the role which play the computing tools of computer-aided design. It is a way to think about the integration of these tools in the teaching of the technology in middle school. Would the use of graphic intermediaries modify and in which sense the performances of the pupils of 5th in the phase of research for solutions? The recourse to the theories of the action is relevant to observe the joint activity of the teacher and the pupil, especially in a domain or we expect from the research that she brings one so much one few answers. Through the results which she proposes, this thesis contributes to the community of the didacticiens of the sciences and the technology.

Représentations et conceptualisations de systèmes numériques par des collégiens : contribution didactique à la modélisation fonctionnelle / Representations and conceptualizations of contemporary digital systems by middle school students : didactics contribution to functional modeling

Pérez, William-Gabriel 08 December 2016 (has links)
Inscrite dans un contexte sociotechnique particulièrement marqué par la généralisation des technologies dites numériques, cette recherche étudie les représentations et les conceptualisations sous-tendant la modélisation fonctionnelle des élèves relative au fonctionnement des Smartphone tactiles et des Tableaux Numériques Interactifs. Les données sont recueillies selon cinq enquêtes menées par questionnaires et/ou entretiens collectifs auprès d'environ 1300 élèves (6e et 3e). L'analyse des données révèle : 1) l'absence de questionnement sur le fonctionnement des systèmes numériques ; 2) la préoccupation prioritaire sur les fonctions de service ; 3) l'identification de la fonction détection à la différence de la fonction traitement non perçue (logiciel, processeur, information). En outre les enquêtes menées mettent en évidence l'effet de la forme et du contenu des questions sur l'émergence des représentations mobilisées par les élèves et donc des conceptualisations sous-tendant leurs modélisations fonctionnelles. Cette recherche permet d'envisager d'autres travaux complémentaires pour saisir les conditions de cette modélisation en relation avec l'extension du réfèrent empirique. Enfin cette thèse suggère des orientations pédagogiques pour faciliter la relation entre familiarisation pratique et élaborations intellectuelles pour le collège en accord avec le socle commun qui intègre désormais l'étude des systèmes naturels et techniques parmi les contenus prescrits. / Joined in a socio-technical context particularly marked by the rise of digital technologies, this research studies the representations and conceptualizations underlying the functional modeling of middle school students about the functioning of touch Smartphone and Digital Interactive Boards. Data are collected in five investigations by questionnaires and / or group interviews with about 1300 students (6th and 3rd). Data analysis reveals: 1) lack of questioning about how digital systems work; 2) the main concern about the function of the artefact; 3) clear identification of the detection function in contrast with the information processing(software, processor, information). Also investigations highlight the effects of the form and content of questions about the emergence of representations mobilized by students and therefore conceptualizations underlying their functional modeling. This research enables to consider other additional studies to grasp the conditions of this modeling in connection with the extension of empirical referent. Finally this thesis suggests teaching guidelines to facilitate the relationship between practical familiarization and intellectual elaborations to the middle school in agreement with the common basic curriculum in France which now includes the study of natural and technical systems among the prescribed contents.

Os espaços experimentais das escolas públicas de arquitetura do Brasil: realidade ou utopia? / The experimental workspaces in public schools of architecture in Brazil: reality or utopia?

Laverde, Albenise 23 June 2017 (has links)
Esta tese está inserida no debate sobre a utilização da experimentação construtiva ao longo da concepção da materialidade e seu papel como recurso pedagógico. Trata mais especificamente, dos espaços e práticas experimentais no contexto acadêmico nacional, objetivando compreender o processo de configuração dos espaços da área técnico-construtiva implantados nas escolas públicas de arquitetura de acordo com as particularidades advindas de diferentes contextos do país, das políticas educacionais e das ações dos atores envolvidos, com a identificação das condições essenciais para que estas práticas sejam implantadas e potencializadas no contexto acadêmico. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisas documentais e por meio de visitas técnicas realizadas em 21 escolas públicas de arquitetura localizadas em diferentes regiões do país, com entrevistas direcionadas aos principais atores que atualmente estão à frente da área da Tecnologia da Construção. O trabalho trouxe contribuições de ordem teórica a partir da sistematização de uma bibliografia abrangente sobre um tema pouco estudado no contexto nacional. Quanto às contribuições de ordem prática, os dados obtidos nas visitas técnicas possibilitaram contextualizar os desafios enfrentados no ensino da Tecnologia da Construção, que não se resumem ao arranjo físico laboratorial, mas a uma dimensão mais ampla, abrangendo aspectos político-educacionais, estruturais e sócio-econômicos e também, questões de fundo, como as relações interpessoais e burocráticas. Estes resultados permitiram identificar as condições consideradas como essenciais na (re)formulação de estratégias voltadas à área da Tecnologia da Construção e sua infraestrutura, de maneira que as experiências existentes possam ser potencializadas e novas implantações tenham maior respaldo técnico de acordo com as particularidades contextuais. / This thesis is inserted in the debate about the use of experimentation in building along with the conception of materiality and its role as pedagogical resource. It approaches, more specifically, the experimental workspaces and practices in the Brazilian academic context. It aims to understand the process of shaping the workspaces of the technology and construction fields established in public schools of architecture according to the singularities from different contexts of the country, educational policies and activities of the actors involved, identifying the essential conditions for those practices to be implemented and strengthened in the academic context. The work was developed based on documentary research and through technical visits in 21 public schools of architecture located in different regions of the country, with interviews directed to the main actors who are currently in charge of the field of Technology of Construction. In relation to the practical contributions, the data obtained in the technical visits made it possible to contextualize the challenges faced in the education of Technology of Construction. These challenges are not limited to the physical arrangement of the laboratory; they embrace a broader dimension, covering education politics, structural and socioeconomic aspects and, still, background issues such as interpersonal relations and bureaucracy. These results enabled the identification of conditions considered essential in the (re) formulation of strategies directed to the field of Technology of Construction and its infrastructure, so that the existing experiences can be strengthened and new applications can have a greater technical support according to the contextual singularities.

Os espaços experimentais das escolas públicas de arquitetura do Brasil: realidade ou utopia? / The experimental workspaces in public schools of architecture in Brazil: reality or utopia?

Albenise Laverde 23 June 2017 (has links)
Esta tese está inserida no debate sobre a utilização da experimentação construtiva ao longo da concepção da materialidade e seu papel como recurso pedagógico. Trata mais especificamente, dos espaços e práticas experimentais no contexto acadêmico nacional, objetivando compreender o processo de configuração dos espaços da área técnico-construtiva implantados nas escolas públicas de arquitetura de acordo com as particularidades advindas de diferentes contextos do país, das políticas educacionais e das ações dos atores envolvidos, com a identificação das condições essenciais para que estas práticas sejam implantadas e potencializadas no contexto acadêmico. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisas documentais e por meio de visitas técnicas realizadas em 21 escolas públicas de arquitetura localizadas em diferentes regiões do país, com entrevistas direcionadas aos principais atores que atualmente estão à frente da área da Tecnologia da Construção. O trabalho trouxe contribuições de ordem teórica a partir da sistematização de uma bibliografia abrangente sobre um tema pouco estudado no contexto nacional. Quanto às contribuições de ordem prática, os dados obtidos nas visitas técnicas possibilitaram contextualizar os desafios enfrentados no ensino da Tecnologia da Construção, que não se resumem ao arranjo físico laboratorial, mas a uma dimensão mais ampla, abrangendo aspectos político-educacionais, estruturais e sócio-econômicos e também, questões de fundo, como as relações interpessoais e burocráticas. Estes resultados permitiram identificar as condições consideradas como essenciais na (re)formulação de estratégias voltadas à área da Tecnologia da Construção e sua infraestrutura, de maneira que as experiências existentes possam ser potencializadas e novas implantações tenham maior respaldo técnico de acordo com as particularidades contextuais. / This thesis is inserted in the debate about the use of experimentation in building along with the conception of materiality and its role as pedagogical resource. It approaches, more specifically, the experimental workspaces and practices in the Brazilian academic context. It aims to understand the process of shaping the workspaces of the technology and construction fields established in public schools of architecture according to the singularities from different contexts of the country, educational policies and activities of the actors involved, identifying the essential conditions for those practices to be implemented and strengthened in the academic context. The work was developed based on documentary research and through technical visits in 21 public schools of architecture located in different regions of the country, with interviews directed to the main actors who are currently in charge of the field of Technology of Construction. In relation to the practical contributions, the data obtained in the technical visits made it possible to contextualize the challenges faced in the education of Technology of Construction. These challenges are not limited to the physical arrangement of the laboratory; they embrace a broader dimension, covering education politics, structural and socioeconomic aspects and, still, background issues such as interpersonal relations and bureaucracy. These results enabled the identification of conditions considered essential in the (re) formulation of strategies directed to the field of Technology of Construction and its infrastructure, so that the existing experiences can be strengthened and new applications can have a greater technical support according to the contextual singularities.

Caminhos da formação tecnológica a distância: a complexidade emergente no desenho de curso de licenciatura

Pitombeira, Cátia Veneziano 29 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Catia Veneziano Pitombeira.pdf: 1810045 bytes, checksum: 97d648508e867d0ffa1b1827b48e46a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-29 / This research aims to describe and interpret the phenomenon technology formation enabled by the Language Teaching Technologies class which is part of an undergraduate Language and Literature distance course on Portuguese/Spanish at a confessional university in the State of São Paulo, in order to identify the formation perceived by the students and the emerging traces of complexity, given the moment of paradigm transition lived by the researcher when designing the mentioned class. The research development was based on the complex thinking epistemology (Morin, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2011; Moraes, 2002,2004), articulated with education and teacher formation theories (Freire, 2002, 2008), and with issues regarding teacher technological education from the perspective of Lopes (2005) and Moraes (2007), connected to different visions of instructional design according to Moraes (2008), Graves (2000), and Freire (2013). The Hermeneutic-Phenomenological methodological approach (van Manen, 1990; Freire, 1998, 2007, 2008, 2012) was adopted and the research instruments were part of the class activities: Students from the 5th semester (a) participated in the Class-Activity Forum which preceded a videoclass; (b) answered a Teaching Practice Questionnaire from which was possible to draw their profile and collect their impressions about their performance and about the proposed activities; and (c) produced a dissertative-reflexive report. These written texts represent the participants registers on how they have been living the phenomenon on focus while unveiling the way they interpret the life experience they have been involved in, as suggested by the methodology that supports this study. The interpretation of the texts revealed the participants' reflection about technology formation, as well as about the course design, providing the teacher-researcher with moments of reflection upon the development of new online technological education courses, and the creation and elaboration of courses under the perspective of complexity / Esta pesquisa busca descrever e interpretar o fenômeno a formação tecnológica oportunizada pela Aula Tecnologias para o Ensino de Línguas, em um curso de graduação em Letras Português/Espanhol a distância de uma universidade confessional do estado de São Paulo, visando à identificação da formação percebida pelo aluno e dos traços de complexidade emergentes, em razão do momento de transição de paradigma vivido pela pesquisadora ao desenhar a aula do referido curso. O desenvolvimento desta pesquisa se fundamentou na epistemologia do pensamento complexo (Morin, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2011; Moraes, 2002, 2004), aliada a questões de educação e formação de professores (Freire, 2002, 2008), e questões de formação tecnológica de professores sob a ótica de Lopes (2005) e Moraes (2007), articuladas com as diferentes visões de desenho Instrucional, de acordo com Moraes (2008) Graves (2000) e Freire (2013). A linha metodológica adotada para este estudo foi a Hermenêutico-Fenomenológica (van Manen, 1990; Freire, 1998, 2007, 2008a, 2012) e a pesquisa contou com os alunos do 5º. período do curso de Letras como participantes. Os instrumentos de investigação fizeram parte das atividades do curso: (a) os alunos participaram do Fórum Aula-Atividade que antecede uma teleaula; (b) responderam ao Questionário Prática Docente para levantamento do perfil e das impressões acerca de sua atuação e das atividades propostas; e (c) produziram um relato dissertativo-reflexivo. Esses registros escritos foram as manifestações das experiências vividas pelos participantes como sugere a metodologia que proporcionou respaldo a esta pesquisa. A interpretação desses textos revelou a reflexão dos participantes acerca da formação tecnológica bem como sobre o desenho a Aula, proporcionando para a professora-pesquisadora momentos reflexivos sobre o desenvolvimento de novos cursos de formação tecnológica a distância, bem como subsídios para a criação e elaboração de cursos sob a perspectiva da complexidade

Understanding Teacher Users of a Digital Library Service: A Clustering Approach

Xu, Beijie 01 May 2011 (has links)
This research examined teachers' online behaviors while using a digital library service--the Instructional Architect (IA)--through three consecutive studies. In the first two studies, a statistical model called latent class analysis (LCA) was applied to cluster different groups of IA teachers according to their diverse online behaviors. The third study further examined relationships between teachers' demographic characteristics and their usage patterns. Several user clusters emerged from the LCA results of Study I. These clusters were named isolated islanders, lukewarm teachers, goal-oriented brokerswindow shoppers, key brokers, beneficiaries, classroom practitioners, and dedicated sticky users. In Study II, a cleaning process was applied to the clusters discovered in Study I to further refine distinct user groups. Results revealed three clusters, key brokers, insular classroom practitioners, and ineffective islanders. In Study III, the integration of teacher demographic profiles with clustering results revealed that teaching experience and technology knowledge affected teachers' effectiveness in using the IA. The implication, contributions, and limitation of this research are discussed.

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