Spelling suggestions: "subject:"temporality"" "subject:"emporality""
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La fonction du sujet et la temporalité des états délirants : prolégomènes à la clinique de l’extériorité / The function of the subject and the temporality of delusional states : prolegomena for the clinic of exteriorityTyranowski, Raphaël Lucas 07 October 2017 (has links)
Le présent travail de recherche cherche à éclairer le rapport entre le sujet, le délire et le temps. Les prémisses de cette question sont essentiellement cliniques : dans notre pratique nous avons rencontré des patients délirants dont les états ont présenté des organisations subjectives qui ne pouvaient pas être ni décrites, ni comprises dans la terminologie traditionnelle de la psychiatrie ou de la psychologie. Cette expérience clinique nous a confronté à deux difficultés majeures : premièrement, les agencements subjectifs du délire contredisent souvent la conception du sujet dont dispose la psychologie, deuxièmement, dans de nombreux cas toute tentative de réduction de la forme clinique du délire à la conception médicale de l’évolution continue conduit à une méconnaissance du fondement subjectif de l’organisation temporelle du phénomène. Dans notre travail nous démontrons que le phénomène délirant demande un concept du sujet et une notion du temps qui répondent à l’exigence de sa structure clinique. D’abord, en réinterrogeant la clinique classique des états délirants dans la perspective structurale, nous expliquons pourquoi l’étude des états délirants nécessite une transgression du plan de la psychopathologie traditionnelle. Ensuite, sur le fond d’une élaboration approfondie du concept de temps logique, nous conceptualisons une approche clinique qui met en évidence que le rapport de la formation délirante au temps est une série discontinue de modes de subjectivation de la jouissance qui permet d’identifier la temporalité du délire à un agencement de la succession de modes de temporalisation. Ainsi notre recherche aboutit à démontrer la thèse qui postule une solidarité structurale de la fonction du sujet avec la fonction-temps dans la clinique des états délirants / The present research seeks to shed light on the relationship between the subject, delusion and time. The premises of this question are essentially clinical: in our practice we have encountered delusional patients whose states have presented subjective organizations that could not be described or understood in traditional terminology of psychiatry or psychology. This clinical experience has confronted us with two major difficulties: firstly, the subjective organization of the delusion often contradicts the psychological conception of the subject, secondly, in many cases the attempt to reduce the clinical form of delusion to the medical conception of continuous evolution leads to a ignorance of the subjective basis of the temporal organization of the phenomenon. In our work we demonstrate that the delusional phenomenon demands a concept of the subject and a notion of time, which meet the requirement of its clinical structure. Firstly, by re-examining the classic clinic of delusional states in the structural perspective, we explain why the study of delusional states requires a transgression of the traditional psychopathology approach. Then, on the basis of the detailed elaboration of the concept of logical time, we conceptualize a clinical approach, which shows that the relation between delusion formation and time is a discontinuous series of modes of subjectivation of jouissance which permit to identify the temporality of delusion with an arrangement of the succession of modes of temporalization. Thereby our research results in demonstrating the thesis, which postulates a structural solidarity of the function of the subject with the function-time in the clinic of delusional states.
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Autoretrato do sonhador: memÃrias e projetos de vida dos agentes jovens do Bairro Presidente Kennedy. / Selfportrait of dreamer: memories and life projects of agentes jovens of Presidente Kenndy residential quarter.Roberio Augusto Leal Sacramento 04 September 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / nÃo hà / Neste estudo buscamos compreender a juventude e a formaÃÃo de suas representaÃÃes sociais atravÃs dos relatos biogrÃficos dos jovens participantes do Projeto Agente Jovem de Desenvolvimento Social e Humano do bairro Presidente Kennedy em Fortaleza, no ano de 2007. A participaÃÃo dos jovens nesta prÃtica educativa nÃo-formal conduz a um trabalho com a temporalidade, colocando-os em contato com o exercÃcio da evocaÃÃo de suas memÃrias e da construÃÃo de seus projetos de vida. As relaÃÃes estabelecidas entre a memÃria e suas representaÃÃes sobre educaÃÃo, sexualidade, trabalho e lazer nos levaram a refletir sobre a o papel da escola e da famÃlia em suas vidas e da necessidade de desfazer as representaÃÃes prÃ-concebidas sobre a juventude dos bairros populares. Utilizamos como recursos para tal anÃlise, entrevistas feitas com os jovens, textos e desenhos produzidos por eles durante as atividades do projeto Agente Jovem. / This study aims at understanding the youth and the formation of social representation through biographical reports of the young participants of Projeto Agente Jovem de Desenvolvimento Social e Humano of the residential quarter Presidente Kennedy in Fortaleza, in 2007. The participating of young people in this unformed education policy leads to a job with temporality, putting them in contact with the exercise of evocating their memories and building their life projects. The relation established between memory and their external representations about education, sexuality, work and leisure time have let us to reflect about the role of the school and the family in their lives and the need to undo designed represents on the youth of poorer neighborhoods. We used as resources for such analyses, interviews with young people, texts and drawings produced by them during the activities of the project.
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A relação entre liberdade e situação em Merleau-Ponty, sob uma perspectiva ontológica / The relation between freedon and situation in Merleau-Ponty, under an ontoligical perspectiveAlex de Campos Moura 21 June 2006 (has links)
Nossa pesquisa pretende mostrar a relação entre liberdade e situação presente na primeira fase da filosofia de Merleau-Ponty, especialmente na Fenomenologia da Percepção. Nosso objetivo é indicar que ela se apoia em uma dimensão ontológica, cuja característica principal é a recusa da tradicional separação entre ser e nada, e cujo fundamento encontra-se na temporalidade. / Our research intends to show the relation between freedon and situation present at the begining of Merleau-Ponty\'s philosophy, especially at Phénoménologie de la Perception. Our objective is to indicate that it is suported by an ontoligical dimension, whose main caracteristic is the refuse of the traditional separation between \"being\" and \"nothingness\", and whose fundament is found at the temporality.
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Transferência e temporalidade na clínica das psicosesCunda, Marília Spinelli Jacoby January 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca contornar interrogantes advindos de nossa experiência junto à clínica das psicoses - no marco de nossa inserção no Núcleo de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão em Clínica das Psicoses, da Clínica de Atendimento Psicológico da UFRGS. Esta conjuga distintas vivências, da escuta individual de pacientes ao envolvimento no trabalho de oficinas terapêuticas, as quais, ao longo do tempo, fizeram-nos questionar acerca das especificidades e impasses do laço transferencial aí colocado. A noção de temporalidade, desde a psicanálise, nos foi bastante cara no armado desta questão. Nos primeiros momentos de nosso texto, intentamos situar o terreno das principais elaborações de Freud e Lacan acerca da temática das psicoses, desde onde nossa questão sobre a transferência poderia alojar-se. Deste modo, fez-se preciso retomar dois dos principais casos clínicos freudianos, Schreber e o Homem dos Lobos, para melhor situar os entornos da contraindicação freudiana quanto ao trabalho analítico com pacientes psicóticos, bem como extrair consequências da colocação em relevo do mecanismo da Verwefung (foraclusão) para os desdobramentos subsequentes de Lacan. Abordaremos, a seguir, a guinada que a leitura lacaniana das referidas proposições faz apontar como possibilidade no trabalho junto às psicoses. Para trabalhar sobre os fragmentos clínicos que estiveram na base das interrogações propulsoras desta pesquisa, fez-se relevante traçarmos algumas considerações acerca da noção de escrita do caso em psicanálise. Desde então, arrolamos algumas destas narrativas da clínica onde, parece-nos, de distintos modos, contorna-se uma pergunta sobre a transferência em seu enlace com a temporalidade. Acolhemos uma hipótese, destarte, de que a constituição psicótica colocaria em cena uma espécie de abismo temporal, desde a não incidência de balizas simbólicas capazes de instituir um ritmo – intervalo – entre o campo do sujeito e o campo do Outro. Considerando a acepção de Lacan quanto ao registro inconsciente enquanto pulsátil, vislumbraríamos uma fratura no tempo de fechamento, desvelando o psicótico enquanto mártir deste inconsciente a céu aberto. Tais elaborações terão implicações cruciais às especificidades do armado transferencial, onde se colocaria em jogo a possibilidade de forjar-se um tempo, desde a presença do analista enquanto sustentadora de umaposição de vazio capaz de possibilitar ao sujeito algum estancamento no movimento infinitizado do significante, incessante promovedor do congelamento do sentido. / The present dissertation tries to circumvent questions about our experience with the clinic of psychosis – in our insertion in the Núcleo de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão em Clínica das Psicoses, from Clínica de Atendimento Psicológico da UFRGS. This brings different experiences, from listening individually to the patients to being involved with the work of therapeutic workshops, which, over time, has made us wonder about the specifics of the transference and its impasses at psychosis clinical. The notion of temporality, from psychoanalysis, was quite important for this issue. In the first moments of our text, we intend to situate the main elaborations of Freud and Lacan on the subject of psychosis, from which our question about the transference could have place. Thus, it became necessary to resume two major clinical freudians cases, Schreber and the Wolf Man, in order to locate the surroundings of the contraindication regarding the freudian analytic work with psychotic patients and to draw consequences of placing emphasis on the mechanism of Verwefung (foreclosure) for the subsequent developments of Lacan. We will address, then, the Lacanian reading of these propositions, showing how the work with psychosis is possible. In order to work on the clinical fragments that were on the basis of the questions driving this research, it was important to draw some considerations about the notion of writing of the case in psychoanalysis. Since then, we mention some of these narratives from the clinic which, in different ways, leads us to a question about the transference and its link to the temporality. We situate a supposition, thus, that the psychotic constitution brings to our attention a kind of abyss of time, considering the non-incidence of symbolic beacons that are able to establish a rhythm – a break – between the subjetc´s field and the Other´s field. Considering the proposition of Lacan about the unconscious registration as pulsatile, we could see a fracture at the closing time, unveiling the psychotic as a martyr of the unconscious as an open sky. These elaborations will have crucial implications on the specificities from the transference, where we put into play the possibility of forging a time, since the presence of the analyst while sustaining a position of emptiness that may allow the subject some stagnation in the in the incessant movement of significant, promoter of the freezing sense.
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Temporalidades sincrônicas: as narrativas audiovisuais digitais na música eletrônica / Temporalidades sincrônicas: as narrativas audiovisuais digitais na música eletrônicaAdriana Anunciação Ramos 12 August 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa busca descrever e analisar as experiências de temporalidades em narrativas digitais, desenvolvidas especificamente pelas produções audiovisuais digitais do grupo de Vjs Embolex. O estudo se dará a partir de uma análise comparativa entre a influência da narrativa midiática na percepção da temporalidade moderna e as temporalidades proporcionadas pelas novas tecnologias de comunicação e suas narrativas. Busca-se entender em que medida a inserção das tecnologias digitais provocaram mudanças no deslocamento da noção de temporalidade diacrônica proporcionando o advento de outras temporalidades técnicas. Primeiramente, é feita a contextualização das narrativas midiáticas diacrônicas, por meio de numa análise histórica introdutória que estabelece a relação entre as distintas tecnologias midiáticas (a oral, a escrita e as eletrônicas) e as respectivas temporalidades narrativas que engendraram. Num segundo momento, a pesquisa busca desenvolver um estudo sobre as produções audiovisuais digitais do núcleo de Vjs Embolex. A análise destas produções buscará identificar os tipos específicos de temporalidades técnicas apresentadas por suas narrativas, além dos seus conteúdos e especificidades estéticas. / The research seeks to describe and analyse the experiences of temporality in digital narratives developed specifically by the audiovisual digital production of the group of Vjs Embolex. The study will take place from a comparative analysis on the influence of media narratives on perception of the modern temporality and the temporalities offered by new communication technologies and their narratives. We seek to understand to what extent the insertion of digital technologies have caused changes in the displacement of the notion of diachronic temporality providing the advent of other technical temporalities. Firstly, the context of the diachronic narratives produced by the media is drawn through an introductory historical analysis that establishes the relationship between the different media technologies (oral, written and electronic) and the type of temporality they engender. Secondly, the research seeks to develop a study on the audiovisual digital production of Embolex Vjs. The analysis of these productions aims to identify the specific types of technical temporalities presented by their narratives, beyond their specific content and aesthetics.
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Enigmatic origins : tracing the theme of historicity through Heidegger's worksRuin, Hans January 1994 (has links)
The preoccupation with the "historicity" of thought and existence is central to thehermeneutic-phenomenological branch of modern philosophy. Its foremostrepresentative is Martin Heidegger, who in his main work Sein und Zeit (1927)developed a theory of historicity, according to which human beings not only exist inhistory, but are themselves historical. In subsequent writings Heidegger argued thatnot only man, but also truth and being, must be understood "historically" in aparticular sense. The meaning and the impHcations of Heidegger's "historicization" ofphilosophy are here analyzed along two parallel tracks: as a theory of the conditions ofphilosophical understanding; second, as an incentive to new ways of respondingphilosophically to these conditions. The study focuses on the sense of belongingwhich Heidegger assigns to historicity, as a dialogical relation to an enigmatic originthat cannot be exhaustively articulated, but to which understanding must neverthelessrespond in repetition and critique. The idea of the "hermeneutic situation," and what itmeans to occupy such a situation, is shown to be central in this regard. Heidegger's"historicization" of the philosophical territory is inte reted as an exemplary attempt topreserve philosophy as a quest for "origins" in the explicit recognition of theinterminable historical mediation of thinking. His approach leads to a criticalquestioning of fundamental philosophical distinctions, such as the temporal and theeternal, the absolute and the relative, subject and object, and of truth as correspondence.Eventually he is led to question the ability of language to express thehistoricity of thought and of being, which can only be indicated by means of conceptssuch as "moment" (Augenblick) and "event" (Ereignis). In seven chapters the themeof historicity is explored from different angles, which together provide a guide toHeidegger's path from a philosophy of life to a thinking of being in the "otherbeginning." The study covers the full range of his writings, but it emphasizes thedevelopment from the earliest lectures, over Sein und Zeit, to the second major work,Beiträge zur Philosophie (1938, published posthumously in 1989).
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"Plnost nicoty" - (Ne)možnost metafyziky u Adorna a Becketta / "The wealth of nothingness" - On the (im)possibility of metaphysics in Adorno and BeckettSchenk, Jan David January 2021 (has links)
English abstract: "The wealth of nothingness - On the (im)possibility of metaphysics in Adorno and Beckett": The subject of this paper is Theodor W. Adorno's reception of Samuel Beckett and its embedding in his philosophy. Based on an interpretation of Adorno's treatment of the problem of temporality, it is shown that for Adorno Beckett's work both marks the end of time in a bad infinity and at the same time prepares the turn into a fulfilled time. As the opening of a quasi- utopian temporality, it is argued that the engagement with Beckett represents for Adorno as much as the rescue of the possibility of metaphysics and critical theory through its impossibility, moving in the semantics of gift, promise, and gratitude. Keywords: dialectics, temporality, metaphysics, gift, utopia
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Screening nostalgia: time, memory, and the moving imageHuggins, J. Blake 30 August 2021 (has links)
Modern understandings of nostalgia sharply distinguish it from memory and often construe its relationship to the past as reactionary, fanciful, or retrograde. This dissertation reconsiders that valuation by engaging the formative sources that contribute to philosophical understandings of nostalgia and provide resources for thinking it otherwise. It reexamines time and memory in continental philosophy and U.S. cinema to argue that nostalgia does important work often overlooked in present conceptions, work that repositions relations with the past to generative, animating effect. The project analyzes the temporal issues nostalgia elicits, highlights its affective contours, and repositions its power to mediate and rework memory. It maintains that the role nostalgia plays in human experience is more propulsive than regressive, making it more attuned to time’s tensions and demands than previously thought.
Chapter one narrates the history of nostalgia, beginning with the work of Johannes Hofer. Origins in medical nosology establish a diagnostic frame of reference that grounds nostalgia’s reception as pathology while also revealing its persistent instabilities. Martin Heidegger and, especially, Jacques Derrida bring the temporal vectors of those instabilities into sharper focus. Chapter two shows how Heidegger’s work provides a useful understanding of time and moods, but ultimately remains tethered to a nostalgia for presence (nostos). Chapter three brings Derrida’s thinking on time and the trace into conversation with psychoanalysis to isolate a more capacious approach, one that indulges nostalgic desire but also frustrates it (algos).
The remaining chapters turn to film and develop an understanding of the moving image based on its ability to capture passing time, the eminent object of modern nostalgic experience. Chapter four engages critical literature on the uses of nostalgia in film and reconsiders George Lucas’s American Graffiti (1973), a pivotal work often reproached by critics and scholars. Chapter five advances a close reading of Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life (2011) and his estranged relationship with philosophy. That relationship informs his work and often takes nostalgic recollection as an orienting concern. The film in question situates nostalgia as a propulsive screen affect that facilitates the work of mourning in the wake of loss and discontinuity. The dissertation concludes by sketching out horizons for future research and turning to insights contained in Augustine’s Confessions that further illustrate the form of nostalgia explored throughout.
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[pt] Focando nos textos de Heidegger anteriores à viragem do seu pensamento, ocorrida em meados na década de 1930, principalmente em Ser e tempo, esta dissertação investiga em que sentido os múltiplos aspectos que determinam a transcendência humana e a constituição ontológica de mundo podem, em íntima correlação intencional, iluminar e delinear o horizonte de desvelamento do ser em geral. Para cumprir este objetivo, quatro etapas serão percorridas, estabelecendo-se ao longo do caminho um diálogo de Heidegger com outros pensadores, como Nietzsche, Husserl, Kafka, Simmel, Fernando Pessoa, entre outros. Na primeira dessas etapas, traçar-se-á uma dupla caracterização da estrutura ontológica da existência humana, a que Heidegger denominou Dasein, sob os aspectos do ser-para-a-morte e do ser-no-mundo. Essa caracterização franqueia o caminho para a problemática da existência autêntica, legitimamente transcendente, em sua relação com a formação de mundo. A análise da estrutura fundamental da transcendência, à luz da compreensão heideggeriana do fenômeno da verdade, acontecimento fundamental do ser, constituirá a segunda etapa. No terceiro capítulo, o fenômeno do tempo, que necessariamente assoma na discussão da instanciação da verdade, necessitará ser tematizado à luz dos termos gerais das considerações precedentes. Como mundo não é uma estrutura estática, mas possui uma gênese temporal, há premência de se explicitar o conceito de tempo do mundo em sua relação com o Dasein. Por fim, revelando-se horizonte do fenômeno da verdade, o tempo do mundo encontrará seu fundamento numa temporalidade (Zeitlichkeit) que constitui o vínculo de apropriação entre a existência humana e o ser em geral. / [en] Focusing on the Heidegger s texts prior to the Turn of his thought, which occurred in the middle in the 1930s, especially in Being and Time, this dissertation investigates in what sense the multiple aspects that determine the human transcendence and the ontological constitution of the world can, in an intimate intentional correlation, enlighten and outline the horizon of disclosure of Being in general. To fulfill this goal, four steps will be covered, establishing along the path a dialogue between Heidegger and other thinkers, such as Nietzsche, Husserl, Kafka, Simmel, Fernando Pessoa, among others. In the first of those steps, will be traced a double characterization of the ontological structure of human existence, which Heidegger denominated Dasein, under the aspects of Being-toward-death and Being-in-the-world. This characterization clears the path to the problem of authentic existence, legitimately transcendent, in its relation to the world formation. The analysis of the fundamental structure of the transcendence, in the light of the heideggerian understanding of the phenomenon of truth, fundamental event of the Being, will constitute the second step. In the third chapter, the phenomenon of time, which necessarily appears in the discussion of the instantiation of the truth, will need to be thematized in the light of the general terms of the precedents considerations. As the world is not a static structure, for it has a temporal genesis, there is a urgency to explicit the concept of time of the world in its relation to Dasein. Finally, revealing the horizon of the phenomenon of truth, the time of the world will find its foundation in a temporality (Zeitlichkeit), which constitutes the link of appropriation between the human existence and the Being in general.
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Making sense of time: reconsidering the rhetoric of temporality in Johannine literatureAn, Chang Seon 03 July 2019 (has links)
This dissertation examines temporal frames in the Gospel of John and the Johannine letters and traces the ways that these texts and those who received them constructed and employed temporality to shape belief in Christ. Building on existing scholarship on Johannine literature and temporality, I situate these writers and their readers within their contemporary Greek, Roman, and Jewish social and rhetorical contexts, exploring the use of temporal markers, calendrical calculations, and claims about the past, present, and future in ancient discourses of self-definition.
The Gospel of John uses an account of Jesus’s life and deeds to assert the God of Israel’s exclusive prerogative to create, control, and dominate not only time but also earthly authorities. The writer(s) of the Gospel place the Logos “in the beginning,” situate events within Jewish temporal frames, and align Jesus’s resurrection with solar time to portray Jesus as a sovereign, divine agent. The Johannine letters also employ temporality, but differently. The letters link the past with the present to establish an identity for the audience by assuring them of their genealogical and temporal bonds with Jesus. The letters seek to distance perceived opponents, who are labeled “Antichrist,” by describing them as agents of the devil who sinned “from the beginning.”
A later group of Christ believers known as the “Quartodecimans” received and adopted Johannine temporality for their own purposes. Celebrating Easter in full coordination with the Passover, for example, Melito of Sardis envisioned God’s salvific work in a continuity that directly linked salvation from the Exodus to Jesus’s death and resurrection. Melito employed temporality to create a mobile and porous boundary between Christ believers and other groups and to claim the theological superiority of his own group. This analysis of Johannine literature indicates that ancient writers widely employed claims about temporality to distinguish their perceived audiences from other groups. These writers sought to persuade the followers of Christ to adopt particular temporal outlooks and to ascribe them to concomitant theological assertions. They thus established their exclusive authority to interpret Jesus’s life and deeds and defame false teachings.
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