Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ateologi."" "subject:"akeologi.""
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Ikonens dilemma : En studie av inkarnationens betydelse för ikonenLindgren, Eva January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Uppsatsen handlar om kristendomens syn på inkarnationen och dess betydelse för ikonen. Det är en studie av ikonens teologiska och historiska bakgrund, kopplad till kristologiska frågor som uppstod redan under den tidiga kristendomen. Synen på inkarnationen, Guds människoblivande i Kristus, är inom kristendomen skiftande även om det finns en gemensam trosbekännelse. Studien behandlar ikonens teologi och inkarnationsfrågan i samband med Gamla testamentets bildförbud och hur detta påverkar delar av den kristna tron. Under en längre period fanns ett stort motstånd gentemot heliga bilder inom kyrkan som till viss del påverkade brytningen mellan ortodox och katolsk kristendom. Kyrkans splittring kopplas här till inkarnationsläran och Bibelns bildförbud. Uppsatsen visar att skillnaderna i tolkningen av inkarnationen ledde till strider inom bildfrågan. Den visar även att en del av åsikterna inom kristologin, läran om Kristus, går att koppla till ett semiotiskt system, där likheterna med tankarna om inkarnationen och treenigheten går att sätta in i en modell för att synliggöra ikonens teologi.</p><p> </p>
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Transcendent Gud och döende människa? : Gudsbild och människosyn i Anne Sextons The Awful Rowing Toward GodStegborn Blixt, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Tro, hopp och altruism : En komparativ analys av protagonisternas dygder och laster i MelGibsons Hacksaw Ridge och Martin Scorseses Silence.Juhlin, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar huruvida huvudkaraktärerna i Silence (2016) och Hacksaw Ridge (2016) påvisar dygderna tro, hopp och altruism respektive lasterna förnekelse, tvivel och högmod genom deras handlande och värderingar för att se hur detta förhåller sig till teologiska perspektiv kring vad som utgör en god kristen. Undersökningen visar att Desmond från Hacksaw Ridge är överväldigande trofast, hoppfull och altruistisk och det kan argumenteras för att han demonstrerar dessa dygder enligt de valda teologiska definitionerna. De motsvarande lasterna påvisar han väldigt lite, om överhuvudtaget. Rodriguez, huvudkaraktären i Silence tvivlar oftare, både på sig själv och på Guds plan. Huruvida hans val i slutet av filmen kan sägas vara altruistiskt i en kristen bemärkelse och väger upp hans offentliga avsägande av den kristna tron är något som de lärda lär tvista om.
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Svenska kyrkans episkopé : En stuide om Svenska kyrkans episkopala ecklesiologiAndersson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how the Church of Sweden's episcopal expression has changed over the past 40 years. The purpose of the study has been to see the change and understand the consequences it may have given the church. What emerges from the study is that there has been a change in the episcopal expression and with the help of the essay's method, it can be said to be an expression in a change that can be explained as from an egalitarian episcopal order to a decentralized episcopal order. The expression of the change could be said to culminate with the recent crisis in the diocese of Härnösand and the causes of the crisis can be said to be linked to the proven change egalitarian-decentralized episcopate.
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Hopp som dygd och kraft. : En innehållsanalys av hur hopp förmedlas i uppbyggelselitteratur skriven i Sverige respektive Sydafrika.Oreland, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet i denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur författare på 2010-talet från en ekumenisk huvudfåra i Sverige och Sydafrika förmedlar hopp till sina läsare. Utifrån två delvis kompletterande teorier om kristet hopp har jag format en teoretisk modell om ansvarsfullt hopp som tillsammans med frågeställningar utgjort ett analysredskap i läsningen av mitt källmaterial. Källmaterialet har utgjorts av uppbyggelselitteratur skriven av fyra författare, i Sverige respektive Sydafrika. Studiens frågeställningar var: på vilka sätt beskriver författarna hopp, vilka praktiker av hopp förordas, hur förhåller sig författarna till utmaningar i sina respektive kontexter? Baserat på tron på Jesus uppståndelse så utgör hoppet en kärna i kristen tro. Många teologer, ekumeniska organisationer och kyrkliga företrädare har mot bakgrund av detta skrivit om kristet hopp. Många har även betonat betydelsen av kristet hopp i att möta samtida utmaningar. Vissa anser till och med att det kristna hoppet är nödvändigt för att möta dessa svårigheter. Min studies viktigaste bidrag har varit att kasta ljus över hur detta kristna hopp förmedlas i praktiken. I min studie har jag inspirerat till interkulturell teologi genom att jag utforskat olika sätt att förmedla kristet hopp i olika kulturella kontexter, jag har resonerat kring globala utmaningar såväl som svårigheter inom länder och satt kontextuell teologi om hopp i dialog med andra tolkningar av hopp. Jag har funnit att författarnas delvis kontextbundna, delvis gemensamma sätt att förmedla kristet hopp i uppbyggelselitteratur kan inspirera till interkulturell teologi om kristet hopp som svarar an på samtida gemensamma utmaningar. Min studie har därmed bidragit med ny teologisk forskning och kompletterar även forskning inom andra akademiska discipliner om hopp. Studien har dessutom bidragit till utvecklingen av en interkulturell teori om kristet hopp, som förhoppningsvis kan utgöra underlag för fortsatta studier.
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Jesus var socialist? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av svenska dagstidningar med koppling till den socialistiska arbetarrörelsen och dess förhållande till kristendomen under förra sekelskiftet. / Jesus was a socialist? : A qualitative content analysis of Swedish newspapers with connections to the socialist working-class movement and its relationship with Christianity during the last century shiftLiew, David January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examined the relationship between the rhetoric in Swedish socialist newspapers and themes in Christianity in the period 1880-1900. The analysis focused on Christian themes in socialist rhetoric and how it was expressed. This thesis is related to a field of how religion is constructed and related to ideological and political ideas. Bearing for the research is therefore the idea that Christian themes and language ware used in socialist rhetoric during the research period. The results reflected themes such as Christian socialism, Jesus as the true socialist, The kingdom of God, The fallen church and God as a sinner. Further on, the research showed that the classic socialist criticism of religion cannot be understood as a critique of religion itself but rather a critique of the distorted and perverted Christianity the church, the clergy and the state was accused of. The socialist newspapers showed many attempts of relating socialist ideas and values to Christian ideas and values in attempts to relate them to an understanding of an original and compatible Christian socialism. Furthermore, the newspapers utilized Christian theological parlance in their political rhetoric for the purpose of criticizing the current state of politics. The research showed that the relationship between the growing positivism and modernism of the period 1880-1900 and religion is more complex than previously understood. Previously it was assumed that science and modernism replaced religion. But the relationship between socialism and Christianity contains attempts at reconstruction and cooperation for the purpose of arguing for a more morally just way of living and constructing society. The transfer was not teleological or linear; it was a new way of interpreting religion and finding ways to make it fit the new ideas. Previously in this field, it was assumed that ideological rhetoric was propagated mainly through appealing to people’s emotions rather than logic and argumentation. This thesis showed that the use of rhetoric by socialist newspapers is far more complex in the way they propagate their cause by appealing to people’s emotions using logic and argumentation. The results in this thesis could well be used in the teaching of the relationship between religion, modernity, and politics to show that they are under constant negotiation and reconstruction.
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Mellan tradition och situation : En studie om doptal i Svenska kyrkans dopgudstjänsterDiurlin Insulander, Julia January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Homo ludens - den lekande människan : Några röster om lekens roll i konfirmandarbetet / Homo ludens - man playing : The importance of play during confirmationPersson, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka, skildra och tolka lekens innebörder i konfirmationsundervisningen, utifrån de vuxna anordnarnas perspektiv.
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Kyrkan och klimathotet : Textanalytisk studie av sex kyrkliga dokument om miljö och klimat / The Church and the threatening Climate Change : A Text Analytical Study of six Church documents on Environmental and Climate ChangeEgberg, Nils January 2018 (has links)
A text analytical study has been performed using an abductive approach. The initial study was inductive and followed by a deductive part. Six different documents were studied representing protestant Churches, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church (Patriarchate of Constantinople)2.The initial inductive part showed that the Church in its handling of the climate crises ought to be able to help people to a better understanding of the climate changes as well as to an understanding of the Churches´ theological view on the relationships between God and man, man to man and God to Creation.The deductive part of the study the documents showed a picture of a panentheistic, good and personal God. God was mainly referred to as a nonsexual entity. This part of the study also showed that all documents agree that the Church has a responsibility to ensure that moral values are respected when it comes to decision-making regarding actions against the climate changes. It is the task of the Church to channel the love of God to people and to the whole Creation.The climate changes have prompted the Churches to partly concentrate on their theology on creation and have caused a reevaluation of their positon in handling the new environmental situation. The major part of the documents gave a view on the theological reflection that the climate changes have forced upon the Churches.All documents regarded the threatening climate changes as a consequence of the human misuse of God’s Creation. Man has not fulfilled God’s expectations of man’s care for his Creation.Human beings are unique in God’s Creation, man is the image of God. In some respects human beings are God’s coworkers or even co-creators. But man has not managed to match God’s expectations, and has not cared for his Creation in the way he wanted. God is in a way mourning the situation that man has caused and what is threatening his Creation.The documents indicated that all Churches have a similar view on the human responsibility to try to restore balance in the Creation. Since their common view is that man, on God’s behalf, has the responsibility to care for and develop Creation, the Churches have the duty to work for a change of human lifestyle in a way that is compatible with a sustainable development.The documents indicated that the Church wants to be a forerunner in the change of lifestyle and also wants to work for a more just world order where those rich in resources should contribute the most to cover the costs for a worldwide handling of the climate crises and for the formation of a sustainable development.
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Gudsbilder i kyrkohandboken : En komparativ litteraturstudie / The Images of God in the common worship liturgy books of the Swedish church. : A Comparative literature study.Norberg, Johan January 2018 (has links)
This study focuses on the image of God in the common worship liturgy book that was taken into use by the church of Sweden in the year of 2018 and compare it with the image of God in the previous common worship book which was released in 1986. The end result shows that the big difference between these two liturgy books is that the liturgy book released in 1986 presents an image of God that focuses on the gender of God. Compared to the 2017 liturgy book that instead of focusing of the gender of God presents an image of God that presents how God acts, not who God is. End result has been viewed from two perspectives, a feminist theology point of view and an apophatic point of view. These perspectives combined with the end result from the comparative study has shown that of these two theologies the feminist theology fits best into the 2017 common worship liturgy book, compared to the apophatic theology. Although the study has shown that these two theological perspectives share more than just a few things. One of the most central similarities is that the language plays a big part in the centralities in both teological perspectives. In the apophatic theology the language is considered to be limited and that our human language lacks the potential to fully understand God. The feminist theology focuses on the fight against structures like gender, sex and power. When using especially these three parts it is possible to use language to find the patriarchal symbolic language that has an influence on us and effects us.
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