Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teratogenicity"" "subject:"tetratogenicity""
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Efeitos tóxicos da \"Ipomoea carnea\" em caprinos. II - estudos de teratogenicidade / Toxic effects of the Ipomoea carnea in goats. 11- studies of teratogenicityBreno Schumaher Henrique 01 July 2005 (has links)
A Ipomoea carnea, pertencente à família das Convolvulaceae, é uma planta tóxica que tem ampla distribuição pelo país, tendo como principal princípio ativo a suainsonina. É uma das poucas plantas que se conserva verde durante a seca, podendo servir como fonte de matéria verde para bovinos, ovinos e caprinos, é nesse período, quando normalmente ocorrem os casos de intoxicação, sendo a espécie caprina a mais susceptível. Até o momento, não há relatos sobre efeitos tóxicos desta planta em conseqüência da possível passagem transplacentária da suainsonina. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos teratogênicos da I. carnea, em caprinos. Foram usados 20 cabras, divididas em 4 grupos iguais: 3 experimentais e 1 controle. As cabras dos grupos experimentais receberam a partir do 27° dia de prenhez até o final da gestação 1,0; 5,0 e 7,5 glkg/dia de I. carnea. Nas fêmeas gestantes foi feito o exame clínico periódico, colheita de sangue para avaliação do hemograma e bioquímica sanguínea, exames fetais ultra-sonográficos (US) e acompanhamento do parto. Ao nascimento, todos os filhotes foram avaliados para identificação de malformações, alguns foram submetidos à eutanásia, para a realização do estudo anatomopatológico e nos demais avaliou-se o ganho de peso, hemograma e bioquímica sanguínea. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que apenas as fêmeas que receberam 7,5g/kg de I.carnea apresentaram sintomatologia nervosa. No estudo US feito na 5°, 7° e 9° semana, observou-se redução significante dos movimentos fetais, de todos os animais experimentais. Alterações hematolágicas e na bioquímica sérica (como o aumento dos níveis sérico de glicose, aspartato amino transferase, uréia, fosfatase alcalina, albumina e diminuição dos níveis sé ricos de gama-glutamil transferase e colesterol) foram observadas em cabras dos grupos experimentais. No estudo histopatológico foram observadas vacuolizacões em diversos tecidos (fígado, rim e no sistema nervoso central). Na 10° semana de gestação uma cabra, tratada com a maior dose, abortou espontaneamente um feto, o qual apresentou artrogripose e ausência do fechamento da cavidade abdominal. Ao nascimento, verificou-se a ocorrência de mal formações fetais em filhotes caracterizada por retroagnatia, contratura congênita múltipla dos membros e artrogripose. Estes achados permitem concluir, que a ingestão da I. carnea durante a gestação de cabras, além de causar toxicidade materna, pode causar efeitos teratogênicos e que o US pode ser útil para acompanhar a ocorrência de efeitos nocivos desencadeados pela planta, durante a vida intra-uterina. / Ipomoea carnea (Convolvulaceae) is a toxic plant largely distributed throughout Brazil. The alkaloid swainsonine is the major active compound present in the plant. I. Carnea is resistent to drought, serving during this adverse climatic condition as a food source for cattle, sheeps and goats. It is well known that the ingestion of the plant promotes toxic effects to the animais, in particular to goats, the most susceptible specie. There are no reports about toxic effects of the plant to fetuses as a consequence of a possible placental transportation of the compound swainsonine. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible teratogenic effects of I. Carnea in goats. In the study 20 female goats were employed, divided into 4 groups: 3 experimental and 1 control. The experimental goats received from gestation day (GD) 27 to parturition day 1.0, 5.0 or 7.5 g/Kglday of I.carnea fresh leaves. Duringpregnancy the females were periodically accompanied by hematologic studies as hemograms and serum biochemical assays, ultrasonographic (US) fetuses assays and were accompanied during parturition. At post-natal day (PND) 01 ali the pups were evaluated for identificationof physical anormalities. Some were euthanized for histopathologic studies and the others had weight gain, hemograms and biochemical blood tests recorded during development. The obtained data showed that only the 7.5 g/Kg/day treated dams presented neurologic effects. The US study realized at the 5th,6thand th weeks of gestation, showed that ali the experimental groups presented significant reduction of the fetal intrauterine moviments. Hematologic and serum blood biochemical alterations (Iike increased levels of glucose, aspartate-amine transferase, urea, alkaline phosphatase, albumine and reduced levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase and cholesterol) were observed in goats of the experimental groups. The histopathologic study showed vacuolization in several tissues (liver,kidneys and brain). At the 10thweek of gestation one goat, treated with the increased dose, aborted a fetus. This fetus presented arthrogriposis and no closure of the abdominal cavity.At parturition(PND01) fetal malformationswere observed and characterized as retrognatia, multiple congenit contracture of the members and arthrogriposis. The present data showed that I. Carnea ingestion by pregnant goats promoted maternal toxicityand fetal teratogenic effects. In addition, the US showed to be an important tool to monitorize the toxic effects promoted by the plant ingestion during intrauterine life. Read more
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Consequences of miRNA misregulation on embryonic development and agingFranzosa, Jill A. 05 December 2013 (has links)
microRNAs (miRNAs), ~21-24 nucleotide-long RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression, have rapidly become one of the most extensively studied mechanisms of the past decade. Since their discovery as temporal regulators of post-embryonic development in C. elegans, miRNAs have been functionally implicated in almost every cellular process investigated to date. miRNAs are integral to the complex biological processes of embryonic development and aging. In this research, we sought to determine whether misregulation of miRNAs could be responsible for eliciting adverse effects during these two distinct developmental stages. First, to uncover the potential role of miRNAs in teratogenicity, we investigated whether miRNAs were involved in regulation of retinoic acid (RA) induced vertebrate axis defects. Global miRNA expression profiling revealed that RA exposure suppressed the expression of miR-19 family members during zebrafish somitogenesis. Bioinformatics analyses predict that miR-19 targets cyp26a1, a key RA detoxifying enzyme, and a physiological reporter assay confirmed that cyp26a1 is a bona fide target of miR-19. Transient knockdown of miR-19 phenocopied RA-induced body axis defects. In gain-of-function studies, exogenous miR-19 rescued the axis defects caused by RA exposure. Our findings indicate that the teratogenic effects of RA exposure result, in part, from repression of miR-19 and the subsequent misregulation of cyp26a1. This highlights a previously unidentified role of miR-19 in facilitating vertebrate axis development. Next, to explore whether age-related changes in miRNAs trigger deficits in regeneration capacity, we performed mRNA and small RNA sequencing on regenerating and non-regenerating caudal fin tissue from aged, adult and juvenile zebrafish. An unbiased approach identified cbx7 as the most abundant transcript with significantly increased expression in regenerative-competent adult and juvenile tissue and decreased expression in regenerative-compromised aged tissue. While cbx7 is a known regulator of aging, this is the first report of its role in tissue regeneration. A computational approach was used to discover mRNAs expressed during regeneration, which are potential targets of the significantly expressed miRNAs in regenerating tissue. miR-21 was one of the most abundant and significantly increased miRNAs in regenerating tissue and exhibited an aberrant age-dependent expression profile. Bioinformatics predicts miR-21 to target the 3' UTR of cbx7 and a reporter assay confirmed that miR-21 targets cbx7 in vivo. Transient knockdown of miR-21 inhibited tissue regeneration, suggesting a role for miRNA mediated regulation of cbx7 during regeneration. These findings reveal a novel, age-dependent regenerative function of cbx7 and emphasize the importance of miR-21 as a master regulator of vertebrate regenerative responses. This research, when combined, underscores the negative consequences misregulation of miRNAs has on embryonic development and aging. / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Dec. 5, 2012 - Dec. 5, 2013 Read more
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Development of a new screening assay to identify proteratogenic compounds using Zebrafish Danio rerio embryo combined with an exogenous mammalian metabolic activation system (mDarT)Busquet, François 30 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The assessment of teratogenic effects of chemicals is generally performed using in vivo teratogenicity assays e.g., in rats or rabbits. Following the 3R principles, the development of alternative methods is encouraged to reduce the number of animal tests. From this perspective, we have developed an in vitro assay (mDarT) using the zebrafish Danio rerio embryo teratogenicity assay (DarT) combined with an exogenous mammalian metabolic activation system (MAS), able to biotransform proteratogenic compounds. Cyclophosphamide, ethanol, benzo[a]pyrene and thalidomide were used as test materials to assess the efficiency of this assay. Briefly, the zebrafish embryos were co-cultured at 2 hpf (hours post fertilization) with the test material at varying concentrations, mammalian liver microsomes from different species and NADPH for 60 min at 32°C under moderate agitation in Tris buffer. The negative control (test material alone) and the MAS control (MAS alone) were incubated in parallel. For each test group, 20 eggs were used for statistical robustness. Afterwards fish embryos were transferred individually into 24-well plates filled with fish medium for 48 hours at 26°C with a 12 hour-light cycle. Teratogenicity was scored after 24 and 48 hpf using morphological endpoints. The test was considered to be valid if a minimum of 90% of fish eggs developed normally for the two controls (test material alone and MAS alone). For each test material, the experiment was repeated three times with the controls satisfying the validation criteria (≤ 10% impaired embryos). Indeed, no significant teratogenic effects were observed compared to controls in fish embryos exposed to the proteratogens alone (i.e., without metabolic activation) or the MAS alone. In contrast, the four test materials induced significant abnormalities in fish embryos when co-incubated with animal liver microsomes. For cyclophosphamide, ethanol and thalidomide a concentration-response relationship was shown and the qualitative nature of the malformations was similar between fish embryos and humans. Benzo[a]pyrene was demonstrated to be significantly teratogenic in fish embryos in spite of no concentration-response and unspecific teratogenic fingerprints. We conclude that the application of animal liver microsomes will improve and refine the DarT as a predictive and valuable alternative method to screen teratogenic substances. Read more
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Étude de la biodisponibilité et de la toxicité de polluants chimiques à risque dans les sédiments aquatiques vis-à-vis des premiers stades de développement d’un poisson modèle, Oryzias latipes / Biodisponibility and toxicity of sediment-bound pollutants in early life stages of a model fish, Oryzias latipesBarjhoux, Iris 19 December 2011 (has links)
Les sédiments agissent comme de véritable puits pour certains polluants organiques persistants et métaux représentant ainsi une source de contamination secondaire pour les milieux aquatiques. Dans ce contexte, un test embryo-larvaire utilisant le Medaka japonais (Oryzias latipes) a été développé afin d’évaluer la toxicité des polluants fixés aux particules sédimentaires. Le bioessai consiste à maintenir les embryons de Medaka en contact direct avec le sédiment durant tout leur développement embryonnaire puis à évaluer les effets létaux et sublétaux induits au niveau phénotypique et moléculaire chez les embryons et larves exposés. Tout d’abord, le bioessai a été appliqué à la caractérisation de la toxicité et des modes d’action de substances organiques et métalliques pures. Le pyrène et son dérivé, le méthylpyrène, se sont avérés fortement tératogènes avec un spectre de malformations rappelant le syndrome de la maladie du sac bleu. L’étude du profil d’expression génique a révélé la perturbation de certains processus cellulaires notamment la voie AhR, le métabolisme mitochondrial et la voie de signalétique et de métabolisation des rétinoïdes. Le cuivre et le cadmium ont induit de nombreuses malformations squelettiques et cardio-vasculaires, des dommages à l’ADN ainsi que l’altération de l’expression de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme mitochondrial, la régulation du cycle cellulaire et la réparation de l’ADN. Enfin, le bioessai a été appliqué à l’évaluation du potentiel toxique de sédiments naturels du système Lot-Garonne et du Bassin d’Arcachon. L’ensemble des sédiments testés a montré un large spectre d’effets tératogènes et seuls quelques-uns ont conduit à des effets létaux. Par ailleurs, l’expression plusieurs gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme mitochondrial, la voie AhR, le contrôle du cycle cellulaire, la réparation de l’ADN et la détoxication des métaux a été modifiée lors de l’exposition à certains sédiments contaminés de la zone d’étude. / Aquatic sediments act as real sink for numerous anthropogenic chemicals such as persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals as well as a secondary contamination source. In this context, a fish embryo-larval assay was developed using the Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as a test organism to evaluate de toxicity of particle-bound contaminants. In this aim, fish embryos are kept in direct contact to sediment during their whole embryonic development and induced lethal and sub-lethal effects are measured at the phenotypical and molecular levels. This test was first applied to the toxicity evaluation and modes of action characterization of organic and metallic single compounds. Pyrene and its alkylated derivative, methylpyrene, revealed a high teratogenic potency inducing developmental deformities similar to the blue sac disease syndrome. Gene expressions response pattern using RT-PCR method highlighted the alteration of several cellular process including AhR pathway, mitochondrial metabolism and retinoids signaling and metabolism pathways. Copper and cadmium mainly induced numerous skeletal and cardiovascular injuries, DNA damage as well as modifications of gene expression involved in mitochondrial metabolism, DNA damage repair and cell cycle regulation. Finally, the Medaka embryo-larval assay was applied to analyze the toxic potential of natural sediments form the Lot-Garonne system and the Arcachon bay. All tested sediments showed a wide range of teratogenic effects but only few of them revealed to be acutely toxic. Moreover, the expression of several genes involved in mitochondrial metabolism, AhR pathway, cell cycle arrest, DNA repair and heavy metals detoxication proved to be modified in the presence of some contaminated sediments from the studied area. Read more
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Development of a new screening assay to identify proteratogenic compounds using Zebrafish Danio rerio embryo combined with an exogenous mammalian metabolic activation system (mDarT)Busquet, François 18 September 2008 (has links)
The assessment of teratogenic effects of chemicals is generally performed using in vivo teratogenicity assays e.g., in rats or rabbits. Following the 3R principles, the development of alternative methods is encouraged to reduce the number of animal tests. From this perspective, we have developed an in vitro assay (mDarT) using the zebrafish Danio rerio embryo teratogenicity assay (DarT) combined with an exogenous mammalian metabolic activation system (MAS), able to biotransform proteratogenic compounds. Cyclophosphamide, ethanol, benzo[a]pyrene and thalidomide were used as test materials to assess the efficiency of this assay. Briefly, the zebrafish embryos were co-cultured at 2 hpf (hours post fertilization) with the test material at varying concentrations, mammalian liver microsomes from different species and NADPH for 60 min at 32°C under moderate agitation in Tris buffer. The negative control (test material alone) and the MAS control (MAS alone) were incubated in parallel. For each test group, 20 eggs were used for statistical robustness. Afterwards fish embryos were transferred individually into 24-well plates filled with fish medium for 48 hours at 26°C with a 12 hour-light cycle. Teratogenicity was scored after 24 and 48 hpf using morphological endpoints. The test was considered to be valid if a minimum of 90% of fish eggs developed normally for the two controls (test material alone and MAS alone). For each test material, the experiment was repeated three times with the controls satisfying the validation criteria (≤ 10% impaired embryos). Indeed, no significant teratogenic effects were observed compared to controls in fish embryos exposed to the proteratogens alone (i.e., without metabolic activation) or the MAS alone. In contrast, the four test materials induced significant abnormalities in fish embryos when co-incubated with animal liver microsomes. For cyclophosphamide, ethanol and thalidomide a concentration-response relationship was shown and the qualitative nature of the malformations was similar between fish embryos and humans. Benzo[a]pyrene was demonstrated to be significantly teratogenic in fish embryos in spite of no concentration-response and unspecific teratogenic fingerprints. We conclude that the application of animal liver microsomes will improve and refine the DarT as a predictive and valuable alternative method to screen teratogenic substances. Read more
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Imaging of the fish embryo model and applications to toxicology / Imagerie du modèle embryon de poisson : application à la toxicologie du développementGenest, Diane 20 May 2019 (has links)
De nombreuses substances chimiques sont utilisées par l’industrie cosmétique pour entrer dans la composition de formules. En dehors de la nécessité d’évaluer leur efficacité, l’industrie cosmétique se doit surtout d’évaluer la sécurité de leurs substances pour l’humain. L'évaluation toxicologique des substances chimiques est réalisée dans le but de révéler un effet toxique potentiel de la substance testée. Parmi les effets potentiels que l’on souhaite détecter, la toxicité du développement (tératogénicité), c’est-à-dire la capacité d’une substance à provoquer l’apparition d’anomalies lors du développement embryonnaire, est fondamentale. En accord avec les législations internationales qui interdisent à l’industrie cosmétique d’avoir recours à des tests sur animaux de laboratoire pour l’évaluation de leurs substances, l’évaluation toxicologique de ces substances se base sur les résultats de tests in silico, in vitro et de tests faits sur des modèles alternatifs aux animaux de laboratoire. Pour le moment cependant, peu de méthodes alternatives existent et ont été validées pour la toxicologie du développement. Le développement de nouvelles méthodes alternatives est donc requis. D'autre part, en plus de l’évaluation de la sécurité des substances chez l’humain, l’évaluation de la toxicité pour l’environnement est nécessaire. L’usage de la plupart des produits cosmétiques et d’hygiène corporelle conduit, après lavage et rinçage, à un rejet à l’égout et donc dans les cours d’eau. Il en résulte que les environnements aquatiques (eaux de surface et milieux marins côtiers) sont parfois exposés aux substances chimiques incluses dans les formules cosmétiques. Ainsi, l’évaluation toxicologique environnementale des cosmétiques et de leurs ingrédients nécessite de connaître leur toxicité sur des organismes représentatifs de chaînes alimentaires aquatiques. Dans ce contexte, le modèle embryon de poisson présente un double avantage pour l’industrie cosmétique. Ce modèle, jugé par les législations internationales comme étant éthiquement acceptable pour les évaluations toxicologiques réalisées par l’industrie cosmétique, est représentatif des organismes aquatiques. Il est donc pertinent pour évaluer la toxicité environnementale des substances chimiques. D'autre part, ce modèle apparaît prometteur pour évaluer l’effet tératogène de substances chimiques chez l’humain. Pour ces raisons, un test d’analyse de la tératogénicité des substances chimiques est actuellement développé. Ce test se base sur l’analyse d’embryons de medaka (Oryzias Latipes) à 9 jours post fertilisation, après exposition des embryons par balnéation à des substances à concentrations déterminées. L’analyse de paramètres fonctionnels et morphologiques conduit au calcul d’un indice tératogène, qui permet de tirer une conclusion quant à l’effet tératogène de la substance testée. Cet indice est calculé à partir des mesures du taux de mortalité et du taux de malformations chez les embryons. L’objectif de ce projet est d’automatiser le test d’analyse de la tératogénicité, par classification automatique des embryons faite à partir d’image et de vidéo. La première méthode développée concerne la détection des battements cardiaques à partir de séquences vidéos, dans le but de calculer le taux de mortalité. Nous nous sommes ensuite concentrés sur deux types de malformations courantes qui sont les malformations axiales, et l'absence de vessie natatoire, en utilisant une méthode d'apprentissage automatique. Cette analyse doit être complétée par l'analyse d'autres malformations et conduire à un calcul du taux de malformations et de l’indice tératogène pour la substance testée / Numerous chemicals are used as ingredients by the cosmetics industry and are included in cosmetics formula. Aside from the assessment of their efficacy, the cosmetics industry especially needs to assess the safety of their chemicals for human. Toxicological screening of chemicals is performed with the aim of revealing the potential toxic effect of the tested chemical. Among the potential effects we want to detect, the developmental toxicity of the chemical (teratogenicity), meaning its capability of provoking abnormalities during the embryonic development, is crucial. With respect to the international regulations that forbid the use of animal testing for the safety assessment of cosmetics, the toxicological assessment of chemicals must base on an ensemble of in silico assays, in vitro assays and alternative models based assays. For now, a few alternative methods have been validated in the field of developmental toxicology. The development of new alternative methods is thus required. In addition to the safety assessment, the environmental toxicity assessment is also required. The use of most of cosmetics and personal care products leads to their rejection in waterways after washing and rince. This results in the exposition of some aquatic environments (surface waters and coastal marine environments) to chemicals included in cosmetics and personal care products. Thus, the environmental assessment of cosmetics and of their ingredients requires the knowledge of their toxicity on organisms that are representative of aquatic food chains. In this context, the fish embryo model, which is ethically acceptable according to international regulations, presents a dual advantage for the cosmetics industry. Firstly, as a model representative of aquatic organisms, it is accurate for the environmental assessment of chemicals. Secondly, this model is promising for the assessment of the teratogenic effect of chemicals on human. For this reason, a teratogenicity assessment test is developed. This test is based on the analysis of medaka fish embryos (Oryzias Latipes) at 9 days post fertilization, after balneation in a predetermined concentration of the chemical under study. The analysis of functional and morphological parameters allows to calculate a teratogenicity index, that depends on both rates of dead and malformed embryos. This index allows to to draw a conclusion concerning the teratogenic effect of the chemical.The objective of this project is to automate the teratogenicity test, by automated image and video classification. A first method is developed that aims to automatically detect embryo heart beats from acquired video sequences. This method will allow to calculate the proportion of dead embryos. We then focus on the detection of two common malformations: axial malformations and absence of a swim bladder, based on a machine learning classification. This analysis must be completed by the detection of other malformations so that we can measure the rate of malformed embryos and thus, calculate the teratogenicity index of the tested chemical Read more
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Untersuchungen zur Embryotoxizität von Ozon nach einer in ovo-Begasung beim HuhnThiele, Margrit 11 October 2011 (has links)
Die derzeit angewendete Formalinbegasung von Bruteiern zur Keimreduktion stellt ein wichtiges Mittel zum Schutz des Verbrauchers vor dem Eintrag der Salmonellose aus der Geflügelindustrie in die Lebensmittelkette dar. Jedoch verlangt sein kanzerogenes Potenzial die Suche nach einer ebenso effektiven und einfach zu praktizierenden, aber weniger gesundheitlich bedenklichen alternativen Methode. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Eignung einer in ovo-Ozonbegasung zur Bruteidesinfektion hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkung auf die Embryonalentwicklung untersucht.
Dafür wurden befruchtete Eier vor ihrem Einsatz in den Brüter mit unterschiedlichen Ozonkonzentrationen zwischen 0,5% bis >5,0% (wt/ wt O3 in O2) bei einer relativen Luftfeuchte von 70% in einer Laborkammer begast. Die verwendeten Ozonkonzentrationen wurden dabei in drei Konzentrationsgruppen eingeteilt: hoch (2,8% bis 5,0%), mittel (1,1% bis 2,5%) und niedrig (0,5% bis 1,0%). Nach Erreichen der Zielkonzentration blieben die Eier für eine definierte Einwirkzeit (EWZ) zwischen 0 bis 24 h in der Kammer. Am Bruttag (BT) 18, 19 oder 20 wurden die Überlebensrate (ÜLR), Gewicht und Länge erhoben sowie histologische Untersuchungen der Organe Herz, Leber, Milz und Niere vorgenommen. Bei vier Versuchen erfolgte zusätzlich die Untersuchung am BT 6 und BT 12. Insgesamt wurden 13 Versuchsreihen mit Begasungen in der Laborkammer in den drei genannten Konzentrationsgruppen durchgeführt.
Des Weiteren sollte die Übertragbarkeit der ermittelten Ergebnisse auf eine großtechnische Lösung, durch die Anwendung in einer projektintern entwickelten Prototyp-Kammer überprüft werden. Die Konzipierung dieses Prototyps folgte den technischen Gegebenheiten unter Einbeziehung der ermittelten Ergebnisse zur Embryotoxizität, zur Effektivität der Keimreduktion sowie der Veränderung der Eiinhaltsstoffe. Im Prototyp wurde daher die Begasungskonzentration von 0,7% Ozon bei einer EWZ von 2 h angewendet und in 2 Versuchsreihen hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Lebensfähigkeit und die morphologische Entwicklung getestet.
Um zusätzlich eine Aussage treffen zu können, welche Wirkung eine hohe Ozonkonzentration bei der Applikation während der Bebrütung zur Folge hat, wurde in zwei weiteren Versuchsreihen jeweils am BT 3, 4 und 5 eine Ozondosis von 5,0% in Kombination mit 1 h EWZ appliziert. Nach der Entnahme der Embryonen am BT 6 bzw. BT 8 erfolgte die morphologische Untersuchung.
Aus der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zusammenfassend geschlussfolgert:
Ozon besitzt einen dosisabhängigen Effekt auf die ÜLR: je höher die Dosis, desto geringer die Überlebensrate. Bei niedrigen Ozonkonzentrationen zwischen 0,5% und 1,0% kommt es zu ÜLR von 90% und 100%.
Die Einwirkzeit stellt einen wichtigen Einflussfaktor auf die Überlebensrate dar. Eine Kombination einer hohen Ozondosis mit langer EWZ hat eine höhere Embryomortalität zur Folge, als eine hohe Ozondosis ohne EWZ. Eine erhöhte Mortalitätsrate zeigt sich auch bei der Kombination einer mittleren Ozondosis mit einer langen EWZ. Keinen Einfluss zeigt sie bei der Kombination mit einer niedrigen Ozonkonzentration.
Ozonierte Embryonen zeigen dosisabhängig eine geringere Längen- oder Gewichtsentwicklung im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Signifikante Gewichts- und Längenunterschiede lagen nur vereinzelt bei der Begasung mit hoher Ozonkonzentration vor.
Pathohistologische Befunde an Organen, die mit einer Ozonbegasung in Zusammenhang gebracht werden können, konnten nicht erhoben werden.
Die Versuche zur Begasung während der Organogenese wiesen nicht auf ein teratogenes Potenzial von Ozon hin. Korrespondierend mit den Ergebnissen der Begasung am BT 0 zeigte sich ebenfalls eine deutliche Embryotoxizität.
Die Wirkung von Ozon folgt einem Alles-oder-Nichts-Prinzip: entweder die Schädigung ist so stark, dass es zu keiner Entwicklung mehr kommt, oder aber der überlebende Embryo bzw. Fetus zeigt ein phänotypisch normales Aussehen.
Mit den vorgestellten Untersuchungen konnte bewiesen werden, dass bei einer in ovo-Begasung von befruchteten Hühnereiern am Bruttag 0 mit einer niedrigen Ozonkonzentration von 0,5% bis 1,0% in Kombination mit einer mittleren und geringen EWZ keine teratogenen oder embryotoxischen Veränderungen zu erwarten sind.
Aus diesen Befunden ergibt sich ein unbedenklicher Einsatze von Ozon als alternative Methode zur Bruteidesinfektion. Die Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass die großtechnische Lösung die Anwendung von 1,0% Ozonkonzentration in Kombination mit 2 h EWZ ermöglicht, um eine sehr gute ÜLR, Entwicklung und eine 100%ige Inaktivierung des in Legehennenbeständen vorherrschenden Serovars Salmonella Enteritidis zu gewährleisten. Read more
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Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Teratogenitäts-Screening Testes mit Embryonen des Zebrabärblings Danio rerioBachmann, Jean 10 June 2002 (has links)
Obwohl fetale Mißbildungen seit langem bekannt sind, wird eine intensive Prüfung von Arzneimitteln und anderen Substanzen erst seit den 1960er Jahren durchgeführt. Dem Tierschutzbericht von 2001 ist zu entnehmen, daß im Jahr 1999 insgesamt etwa 1,6 Millionen Wirbeltiere zu Versuchszwecken benötigt wurden. Als mögliche Alternative zu Untersuchungen mit Säugetieren wurde ein Testmodell mit Embryonen des Zebrabärblings (D. rerio) entwickelt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es zu klären, ob sich mit den Embryonen von Danio rerio ein teratogenes Potential von Substanzen erkennen und quantifizieren läßt. Dazu wurde DarT (?Danio rerio Teratogenicity Assay?) als Teratogenitäts-Screening Test entwickelt. Es können anhand von toxikologischen Endpunkten sowohl die letalen als auch die subletalen Wirkungen von Substanzen bestimmt werden. Darüber hinaus werden anhand von teratogenen Endpunkten speziell Malformationen erfaßt. Der Vergleich der beobachteten Effekte und der daraus berechneten Wirkkonzentrationen gestattet eine Einschätzung des teratogenen Potentials von Substanzen. Die im DarT erzielten Ergebnisse werden mit der bekannten Zuordnungen des ?säugerteratogenen? Potentials verglichen. Für 88 % der getesteten Substanzen gibt DarT die aus säugertoxikologischen Untersuchungen bekannten Einordnungen hinsichtlich des teratogenen Potentials wieder. Für 10 % der Testsubstanzen wurde das teratogene Potential zu hoch, für 2 % zu niedrig eingeschätzt. Mit dem Testsystem ?Danio rerio Teratogenicity Assay ? DarT? ist ein Vergleich von Substanzen hinsichtlich ihres teratogenen und allgemein toxischen Potentials möglich. In einem Modell können Wirkkonzentrationen und Konzentrations-Wirkungs-Beziehung ermittelt und direkt verglichen werden. Mit DarT kann eine große Anzahl von Substanzen zeit- und kostengünstig untersucht werden. Die aus Untersuchungen mit Säugetieren bekannten Zuordnungen der teratogenen Potentiale von Substanzen wird gut wiedergegeben. Read more
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Effets des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques sur les stades précoces de poissons modèles : développement de bioessais et étude comparée de mélanges / Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on early life stages of model fish : development of bioessay and comparative study of mixturesLe Bihanic, Florane 02 December 2013 (has links)
La majorité des polluants organiques persistants, tels que les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP), sont hydrophobes et de ce fait s’accumulent au cours du temps dans les sédiments aquatiques. Dans ce contexte, des tests ont été mis en œuvre sur embryons et pro-larves de truite arc-en-ciel Oncorhynchus mykiss et de médaka japonais Oryzias latipes pour étudier la toxicité de ces contaminants. Un sédiment artificiel et de nouveaux critères d’effets sur l’intégrité de l’ADN et l’activité natatoire ont été développés pour améliorer la reproductibilité et la sensibilité des tests. Ces bioessais ont été appliqués à la comparaison de la toxicité de trois mélanges de HAP : un extrait pyrolytique et deux extraits issus d’un pétrole léger Arabian Light et lourd de type Erika. Les trois mélanges de HAP ont été enrobés sur un sédiment artificiel ou sur des graviers à des concentrations comparables à celles retrouvées dans l’environnement. L’exposition des embryons à ces matrices contaminées a provoqué des perturbations de l’expression de gènes impliqués dans le fonctionnement mitochondrial, le métabolisme de la vitamine A, la formation de dommages à l’ADN ainsi que la synthèse d’hormones. Parallèlement ces mélanges ont induit des effets tératogènes, des perturbations de l’activité natatoire et des effets génotoxiques. Le degré de toxicité et le spectre d’effets induits étaient différents selon la composition des mélanges testés. Les mélanges pétrogéniques présentant une forte proportion en HAP de faibles poids moléculaires et HAP alkylés, se sont avérés plus toxiques envers les jeunes stades de développement de poissons que le mélange pyrolytique, composé en majorité de HAP à hauts poids moléculaires non substitués. Des résultats comparables ont été obtenus avec les modèles médaka japonais et truite arc-en-ciel. / Most persistent organic pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are hydrophobic and therefore accumulate over time in aquatic sediments. In this context, tests were performed on rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes embryos and prolarvae to study the toxicity of these contaminants. Artificial sediment and new integrative endpoints including DNA integrity and swimming activity were developed to improve reproducibility and sensitivity of the tests. These bioassays were applied to the toxicity assessment of three PAH mixtures: a pyrolytic extract and two petrogenic extracts from Arabian Light and Erika oils. The three PAH mixtures were spiked onto sediment or gravel at environmental relevant concentrations. Embryonic exposure to these contaminated matrices induced alteration of gene expressions involved in mitochondrial functions, vitamin A metabolism, DNA damages and hormone synthesis. In parallel, these mixtures induced teratogenicity, alteration of swimming activity and genotoxicity. The toxicity potency and spectrum of effects differed according to PAH mixture composition. The petrogenic mixtures, with high proportions of low molecular weight PAHs and alkylated PAHs, were more toxic to fish early life stages than the pyrolytic mixture, mainly composed of high molecular weight PAHs non substituted. Comparable results were obtained with Japanese medaka and rainbow trout early life stages. Read more
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Ecotoxicité comparative de l'oxyde de graphène et d'autres nanoparticules de carbone chez des organismes aquatiques modèles : d'une évaluation en conditions monospécifiques vers l'étude d'une chaîne trophique expérimentale / Comparative ecotoxicity of graphene oxide and other carbon-based nanoparticles in freshwater model organisms : from an assessment in monospecific conditions towards the study of an experimental trophic chainLagier, Laura 08 November 2017 (has links)
L'écotoxicité de différentes nanoparticules de carbone (NPC) a été évaluée chez des organismes aquatiques, en particulier chez Xenopus laevis. Il a été montré que la surface des NPC est le paramètre le plus pertinent pour décrire l'inhibition de croissance chez le xénope, indépendamment de leur forme allotropique et de leur état de dispersion. L'induction des micronoyaux a aussi été étudiée chez le xénope, et l'oxyde de graphène (GO) s'est révélé génotoxique à faible dose, résultat corroboré par l'étude de l'expression des gènes. Les mécanismes de toxicité impliqués seraient notamment liés aux fonctions oxygénées de la particule. De plus, le GO a aussi entrainé de la génotoxicité chez Pleurodeles waltl. et de la tératogénicité, des retards de développement et de l'inhibition de croissance chez Chironomus riparius. La mise en interaction de ces organismes au sein d'un mésocosme a également conduit à l'observation de génotoxicité chez le pleurodèle en présence de GO. / The ecotoxicity of different carbon-based nanoparticles (CNPs) was assessed in freshwater organisms, especially in Xenopus laevis. The surface of the CNPs was shown to be the more relevant parameter to describe the growth inhibition in Xenopus, regardless of their allotropic form and their state of dispersion. Micronucleus induction was also studied in Xenopus and graphene oxide (GO) was found genotoxic at low dose. This result was in compliance with the study of genes expression. The involved toxicity mechanisms would be related to the oxidized functions of the CNP. Moreover, GO was also found responsible for genotoxicity in Pleurodeles waltl. and for teratogenicity, development delay and growth inhibition in Chironomus riparius. These organisms have finally been put together in a mesocosm, which has also led to genotoxicity in Pleurodeles in the presence of GO. Read more
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