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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Habiter la ville, faire territoire ˸ une prise de position du cinéma brésilien (2005-2017)

Tomaz Zan, Vitor 24 May 2019 (has links)
À travers l'analyse d'une vingtaine de documentaires et fictions parmi les plus inventifs ayant été réalisés au Brésil entre 2005 et 2017, nous formulons l'hypothèse que les enjeux du territoire urbain sont un élément structurant de cette cinématographie nationale. Les questions relevant de l'habiter y apparaissent effectivement comme le point de convergence entre engagement social et création esthétique. En considérant des problématiques spatiales dans leur dimension politique, la notion de territoire participe à l'élaboration d'un prisme analytique forgé à partir des spécificités cinématographiques des œuvres. Celles-ci nous permettent de distinguer différentes tendances du cinéma brésilien contemporain, sans pour autant effacer la particularité stylistique de chacun des cinéastes abordés. / This study of 20 of the most inventive Brazilian fiction and documentary films produced between 2005 and 2017 reveals how they share central concerns related to the urban environment. The act of inhabiting becomes a point of convergence between social activism and artistic ambition in these films. The notion of territory, which adds a political dimension to the conception of space, is key to this analysis of recent Brazilian cinema, which seeks to identify trends in the works examined without ignoring the filmmakers’ individual styles.

L’armée, les villes, l’État : restructurations militaires et politiques urbaines : les transformations de l’intégration territoriale en France et en Italie / The army, the city and the State : military retrenchment, urban policies and the transformations of territorial integration in France and Italy

Artioli, Francesca 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les restructurations sectorielles et leurs différents effets localisés, le réétalonnage des échelles de l’autorité politique, les modes de gouvernement propres à chaque ville soulèvent une question sur les recompositions de l’action publique et la différenciation territoriale. Cette recherche prend pour objet le changement des villes historiquement organisées par la politique de défense (trois villes en France et trois villes en Italie) sous l’effet des réformes des armées et de l’augmentation des compétences urbaines. Elle développe un cadre analytique issu de la sociologie historique de l’État qui systématise les liens entre les politiques publiques et la structuration et l’intégration territoriales. Le changement des espaces et sociétés urbains exige pour être compris l’étude des modes d’intervention de l’État et des modes d’intervention des exécutifs urbains dans leur articulation réciproque et propre à chaque ville. D’une part, les négociations au sein de l’État entre administrations financières et militaires, ainsi que les mobilisations au centre national par les élus locaux différencient les modes de retrait des armées d’une ville à l’autre. D’autre part, les exécutifs urbains ont une capacité inégale à organiser l’action collective et à transformer les espaces historiquement structurés par l’État. Elle est liée aux agendas politiques urbains et aux modes d’action collective institutionnalisés dans le temps, ainsi qu’aux interventions de l’État qui sont elles-mêmes différenciées entre les deux pays et à l’intérieur de ceux-ci. Ceci amène à revenir sur les transformations des relations central/local entre décentralisation et politiques de la contrainte budgétaire. / Issues regarding public policies and territorial differentiation have risen as a result of three contemporary phenomena: sectorial structural adjustments and their corresponding territorial impacts; the rescaling of political authority; and the emergence of a variety of local governance models. This dissertation analyses the evolution of six cities, historically modelled by national defence policy, in light of recent defence policy reforms and the rise in local government competencies. The scope of the analysis covers six cities, three in France and three in Italy. The dissertation demonstrates the need to analyse locally-specific forms of national and local public intervention; and their reciprocal interactions; in order to understand urban and social evolutions. It develops a framework inspired by historical sociology of the State that conceptualizes the links between public policy and territorial structuring and integration. On one hand, territorial retrenchment of national defence policy varies accross cities, as a result of negotiations between central defence and financial administrations, and increasing local government lobbying of the central State. On the other hand, it illustrates the varying degrees to which local governments are capable of organising and managing public intervention; and can transform spaces which are historically structured by the State. This capacity hinges upon the nature of urban political agendas; the existing means of institutionalised collective action; as well as upon the ways in which the State operates in cities. The dissertation helps redefine central/local relations in the context of decentralization and budgetary constraints.

A Rosa dos Ventos dos Sertões do Norte: dinâmicas do território e exploração colonial (c. 1660 - c. 1810) / The Rose of the Winds of the Northern Sertões: dynamics of the territory and colonial exploration c. 1660 - c. 1810

Rolim, Leonardo Candido 11 March 2019 (has links)
Esta tese analisa os processos de conquista e colonização dos Sertões do Norte, entre 1660 e 1810, para entender como as dinâmicas do território e a exploração colonial desses sertões formaram uma região fundamental para a consolidação de uma matriz territorial na América Portuguesa. Foi a partir conjuntura de expansão das conquistas atlânticas de Portugal, em meados do século XVII, que as dinâmicas dos territórios situados no interior do continente foram alvo de incursões em busca de riquezas minerais, indígenas para escravizar e terras para criar gado. Entendemos, neste trabalho, essa zona de expansão fronteiriça entre o sudeste da capitania do Maranhão e o noroeste das capitanias de Pernambuco e Bahia, como uma região que possuía características em comum, os Sertões do Norte. Ao longo do século XVIII os movimentos de conquista e o estabelecimento da colonização nessa área gerou conflitos e disputas jurisdicionais entre agentes administrativos dos corpos civil e eclesiásticos, além de ter sido objeto de projetos e políticas de colonização por parte de funcionários ilustrados. / This thesis analyses the processes of conquest and colonization of the Sertões do Norte between 1660 and 1810 to understand how the dynamics of the territory and the colonial exploration of these sertões formed a fundamental region for the consolidation of a territorial matrix in Portuguese America. It was from the mid-17th century expansion of the Atlantic conquests of Portugal that the dynamics of the interior territories of the continent were incursions in search of mineral wealth, indigenous to enslave and land to raise cattle. This area of frontier expansion between the southeaster captaincy of Maranhão and the north western captaincies of Pernambuco and Bahia, as a region with characteristics in common, the Sertões do Norte. Throughout century XVIII the movements of conquest and the establishment of colonization in this area generated conflicts and jurisdictional disputes between administrative agents of the civil and ecclesiastical bodies, besides being object of projects and policies of colonization by enlightened officials.

Três notas sobre a clínica com moradores de rua, ou aquilo que a clínica desvela a respeito do laço / Three notes about the clinic with homeless people, or what the clinic reveals about the bond

Barbosa, Bárbara Cristina Souza 26 June 2019 (has links)
A partir de três notas, desenvolveu-se neste trabalho a investigação do laço social, ou daquilo que se desvela do laço social, na escuta clínica com sujeitos que moram na rua. O trabalho abordou a contextualização da população em situação de rua articulada ao sistema capitalista. Depois, foi-se diferenciando terminologias e feita à escolha da expressão moradores de rua para apresentar algo no que tange a clínica psicanalítica com esses sujeitos. As notas são modos de grifar, ressaltar, colocar em relevo algo da experiência clínica com esses sujeitos, com todos os adendos, impasses, construções, direções e descobertas envolvidas nessa travessia. A metodologia deste trabalho foi realizada a partir da escuta de cenas e fragmentos clínicos vividos em cotidianos de serviços, tanto do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), como no Sistema Único da Assistência Social (SUAS). Além da revisão da literatura e da análise dessas cenas, optou-se por uma escrita que trouxesse a dimensão da narrativa na construção do trabalho. São três notas que disparam à temática: 1) O testemunho da barbárie; 2) A aposta teimosa no direito de desejar e 3) A vivência da rua articulada à dimensão do inumano. Visou-se o exercício de honestidade na construção de um trabalho que é atravessado por questões complexas: escuta clínica e dimensão política; efeitos da barbárie na experiência analítica/naquele (a) que ocupa a função analítica; exploração da noção de desejo desatrelando-se da vontade individual; exploração do laço social, proposto por Freud e por Lacan e assunção de um laço em que considere o território brasileiro como digno de ser acentuado, já que a escuta se deu num país, chamado Brasil / From three notes, it was developed in this work the investigation of the social bond or what the social bond reveals in clinical listening with subjects who live in the streets. The work approached the contextualization of the street population articulated to the capitalist system. Later, we differentiated terminologies and made a choice of using the expression \"homeless people\" to present something about the psychoanalytic clinic with these subjects. The notes are ways to underline, emphasize and highlight the clinical experience with these subjects, with all addendums, impasses, constructions, directions and discoveries involved in this crossing. The methodology of this work was based on the listening of scenes and clinical fragments lived in daily services, from both United Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) and United Social Assistance System (Sistema Único da Assistência Social - SUAS). In addition to the literature review and the analysis of the scenes, it was chosen a writing that would bring the narrative dimension in the work construction. There are three notes that permeate the theme: 1) The testimony of barbarism; 2) The insistence on the right to desire; 3) The street life articulated to the inhuman dimension. The aim was to exercise honesty constructing a work that is crossed by complex issues: clinical listening and political dimension; barbarity effects on the analytical experience on that one which occupies the analytic function; exploring the notion of desire unattached to the \"individual will\"; exploring the social bond, proposed by Freud and Lacan; assumption of a bond that considers the Brazilian territory as worthy of being marked, since the listening took place in Brazil

Les ouvrières et le mouvement social : retour sur la portée subversive des luttes de chez Lip à l'épreuve du genre / Women workers and social movement : back on the subversive reach of Lip's strikes to the test of gender

Cros, Lucie 13 December 2018 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse consiste à appréhender les impacts du mouvement social sur la division sexuée du travail. Elle prend pour cas d'analyse les luttes sociales survenues dans l'entreprise bisontine Lip entre 1973 et 1981. Ces grèves longues, mixtes, rendues célèbres par leurs allures autogestionnaires, sont porteuses d'une dynamique de changement indéniable. Or notre recherche montre que malgré la radicalité des moyens employés par les grévistes, l'émancipation féminine n'a pas eu lieu au cours des luttes. Cela étant, nous montrons que la grève favorise une perception par les ouvrières des inégalités de genre. En comparant les trajectoires féminines et masculines avant, pendant et après la période des luttes, nous mettons en évidence une pérennisation des hiérarchies de genre et de classe, y compris dans l'action militante, même si des logiques de résistances sont repérables à postériori. De fait, les infléchissements biographiques observés marquent un accès à la prise de conscience de la domination masculine, en lien avec les interactions entre les ouvrières et des collectifs féministes. En somme, cette thèse revient sur la portée subversive des luttes de chez Lip, au regard d'un contexte historique spécifique, des trajectoires et des socialisations, et des modalités de production par les femmes d'une mémoire sociale. / This PhD dissertation is to seek to understand the impacts of the social movement on the sexual division of work . lt takes for cases of analysis social struggles that have happened in the bisontine company Lip, between 1973 and 1981. Those strikes which were long, made up of men and women, embodying an idea l self-management, carry on a great dynamic force for change. But our search shows that in spite of the radicality of the ways used by the strikers, the women's emancipation didn't take place during the fights. However, the militant commitment favars a perception by women workers of gender inequalities. Comparing women and men trajectories before, during and after the social movement, we highlight an ongoing of gender and class hierarchies, including in militant actions, even though somme resistances are observed. lndeed, the studied biographical disruptions show an access to the awerness of the male domination, also related with the interaction between women workers and feminists movements. At last, this research come back on the subversive reach of Lip's strikes, in view of a particular historical context, trajectories and socialisations, and the way the women participate in the production of a social memory.

Anindilyakwa phonology and morphology

Leeding, Velma J January 1989 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Anindilyakwa is the language spoken by over 1,000 Warnindilyakwa Aborigines on Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory. In the Australian language families, it is placed in the Groote Eylandt Family (Oates 1970:15) or the Andilyaugwan Family (Wurm 1972:117). As Yallop (1982:40) reports, Anindilyakwa and Nunggubuyu "are similiar in grammar and possibly share the distinction of being the most gramatically complex Australian languages. They are diverse in basic vocabularly, however, and are therefore allocated to separate families".

Country all round : the significance of a community's history for work and workplace education

Frawley, J. W, University of Western Sydney, College of Social and Health Sciences, School of Applied Social and Human Sciences January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to investigate the significance of a Tiwi community's history in order to better understand the work of Aboriginal Community Police Officers (ACPO).The situation under study is a workplace on Bathurst Island in the Northern Territory. The literature on workplace education offers the proposition that an understanding of the socio-cultural and historical context of workplaces is fundamental to thinking about workplace education.It is hypothesised that ACPOs have a dual consciousness of their profession and their workplace, and this consciousness has been informed and shaped by their common history.It is argued that this history is characterised by syncretism. The process of acculturation is researched, where police officers draw on experiences with, and knowledge of, both Tiwi and murrintawi societies.An historical account of the Tiwi society is given.A literary device of vignettes is used, followed by a descriptive-analytical interpretation in which historical events and various social-cultural aspects are described, analysed and interpreted / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Diabetic retinopathy in the Katherine region of the Northern Territory

Jaross, Nandor. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
"January 2003." Bibliography: 10.1-10.11 leaves. This thesis presents results from the Katherine Region Diabetic Retinopathy Study (1993-1996). These results provide the first detailed information on the basic epidemiology of diabetic retinopathy and impaired vision in an Aboriginal diabetic population.

Understanding the organization of volunteers at visitor attractions

Edwards, Deborah, University of Western Sydney, College of Law and Business, School of Management January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates how volunteers are organized at visitor attractions. It focuses on museums and art museums; non-profit institutions that manage large volunteer programs. The study addresses five important issues : 1/ in what context do museums and art museums operate; 2/ why people are motivated to volunteer for these institutions; 3/ what is the extent to which the institution interacts with its external environment and how this affects organizing routines of volunteers; 4/ what is the relationship between volunteer motivation, interest dissatisfaction and value commitments; and 5/ how this understanding can result in the better management of volunteers. Two attractions in New South Wales and one in the Australian Capital Territory were investigated. The author collected data on field activities of volunteer managers and coordinators, and administered a questionnaire to the total population of volunteers in these three attractions. The thesis contributes to a more holistic understanding of volunteers that offers a critical theoretical extension to tourism, institutional and neo-institutional literature. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Frozen Continent: The Fall and Rise of Territory in Australian Constitutional Thought 1815-2003

Brown, A. J. (Alexander Jonathan), n/a January 2003 (has links)
Through the late 20th century, global society experienced waves of unprecedented political and institutional change, but Australia came to be identified as "constitutionally speaking... the frozen continent", unable or unprepared to comprehensively modernise its own fundamental laws (Sawer 1967). This thesis opens up a subject basic to, but largely unexplored in debate about constitutional change: the territorial foundations of Australian constitutional thought. Our conventional conclusions about territory are first, that Australia's federal system has settled around a 'natural' and presumably final territorial structure; and second, that this is because any federal system such as possessed by Australia since 1901 is more decentralised and therefore more suitable than any 'unitary' one. With federalism coming back into vogue internationally, we have no reason to believe our present structure is not already the best. Reviewing the concepts of territory underpinning colonial and federal political thought from 1815 to the present day, this thesis presents a new territorial story revealing both these conclusions to be flawed. For most of its history, Australian political experience has been based around a richer, more complex and still evolving range of territorial ideas. Federalism is fundamental to our political values, but Australians have known more types of federalism, emerging differently in time and place, than we customarily admit. Unitary values have supplied important symbols of centralisation, but for most of our history have also sought to supply far less centralised models of political institutions than those of our current federal experience. Since the 1930s, in addition to underutilising both federal and unitary lines of imported constitutional theory, Australian politics has underestimated the extent to which our institutional treatment of territory has itself become unique. Despite its recent fall from constitutional discourse, territory is also again on the rise. While political debate has been poorly placed to see it, Australia has experienced a recent resurgence in ideas about territorial reform, offering the promise of a better understanding of the full complexity of our constitutional theory and a new 'unfreezing' of the assumption that territorially, Australia will never change. This thesis seeks to inform these vital new debates.

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