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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’asilo politico nelle relazioni franco-italiane : i signori nessuno e l’impossibile status dell’opposizione italiana all’estero (1920-1986) / L’asile politique dans les relations franco-italiennes : les moins que rien et l’impossible statut de l’opposition italienne à l’étranger (1920-1986) / Political asylum in franco-italian relationships : the nobodies and the impossible status of italian french opposition abroad (1920-1986)

Di Ciommo Laurora, Costanza 08 July 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche plonge ses racines dans l’analyse de la typologie d’accueil particulière dont ont bénéficié les exilés politiques italiens des années 1970-1980. La problématique à la base de cette thèse se propose de comprendre si la politique française d’accueil de ces années-là peut être considérée comme un fait nouveau ou si, au contraire, elle est à interpréter comme un geste dont les racines remontent à une plus longue histoire : celle de l’asile politique. Nous analyserons selon une perspective de longue période le rapport existant entre les institutions politiques et administratives des Etats et les groupes sociaux. Avec cette analyse, nous voudrions contribuer à reconstruire l’origine des pratiques, des instruments et finalement des conceptions politiques et juridiques que la France et l’Italie ont appliquées au groupe d’émigrés politiques italiens en France. La thèse se compose des deux parties, (avant et après deuxième guerre mondiale). Nous allons d’abord reconstruire la naissance des principes constitutifs de l’asile politique en Europe tout au long du XIX siècle. Nous allons donc analyser la gestion étatique de la présence en France d’une grande partie de l’opposition italienne pendant les années Vingt et Trente, d’abord selon une perspective bilatérale, et ensuite internationale. Dans la deuxième partie du travail nous allons reconstruire les changements du cadre juridique de référence au lendemain de la deuxième guerre mondiale. Nous allons ensuite analyser la façon dont les Etats ont géré la présence en France de l’opposition extra-parlementaire italienne des années soixante-dix, d’abord d’un point de vue bilatéral, et ensuite multilatéral. / This thesis analyses how Italy and France dealt with handling and controlling Italian opposition in France. Chosen time interval elapses from 1920 to 1986. During these years two political opponents’ migratory waves were monitored by the two nations: anti fascist emigration and several revolutionary left wing former militants of the Seventies emigration. The thesis analysis by a long period perspective how French and Italian institutions confronted with such a phenomenon, particularly considering the issue of juridical status conferred to Italian opponents abroad. During analysed period Italy and France operated in a precise diplomatic context characterised by the multiplication of bilateral and multilateral interrelations that progressively became more and more crucial with regards to the states’ management of political emigration. Carried out analysis will underline continuity and breaches of this relation. Thesis first part analyses Italian Reign period from 1870 to end of Second World War. Introduction will mark the origin of asylum key principles that precedes chosen historical period but is fundamental to analyse the juridical frame of France and Italy future steps. First and Second Chapter focus on years between 1920 and 1940, with particular attention to political emigration handling by a bilateral (Chap. 1) and by a multilateral perspective (Chap. 2). Thesis Second part focuses on Republican Italy. The Introduction retraces juridical frame partial changes and focuses on asylum debate in the Italian Constituent. Analysis of political emigration handling will be carried out both from a bilateral (Chap. 3) and multilateral perspective (Chap. 4).

Espaços vigiados: um estudo do isolamento compulsório dos portadores de hanseníase no asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo (1890/1960) / Watched spaces: a study about the compulsory isolation of hanseníase carriers at the asylum-colony Santo Ângelo (1890/1960)

Postigo, Vânia Regina Miranda 11 September 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procura analisar o isolamento compulsório dos portadores de hanseníase no Asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo localizado em Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, tendo como ponto de partida os anos 1890, época em que as primeiras medidas de controle da hanseníase e de outras doenças foram adotadas pelo poder público paulista. A criação de várias instituições e do primeiro código sanitário marcaram o início da construção de uma forte estrutura para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de saúde neste local. Os anos 1960 marcam o fim do período de isolamento dos hansenianos e a possibilidade dos portadores manterem uma vida fora das grades do Santo Ângelo e dos demais asilos do estado. O controle das doenças na capital paulista tornou-se uma grande preocupação do poder público na medida em que a industrialização possibilitava o enriquecimento e a modernização da cidade, atraindo um grande número de imigrantes. O aumento populacional trazia consigo o alastramento de diversas doenças endêmicas e epidêmicas, tornando urgente a intervenção do Estado no combate aos agravos à saúde da população, posto que as medidas particulares adotadas em períodos anteriores não estavam surtindo efeitos. Os conhecimentos produzidos acerca das doenças no Brasil e no mundo permitiam à medicina enfatizar o papel que o ser humano desempenhava na transmissão das doenças, favorecendo com isso o controle sobre os doentes. Desta forma, além da preocupação com o ambiente físico, posto que medidas sanitárias eram adotadas com o intuito de melhorar as condições de vida na cidade, a medicina lançava seu olhar também ao corpo social, vigiando, controlando e excluindo os doentes da população sã. Ao se dirigir ao ser humano, como fonte propagadora de doenças, a medicina sanitarista, que se desenvolvia em São Paulo, adotou técnicas de exclusão, de controle e de vigilância como formas de profilaxia das moléstias. Neste sentido, dentre as várias doenças de notificação compulsória, a hanseníase (antiga lepra) foi privilegiada neste trabalho por tratar-se de uma doença cuja prevenção exigiu o isolamento compulsório de seus portadores em asilos-colônias construídos em locais distantes da capital. A hanseníase se alastrou de maneira impressionante a partir do final do século XIX em São Paulo, causando grande medo entre a população posto que a cura não era conhecida e também porque trazia consigo representações herdadas de um passado distante, mas que ainda impressionavam as pessoas. O isolamento dos portadores de hanseníase no Asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo era visto pelas autoridades, pelos médicos e pela sociedade como única forma de profilaxia da doença. Neste sentido, o Santo Ângelo foi construído tendo em vista uma longa permanência dos doentes, sendo provido de diversas instalações e de uma infra-estrutura elogiada até mesmo fora do estado e do Brasil. Contudo, com o passar dos anos o asilo se tornou um lugar insuportável para se viver. Os doentes, afastados de suas famílias, eram constantemente vigiados, sofriam maus tratos, eram transformados em cobaias para experimentos de novos medicamentos e, fora dos muros do asilo, a doença se mantinha incontrolada. Após décadas de sofrimentos, finalmente em 1967 as portas do Asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo foram abertas para que os doentes pudessem sair. No entanto, muitas pessoas continuaram e continuam até hoje morando no lugar por não possuírem perspectivas de vida fora do asilo. Algumas delas tiveram seus corpos afetados pela doença e se tornaram incapacitados de alguma forma, seja perda da visão, da audição ou de mãos e pés, porém, todas devem levar consigo as marcas do abandono e da exclusão sofridos no período de isolamento compulsório. / This research tries analyse the compulsory isolation of hanseníase carriers at the asylum-colony located in Mogi das Cruzes, SP, starting in the 80s, when the first hanseníase and other illnesses control arrangements were adapted by the paulista government. The creation of many institutions and the first sanitary code sealed the beginning of the construction of a structure to the development of public policies of health in that place. The 60s indicate the end of hansenianos period of isolation and the possibility of carries to keep a life out of bars of Santo Ângelo and other asylums in the state. The illnesses control, in the paulista capital, became a great worry of the government as the industrialization mode the enrichment and modernization of the city possible, attracting a big number of immigrants. The increasing population brought with itself the expansion of many endemic and epidemic illnesses, making urgent state government intervention in the combat to the damages to health, though the particular arrangements adapted in previous periods were not working. The know ledges made about illnesses in Brazil and in the world allowed the medicine to emphasize the role the human blings played in the illnesses transmission, helping with this the control on sick people. This ways, besides the worry with the physical environment, though the sanitary arrangements were adapted with aim of improving the life conditions in the city, the medicine threw its look also to the social body, observing, controlling and excluding the sick people from the health population. By addressing to the human being, as a spreading temple of illnesses, the sanitary medicine, which grew in São Paulo, adapted exclusion, control and precaution techniques as ways of diseases preventive medicine. In this sense, among the many illnesses of compulsory notice, the hanseníase (former lepra) was privileged in this work by concerning a disease of which prevention demanded the compulsory isolation of its carriers in asylumcolonies built in places far from the capital. The hanseníase spread in an impressing way from the end of the 19th century in São Paulo, causing a great fear among the population since its cure was unknown and also because it brought with itself representations inherited from a distant past, but that still used to impress people. The isolation of hanseníase carriers at the Asylum-colony Santo Ângelo was seen by the authorities, by the doctors and by the society as the only way of preventing the disease. In this sense, Santo Ângelo was built having in view a long stay of the sick people, being provided with several facilities and an infrastructure praised even out of the state and Brazil. However, with the passing years the asylum became an unbearable place to live in. The sick people, apart from this families, were constantly watched, suffered maltreatments, were transformed into guinea pigs for testing new drugs and, out of the walls of the asylum, the illness kept out of uncontrolled. After decades of suffering, finally in 1967 the doors of the Asylum-Colony Santo Ângelo were open for the sick people to go out. Nevertheless, many people kept and keep up to today living in the place because they do not have perspectives of live out of the asylum. Some of them had their bodies affected by the illness and became in some way unable, eye sight, hearing or hands and feet loss, however all of then must take with them the forlornness blemish and the exclusion suffered in the period of compulsory isolation.

Hodnocení současné azylové a integrační politiky Slovenska / Assessment of the contemporary asylum and integration policy in Slovakia

Weberová, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
Asylum and integration policies are important components of a country's migration policy. Firstly because of their very nature, as they deal with international protection and integration of foreigners into society. However, as it is indicated in this thesis, the functioning of these policies may affect not only how asylum or integration processes are taking place after the foreigners cross the country's borders but it may to some extent influence who comes into the country. This can be caused by how the country is perceived and whether people will consider it a suitable "refuge" and seek asylum there. Also, governments can determine how many people will come to their territory based on various relocation mechanisms. In order to understand the impact and functioning of asylum and integration policies, it is necessary to explore their different levels: discourse, policy on paper and its real implementation. This thesis describes how these levels interact and influence each other. Studying these three policy lines is especially interesting today because the phenomenon of migration was not significant for the public in Slovakia until a few years ago, but in 2015, with the culmination of the so-called migration crisis, it became one of the most important issues in Slovakia, despite the fact that the...

Le principe de solidarité et de partage équitable de responsabilités en matière d'asile entre les États membres de l'Union Européenne / The principle of solidarity and burden-sharing in the European asylum system

Zarrella, Silvia 20 June 2016 (has links)
Le flux massif des réfugiés provenant de la Syrie a pris au dépourvu la capacité d'accueil de certains pays euro-méditerranéens, et mis en relief l'absence de solidarité et de partage équitable de responsabilités entre les États de l'Union européenne. En premier lieu, cette étude définit le concept de “burden-sharing” entendu comme une mesure concrète de solidarité à réaliser à travers la distribution des risques et des coûts parmi les membres d'un groupe pour la réalisation d'un objectif commun. Après avoir analysé l’évolution de ce principe dans le droit international, on évalue sa mise en oeuvre dans l’ordre juridique de l’Union européenne, notamment, dans le Système Européen Commun d'Asile (SECA) consacré par l’article 80 TFUE. En analysant le system Dublin et les réponses les plus actuelles à l’émergence syrienne on conclut que l’Union européenne est encore loin de la complète réalisation du principe du burden sharing. / The massive flow of refugees from Syria caught out the reception capacity of some Euro-Mediterranean countries, and highlighted the lack of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibilities among the States of the European Union. Firstly, this study defines the concept of "burden-sharing" conceived as a concrete measure of solidarity to be accomplished through the distribution of risks and costs among the members of a group in order to achieve a common goal. After analyzing the evolution of this principle in international law, we evaluate its implementation in the legal order of the European Union, particularly in the European Common Asylum System (CEAS) as enshrined in Article 80 TFEU. By assessing the Dublin system and the most current answers to the Syrian emergence, we will argue that the European Union is still far from the full realization of the principle of burden sharing.

Climate, Conflict and Forced Migration

Abel, Guy, Brottrager, Michael, Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus, Muttarak, Raya January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Despite the lack of robust empirical evidence, a growing number of media reports attempt to link climate change to the ongoing violent conflicts in Syria and other parts of the world, as well as to the migration crisis in Europe. Exploiting bilateral data on asylum seeking applications for 157 countries over the period 2006-2015, we assess the determinants of refugee flows using a gravity model which accounts for endogenous selection in order to examine the causal link between climate, conflict and forced migration. Our results indicate that climatic conditions, by affecting drought severity and the likelihood of armed conflict, played a significant role as an explanatory factor for asylum seeking in the period 2011-2015. The effect of climate on conflict occurrence is particularly relevant for countries in Western Asia in the period 2010-2012 during when many countries were undergoing political transformation. This finding suggests that the impact of climate on conflict and asylum seeking flows is limited to specific time period and contexts.

A alta progressiva e o retorno de pedófilos para suas famílias

Marafiga, Caroline Velásquez 23 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T19:36:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 23 / Nenhuma / A pedofilia é considerada um desvio sexual caracterizado por comportamentos de intensa sexualidade, que envolve humilhação e sofrimento em crianças e adolescentes. Pacientes com este diagnóstico que estão cumprindo medidas socioeducativas em manicômio judiciário têm a possibilidade, no Rio Grande do Sul, de passarem pelo processo da Alta Progressiva (AP). A AP é um beneficio concedido pelo Poder Judiciário a pacientes que cumprem medida de segurança em manicômio judiciário. Trata-se de uma prática de desinternação gradual, que visa à reinserção social dos indivíduos considerados inimputáveis e que cometeram delitos. Esta dissertação aborda questões sobre a família, a reeducação e a visão da AP relacionadas aos pacientes que cometeram violência sexual contra crianças e/ou adolescentes, diagnosticados como pedófilos, que passaram ou estão passando pelo processo de Alta Progressiva durante o cumprimento de suas medidas de segurança. Este estudo compreende quatro seções, sendo uma seção teórica, uma empírica, um / The pedophilia is considered a sexual deviation characterized by intense sexuality behaviors involving humiliation and suffering to children and adolescents. Patients with this diagnosis submitted to legal procedures, in judiciary asylum, have the possibility, in Rio Grande do Sul, to be part of a process called of Progressive Discharge (PD). The PD is a benefit granted by the Judiciary to patients who are complying security measure in judiciary asylums. This practice is a gradual discharge that aims the social reintegration of individuals considered exempt from punishment and who committed crimes. This dissertation addresses questions about the family, education and one perception of PD related to patients, who have committed sexual violence against children and / or adolescents, and who were diagnosed as pedophiles, that were or are going through the process of progressive discharge and are fulfilling their security measures. This study includes four sections, one theoretical, one empirical, a investigation

Fritid i det nya landet : Utförande och upplevelse av aktiviteter på fritiden hos unga vuxna som flytt till Sverige / Leisure in the New Country : Performance and experience of activities at leisure time for young adults who have fled to Sweden

Elin, Gunnarsson, Lina, Stern January 2018 (has links)
Under 2016 var över 65 miljoner människor på flykt världen över. Personer som flyr har en ökad risk för ohälsa och för att hantera den nya situationen beskrivs värdet i att ha fritid och engagera sig i aktiviteter, då fritiden är en central del av livet under ungdomstiden. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka aktiviteter som unga vuxna, nu boende i Sverige på grund av flykt, utövar på fritiden samt hur dessa aktiviteter upplevs. Data samlades in genom 18 aktivitetsdagböcker och sex intervjuer. Insamlad data analyserades genom deskriptiv kvantitativ analys och deskriptiv kvalitativ analys. Resultatet visade att deltagarna till största del (59%) skattade fritiden som “extremt meningsfull” och “meningsfull”. Möjligheten till självbestämmande och den sociala miljön hade inverkan på upplevd meningsfullhet av fritid. Exempel på aktiviteter som genomfördes mest på fritiden var att spela fotboll, spela spel och religiösa aktiviteter. Vilka aktiviteter som utfördes samt den mängd fritid deltagarna hade varierade beroende på hur varje individ såg på sin fritid. Upplevelsen av aktivitet och fritid är subjektiv och påverkar vilket värde aktiviteten har för individen. / In 2016, more than 65 million people were refugees for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, violence etc. Refugees have an increased risk of decreased health, and for them to handle their new situation, it is important to engage in activities. Leisure is an important part of life during adolescence and the aim of this study was to investigate what activities young adults who had fled to Sweden performed in their leisure time and how these activities were experienced. Data was collected through 18 activity diaries and six interviews. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive quantitative analysis and descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the participants mostly (59%) perceived their leisure activities as "extremely meaningful" or "meaningful". The ability of self-determination and the social context had impacts on the perceived meaningfulness of leisure. Examples of activities that were performed most in leisure time were playing football, playing games, and religious activities. The amount of leisure and the activities that were performed in leisure time varied depending on how each individual perceived their leisure. The perception of activity and leisure is subjective and affects the value of each activity for the individual.

Educação física no Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro : uma experiência de familiarização e estranhamento nas entrelinhas dos relatos de estágio / Physical education in São Pedro Psychiatric Hospital : an experience of familiarity and estrangement between the lineas of the stories of practice

Santos, Deise Francelle dos January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender de que maneira os estudantes de graduação em Educação Física relatam suas experiências com a clausura durante o estágio em saúde mental no Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro (HPSP). Fundamentase nos aportes teóricos produzidos a partir do movimento em prol da da Luta Antimanicomial e da Reforma Psiquiátrica, bem como busca inspiração analítica nos princípios da desinstitucionalização da loucura. A pesquisa é de corte qualitativo com metodologia centrada na análise documental proposta por André Cellard (2008; 2012) e incrementada pelo relato da experiência da própria pesquisadora in loco. A operacionalização da investigação contou com duas etapas desenvolvidas entre os meses de outubro de 2015 e abril de 2016. A primeira, refere-se à experiência de dois meses ininterruptos da pesquisadora no estágio de familiarização dentro dos serviços de saúde mental oferecidos pelo Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro. A segunda, emerge da análise documental sobre os relatórios de estágio em saúde mental dos estudantes de Educação Física que realizaram seus estágios nesta mesma instituição. A partir da análise dos relatos, foi possível notar que o estágio em saúde mental foi tratado mais na perspectiva de cumprimento de uma demanda de familiarização com o HPSP do que de um movimento de estranhamento à manutenção do controle e confinamento dos sujeitos nos dias de hoje. Pelo que pude perceber nas entrelinhas dos relatos, os estagiários veem a Educação Física mais como uma ferramenta de contenção, presa às demandas orgânicas do cuidado, do que um espaço para reflexões sobre os serviços substitutivos e a aposta na reinserção social do sujeito. Em conclusão, penso que para aprofundar os efeitos da Reforma Psiquiátrica é preciso também pôr em marcha um movimento "antiestágio- manicomial". / This research aims to understand how the graduate students in Physical Education report their experiences with the patients’ confinement during the internship in mental health at São Pedro Psychiatric Hospital (HPSP). The study is based on the theoretical contributions made from the movement for the Anti-Asylum and the Psychiatric Reform, and search analytical inspiration in the principles of deinstitutionalization.The research was based on qualitative cutting with its methodology centered on document analysis proposed by André Cellard (2008; 2012), and also, improved by the experience of the researcher on the spot. The investigation had two stages developed between the months of October 2015 and April 2016. The first refers to two months of continuous experience researcher had at the familiarization stage within the mental health services offered by the Psychiatric Hospital St. Pedro. The second emerges from the documentary analysis of internship reports on mental health of Physical Education students who conducted their internships at the same institution.From the analysis of the reports, it was noticeable that the internship in mental health has been treated more from the perspective of demand compliance to the familiarization with HPSP than a movement of estrangement to control maintenance and confinement of patients in these days. In these demands the internship in Physical Education also appeared as a containment tool, trapped in a care organic logic. It is possible to tell that the internship ends incorporating asylum features, leaving little space for reflection on the substitutive services and its commitment to social reintegration of the patients. In conclusion, I believe that stop deepen the effects of psychiatric reform is necessary to set also in motion a movement "anti-asylum-internship".

The child in international refugee law

Pobjoy, Jason Mark January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Frontières de l’asile : Contribution à l’étude de la complexité des territoires de l’asile en Europe / Borders of Asylum : Contribution to the Study of the Complexity of Asylum's Territories in Europe

Lamort, Sarah 31 January 2014 (has links)
Durant la décennie 1990, de nouveaux défis s’imposent aux Etats européens dans le domaine de l’asile. La transformation des flux de migration forcée et la construction d’un espace de libre circulation conduisent à porter la question de l’asile au sein de l’arène européenne. La politique d’asile de l’Union européenne est élaborée afin de répondre à l’échelle européenne aux défis de la protection et des flux spontanés. Plus de 10 ans après son coup d’envoi, le bilan est mitigé. Certes, une réponse européenne a été apportée au moyen du développement du droit communautaire de l’asile, porteur de nouveaux droits subjectifs. Toutefois, l’espace européen de l’asile reste un espace hétérogène au sein duquel la répartition des charges de l’asile est particulièrement inéquitable. L’harmonisation des normes des systèmes d’asile nationaux est inachevée, le système Dublin est un échec, la solidarité financière entre les Etats est minimale. Au-delà du territoire des Etats membres, de nouvelles politiques sont élaborées dans le prolongement de celles mises en œuvre sur le territoire des Etats membres. Les politiques extraterritorialisées de contrôle des frontières extérieures de l’Union visent à limiter les charges de l’asile assumées par ces derniers. Elles conduisent à faire émerger un nouveau défi dans le domaine de la protection : celui de l’accès à l’espace européen. La dimension extérieure de la politique d’asile constitue une réponse partielle et inachevée à cette nouvelle problématique. Aussi, l’Union européenne porte désormais de manière systématique ses intérêts migratoires au sein de sa coopération avec les Etats non membres de l’Union européenne. La coopération qu’elle mène avec la Turquie dans le domaine de l’asile illustre la portée et les limites de telles politiques. Si l’influence de l’Union européenne sur le système d’asile turc est certaine, son impact sur la répartition des charges de l’asile entre la Turquie et les Etats membres est sujette à discussion. Tout en explorant la relation dialectique entre droit d’asile et politique migratoire, cette recherche sur l’espace européen de l’asile et ses frontières sonde les transformations de la territorialité de l’asile et en propose une approche renouvelée. / During the 1990s, European States face new challenges in the asylum area. The transformation of forced migration flows and the achievement of the common area of free movement bring the asylum issue in the European arena. The European Union asylum policy is built to answer at the European level to the protection and mixed migration flows challenges. More than 10 years after the policy has been launched, the picture is mixed. A European answer has certainly been elaborated through the development of the EU asylum law, guaranteeing new subjective rights for asylum seekers and refugees. However, the common European asylum area remains an heterogeneous area in which fair burden-sharing is not ensured. The harmonization of the legal norms of the domestic asylum system is unachieved, the Dublin system is a deadlock, and only minimum financial solidarity mechanisms between the Member States have been established. Beyond the Member States territories, new answers are being built as a continuation of those implemented within the European Union. The extraterritorialization of border control policies aims to limit the Member states’ asylum burden. Access to the asylum territory is the new protection challenge emerging as a result of those policies. The external dimension of the European Union asylum policy is a partial and unachieved attempt to address this issue. Also, the European Union now systematically integrates its migrations concerns within its cooperation policy with non-EU Member States. Its cooperation with Turkey in the asylum area illustrates the scope and the limits of this policy. The influence of the European Union on the Turkish asylum system is uncontested. However, whether the European Union has an impact on the asylum burden-sharing between Turkey and the Member States is subject to discussion. While exploring the dialectic relation between the right to asylum and migration policies, this research on the common European asylum area and its borders focuses on the transformation of asylum territoriality and seeks to propose a renewed approach of it.

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