Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe burnout dyndrome"" "subject:"ehe burnout 8yndrome""
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Informovanost studentů učitelství PF JU o syndromu vyhoření / The FE USB Students Awereness of Burnout SyndromeKUBÍKOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of so-called burnout syndrome. The work directly focuses on the knowledge of the students of the Faculty of Science on the issue of he burnout syndrome. The theoretical part provides an overview of the burnout syndrome and its symptoms, phases, and development. It also deals with disease prevention and a syndrome treatment. The practical part consists of quantitative research which tries to get through the issue of the burnout syndrome and to investigate the awareness of students of the Faculty of Education in the fields of teacher training for kindergartens, primary school teachers and teachers for the second level of primary school and secondary school teachers about the topic.
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Znalosti žáků posledních ročníků vybraných středních škol v okrese Česká Lípa o syndromu vyhoření / The knowledge of burnout syndrome of final-year pupils in selected high schools in the Česká Lípa districtSemkivová, Lilija January 2019 (has links)
Burnout syndrome has recently been a frequently discussed term. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion as a result of excessive chronic stress. Burnout syndrome affects all people regardless of their age and occupation. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part of this thesis defines burnout syndrome, explains its causes of origin and describes its phases, symptoms and risk factors for its occurrence. Furthermore, the thesis deals with prevention of burnout and distinguishes burnout from other negative phenomena. The practical part is realized through a quantitative research method - a questionnaire. The main objective was to find out The survey was performed out by using a quantitative research method - a questionnaire. The main objective was to find out final-year pupils' knowledge (number of correct answers) of burnout syndrome in selected high schools in the district Česká Lípa. The results have shown that knowledge differs depending on high schools pupils study in. The best results were achieved by pupils from Gymnázium ČL and the worst results were achieved by pupils from SOŠ and SOU ČL. In general, pupils have been making mistakes mostly in the areas of physical and mental symptoms of burnout syndrome and prevention of this...
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Slaugytojų, dirbančių Lietuvos ligoninių kardiochirurgijos centruose, „perdegimo“ sindromo raiškos ir paplitimo įvertinimas / The estimation of the expression and prevalence of the burnout syndrome considering the nurses working in the Lithuanian centers of cardiac surgeryVimantaitė, Renata 03 August 2007 (has links)
Mokslinio darbo tikslas - ištirti Lietuvos ligoninių kardiochirurgijos centruose dirbančių slaugytojų „perdegimo“ sindromo raišką ir paplitimą, jo įtaką slaugytojų elgesiui ir darbinei veiklai. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti slaugytojų, dirbančių Lietuvos ligoninių kardiochirurgijos centruose, potencialius „perdegimo“ sindromo rizikos veiksnius ir jų skirtumus, priklausomai nuo slaugytojų darbo vietos – reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos, operacinės, skyriaus padalinių. 2. Nustatyti slaugytojų, dirbančių Lietuvos ligoninių kardiochirurgijos centruose, „perdegimo“ sindromo paplitimą, priklausomai nuo slaugytojų darbo vietos – reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos, operacinės, skyriaus padalinių. 3. Nustatyti „perdegimo“ sindromo ryšį su slaugytojų, dirbančių Lietuvos ligoninių kardiochirurgijos centrų reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos, operacinės, skyriaus padaliniuose, elgesio bei darbinės veiklos pokyčiais. 4. Nustatyti slaugytoj��, dirbančių Lietuvos ligoninių kardiochirurgijos centrų reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos, operacinės, skyriaus padaliniuose, „perdegimo“ sindromo paplitimo ryšį su galimais rizikos veiksniais. / The purpose of this scientific work is to make the research of the display and prevalence of the burnout syndrome among the nurses working in the Lithuanian cardiac surgery centres and what influence it brings on the behaviour and the working activity of nurses. Tasks: 1. To estimate the potential risk factors of the burnout syndrome among the nurses working in the Lithuanian centres of cardiac surgery and also their differences, subject to the nurses working place - the intensive care unit, the operational theatre, the unit subdivisions. 2. To estimate the prevalence of the burnout syndrome among the nurses working in the Lithuanian cardiac surgery centres, subject to the nurses working place - the intensive care, the operational theatre, the unit subdivisions. 3. To estimate the relation of the burnout syndrome with the differences of the behaviour and operating practice of the nurses working in the Lithuanian cardiac surgery centres intensive care, the operational theatre and the unit subdivisions. 4. To estimate the relation of the burnout syndrome with the possible risk factors regarding the nurses working in the Lithuanian cardiac surgery centres intensive care, the operational theatre and the unit subdivisions.
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Perdegimo sindromo apraiškų analizė vaikų globos įstaigų socialinių pedagogų profesinėje veikloje / Analysis of the manifestations of burnout syndrome in a child care institution's social pedagogues professionUlskytė, Elena 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas perdegimo sindromo apraiškos socialinių pedagogų, dirbančių vaikų globos įstaigose, profesinėje veikloje pagal tris dimenisijas: depersonalizacija (neigiamas, abejingas, ciniškas požiūris į darbą, bendradarbius, ugdytinius), emocinis išsekimas - (fizinių bei emocinių resursų išeikvojimas, persidirbimo jausmas) ir asmeninių profesinių siekių redukcija (žmogaus bejėgiškumas, neigiamas savęs ir savo darbo vertinimas). Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti vaikų globos įstaigųų socialinių pedagogų patiriamo perdegimo sindromo apraiškas profesinėje veikloje.
Tyrime dalyvavo 100 socialinių pedagogų, dirbančių vaikų globos įstaigose. Uždaro tipo klausimyno metodu tirta socialinių pedagogų, dirbančių vaikų globos įstaigose, perdegimo sindromo apraiškos profesinėje veikloje, remiantis dimensijomis (depersonalizacija, emocinis išsekimas, sumažėję asmeniai laimėjimai) išskirti aspektai: darbo pobūdis, stresas darbe, darbo santykiai su kolegomis ir ugdytiniais, savęs vertinimas profesinėje veikloje, darbo sąlygos. Depersonalizacijos srities klausimai apima kolegų ir ugdytinių santykius, emocinio išsekimo sritis apima darbo pobūdį ir emocinę būseną darbo metu, o asmeninių profesinių siekių redukcija apima savęs vertinimą ir darbo sąlygas. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, bandyta įvertinti socialinių pedagogų, dirbančių vaikų globos namuose, perdegimo sindromo apraiškas profesinėje veikloje. Tyrimu nustatyta, jog gana sudėtingas socialinių pedagogų darbo pobūdis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bachelor's paper analyzes the social manifestations of burnout syndrome social pedagogue working in orphanages, according to the three professional dimentions: depersonalization (negative, indifferent, cynical attitude towards work, colleagues, and learners), emotional exhaustion (physical and emotional exhaustion of resources) and decreased professional accomplishment (human helplessness, negative self-evaluation and his job). The aim is to examine how the burnout syndrome is experienced by the teachers in children's social care homes. The study included 100 social pedagogues working in child care centers. Closed-ended questionnaire method was used. The volunteers were social pedagogues working in child care facilities who experience the burnout syndrome manifestations of the occupation. The principles of the basis of dimensions (depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, reduced the achievements of a person) were used to distinguish aspects: depersonalization, field questions from colleagues and pupils included relationships, emotional exhaustion areas included the nature and emotional condition at work, personal and professional goals included the reduction of self-evaluation, and working conditions. The analysis of the data was to try to assess the social educators, working in orphanage and assess manifestations of burnout syndrome in working life.
The study found that relatively complex social nature of teachers' work (work intensity, complexity and... [to full text]
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Profesinio perdegimo sindromo prevencija socialiniame darbe / Prevention of professional burnout syndrome in social workSudvajienė, Laimutė 04 January 2013 (has links)
Darbe plačiau nagrinėjami perdegimo sindromo sampratos raida, socialinio darbuotojo perdegimą sąlygojantys veiksniai, ,,perdegimo“ prevencija ir būdai, kokia galima ,,perdegimo sindromo“ prevencija.
Temos aktualumas ir naujumas
Tyrimų gausa apie perdegimo sindromą rodo problemos egzistavimą ir paplitimą. Labai mažai atlikta tyrimų, kaip jaučiasi socialiniai darbuotojai, išgyvenantys perdegimo sindromą, kokios naudojamos įgalinimo strategijos. Analizuojama, kokią įtaką turi perdegimo sindromui darbo stažas, lytis, darbas skirtingose institucijose su skirtingos motyvacijos klientais. Nagrinėjami, kokie efektyviausi pagalbos būdai, kovojant su ,,perdegimo sindromu“. Tačiau nepakanka empirinių tyrimų, kuriuose būtų pateikiama kokybinė socialinių darbuotojų nuomonių apie perdegimo sindromą arba kaip jie išgyveno perdegimą analizės.
Problema – neatsakingas socialinių darbuotojų požiūris į savo gyvenimo kokybę, sveikatą, netinkamas darbo ir poilsio laiko planavimas, dėl kurių išsivysto ilgai trunkantis ir pavojingas sveikatai perdegimo sindromas.
Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti profesinio perdegimo sindromo prevencijos galimybes socialiniame darbe.
Darbo uždaviniai:
Išanalizuoti perdegimo sindromo sampratos raidą;
Išryškinti socialinio darbuotojo perdegimą sąlygojančius veiksnius;
Pateikti perdegimo sindromo prevencines priemones ir įveikimo būdus bei strategijas;
Ištirti profesinio perdegimo sindromo prevencijos prielaidas socialiniame darbe bei numatyti socialinių darbuotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper work analyzed more with burnout syndrome concept development, social worker burnout influencing factors, burnout prevention and the possible ways of burnout syndrome prevention.
Topicality and novelty. Research on the abundance of the burnout syndrome shows the existence and prevalence of the problem. Very little research done by social workers shows how they feel, experiences burnout syndrome, which strategy’s are used of empowerment. It analyzes what work experience, gender; work in different institutions with different motivation clients has the impact of burnout syndrome. It examines the most effective ways to help in the fight of the burnout syndrome. But, to provide qualitative views on social workers burnout syndrome or how they survive the burn analysis, there are not enough empirical studies.
The problem - the irresponsible attitude of social workers in their quality of life, health, inadequate work and leisure time planning which develops long-lasting health hazard and the burnout syndrome. The aim is to analyze the prevention opportunities of the professional burnout syndrome in social work.
The goals:
To analyze the evolution of the concept of burnout syndrome;
To highlight a social workers burnout influencing factors;
To present preventive measures and ways of coping and strategies of burnout syndrome;
To investigate the prevention of professional burnout syndrome assumptions in social work and to foresee the methods for defeating the professional... [to full text]
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Chirurgijos ir terapijos skyrių slaugytojų patiriamų stresogeninių įvykių ir profesinio perdegimo sąsajos / The Relations between Stressogenic Events and Professional Burnout Experienced by the Nurses at Surgery and Therapy DepartmentsJonikienė, Greta 11 July 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti chirurgijos ir terapijos skyrių slaugytojų patiriamų stresogeninių įvykių ir profesinio perdegimo sąsajas.
Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti chirurgijos ir terapijos skyrių slaugytojų profesinį perdegimą, atsižvelgiant į sociodemografinius duomenis. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti chirurgijos ir terapijos skyrių slaugytojų profesinį perdegimą, atsižvelgiant į darbe patiriamų stresogeninių įvykių pobūdį. 3. Nustatyti ir palyginti chirurgijos ir terapijos skyrių slaugytojų profesinį perdegimą, atsižvelgiant į asmeniniame gyvenime patiriamų stresogeninių įvykių pobūdį.
Tyrimo metodika: tyrimas buvo atliktas VšĮ Kauno klinikinės ligoninės ir Respublikinės Kauno ligoninės chirurgijos ir terapijos skyriuose 2013 metų gruodžio mėn. Tyrimui naudotą anketą sudarė sociodemografinis klausimynas, stresogeninių įvykių klausimynas (sudarytas darbo autorės su bendraautorėmis M. Antanaitiene ir A. Rapulskyte), stresogeninių įvykių asmeniniame gyvenime klausimynas, PP („profesinio perdegimo“) klausimynas, (adaptuotas medicinos darbuotojams, paruoštas N. Vodopjanovos).
Rezultatai: Tyrime dalyvavo 198 slaugytojos, iš kurių 92 dirba chirurginiuose skyriuose, o 106 – terapiniuose skyriuose. Chirurginių ir terapinių skyrių darbuotojų emocinio išsekimo, depersonalizacijos bei asmeninių pasiekimų nuvertinimo subskalių vidurkiai yra vienodi, tačiau skiriasi šių skyrių slaugytojų emocinio išsekimo subskalės balai. Nustatytas ryšys tarp darbo krūvio ir emocinio išsekimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research identified its aim to determine the relations between stressogenic events and professional burnout experienced by the nurses at Surgery and Therapy departments.
The following tasks were raised: 1. To ascertain and compare nurses’ professional burnout at the departments of Surgery and Therapy by socio-demographic indexes. 2. To identify and compare nurses’ professional burnout at the departments of Surgery and Therapy by the nature of stressogenic events. 3. To determine and compare nurses’ professional burnout at the departments of Surgery and Therapy by the nature of stressogenic events experienced in personal lives.
Research methodology: the study was conducted in December, 2013, at the departments of Surgery and Therapy, Kaunas Clinical Hospital and Republican Hospital of Kaunas. The research used socio-demographic questionnaire and the questionnaire of stressogenic events at work (prepared by the author and coauthors – M. Antanaitienė and A. Rapulskytė), as well as the questionnaire of stressogenic events in personal life and Professional Burnout questionnaire (adapted for medical employees and prepared by N. Vodopjanova).
Results: 198 nurses participated in the research. 92 of the subjects work at the Surgery departments, whereas 106 – at the Therapy departments. The means of the Surgery and Therapy employees’ burnout, depersonalization and personal achievements subscale indexes are even, but their emotional burnout subscale scores are different. The... [to full text]
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Prevence syndromu vyhoření u terénních sociálních pracovníků v Českých Budějovicích. / Prevention of burnout syndrome among social field workers in České BudějoviceŠMIDMAJEROVÁ, Edita January 2016 (has links)
This thesis topic is preventing burnout among social workers in Ceske Budejovice. Currently, the burnout syndrome is struck by the large number of field social workers due to demand of social work and solving difficult situations with clients frequently. I have chosen this topic because it is very big problem nowadays. I also wanted to find out whether social field workers from the Czech Budejovice suffer from this phenomenon, and if so, whether they know the prevention. The work consists of practical and theoretical part. The theoretical part involves six main chapters. The first chapter describes the concept of burnout syndrome, which includes acute and chronic syndrome. The second chapter includes symptoms of burnout syndrome, where I describe physical, emotional, mental exhaustion and stress. The third chapter deals with the stages of burnout, which I describe more in detail. The fourth chapter focuses on risk groups of people that are the most often affected by burnout syndrome. In this chapter I characterize the concept of personality and describe the symptoms of burnout within the personality. In the fifth chapter I mention preventing burnout syndrome, furthermore there I describe the basic methods and prevention techniques, which include social networking, preventive measures by the employee as well as by the employer and last but not the least I mention supervision in that chapter. The last, sixth chapter, deals with the field social work in the context of the law on social services, basic principles, methods and procedures of social work are described. I focus on the differences between the field social work and provided social services. In the practical part two goals are set. First one is to determine whether burnout syndrome occurs among field social workers in Ceske Budejovice. The second one is what methods and prevention techniques are used by social workers in Ceske Budejovice in order to prevent burnout syndrome. Based on the objectives set, I chose two research questions. These research questions deal with burnout of social workers in the Ceske Budejovice and furthermore the most common methods and techniques for the prevention of Social Workers in the Czech Budejovice the symptoms of burnout used. In order to realize the practical part I used qualitative research methodology. Data were obtained using a semi-structured interview. The sample consisted of 7 social workers from Ceske Budejovice. I used the technique of purposive sampling research sample. The survey results showed that 4 field workers out of 7 have been experiencing symptoms of burnout syndrome. The most common methods and techniques to prevent burnout of field social workers are devoting their hobbies, social support from family, friends, colleagues, heads of organizations or supervisor. Furthermore, to separate work life from personal life and to set firm boundaries of work, adequate rest and of course supervision. My thesis could be benefit to the general public. Could be beneficial for both social workers, who have been experiencing symptoms of burnout syndrome and want to learn more, as well as for social workers who have met with burnout and want to know the possible methods and techniques in order to prevent burnout syndrome.
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Zátěžové situace a ošetřovatelský personál / Stress situations and nursing personnelMAREŠOVÁ, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the stressful situations in the profession of the nursing staff. The occupation of the nurse belongs to the most demanding ones. In this occupation, the nurse is permanently affected by many stressors of different types. She faces death, the suffering, dying and incurably ill people very often. She is there in times of pain, agony and suffering. Personal encounters with these difficult situations require highly professional approach but most of all, they present immense work stress for the nurse. The theory section describes mainly the stressful situations that are the most common and most difficult in the work of the nursing staff. The next part of the theory section describes possible consequences of the stressful situations and methods of managing them including the support by the management. This thesis has two objectives. The first objective was to map the manners used by the nursing personnel to cope with the stressful situations brought by their profession. The second objective was to find out the difference in the coping with the stressful situations between the hospital staff and hospice staff. The research section of this thesis contains the quantitative research done using the technique of an anonymous questionnaire with 20 question prepared by ourselves. The questionnaire was distributed to the nursing staff of all categories in the hospital and hospice care. It was completed by 269 respondents in total. The data was statistically processed using systems Microsoft Excel 2010 and Software R, version 3.0.2 (Chi-squared test, Fisher´s exact test, and Wilcoxon test). We determined four hypotheses. H1: Manners of coping with the stressful situations depend on the qualification of the nursing staff reached; not confirmed. H2: Manners of coping with the stressful situations are influenced by the length of practice of the staff; not confirmed. H3: Manners of coping with the stressful situations differ between the hospital staff and hospice staff; confirmed. H4: The nursing staff views their own mental hygiene as more efficient than the support from the management concerning the coping with the stressful situations; confirmed. The research results show that the nursing staff faces the stressful situations very often. They see as the heaviest stress the care of the suffering and aggressive patient, conflicts with the patient´s family, conflicts at work and workload. The manners of coping with the work burden which proved as the best for them are relax, rest and sleep. There were no differences proved in the manners of coping with the stress among respective members of the nursing team. Nevertheless, the coping with the work burden of the nursing staff in the hospital and hospice care is different. A minimum of the respondents notices any support during the stressful situations from the employer. On the other hand, certain support by the management could be viewed in the form of trainings, supervision or contribution to a "recovery" which are granted to the respondents from the employer according to their answers. However, the respondents would prefer, as the support by the management, the increase in pay or more days off. The respondents view as insufficient the preparation of the graduates for the future stressful situations in their profession, as well. They would recommend mainly various trainings dealing with the stress and its management. A good solution to alleviate the work burden of the nursing staff and quality enhancement of the services provided could be investments into better work conditions, both in terms of sufficient human and material resources and the very organization of the work processes.
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Postoj odborníků v algesiologii k problematice burnout syndromu / The Attitude of Experts in Pain Management on the Issue of Burnout SyndromaBOHDALOVÁ, Helena January 2012 (has links)
The interest in the burnout syndrome issue has been increasing in recent years, particularly in the context of increasing psychosocial and work related stress in the sector of health and social services. The care of patients with chronic pain requires specific approach from the professional, psychological and ethical points of view from pain therapists. Unless a doctor is able to tolerate work related stress or to use mitigating strategies, the burnout syndrome threat occurs. The aim of the present thesis was to find out what the subjective approach to the burnout syndrome issue is among selected algiatry experts including its prevention. Qualitative research was conducted from January to February 2012 in the form of semi structured interview. The research sample consisted of respondents from 10 workplaces involved in chronic pain therapy (5 private, 5 in hospitals). The data were complemented with quantitative questionnaire research (Burnout Syndrome Symptom Inventory ? ?BSSI?) conducted from November 2011 to January 2012 to obtain a deeper insight into the content analyses of the semi structured interviews. The quantitative research sample consisted of 47 doctors from pain management workplaces from the whole Czech Republic. The demographic data were processed by means of basic descriptive statistics. Qualitative interviews were transcribed to text form and consequently analyzed. Score points of the monitored levels of the ?BSSI? questionnaire were then calculated and differences between pair variables (gender, age category, type of practice) tested. The mixed research showed statistically higher rate (p < 0.05) of tendency to burnout syndrome in pain therapists working at hospitals compared to their colleagues from private facilities. No significant differences were found in terms of age, sex, number of children in a family and number of treated patients. The most frequent symptoms of the syndrome in the respondents were irritation, lack of empathy, tiredness or loss of work enthusiasm. The most frequent protective factors are humour, breaks, discussion with colleagues, sport activities, hobbies or spending free time with families.
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A síndrome de burnout e suas representações entre profissionais de saúde de um hospital geral / Burnout syndrome and its geral representations among health professionals from a general hospitalLuciana Bezerra de Souza Gianasi 04 March 2015 (has links)
A tese tem como objetivo geral analisar a ocorrência da síndrome de burnout e suas representações sociais entre profissionais de saúde de um hospital público universitário do Rio de Janeiro. Caracteriza-se como um estudo quanti-qualitativo, descritivo, transversal, a partir de uma amostra intencional, totalizando 101 participantes. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram um questionário contendo a técnica de evocações livres, a escala de caracterização do burnout (ECB) e um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada. A análise de dados se deu por meio do uso do software EVOC 2005 e da construção do quadro de quatro casas para as evocações livres; o software SPSS 20 e análises estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais para a ECB; e a análise de conteúdo temático categorial para as entrevistas semidiretivas. Os resultados apontam que os profissionais de saúde possuem uma representação social da síndrome de burnout alicerçada em duas dimensões, uma física e outra psicológica; observa-se a prevalência de conteúdos predominantemente negativos nessa representação, sobretudo, em relação ao contexto de trabalho no hospital. Também mostram a existência da representação social da síndrome de burnout estruturada a partir dos termos estresse e cansaço que fazem parte do provável núcleo central dessa representação. Observou-se que há ocorrência da síndrome de burnout entre enfermeiros e médicos do campo cirúrgico do hospital e que tal ocorrência apresenta relação com as variáveis psicossociais e sóciodemográficas. Releva-se a importância dessas variáveis, assinalando o seu papel regulador na ocorrência e desenvolvimento da síndrome. Conclui-se destacando as condições de trabalho para a construção das representações nas profissões de saúde e para a determinação da síndrome de burnout, sobretudo no campo cirúrgico. Os resultados poderão contribuir para a compreensão do campo teórico da síndrome de burnout, especialmente, no que se refere à sua determinação e ao seu desenvolvimento, lançando luz para o seu diagnóstico e sua prevenção / The doctoral thesis aims to analyze the occurrence of burnout syndrome and its social representations among health professionals in a public university hospital in Rio de Janeiro. It is characterized as quantitative-qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study, departing from a intentional sample, in a total of 101 individuals. The data collection instruments were a questionnaire using free evocation of words technique, the burnout characterization scale (ECB) and the semi-structured interview guide. The data analysis occurred through the EVOC 2005 software and the construction of the four-digit chart for free evocations of words. The SPSS 20 software, and descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes to ECB; and theme/category-based content analysis to semi-structured interview. The results indicate that health professionals have a rooted social representation of burnout syndrome in two dimensions, one physical and other psychological; the prevalence of predominantly negative contents in this representation, was observed especially in relation to the hospital work context. They also point to the existence of social representation of burnout syndrome structured from the terms stress and fatigue that are part of the likely central nucleus of this representation. It was observed that there is occurrence of burnout among nurses and doctors of the hospital's surgical body and that such an occurrence is correlated with the psychosocial and sociodemographic variable. It emphasizes the importance these variables, pointing out its regulatory role in the occurrence and development of the syndrome. As a conclusion the working conditions for the construction of representations in the health professions and to determine the burnout syndrome, especially in the surgical body was highlighted. The results may contribute to the understanding of the theoretical field of burnout, especially with regard to its determination and its development, contributing for diagnosis and prevention
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