Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe lead"" "subject:"ehe head""
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Shakespearean parallels and affinities with the Theatre of the absurd in Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are deadEasterling, Anja January 1982 (has links)
The study elucidates the relation of Tom Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead to Hamlet on the one hand and to the Theatre of the Absurd on the other. The two plays chosen to represent the Theatre of the Absurd are Samuel Beckett1 s Waiting for Godot and Harold Pinter* s The Caretaker. Since Stoppard is admired as a master craftsman of language, the emphasis is on his use of language. The extent to which the use of the cliché characterizes the three absurd plays is examined. It is found that the language area covered by the term cliche is not clearly defined and that the term is not uniformly applied. The inquiry centres on finding features, such as repetition, music-hall passages and "ready-made" language, that could explain why the dialogue in the three plays might appear cliche-ridden and on comparing the three plays in respect of these features. The study further draws parallels between Stoppard's play and Waiting for Godot in the use of various techniques, such as misunderstandings, anticlimax and afterthought. It is found that there is often a conscious adoption by Stoppard of Beckett's techniques. To clarify the relation of Stoppard's play to Hamlet various aspects of the two plays are studied. These aspects include changes introduced into stereotyped expressions, punning, the use of parody and the handling of two specific motives, madness and death. Parallels are found in spite of the fact that several centuries separate the two plays, not least in respect to style, technique and language. / digitalisering@umu
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Om skeva vampyrer, Riktiga Pojkar och dåliga (monster)flickor : En skev/queerteoretisk studie av Bill och Sookie i Charlaine Harris Dead Until DarkAllvin, Elin January 2013 (has links)
This essay takes a closer look at femininity/masculinity, sexuality and queer time and place in Charlaine Harris’ novel Dead Until Dark (2001). The essay’s theoretical framework consists of queer theory and skev theory. Skev is a Swedish word that translates loosely into strange or twisted. Skev theory has queer roots but is used to search for and question forms of normativity other than sexuality. This essay examines Bill and Sookie, the two main characters in Dead Until Dark, with the main aim of analyzing the different ways in which they are portrayed that makes them challenge (and sometimes confirm) norms concerning femininity/masculinity, sexuality and the use of time and place. The analysis talks about Proper Girls and Proper Boys and how Sookie and Bill may or may not be able and/or willing to be Proper. Monsters and how being a monster impacts Bill’s and Sookie’s Properness is also central to the analysis. In short the essay shows that Bill and Sookie exist in a state of (in)betweenness and that this makes their characters subversive in that they are both skeva.
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Functional Study of the Threonine Phosphorylation and the Transcriptional Coactivator Role of P68 RNA HelicaseDey, Heena T 07 December 2012 (has links)
P68 RNA helicase is a RNA helicase and an ATPase belonging to the DEAD-box family. It is important for the growth of normal cells, and is implicated in diverse functions ranging from pre-mRNA splicing, transcriptional activation to cell proliferation, and early organ development. The protein is documented to be phosphorylated at several amino-acid residues. It was previously demonstrated in several cancer cell-lines that p68 gets phosphorylated at threonine residues during treatments with TNF-α and TRAIL. In this study, the role of threonine phosphorylation of p68 under the treatment of anti-cancer drug, oxaliplatin in the colon cancer cells is characterized. Oxaliplatin treatment activates p38 MAP-kinase, which subsequently phosphorylates p68 at T564 and/or T446. P68 phosphorylation, at least partially, influences the role of the drug on apoptosis induction. This study shows an important mechanism of action of the anti-cancer drug which could be used for improving cancer treatment.
This study also shows that p68 is an important transcriptional regulator regulating transcription of the cytoskeletal gene TPPP/p25. Previous analyses revealed that p68 RNA helicase could regulate expression of genes responsible for controlling stability and dynamics of different cytoskeletons. P68 is found to regulate TPPP/p25 gene transcription by associating with the TPPP/p25 gene promoter. Expression of TPPP/p25 plays an important role in cellular differentiation while the involvement of p68 in the regulation of TPPP/p25 expression is an important event for neurite outgrowth. Loss of TPPP expression contributes to the development and progression of gliomas. Thus, our studies further enhance our understanding of the multiple cellular functions of p68 and its regulation of the cellular processes.
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Tickor på död ved / Polypores on wood-debrisJerrå, Karolina January 2011 (has links)
I dag råder det brist på död ved i Sveriges skogar. Detta på grund av det intensiva skogsbruket där man kalhugger och plockar bort all liggande ved. Dock är det viktigt med många döda träd i olika nedbrytningsstadier för många skogslevande arter. Svenska skogar har få urskogar där naturliga avdödningsprocesser av träd får ske och därför minskar den biologiska mångfalden i skogen. Tre arter som endast trivs i naturskog är tickorna ullticka, Phellinus ferrugineofuscus, gränsticka, Phellinus nigrolimitatus och vedticka, Phellinus viticola. Dessa arter är användbara som indikatorarter då de nästan endast växer i skog med höga naturvärden eftersom de växer på lågor i olika nedbrytningsstadier. I denna studie undersöktes dessa arter i syfte att påvisa vilka faktorer som krävs för att de ska trivas, och på så sätt kunna förutse på vilka lågor de kan påträffas. Som en jämförande art undersöktes klibbtickan, Fomitopsis pinicola¸ då den inte är lika krävande och kan växa i många skogar på nyfallna träd. Genom att undersöka dessa arter och vad de kräver kan man bedöma en skog utifrån deras faktorer och på så sätt se om skogen har höga naturvärden, och vad som krävs i form av död ved. Resultatet visar att ju större låga, i både bredd och längd (större area), och ju mer nedbruten den var, desto större utbredning av arten P. nigrolimitatus kan man hitta. P. viticola kräver högre nerbrytningsklass och tjockare diameter på lågan. Undersökningen visar även att hos F. pinicola var nästan alla faktorer lika viktiga, och att den kan växa nästan var som helst, fast minskar i förekomst på mer nedbrutna träd. Tyvärr fanns inte tillräckligt med P. ferrugineofuscus för att kunna göra statistiska undersökningar, vilket i sig indikerar att den är ovanlig och har höga krav vad gäller dess habitat. / Because of the conditions in Swedish forests, where forestry predominate, biodiversity is degrading when the important wood-debris is removed. The purpose of this study was to determine the conditions under which the polypore species Phellinus ferrugineofuscus, Phellinus nigrolimitatus, Phellinus viticola and Fomitopsis pinicola occur on logs of downed dead wood in and around a virgin forest. P ferrugineofuscus, P. nigrolimitatus and P. viticola are known indicator species that indicates forests with high natural values. F. pinicola is not an indicator species. The results indicate that the size of the log and its state of decomposition are the major factors for P. nigrolimitatus and P. viticola. F. pinicola grows on wood-debris with smaller degree of decomposition and also grows in managed forests. P. ferrugineofuscus was too rare in the data to allow statistical analysis. The study indicates the importance of untouched forest in which species who demands continuous conditions and availability of dead wood in different stages of decay can thrive.
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Novel Algorithms for Computational Protein Design, with Applications to Enzyme Redesign and Small-Molecule Inhibitor DesignGeorgiev, Ivelin Stefanov January 2009 (has links)
<p>Computational protein design aims at identifying protein mutations and conformations with desired target properties (such as increased protein stability, switch of substrate specificity, or novel function) from a vast combinatorial space of candidate solutions. The development of algorithms to efficiently and accurately solve problems in protein design has thus posed significant computational and modeling challenges. Despite the inherent hardness of protein design, a number of computational techniques have been previously developed and applied to a wide range of protein design problems. In many cases, however, the available computational protein design techniques are deficient both in computational power and modeling accuracy. Typical simplifying modeling assumptions for computational protein design are the rigidity of the protein backbone and the discretization of the protein side-chain conformations. Here, we present the derivation, proofs of correctness and complexity, implementation, and application of novel algorithms for computational protein design that, unlike previous approaches, have provably-accurate guarantees even when backbone or continuous side-chain flexibility are incorporated into the model. We also describe novel divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming algorithms for improved computational efficiency that are shown to result in speed-ups of up to several orders of magnitude as compared to previously-available techniques. Our novel algorithms are further incorporated as part of K*, a provably-accurate ensemble-based algorithm for protein-ligand binding prediction and protein design. The application of our suite of protein design algorithms to a variety of problems, including enzyme redesign and small-molecule inhibitor design, is described. Experimental validation, performed by our collaborators, of a set of our computational predictions confirms the feasibility and usefulness of our novel algorithms for computational protein design.</p> / Dissertation
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Bioactive Agent Carrying Plga Nanoparticles In Thetreatment Of Skin DiseasesKucukturhan, Aysu 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to develop drug delivery system based on poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) to achieve personalized treatment of selected skin disorders, like photo-aging, psoriasis and
atopic dermatitis. Dead Sea Water (DSW) and Retinyl Palmitate (RP) were used as active agents and they were loaded in PLGA NPs prepared either as spheres or capsules by o/w or w/o/w methods. MgCl2 and bovine serum albumin (BSA)
served as model active compounds. The diameter of the NPs was found to be in the range of 280 - 550 nm. The entrapment efficiency (E.E.) was less than 1% for RP, DSW and MgCl2, and 41% for BSA. Loading of Cl- together with BSA doubled the E.E. value of Cl- . In situ release studies showed a burst in the first day and more than 85% of
the chloride content was released within a week. When the macromolecule BSA was encapsulated, a much slower and triphasic release profile was observed which continued for up to 80 days. In vitro tests were performed using L929 fibroblast cells. Results of MTT
(3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) test revealed that none of the NPs were cytotoxic. Additionally, all particles were hemocompatible
with hemolytic activity < / 1.5%. L929 fibroblast and Saos 2 human osteosarcoma cells were used to study the uptake of NPs by the cells. Particles accumulate near the nucleus.
The characterization and cell viability tests, and drug release behavior indicate the suitability of these NPs for further testing to develop a patient specific skin diseases treatment approach.
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Effects of site quality and surrounding landscape on bryophytes and brackets on logs in woodland key habitatsDahlerup, Nina January 2010 (has links)
A tool for management and conservation of valuable forests in Sweden are WKH:s. In this study WKH:s different in size, connectivity, amount of dead wood and quality of logs were investigated for species richness of bryophytes and brackets on coniferous logs. The aim was to clarify which scales and features that was important for the diversity of species as well as for individual species. The results showed that the amount of dead wood was most important on the site scale, and some species were affected at the landscape scale, a positive effect of valuable tracts. On the scale of individual logs, factors such as diameter, sun exposure, succession stage, contact with ground and ground bryophytes cover was most important. Red-listed species preferred logs with large diameter and late successional stages. The conclusion was that the quality of the substrate and the amount of dead wood was most important, but the amount of WKH:s on the landscape scale was also important for some species.
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Erdvinės metaforos Daiktavardinių frazių žodyne / Orientational metaphors in the dictionary of Lithuanian Nominal PhrasesDrūlienė, Viltė 04 August 2008 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe analizuojamos erdvinės metaforos iš Daiktavardinių frazių žodyno. Jame užfiksuoti statistiniu metodu iš Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno atrinkti tipiškiausi žodžių junginiai (arba kolokacijos) ir frazės, kuriose pavartotas bent vienas daiktavardis. Laikomasi nuostatos, kad abstrakčiųjų daiktavardžių kolokacijos yra kalbinių metaforų išraiška. Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptariamos plačios ir įvairialypės kolokacijos ir metaforos sąvokos. Čia kalbinė metafora arba metaforinis pasakymas suprantamas kaip kognityviosios kalbotyros šalininkų aprašomos žmogaus sąmonėje egzistuojančios konceptualiosios metaforos kalbinė išraiška.
Pasirinktos erdvinės metaforos – tai tos, kurių žodinėje rai�����koje randama įvairių erdvės elementų įvardijimų. Išsamesnei analizei darbo objektas susiaurintas iki vertikaliųjų metaforų, kuriomis metaforizuojamas objektas (reiškinys) projektuojama vertikalėje. Aprašius atrankos kriterijus ir problemas, sudarytas vertikaliųjų metaforų ir susijusių frazeologizmų sąrašas, tada junginiai suskirstyti į semantines grupes pagal nurodomą vietą vertikalėje ar judėjimą kuria nors jos kryptimi. Aptartos tipiškiausios kiekvienos grupės kolokacijos, sutelkiant dėmesį į vertikalumą žyminčius žodžius ir metaforizuojamus objektus išreiškiančius kolokatus.
Apibendrinus dažniausias kolokacijas, duomenys sisteminti, nustatytos ryškiausios konceptualiosios metaforos, kurios rodo analizuotos lietuvių kalbos vartotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Present research paper deals with the specific group of conceptual metaphors, derived from the Dictionary of Lithuanian Nominal Phrases. The dictionary is compiled from collocations, automatically extracted from the Corpus of Present Day Lithuanian Language. All collocations contain at least one noun. The dictionary is a suitable source for the extraction of metaphors since it contains a lot of abstract noun collocations that in most cases are metaphorical.
The paper presents theoretical approaches towards both issues under analysis, i.e. metaphors and collocations. The specific object of investigation, however, is conceptual, or dead, metaphor. It is defined here as a linguistic expression of a conceptual model of a world view. Following the cognitive approach it is assumed that human conceptual system, comprising cognition, language and memory, is metaphorical in nature.
The metaphors under investigation contain nominations space or spacial elements in their linguistic expressions in general and specifically those, that deal with vertical scale and motion along a vertical dimension. After describing the identification criteria and procedures, the outcome of analysis is presented, i.e. the list of metaphorical phrases and idioms that are further subdivided according to the spacial dimensions, specifically the place or direction in the vertical scale. The most typical collocations of every group are discussed paying attention to the semantics of verticality.
The most vivid... [to full text]
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Making the scene : Yorkville and Hip Toronto, 1960-1970Henderson, Stuart Robert 03 October 2007 (has links)
For a short period during the 1960s Toronto’s Yorkville district was found at the centre of Canada’s youthful bohemian scene. Students, artists, hippies, greasers, bikers, and “weekenders” congregated in and around the district, enjoying the live music and theatre in its many coffee houses, its low-rent housing in overcrowded Victorian walk-ups, and its perceived saturation with anti-establishmentarian energy. For a period of roughly ten years, Yorkville served as a crossroads for Torontonian (and even English Canadian) youth, as a venue for experimentation with alternative lifestyles and beliefs, and an apparent refuge from the dominant culture and the stifling expectations it had placed upon them. Indeed, by 1964 every young Torontonian (and many young Canadians) likely knew that social rebellion and Yorkville went together as fingers interlaced. Making the Scene unpacks the complicated history of this fraught community, examining the various meanings represented by this alternative scene in an anxious 1960s. Throughout, this dissertation emphasizes the relationship between power, authenticity and identity on the figurative stage for identity performance that was Yorkville. / Thesis (Ph.D, History) -- Queen's University, 2007-10-02 09:46:00.077
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Spiders and ants associated with fallen logs in Forillon National Park of Canada, QuebecVarady-Szabo, Hirondelle January 2004 (has links)
Downed woody material (fallen logs) offers spiders (Araneae) and ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ideal nesting and foraging sites. In a maple forest of Forillon National Park, I compared spider and ant assemblages on, adjacent to, and away from fallen logs, and on these I tested the effects of log type and decay stage. In a second study, spider and ant assemblages were compared on, adjacent to, and away from fallen logs in different forest types. / In the first experiment spiders were highly affected by trap placement, and diversity was highest on the wood surface compared to the forest floor. In contrast, wood type and decomposition stage of logs had few significant effects on spiders. Log type did not affect the estimated number of spider species nor the spider catch rates. Decomposition stage did not affect spider collections, but less decayed logs were more diverse in spider than heavily decayed logs. / The second experiment showed that use of dead wood by spiders depends on forest type. Ant diversity and abundance was generally low, making it difficult to offer concrete conclusions related to log use by ant assemblages. This work brings additional support for the important role of dead wood to forest arthropod biodiversity.
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