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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Users' and Preparers' Perception of Sustainability Reporting and Corporate Sustainability

Lin, I-HSIANG 14 October 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore users' and preparers' perception of sustainability reporting, especially for accountants and financial analysts who are involved with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and GRI based sustainability or CSR reports in the United States. With the increasing trends to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR), it is important to understand what level users and preparers currently hold towards the sustainability reporting. This study used samples from the following resources: all companies included in the GRI report list as a report preparer group and financial analysts as report users, whose companies' core business focused on social and environmental investing. This study examined four hypotheses concerning general corporate sustainability & reporting and sustainability performance indicators in environmental, economic and social aspects suggested by the GRI Guidelines. This paper contributes to corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting. This paper studied users' perception of sustainability reporting and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Prior research mainly focused on preparers' perception or attitudes toward sustainability reports (Guthrie & Parker, 1990; Kolk, 2004; Lindgreen et al., 2009; White, 2005). Also, this paper adds to the literature on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and its guidelines that have not been extensively studied in prior research. The results revealed that users and preparers agreed on the important issues asked for the general corporate sustainability and reporting, and both groups held similar attitudes towards the environmental, economic and social performance indicators and felt most of them as important to be included in a sustainability report. In addition, both groups indicated the GRI as the preferred standard setting body for sustainability reporting and gave support to GRI for its effort to establish and promote the standards for sustainability reporting. Finally, a considerable number of users and preparers agreed that the GRI report can fairly measure a company's environmental, economic and social performance.

Corporate Sustainability: How can GRI guidelines and ISO standards complement each other and relate with the SDGs?

Naidu, Mohana Balakrishnan January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to establish an understanding of corporate sustainability and how companies communicate their sustainability. It also evaluates how sustainability reporting is addressed by various corporate companies by using GRI reporting guidelines and ISO standards, and also how these standards and guidelines are helping the companies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. A literature review was conducted to understand the various approaches to developing a sustainability report. A theoretical relationship matrix was carried out to establish the relationship of ISO standard (clauses are the section in ISO standard which defines the action or requirements to be carried out, ISO in this research is used to represent the various important areas in a company) with the GRI guidelines (disclosure, are the section used to report contextual information about an organization and its sustainability reporting practices), and a list of the number of SDGs which each GRI disclosure and ISO standard achieves was developed. Four industrial sectors were selected and one company in each sector was used as a case study. The SDG impact assessment web-based tool was used to represent the information provided by the companies in their sustainability report/annual report. From the case studies, it was understood that, out of 4 companies, two companies employed GRI reporting guidelines i.e 2 companies used twin approaches for reporting their sustainability and 2 companies used inside-out reporting approaches. Whereas all the companies had ISO 14001:2015 certification, 3 out of 4 companies had ISO 9001:2015 certification and 2 out of 4 had companies ISO 45001:2018 certified. With this, we can understand a broad picture of corporate sustainability, and in-depth sustainability analysis of one industrial sector from the companies point of view has to be carried out in future.

Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting and Indicators.

Richard, Florian January 2013 (has links)
Over the past few years, the expectations of stakeholders regarding Sustainable Development have strengthened the importance of CSR or Sustainable Development practices in companies. In France, NRE laws and more recently the Grenelle Environment Forum required from companies to disclose and publish information on environmental, social and societal issues. On the international level, the Global Reporting Initiative gives a framework for CSR reporting. Companies tend to improve their CSR policies by setting action plans, objectives, and publishing dedicated reports. Subsequently, to assess their performance, companies need to design specific indicators in order to measure environmental, social and societal information. It is all the more challenging that intangible information, such as biodiversity or human capital, are very difficult to evaluate. Still, when comparing the performance of companies, even in the same sector of activity, it appears that indicators are actually very hetero-geneous and do not allow to perform a proper comparison. This thesis will explore current practices of CSR or Sustainable Development reporting and more specifically the use of indicators in the private sector as well as their limitations and areas for improvement. A mutli-method approach, including a literature review, a case-study and an interview, has been used to perform the research.

Negativ information i storbankernas hållbarhetsredovisningar : En studie om vilka legitimitetsstrategier svenska storbanker använder vid kommunikation av negativ information / Negative information in major banks sustainability reports : A study on which legitimacy strategies Swedish major banks use when communicating negative information

Salih, Dlovan, Gemal, Neda January 2020 (has links)
Hållbarhetsredovisning för stora företag har inte alltid varit obligatoriskt. År 2017 infördes en lagändring i årsredovisningslagen (SFS 1995:1554) i Sverige som innefattade att det är obligatoriskt för stora företag att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning. Företagkan välja att följa Global Reporting Initiative standarder som ger riktlinjer för hur en hållbarhetsredovisning ska konstrueras, där bland annat principen om att både positiv och negativ information ska redovisas i företags hållbarhetsredovisningar.Syftet med studien blir att identifiera legitimitetsstrategier som används av de svenska storbankerna vid kommunikation av negativ miljömässig och social information. Vidare är syftet att studera kring hur bankerna ställer sig till lagändringen i årsredovisningslagen(SFS 1995:1554) samt Global Reporting Initiative under tidsperioden 2015-2019. I studiens referensram förklaras begreppen hållbar utveckling, hållbarhetsredovisning, Global Reporting Initiative och negativ information inom de sociala och miljömässiga dimensionerna. Vidare presenteras signalteorin, informationsasymmetri och kommunikation, legitimitetsteorin samt legitimitetsstrategier från tidigare studier för att analysera studiens empiri i analysen. Studien består av en kvalitativ forskningsansats där hållbarhetsredovisningar för fyra storbanker i Sverige har analyserats med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Empirin presenterar studiens identifierade legitimitetsstrategier som har namngetts till: bortresonerande, utförd åtgärd, framtida åtgärd, okommenterad, angiven fakta och normalisering. Utifrån studiens empiri och analys kan det konstateras att storbankerna i Sverige använder legitimitetsstrategier vid kommunikation av negativ information för att bibehålla, skapa eller reparera legitimitet. Två av Chos (2009) identifierade strategier kunde sammankopplas med studiens strategier medan fyra av de sex identifierade strategierna i studien har kunnat sammankopplas med Hahn och Lülfs(2014) studie. Två identifierade strategier kunde inte sammankopplas med tidigare studier, därmed presenteras dessa som tillägg till tidigare studier. Utifrån studiens analys kan det  konstateras att lagändringen i årsredovisningslagen (SFS 1995:1554) inte har haft ett inflytande på hur storbankerna kommunicerar ut information. Det konstateras dock att GRI har haft ett inflytande på hur storbankerna väljer att kommunicera utinformation.

Rapportering av GRI-indikatorer i hållbarhetsrapporter

Aliti, Naile, Danielsson, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka rapporteringen av GRI-indikatorer i svenskabörsnoterade företags hållbarhetsrapporter samt ge en förklaring till vilka faktorer som påverkarvalet av GRI-indikatorer. I studien genomförs en kvantitativ undersökning som undersökersvenska börsnoterade hållbarhetsrapporter. För att undersöka GRI-rapporteringen har eninnehållsanalys genomförts på 223 hållbarhetsrapporter från år 2019. Hypoteser har testatsgenom en multipel regressionsanalys. Studiens resultat visar att endast två faktorer, storlek och miljökänslighet har ett positivt sambandmed rapporteringen av GRI-indikatorer. Faktorer såsom företagets synlighet och offentliggranskning av företagen är orsaken till att endast storlek och bransch har ett signifikant sambandmed rapporteringen av GRI-indikatorer. På grund av denna synlighet väljer företagen att GRI rapportera för att legitimera sin verksamhet både mot samhället i stort och mot inflytelserikaintressenter, då de finns en ömsesidig påverkan. Studiens teoretiska bidrag är en ökad kunskap inom forskningsområdet gällande rapporteringenav GRI-indikatorer, men även vilka faktorer som kan förklara att svenska börsnoterade företaganvänder GRI-indikatorer. Positiva och signifikanta samband hittades mellan GRI-indikatoreroch faktorerna storlek och miljökänslighet. Det praktiska bidraget denna studie ger är ett resultatsom visar att storlek och miljökänslighet ökar benägenheten med rapporteringen av GRIindikatorer. Resultatet är intressant för både företagsledare på Stockholmsbörsen samtkapitalmarknaden. Förslag på vidare forskning är att undersöka GRI-indikatorer i företags hållbarhetsrapporter somhar sitt huvudsäte i ett annat land än Sverige. Ett annat förslag på vidare forskning är att granskaföretag som är börsnoterade på en annan börs än Stockholmsbörsen. Årsredovisningslagenomfattar dessutom onoterade företag, vilket inte denna studie har fokuserat på, därför är detintressant att se huruvida börsnotering har eller inte har en påverkan på GRI-indikatorer ochhållbarhetsrapporten.

Jämförbarhet i hållbarhetsrapporten och dess samband med företagens branschtillhörighet och styrelsens könsfördelning : En kvantitativ studie av företag på Stockholmsbörsen Large Cap

Pettersson, Elin, Karlsson, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
Jämförbarhet i hållbarhetsrapporten är en nödvändighet för att informationen ska vara användbar för användarna. För att främja jämförbar information ska svenska företag följa hållbarhetslagen som bygger på EU-direktivet om hållbarhetsrapportering. Till sin hjälp kan företagen tillämpa internationella frivilliga ramverk som exempelvis Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). I och med att det finns ett flertal frivilliga ramverk att tillämpa kan företagen välja ifall dem vill följa något ramverk, med det utgör inget krav, för att uppfylla hållbarhetslagen. Detta utrymme av frivillighet bidrar till den stora variation i antalet resultatindikatorer som företagen lämnar upplysningar om i hållbarhetsrapporten, vilket gör att informationen inte blir jämförbar. Denna studie vill bidra med kunskap till forskningsfältet genom att (1) kartlägga jämförbarheten i hållbarhetsrapporter i form av hur utförligt företagen noterade på Stockholmsbörsen Large Cap tillämpar resultatindikatorer till rapporteringskravets kategorier och (2) förklara och analysera sambandet mellan företagens branschtillhörighet, företagens andel kvinnor i styrelsen och utförlighetsnivån i hållbarhetsrapporter som omfattas av hållbarhetslagen. För att besvara studiens syfte genomfördes en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av samtliga företag som uppfyllde kriterierna för hållbarhetsrapportering och GRI:s ramverk på Stockholmsbörsen Large Cap. Resultatet visade att båda sambanden var relativt svaga. Sambandet för företagens branschtillhörighet visade sig något starkare jämfört med andelen kvinnor i styrelsen. Det tyder på att det finns andra underliggande faktorer som påverkar jämförbarheten i hållbarhetsrapporten. / The comparability in the sustainability report is a necessity to serve its main purpose, which is to be useful for the stakeholders. To encourage comparable information in the sustainability report, Swedish companies must comply with the national sustainability law, which is based on the EU directive of sustainability reporting. To comply with the national sustainability law companies can apply international voluntary frameworks such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), but there is no imperative requirement. All the voluntary frameworks may contribute to the observed differences of indicators disclosed in the sustainability reports, which makes the information not comparable. This study contributes to the field of research by (1) mapping the comparability in the sustainability reports of firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange Large Cap by investigating the level of completeness for the reporting requirements categories and (2) explain and analyse the correlation between the company´s sector, board diversity and the level of completeness of firms that are covered by the national sustainability law. Therefore, a quantity content analysis was conducted on all companies in our sample. The findings display a weak relationship between the investigated variables. This suggest that there are other underlying factors that may affect the comparability in the sustainability reports.

Praxis inom hållbarhetsredovisning 2010 : Undersökning av svenska företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen

Thunström, Lisa, Bolos, Iuliana January 2011 (has links)
Problem formulation: The awareness and importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is growing within both corporations and society at large. The corporate progress in sustainable development can be both profitable and essential for the potential to compete globally. The value of sustainability reporting may differ between industries and companies of different sizes. The demands for sustainability reports are expected to increase. By 2010, no previous survey on sustainability reporting practices had been conducted within Swedish corporations.  Purpose: The aim of the current study was to examine sustainability reports within Swedish corporations during 2010 and to compare the findings with preceding surveys to determine differences over time and between corporations. Furthermore, the study seeks to explain the determinants of voluntary sustainability reporting utilising a multi-theoretical framework. Method: This survey includes all 125 Swedish corporations listed at the Stockholm Stock Exchange Large Cap and Mid Cap lists. Data was collected from the corporations annual and sustainability reports. Excel was used to code and analyse the obtained data. Results: The findings demonstrate that sustainability reporting is common practice among Swedish corporations. Taken together, the number of sustainability reports, the development and the presentation format indicates a high sustainability performance in general among the sampled companies. The findings found clear difference between industries and between companies of different sizes. Companies operating in high environmental risk industries as well as larger corporations scored higher on all variables of interest compared to companies operating in low environmental risk industries and smaller sized companies. Factors that have the potential to determine a company´s sustainability development practices were found to be its stakeholders and the type of institution it operates within. Moreover, the demand for legitimacy carries the potential to determine sustainability reporting practices. Companies operating in high environmental risk industries experiences a greater need for legitimacy and large companies has a greater number of stakeholders to consider. The findings indicate that sustainability reporting continues to increase and furthermore that standard practices is becoming increasingly widespread.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : fyra bankers ekonomiska påverkan / Sustainability report : the economic impact of four banks

Nordström, Jenny, Cederqvist, Zandra January 2012 (has links)
Fokus i denna uppsats ligger i att jämföra fyra organisationers hållbarhetsredovisningar och se i vilken utsträckning de uppfyller GRI:s riktlinjer för ekonomisk påverkan. De fyra organisationer som granskas är Sveriges storbanker, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB och Swedbank. Eftersom att de agerar inom den finansiella sektorn har en avgränsning gjorts till det ekonomiska ansvaret eftersom det är det mest relevanta och intressanta att titta närmare på.  Problemformuleringen i denna uppsats lyder: På vilket sätt, i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar, tillämpar Sveriges fyra storbanker GRI:s riktlinjer för ekonomisk påverkan?  Syftet är att se hur bankerna har presenterat sin ekonomiska påverkan enligt GRI:s riktlinjer och jämföra dessa med varandra. För att få fram information om detta har respektive banks hållbarhetsredovisning för år 2010 granskats och tolkats. Den teoretiska referensramen som uppsatsen har utgått ifrån är CSR , ett begrepp som beskriver de tre ansvarsområdena ekonomi, socialt och miljö. Dessa tre områden är i grunden TBL (tripple bottom line). En stor del av teoridelen består av GRI:s riktlinjer och ramverk som även de bygger på TBL:s tre byggstenar.

Evaluation et valorisation de la communication environnementale et diffusion d’informations dans le document de référence : le cas des entreprises cotées du CAC 40, de 2007 à 2013 / Evaluation and valorization of environmental communication and disclosure in the registration documents : firms from the CAC 40 index from 2007 to 2013

Guinchard, Julia 20 November 2014 (has links)
En se focalisant sur 38 grands groupes cotés au CAC 40, de 2007 à 2013, la question de l’affichage environnemental et de sa valorisation sur le marché est envisagée dans une étude exploratoire selon les axes suivants : Le premier consiste à identifier l’existence d’un effet sur les cours de bourse d’une diffusion publique d’éléments afférant à la stratégie environnementale, en faisant appel aux études d’événements. La publication du document de référence a ainsi retenu toute l’attention. Puis, il apparaît essentiel de caractériser cette information : L’objectif n’est pas d’évaluer la qualité de la politique adoptée, mais d’étudier et évaluer les comportements en la matière, en mobilisant une analyse de contenu pour un total de 228 documents de référence. Une méthodologie de scoring a été adoptée, afin d’établir un indice de diffusion d’informations environnementales, sur la base d’un référentiel reconnu internationalement et pertinent, le Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Enfin, une modélisation permet de tester la relation entre la réaction observée sur le marché financier et l’information environnementale. Sur la pratique de diffusion d’informations environnementales, les comportements des entreprises de l’échantillon se sont améliorés tant sur la nature des informations divulguées que sur les pratiques globales : Elles sont de plus en plus transparente sur la base des critères environnementaux définis par le GRI. A la publication du document de référence, des rentabilités anormales cumulées sont observées et significatives. Les résultats laissent apparaître que le pouvoir explicatif de la communication environnementale est au demeurant plus important que des variables financières, tel que la variation de l’effet de levier, bien qu’il soit affecté au cours du temps. / By focusing on 38 stock marketed companies from the CAC 40 from 2007 to 2013, to question on the link between environmental published information and market valorization is at stake. The response is organized trough 3 main objectives by performing an explorative analysis: First, one may identify an impact from the disclosure about environmental practices on the stock market thank to the event study methodology. Publication of the annual registration documents hold attention in order to appreciate public environmental communication: Thus, the issue is not to evaluate firms’ policies but to understand how do they behave concerning their communication, by performing a content analysis based on 228 registration documents. Then, one may use an innovative data sources through the Global reporting initiative (GRI) standardized items to explore and to score the published information concerning environmental practices, leading to build an disclosure index. Last, one may test the relationship between the disclosure practices and the impact of this disclosure on the stock market. Companies tend to be more and more transparent according to the GRI, as on the items itself than on their whole practices. When they circulate their registration documents, there are significant cumulated abnormal returns. As a result, one may observe that disclosure on environmental practices explains more the abnormal returns than financial datas, as the leverage variation, even if this effect tend to be less and less important with time.

Um estudo de percepções de ONGs ambientalistas capixabas acerca da relevância de indicadores ambientais da GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)

Paris, Patrícia Krauss Serrano 15 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:42:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia Krauss Serrano.pdf: 1564474 bytes, checksum: 60351ac85983d55077adee196bddc250 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) stands out worldwide in order to minimize perceived quality problems in Sustainability Reports. One of GRI s initiatives is the development of environmental indicators. In the context of growing concern about environmental impacts of human activity, and considering environmental disclosure tool relevance for users depends on their relevance perception on the information it contains, the purpose of this study is: to analyze the perceived relevance by environmentalists non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Espírito Santo (Brazilian state) on the essential environmental indicators in GRI s third version. Questionnaires were sent to 52 NGOs, resulting in 24 responses. Indicators and respondents were analyzed according to their responses profiles. It was found that all the environmental indicators considered essential by GRI were mostly indicated as being of significant importance, by respondents, what means GRI has the ability to meet this segment of Brazilian society s expectations. The results signalize the GRI essential environmental indicators importance on sustainability reports, and that disclosure standards internationalization for basic global issues related to the environment does not diminish its importance to users, in specific locations / A iniciativa da ONG internacional Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) se destaca mundialmente, no intuito de minimizar problemas percebidos na qualidade das informações divulgadas em Relatórios de Sustentabilidade. Dentre as iniciativas da GRI, tem-se a elaboração de indicadores relacionados a aspectos ambientais. No contexto de crescente preocupação em relação aos impactos da atividade humana no meio ambiente, e considerando que a relevância dessa ferramenta de evidenciação ambiental depende da percepção por parte dos usuários da relevância das informações nela contidas, o objetivo deste trabalho é: analisar a percepção de organizações não governamentais (ONGs) ambientalistas atuantes no Espírito Santo acerca da relevância dos indicadores ambientais essenciais na terceira versão do modelo GRI. Para tanto, um questionário foi encaminhado a 52 ONGs, obtendo-se 24 respostas. Indicadores e respondentes foram analisados de acordo com os perfis de respostas atribuídas. Verificou-se que todos os indicadores ambientais considerados essenciais pela GRI foram julgados, majoritariamente, como de significativa relevância, pelas ONGs respondentes, ou seja, o modelo GRI tem capacidade de atender a anseios desse segmento da sociedade, atuante no Espírito Santo. Os resultados sinalizam a importância dos indicadores ambientais essenciais da GRI nos relatórios de sustentabilidade, e que a crescente internacionalização de padrões para evidenciação de aspectos relacionados a problemáticas globais relativas ao meio ambiente não diminui, necessariamente, a sua relevância para usuários em localidades específicas

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