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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanická analýza vlivu výrobních odchylek na styk hlavice a jamky totální endoprotézy kyčelního kloubu / Mechanical Analysis of the Influence of Fabrication Tolerances on Contact Conditions between the Acetabular Cup and the Femoral Head in Total Hip Replacement

Koukal, Milan January 2010 (has links)
In endoprosthesis surgery there are typically a high percentage of implant defects, these can lead to failure of the whole prosthesis. One type of total hip replacement function loss is acetabular cup loosening from the pelvic bone. This disertation examines manufacture perturbations as one of the possible reasons for this kind of failure. Both dimension and geometry manufacturing perturbations of ceramic head and polyethylen cup were analyzed. We find that perturbations in the variables analysed here affect considered values of contact pressure and frictional moment. Furthermore, contact pressure and frictional moment are quantities affecting replacement success and durability. From obtained results it can be recommended to fit head and cup with a clearance of between 0 mm and 0.05 mm. It can not be recommend using interference type of fit because of strong deterioration of the contact conditions. Roundness perturbation of ceramic head should not exceed 0.025 mm.

Vibration caused by sheet pile driving- effect of driving equipment

Tsegay, Haftom Tesfay January 2018 (has links)
In many construction works in urban areas vibratory driving is the most widely used technique toinstall sheet piles. But due to vibration-sensitive equipment and structures the amount of inducedground vibration need to be minimized. Hence, it is important to select appropriate vibratorparameters that will minimize the level of induced ground vibration.The main objective of this thesis is to study the effect of the vibratory parameter eccentricmoment (vibrator displacement amplitude) on the induced ground vibration during sheet piledriving. To achieve the objective, a literature review and a full-scale field test has beenconducted. The literature review was conducted to provide guidance for the evaluation of thefield test results.The field study was performed in Uppsala in June 2018, where a series of six sheet pile drivingtests were conducted, the first three sheet piles were driven with lower vibrator displacementamplitude and the next three with higher vibrator displacement amplitude, but the same drivingfrequency was used for all six sheet piles. Five tri-axial accelerometers were used to measure thevibration amplitude on vibrator, sheet pile and ground.Important findings of the field study confirmed that, driving sheet piles with higher eccentricmoment will induce lower ground vibration and higher sheet pile penetration speed incomparison to driving with lower eccentric moment. Limitations and possible future researchworks are pointed out. / I många byggnadsarbeten i tätorter är vibrerade drivning den mest använda tekniken för attinstallera sponter. Men på grund av vibrationskänslig utrustning och konstruktioner måstemängden inducerad markvibration minimeras. Därför är det viktigt att välja lämpligavibratorparametrar som minimerar graden av inducerad markvibration.Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete är att studera effekten av vibrationsparameternsexcentriskamoment (vibratorförskjutningsamplituden) på den inducerade markvibrationen underspontdrivning. För att uppnå målet har en litteraturöversikt och en fullskalig fältundersökning utförts. Litteraturstudien genomfördes för att ge underlag för utvärderingen av fältundersökningenresultanten.Fältstudien utfördes i Uppsala i juni 2018, där en serie av sex spontdrivnings test utfördes, deförsta tre sponten kördes med lägre vibrator-förskjutningsamplitud och de närmaste tre medhögre vibrator-förskjutningsamplitud, men samma körfrekvens användes för alla sex sponter.Fem treaxiala accelerometrar användes för att mäta vibrationsamplituden på vibratorn, spontenoch jorden.Slutsatserna från fältstudien bekräftade att körsponter med högre excentriskt moment kommer attinducera lägre vibrationer och högre penetrationshastighet för sponten i jämförelse med körningmed lägre excentriskt moment. Begränsningar och möjliga framtida forskningsarbeten påpekas.

The Ah-Ha Experience in Peer-Mentoring Group Sessions

Gray, Gary A. 30 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Association between the Core and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Factors

Jamison, Steven T. 27 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Použití bezkartáčového stejnosměrného motoru pro pohon lineárního servopohonu s bezpečnostní funkcí / Using brushless d.c. motor to drive servo-unit with safety function

Rudolf, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
In this work, a proposal for BLDC motor control, which will be used as a drive linear actuator. Control with microcontroller focuses mainly aspects such as motor mode, regenerative mode, measuring rotor position sensors and measuring the motor current, which corresponds to the moment. The result of the work is focused on upgrading the existing Honeywell actuator, where the processor-controlled BLDC motor to replace the existing system and take over the actuator working function and emergency function.

Finite element analysis of welds attaching short doubler plates in steel moment resisting frames

Marquez, Alberto C. 02 February 2015 (has links)
A number of recent research studies have investigated the performance of panel zones in seismic-resistant steel Special Moment Resisting Frames (SMF). These recent studies investigated various options for attaching doubler plates to the column at beam-column joints in SMF for purpose of increasing the shear strength of the panel zone. This previous work was primarily focused on doubler plates that extend beyond the top and bottom of the attached beams, and considered cases both with and without continuity plates. As an extension to this previous research, this thesis explores the situation when a doubler plate is fitted between the continuity plates. The objective of this research was to evaluate various options for welding fitted doubler plates to the column and continuity plates through the use of finite element analysis, and to provide recommendations for design. The development and validation of the finite element model are described, along with the results of an extensive series of parametric studies on various panel zone configurations and attachment details for fitted doubler plates. Based on the results of these analyses, recommendations are provided for design of welds used for attaching fitted doubler plates in the panel zone of SMF systems. / text

Jämförelse av beräkningsmetoder för lastspridning i tvärled vid brobaneplattor av betong / Comparison of calculation methods for lateral load distribution in concrete bridge decks

Emilia, Wallin January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie har till syfte att undersöka hur lastfördelningen och följaktligen dimen­sionerande tvärkrafter och moment i brobaneplattor av betong skiljer sig åt beroende på val av beräkningsmetod. Jämförelsen sker primärt för tre utvalda hand­beräknings­metoder som jämförts med beräkningar gjorda i ett beräknings­program baserat på finita element­metoder (FEM). I jämförelsen undersöks hur laster sprids i brobaneplattan enligt de olika beräknings­metoderna och vilka resulterande maximala snittkrafter som erhålls. Hur lastfördelningen sker är en komplex fråga och det är därför intressant att se vilka skillnader det blir i resultat utifrån olika beräknings­metoder. Studien skedde på ett utvalt studieobjekt, en åtta meter bred samverkansbro i Njurunda strax söder om Sundsvall. De trafiklaster som beaktats är lastmodell 1 och lastmodell 2 enligt Eurokod (CEN, 2003). De beräknings­metoder som jämförts i den här studien är dels en metod för beräkning av tvärgående konsol­moment där kantbalken bidrar mycket till den lastspridande effekten. En annan metod är för beräkning av tvärkraftsfördelning vilken generellt anses mycket gynnsam, alltså ger små tvärkrafter att dimensionera bron utifrån. Den tredje och sista handberäkningsmetoden som studerats är beräkningar av tvärgående moment i fältmitt, med hjälp av influensytediagram. Influensytediagrammen som dessa studier baseras på är fram­tagna av Adolf Pucher (Pucher, 1977) och kallas ibland för Pucherdiagram. Finita element­modeller (FE-modeller) skapades för jämförelse av resultat från hand­beräkningar. Flera olika FE-modeller skapades med varierande detaljnivå, för att kunna se hur modelleringstekniken påverkar resultatet. I alla FE-modeller har bro­bane­plattan modellerats som skalelement eftersom detta är det vanligaste sättet att modellera en bro med FEM. Skillnaderna mellan de olika FE-modellerna är framför allt hur huvudbalkarna modellerats. Även ytterligare en handberäkningsmetod tillämpades för respektive snittkraft för att ge ytterligare en referens. Referensmetoderna valdes för att vara enklare metoder som baseras på andra randvillkor än de primära handberäkningsmetoderna i den här studien. Resultatet från studien visar att de förenklingar som finns i handberäkningar kan ha signifikant inverkan på resultatet. Ett konstant förhållande mellan handberäkning och FEM, där den ena beräkningsmetoden alltid resulterade i större snittkrafter, kunde inte konstateras rakt igenom studien. För tvärgående konsolmoment gav hand­beräkningen ett större maxmoment samt att en del skillnader kunde avläsas FE-modellerna emellan. Vid beräkning av tvärkraft gav FE-beräkningen ett resultat som var nära på det dubbla av det resultat handberäkningen gav. För Pucherdiagrammen blev resultaten varierade och det fanns ingen tydlig indikation för om handberäkningar ger större eller mindre tvärgående moment än en FE-modell. Studien resulterade bland annat i ökad kunskap om att förenklingar, vid dimen­sionering av en bro med hjälp av handberäkningar, kan ha stor betydelse för resultatet. Då förenklingar vid handberäkning inte går att välja av användaren finns en fördel med FEM. Fördelen med FEM är då att förenklingar styrs av användaren och det går även att studera vilken effekt en viss förenkling ger. En annan slutsats var att betong är ett material som har ett komplext beteende och i metoder som bygger på empiriska studier kan lättare få med olika effekter som finns i en verklig brobaneplatta av betong. / The aim of this thesis is to study different design methods for determing load distribution, and design values for shear force and bending moment in concrete bridge decks. The study was performed based on three design methods for hand calculations, which have been compared to the results from finite element modelling (FEM). The load distribution has a major impact on the design of a bridge and how the results from different design methods will correlate is of a great interest. The evaluation has been performed on one case study, wich is an eight-meter wide composite girder bridge in Njurunda, situated south of Sundsvall in Sweden. The traffic loads applied for this study was load model 1 and load model 2 prescribed in Eurocode (CEN, 2003). One of the design methods investigated is a method used to determine for bending moment for a cantilever slab. A significant impact from the edge beam utilizes by the method to calculate the bending moment. The second method is a design method for shear forces recommended by The Swedish Transport Administration. The third and last design methods for hand calculation is to use influence charts by Pucher (Pucher, 1977). By using the influence chart to calculate the maximum bending moment in mid-span. Results from different models, created with FEM, were compared to the results from hand ­calculations. The bridge slab was modelled with shell elements, and the girders of the bridge were modelled in four different ways to study the impact of the level of detail in the numerical models. The results in this report show that hand calculation methods are based on significant simplifications of the structure and these may have a major impact on the results. The relation between results from hand calculation methods and results obtained with FEM was not consistent in all cases analysed. While studying the bending moment for a cantilever slab, the main conclusion was that the simplifications in the hand calculation methods resulted in significantly higher moments compared to the FE-calculations. Regarding design for shear forces, the FE analyses resulted in nearly twice as high shear forces compared to the hand calculation methods. While using the influence charts by Pucher the relation between results from hand calculations and results from FEM was not consistent. Conclusions from the study included that the simplifications in hand calcu­lations is hard to change. These simplifications can have a major influence to the results. Some simplifications will make the results more on the safe side. With FEM the user is more free to choose which simplifications that will be made, but it can sometimes be hard to see the effect simplifications have on the results. Concrete is a complex material and design methods based on empirical studies does most likely give a result that reflects the reality better than methods based on mathe­matic theories.

Developing Force and Moment Measurement Capabilities in the Boeing/AFOSR Mach-6 Quiet Tunnel

Nathaniel T Lavery (12618784) 17 June 2022 (has links)
<p>The first force and moment measurements were conducted in the BAM6QT. Three 7-degree half-angle sharp cones were tested, one with base radius of 4.5 in. and two with base radius of 3.5 in. made out of different materials. Models were tested at 0 and 2 degrees angle of attack. Models were tested over a range of burst pressures and Reynolds numbers. Models were fitted onto a strain gauge, 6 component, internal, moment balance. Multiple assemblies were tested that mounted the balance in the BAM6QT. High-speed schlieren video was used to monitor flow conditions and track the movement of the tunnel and model. Three entries were performed in the BAM6QT. The improvement in data quality with each new entry is shown and the startup and running loads from entry 3 are analyzed.</p> <p>Startup loads were measured and are of importance in determining the load range needed to operate in the BAM6QT. Large startup loads up to 40X the running load were identified. Tunnel movement was measured and was used to approximate the inertial loading during startup and the run. The inertial loading was not found to be the cause of the large startup loads. Schlieren video was used to qualitatively review the startup flow. It was found the large startup loads in axial force were plausibly from the high-pressure subsonic flow evacuating the nozzle. For normal force and pitching moment, the startup loads peak at a different time than axial force and appear to be from a shock-shock interaction nearby the model. Trends in startup load with changing model geometry, AoA, and burst pressure were put together to form an empirical estimation for startup loads sharp cones. </p> <p>Running loads were profiled and found to be trending with burst pressure and model geometry similarly to Newtonian flow theory predictions. However, due to the lack of a base pressure measurement, the results are uncorrected for sting effects and differ from Newtonian flow theory by a scalar. A 5.3 Hz oscillation in axial force was identified. The frequency of the oscillation is the same as the frequency of the quasi-steady flow periods caused by the reflection of the expansion fan in the driver tube. Normal force during the running load was found to be measuring positive loads when at 0 degrees angle of attack. Both the axial and normal force phenomena were unexpected and were investigated but both require further research. </p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>

Estimations de satisfaisabilité

Hugel, Thomas 07 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le problème de satisfaisabilité booléenne 3-SAT est connu pour présenter un phénomène de seuil en fonction du quotient entre le nombre de clauses et le nombre de variables. Nous donnons des estimations de la valeur de ce seuil au moyen de méthodes combinatoires et probabilistes: la méthode du premier moment et la méthode du second moment. Ces méthodes mettent en jeu des problèmes d'optimisation sous contraintes et nous amènent à employer de façon intensive la méthode des multiplicateurs de Lagrange. Nous mettons en œuvre une forme pondérée de la méthode du premier moment sur les affectations partielles valides de Maneva ainsi que des variantes. Cela nous conduit à élaborer une pondération générale pour les problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes qui soit compatible avec la méthode du premier moment. Cette pondération est constituée d'une graine et d'un répartiteur, et nous permet d'obtenir une pondération des affectations partielles valides meilleure que celle de Maneva. Nous comparons aussi dans certains cas les performances de la pondération et de l'orientation de l'espace des solutions des problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes relativement à la méthode du premier moment. Nous développons la première sélection non uniforme de solutions pour majorer le seuil de 3-SAT et nous montrons sa supériorité sur ses prédécesseurs. Nous construisons un cadre général pour appliquer la méthode du second moment à k-SAT et nous discutons des conditions qui la font fonctionner. Nous faisons notamment fonctionner la méthode du second moment sur les solutions booléennes et sur les impliquants. Nous étendons cela au modèle distributionnel de k-SAT.

La notion de moment professionnel : développement en Français Langue Professionnelle / The notion of professional moment : French as Professional Language Development

Demont, Guillaume 29 May 2015 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse a pour objet d'enrichir le cadre conceptuel et méthodologique du Français Langue Professionnelle (FLP) en proposant un nouveau concept opératoire issu de la théorie des moments d'Henri Lefebvre: le moment professionnel. Nous formulons l'hypothèse que ce concept permet de mettre au jour les logiques qui traversent les pratiques et les discours professionnels et qu'il fournit un cadre qui permet de concevoir un enseignement de langue centré sur ces logiques. Cette thèse se déroule en trois parties qui vont déterminer les trois perspectives que ce concept de moment professionnel ouvre au niveau théorique, au niveau méthodologique et au niveau didactique. La première partie de ce mémoire de thèse pose notre cadre théorique. Nous y retraçons l'avènement du FLP puis nous définissons la théorie des moments. À la suite de quoi, nous explorons comment cette théorie des moments peut apporter de nouvelles perspectives à l'analyse des discours professionnels. La deuxième partie déploie notre cadre méthodologique. Pour ce faire, nous élaborons notre méthode d'enquête, de collecte et d'analyse des données, à la suite de quoi nous mettons à l'épreuve ce cadre méthodologique en l'expérimentant sur deux métiers qui nous ont paru s'opposer sur plusieurs critères : les aides médico-psychologiques, qui accompagnent les personnes dépendantes dans leur quotidien et les officiers supérieurs de l'armée française. Dans la troisième partie, qui pose le cadre didactique, nous avons élaboré un enseignement de FLP en phase avec la notion de moment professionnel. En nous appuyant sur une expérience d'enseignement à l'armée, nous avons montré que ce concept de moment professionnel permettait de renouveler l'enseignement des langues à des fins professionnelles grâce à un certain nombre d'outils didactiques et en focalisant l'apprentissage sur les postures professionnelles. / This thesis aims to enrich the conceptual and methodological framework of French as Professional Language (FPL) by introducing a new operative concept derived from Henri Lefebvre's theory of moments: the professional moment. Our hypothesis is that this concept allows to identify the logics of professional practices and discourses and provides a framework for language teaching focused on those logics. This thesis consists of three main parts who determine prospects resulting from the concept of professional moment on a theoretical, methodological and didactic level. The first part explains the theoretical framework, trace the history of French as a Professional Language and define the theory of moments. Then, it explores prospects of the theory of moments for the professional discourse analysis. The second part concerns our methodological framework and develop our method of investigation, data collection and analysis. Then, this method is applied to two professions that appear to be diametrically opposed: Medical/psychological Assistants who provide dependent people with day-to-day support and French Army senior officers. The third part describes the didactic framework and proposes to apply the concept of professional moment to the teaching of French as Professional Language. Our teaching experience in the army shows that the concept of professional moment allows to renew the teaching of languages for specific vocational purposes by providing some didactic tools and by focusing the learning on professional posture.

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