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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

4D- och 5D BIM i projekteringsskedet : En studie om 4D- och 5D BIM:s lönsamhet innan upphandlingsskedet

Skocic, Marko, Erman, Pontus January 2020 (has links)
4D- and 5D BIM are used in the design phase of construction projects and mean that a 3D-model of a project is provided with two additional dimensions. 4D is a 3D-model that has a time aspect, while 5D is a 3D-model with both a time aspect and a cost estimate. The 3D-model contains numerous different objects which are given specific device times and material- and work costs. Then a video simulation can be made where the project is constructed as the time ticks on and depending on the software, it can also display the cost of different objects and activities as the simulation is played. The purpose of the study is to find out if the use of 4D- and 5D-BIM before the contracting phase of contractors could be beneficial to the client and the consultant. In which kinds of projects is it useful? Does the usefulness differ from a building project to a facility project? Does the size and complexity of a project affect the usefulness of the technology? Which softwares are currently used and are they sufficiently developed for the projects today? These are the questions that are going to be answered. In order to answer the questions, a survey is sent to employees at Sweco and interviews are made with people both from Sweco and Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) who have good knowledge and experience in the field. This is done to gain a perspective from both the consultant and the client side. A case study is done in the 4D software “Vico Office” in order to compare its usefulness in a building project versus a facility project and at the same time assess the user friendliness of the software. The result of the studies showed that 4D- and 5D BIM can improve visualization and create good communication between all parties, which can lead to possible profitability for both the clients, the contractors and even the consultants. Important factors that have been taken from the studies in order to make the use of 4D and 5D profitable are education and knowledge about the technology. The project should also be reasonably complex. This makes 4D and 5D BIM more useful in facility projects as they are generally more complex. At present, however, the technology is not so common in projects, as only 17% of the 229 respondents in the survey have been included in projects where the technology has been used. Even though there a flaws in the softwares and that they need more features, the knowledge that the users possess in 4D and 5D BIM needs to be better.

Byggföretagens hantering av fuktsäkerhetsprojektering – med fokus på projektörer / The Management of Moisture Safety Design by the Construction Companies   – with focus on the Planners

Aghaie Azghandi, Mohammed Ali, Ahmad, Omar January 2019 (has links)
Fuktskador uppstår vanligtvis på grund av felaktig planering, projektering och utförande under hela byggprocessen. Dessa felaktigheter resulterar i stora åtgärdskostnader som kan minimeras eller till och med elimineras om fuktsäkerhetsarbetet är väl genomförd. Projekteringsskedet är ett viktigt skede, där en noggrann och korrekt genomförd fuktsäkerhetsprojektering är av stor betydelse för det försatta fuktsäkerhetsarbetet under byggprocessen. Projektörernas roll i detta skede är att utföra en fuktsäkerhetsprojektering utifrån de ställda kraven från byggherren.  Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på projektörernas val av metod vid genomförandet av fuktsäkerhetsprojektering och granska om behovet av eventuell kompetensutveckling, inom fukt, bland projektörerna är nödvändig.     De två metoder som har använts för att uppnå syftet i detta examensarbete är intervjuer och litteraturstudier.  Målgruppen i detta examensarbete är byggföretagen i Sverige. Det som granskas är hur de hanterar fuktsäkerhetsarbetet i projekteringsskedet, med fokus på hur fuktsäkerhetsprojekteringen utförs. Av de aktörer som medverkar i projekteringsskedet riktas all fokus på projektörerna.   Tre av fem projektörer är missnöjda med den egna fuktkompetensen vilket överensstämmer med de fuktsakkunnigas uppfattning om projektörernas fuktkompetens. Under intervjuerna har flera fuktsakkunniga påpekat behovet av ökat fuktkompetens bland projektörerna. Den bristande fuktkompetensen leder till att projektörerna inte kan beakta eller upptäcka eventuella fuktrisker vid fuktsäkerhetsprojekteringen. Metod som 80 % av projektörerna tillämpar vid fuktsäkerhetsprojektering är ByggaF metoden. Projektörerna kunskap om ByggaF är fortfarande låg enligt de fuktsakkunniga och av den anledningen kan projektörerna inte tillämpa ByggaF metoden i sin helhet. Kompetens och erfarenhet är de viktigaste faktorerna som en projektör måste ha med sig, för att kunna beakta och upptäcka vad som är fel krävs det kunskap samt erfarenhet om vad som är rätt.        Utifrån responsen från både byggnadsnämnden och deltagarna, framgår det att en granskning av dokumentationen gällande fuktsäkerhetsarbetet inte, alltid, begärs in av byggnadsnämnden.    Slutsatsen är att projektörer måste införskaffa sig kompetens inom fukt och ByggaF metoden. / Moisture damage usually occurs due to incorrect planning, design and execution throughout the construction process. These inaccuracies result in large cost of action that can be minimized or even eliminated if the moisture safety work is done properly. The design phase is an important stage and a properly implemented moisture safety design can be of great importance for the moisture safety work during the construction process. The planners’ role at this stage is to carry out a moisture safety work based on the requirements of the developer. The purpose of this exam is to find out the choice of method made by the planners’ in the implementation of moisture safety design and to review the need of competence development among the planners’ about moisture.    The two methods that have been used to achieve the purpose of this exam are interviews and literature studies. The target group in this exam is the construction companies in Sweden. The way of how the companies handle of moisture safety design is being reviewed in the design stage.  Of all involved actors in the design phase, the focus is on the planners'. Three out of five planners' are dissatisfied with their own moisture competence, which is in line with the opinion of the experts' of moisture about the planners' competence.   During the interviews, several experts' of moisture have pointed out the need for increased moisture competence among the planners'. The lack competence means that the planners' cannot consider or detect possible moisture risks during the moisture safety design. The method that is used by 80% of the planners' during moisture safety design is the ByggaF method. The planners' knowledge of ByggaF is still low according to the experts' of moisture and for this reason the planners' cannot apply entirely the ByggaF method. The tools that planners' need to have with them is knowledge and experience. In order to discover what is wrong, you need to have both the knowledge and experience about what is right.  Based on the response from both the building committee and the participants, a review of the documentation regarding the moisture safety work is not always requested by the building committee.  The conclusion is that projectors must acquire competence in both moisture and the ByggaF method.

Visual Planning in construction : a study of its use in construction projects

Carlsson, Linnea January 2012 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate of what use the method Visual Planning can be in the construction industry in general and in the design phase of construction projects in particular.   The investigation and empirical part of the thesis has been based on semi-structured interviews with process developers, design managers and designers from Swedish companies where Visual Planning is used. The interviews have been the base for a comparative case study with the aim of providing an overview of how the method is currently used, interpreted, experienced and perceived in the Swedish construction industry and by its professionals. The master thesis has been made in collaboration with the Swedish consultancy firm Tyréns AB in Stockholm.   The results of the interviews differ on an individual level. The majority of the respondents are however positive and believe in the future of the methods. All respondents stress the lacking documentation, however, as the major difficulty. Several respondents have stressed the difficulties of working in a scattered team due to the analogue format as a shortcoming of the method as well. The biggest benefits stated are the easy accessible overview provided and the clarification of commitments, due to the active participation of the design participants, the analogue format, and the way of mapping of the information process.   It has been found that Visual Planning can be of use as a support in the process of construction project management, since it may facilitate the understanding of how to reach objectives and provide an easy accessible overview of the progress and status of a project. It should however be viewed as a complement to the process of construction project management, and not as a replacement. In conclusion it may facilitate earlier problem solving, since commitment is raised, which in the end facilitates the project to stay within budget as well as to meet the deadline. / Sammanfattning Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda vilken nytta metoden Visuell Planering kan vara av i byggbranschen i allmänhet och projekteringsfasen av byggprojekt i synnerhet.   Undersökningen har baserats på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med processutvecklare, projekteringsledare och projektörer från företag inom den svenska byggsektorn där Visuell Planering används. Intervjuerna har utgjort grunden för en jämförande fallstudie med avseendet att skapa en överblick och insyn i hur metoden i dagsläget används, tolkas och upplevs i den svenska byggbranschen och av yrkesverksamma i branschen. Examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med konsultföretaget Tyréns AB i Stockholm.   Intervjuresultaten varierar på individnivå. Majoriteten av intervjupersonerna är dock positiva och tror på metodens framtid. Alla tillfrågade beskriver den låga mängden dokumentation som det största problemet hos metoden. Flera yrkesverksamma beskriver även metodens tillkortakommanden då arbete bedrivs i spridda team. En följd av metodens analoga format.  Den genererade lättöverskådliga helhetsbilden och förtydliganden av åtagande och engagemang, som följd av projektmedlemmarnas aktiva deltagande, det analoga formatet och sättet som informationsprocessen kartläggs beskrivs som det största vinsterna.   Det har framkommit att Visuell Planering kan vara av användning och fungera som ett stöd i byggprojektledning, då metoden underlättar förståelse för hur mål ska uppnås och skapar en lättuppfattad bild av ett projekts status och framåtskridande. Metoden bör dock ses som ett komplement i processen av byggprojektledning och projekteringsledning, snarare än en ersättning. Visuell Planering kan slutligen främja problemlösningen i tidigare skeden, då känslan av förpliktelse, åtagande och engagemang höjs, vilket i sin tur skapar bättre möjligheter för projektet att hålla sig inom budget så väl som att möta deadline.

Fuktsäkring av KL-trä i projektering / Moisture control of CLT in the design phase

Dahl, Alicia, Svensson, Agnes January 2022 (has links)
The construction industry stands in front of several challenges when it comes to sustainability where the choice of material can affect the carbon dioxide emissions. The interest to use CLT has increased the last years probably due to increased environmental awareness. Studies have shown that there is a research need when it comes to moisture in CLT which this report have looked deeper in to. The purpose was to create a bigger understanding for moisture protection of CLT in the design phase. The method was a qualitive case study where the main data collection was interviews. Complimentary material to the primary data was gathered through a document study to answer the first research question. This created a triangulation and strengthened the reliability of the study. A literature search was implemented to create a scientific foundation to the study.  Three reference objects were the basis for the study where architects, constructors, contractors and moisture consultants were interviewed. The results of this study showed that the industry standard for building moisture safe constructions ByggaF is used as a foundation for the moisture work but is adjusted to the project. The work with moisture protection begins in the project planning document phase and continues throughout the whole process of the project. The moisture consultant reviews and follow up the work continually. The study also shows that there is lack of experience when it comes to CLT in the industry. Challenges that occurred were inadequate communication between different disciplines. The areas for improvement in the industry are that a library with standard details should be developed. It also occurred that it is important to include a moisture consultant and supplier of CLT early in the project. The study showed that there is shortage in experience when it comes to moisture control of CLT. Shortage in experience can result in CLT being deselected as an alternative to concrete. It also appears that there are challenges with the communication to production which is probably a consequence of lack of experiences. The possibilities of CLT are many since it is a sustainable material, easy to assemble and creates a nice environment. By further education and sharing experiences, the knowledge regarding CLT and moisture in the industry can increase. For an easier design phase, a library with standard details should be developed as well as further tools in the form of an agenda that treats general moisture control. The question regarding weather protection is something that has been discussed which sets different requirements for the design phase and there is a need for further research regarding this question.

Projektledningsrelaterade nyckelfaktorer i projekteringsskedet av byggprojekt med hög hållbarhetsprofil : En fallstudie av ett NollCO2-certifierat byggprojekt / Project management related key factors at the design phase in a construction project with a high sustainability profile : A case study of a NollCO2-certified construction project.

Svensson, Karl January 2024 (has links)
Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står idag för en femtedel av koldioxidutsläppen och en dryg tredjedel av energianvändningen inom Sveriges gränser, vilket pekar på en stor utvecklingspotential. Miljöcertifieringen NollCO2 ska på ett mer holistiskt sätt driva på klimatarbetet i byggprojekt genom att ställa krav på att växthusgasutsläppen under bygg- och driftskedet reduceras, men också att kvarvarande klimatpåverkan balanseras med klimatåtgärder mot ”netto noll”. Forskningen lyfter fram att det i hållbara byggprojekt är svårare att hålla tidplanen och kostnadsbudgeten, där detta bland annat beror på långsamt beslutsfattande, kommunikationssvårigheter och projekteringsomtag. Dessa problem har nämnts i projekt med lägre ställda hållbarhetsambitioner än de som NollCO2 har. NollCO2-certifieringen har dessutom ett annat upplägg än dess förlagor. Dessa anledningar gör det intressant att undersöka vad som gör ett NollCO2-certifierat projekt genomförbart och framgångsrikt. Examensarbetets mål har varit att genom en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie av ett NollCO2-certifierat byggprojekt (1) identifiera vilka projektledningsrelaterade nyckelfaktorer som är viktiga ur ett tids- och kostnadsperspektiv i projekteringsskedet av ett byggprojekt med hög hållbarhetsprofil och (2) analysera de identifierade nyckelfaktorerna genom att ta reda på: ·       Vad varje nyckelfaktor innebär ·       Varför nyckelfaktorn är viktig för byggprojekt med hög hållbarhetsprofil ·       Hur projektgruppen i praktiken får nyckelfaktorn att fungera. Litteraturen som studerades handlade bland annat om grunderna i olika miljöcertifieringar och byggprocessen, som sedan ledde till att studera de fyra termerna tydliga målsättningar, kommunikation, tidig samverkan och upparbetade relationer. De personer som intervjuades var beställarens Projektchef, projektledaren, byggentreprenörens projektchef, platschefen, projekteringsledaren, hållbarhetssamordnaren och arkitekten. De fyra projektledningsrelaterade nyckelfaktorerna identifierades som tydliga målsättningar, kommunikation, tidig samverkan och upparbetade relationer, vilka visades inbördes relaterade varandra. En tydlig målsättning definieras som förståeligt, gemensamt och etablerat i tidigt skede. Där är det även viktigt att ett syfte med uppgiften finns för att förstå målet. Det kan uppnås genom bland annat ett bra och tydligt måldokument. Bra kommunikation i ett byggprojekt handlar om att ha bra informationsdelning mellan de olika aktörerna i ett byggprojekt; både muntligt genom att ge rätt information till rätt person vid rätt tid, och skriftligt/digitalt genom att ha uttalade sätt för hur handlingar, styrdokument och annat inom byggprojektets ramar ska kommuniceras ut. Tidig samverkan är när en byggentreprenör och rätt konsulter blir anlitade i ett tidigt skede. Som en gemensam organisation, likt ett fiktivt bolag sätts all nödvändig kompetens in i början av projekteringen för att minska risken för fel och ändringar. Upparbetade relationer är relationer som på ett eller annat sätt finns med andra inom branschen. Det underlättar att arbeta i en grupp där relationer är etablerade och styrkor och svagheter kända. Ingen av de fyra identifierade nyckelfaktorerna är i sig nya eller unika för CO2-certifierade projekt. Däremot pekar resultaten från studien på att dessa nyckelfaktorer är extra viktiga att beakta i projekteringsskedet av ett projekt där NollCO2-certifieringens krav ska uppfyllas eftersom det ställer krav på en högre grad av samordning mellan medverkande i projektet. / The Swedish construction- and real estate sector today account for a fifth of carbon dioxide emissions, a third of the energy consumption and two fifths of waste in Sweden, which points at a large development potential. The environmental-certification NollCO2 aims to involve sustainability in a more holistic way by establishing an emission limit for the specific construction project, and then undercut that limit by 30%. Research shows that it is harder to keep schedule and budget in sustainable construction projects, where some of the reasons is slow decision-making, communication-difficulties, and design-retakes. These problems have been mentioned in construction projects with less ambitious sustainability-goals than NollCO2 has. The NollCO2-certification is also set up in a different way than its predecessors. These reasons makes it intriguing to research what makes a NollCO2-certified construction project feasible and successful.  The goal of the thesis project has been to (1) identify what project management related key-factors is important from a time- and cost perspective in the design-stage of a construction project with high a sustainability-profile and (2) analyze the identified key-factors by answering; ·       What each key-factor implies ·       Why the key-factor is important for construction projects with a high sustainability-profile ·       How the project-organization get the key-factor to work practically  The studied literature brought up the basics of different environmental-certifications and the construction process, which led to studying the four terms clear goalsetting, communication, early partnering and worked up relationships. The different roles that were interviewed was the clients projectchief, project manager, the contractors projectchief, site manager, design manager, sustainability coordinator, and architect.  The four project management related key-factors were identified (1) as clear goalsetting, communication, early partnering and worked up relationships.  These four key-factors were analyzed (2) with the help of the questions stated earlier. A clear goal is defined as understandable, common, and established in an early stage. It’s also important to understand the intention of the assignment to understand the goal. The clear goals can for instance be achieved using a good and clear goalsetting-document. Good communication in a construction project is all about sharing information with one another correctly. Verbally by giving the right information to the right information at the right time. Written by using certain ways or systems of sharing plans, control documents and other things within the project framework. Early partnering is when a contractor along with the right consultants gets involved at an early stage to contribute with their expertise. By working as a joint organization, almost as a fictive company you can put all the necessary competence in the design stage and therefore minimize the number of errors and changes. Worked up relationships is relations that exists in some way with other people in the construction industry. It’s easier to work in a group that you already have a relationship with, where you know each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

High energy efficient building envelope design with integrated workflow in multidisciplinary performance criteria

Lee, Dong Kyu 12 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Topology Optimization of Vehicle Body Structure for Improved Ride & Handling

Lövgren, Sebastian, Norberg, Emil January 2011 (has links)
Ride and handling are important areas for safety and improved vehicle control during driving. To meet the demands on ride and handling a number of measures can be taken. This master thesis work has focused on the early design phase. At the early phases of design, the level of details is low and the design freedom is big. By introducing a tool to support the early vehicle body design, the potential of finding more efficient structures increases. In this study, topology optimization of a vehicle front structure has been performed using OptiStruct by Altair Engineering. The objective has been to find the optimal topology of beams and rods to achieve high stiffness of the front structure for improved ride and handling. Based on topology optimization a proposal for a beam layout in the front structure area has been identified. A vital part of the project has been to describe how to use topology optimization as a tool in the design process. During the project different approaches has been studied to come from a large design space to a low weight architecture based on a beam-like structure. The different approaches will be described and our experience and recommendations will be presented. Also the general result of a topology-optimized architecture for vehicle body stiffness will be presented.

Intégration de règles "DfE" (Design for Environment) pour la conception de produits, process et cycles de vie propres / Using the rule of design for environment (DfE) to design the sustainable products.

Alhomsi, Hayder 22 October 2012 (has links)
Afin d’aider les concepteurs à considérer l’environnement dans leur projet de conception de produit, tout en minimisant le temps consacré à cette démarche, une évaluation environnementale simplifiée utilisable dès la phase de conception préliminaire a été définie. La démarche proposée vise à intégrer les règles « Design for Environment » (DfE) au plus tôt dans la conception des produits, en proposant une méthode d’évaluation qui traduit ces règles DfE en indicateurs. Pour mener à bien ce travail de thèse, il nous a fallu construire une base des données des Règles DfE, établir une méthode de choix des règles en fonctions du contexte du projet de conception, établir les règles de calcul des indicateurs liés aux règles DfE et mettre en place des représentations adaptées pour l’interprétation des résultats lors de projets de conception. L’objectif ici est de guider le concepteur au plus tôt vers un bon compromis, par des estimations simples. Cette approche est nécessaire afin d’éviter des modifications significatives à la fin des études détaillées et ainsi de nombreuses boucles essais/erreurs en conception. Une étude de cas permet d’illustrer la démarche proposée. / To help designers to consider the environmental issues for their product design project (green concepts and other sustainable and environmental strategies) and to minimize the time spent with this approach, a simplified environmental assessment usable during the preliminary design stage has been developed.The proposed approach aims to integrate the "Design for Environment" rules (DfE rules) early in the product design while proposing a method that translates these rules into DfE indicators (quantitative value).To carry out this work, we had to: firstly build a database of DfE rules, secondly establish a method to choose these rules in the context of the design project objectives, thirdly establish calculation formula for the indicators

Integration of Sustainability Aspects in Product Portfolio

Villamil Velasquez, Denny Carolina January 2020 (has links)
Several environmental issues are incrementing systematically, and many of them are linked to manufacturing activities. To mitigate these issues, it is necessary to develop sustainability solutions in the early stages of the innovation process, where there is room for creativity and innovation. The integration of sustainability at the strategic level of the company, where the essential decisions, the strategic plan, and the portfolio are developed, might ensure the implementation of sustainability aspects in products and services. Many companies develop product portfolios to organize and offer services, products, technologies and operations following the company strategy and targets. The portfolio components are assessed and selected using evaluation criteria. The most common criteria include: cost, quality, risk, revenue, time and market position. Usually sustainability is not included in the portfolio evaluation criteria. The aim of this research is to obtain a better understanding of how sustainability can be integrated in the product portfolio development of manufacturing companies. The main research targets are to: 1) define sustainability product portfolio based on a comprehension of the academic and industry perspectives, 2) identify how companies currently implement sustainability in their portfolio, 3) determine which evaluation criteria and tools are used for portfolio development and 4) how the product portfolio is developed, implemented and managed. A systematic literature review was performed to understand the state of the art about sustainability product portfolio. The literature review results supported the development of semi-structure interviews with companies and field experts. The interviews outcome provided a better understanding of the industry perspective. Afterwards, a workshop helped to understand what aspects are more significant for the portfolio evaluation criteria. Finally, a strategic sustainability assessment tool SLCA 2.0 was used to assess a technology product portfolio of a specific industry case. The results from the studies created a foundation to: a) determine the state of art of the sustainability product portfolio field and its relevance for integration and implementation of sustainability in the early stages of the product innovation process, b) define the concept of sustainability product portfolio, c) have a better understanding of the setting and the application of the portfolio evaluation criteria and how to include sustainability in the evaluation, d) identify key factors to integrate and implement sustainability in the product portfolio, e) apply and test a tool for assessing a technology portfolio from a sustainability perspective and f) create a prototype of a model to develop  the product portfolio with a strategic sustainability perspective. This research provides a knowledge foundation of how sustainability can be integrated in product portfolio. In future research a model will be developed to support companies of how to include a strategic sustainability perspective into their product portfolio to enhance development of more sustainable solutions. / <p>Contact the author to receive a pdf of the full thesis (papers included): dcv@bth.se or telephone +46455385569</p>

Interaktiv Visualisering : En studie på värdet av ett interaktivt visualiseringsmedium i gestaltningsfasen / Interactive Visualization : A study of the value of an interactive visualization tool in the design phase

Basiri, Ali January 2020 (has links)
Utvecklingen av interaktiva visualiseringsverktyg har varit en produkt av de senaste årens teknologiska framsteg. Kommunikation i rörelse är ett angreppssätt som denna studie har i sin undersökning kring klyftan mellan arkitekten och beställaren i gestaltningsfasen. Syftet med studien är att analysera tillämpningen av ett interaktivt visualiseringsmedium i gestaltningsprocessen ur ett arkitektoniskt visualiseringsperspektiv. Examensarbetet ska undersöka värdet av interaktiv visualisering och identifiera hindren för dess användning. På så vis tydliggöra möjliga orsaker till varför tekniken inte används inom detta område. Utifrån studiens syfte har detta examensarbete explorativt besvarat forskningsfrågorna med hjälp av en litteraturstudie och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien är genomförd i samarbete med Liljewall arkitekter i Göteborg och behandlar bostadsarkitektur. Litteraturstudien visade att kombinationen av rörelse med 3D-visualisering kan stödja användarens kognitiva förståelse för gestaltningsförslaget. Detta blir fördelaktigt när arkitekten kommunicerar gestaltningen till kunden som har en begränsning att uppfatta den tredje- dimensionen ur tvådimensionella-underlag. Det framkom att interaktion var väldigt fördelaktigt när det gäller att förbättra betraktarens uppfattning kring gestaltningen. Studiens metodutformning stöttades av en konceptbild på hur ett interaktivt visualiseringsmedium skulle kunna se ut. Konceptillustrationen användes som stödmaterial under studiens semistrukturerade intervjuer vilket gav respondenterna en tydligare förståelse för visualiseringsmediumets funktionaliteter. Intervjustudien pekade på att interaktiv visualisering kan öka trovärdigheten, tilliten och förståelsen för gestaltningsförslaget vilket betraktas som kritiska faktorer under gestaltningsprocessen. Med hänsyn till den teoretiska bakgrunden och empirin kunde det konstateras att visualiseringen av de mjuka värdena kan ge en träffsäkrare kostnadskalkyl vilket är av värde för beställarens perspektiv - stödjer både förståelsen och gynnar beställarens kostnadsdriva förhållningsätt. Detta kan senare läggas till grund för att hindra ekonomiska påfrestningar i form av korrektionsarbeten. Intervjustudien visade att beställarens begränsade kunskap för verktygets kapacitet och arkitektens svårighet att kommunicera verktygets kapacitet var de stora hindren för tillämpningen av ett interaktivt visualiseringsmedium. Vidare kunde det konstateras att en tillmötesgående kultur råder bland vissa arkitekter där de vill behaga beställarens kostnadseffektiva agenda till priset av sin gestaltning. Studiens bidrag visar att interaktion inom arkitektonisk visualisering har stor potential till att överbrygga klyftan mellan arkitekten och beställaren i gestaltningsfasen. Detta utrycks då en praktisk tillämpning kan skapa möjligheten att stödja kommunikationsutmaningen mellan arkitekten och beställaren. På så vis skapas dels en utökad förståelse för gestaltningsförslaget men även mellan de involverade parterna - ett ökat värde i gestaltningsprocessen. / The development of interactive visualization tools has been a product of the technological advances of recent years. Communication in motion is an approach that this study has in its investigation of the gap between the architect and the client in the design phase.   The purpose of the study is to analyze the application of an interactive visualization medium in the design process from an architectural visualization perspective. This thesis will examine the value of interactive visualization and identify obstacles to its use, which illustrates possible reasons too why the technology is not used in this area. Based on the purpose of the study, this thesis has exploratively answered the research questions with the help of a literature study and semi-structured interviews. This master’s thesis has been written in collaboration with Liljewall Architects in Gothenburg and covers building design.   The literature study shows that the combination of movement with 3D visualization can support the users cognitive understanding of the design proposal. This is beneficial when the architect communicates the design to the customer who has difficulty perceiving the third dimension from 2D-drawings. It turned out that interactivity is very valuable when it comes to improving the viewer's perception of the design.   With regard to the theoretical background and empirical evidence, it could be stated that the visualization of the soft values could provide a more accurate cost calculation, which is of value to the customer's perspective. This can later be used as a basis for preventing financial strain in the form of corrective work. The interview shows that the client's lack of knowledge of the tool's capacity and the architect's difficulty in communicating the tool's potential create obstacles to the application of an interactive visualization tool. Furthermore, it can be stated that an accommodating culture prevails among some architects where they want to please the client's cost-effective agenda at the price of their design.   The study's contribution shows that interactivity as a phenomenon in architectural visualization has great potential for bridging the gap between the architect and the client in the design phase. A practical application could create the opportunity to support the communication challenge between the architect and the client while contributing to an increased understanding of both the design proposal and between the parties involved - a beneficial value in the design process.

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