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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LÖNSAMHETSKALKYL AV FUKTSÄKERHETSANSVARIG VID RENOVERING : En fallstudie av ett projekt där ByggaF-metoden har använts

Svensson, Viktor, Lindqvist, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
The so called “ByggaF-method” is a relatively new Swedish method to stop moisture from being built into a building. The method should prevent damages on buildings as a result of mould growth and moisture. The purpose of the method is to include moisture control in the entire construction process, from the projecting phase and all the way to the management phase. Up until now, there is no proof if the method is profitable or not and no studies have been made on the topic. Therefore the rationale of this study is to show if a part of the method is in fact profitable from a financial point of view. The study is based on a renovation project of a building from the 1960 s in the outskirts of Stockholm. The building went through a major renovation 2006 which was poorly executed and led to major indoor environment problems. The current property owner consequently wanted the new renovation to be executed in a highly secure way from a moisture control point of view. One part of the method is that there is a full time moisture safety inspector at the construction site who ensures that the moisture control plan, which has been established during the projecting phase, is followed. Any deviation from this plan is documented and a deviation report is made. The study is based on these deviation reports. The reports have been analysed and calculations have been carried out to estimate the cost of the potential damages that could have occurred if the deviations had not been detected. This has led to a figure on how profitable the method really is.

Hjälpmedel för fuktsäkert byggande : Utvärdering av ByggaF / Instruments for moisture proof construction : Evaluation of ByggaF

Johansson, Björn, Stenfeldt, Filip January 2013 (has links)
För att efterleva Regeringens miljöpolitik har Boverket tilldelats ansvaret för miljömålet God bebyggd miljö. Boverket är en myndighet som arbetar för Riksdagens miljömål och skall vid behov förslå åtgärder för miljöarbetets utveckling. I Boverkets Byggregler finns krav som måste följas för att uppnå ett fuktsäkert byggande. Som förslag på hur dessa krav ska uppnås nämns Svensk Byggindustriers metod ByggaF – Metod för fuktsäkert byggande. ByggaF är en dokumentsamling med mallar, checklistor, kontrollpunkter och rutiner. Dessa dokument kan då ligga till grund för att upprätta en metod som säkerställer fuktsäkerheten under alla byggskeden. Skadefall har studerats i syfte att påvisa hur ByggaF fungerar och nyttan i att använda det. I samtliga av de behandlade fallen har kopplingar kunnat finnas till ByggaF, som kan förhindra problematiken. På så vis har dess täckningsgrad bekräftats. Kontakt har upprättats med flertalet aktörer i branschen för att få en uppfattning om hur metoden har tagits emot i branschen efter att den lanserades år 2007. Utifrån intervjuerna uppfattas att de flesta entreprenörer hört talas om metoden men inte använt den själva. Däremot har fuktsakkunniga använt den som underlag för att ta fram egna interna fuktsäkerhetsplaner. På grund av det används den av entreprenörer indirekt. Hos beställare ställs ByggaF som ett krav om man väljer att miljöcertifiera i Silver- eller Guldklass hos Miljöbyggnad. Annars ställs det oftast inte tillräckligt med krav på fuktsäkerhetsmetoder. / Included in Boverkets Byggregler are a number of demands that must be fulfilled in order to achieve a moisture safe construction. One of the suggestions on how to fulfil these demands is to use the method developed by Svensk Byggindustri, ByggaF – Method for moisture safe construction. In order to work according to the government’s environmental politics, Boverket has been given the responsibility to fulfil the aims of God bebyggd miljö, it is also their work to ensure that operations and establishments fulfil and reaches the goals that have been set by the Swedish government. ByggaF is a collection of documents including templates, check lists, control points and routines; these documents can be used during the whole building process to create a method which ensures that the moisture safety is withheld. It has been investigated whether or not cases of moisture damages could have been prevented with the proper use of ByggaF. In all the cases that have been studied, ByggaF could have been used to prevent mistakes and problems and by this, the efficiency and importance of the documents has been proven. Several major actors within the field have been contacted in order to gain a larger understanding about how the method has been perceived and utilized since its launch in 2007. In general most of the entrepreneurs has heard of the method but never used it themselves. However, moisture specialist from major construction operations, have utilized ByggaF in order to develop internal moisture safety routines, therefor ByggaF is indirectly used by the entrepreneurs. ByggaF would, for constructors, be a requirement if one desires an environmental certification in either the gold or the silver category within the framework of Miljöbyggnad. Normally there are not enough requirements set regarding methods for moisture safety.

Hantering av byggfukt, med speciell fokus på produktion av golvkonstruktioner i betong / Management of construction moisture, with special focus on the production of concrete floor constructions

Björk de Farfalla, Carl-Martin, Robin, Johansson January 2016 (has links)
Byggfukt är förekommande under produktionen av byggnader. Studien ämnar undersöka hur byggbranschen hanterar fuktproblemtiken för nygjuten betong samtbekräfta eller dementera tillförlitligheten hos prognosverktygen Torka S och BI Dry. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med byggbranschen konstateras det att branschen ärmedveten om problematiken och aktivt tillämpar metoder som ByggaF för attfuktsäkra. Den viktigaste styrparametern byggbranschen tillämpar för att minimera betonguttorkning är att öka mängden cement i betongen. Den kvantitativa undersökningen kan konstatera att prognosverktygen, Torka S ochBI Dry, saknar tillförlitlighet då de inte kan simulera tillsatsämnen som används i dagens cement.

Byggföretagens hantering av fuktsäkerhetsprojektering – med fokus på projektörer / The Management of Moisture Safety Design by the Construction Companies   – with focus on the Planners

Aghaie Azghandi, Mohammed Ali, Ahmad, Omar January 2019 (has links)
Fuktskador uppstår vanligtvis på grund av felaktig planering, projektering och utförande under hela byggprocessen. Dessa felaktigheter resulterar i stora åtgärdskostnader som kan minimeras eller till och med elimineras om fuktsäkerhetsarbetet är väl genomförd. Projekteringsskedet är ett viktigt skede, där en noggrann och korrekt genomförd fuktsäkerhetsprojektering är av stor betydelse för det försatta fuktsäkerhetsarbetet under byggprocessen. Projektörernas roll i detta skede är att utföra en fuktsäkerhetsprojektering utifrån de ställda kraven från byggherren.  Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på projektörernas val av metod vid genomförandet av fuktsäkerhetsprojektering och granska om behovet av eventuell kompetensutveckling, inom fukt, bland projektörerna är nödvändig.     De två metoder som har använts för att uppnå syftet i detta examensarbete är intervjuer och litteraturstudier.  Målgruppen i detta examensarbete är byggföretagen i Sverige. Det som granskas är hur de hanterar fuktsäkerhetsarbetet i projekteringsskedet, med fokus på hur fuktsäkerhetsprojekteringen utförs. Av de aktörer som medverkar i projekteringsskedet riktas all fokus på projektörerna.   Tre av fem projektörer är missnöjda med den egna fuktkompetensen vilket överensstämmer med de fuktsakkunnigas uppfattning om projektörernas fuktkompetens. Under intervjuerna har flera fuktsakkunniga påpekat behovet av ökat fuktkompetens bland projektörerna. Den bristande fuktkompetensen leder till att projektörerna inte kan beakta eller upptäcka eventuella fuktrisker vid fuktsäkerhetsprojekteringen. Metod som 80 % av projektörerna tillämpar vid fuktsäkerhetsprojektering är ByggaF metoden. Projektörerna kunskap om ByggaF är fortfarande låg enligt de fuktsakkunniga och av den anledningen kan projektörerna inte tillämpa ByggaF metoden i sin helhet. Kompetens och erfarenhet är de viktigaste faktorerna som en projektör måste ha med sig, för att kunna beakta och upptäcka vad som är fel krävs det kunskap samt erfarenhet om vad som är rätt.        Utifrån responsen från både byggnadsnämnden och deltagarna, framgår det att en granskning av dokumentationen gällande fuktsäkerhetsarbetet inte, alltid, begärs in av byggnadsnämnden.    Slutsatsen är att projektörer måste införskaffa sig kompetens inom fukt och ByggaF metoden. / Moisture damage usually occurs due to incorrect planning, design and execution throughout the construction process. These inaccuracies result in large cost of action that can be minimized or even eliminated if the moisture safety work is done properly. The design phase is an important stage and a properly implemented moisture safety design can be of great importance for the moisture safety work during the construction process. The planners’ role at this stage is to carry out a moisture safety work based on the requirements of the developer. The purpose of this exam is to find out the choice of method made by the planners’ in the implementation of moisture safety design and to review the need of competence development among the planners’ about moisture.    The two methods that have been used to achieve the purpose of this exam are interviews and literature studies. The target group in this exam is the construction companies in Sweden. The way of how the companies handle of moisture safety design is being reviewed in the design stage.  Of all involved actors in the design phase, the focus is on the planners'. Three out of five planners' are dissatisfied with their own moisture competence, which is in line with the opinion of the experts' of moisture about the planners' competence.   During the interviews, several experts' of moisture have pointed out the need for increased moisture competence among the planners'. The lack competence means that the planners' cannot consider or detect possible moisture risks during the moisture safety design. The method that is used by 80% of the planners' during moisture safety design is the ByggaF method. The planners' knowledge of ByggaF is still low according to the experts' of moisture and for this reason the planners' cannot apply entirely the ByggaF method. The tools that planners' need to have with them is knowledge and experience. In order to discover what is wrong, you need to have both the knowledge and experience about what is right.  Based on the response from both the building committee and the participants, a review of the documentation regarding the moisture safety work is not always requested by the building committee.  The conclusion is that projectors must acquire competence in both moisture and the ByggaF method.

KL-träbyggnad utan heltäckande väderskydd - Ett mer fuktsäkert förfarande / CLT-building without comprehensive weather protection - A more moisture proof procedure

Ahlberg, Oskar, Hultgren, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att framställa en mall för hur man projekterar KL-träbyggnader fuktsäkrare samt ta fram rekommendationer för ett mer fuktsäkert arbetssätt. KL-trä är ett nytt byggnadsmaterial där behov av standardisering finns för att uppfylla de krav och rekommendationer som finns. Större hänsyn behöver tas till fukt då människors hygien och hälsa ej skall påverkas. Metod: Genom insamling av data med hjälp av fallstudie av ett flerbostadshus i KL-trä framgår såväl materialhantering som utformning av stomme och väderskydd. Utformning av stomme framgår fortsatt genom dokumentanalys av konstruktionshandlingar för tre KL-trähusprojekt. Vidare framgår branschens förhållningssätt och erfarenheter genom intervjuer av personer med olika ämnesrelevanta kunskaper. Resultat: Genom att i tidigt projekteringsskede prioritera fuktsäkerhet för såväl uppförande- som bruksskede reduceras risken för fuktrelaterade problem. Vidare bör det kontinuerligt arbetas med fuktsäkerhet gemensamt, mellan discipliner i projektet. Byggnadsdelar att ta särskild hänsyn till samt åtgärder för att utföra detta presenteras såväl som rekommendationer för ett mer fuktsäkert arbetssätt. Konsekvenser: Studiens resultat skall verka som ett komplement till ByggaF, detta då resultatet behandlar KL-trä specifikt. Genom implementering är förhoppningen att resultatet skall reducera risken för fuktrelaterade problem i KL-träbyggnader. Vidare bör högre krav ställas på fuktsäkerhet vid KL-träbyggnationer, detta då resultatet av dagens arbetssätt är okänt och försiktighetsprincipen bör tillämpas. Begränsningar: Studiens resultat, i form av den projekteringsmall som genererats, är i huvudsak tillämpbar för arkitekter och konstruktörer då endast stommen utreds. Resultatet är generellt tillämpbart för nybyggnation av flerbostadshus i KL-trä som uppförs i Sverige. Vidare utreds åtgärder för att reducera risken för fuktrelaterade problem och avser ej människors påverkan av mikrobiell påväxt. / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to produce a template for how to design CLT buildings moisture-safer and to make recommendations for a moisture-safe working method. CLT is a new building material where there is a need for standardization to meet the requirements and recommendations that exist. Greater consideration needs to be given to moisture in order for people's hygiene and health not to be affected. Method: By collecting data using a case study of a multi-story house in CLT, material handling as well as design of framework and weather protection are shown. Design of framework appears through document analysis of design documents for three CLT house projects. Furthermore, the industry's approach and experience are disclosed through interviews of people with different subject-relevant knowledge. Findings: By, in the early design stage, prioritizing moisture safety for both construction- and use stages the risk of moisture-related problems is reduced. Furthermore, it should be continuously and jointly worked with moisture safety between disciplines in the project. Building components to take special account of and measures to do this are presented as well as recommendations for a more moisture-proof working method. Implications: The results of the study should be a complement to ByggaF, this is because the result specifically addresses CLT. Through implementation, the hope is that the result will reduce the risk of moisture-related problems in CLT buildings. Furthermore, higher requirements should be set on moisture safety in CLT construction, as the result of the current working method is unknown and the precautionary principle should be applied. Limitations: The study's result, in form of the design template that is generated, are mainly applicable to architects and designers as only the framework is investigated. The result is generally applicable for new-construction of multi-story buildings in CLT which are constructed in Sweden. Furthermore, measures to reduce the risk of moisture-related problems are being investigated and does not refer to people's influence by microbial growth.

Fuktsäkring av KL-trä i projektering / Moisture control of CLT in the design phase

Dahl, Alicia, Svensson, Agnes January 2022 (has links)
The construction industry stands in front of several challenges when it comes to sustainability where the choice of material can affect the carbon dioxide emissions. The interest to use CLT has increased the last years probably due to increased environmental awareness. Studies have shown that there is a research need when it comes to moisture in CLT which this report have looked deeper in to. The purpose was to create a bigger understanding for moisture protection of CLT in the design phase. The method was a qualitive case study where the main data collection was interviews. Complimentary material to the primary data was gathered through a document study to answer the first research question. This created a triangulation and strengthened the reliability of the study. A literature search was implemented to create a scientific foundation to the study.  Three reference objects were the basis for the study where architects, constructors, contractors and moisture consultants were interviewed. The results of this study showed that the industry standard for building moisture safe constructions ByggaF is used as a foundation for the moisture work but is adjusted to the project. The work with moisture protection begins in the project planning document phase and continues throughout the whole process of the project. The moisture consultant reviews and follow up the work continually. The study also shows that there is lack of experience when it comes to CLT in the industry. Challenges that occurred were inadequate communication between different disciplines. The areas for improvement in the industry are that a library with standard details should be developed. It also occurred that it is important to include a moisture consultant and supplier of CLT early in the project. The study showed that there is shortage in experience when it comes to moisture control of CLT. Shortage in experience can result in CLT being deselected as an alternative to concrete. It also appears that there are challenges with the communication to production which is probably a consequence of lack of experiences. The possibilities of CLT are many since it is a sustainable material, easy to assemble and creates a nice environment. By further education and sharing experiences, the knowledge regarding CLT and moisture in the industry can increase. For an easier design phase, a library with standard details should be developed as well as further tools in the form of an agenda that treats general moisture control. The question regarding weather protection is something that has been discussed which sets different requirements for the design phase and there is a need for further research regarding this question.

Fuktsäkerhetsprojektering från allmänt råd till föreskrift : Fokus på aktörer och tidiga skeden / Moisture safety design from general advice to regulation : Focus on actors and early stages

Martinez, Dennis, Sabbagh, Franco January 2023 (has links)
The report Genomlysning branschstandard för fuktsäker byggprocess (translated as “Reviewof the industry standard for moisture-proof construction process”) is produced by a group ofpeople who represent different actors within the construction sector. These actors are wellacquainted with the industry standard ByggaF (an abbreviation of “building moisture-proof”),which is a method for moisture safe design. The report states that the moisture safety design isthe part in the industry standard ByggaF that works the worst.The report mentions that there are many indications that the moisture safety design will beelevated from general advice to regulation (requirement) in the upcoming BBR (Boverket’sbuilding regulations). The purpose and goal of this paper is to examine how this elevationwould affect the actors, i.e. the designers, and their work.The paper comprises two parts. The first is a literature study that aims to give the reader ageneral theoretical understanding of current regulations, the moisture problem and theconstruction process and more specifically describe moisture safety design, the industrystandard ByggaF, the system documentation phase (systemhandlingsskedet) and the newbuilding regulations. The second part is a survey consisting of a questionnaire of 20 questionssent to architects and constructors. The questionnaire consists of four parts: Professionalbackground, Moisture knowledge, Moisture safety design and Viewpoints. The first three partsaim to obtain general information about the professional background of the participatingactors, what moisture knowledge they consider themselves to possess and how they work withmoisture safety design. In the last part, the actors give their views on the change from generaladvice to regulation.The result of the last part of the questionnaire, viewpoints, was mainly used in combinationwith the literature study to answer the questions asked in this paper. To summarise, themajority of the actors are positive about the elevation. It will force affected parties and actorsto take the moisture problem seriously. Actors will be able to justify their moisture-proofdesigns more easily as a result. This will lead to increased competence among the actors, butalso demands of greater knowledge from them. As a regulation, the moisture safety design willclarify and simplify the daily work as there is no room for misinterpretation and neglect. As aresult, moisture safety design will become more efficient.

En fuktteknisk analys av konstruktionsmaterial : En undersökning och diskussion av trä jämfört med konventionella material

Mårtensson Nordén, Erik, Andersson, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
The construction industry stands in front of a challenge to decrease theirclimate footprint in order to build more environmentally friendly. There iscurrently a desire to investigate the possibility to use wood to a largerextent. Compared to the more conventional building materials, wood has ahigher risk of being damaged due to moisture, which can lead to moldgrowth. In Boverket’s Building Regulations its stated that buildings are tobe designed to ensure that conditions detrimental to human health areavoided.The report has investigated the moisture-technical possibilities of usingcross-laminated timber, CLT, instead of concrete in large-scaleconstructions.Moisture simulations of four different structural parts has been conductedwith concrete and CLT as the supporting structure. The simulations showedthat there is no theoretical risk of moisture damage. The study shows that itis possible to change the materials, but that the right conditions arerequired to protect and prevent the occurrence of moisture damages duringproduction. At present, there is no possibility to guarantee that moisturedamages on CLT is avoided without the use of weather protection. A wellworkedmoisture safety plan is essential for a moisture-proof productionphase, the use of industry standard ByggaF can be a valuable and vital toolto ensure it.

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