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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The role of educators in enhancing the social wellness of juvenile offenders in Midlands region prison and correctional services in Zimbabwe

Munikwa, Manyara 09 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Shona / The purpose of the study was to examine the role of educators in enhancing the social wellness on juvenile offenders in Zimbabwe. The theoretical framework that underpinned the study was the Wellness Theory of Bill Hettler (1980) used as the lens to explore and generate understanding on how educators enhance the social wellness of juvenile offenders. The study was located within an interpretive paradigm. Qualitative research design and case study approach were used in this study. Moreover, purposive sampling approach was used to select the samples of educators and juvenile learners who responded to the qualitative questionnaires and those who participated in the interviews, which were used for data collection. The research had five educators and ten juvenile offenders who participated at one of the correctional centres in Zimbabwe based on availability and willingness. In addition, the researcher adhered to ethical standards in terms of gaining permission for access, issues of informed consent, voluntary participation, and confidentiality. Data were gathered by means of self-administered qualitative questionnaires with open-ended questions, interviews and observation. The research identified that no research has been carried out in Zimbabwe’s correctional centres to thoroughly explore the role of educators in the enhancement of the social wellness of juvenile offenders. The findings firstly revealed that education promoted the social wellness and resulted in positive behavioural change among juvenile offenders at the correctional centre. Secondly, education promoted the development of various technical skills in juvenile learners, such as agriculture and welding, as well as interpersonal skills such as anger management, respect, problem solving, and communication. The findings revealed that some juvenile offenders developed entrepreneurship skills. Some of the juveniles were making doormats, fence making and plaiting extensions. One of the juveniles had a unique skill in plaiting and braiding. He taught his friends, and now they are plaiting extensions and selling them. Thirdly, the findings revealed that educators are essential in the enhancement of the social wellness of juvenile offenders in an effort to reduce recidivism and facilitation of good and smooth social reintegration into mainstream society after incarceration. The challenges faced by the educators included limited resources and inadequate training as specialists who teach juvenile offenders. It was recommended that educators be empowered through in-service training to enable them to facilitate the capacitation of juvenile learners’ social wellness. / Ucwaningo lolu luphenye ngendima yothisha ekuthuthukisweni kwenhlalonhle yabantu abahlukumezanayo abasebasha eZimbabwe. Lolu cwaningo lugqamisa imfundo yasejele njengengxenye ebalulekile yenqubo yokuvuselela kanye nentuthuko yezoni zabasha. Uhlaka lwethiyori oluqondise lolu cwaningo luyimodeli yokuphila kahle ekaBill Hettler futhi ucwaningo lutholwa phakathi kwomongo wendaba ohumushekayo. Kusetjenziswe ukuhlahlela okuphathelene nesimo kanye nokuhlaziya okubhekane nesimo esisodwa noma nomuntu oyedwa isikhathi esithile okwenziwe esikhungweni esisodwa sokuLungiswa eZimbabwe. Ngaphezu kwalokho, isampula elinenhloso lalisetshenziselwa ukukhetha isampula eyayiqukethe othisha abahlanu nabahlukumezi abasebasha abayishumi. Leli sampula labantu lihanganyele ngokutholakala kanye nokuvuma kwayo. Umcwaningi wenze izinto ngenkambo elungileyo ngocela imvume yokungena endaweni, ukuthola imvume ebhaliwe ebantwini abayingxenye yocwaningo, ukuhlanganyelwa ngokuzikhethela, nokugcina umbiko ngokwemfihlo. Idatha iqoqwe ngohlu lwemibuzo evulekile, izingxoxo kanye nokubukwa. Lokhu okutholiwe kubonisa ukuthi alukho ucwaningo oluyenziwe emajele aseZimbabwe ukuhlola indima yothisha ekuthuthukisweni kwenhlalonhle yabantu abahlukumezanayo abasebasha. Ucwaningo lubonisa ukuthi, okokuqala, imfundo ithuthukisa inhlalonhle yomphakathi, futhi iholele ekuguqukeni kokuziphatha okuhle kubahlukumezi abasebasha. Ngaphezu kwalokho, imfundo ithuthukise amakhono ahlukahlukene wezobuchwepheshe, njengezolimo, ukushisela, namakhono wokusebenzisana nabantu njengokuphatha intukuthelo, inhlonipho, ukuxazulula izinkinga nokukhulumisana. Okunye okutholakele ukuthi abanye abahlulumezi bathuthukise ikhono lokuqala ibhizinisi elizimele. Abanye bayenze izisulelo zasemnyango, ukuyenza ucingo, nokuluka. Omunye wabahlukumezi nokhono olukhethekile lokuqhina izinwele. Wafundisa abangani bakhe, kanti futhi manje baqhina imifakelo yezinwele, bese bayazithengisa. Okwesithathu, ucwaningo lubonisa ukuthi abothisha babalulekile ekuthuthukisweni kwenhlalonhle yabantu abahlukumezanayo abasebasha njengendlela yokugwema ukona ukophindaphindiwe kwabahlukumezi, kanye nokuthuthukisa ukubuyela kwabo ephakathini okukahle emva kwokuboshwa. Ezinye izinselelo ezibhekane nabothisa izinsizakusebenza ezilinganiselwe nokuqeqeshwa okunganele njengongoti abafundisa iziboshwa zentsha. Kululekwe ukuthi othisha banikezwe amandla ngokuqeqeshwa basasebenza okuzokwenza ukuthi balungiselele ukhlomisa kwenhlalonhle yabantu abahlukumezanayo abasebasha. / Chinangwa chetsvakurudzo ino chaiva chekuongorora basa revarairidzi mukuvandudza ukama nemagariro akanaka munharaunda evapari vemhosva vechiki muZimbabwe. Donzvo rakateverwa netsvakurudzo ino raiva ramafungiro ava Bill Hetter (1980) anotaridza zveukama namagariro akanaka ayo akashandiswa semuono wekuferefeta nekubudisa manzwisisiro angavapo pakuti varairidzi vangavandudza sei ukama namagariro akanaka munharaunda evapari vemhosva vechidiki. Tsvakurudzo iyi yakazendama pamafungiro anosimbisa madudzirirwo akanaka epfungwa. Mutsvakurudzi akashandisa maonere anokoshesa kunzwisisa mashoko avanhu munharaunda, maitiro avo nemaonere avo. Mutsvakurudzo iyi, umboo hwakadzika hwakatorwa muzviitiko zvikuru zvakamiririra zviitiko zvakada kufanana nazvo. Pamusoro pazvo, avo vakasharwa kuti vave vapi vepfungwa vakasarudzwa zvichienderana nezvavakambosangana nazvo uyewo zvavanoziva pamusoro pedambudziko riri kuferefetwa. Vapi vepfungwa ava vaisanganisira varairidzi uye vadzidzi vechidiki vemazera epakati nepakati. Ava vakapindura mibvunzo yaiva yakagadzirwa pamagwaro avaizadzisa uye vamwe vakaita zvekupa pfungwa dzavo kupfurikidza nehurukuro dzakarongwa nemutsvakurudzi. Pfungwa dzakabuda mutsvakurudzo iyi dzakabuda kubva kuvarairidzi vashanu nevapari vemhosva vechidiki gumi avo vakasarudzwa kubva munzvimbo dzinochengeterwa vakapara mhosva nechinangwa chekuvavandudza mararamiro avo muZimbabwe zvichienderana neuvepo hwavo uye kuzvisarudzira zvakasunguka kupinda mutsvakurudzo. Mutsvakurudzi akatevera mitemo inomusungira kuremekedza kodzero dzevanhu, uye nzvimbo zvinosanganisira kuwana mvumo yekupinda munzvimbo, kupa vapi vepfungwa ruzivo rwakakwana pamusoro pechinangwa chetsvakurudzo, kupa vapi vepfungwa sununguko yekupinda mutsvakurudzo pasina kumanidzwa uyewo mutsvakurudzi akavimbisa kubata hana nekusashambadzira mazita avanhu vakapinda mutsvakurudzo. Pfungwa dzakaunganidzwa kuchishandiswa magwaro emibvunzo akapiwa kunevamwe vevakapinda mutsvakurudzo. Mutsvakurudzi pachezvake ndiye akagovera magwaro aya kuvapi vepfungwa. Mibvunzo yaiva mumagwaro aya yaipa vapi vepfungwa mukana wekurondedzera maonero avo vakasununguka. Dzimwe nzira dzakashandiswa dzaisanganisira hurukuro pakati pemupi wepfungwa nemutsvakurudzi uye kuongorora kupfurikidza nekucherechedza zvakadzika zviitiko. Tsvakurudzo iyi yakawana kuti hapana tsvakurudzo yati yamboitwa inoongorora basa revarairidzi mukuvandudza ukama nemagaririo akanaka munharaunda evana vemazero epakati nepakati munzvimbo dzinochendeterwa vapari vemhosva nechinangwa chekuvandudza magariro avo akanaka munharaunda. Chekutanga, kwakaonekwa kuti dzidzo inosimudzira ukama nemagariro akanaka munharaunda zvinozoita kuti pave nekushanduka kwakanaka kweunhu hwevapari vemhosva vechidiki vezera repakati nepakati. Chepiri, zvakabuda kuti dzidzo inosimudzira kuvandudzwa kweunyanzvi hwekurima, kupisira simbi, kudyidzana, kuzvidzora pahasha, ruremekedzo, kugadzirisa matambudziko uye kutaurirana. Zvakabuda mutsvakurudzo zvinotaridza kuti vamwe vapari vemhosva vechidiki vakavandudza unyanzvi hwekutanga mibato inovandudza upfumi. Vamwe vechidiki ava vaigadzira zvidhava zvepamikova, mafenzi uye kuruka kwamazuva ano. Umwe wevechidiki ava akataridza unyanzvi hwepamusoro hwekuruka nekukosha bvudzi remvere mumusoro. Akadzidzisa vamwe vake avo vave mubasa rekuruka nekukosha bvudzi remvere vachitengesa. Chetatu, zvakaonekwa kuti varairidzi vakakosha pakuvandudza ukama nemagariro akanaka evadiki vezera rekapati nepakati munharaunda nechinangwa chekudzikisa kupariwazve kwemhosva naavo vakasimbopara mhosva uye kuona kuti kupinda nekukwana zvakare munharaunda kwevakambopara mhosva kwaitwa zvakanaka pasina zvigozhero. Matambudziko anosanganikwa nawo navarairidzi anosanganisira kushaikwa kwezvishandiso uye kushaikwa kwemukana wekudzidza unyanzvi hwakakwana hwekudzidzisa vapari vemhosva vechidiki vezera repakati nepakati. Mutsvakurudzi akapa rairo yekuti varairidzi vapiwe unyanzvi kupfurikidza nekudzidziswa vari pamabasa avo zvingaite kuti vagone kubetsera vechidiki vemazera epakati nepakati ukama nemagarire akanaka munharaunda. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Droit pénal des mineurs et justice restaurative. Approche comparée franco-belge / Juvenile criminal law and restorative justice Comparative approach France -Belgium

Filippi, Jessica 10 November 2015 (has links)
La présente recherche porte sur les rapports entre droit pénal des mineurs et justice restaurative dans le cadre d’une approche comparative entre la France et la Belgique. Au-delà de la révélation de similitudes et de différences entre les deux pays dans ces domaines, la recherche aborde également les difficultés présentées par la France et la Belgique dans l’acceptation de la justice restaurative en droit pénal des mineurs et de son développement au sein des institutions judiciaires. Par l’étude des raisons qui ont conduit la France à manquer le tournant restauratif et de celles ayant permis, en Belgique, l’implantation de la justice restaurative dans le droit pénal des mineurs, des points d’ancrage sont relevés de nature à permettre son épanouissement dans l’ordonnance du 2 février 1945. Une expérimentation dans un service éducatif de réparation pénale a été menée avec le souci de prendre en compte des problématiques intéressant le service lui-même (logiques actuarielles, prudentielles, financières, idéologies professionnelles, craintes diverses). L’analyse des pratiques souligne que les services de réparation pénale, inscrits dans une rationalité managériale du traitement du phénomène criminel juvénile, sont limités dans la mise en œuvre des démarches de justice restaurative. Il s’avère également que quelques prises en compte du mineur et des modalités de l’exécution de la mesure envisagée par les éducateurs facilitent (approche psycho-criminologique du passage à l’acte inscrit dans une dimension psycho-socio-éducative de la réparation) ou bien inhibent (approche criminologique de l’acte inscrit dans une dimension rétributive de la réparation) des programmes de justice restaurative. Pour autant, quand bien même la pratique facilite une telle expérimentation, lorsque les éducateurs disposent de mission de « réparation-directe » notamment, des obstacles d’ordre idéologique s’observent au niveau de l’accueil, du démarchage et de la participation de la victime. Il demeure cependant essentiel de souligner que, par la présentation des principes et des promesses de la Justice restaurative aux éducateurs rencontrés, les écueils identifiés tombent, principalement quant à la présence de la victime lors de la mise en œuvre de la réparation pénale directe. Une telle évolution des postures professionnelles augure d’une intégration harmonieuse prochaine des démarches de justice restaurative en droit pénal des mineurs. / This research focuses on the juvenile criminal law and restorative justice in a comparative approach between France and Belgium. Beyond revealing the similarities and differences of these countries in these fields, the research also carters to the difficulties encountered by France and Belgium in the acceptance of restorative justice in juvenile criminal law and its development in the judicial institutions. By studying the reasons that led France to miss the “turning” of restorative justice and those enabled, in Belgium enabled, the implementation of restorative justice in the criminal law for minors, anchor points have been identified for its development in the order of 2 February 1945. Subsequently, an experiment in youth justice service on the reparation measures was led considering difficulties which concern the service itself (actuarial logic, supervisory, financial, professional ideologies and fears). Our analysis of practices in the youth justice services on the reparation measures, reveals that the experimentation of restorative justice is limited by a managerial rationality treatment of juvenile criminal phenomenon. Also, some of the minor approaches and their implementation in the measure facilitate (psycho-criminological approach to acting out part and a psycho-socio-educational dimension in reparation) or inhibit (criminological approach to act itself and a retributive dimension in reparation) restorative justice programs. However, even if the practice facilitates experimentation and that educators apply “direct reparation”, ideological barriers remain in dealing with victims. However, it remains essential to underline that, thanks to the presentation of the principles and promises of restorative justice educators met, the identified pitfalls fall, mainly with the presence of the victim during the implementation of “direct reparation”. Such a development professional postures omen a harmonious integration of next restorative justice approaches in juvenile criminal law.

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