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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stockholm- The fashion capital of Scandinavia? : En studie i strategisk planering utifrån detaljhandelns företagsperspektiv, i samverkan med turismsektorn

Jäderholm, Hanna, Holdo, Linda, Lindborg, Mariah January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsens titel: Stockholm – the fashion capital of Scandinavia? En studie i strategiskplanering utifrån detaljhandelns företagsperspektiv, i samverkan med turismsektorn. Kurs: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, inriktning marknadsföring, 15 hp, StockholmsUniversitet Författare: Linda Holdo, Hanna Jäderholm och Mariah Lindborg Handledare: Doktorand Andrea Lucarelli Nyckelord: Detaljhandeln, turismsektorn, strategisk planering, varumärkesbyggande,destination, detaljhandelsmarknadsföring, Stockholms stad Problemformulering: Handeln vill nyttja den växande turismsektorn för att vinnamarknadsandelar. Problematiken för detaljhandeln är avsaknad av strategisk planering, isamverkan med turismsektorn, som bottnar i bristande kunskap och erfarenhet. Syfte: Syftet är att skapa ett förslag på strategisk planering som detaljhandelsföretagen, i samverkan med turismsektorn, kan använda för att fylla det praktiska gap som i dagsläget existerar. Metod: Studien har genomförts med 12 stycken kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med relevanta personer inom respektive bransch. Deltagande i två seminarier samt granskning av fyra rapporter utgör primärdata. Sekundärdata är baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar samt litteratur. Tolkning av insamlad data har gjorts utefter en hermeneutisk ansats. Teori: Teoridelen utgörs av litteraturgenomgång följt av teoretisk referensram. Litteraturgenomgången presenterar citymarknadsföring utifrån ett destinationsperspektiv. Teoretiska referensramen behandlar huvudämnet strategisk planering med anledning att skapa en tillförlitlig strategisk modell ur ett företagsperspektiv. Därefter redogörs faktorer som ligger till grund för strategisk planering. Därefter redovisas varumärkesbyggande med fokus på image och- identitetsskapande samt skapande av kundvärde ur ett företagsperspektiv. Ämnet fördjupas sedan i detaljhandelns värdekedja, kunddrivet värdesystem, kundlojalitet ochrelationsmarknadsföring samt upplevelser som en betydande faktor för detaljhandeln. Slutsats: Slutsatsen består av en modell för detaljhandelns strategiska planering. Modellen inleds med definiering av målgruppen. Därefter kartläggs turistgruppens behov samt lösning inom respektive kärnaktivitet i företaget. Nyttjande av strategin resulterar i en tillfredsställd kund, vilket kan generera ekonomiska fördelar, public relations samt marknadsandelar. Det krävs att en aktör tar övergripande ansvar för att verkställa den strategiska planeringen och skapa tydlig kommunikation mellan detaljhandelsbranschen och turismsektorn. / Thesis titled: Stockholm – the fashion capital of Scandinavia? A study in strategic planningbased on retail company perspective, in collaboration with the tourism sector. Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, focus on marketing, 15 credits, Stockholm University School of Business Author: Linda Holdo, Hanna Jäderholm and Mariah Lindborg Supervisor: PhD Andrea Lucarelli Keywords: Retail, tourism sector, strategic planning, brand building, destination, retail marketing, Stockholm city. Problem: The trade want to utilize the growing tourism sector in order to gain market share. The problem for retailers is the lack of strategic planning. Purpose: The aim is to create a proposal on strategic planning that retail companies, in collaboration with the tourism sector, can use to fill a practical gap that currently exists. Method: The study was conducted with 12 pieces of qualitative semi-structured interviews. Participation in two seminars and examining four reports provides the primary data. Secondary data are based on scientific papers and literature. Interpretation of the collected data has been made along a hermeneutical approach. Theory: The theory part consists of a literature review followed by a theoretical framework.The literature review presents city marketing from a destination perspective. Theoretical framework addresses head of strategic planning with the need to create a reliable strategic model from a business perspective. Then outlines factors that form the basis for strategic planning. Brand building is recognized as a factor with focus on image and identity. It then looks at the creation of customer value from a business perspective. The subject deepened with the retail value chain, customer grated value systems, customer loyalty and relationship marketing and experiences as a significant factor for retailers. Conclusion: The conclusion consists of a formed strategic model containing factors that are considered important for retailers future strategic planning. The model starts by mapping the definition of the target audience. Then the tourist group demand is mapped in a needs assessment in each core activity of the company. Along the client's needs a solution. Use of the strategy result in customer satisfaction, which can generate economic benefits, public relations and market share. It requires that an operator takes an overall responsibility for the execution of the strategic planning and creating clear communication between the retail and tourism sectors.

A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the department of economics, university of the Western Cape

Ntibanyurwa, Agnes 12 1900 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The income and employment multiplier effects of tourism- The case of Rwanda. A. NTIBANYURWA PhD Thesis, Department of Economics, University of the Western Cape. The growing popularity of developing countries as tourist destinations in recent years has stimulated a considerable body of research on the developmental benefits inherent in tourism. Developing countries have been attracting tourists mainly due to their natural resource endowments, considered a vital determinant in this newly-found source of their comparative advantage. After accounting for all the explicit and hidden costs linked to this natural resource-based tourism, the sustainable expansion of the tourism sector is claimed to be contributing substantially to economic growth. Studies to date have investigated the rising share of tourism in macroeconomic output, but have paid limited attention to the economic mechanisms through which tourism supposedly leads to broader development. This study seeks to contribute to filling this gap in our knowledge of the economic dynamics associated with tourism. More specifically, the goal is to shed light on the channels through which tourism contributes to economic growth and to derive tourism income and employment multipliers to estimate its developmental benefits for Rwanda. Our refined multipliers to capture the total effects of tourism to the economy confirm that through its powerful inter-sectoral linkages, tourism improves the economic wealth of many developing countries including Rwanda. Deeper analysis of the macroeconomic consequences of the expansion of the service sector however suggests that, under some conditions, this could exhibit “Dutch Disease” effects. Tourism generates substantial foreign earnings and its development is strongly correlated with the shrinkage of the traditional primary

La importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico en Perú

Alvites Castro, Nandy Danitza January 2023 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación trata sobre el marketing de servicios aplicado al sector turístico y como se utiliza en los diferentes tipos de turismo en el Perú, acompañado de los elementos necesarios para su aplicación mediante un plan de marketing turístico. Por ende, se plantea la interrogante ¿Cuál es la importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico del Perú? Así, se tiene como objetivo principal describir la importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico del Perú y como objetivos específicos, definir el turismo y sus tipos en el sector turístico peruano, definir el marketing de servicios aplicado al turismo y su repercusión en el Perú y explicar los componentes de un plan de marketing turístico. De igual manera, este estudio será relevante a las empresas de sectores hoteleros, de transporte, restaurantes y otros organismos públicos vinculados con los servicios turísticos que necesiten saber la importancia y aplicación del marketing para impulsar o incrementar el consumo de sus servicios. / This research work deals with the marketing of services applied to the tourism sector and how it is used in the different types of tourism in Peru, accompanied by the necessary elements for its application through a tourism marketing plan. Therefore, the question arises: What is the importance of marketing services in the tourism sector of Peru? Thus, the main objective is to describe the importance of service marketing in the tourism sector of Peru and as specific objectives, define tourism and its types in the Peruvian tourism sector, define the marketing of services applied to tourism and its impact on Peru and explain the components of a tourism marketing plan. Similarly, this study will be relevant to companies in the hotel, transport, restaurant and other public organizations linked to tourism services that need to know the importance and application of marketing to promote or increase the consumption of their services.

Att visuellt skapa grund för beslutsfattande: En inblick i Visualisering för Beslutsfattande vid Marknadsandelsanalys / Creating Visual Foundations for Decision Making: An Insight into Visualization for Decision Making in Market Share Analysis

Glennow, Agnes, Öberg, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
In a market that nowadays is based on the customers expectations there will always be new demands placed on distributors. Based on requests regarding how compliant and adaptive they can be found in aspects of good customer knowledge. In being able to accommodate those requests a requirement in management of large quantities of customer data and large and small scale decisions is needed. The problem this study investigates is the seen lack of visualization tools in market share analysis (MSA) ability to lower the risk of loss of relevant data. Scientific literature confirms an existing knowledge gap based upon visualization and its ability to solve problems given that research focused on presenting the problem and what constitutes it but not on what can be used to manage it. However this study seeks to investigate How visualization of market share analysis can be used in connection to decision making?. The study applies a quantitative research strategy and uses surveys with the grading method likert scale in the choice of selected data collection method. The result of the study shows the respondent groups high valuations of visualization but how the prioritization differentiates in respective MSA-phase. In regards to the mentioned information the study ́s four suggestions mainly aims to show how visualization of MSA can be used to present and clarify for each decision options and known ways forward, lowering the risk of loss of relevant data and clarification of relations. For future research demands of expanding research through geographic extent and an expansion of areas within marketing and business development are presented as suggested areas to look closer into.

Cambios en el comportamiento del turista cultural chileno al elegir hoteles de cadenas internacionales ubicadas en Lima, ante un escenario SARS-Cov-2 / Changes in the behavior of the Chilean cultural tourist when choosing hotels of international chains located in Lima, in the face of a SARS-CoV-2 scenario

Gonzales Alvarez, Daniela Lessandra, Justo Villegas, Natalia Beatriz 01 September 2021 (has links)
El presente estudio tiene como fin analizar los cambios en el comportamiento del turista cultural chileno que busca alojarse en un hotel de cadena internacional en la ciudad de Lima, considerando los efectos en el sector turístico y hotelero generados por la pandemia por el SARS-CoV-2. Se ha investigado acerca de las recientes epidemias que afectaron el Perú y el mundo, y cómo estas pudieron alterar el comportamiento del consumidor de servicios hoteleros. Se escogió la teoría del Comportamiento Planeado, puesto que se busca explicar los principales cambios del comportamiento del turista cultural que visita Lima a raíz de la pandemia por el SARS-CoV-2. La investigación cuenta con un enfoque cualitativo y de tipo descriptivo, puesto que, se realizarán entrevistas a profundidad a turistas chilenos que hayan visitado Lima y alojado en un hotel de cadena internacional. Además, se realizaron entrevistas a expertos en el sector hotelero, como gerentes de hoteles de cadena internacional; así como psicólogos. La investigación se realizó en Lima, Perú desde noviembre de 2020 hasta julio de 2021. Se afirma que el comportamiento del turista cultural chileno ha cambiado desde la aparición del SARS-CoV-2, lo cual se detallará en los resultados del presente trabajo. Se halló que hoy se trata de un turista mucho más organizado y que planifica sus viajes, y se espera que los hoteles de cadena internacional puedan innovar en sus servicios para satisfacer las nuevas necesidades de estos turistas, ya que ellos esperan sentir que el hotel vela por su salud y seguridad. / The following study has the purpose of analyzing the change in the behavior of the Chilean cultural tourist who seeks to stay in an international chain hotel in Lima, considering the effects on the tourism and hotel sector generated by the SARS-CoV-2. It has been investigated about the recent epidemics that affected Peru and the world, and how these could change the behavior of the consumer of hotel services. The Theory of Planned Behavior was chosen, since it seeks to explain the main changes in the behavior of cultural tourists who visit Lima as a result of the SARS-CoV-2. The research has a qualitative and descriptive approach, because interviews will be conducted with Chilean tourists who have visited Lima and stayed in an international hotel chain. Also, interviews were conducted with experts in the hotel sector, such as managers of international chain hotels located in Lima; as well as psychologists. The research has been conducted in Lima, Peru from November 2020 to June 2021. It is stated that the behavior of the Chilean cultural tourist has changed since the arrival of SARS-CoV-2, which will be detailed in the results of this study. It was found that is a much more organized tourist and that he plans his trips, and it is expected that international chain hotels can innovate in their services to meet the new needs of these tourists, since they expect to feel that the hotel is looking after their health and safety. / Tesis

The Silk Road Heritage Enhancement for Local Sustainable Tourism Development in Bukhara (Uzbekistan). Analysis and Diagnosis about the Current Situation

Kilichov, Mukhriddin 05 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis lleva a cabo una investigación exhaustiva e interdisciplinaria sobre la compleja interrelación entre el turismo patrimonial y el desarrollo sostenible, centrada en el estudio del patrimonio de la Ruta de la Seda en Bujará, Uzbekistán. Utilizando métodos de investigación cualitativos y cuantitativos, incluyendo el análisis de estudios empíricos, entrevistas con interesados, encuestas y estudios de campo en sitios patrimoniales, la investigación proporciona una comprensión enriquecida de los problemas y oportunidades asociados con el aprovechamiento del patrimonio histórico para iniciativas de turismo sostenible. Este trabajo, centrado en cinco preguntas de investigación esenciales, examina los desafíos existentes en el camino del turismo sostenible de Bujará, tales como la insuficiencia de infraestructura, la falta de colaboración efectiva entre proveedores de turismo y el gobierno, y las perspectivas futuras de los interesados. Además, se presta especial atención a los principales agentes involucrados, incluyendo a los gerentes de instalaciones de alojamiento, operadores turísticos y dueños de restaurantes, el papel que desempeñan las asociaciones público-privadas a nivel de gobernanza regional, y su entendimiento conceptual de "Ruta de la Seda" y "Turismo sostenible". Uno de los componentes significativos de esta investigación es el diagnóstico y evaluación del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad de Bujará asi como de los proveedores e infraestructuras vinculadas con el destino turístico. Este diagnóstico y evaluaciónó concluye con la aplicación de un Índice de Aptitud Turística, un Índice de Potencial Turístico para Bujará y, basado en estos, un Modelo de Turismo. Este modelo está diseñado no solo para mejorar la confianza del cliente y el flujo de turistas, sino también para integrarse de manera fluida con las estructuras económicas y sociales del destino. Asimismo, se proponen estrategias prácticas para la conservación del patrimonio, vías para mejorar y promover la colaboración de interesados y facilitar el crecimiento económico sostenible. Se reconoce como un modelo que puede servir como base para otros sitios patrimoniales similares en Asia Central. La investigación ofrece reflexiones críticas sobre los resultados de sus hallazgos y aboga por una mayor colaboración entre el sector público y privado y la participación comunitaria, enfatizando la necesidad de un enfoque multidimensional en la implementación de la gobernanza. Asimismo, este estudio reitera la importancia de programas de educación y fortalecimiento de capacidades destinados a mejorar la comprensión de prácticas de turismo sostenible entre proveedores de servicios. En definitiva, esta investigación sirve como una contribución significativa a los campos del turismo patrimonial y el desarrollo sostenible aplicado al caso de estudio del sitio patrimonial de la ciudad de Bujará. El estudio demuestra que si el patrimonio histórico de la Ruta de la Seda en Bujará es gestionado aplicando prácticas estables e inclusivas contribuirá significativamente a la prosperidad económica y social del destino. Además, este modelo puede servir para ser extrapolado a otros sitios patrimoniales similares. / [CA] Aquesta tesi duu a terme una investigació exhaustiva i interdisciplinària sobre la complexa interrelació entre el turisme patrimonial i el desenvolupament sostenible, centrada en l'estudi del patrimoni de la Ruta de la Seda en Bujará, Uzbekistan. Utilitzant mètodes d'investigació qualitatius i quantitatius, incloent-hi l'anàlisi d'estudis empírics, entrevistes amb interessats, enquestes i estudis de camp en llocs patrimonials, la investigació proporciona una comprensió enriquida dels problemes i oportunitats associats amb l'aprofitament del patrimoni històric per a iniciatives de turisme sostenible. Aquest treball, centrat en cinc preguntes d'investigació essencials, examina els desafiaments existents en el camí del turisme sostenible de Bujará, com ara la insuficiència d'infraestructura, la falta de col·laboració efectiva entre proveïdors de turisme i el govern, i les perspectives futures dels interessats. A més, es presta especial atenció als principals agents involucrats, incloent-hi els gerents d'instal·lacions d'allotjament, operadors turístics i restaurants, el paper que exerceixen les associacions públic-privades a nivell de governança regional, i el seu enteniment conceptual de la "Ruta de la Seda" i el "Turisme sostenible". Un dels components significatius d'aquesta investigació és el diagnòstic i avaluació del patrimoni cultural de la ciutat de Bujará asi com dels proveïdors i infraestructures vinculades al desti turístic. Aquest diagnòstic i la evaluacion conclou amb l'aplicació d'un Índex d'Aptitud Turística, un Índex de Potencial Turístic per a Bujará i, basat en aquests, un Model de Turisme. Aquest model està dissenyat no sols per a millorar la confiança del client i el flux de turistes, sinó també per a integrar-se de manera fluida amb les estructures econòmiques i socials del destí. Així mateix, es proposen estratègies pràctiques per a la conservació del patrimoni, vies per a millorar i promoure la col·laboració d'interessats i facilitar el creixement econòmic sostenible. Es reconeix com un model que pot servir com a base per a altres llocs patrimonials similars a Àsia Central. La investigació ofereix reflexions crítiques sobre els resultats obtinguts i advoca per una major col·laboració entre el sector públic i privat i la participació comunitària, emfatitzant la necessitat d'un enfocament multidimensional en la implementació de la governança. Així mateix, aquest estudi reitera la importància de programes d'educació i enfortiment de capacitats destinats a millorar la comprensió de pràctiques de turisme sostenible entre proveïdors de serveis. En definitiva, aquesta investigació serveix com una contribució significativa als camps del turisme patrimonial i el desenvolupament sostenible aplicat al cas d'estudi del lloc patrimonial de la ciutat de Bujará. L'estudi demostra que si el patrimoni històric de la Ruta de la Seda en Bujará és gestionat aplicant pràctiques estables i inclusives contribuirà significativament a la prosperitat econòmica i social del destí. A més, aquest model pot servir per a ser extrapolat a altres llocs patrimonials similars. / [EN] This thesis conducts a comprehensive, interdisciplinary investigation into the complex interrelationship between heritage tourism and sustainable development, with a focus on the Silk Road heritage in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Employing qualitative and quantitative research methods, including the analysis of empirical studies, interviews with stakeholders, surveys, and field studies at heritage sites, the research provides an enriched understanding of the issues and opportunities associated with leveraging historical heritage for sustainable tourism initiatives. Centered around five core research questions, the study scrutinizes existing challenges in Bukhara's sustainable tourism pathway, such as the inadequacy of infrastructure, lack of effective collaboration between tourism providers and the government, and future prospects of stakeholders. Furthermore, particular attention is paid to the key stakeholders involved, including managers of accommodation facilities, tour operators, and restaurant owners, their role in public-private partnerships at the regional governance level, and their conceptual understanding of "Silk Road" and "Sustainable Tourism". One of the significant components of the research the diagnosis and evaluation of the cultural heritage of the city of Bukhara as well as of the suppliers and infrastructure linked to the tourist destination. This diagnosis and evaluation conclude with the application of a Tourism Aptitude of the Heritages, a Tourism Potential Index for Bukhara and, based on these, a Tourism Model. This model is designed not only to enhance customer trust and the flow of tourists but also to integrate seamlessly with Bukhara's economic and social structures. It proposes practical strategies for heritage conservation, stakeholder collaboration, and sustainable economic growth, serving as a blueprint for similar heritage sites across Central Asia. The research offers critical reflections on the results of its findings and advocates for greater public-private sector collaboration and community participation, emphasizing the need for a multidimensional approach to governance implementation. Furthermore, this study reiterates the importance of education and capacity building programs aimed at improving understanding of sustainable tourism practices among service providers. Ultimately, this research serves as a significant contribution to the fields of heritage tourism and sustainable development applied to the case study of the Bukhara city heritage site. The study demonstrates that if the historical heritage of the Silk Road in Bukhara is managed by applying stable and inclusive practices it will contribute significantly to the economic and social prosperity of the destination. Furthermore, this model can be extrapolated to other similar heritage sites. / Kilichov, M. (2023). The Silk Road Heritage Enhancement for Local Sustainable Tourism Development in Bukhara (Uzbekistan). Analysis and Diagnosis about the Current Situation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201551

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