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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Workplace Discrimination and the Perception of Disability

Draper, William 13 April 2012 (has links)
Decisions by the EEOC in favor of claimants perceived to have disabilities disproportionately exceeded those in favor of claimants with documented disabilities. This finding lends support to the assertion that unconscious/implicit bias is persistent in the workplace.

L'amour et la haine : (Mythologie-Philosophie-Psychanalyse) / Love and hate : (Mythology-Philosophy-Psychoanalysis)

Zarifi, Asmaiel 17 December 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche historique depuis les origines, à partir des premiers textes écrits de l'humanité, essaie de tracer le chemin mental d'où ces notions de haine et d'amour émergent de la sexualité et s'expriment à travers la mythologie par un processus à la fois conscient mais surtout inconscient de génération en génération. Ainsi cette rétrospective tente de découvrir le jaillissement de la source unique de l'amour et de la haine qui sourd de toute l'humanité depuis les époques historiques mais bien en deçà lorsque s'élaborait une culture commune comme une personnalité individuelle, passage de l'homme vers et dans la temporalité, le symbolique et l'imaginaire. Anaximandre, Zoroastre, Empédocle d'Agrigente, Platon, Nietzsche, puis Freud et Lacan énoncent que l'émergence de l'Homme dans la dimension de la temporalité et donc dans le langage est consubstantiel de son émancipation au sortir de la nature, mais il se trouve contraint de payer ce passage par la haine et l'amour. / This historical research since the origins, from the first texts written by mankind, try to recount the mind path (or way) from where these notions of hate and love emerge from sexuality and are expressed through mythology via a process both conscious but also unconscious from generation to generation. Therefore, this retrospection tries to discover the unique origin of love and hate that bursts from all humanity from historical times, and even before when a common culture was elaborated as an individual personality, transition of man toward and within temporality, symbolic and imaginary. Anaximandre, Zoroastre, Empédocle d’Agrigente, Platon, Nietzsche, then Freud and Lacan state that the emergence of Man in the dimension of temporality, and subsequently in the language, is consubstancial (or integral part of) of his emancipation from the nature, but he is compelled to pay this transition by hate and love.

Merleau-Ponty et le réaménagement de l'inconscient freudien : l'enjeu central du refoulement / Merleau-Ponty and the refoundation of the Freudian unconscious : the repression as the heart of the problem

Cléret, Alexandre 26 March 2013 (has links)
Merleau-Ponty représente une figure originale de la réception de l'inconscient psychanalytique en France et c'est d'abord autour de la question du complexe, mais surtout de celle du refoulement, qu'il entend engager un dialogue avec Freud. Si la discussion avec ce dernier est d'abord compromise par des prismes de lectures philosophiques et psychologiques qui en déforment le sens original, le philosophe a pu se donner de 1942 à 1945 une connaissance plus directe de l'oeuvre du psychanalyste, chez lequel il trouve l'intuition précieuse du refoulement, qu'il entend reprendre à son compte au sein de la théorie de la perception. La question est alors de savoir en quoi le réaménagement de l'inconscient au travers de l'enjeu central du refoulement permet encore de reconnaître le refoulement freudien dans la figure merleau-pontyenne du refus. En prenant Merleau-Ponty à la lettre, on se demande ainsi dans quelle mesure et dans quelles limites le philosophe peut continuer à parler du refoulement « dont parle la psychanalyse » à partir du moment où il procède au réaménagement existentiel du problème freudien en dehors de tout naturalisme. S'il est possible en effet de procéder à une critique des cadres théoriques inadéquats dans lesquels Freud a d'abord pensé le refoulement, et s'il est possible dans une certaine mesure de « parler un autre langage » que celui, matérialiste et énergétiste de la psychanalyse, peut-être l'ontologie merleau-pontyenne générale, dans ses conceptions relatives au sujet, à son corps, à son temps, à sa perception et à son monde déforme-t-elle alors nécessairement le refoulement freudien et tout ce qu'il permet de penser, théoriquement et pratiquement. / Merleau-Ponty stands an original position in the french reception of the Freudian problem of the unconscious, and this is around the concept of complex, or rather upon the problem of repression that he intends to open a dialogue with Freud. If the meeting with the latter ia at first compromised by the fact that external and previous psychological and philosophical readings of Freud have disformed the very genuine meaning of Freud to Merleau-Ponty's eyes and views, the philosopher was able, from 1942 to 1945, to change those views by getting a direct reading and personal understanding of the psychoanalyst's works, in which he finds the precious intuition of repression that he wants and needs to himself for his own theory of perception. Question is therefore to see how the refoundation of the unconscious by the means of the new understanding of the repression allows to maintain the Freudian repression and to be able to still recognize it, when it actually becomes the merleau-pontyan idea of refusal. Followinf Merleau-Ponty, we'll see if he can still claims he talks about the very repression psychoanalysis founded, as soon as he redefines the repression from an existentialist method and view and intends to extract the repression from its naturalists schemes and grounds. If it is quite possible to criticize the old scientific grounds amongst which Freud gave birth to the repression in the first place, and if it is possible to speak another conceptual language than Freud, a materialistic and energetical one, maybe the merleau-pontyan ontology regarding the subject, his embodiement, his timely structure, his perception and his world tend to deform the freudian repression.

Le symbole comme fondement du langage et de la nature de l'âme / The symbol as the foundation of the language and the natture of the soul

Avril, Angélique 13 January 2014 (has links)
Quand on veut prendre connaissance d'une information ou bien la transmettre, on utilise le langage. Ce langage constitue un apprentissage dès la naissance et obéit à des règles, une structure qu'il faut assimiler et respecter le plus rigoureusement possible pour s'assurer son efficacité. Il est dit intelligible parce qu'il est conçu par la pensé, mais est-il le seul langage existant ? La pensée est, par nature, consciente, condition nécessaire à l'élaboration d'un outil de communication comme le langage. D'où la question de savoir si toute pensée est consciente et s'il ne peut pas exister un langage dont la structure obéisse à d'autres lois que celles de la pensée rationnelle. Cela pousse sur le chemin de la psychanalyse et prioritairement sur l'étude des rêves dont la nature dévoile l'existence de l'inconscient psychique et de l'autonomie de son fonctionnement. Mais sa spécificité est qu'il est omniprésent dans la vie de l'individu, comme une trame de fond où se développe ensuite le comportement conscient, tributaire des perceptions sensibles donnant lieu à un investissement affectif inconscient. Les objets et représentations dans lesquels se fait cette projection sont des symboles. Il existerait alors une forme de langage dont le fondement est le symbole. Dès lors, il devient nécessaire de s'intéresser aux activités caractéristiques de la vie quotidienne consciente, comme le travail et la créativité. Leur étude révèle l'existence d'un mode de pensée fondamental dont on fait l'expérience dans l'enfance et se caractérise par la croyance et l'irrationalité : le mode de pensée primitif. Ainsi, il convient d'étudier les bases de la croyance du primitif car elles sont encore reconnaissables dans la société moderne comme dans les goûts individuels ou collectifs. Finalement, ce qui a été identifié comme un langage symbolique inconscient n'est pas seulement le moyen pour l'âme de se manifester, mais appartient à la nature même de celle-ci. / When we want to get acquainted with an information or to transmit it, we use the language. This language represents an apprenticeship as soon as we bear and obeys some rules, a structure, which it is necessary to assimilate and respect as strictly as possible to guarantee its efficacy. It is called intelligible because devised by the thought, but is it the only existing language? The thought is, by virtue of its nature, conscious, a necessary condition in the elaboration of a communication tool such as the language. So, the question is to know if all the thoughts are conscious and if a language can exist, whose structure obeys other laws than the ones of the rational thought. It pushes towards the way of the psychoanalysis and, firstly to the study of dreams, whose nature reveals the existence of the psychic unconscious and of the autonomy of its functioning. But its specificity is that it is omnipresent in the individual's life, as a background where the conscious behaviour then develops, being dependent on sensitive perceptions that give rise to an unconscious emotional commitment. Objects and representations in which is made this projection are symbols. There would be then a shape of language the foundation of which is the symbol. Since then, it becomes necessary to be interested in the characteristic activities of the conscious everyday life, such as work and creativity. Studying them reveals the existence of a fundamental way of thinking we experience in the childhood and is distinguished by the belief and the irrationality: the primitive way of thinking. So, it is advisable to study the bases of the belief of the primitive because they are still recognizable, both in modern society and in individual or collective tastes. After all, what was identified as an unconscious symbolic language is not only the way, for the soul, to express itself, but belongs to the nature of this one.

A apropriação do inconsciente na sociedade administrada: um estudo teórico a respeito da dimensão psíquica da dominação / The appropriation of the unconscious in the administered world: a theoretical study on the psychic dimension of domination

Alexandre, Victor de Sales 08 May 2019 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado é um estudo teórico fundamentado na Teoria Crítica da Sociedade e alguns conceitos da Psicanálise freudiana acerca da questão da dominação que recaí sobre os indivíduos da Sociedade Administrada. Com o objetivo de investigar o fenômeno de apropriação do inconsciente na Sociedade Administrada, o estudo se centrou em três obras principais dos autores T. W. Adorno e M. Horkheimer; Excurso I Ulisses - ou Mito e Esclarecimento, Teoria Freudiana e o padrão da propaganda fascista e Sobre a relação entre Sociologia e Psicologia. Além dessas obras principais, outros textos dos autores, bem como uma vasta seleção de escritos de S. Freud, e de autores contemporâneos, complementaram os materiais teóricos investigados. Cada uma dessas obras protagoniza, respectivamente, um dos três capítulos que organizam o trabalho e as articulações teóricas partiram dos elementos principais presentes nesses textos. Os resultados demonstram que parte do inconsciente se constitui a partir do processo de sedimentação de conteúdos conflituosos no decorrer do desenvolvimento contraditório da civilização; um depositário de conteúdos negados pela história. Embora a sociedade não possua um inconsciente, ela carrega consigo, em suas diversas instituições, a marca das contradições do progresso, influenciando assim, o desenvolvimento de seus integrantes de forma estrutural. A pesquisa ainda revelou que devido aos diferentes processos de enfraquecimento do indivíduo, as pessoas tornam-se mais suscetíveis a integrar movimentos de massa, nos quais conteúdos de seu inconsciente são manipulados pelos agitadores e discursos ideológicos para fins de dominação. A Sociedade Administrada demonstrou possuir uma complexa rede de controle sobre as pessoas, escamoteando as possibilidades emancipatórias de seus membros, que ficam aprisionados e incapacitados de perceber os mecanismos de controle que regem suas vidas. O nível de controle que a sociedade administrada exerce sobre seus membros, regularmente depende de níveis de influência que atingem seu psiquismo também na dimensão inconsciente para garantir o seu sucesso. Dessa forma, também foi possível investigar como existem diversos níveis de controle diferentes operando nas pessoas, podendo culminar na mais alta expressão dessa dominação, o sujeito reflexo, cujas determinações psíquicas inconscientes estariam completamente integradas às sociais / This dissertation is a theoretical study based on the Critical Theory of Society and some concepts of Freudian Psychoanalysis about the question of domination that falls on the individuals of the Administered World. With the objective of investigating the phenomenon of appropriation of the unconscious in the Administered World, the study focused on three main works by the authors T. W. Adorno and M. Horkheimer; \" Excerpt I Ulysses - or Myth and Enlightenment \", \"Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda\" and \"On the Relationship between Sociology and Psychology\". In addition to these major works, other authors\' texts, as well as a wide selection of writings by S. Freud and contemporary writers, complemented the theoretical materials investigated. Each of these works receives the central spot in one of the three chapters that organize the work and the theoretical articulations of the main elements present in these texts. The results demonstrate that part of the unconscious is constituted from the sedimentation process of conflicting contents in the course of the contradictory development of civilization; a depository of contents denied by history. Although society does not possess an unconscious, it carries with it, in its various institutions, the mark of the contradictions of progress, thus influencing the development of its members in a structural way. This research has further revealed that because of the different processes of weakening the individual, people become more susceptible to integrate mass movements, in which contents of their unconscious are manipulated by agitators and ideological discourses for the purpose of domination. The Administered World has demonstrated that it has a complex network of control over the people, by concealing the emancipatory possibilities of its members, who are imprisoned and unable to perceive the control mechanisms that govern their lives. The level of control that the administered world exerts on its members regularly depends on levels of influence that reach its psyche also in the unconscious dimension to ensure its success. In this way, it was also possible to investigate how there are different levels of control operating in people, and can culminate in the highest expression of this domination, the reflex subject, whose unconscious psychic determinations would be completely integrated with the social ones

Entre-nós: uma análise da conjugalidade homoafetiva feminina sob a ótica das alianças inconscientes / Between us: an analysis of the female homosexual conjugality from the perspective of unconscious alliances

Lopreato, Marina Roquette 31 May 2019 (has links)
O aparecimento das novas configurações familiares LGBT tem gerado discussões candentes no cenário mundial. Nos últimos anos, o Brasil teve conquistas jurídicas e sociais importantes. Porém, mesmo diante desses avanços, o país ocupa a posição de primeiro lugar no ranking mundial de assassinatos por homolesbotransfobia. Os relacionamentos homoafetivos, cada vez mais expressivos e visíveis, trazem a necessidade de compreender como esses casais investem subjetivamente na relação e os dilemas que vivenciam. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar a conjugalidade homoafetiva feminina e conhecer os impactos do campo de representação social predominantemente atravessado por preceitos heteronormativos nos intercâmbios inconscientes que estruturam o vínculo intersubjetivo desses casais. Foram realizadas entrevistas abertas com casais homoafetivos femininos, no qual a pesquisadora pediu para as entrevistadas compartilharem de forma livre como foi a construção do relacionamento e que pontos da relação elas julgavam importantes de serem compartilhados. O exame do material teve o apoio teórico da psicanálise, baseado nos postulados de René Kaës,que compreende o sujeito do inconsciente enquanto sujeito do grupo. Os conceitos de intersubjetividade, alianças inconscientes e negatividade serviram de embasamento conceitual-teórico e nortearam as discussões. Nos relatos das protagonistas, foram identificadas diversas formas de violência na qual foram vítimas, impingidas através de atos sutis ou de estigmatização dessubjetivante, sugerindo uma recusa da existência legítima e da visibilidade da homoconjugalidade pelos laços sociais e vínculos familiares. Negativamente marcadas, elas narraram episódios de homofobia e um imaginário de associação da mulher homoafetiva com a marginalidade. Esse cenário social de hostilidade desafia os avalistas metassociais e psíquicos do vínculo intersubjetivo e impacta nas alianças de base, fundamentais para a função narrativa e legitimadora da relação / The onset of the new LGBT Family configurations has been generating burning discussions in the world scenario. Brazil has had important legal and social achievements in the last years. However, even considering such advances, the country ranks first in murders due to homophobie. The homosexual relationships, each time more significant and visible, bring a need to understand how these couples subjectively invest in the relationship and, therefore, the dilemma that they experience. In the present research, I propose the research of the female homosexual conjugality and the knowledge of the impacts of the field of social representation, which are predominantly crossed by heteronormative precepts in the unconscious exchanges that structure the intersubjective bond of these couples. Open interviews with female homosexual couples were made, in which the interviewed were asked to freely share the construction of their relationship as well as the aspects of the relationship they found important to be shared. Theoretical support of psychoanalysis was sought in the analysis of the material, especially in the postulates of René Kaës, who understands the subject of the unconscious as the subject of the group.The concepts of intersubjectivity, unconscious alliances and negativity were taken as conceptual and theoretical background and they guided discussions. Various forms of violence were identified in the report of the victims themselves, in which they were foisted either through subtile acts or through desubjectivating stigmatization, suggesting a refusal of both the legitimate existence and the visibility of the homoconjugality through social ties and family bonds. These subjects are strikingly marked and they narrate episodes of homophobia and an imagery of association of homosexual woman and marginality. This social scenario of hostility challenges the metasocial and psychic guarantors of the intersubjective bond and it presents a negativity in the alliances of base that are essential for the role of the narrative and legitimising of the relationship

O ensino a distância e a educação: o corpo e a imagem professoral / The distance learn and the education: the body and the professoral image

Sacco, Ricardo Dias 19 March 2010 (has links)
A formação de professores no Brasil caracteriza-se principalmente por sua constância enquanto promessa. Da lembrança de um aprendizado pleno para poucos passou-se à promessa da expansão do número de vagas. O reconhecimento atual da suposta desqualificação professoral é um caminho para o aprimoramento instrumental de uma nova formação, com vistas a superar uma também suposta falta de qualidade. Nesse sentido, as ciências são convidadas a se imiscuir na política, resultando na prevalência da técnica no estabelecimento dos parâmetros legais de formação, acabando por respaldar a imposição de determinada ideologia aos sujeitos. O que se costuma denominar por ensino a distância, que no Brasil é sinônimo de formação de professores, constitui-se como o protótipo mais bem elaborado dessa associação político-científica. O presente trabalho parte do registro do inconsciente para uma interpretação que facilite a compreensão deste fenômeno como sintoma. / The common thread of teachers education in Brazil, along decades, is its constant state of promise. The memory of learning opportunities for only a few led to the promise of spreading education by increasing teachers training. The current recognition of the supposed lack of professional qualifications promises to capacitate a new formation, in order to overcome the also supposed lack of quality. In this sense, science is invited to meddle with politics, resulting in the prevailing of technique in the establishment of the legal parameters for teachers formation. The outcome is the endorsement, by means of discourse, of the inscription of a certain ideology in the subjects. The so-called distance learning, which in Brazil is synonym with teachers formation, is the most elaborated prototype of this political-scientific association. Having the concept of unconscious as a starting point, this paper aims to give an interpretation that facilitates better understanding of this phenomenon as a symptom

A transmissão do saber inconsciente em textos: desejo e estilo na escrita / Transmitting the unconscious knowledge in texts: desire and style in writing

Silva, Ana Carolina Barros 15 June 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação toma como objeto as marcas, em textos escritos, que, ao indiciar a existência do desejo inconsciente do seu autor, tendem a fazer com que, por meio de sua leitura, algo da transmissão inconsciente possa ocorrer. A hipótese de trabalho é aquela segundo a qual a relação que cada autor tem com a escrita e com sua maneira de escrever se faz presente nos textos redigidos por ele. É esta relação singular que pode facilitar ou dificultar o engajamento da nova geração com uma determinada área. Pretendemos, no decorrer deste trabalho, responder as seguintes perguntas: 1) Caso haja, quais são as correlações existentes entre algumas marcas deixadas por um autor em um texto e a maior ou menor possibilidade de propiciar a transmissão de um saber? e; 2) Como a transmissão de um saber pode, para aquele que lê, vir a, no momento em que ele se propõe a escrever, gerar um espaço para invenção? Para tanto cotejamos textos que tratam de uma mesma temática (o crime), que foram redigidos por três psicanalistas de gerações diferentes. Foi possível perceber que deixar um legado para o mundo por meio da escrita é colocar algo de si ao escrever, é permitir que seus traços apareçam no texto, é questionar constantemente os discursos que nos cercam e principalmente o nosso próprio discurso, nossas próprias verdades e teorias. Transmitir um saber através da escrita é além de um ato de criação, um ato de generosidade e de responsabilidade. / This work has taken as its object of study the traces in written texts that denote the existence of an authors unconscious desire, and tend to show something of the unconscious transmission. Our hypothesis was that the relationship that each author has with writing and with his way of writing is present in their texts. This unique relationship can facilitate or make it harder when it concerns the engagement of the new generation with a certain area. We intended to answer the following questions: 1) If so, what are the correlations between some traces left by an author in a text and the greater or lesser possibility of providing the transmission of knowledge?;and 2) How can the transmission of knowledge create a space for invention, for the one who reads when they set out to write? For the study we have chosen texts dealing with the same theme (the crime), which were written by psychoanalysts of three generations. It could be observed that to leave a legacy to the world through writing is to pose something of ourselves, allowing the traces to appear in the text, constantly questioning the discourses that surround us and especially our own discourse, our own truths and theories. Transmit a knowledge through writing is beyond a creative act, an act of generosity and responsibility.

Silenciar e calar: manifestações do inconsciente no Esquecimento de Signorelli / To Silence and to Quiet: manifestations of the unconscious in the Forgetting of Signorelli.

Paulon, Clarice Pimentel 17 January 2014 (has links)
Essa pesquisa pretende ensaiar uma possível relação entre a Análise do Discurso de linha francesa (AD) e a Psicanálise (Freud e Lacan). Para realizar tal intento, tentaremos compreender a noção de silêncio a partir de conceitos de ambas as teorias. Da Análise do Discurso, utilizaremos conceitos como: ideologia, formações discursivas, paráfrase, polissemia, posição sujeito e os esquecimentos enunciados por Pêcheux. Da Psicanálise, utilizaremos conceitos como os de ato-falho, sujeito, Outro, nó-borromeo e inconsciente. Deste modo, realizaremos aproximações do campo do sentido e do non-sense, o que nos permitirá compreender como a dialética entre sujeito e linguagem é operada pelo silêncio que ilustra o aspecto do impossível nessa relação. Para elucidação dessa temática teremos como corpus O esquecimento de nomes próprios, publicado por Freud em três diferentes versões: em artigo publicado no jornal Monatsschrift fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie (1898/1987); no capítulo O esquecimento de nomes próprios, presente em Sobre a Psicopatologia da Vida Cotidiana (1901/1987); em duas cartas escritas à Fliess sobre essa temática (1898,1898/1986).Observaremos como essas três versões se relacionam e legitimam a constituição das posições-sujeito de Freud, bem como o aparecimento do sujeito do inconsciente na cadeia significante. Essas torções subjetivas assim como o aparecimento do sujeito do inconsciente, ocorrem, como veremos, por esse aspecto do silêncio na linguagem que remete a um duplo impossível: diante do dito e diante do Real. Isso nos remeterá à incompletude da linguagem e à opacidade do sentido, que podem ser entrevistas através de recortes no texto de Freud que indicam movimentos parafrásticos do autor. Deste modo, a partir das pistas linguístico-discursivas encontradas no texto, é possível compreender conceitos essenciais a ambas as teorias que remetem a constituição subjetiva na atualidade. (FAPESP) / This study aims to essay a possible relationship between French Discourse Analysis (DA) and Psychoanalysis (Freud and Lacan). In order to carry out this purpose, we shall attempt to understand the notion of silence by means of concepts from both theories. From Discourse Analysis, we shall use concepts such as ideology, discursive formations, paraphrase, polysemy, subject-position and the oblivions enunciated by Pêcheux. From Psychoanalysis, we shall use concepts such as the faulty achievement (Fehlleistung), subject, Other, the Borromean knot and the unconscious. In this manner, we approach the field of meaning and of non-sense, allowing for an understanding of how the dialectic between subject and language is operated through silence, a silence which illustrates the aspect of the impossible in this relationship. In order to elucidate this theme, we present as corpus the text \"Forgetting of Proper Names\", published by Freud in three different versions: an article published in a newspaper of the time, the chapter of The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, and two letters on this topic written to Fliess. We shall observe how these three versions interrelate and legitimize the constitution of the subject-positions of Freud, as well as the appearance of the subject of the unconscious in the signifier chain. This occurs, we shall verify, due to this aspect of silence in language, which refers to a double impossibility: both in face of the said and in face of the Real. This will refer us to the incompleteness of language and the opacity of meaning, which can be glimpsed through extracts of Freud\'s text that indicate the authors paraphrasial movements. Thus, from the linguistic-discursive clues found within the text, it is possible to grasp concepts key to both theories, which refer to subjective constitution in the present day. (FAPESP)

O inconsciente entendido à luz de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari : intersecções entre a psicanálise de Melanie Klein e a esquizoanálise /

Silva, Dayse Paulo da. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Vera da Rocha Resende / Banca: Hélio Rebello Cardoso Júnior / Banca: José Leão Marinho Falcão Neto / Resumo: Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, autores do século XX, criaram a Esquizoanálise e estudaram várias áreas de conhecimento, dentre as quais, a Psicologia. A fim de propor um conceito de inconsciente, discussão que ocupa boa parte de sua obra, os teóricos discutiram alguns tópicos da Psicanálise, procurando definir seu funcionamento maquínico. A importância de nosso trabalho reside na reconstituição do inconsciente psicanalítico, aproveitando esses aspectos e apontando perspectivas de análise. Na presente dissertação, focamos-nos nos seus escritos acerca da psicanálise de Melanie Klein, a qual possui como um de seus elementos-chave para a compreensão do inconsciente a noção de objeto parcial. Fez-se necessário, então, investigar essa concepção, pois ela é vital e revolucionária e nos ajuda a compreender o inconsciente, embora Deleuze/Guattari tenham se utilizado dos objetos parciais de forma diferente da autora, procurando ressaltar seus aspectos produtivos. Assim, essa dissertação, que possui um caráter teórico-explorativo, busca entender e sistematizar o pensamento de Deleuze/Guattari no que se refere à construção do inconsciente esquizoanalítico. Para alcançar nosso objetivo, realizamos uma leitura da psicanálise kleiniana a partir da perspectiva esquizoanalítica, procurando intersecções entre esses dois campos epistemológicos. Além disso, quando necessário, complementamos a visão de Deleuze/Guattari. Sendo assim, adotamos como primeiro eixo de análise a dinâmica dos objetos parciais nas posições esquizo-paranóide e depressiva, em relação a sua função integradora ou desintegradora do ego e, como segundo eixo, a participação dos objetos parciais na expressão do corpo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari were twentieth century authors who not only studied several knowledge areas, such as Psychology, but also founded Schizoanalysis. In order to elaborate an unconscious concept, these theoreticians discussed some topics from Psychoanalysis. This discussion concerns a great part of their works and searching for a definition of machinic unconscious. The importance of this work lies in the reconstitution of a psychoanalytic unconscious, taking advantage of those productive aspects and showing new perspectives of analysis. In this dissertation, we focused on their writings about Melanie Klein’s Psychoanalysis, which possesses as one of its fundamental element the notion of part-objects. Therefore, it was necessary to investigate this statement because it is revolutionary and help us to understand the unconscious. On the other hand, Deleuze/Guattari used these objects in a different way, trying to emphasize the part-object productive aspects. In that way, this study, which has a theoretical-exploratory characteristic, had as purposes to understand and to systematize Deleuze/Guattari’s thoughts in reference to the construction of Schizoanalysis unconscious. To reach this goal, we examined Klein’s theory through the Schizoanalytic perspective, searching for intersections between these two epistemological fields. Moreover, we complemented Deleuze/Guattari reflections whenever it was necessary. So, as our first point of analysis we adopted the part-object dynamic in paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions in their relation to the ego integrated and desintegrated functions. As our second point, we study how the part-objects participate in the body expression... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below) / Mestre

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